(continued Jrom 2d pe ) For outfits of ministers to Austria nnn Great Hriiain, and of eh:.. ues.htusto Venezuela, twenty two thonsind live Hun dred dollars. For .salaries of the consuls ol me imhhv.i dollars. Fur ihc relief and protection of Ameri can seamen in foreign countries fifty thou sand dollars. ForrKrk hiie, ofhec rent, stdionary. and other expenses in theoliieeol 'th Anu an 1 for ;i livdrorrrat - . " ' . T .1 . 1-1 of the Nor! horn and lNoruiwcMern i;iue? of ihe U. S'n'rs, to ho expended under the direeiioi of the President, fifteen thousand di.-ll.nrs; and the Librarian of Congress is r.uthori.'i'd to employ an additional asis tant. w' o shall receive a yearly compensa- States at Loudon and i'aiis. four thuus-ant. ,-mn 0f reycn hundred and htiy dollars. I commencing December lust, one mousanct ci 'ht hundred and forty, to be paid out of iariy money in the Tieasury, not otherwise app- opriated. Sr. p. 2. Jlnd he it further enacted Tint the Secretary of the Treasury be, and iran Consul at London, per art ot January he js hereby authorized to piy out any nineteenth, eighteen hundred a: d ihiny monev in the Trcaurv not otherwise ap six, two thousand eight hundred dollar. I preprinted, to the collectors, deputy eol For expanses of intercourse with the ;0...0 s navaj ollicers, surveyors and th'-ir Barbary Powers, sevenUen thousand iUn , ,,,,v (o,ve ch.rk., together with the hundred dollars. . weigher, guug'-rs, measurers, and markers For the continent cxpencs of foreign rf irvCraf poMs of the United Stairs, the intercourse, thirty tbou-a. id tiollirs; sa ne compeus it ion for the year eighteen For salary of the principal and two as i,un .-f(! and t hiri v-nine wh;c!t they would sistant librarian, pay of ti e iiie'sscM'-' have been entitled to receive if the third and for contingent expenses of lite library. U;., tj n ,,f t.!ic act of. I uly, eighteen hundred thite thousand nine i.undred and filiy doi j thirty-eiht, entitled '-An act to jrovide lars. I for the support of the ;1 ditary Academy of For the purchpsc of books for the liiira-1 tu, United Mates, for the year eighteen rv in Congress, five thousand dollar; ! lvindre.l ami t hirt v-eight, and for other For the payment ofarrearges incurred in ! purposes," had continued in force during J pealed. enforcing the neuliality laws on mei,.: v(.;ir? a.ui .subject to the pro vis northwestern frontier .fiv " ihou-:md d di e ; j.)lS ;llMj re-trietioos therein contained aphic survey of the coast! ted exclusively to the use of receiving for; etgn merchandize, subject as to the raics rif ti"rnrf tf rpfrolatlnn htr tho Srretai"V OH the Treasury. Sec. 7. "And be it further enacted, That every collector, naval officer, and surveyor of the several ports of the United States, who shall be guilty of false swear ing in taking the oath, at the rendition of his accounts as required by the fifth section of this act, to be prescribed by the Secre tary of the Treasury, with the intention to deceive and defraud the Government of the United Stales, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and liable to the same prosecution and penalty inflicted for like offences, to be tried and adjudged in any court of the United States, having jurisdiction thcreo1', and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, whenever, in his opinion, the said offence has been perpetrated as aforesaid, to direct the District Attorney of the United S ates, for the district with in which the same has occurred, to prose cute the offender. Si:c. S. And he it further enacted, That all laws, or parts of laws, inconsistent with the provisons of the film, sixth and seventh sections of this act, are hereby re- For the service of tin. v jtie? ai Po-t IH I ,-(,ricd, That nothing in tins section fice for the year cighlei n hundred and lor- .out lined shall be so construed as to give tyone, in conformity to the act ol s; : eoa ! t0 lU y collector of the custom a s d iry for Julv, eighteen bundled and thirty six: the year eighteen hundred and thiity-nine, For transportation of the imd;.ih--e nidi ! h.yo-ul the max: mum now fixed by la1-', ion two hundred and cih'y thousand dol- i ofi'mir thous and doll ir. lars; ! Sr.c. J. sind be it further enacted. For compensation of po-lmaters oii- 'plrtl t,c vj-crctary of the Treasury be. million and fifty thousand doli us: Proni- nn, u js jiev, )V authorized t pay to t!te ded however. That in addition to ! turns ' ct ,,.is j,, t i-e cu-'om -house at Boston, out nowrcquiied to he rendered by p tmas-! 0f ;lllv monrx j:l theTi e isurv not otherwise ters, it shall be the doty of she poMmastei s ! appropriated", he arrears of their s ilaric at New York; Boston, rbiladc'phi.i, B il-ifi-om eighteen hundred and thirty two to limnrn ind OrlciiK find t !- Other SC-!.-:.. I-.... K..,,l...! il,:. .. . - . - v viivwr , v:i vii ; i;( n HUlliUi'U iHIU IIIM I (.11, fiJ il."1 IU R. M. T. HUNTER, Speaker of the. House of Representatives. WW. M. JOHNSON, Vice President of the United States, Jlnd President of the Senate. Approved, March 3d, 1S41. M. VAN BUREN. Br. r. 1. Clements, Blaring located ssa Tarboroaigh, FKLliS his pro!esiooal set vices to hi friend rnl the ihe p ddie g neral ly. He m y at all times le found at bis Office, when not professionally engaged, ihe Ofi'ue occupied last year by Dr. (' boon; where he will he at ail tin es ready to attend to SSifi professional Euly, VVhen ca'hd on, and hopi-s ty duig'-n iMetjii mi to hi pr-f i'.n, to in- lit a p-u 'ion of t'e pu1 lie j:ittO!i im Hi eliar ges will lie model at' , su-d) a are obliged o mpei with puhhe app'ol;iii m. TarhoKtog!,, March 2J h, is 11. 13 i vi i y iri ., Wii i a (in Ai i npiMM, i 4 his Cotton Yarn. 'HU IE subcril)er has just received a quantify of Cotton Yarn, ciiffueni lumbers, whicli he will sell Jit K educed l rices, veral cities of the Union, cit h and every ; ma;C the same enual in nronortion to what! On reasonable and accommodating lerms. year hereafter, to render a quartei -yearly ' ,u.y received in the last mentioned year. GEO UOtWIIil) account to the Post master Gei.eid, under i.,,, ",lH mincfo'e as lns been armlied ' oath, in such form as the later slnll pre-,o,j10 customhouses at New York and scribe, for the purpose of giving full effect Phdadelj,! Lsist of Letters, liemuininz in the. Pest Oficeut Turbo rough. I he 1st of .'Jprii. I JS I I , wi'ch if not to hen out Left,? the 1st oj Ju'if next, unit be sent t-j the (Jen? rut Post Jice as dead effrrt Adams Henry Knight D & J C Andiews (Irav Little T 1) Archer P W Rev Mercer .l-d.n Maiming Uri di Moore. E'lj-ih Moore Sarih B nne't Mark Rev Runtin 1 1 by Braswcll Robert R Hraswell Willie 2 15 irncs (eore Bi agg Thomas Bell Frederick Battle .Ia:m s S Braddy S I' Bradley Willie Bryan .lo-eph Nettle Mo inry; Miss Parker Weeks Philips PherebyJMiss Pender Joshua Col Ruilin John R'ce Thomas Ru'h Maiiiiret Miss h.hia: and the navmenis umler this to this proviso, tol all emoluments or;.. )n ,h.,j !)p ,r,)Verned hv what ha been sums by them respectively received tor ,!l0 practic, ront-iiction" of the former boxes or pigeon holes, or eth. r r c-ptjch s ' j.uvs ,m ,!1S S1,hjc.(., ot Treasury De for letters i or paper, and by them eh o g;-i i p;u tn(Cnl ai)pi;c-Le lo tie jal nailiCl for to individuals, or lor the deli very ol let-' ports. tersor papers at or from any place in either Si:'c qud lh, it furtlCr enacted, of said cities, other than the actual P'H Th u ti e Secre tary of the T.easury b,-, and office of Mich city, and of all .omnium, tit. hrrc!)V js nll:hoi.izt.l ani, riq,,ired to receipts, an-J profits, that have come to!pivtlJ the -Icrks in the custom-house at their hands by reason of keeping branch j Philadelphia, such sums of monev as with post offices in either of said cities an i ; t;(e ;iriUi.m, ;lnprapriatert by thr general ap if,from such accounting, it shall appeal ! ropri;Uion act of the third of Man di, eight that the nett amount received by either oljCCll hundred and thirty-nine, will make up the postmaster at either of such cines f-r ,,e arrears of their respective salaries from such boxes and pigeonholes, and other re eighteen bundled and thirty-two to ehHit ceptacles for letters and papers, and for de- ecn hundred and thirty-seven, the sum to livering letters or papers at or from any . be so paid being first ascertained by the nlarft in Pithpr of sraid citif5 nthnr thin :iid . m .. y , p,upur accounung omcers ot the i rcasu- post omce, anu oy reason ol Keeping a branch post ofiice in either of said cities, shall, in the aggregate, exceed the sum of three thousand dollars in any one AM. Sec. 5. .Ind be it further enacted, That in addition to the account now requir ed to be rend ml hv nvnrv oi.llr-MMr r.f ..u .li u : i u . n , t. v.. yedi.juiMCAicMBH.u.ui: jmiu.u u.b i ol j cs!oms, naval officer, and surveyor of master General for the ue and purple of , pm9f rv ,u h conCftor n:iva, -ofnccr? the Post Olbce Department; and no pot I anii surveyor shall, each and every year master shall hereat.er under any pretence; hereafier," render a quuter yearly ac whatsoeyer have, ortcceive.or retain forj P0,1Ilt uniIer 0:lt!)j to thc Se. re'ary of the himself in the aggregate, n.ore than five i Treasury, in such form as said Secretly thousand dollars per year, including salary jsha prc,cri,)et of a smns (jf wou orcomm.ss.ons boxes, and all other kes, I bv eacll t(f lhem re tivd received perqu.stes emoluments, of any name or collected for lines, penalties, or forft it character whatsoever, and for any 'r v-Uires, or for feizuic cf i;no,!s, ware s, or mer ice, whatsoever, now allowed and limited ; chadiz , or upon compromises made upon Dylaw. . . j sud seizure; or on account of suits instil n- For sh.p s eamboat, and way letters, for- i t( for frau., a il)sl lhc rcvenuc ,avvs. or IV inousaiHi (lunar; ir t . c i "- . mv; .-.hmu u" For wrappin-naper, twev five thou-I T r" i'-? " ) Wi' ,or "'ly a" Irainc.M.ave been winners ol sand dollars P P ' ' j inerch.indizi which may be stored ,n the t(M, aild ,cvera, have never bCrn l)cat(n Foroffice furniture, five thousand dob iT:; an:1 A,,;,whlch a nt , The number and amount of their win . - j p.iei, ul'j unit my reu s pul OV ItlC COllCC- , , . . r, or other such oflieer: and if from such For .dvcrUHBg, lh.r.y s,x ihoU,SnU tlol-j accounting it (l,all appear ihat the ,"oney ari' . ... 'received in any one year by any collector. r or mau-uag, Ui.i ly-uve inousanu dol-; na. at officc, or S!lr..pvnr. " ' nnr 7 . v. . , v.i in 1.UUUI. oim for rents and storage as afon siid. :md f u- Tl IIS celebratefl impor ted Racer ami Stallion, now in Ihc fi test po-silde health and order. will make his next and last season in Viiginia ot my stables, at SlOO the seasf n and $ to lite groom, payable within the season, which commences on the lOdi Febuary and end the lt July. Mares will be will led, wi.hout stint, at 40 cents a day and every caieand attention bestowed by iruty grooms; but 1 will not be liahl. for accidents or escape. 1 have provi ded every accommodation for barren and foaling marcs, and will board black servants grali, while while servants can hehostided on moderate terms in the vil lage near. Is a I eiutiful bay, sixteen hands high, of matchless beauty, strength, form, action, and pedigree, and too well known as the unrivalhtl champion, for many year, on h'e EuglLli toil, where he never had a superior, and many excellent ju lge thiok an eq'ial, to need fuither descrip lion. As atricd Stallion, the English spoils men acknowledge he is not only deeuh d ly Ihe be-t of the age, but the bet vei Smiih Thomas 2 Bullock Joiuia K 2 Shepi,:,rd (lenr 're M B .rlow A K Sharpe Col B Clark H T 2 StaKm Mary L Mis CherrvLunsfordR 2 Sholiing'on T J l)r ! Carter John Stoke Nancy Miss fain Elis'ta Saton L:weiiug Clerk C Court Ed'e Sav .ge William" Daniel John II Sike & Edvvirds Elliott Elijah 2 Stewart John P Everitt Kenneih Stetlman John Exum Eliz'h Mrs Sontherland E Miss EUinor James Thigpen B 2 (iowen Me John 2 Wilbar R , T 0 2 Carrel I Jof pit J UYddcll James J Hines Pt tei R Williams 1) Col N ut R I) Wihon L D llamonds Edward Webb Wm Sen Houze Ben J Williams Elijah Howard Wilson Wiggins Lawrence Ives Samuel WilN Wm II Judkins Reb'a Mrs Wilkinson Joshua Knight Jesse C Wilkins Diucilla J tS. M. REDMOND, P. M. S3 J?l 15. rv ary and endiog tlt. f,, Son. V 1 c iy dav :r is. ,i... . : r ''eh le.ms, . w,m. y (,ve D .l:(ls ,, '"'t' an! ot. ,. pouUl y, ' . Seas-' compa-y i,t. ,!l;,u. q C;Sh ,0 ca.e will hc ,akcn of man. ' P'i,, esponih:isy lor :u-riI(, aKi i Ma. C led uh gran, a, i" per day. S i vanis' R ,:ir(l ,1Ve vol 2,,i,,, i r... i n .tfiPVan,e-,2-i '"'. dig.ee, iV.loN,,,,, K JacUoe, fan L v , , 7' Stair nf , ,;, ,. r r rK;rco.MiJK cucXTv ' Court of Pieus and Q,;u, t-r. I'Klili ! V 1 ,.:,!M. iiicy Sa- .lieu , i. ;, J '''"'"fhli, "'Million Stale oJWoi th Carolina. m By His Excellency, John M. Morchead, Governor, Captain. General and Commander in Chief iH and over the Stale aforesaid. WI1KIIKAS, I have been duly infor mid l.y the Pi -iciam .! ioii u H,. Eci lh ncy, Wim.iam 11km:-IIaruiso.n, President of the United Stall s, u,.n ih,' last Moudiiy ol May .C XI, (heiirg 1 1 e 81m day theieof,) ha- heen fix. d upo"i. hv I. in. ho Ihe meeting of Hit- fi 1 Seioi , tut tWtiitv -cvenlh Cinri.v ..i i!,.. T T . tl I , ,i ,. . . . . uii; U II I I I'ii in i.ngianu. r or lour years he lias had Sl.iti : an event more am! hetter winners than am- oih. t any or horse uhose colts were of ihe same a,r lars, such excess shall be paid bv the said collector, naval officer or surveyor, as the case may be, into Ihc Treasury of the Uni ted States, as part and pirccl of the public roncy;and no such collector shall on any pretence whatsoever, hereafter receive, hold, or retain for himself, in the aggre gate, more than six thousand dollars "per year, including all commissions for duties, and all fees for storage, or ftcs or emolu ments, or any other commissions or sala ries which arc now allowed and limited by law. Nyr shall such naval officer on any lars; l?-K1.,l. ,!.... .1 .1 i i i ' xu, ""iM.irLMni,.,s:,,,,, 'fees anil enioh:n,ents, shall, in thc arc For mail-locks, keysand stamps fifteen .i ... Jr . ' .. ... .iT, ,in ,,.iiv-, u.v,i.u lii .-ti.u in l-.vo iuuuanu uoi- iiiuuaiiiu o on, u.n. For mail depredalions and special agents, twenty-two thousand dollar; For clerks for offices, two hundred and ten thousand dollars; For miscellaneous, sixty thousand six hundred and twenty dollars; And for the continuance of the ?nrvev of the Gulf of Mexico, twenty thousand dollars; For the balance, certified n due to the agent and commissioner at Havana to procure the archives of Florida, and trans mit them to this country, and in full exe cution of the laws upon that subject, the sum of six thousand and forty-three dollars and ten cents; For compensation to William W. Chew, late acting Charge'd Affairs at Russia, from the twenty-third of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, till the twenty first of September, eighteen hundred and forty, the sum of two thousand nine hun dred dollars, it being the difference be tween his salary as Secretary of Legation miu me pay oa.-e u Attairs duriu" that penoa; For the pay and mileage of the members of the Senate for the extra session of thai body, to be convened in its Executive ca pacity on the fourth day of March of the present yesr, the sum of thirteen thousand tour hundred and twenty-four dollars. ate Lll.nriUinSnt pcnses of the Sen ate, lor the extra sesion, including theeay service ol horses. any .pretence whatever, in Ihe a"rrcr,te rn. ceive, hold, or retain for himYr i',.. r... per year, and all more than five thousand dollars including all commissions on duties, and fees for storage, or fees or emoluments, uuj uuier commissions or salaries stationary, and h ' "u,aiB ,ucb of the extra seio, k c?nllngnt 's se.sion, three thousand dollars; or u h inh aie now allowed and limited by hv. Nor shall such surveyor, in the aggregate, re ceive, boh!, or retain fcr himself hcreafer more than four thousand five hundred dol' lars per year, including ;dl commissions, or lees or emoluments, or anv other commis sions or sal ies wUinU -n. . and limited by law: Provided, the arre gale sums allowed per year to the several olhctrs aforesaid, sh.dl k r .. , . wv. v.A(.iu3ic u I uie necessary expenses incident to their res pective ofliees, in the same year, subject to ihe regulation of the Secretary of the treasury. Sec. G .'hid be it further enacted, hat all stores hereafter rented by the col lector, mival officer or surveyor, shall be ru.,c account, and paid for by the collector as such, and shall be apprpria niogs present almost an unbroken series of hrilliant victories. In IS39 they won every large two years' old slake at New Mu ket, often under heavy extra weights; j have won the Gieat Oaks three out of lour years, and nearly all the larger 'iakes in ihe Kingdom, as the Riddles worth, Tuesday's !idd?eworih, 2,000 gu neas stake, 1,000 guinea, Column, inly, Uieste. field, Clearwell, Pendei grist, ami a hot of others too (nureious to name. Crucifix, one of his get, ha won more than i550,000, v ith ut eve being beaten, and is unquestionably Iht oest mare ever trained. They have won countless number of stakes, nl.ites. gold cups, handicaps, and King's plate, U all distances, and in some instances ai 3, 4, and 5 heals, under heavy weights. His colts have won every where they nave oeen iruU. Last year he had the lest in England, Ihe best in Ireland, and he best in Belgium, and equal to any in nance anu Germany: and in the Uuiied State, we have seen Monarch, thc Queen Helen, and Mr. Robertson's filly. At his precnt price, he is the cheapest li: : a i . . . .M.iiiiwii in ivmeiica nis price oein,r r - iluced to suit the bard limes; and breed ei win do well to avail themselves ol thi hil opportunity. For more particulars, see handbill. A. T. D. M ERR ITT. Feb. 1S4L Micks' Ford, Va which re. ah Turner Hughes' NORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC, For IS 11, Just received and lor sale at thi Office 1 the Raleigh price, viz: 10 cents single, 75 cents per dozen, S3 50 for half agroce,' $6 for a groce, &c. Nov. 1840. OlIS I n - lieot and nee,.,ry i.:U Kieet ion l.i the R pieseu!a:ive horn ibis S.-e in ih. u xt Coi.gre.vs should be held at an eaiiiei lay than the tibial time ol holding aid Eh ctiou: Now, therefore, by irlne of the au thoiity in me v. Med, by an Aci of the General Assembly of this Su-e eoiiilcd An Act concenong ihe mode of choi mg Sen Dot s and Reproenhiu ves in ihe Congitss United Si.it, s." (?, t-Me Statutes ofN C. Chapter l d.) and . the end, lhai the Fim,,,,i ,, uM S!. may be-duly rcpien'ed i t; e eexl Coo ...... ,. ..I C . vL,. uim s sioii commencio.r a. aforesaid, I ,. ,MJe (,,js y pr iuri ion, l.eiei.y cminaiiding and req .;,iu all Sher IL and other R, iui mi.o- Oiiioer" of the m veral Cunlhs cii.p,"i,.g ,,,c!, Ciugressional D.liicl, to caoe Poils (.. be opened and kepi, ;,d Elections o h, held, lor U. p.es. utaiives loihe next Co.. gress ol ,le Ui.,l S;1.es, (, ThurMlay, Inn I 1 1 l w. .. i K.I i . ';) next, ci ih. place eMald..he,l hy !IW j,, .. ive Couni.e, lor holding Election. And I dolu.ther command and mpire -aid St.erdL, :..., t,iher Reiornin-r off' cers ., meet forth,, puip,, ()f c.,nif, j(1(r the I .11, ;. Iht-,imes and placeM,rescr, 1,1 pi! by law lor that purpose. And I do "V this, my Proclama.nin, fur. her -re- qu.re the Freemen of il.js Si ne, to mi.,., "their ieM,-ciivv Cunie,a. .he ,im," -y ".en and there to g,Vi oi Iepreentallves,', iires. In teM,monV whereof I have caused (he 'eat Seal ol ihe Slate to be hereunto af hxed, and signed the sain will, my hand Dene at the City nf R:,Pijrh. ,hjs twemy ,-cond day nf March, in i in. . , ii uii oi our L. id one thou-and s eighi hundred and lorlv on-. .-.,! l the Indep odence of the Uoih d Slates the sixty fifth. J. M. MOREIIEAD. By the Governor, Jas T. Littlejohx, P. Sec'y. v . . n . . Cee,r-e W. K.llei,,-. i ' ("f"fH -u o r. i and l, n ry W. IJ .neM and u re in y. I1' :TP "-'K Hi- s:,tiri,t;.tn (ifl, (.o,M. Holt l!.e del, ed,,,,.. JJ , ! C lt,e:t & w.lr S,iv , j,, oft!.. State: It is .l.er.ln,,,,,,!,,.;,, p .'die. 'ion be male i.. il(! I'.rh.nV p ''l fors!X ve!s, c ssivdy; Vy,(t .once 10 appear i'. ihe n,.x, , .mf ':ourt, fi e held r e.,i,j o.-nt.ty, on i' ourth .Monday in May nex, a-'the Cc 'i ilou-c in T..i borough, lhtn :,n- there ;l.-,d, a,svv,r or d.mur, u the t ih- pi muff-; "thi rwise it uj pro cot.fss-j and heard cxparlt z t, i he in. Wiln-s, .Inj.N NoRFLKKT.CInkofftr aid C -uri, al , lli.-e. i.,r f,,lir, tM0h(!i' i F bru iry. D. S. J JNO. NOt; FLEET. Clk Peters' vegetable Fife rRliI E wondei ful cores . ff cted by !;i5 medicine are the all ciigrosNii, ;;h-j-ets o! the day. Go wline y( ii mil, and you hear of no'hi; g Inn Mr. Such i On - has )rl.,! cured by Dr. Priori Vp;. mi'.R. P. lis. or ji u k-.ow M is. So and Sj vas ai ihe point of death, but he h een r. u red hy Dr. Pel- r' IMh; or are sou not glad that Mis lias beer. t eio:-t (1 lo health hy Dr. I'etciVs noo drou Medicine. Really thjs medicine mut lie verv good or it sou LI not cure so maiy. It i good. For many years it lias p:iseil o; in ihe "even, silent tenor ol" its nay," curing hundreds of persoas who were wraug'ing with death. Bui now its on ward eourse is impetuous. It is impossible to stay the dcmnn'l for ibis medicine, as lo hu?h the rushirg wind. A life me Heine that will procra!ina'! !ealh for yens, hcll it not (liter every h use? Shi II it not be u-ed hv every in div de-al? Lei no man ay 1 dun't 1V1 : it. Vou know not what to inerinw m)' bri.-g lor t'n. All -houul ue t Ii i ruDP'iy, and rem- rrder that health is the first bless ing liotn (i d. Vrirrtf nils Are anii bili.es. a ii d v-pp'if. imi o eicnr al ami may ! j -t I v consul red U o.vei s;i M-dicii e, lut they re p euliarl- l oneli.Mal in ' ho IMI ovinj eon-plaint-: Velliw and IMioi;s F. vers F' ver a od Ague, Dysp.-pia, Croup, lx ('oioplaiuis, Sick ll-nhclie J .Tin he?. Mhma, Dropsy, '.cn-K-rim, YAW meni ol the Spleen, Piles, ( holir, Fen"' Oisti ue ions. Ileart Rum. Fwrrc! 10' p?-Nau-ea, Dimension d' the Se-nHC' 3r'J R ,.s. lncipi -til Deo r' re i. F! l!'l'rCf Hahiiu.d Cotiveues H!o'c!.p.l vr Con ph i ip, and in all ca- s o' "F -i'Pn' he R els xx heie a (..tt aitic or an W iiei:t is needed. They are rxc''"1-) mi!d in tl eir opera'ion-, pro !uc:n Rtl A' er nausea, gt ipmjr nor di bil.ty. I he immeus,' ai. 1 Ob- I I heir vol ' the next Con- ncreairg PT ly of ' hese pi Ms, is anotlier p'"1"' " infaliihility ol Ihe old ad a-c, ti nt "'" is oowrrlul and uill nrcV.1t er p.lls are o. ly pelTcd, hut Dr are pnrcha-ed and prai-ed. 3'I ,,cC'1. mend, d until the fh-maiul for d-C"1 i! 'ecotne a'm' t univer-al. Dr Pe'er weu'd in prrs this f he puhlie. that hi pill ae not q. med !C;u ; bnl a sient.'fic cjn;,ul!' sim I-.-, which has been the ie u!10' !. oy yeirV intense applieatiori I" n I" f. i.-n" in which he wa regularly hnce il i a popular w:lh the ng'J" iiby as xvilh the people at big'-. . 0..e of the many peculiar viriur o V.-gfabb- Pill, is that ilule very r' .. e i . .i.. :. . rr ii.o,- are niiio' i I o i i o i o 1 1 t i: ii?, '"ij - mild and nen'le in their sitfhnn the generality of medicines their :TP lie- lion is never attentJcd with sea Snl""!v tvxew Peters' Vegetable Vt , d hy thoe who have had :m to decide upon their minis, os a in anv m i! f pu' lie hie- ivmioui nnexep . M, .. ; ,ttilh.U; 0110113', no medicine llaJ" ' if rapidity and given such u';:;e r...;.. n . ..i ill TT The above Pills are Jj V,' Post office $ Printing ofice W March, 1811.