Tl ; : - Whole jVo. 7S9 Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, JY 6'J batuidtiy .'in in. i8-M Hi. A 7 Vo id TiC Tarborough Press, nr fiRonoR howahh, Is published weekly at 7eo DilLf and F:f!t; Cents per yen r, if paid in, Tiree. Dullurszt the expiration of the subscription year. For a" period less thau a year, T.vmt '-ice (:nfs per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on givirrr nntiee thereof am) payin? arrears tlmse resilinr at. a clistam-p : n),lSt invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sive reference in this vieinity. Advertisements nU exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and -2 cents for every continuance. Longer a.l verti e ' merits in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. .VI- ..;...tnPil!'i nillSt l) ITl.lrLp I lln nntn!:r .f in ygriisiM"- - -.. .. jertions required, or they will be continued until nthprw'ise ordered and charge I viecnrdingly. etters addressed to the I'M it r must be post ,ll.-4....l.l.. pat J or uiey may uc utaeiiuuu 10 Slide of North Carolina, EDflKCOMBK CO tTNTV. Court of Pleas and Q tarter .SWwVm.v, FKWilMUY 'IT.UM, 18H. pe(er F K dght an I wile") Mary and others Petition fr vs. stle of sloven Willotighhy Howard and for division. James Howard & wi'e J Charlotte, I T appeal if"' S to ,ne -f iction of the the defendants are n t itdi i bitaiits of ihi- S ale: it is therefre nrdei ej that publication he m i !e in t!.e Tar bor)' "'ess, hr six weeks successively, giving them noticeto appear al the in xt lerm of said Court, to he ! eld for aid county, on t he forth Monday in Ma next, at the Coui t I Ioue in Tai hoi .nigh, then and thereto plead, answer or demur to ihe petition of the plain i(V; otherwise it will be taken pro confeso and he ml cx -parte. Witness, John No:t fleet, CI, ik of our said Court, at olfice, the fourth Monday in February, A. I). 184 I. JXO. NO H FLEET. Clk. DS. 111 SHIPS' Compound Tomato Pills. entirely vegetable- d new and invaluable Medicine for all diseases arising from impurities of Ihe blood, morbid secretions of the hv er and stomach, also, a subsl it tile for culomel, as a cathartic in fevers and all bilious diseases. TM1ESE popular Pills, combining the j medicinal properties of the Tomato Plant with other vegetable sutistance' which hive been found to modify and dif fuse its effects are believed to be the fu st Alterative and Cathittic Medicine ever discovered. They have been abundantly and successfully tried, and have teeeive.d universal approbation for Sci- fila, l)y pppMa, Hilidu diraes, laoudiee, (ii ave', Rumat'hm, Colds Ii-fl i'-lz-i, Fat m l , Nervous diseases Acid iomaH,-, (il ihrswellinos . f all kinds, Cotiveue'S Colic, Head a,:!ie, &r.. j An Antidote to Contagion's and Epi Hemic Disease, to nr. vent the forma! ion f Bilious and Liver air-c io:is, Ft vt and ?ue, &C. in Uhko who itiide in hot climates, and low at-d marsliy countries,! Jna the best Fa'h n lie that can be use! fr those localities. S. amen will find hem an infalii!)le remedy for the Scor v; and travellers the he-t Medicine that fofjean use to counteract the dangers (i "posure in unhi-althv c!i n:re. Foi ! Ordinary F.iniily Ph sic, they areuniv. r ,Sal,y approved, as the b.'st ever oIT-kmI. As a Die'etic or Dinoer IMI, one taken pjfan hour after dinner, will uirn-iently 1 s,mu!ate the dig stive powers of thV 5,0n'ach to a heal 1 1 iy ami itivigoia'ed e ; ICn and at e found t xtremely s iviceahle , 0 counteract the congestive clfeets of 0nSuinne;s, or late suppets, cr the cx ; Ces"1Ve ue of deseits or Iruit. e)' lave passed away from those daily i nched upon Ihe tide of exp rimeut. J recoovnenditions from I'oysicians 'hers in every vaiiety of clunatt; in dniled StatesT.-x'is, and Ihe Cana i" witness to the peculiar ai.d po fleets of ihis M -dieint-; in fact they .Prescribed by physicians generally, Preference lo any oilier Ci.lh.uhc and AIerativo l...l::.... ... i . .. . ?i "'"itiiic .inn naving .cq-iir- . a" unpr. celented c lebriiy as an An ami ononis uemeuy; bv.h J-re,M,'i,lion ,,ei"R fu,,y us,a'"-l y "!fin character of its le-Hmoiiials the increasing demand for ihe Medi -H is only necessary for the Fi oprie l'o continue the Caution, that the pub Jreiaf n' m'lake other medicines which n rodueed as Tomato p.eparaiions for ompound Tomato Fills. tinVn,rra 1,1,1 acCl'U'itof this Medi Dhvl;.? r nuncrous ceit.ficates from Agents - . -.-...v-v., , u,e nanus oi uu ihe N tJ C L' -U-WopHccr, II., ore t- GEO. HOir.WD, Agrnt. (BY AUTHORITY.) L WS OF THE UNITED STATE I'ASSCD AT THE SECOND SESSION OF THE Tvii. rv-six rii con-guess. Pulic No. 11. A V A rT . n . -ivy i mj uiisr appropriations tor tiie civil and diplomatic exnenses of the Go-jibe vc-uimeni ior me year eighteen hundred and fort y-one tin it enacted hy the. Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stolen of .hmrica in C ingress assembled Chat the fallowing sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid oul of any unappropriated momjy in the Trea surv. viz: For pay and mileage of ih membTs of1 (Congress and deh-giies, one hundred .-m l eleven thousand four hundred and eigh' i doliars. ! For pav of ihe oHTi .2',r and e'erks of t'v Sea ito and House of Representatives nine teen thousmd nine hundred dollars. For stationary, fuel, printing, and ali other contingent expenses of the Senate, thirt v-live th risiuti d dlars. For stationary, fuel, printing, and all other coniinueni expenses ef ihe House of Represent itives fifteen thousand f'o'lars. Ttic two sums last mentioned, to be appli ed to the payment of the ordinary exnemli tures of ihe Senate and House of Represen tatives severally, and to no other puroosc. And the accounting olllecs of Ihe Treasu ry Department are hereby directed in the settlement of the accounts of the coniinuent expenses of the Senate aiid House of Re presentatives, lo credit th.e payment m;:de in pursuance of the n solutions of ihe Sen ale of the 18th of July, IS 10, and the reso lution of the House of Representatives of the 21st of July, IS 10; and nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize or sanction any contract for station uy or oth er articles for the use of the next Congress by any officer of the present Congress to an amount exceeding in the whole two thousand dollars. For compensation to the President and Vice President cf the United States, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of War, the Sec retary of the Navy, and ihe Postmaster (jcner.d. sixty thousand For salary of lie; sec retary lo sign pa tents for public lauds, per act of Julv fonrih fifteen humliid dollars. For clerks and mcsscngcis in lie office of the Sectetarv of State, twenty thousand ! three hunelred doliars. For the contingent exper.scs of the De partment of Sta'e, including publishing anel distributing the laws, twenty-live thou sand dollars. For compiling, printing. &c , the Bien nial Register, one thousand dollars. For the superintendent and watchmen of ihe northeast executive building, one ihousand live bundled dollars. For the contingent expenses of said buil ding, including fuel, lahun, oil, and re purs, three thousand three hundred and lifiy dollars. For compensation to the clerks and messengers in ihe office of the Secrelarv of the Treasury, sixteen thousand fjur hun-' dred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the clerks in said office, per act of the 23d June, 183G, enti-j iled,'-An act to icgulate the deposites of j the public money," ihree thousand six hundred dollars. iir pnihlliMlkll'inn 1 it llio Vinci fV-.r.-..-. : troller of the Treasury, thiec thousand live bundled dollars. For compensation lo the clerks and mes sengers in the office of the Fiist Comp troller, nineteen ihousand three hundred dollai s. For compensation to the Second Comp troller, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks and mes sengers in the olfice of the Second Comp troller, including the compensation of two clerks transferred from the office of the Fourth Auditor, twelve thousand two hun dred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the First Auditor of the 'Treasury, three thousand dollars. For compensation lo the clei ks and nie sengers in the office of the First Auditor, fifteen thousand nine hunelred dollars. For compensation to the Second Auditor of the Treasury, three thousand dollais. For compensation lo the clerks and mes scngersinthe office of the Second Auditor, seventeen ihousand nine hundred dollars. For compensation to the Thir.l Auditor, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks and mes sengers in tiie office of ihe Third Auditor, twenty-nine ihousand six hundred and fifty dollar. i For compensation lo two clerks employ ed on claims, under the act of the ISth Jan- itiarv, ISol, two thousand four hundred doll a rs. For compensation to the Fourth Auditor, three thousand dollars. For eompcnsition to the clerks and mes sengers in Ihe office of the Fourth Auditor, sixteen ihousand nine hundred and fi ft) doll ars. For com pen nation to the Fifth Auditor, ih ret thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks and tnes- j senders in ihe office of the Fifth Auditor, nine thousand eight hundred dollars. For condensation to two clerks in the re ..'., . . omee oi t lie litih Auditor, according to act of the 7th July, 1S3S, two thousand uoiiai s. For compensation to the Treasurer of the United States, three ihousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks and mes sengers in the office of the Treasury of the United Slates, ten thousand seven hundred md fifty dollars. For compensation to the Register of the Treasury, three thousand dollars. For compensation lo the clerks and mes -eng. rsio the office of the Register of the Tieasury, twenty-four thousand two hun dred dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of the General Land Olfice, per act of 4th July, lH'oii, three thousand dollars. For compensation of the recorder, solici tor, draughtsman, and assistant draughts man, cjei ks, messengers, and packers, io ihe olfive of the Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Olfice, ninety-live thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to the Solicitor of the Treasury, three thousand five hundred dol iars. For compensation to the clerks and mes sengers in the olfice of the Solicitor of the lYea-airy, three thousand nine hundred and fif'V dollars. For translating foreign languages, and transmitting passports and sea-letters, in ihe olfice of the Secretary of the Treasury, three hundred dollars. For stating and priming the public ac counts, including a deficiency in former ap propriations, eighteen hundred dollars. For stationary, printing, ami all other contingent expenses of the Treasury De partment, viz: For the office of the First Comptroller, two thousand dollars. For the office of the Second Comptrol ler, Iittecn hundred dollars. For the office of the First Auditor, one thousand dollars. For I lie office of the Second Auditor, one thousand dollars. For the office of the Third Auditor, one thousand dollars. F r the office of the Fourth Auditor, one tbousand three hundred and forty-six 'ar? al,,l forty-three cents. dol- Fer the office of ihe Fifth Auditor, one thousand dollars. For !he office of the Treasurer of the Uni ted Slates, two thousand dollars. For the office of the Register of the Trea sury, three ihousand dollai s. For the office of the Solicitor of the Trea sury, one thousand five hundred dollars. lor eighty-three thousand nieces of parchment and printing, books, stationary, advertising, and contingent expenses of the General Land Office; and for books and blanks for the district land offices, twenty four thousand six hundred and seventy dol lars. For compensation of the superintendent ami watchmen of the southeast executive building, two thousand one hundred dol- Lrs. For contingent expenses of the building occupied by the Treasury", including fuel, labor, oil, carrying the department mails, and s -aling ships' registers, twelve thou- Stmil !n!!nc For compensation to Ihe clerks and mes sengeis in the office of the Secretary of War, including the messenger in the boun ty land bureau, and the clerkship under the act of April 20ih, ISIS, transferred back from Pension Office on the 1st of March, 1SJ0, thirteen thousand one hun dred and eighty-six dollars ten cents. For contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary of War, three thousand dol lars. For books, maps, and plans for the War Department, one thousand dollars. For compensation of extra clerks when employed in said olfice, three thousand dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, three thousand dollars. For compensation of the clerks and mes senger in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, sixteen thousand four hun dred dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, two thousand dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, two thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to clerks and messen gers for the office of the Commissioner of Pensions, authorized by the act of ninth of May, 1S3G, twelve thousand four bundled I For salaries cf two watchmen, six hun dollars. I di ed dollars. For COmrr-nsati'm of e!- rk! Iniufurrv! F, r ton enaV-ser and additional clerks from iheoflice of the Secretary of War tojin said oifie per acis March 3, 130. and the offi e of the Commis-ioner of Pensions j M ay S, lb JO; ami a clerk to keep the ap two thousand sven hundred and nun ty- j pi opriat ion ;crouiii, eleven thousand six three dollars and foity cents. ihundnd dollars. For compensation cf one clerk tranf. r-j For contingent cxpens?s of si id office, red from theNivy Department, pr r net o! including i'uei fr the Auditor's office, and 4th March. 1840. sixteen hundred dollars. four thous iud dollars for rent of building For rontingent expen-a s of said olfice. , -ccii,it .i n the department, ten thousand one thousand live hundred dollars. ; 'iv' hiineivd d iilars. For compensation of cle k and messen-j r eo -u.,at .on to the Auditor of the gr in the office of the. Commanding Oencr-j asJ Oiluu-, tmee thuusmd dollars, al, one thousand five hundred dollars. 1 or Gump-m-a'don to clerks and messen- For contingent expenses of said office, j er;i in uHice, tihy-five thousand five three hundred dollars. hundred doliars. For compensation to clerks anil messen-j eduVen a.Iditional clerks in said gerin the office of the Adjutant General, j "fiice, per aci of July 7th, 1S3S, thirteen seven thousand six hunched and fiftv dol- i ; Lhuusan I !uo hundred dollars. lars. j For contingent expenses of said office, For contingent expenses of said office, I '"uding the expense of quaiteily books, one thousand six hundred dollars. j f-tatior.aiy , printing, and pay of laborers, For compensation of clerks and messen- j "r !bousand seven hundred dollais. gcr in the olfice of the Quartermaster (Jen-1 or compensation of the Surveyor Gen eral, seven thousand three hundred dollars ora' northwest of the Ohio, two thousand For contingent expenses of said office, j dollars, one thousand dollars. For compensation to clerks in his office, For compensation Jo clerks and messcn-j Pcr r'cf of nin'h May, 1S3G, six thousand ger in the office of the Paymaster Gener:d three hundred dollars. seven thousand one hundred dollars For eoniingenl expenses of said office, eight hundred dollars. I'or compensation of clerks and messen ger in the office of t he Commissary Gener al of Purchase four thousand t.vo hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, eight hundred dollars. For compensation of clerks and messen ger in ihe office of ihe Commissary Gener al of Subsistence, four thousand three hun dred dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, three thousand two l.undit l dollars. For compensation of" clerks and messen ger in the office cf the Huef Engineer, five thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation lo clerk and messen ger in the office of the Surgeon General, one thousand six hundred and fifty dol lars. For contingent expenses of said office, five hunelred and fifty dollars. For compensation of a clerk, at one thousand dollars, under the act of April 20, 181rf, transferred from the office of the Secretary cf War to the said office of Sur geon General, one thousand dollars. For compensation to clerks and messen ger in the Ordnance office, eight thousand six hundred and fifly dollars. r or contingent expenses of said office, one thousand five bundled and fifty dol lars. For compensation to clerks and messen ger in the office of Topographical Bureau, two thousand, five hundred dollars. For compensation of a clerk, at one thou sand four hundred dollars, transferred from the office of the Secretary of War to the Pension office, to be transferred from that office on the first of March, IS 11, one thou sand one bundled and seventy dollars and fifty cents. For contingent expenses of said office, one Ihousand seven hundred and thirty five dollars. For compensation of the superintendent and watchmen of the northwest executive building, two thousand two hundred and fifly dollars. For contingent expenses of said build ing, including rent of Bounty Land office, for labor, fuel, oil, and repairs, and for the contingencies of the fire engines and apparatus, four thousand seven hundred dollars. For compensation of ihe clerks and mes sengers in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, after deducting one clerk trans ferred to Pension office, per act of March 4, 1840, at sixteen hundred dollars, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, three thousand dollars. For compensation of the Commissioners of the Navy Board, ten ihousand five hun dred dollars. For compensation ( f the Secretary of the Navy Board, two thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks and mes senger of the Navy Board, eight thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, two ihousand live hundred dollars. For salary of superintendent and watch men of the southwest executive building, one thousand two hundred and fifly dol lars. For contingent expenses of said build ing, including fuel, labor, oil, repairs of building, engines, and improvements of the grounds, three thousand three hundred and fifty collars. For compensation to thiee Assistant Postmasters General, per act of July three, 1S36, seven thousand five hundred dol lars. For compensation to clerks and messen gers in the General Post Office, forty-eight thousand six hundred dollars. For compensation of the Surveyor Gen eral of lllii.ois and Missouri, two thousand dollars. For c.3mp?r.sjLion to clerks in his office, per .iat of ninth May, 1836, three thousand eight hundred and 'twenty dollars. For compensation to the. Surveyor Gen- ral of Arkansas two thousand dollars. For compensation to his cleiks, per nctof ninth May, 183G, two thousand eight hun dred dollars. For compensation of the Surveyor Gen of Louisiana, two thousand dollars. For compensation to his clerks, per act of ninth May, lsSG, two thousand five hun dred dollars. For compensation to the Surveyor Gen eial of Mississippi, two thousand dollars. For compensation to his clerks, per act of ninth May, 1S36, one thousand dollars. For compensation to the Surveyor Gen eral of Alabama, two thousand dollars. For compensation to his clerks, per act of ninth May, 1S3G, two thousand two hun dred dollars. For compensation to the Surveyor Gen eral of Florida, two thousand dollars. For compensation to his clerks, per act of ninth May, 1S3G, five hundred dollars. For compensation of the Surveyor Gen eral of Wisconsin and Iowa, per act of June twelve, 1S3S, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to his clerks, per act 'June twelve, IS3S, one thousand six hun 'ehed dollars For extra clerks and draughtsmen in the offices of the Suveyors General, in ad jdition to the unexpended balances of for mer appropriations, to he apportioned to them according to the exigencies of he, public service, seven thousand two hundred dollars. Forcxta clerks in the offices of the Surveyors General to transcribe fit Id notes of survey, for the purpose of preserving them at ihe seat of Government, in addition to the unexpended balances of former ap propriations, viz: . Office of the Surveyor General, north west of the Ohio, four thousand five hun dred dollars. Office of the Surveyor General of II li noisnnd Missouri, three thousand dollars. Office of the Surveyor General of Ark ansas, one thousand five hundred dollars. Office of the Surveyor General of Loui siana, one ihousand dollars. For compensation to the Commission er of Public Buildings in Washington, per act of the 21st July, 1S40, three thousand dollars. For compensation to Commissioner, from the 21st July to the 31st December, 1S40, three hundred and twelve dollars. For compensation to two assistants to the Commissioner, as superintendent of the Potomac bridge, at one dollar and fifiy cents per day, including oil for lamps, fuel and repairs, thirty-one thousand three hundred and sixty 'dollars. So much of ibis sum as may be applied for repairs, shall be applied under the direction of the Secretary of War. For compensation to the officers and clerks of the Mint, eighteen thousand nine hundred dollars. For pay of laborers in the various de partments of the Mint, twenty-four thou sand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses including the wastage of gold and silver, fuel, materials, stationary, water rent, and taxes, in addition to the unexpended bal ance of the appropriation of lfr40, tight hundred dollars. For specimens of ores and coins to be reserved at ihe Mint, one thousand dollars. For compensation to the officers and clerk of ihe branch Mint at Charlotte, W. C, six thousand dollars. For pay of laborers in the various de partment of the same, three thousand five hundred dollars.