1 Y hole Xo. 7 9 Tarbovough, ( Edgecombe CounlijJA. LJ Saturday, Mmj is-li Vol. XrilXo 2i. The Tarbrtrouzh Press, bv n kojio g liow.uin, Is pubMshosl weekly at. T oi f) tlftr an-l V-f'tj Vtn's per yoar, if pihl in alvrico-nr, 7Vep hilars at the expiration of the saSs'irintion ymr. 'or an) perio.l loss thai a y.vir, T c: ih.ije (nils per month. Subscript" are at li!jrrty t r discontinue at any ti-n, on uiyh-T notice thre f ;nJ pay in? arrears tlioe resi lin j at a riistanec inust invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exceeding a s-pnro will b. Inserted at One Dufar tlie first insertion, and 0." rents for every continuance. I,mrr a I verine nlei,ts in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements 2." per cent. lirrVr. .VI- ! Tertisements inusi ie marked tue mi u'er ot m spriions required, or tbey will be continued until otherwise ordered and eliar. ! aec r liniy. fetters addressed to the ) lit ir niut be post paid or they may not be attended to. I From she Boston Times. j What is't that ails the people, JUL? j They're in a kurio-is way, For every whore 1 eh uve li go, j There's nothing I). it 0. K. I Tbev do not use the alphabet, Y ha"e er they wish to ay. And all t!;e lei let s they I org t, Except the O and K. I'veseen them on the Atlas' page, j And also in the lst, i When both were fv.ilinc o'er with rage, j To se which fibbed the most. The Major has kome off the best; i The Kurnel is surpried! The one it seems ineuit oil correct. The other, oil kapsizedl : Processions have been all the so, Illuminations tall; 3 Handbills were headed with K. O.. Which means they say kome -jtl! The way the peopled s.dlied out, I Was a kmtion to a Lzy; ! And when 0. K. 1 heard them shout, 1 thought it meant oil crazy. The merchants too have been O. K., Hard times. hive loudly said it; Itlot.g has b'-en loo much their way, To buy and s. II on credit. Thpy'll now adopt as had a kourse, j lie 0 K over wit f inns, Which konstantly will prove a source j Uf miseries and tortures. The President, that big steam ship, line r.4,..l I . 1 1 ii tttit-u very 111011; I She was 0. K. her second trip, ! ror sue got OKI ol Until. ! K. K. K is the proper name j For all the New York boat; hunttrdleun konqter on the main I Ech steamer as it. fl ats. j The beauteous girls unkonsciousl y, t Kaiise many .-ail regn t, ; They love so 'well to he 0. K.f ' Such trrible koh l Is! i ' now of one, whose lltxen hair Hais dewn 0. K , nil kirly; i Her lips the sweets of Eden b-ar, ; And more she ne'er speaks surly. : j To win this angel's heart and hmd, lused 0. K , oil ktmninir; And thought to make my koiM rrse grand, i yRrat attempts ;lt punning. Tas all in vain She meiely said i he liked me :i TiLmwI. And now she's g;dli,u a young blade, hoselovetims sad will eiid. Th:o0. K. rends ihe air, j from north tosonih it goes , njon a shop in Hi attic sqoare, j N hr re negroes sell oil klotie.s! ne world ne'er saw s-ieh kuiious times, 1 politics were born I oil II Gft n i' uh'ch stands for Ouls ami Kurn! emehns on Pegasus' way st w.uitonly obtruded, Vetf oil konkl titled. prur mre lines I needs must write, rrom which, here's no reli eat, '"Imnstindiic, 'olii's ollkornplele! 1 Tr I Mair ,r0rfti,na,e,! from a remirk n one of tver 'vninjr's ette.s, th it when life,,, 'n!jS Ke"dall submitted any docu j bein n .en-';,ckson for inspection, not WuulT,l'U.!aria. n'ir'1 t0 r,graphy, :a-..uuifieit u. K. lorall correct. I PENNSYLVANIA. 'vaniMg,,at,ire and llwnor of Ienr. n the ?eife?' antip-ide to each o.he. tes, cL ,aT fina,es, which pla ton'lition mnweaIth in a vey criticu' Th yexpend.turesofthoState Govern- mpntn.il for the Slate' liabilities falling 'e witlnn the ynir; it alo proposal to re- H vetbe If inks from the pna'tie4 inc-imd iv tlim in C'insaq'ience of m!pMis:oo. A Tionir the D'-ovis n of the bill was one t'tth rii.r th- IJ iv.-r tor to negtia'e n l'n fir S i, 100,0)0 in certifica'es'of JJ5100. I tie Hnik were to sobs-riV to it nod liien iss ie oo. two ami five dollar note to 'be a no int of -ihseription. The holders of lbcsf notes, in sums to theanio inl of one 'iiindrcd doll.irs could present them and oh t dn certificates of stock. The annrnoria. tin in du led in the bill amoun'cl lo $2, I 7o'5..5.'J2. lov. Torter, in the conclusion of his veto Message, says: 'I cill upon yo i, f How-citizens of he L'i'l dure, conjure you lop .use and think veil b.-forv you depart to your respfdiye daces of abode, without making ome ade q ia:e prov is;on, to save the (loveniment :f the Slate from the want of the peenni -ry moms of p rlorming its vital function. I entnat you to eo:iiemplate the awful and 'inprvceiioineJ r sp nibdity you would thus he assuming, and to think of the judis meut of pos eiity. I h ive done all that hes in my p .w, r. the re-l i with you." The tvvo Houses of the Ltsiii;itnre pro bably think thai they h.-.v done :.ll tha iies in their pmvrr. Tid is we Ix lieve. the third rlki' bill whieh the Governor 'ias vi t'o -d Guv. Port j's objection were ehirflv a-;dii-t th irovi.ion-i exempting the Hank torn the penalties coim qurnl upon a non 'eumpion of p tie payment;also against the p'ovisions which suspemled the pen d ies aa i. si the H oiks not il the loan of'S.3. 000 000 shodd le repaid. Toe intro duetion of the H ink of the United Stites into ilit; b 11 is also obj cted to. H. S. s nee the ahoe was in type, we learn that the Legi-lituiv Ins a. I join m-d. h iving lirsi pass, d Ik: Hevenue and Iddiid HiP, by two thiids majority, and is now a law in despite of Gov. Horier's veto. S'nfenf "liunksylciinaS''Yhfi Phil ad( ihi i Spirit of the Times comes to u hrouded in mourning, in conseq ience of the pa.ago of the bill of abominations, by a constitui ion d ma joi itv, recently vetoed by the ( ovetp.cr Thirteen iccrcant, hank bought skives, who are not only a disgrace to the name of democracy hut to universal humanity, voted for the AWJive more were absent ; ttvo do. were present, but dodged the question. So the Hanks have triumphed the liberties of the peo pie are tiampled under foot fieedoin is now but an empty name, a lying cheat. Well does the Times say, thai the State hou!d hereafter be called Hanksyvaniu. Old Dom. Istoimding Li it nili. One of the I hdaio lphia pipers states that neaijy se ien millimts ol Dollars, were paid or loan-j Georgia, bui probably contain but few hi ed by the United States Dank for political I habitants. purpos -s pe ions to the late Pi esid-ntial election. W e expected this we ooked lor the devclopcnu nt to be made. What say the Ameriean people to this 'regulator ol the currency. (Tp One Hit n di ed a n d Th irt y Thn u S't nil Doll. irs worth f Tipp canoe Alma nack, wen; distiibuled Ijy a mercantile linn in Phdadt iphia, the senior partner ol which is a Director in the U.S. UdnU.it) (jJThe present Secretary of State and ef ihe Treasury, are both found to be bor rowers (.?) of '-ihe monter." ib. JIssinmenl of the U. S. flank. The U. S. Dank made an assignment on Satur day f cert iin real es ate. bonds, mortgages. &c in Philadelphia, DufiYo, Mobile, Dis trict of Columbia, Ciucinmiti, &c. amoun ting according to the schedule to SI 772, 250 33 to secure to ten banks of Philadel phia the payment of its Post Notes held by ihem amounting lo 5,078.444 94. liichmond Star. fjpAt the latet accounts from New York, United States Dank S.ock was sell- in g at seventeen and a half. Another Forgery. The New York Herald of this nun ning ays that "jnothet forgery was detec ed yesterday on ihe Pi.enix Dank, being a check for one thousand seven humln d dollars, purport ing to be from S. J. Sy Ivesier. The bank is of opinion that the signature is genuine, out Sj Ivesier denies issuing such a check 1 1 appears that the individual presented wo checks, one for 250 and another for 3 1.700. The small one was genuine, laving been paid out for uncurrent money o a stranger, while it is alleged the other !s not." The rascalities of this kind that have een perpetrated within the last year are vie legitimate and fruitful refills of the tsane speculations ol 1336, '37. Rogues re now practising a system of financiering .vhich Ihey learned then. "Dreadful Sfalislics."Under this 5 ead the N. Y. Star gives the following melancholy facts: P "From ihf first of January last to the first instant, there have been 74 murders and 63 suicides. Of the suicides, 19 came t?i sudden death hy intemperance: 12 by taking 1 ludanum and other poisons; 7 by hanging ihemselve; 7 hy cutting their throats S hy drowning, and 5 by shooting themselves. Of ihe murders, 6 were in New York, 6 in Ohio. 4 in Georgia, 4 in New Orleans i in Virginia, 2 in Vermont, 2 in New Jersey, 2i Kentucky, I in Arkansas. UJ suicides, 32 were in New York, 8 in Pennsylvania, 7 in Massachusetts, 6 in ew Orleans, 2 in Connecticut; 1 in Maine, 1 in South Carolina, I in Wiscon sin, 1 in U. Island, 3 in Virginia. " Census of is 10 We have the pi easure of presenting our readers with the com plete aggregate result of the Census for IS 10. and we believe we are the first to give it entire. The Secretary of State furnished all the returns he had, to th? House of Representatives. Hy the t.olite uessofMr. Cist, we are furnished with these. They lack, however, 3 States, and part of the defective returns are from local i tapers. IS 30. 3.99,402 G10.014 2G9.533 280,679 99,216 297,71 1 1,913.50S 320.779 1,347.673 76.730 446.913 140. 401,796 737.438 2S4.4S1 291,848 10S,S27 310.023 2,432,535 372.252 1,700.000 78. 1 20 467.577 M line, Massachusetts, N. Ilampshiie, Vermont, Maud, Connecticut, New Y rk, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, tGeorgia, Al ob una, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illino'S, Midi; gin, Missouri, A i kansas, Wisconsin, Iowa, Florida, D. of Columbia, 1,211,272 1,231,434 738,470 753,110 584.453 516 2G7 308,997 136.806 215,272 C84,S22 3SS,SS4 594,4 39 CIS, 166 479,444 386 099 249.63S 823.067 777,359 937.679 1,515,996 341.582 633,314 157.575 31,620 140,074 30,383 415,475 311.705 363,761 95 644 30.692 43,036 no return 43,612 34,729 29.S5S Totals. 12,856,171 16,521,004 0ne County and part of another in Pennsylvania were wanting, for which, however, we have added their proportions tSjme small comities were wanting in The Western District of Louisiana, is omitied This, with Florida, also omit ted, will make up about 150,000 lo be add ed to the sum total. The Census now taken is the sixth since the adoption of the Constitution, and shovs conclusively that the population ol the uni ted Stales moves on with thesame uniform law of progression without reference to emigration, disease or any other cause This law is an increase of one third of the exiting population for each period of ten y ears. Cin cin nali Chron kit. Melancholy Casualty The Ports mouth (Va.) Chronicle gives the following particulars of a most painful event which occurred at the Navy Yard at that place: 'Our whole community were paralyzed with amazement this morning to learn that Lieut. W. 13. Lyneofthe U. S. Navy, was accidentally drowned last night during his watch on board the Pennsylvania. From what we can learn il seems that he had got on ihe mizzen chains lo look for something, and making a misstep, or his feet slipping, he fell oveiboaid; before a hoat could reach him. he had sunk to rise n mor-. It supposed that he must have been t4 untied by the fall, otherwise, being an excellent swimmer, he would have sus tained himself in the tva'er until assist anc could have reached him. (TTLateNew Orleans dates (says lVtern Carolinian) say that Texas the mo- nPV in that market, which was lately so depreciated as io be worth only 12 cents In th dollar, had risen forthwith up to 3S a 40, in consequence of the news that Gen. Hamilton had contracteU a loan lor tnc I'exian Government; Terrible. the Portland AguS states that Mr, Moses Duttei field murdered his wife and two youngest children, in Sum mer, 0fcrrd county. Me. on the 21st uli. Two others of the family only saved .hemselveshv fliilht. Mr. 13. has been hitherto a highly respectable citizen of thai itjwn, but has been subject to fits of insani ty. His alleged reason tor muraenng his family was to save them from eternal ruin at the approaching end of the world He has been committed to j.u! in l.r.'s. From the Jtht'ns fiunncr 23 J olio Jit roc it) tt$ Afn rtler. Th e follow-in letter wiiieh was receive I by liu I .Master at this place a tevv days since, do tails one of the most cold blooded munh r which has ever been perp' traled in Geor gia. CeilervUle, Tulho! count, Ga. ) Jinh'l 15, 18 11. $ Dear Sir. There was f und on ye.-tei- uay morning about one miiefiom CJor-len'. b-rry.on Flint river, ne-r she residence of Mr. Courlev, a man vh was nuir !ered. videntlv with a hand hitchet, by being struck three blows on the bead, and th-ti having his throat cut on the left side with a knife. The circumstances arc thee, us near as can be ascertained: there were two men tn veiling tog.-ther, whose naaivs ar Hammr)nd, which is the name of the mur dered mm. and th ;oi her win sterns to b i isew Yorker, that is, by his appearance, and siyshis name is li.rtlet W. Muidock: he is now under arrest, with str ing sos-pi cionsof being the pi-rpetralor of the d-e i He says that he came from your town, arid fell in with this man. Hammond hid ;. grey horsr; a-.d Murdo?!: wa travelling in an opm top bugg-, and drove a bay horse. 1 think Murdod; is a fair skin -nan, with light, very light hair, and abo i? 23 or 24'years of age. Th.; man murder I'd, seems to or; about. 35 years obi, heav, b-aidand dark hair, would weigh perhap 165 or I 70 pounds. There was found on Murdock's person ;i bowie knif engraved on the ban He J. .1 H. I have thus given you the patticubrs as i learned them on the spot from the oITi cers. It may be, that Hammond may liave some friends in your town or county. Ifso, give them some information soon as yu can. As to IJirtlet W. Murdock, fas Ids papers show him to be of that name. tin re can be hm little doubt of his guilt If he has any friemls, they ougl t to know it. It may he, the horse and carriage he has. and which he claims, may not be his. but belong to some of your citizens. He bad wiih him in the buggy some toidsfor a Mr. Knowdton, perhaps formerly uf vour town. If you have any knowledge of the above p' rsons, let me know as soon as you can. Direct your Itt'er to Talbotion, Talbot county, Ga. Yours, &.c. CHARLES A. BROWN. The following strange story is told in the Jackson (Mississippi) True Issue of the 9th mst. Mysterious. On Tuesday last, our at tention was attracted by an unusual throng in front of the Capitol: upon inquiring into its pause, we were lulormed that a man named Clark had procured a habeas cor pus,' in order to obtain his liberation from prison in which he bad been confined under a charge of murder. The facts of the case, as deve loped in the testimony, as well as some portions which we leaned afterwards, compose as strange a tale of romance s is often pre sented in real life. The individual said to be murdered was an old man aged about 60, named Genet, and said to be a son of the French minister of that name who had some notoriety in the early history of our country. The parties all reside in Frank lin county, in this State, and the individu als charged with ihe murder are the pr s. oner, Clark, a negro man named Howinan, who belonged to Gem t, and the deceased. The Slate's most important witness, is the daughter of ihe wife charged with the mur der of the deceased. e do nol fttl at liberty to give any of the testimony, lest it tend to prejudice one side or other of the -cause, but will merely state that j as against Clark, it was entirely circum stantial, yet of such a character as to in duce the judge to require him to give bail in a penalty of five thousand dollars. A portion of the tacts having no immediate connection with the guilt or innocence of the prisoner, but which led to their appre hension, were as follows: About fifteen months since, the deceased disappeared quite suddenly, s i much so, indeed, as to arouse suspicion ol loul play, although his absence was accounted for by the statement that he had gone to South Carolina, where he once resided. Time rolled on, the deceased was forgotten, his propeity was divided among his heirs, and among other things, a negro woman, w ho had belonged to him, was carried and sold in Texas. A few month's since, a neigh bor of the deceased visited Texas, and saw the negro woman, who told him ihat Genet had not gone to South Carol ina, but was murdered, and to have bowman, who had been her husband, arrested, and he would tell all about it. The gentlewan came home, and the result has been the arrest oftlie prisoners, together with the discove ry of ihe bones ol Ihe old man, which his daughter identified. Getting Married a second time. It is stated in the New Orleans Picayune, that ai inten ding mart i age c lemony took j place iceendy in iVkiu. Illinois, uniiing j in Jjoly ua:i;!s. Stephen ASasm anu llan- :j.i!i Mason. TSe artb-r.t Sieplu nis evci1 y three eats of ;!g", t'. i i 1 l u.mh is blush ing -ixty si vc! ! '!! e lovely pair had been t j previously mai'MiM at au i ariy itay, liven egellser foi ty eais, rais il and have liv g. tiitrlten eiiii lien. Seven years ago 'n:y e;ur,iied and -Jme to t';e.r pens. siow they hae agon 7 Prcrinu. Fmui!y. At a sitting ol die special e.s-ions yistcivlay, Margaret Maok iin.l Aii.ia M.ick, mother and laugli 'cr, were tried for stealing e; rungs, dress, juiit. ivil cr.ipo shawl. fiom Mrs. Ellert McGralli, f. uu i guii'y, and sent to the oeisitntir.ry-foi- niiutv day- ah. The ii'isij.iod and fath r ami one ila ig' ter of tins family, are now in die State Pr sun. a son m the Prison for I l ennenii iiy, anotier son in looy, await tig his trial, and now the vife and another daugh'rr are sent to the Penitentiary, leaingonly one. iiihi, a little go 1-of 7 to 6 ea:s old, out of piisu. X. Y. Sun. Lynch law from ihe Bench. Th Chieag-i i'riiioue nuna'es the particulars of a great excitement at Oregon. Ogle coun ty, 1 iiajii. Seveial of a gng of horse .MiuloiS hi! b. en aritstc ! in the neighbo'N hood, and dmii g t' e .ssion of the Court; v h a vi-;w to the rescue of the prisoneis, iire w,t.s communicated to the court hou-e, which was consuined, the jail with some diilLuihy was ptoerved from the flairds,- id iiiu pi i-oa . i s wi re kept secure. The o .vn was in geat exciteuii-nt, rumors be i::g circulated dial the confederates of the prisoners were resoiveJ to assail the per sons and property of all concerned in prq secuting the accused felons. Judge Ford, who presided, took occasion to allude to these threats and admonish those who made them, that the moral poition of the community was at least wli orgmized to protect themselves and the laws. For himself, his official station would compel him to leave his hon e, hot he gave notice trt, if in hisabset.ee, his family or proper ty should be assailed in pursuance of (he threats already made, he would, on his re turn, place himself al the head of his friends, pursue ihe otlVndeis wherever they might retreat, and judge or no judge law or no law hang them summarily upon the nearest tree. QWe learn from Springfield, that a man hy the name of Nicholls yesterday put an end to his existence, by shooting himef ihrougii the head with a musket, which he placed on an arbor in his go den, about three feel hih; lhen, standing in fiont, be called his little son, about six years old, to Witness the latlime he should .-hoot at a mark, then, with a ramrod and a match, he touched it off, and immediate- iy expired. Surlhuiupluii Mass ) Dem ucral, 21th. Legal Decision. We learn from thd Washington, (Wilkes Co.) Gazeite, that id Oglethorpe Superior Court, last week, the testimony of several witnesses was decided to be inadmi-sibleon the ground that they were Univeraltts, not believing in a fu lure state of rewards and punishments. (pA melancholy suicide Vas commit ted by the wife of a wealthy farmer near Cincinnati, who in a fit of derangement es caped from her attendants, and shot herself wi;h a rifle and the charge teaiing her her head and face, and otherwise wang ling her in a shocking mariner. From Havana. The slcam ship Nat-' chez arrived at New Oilcans on the 19h; bringmg news from Havana to ihe 15th. Hy this weleatn that a few hours previous to ti e departure of the Natchez, intelli gence icaehed Havana that -ixty-ihree ne groes fiom Jamaica, be lieved to be Aboli tionist emissaries, had eflccUel a landing on the south side of Cuba. Thirty of those black su'jcts of Queen Virions hael been arrested and ordered to be shot. The Spanish authorities were in putojit of the others. O hei wise every thing was tran quil on the island PoZflW. Hev.Mr. had travelled fir io preach to a congregation at - . Afier 'he sermon, he waited very patiently, ex pecting some one of the brethren to invite him home to dinner. In this he was dis appointed. Ore and ano:her departed un til the house was almost as empty as the minister's stomach. Summoning resolu tion, however, he walked up to an elderly looking gentleman, and gravely said- Will you go home to dinner with me to-day, brother ?' Where do you livr About twenty miles from this, sir.' N, said ihe'man, (coloring) but you mut go home w;t!i me.' Thank you; I will cheerfully.' After that lime the Minister was no more troubled about Jds dinner. 3t! j" t,l"'i: il ji' tK 1 j '' I, ,VI! It N'1 I i"1

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