SATURDAY", AUGUST 28, 1S41. n-T Tim rn (!r will find on OUT first U i w p.igc the Vreto Message of Picsident Tyler, with the comments of the Globe upon it. The Message has been hailed with undis- sembled joy by the Democracy, and with correeponding sentiments of disappoint ment, vexation and anger by the Whigs, agreeably to their Federal propensities. Another National Dank, under a different name, bu,t still retaining the odious and objectionable discounting feature, it will he seen, has been put forth, and we can but hope will meet with the same fate as its predecessor. Congress The Bankrupt bill, and the bill to repeal the Sub Treasury, have re ceived the signature of the President and have therefore become laws. The Distri bution bill has also passed the Senate, and only wants the signature of the President to become a law. A new National Dank bill has been pas sed by the House of Representatives, by a majority of 31 votes, entitled "An act to tember. thpr ran h no doubt: and it is quite cer tain that they will have time enough for repentance in the penitentiary. QMr. Justice Wiley, the New York A ttnrnpv. who for oav, received the money stolen from theFrederickcountyBank(Md.) been indicted by the UranU Jury II,. To n fuel! no inn Ward Court. He has If IS HUOIIVV h been held to bail in the sum of i3u,000 He is supposed to have confederates. FOR THE TARBORO PRESS. No. 7. The Opossom Fighter's thoughts. Now, George, take care of your shins, for I and the Secretary of I he Treasury must have a bit of a. bout on the draft and plan of a National Dank. He has drawn his, and submitted it to the consideration of Con "res'", as he ought to have done. .as an of ficial character of the United States. Bui my plan of a bank, as being a free man without office, 1 shall submit mine to the consideration of the people, the true sov ereign of the States and nation. Tor in point of rights, whether original or con slitutional, I think myself the Secretary's or a Tyler's equal; but not in point of of fiee, or talents. However, as 1 have . -i . i . i iii cyugnt some uieas in u l consider vaiuauie from the Secretary of the Treasury, and the honorable Henry Clay, on a banking fiscal agent, they may with their longheads perhaps catch a bubble from mine on that subject. Therefore 1 want you both tos'and up to your racks and 1 will not tread on your toes, if 1 can help it. Preface to 7iy Bank plan. And firs!, if the generation that has gone before us had a riyrht to form a constitution provide for the better collection, safe keep ing, and disbursement of the public rove- anJ ,a"s r1' t,lcif own government, 1 con nue, by means of a corporation to be stvled the Fiscal Corporation of the United States." It has, however, yet to pass the ordeal of the Senate, and perhaps encoun ter another veto. g3The Philadelphia United States Ga zette has the following paragraph: The Cabinet. A correspondent at Washington mentions, in his letter of Mon day night, that after a private meeting of the Whigs, it was understood that the Cabinet would hold their places and await the result of another attempt to create a fiscal agent. If that should fail, they must go out. (jpHenry D. White, convicted four years ago,of burning the Treasury Building in Washington and confined in the Peniten tiary ever since, has recently been pardon ed by the President, and discharged; facts having come to light which throw a strong doubt over his participation in the crime with which he was charged. United Stales Loan. The New York American states that the balance of S500, 000, of the million and a half offered by the Secretary of the Treasury, has been taken by Messrs. Ketchum, Roger, and Bement of that city, at 5J. American Consul in Prison. The Philadelphia United States Gazette of yes terday say?: "Captain Merriman, of the bark Iris, at this port, from Matanzas, gives information that Mr. Cross the A merican Consul at that port, had b en in carcerated in prison by order of the Gov ernor General of Cuba. The cause is not Mated, but whatever it may be it is a bold move, and one which cannot be passed over by our Government without notice. We ore informed by a gentleman, long a resi dent at Matanzas, that Mr. C. was remark able for his mild and amiable disposition, and most unlikely to give offence to the authorities of the island. A former Con sul at that port (the late Mr. Shoemaker,) also met with some indignity in the early part of General Jackson's Administration, which was promptly taken in hand bv him. and brought before the notice of the Span ish Government through its Minister at Washington, and resulted in a proper satis faction rendered in the case. We take ii for granted that what is necessary to be clone in the present instance, will be clone well and quickly." Of their iiuilt, says the New Era, gross shall be bound to keep their bank O . . of nip Ti.ia iv turn the nankin? system upside down. frt. C. All the moneys arising from the banking system in any State, shall go into the State treasury as a revenue to the State. Then the many, and not the few stockjobbers, will be benefitted bv banking Art. 7. The faith of each State shall be pledged for the redemption of the notes of each bank in the Stale to the note Holders at all times at par, as every bank shall be long to the State that it is in, and not to in dividuals nor corporations of any kind in this country nor any other. And every bank refusing to pay specie when demand ed shall forfeit its charter. This par busi w ss will put an end to brokerage and loss of citizens by discount. tfrt. S. That each State shall enter into union and agreement, that the bank mon ey of any State shall pass at par in any State in the Union. Then men won't want gold and silver only for change, as bank bills will answer their purpose, wuh more convenience, when the faith of eaeii state is pledged for them. slrt. 9. No bill shall be emitted tor a less denomination than ten dollars, and nev er loan out more than two for one of their gold ami silver stock, and payable in nine ty days in the notes of the bank of ihe same State, or any other State, since the faith of all the States shall be pledged for payment of their notes to the holders. This will put an end to bank fighting. , like bulls, to sec which can gore the hard est. Jlrt. 10 jo hanU charter shall mc lor a longer term than 20 years, and the legisla ture of each State shall have the enliie con tioland inspection thereof at all times, by committees in any manner they shall de vise; and appoint all directors, who shall be paid a suitable compensation for their services out of the income of the bank; ihe balance for the treasury, after paying all officers. All defaulters punished as felo-nv. ,77. 11. No State has aright under ihe existing constitutions to chuter any bank, nor Congress neither. Then let them be altered by the people, if need be, and the people should not let legislative bodies ride rough shod with usurped power ocr I hem and their precious right--, as they have done without constitutional power. .irt. 12. After the alterations of ihe con stitutions, then let each slate cede to Con gress the most convenient sites in each Slate as places of fiscal agency for the gov ernment, and not before. 77. 13. All the stock taken shall be ta ken by the general government, to the amount of its needs and no more; and no Washington Market, Jlus. 25. Corn! wholesale, $2 50 a 3. Bacon sides 7 a 8 cents, hams 9 cents. Naval Stores New dip, $2 20 Old, SI f0. Scrape, 70 cents. Tar, 551 25. Fish, shad, 7 a $s. Herrings, cut, $3 25; whole, $2 50 a g3 00, Hep, MARRIED, In this countv, on Tuesday morning last, bv J. .!. B. Pender, Eq Mr. tVil liam H. Piltman. of Halifax county, to Miss Martha Jinn Knight , daughter of Mr. James C. Knight. 33ticw ttmut, Jit Tarborbuuh and jYciv York. tend we have a right to uo the same. 2nd. The people, and not Congress, is the sovereign of the nation of the United States. 3rd. Congress is only a crca'urc created by the nation, and the metes ami bounds of that power is set forth in the United States constitution, to overleap any arti cle or section thereof, is usurpation on the people's rights, and I tell you both, gentlemen, that there is no such power by Inter nor words given in the United Slates constitution to thai ter a National Bank, nor can you prove it therefrom. -1th. Is there not gold anil silver enough in this country, for a circulating medium among the Slates? Yes, sirs, if it was not for the cursed banking system, that keeps it all into their vaults, locked up lrom the AUG. 28. per Tarboru. New York. Bacon, - lb 7 8 t ! Urandy, apple, gallon 50 60 40 50 Coffee, - lb 13 1G 9 13 Corn, - bushel 45 50 47 52 Cotton, - lb 8 9 8 9 Cotton bagging, yard 20 25 15 16 Flour, - barrel $6 6$ $6 6$ iron, - lb 5 6 3 4 Lard, - lb 8 9 7 10 Molasses, - gallon 40 45 22 30 Sugar, brown, lb 10 12$ 6 9 Salt, T.I. - bushel 60 65 32 33 Turpentine, barrel 150 160 225 238 wheat, - bushel 65 75 120 13o whiskey, - gallon 35 40 32 31 m JYoticc. people and out of circulation. For what, J individual, no State, no corporation, nor no 1 ask you, gentlemen? by, that stock-1 foreign nation, shall be allowed to take any jobbers may get two dollars for one. Is stock therein. not tins the mam causer It you say not, I ask you losay, if there would be a bank, cither State or national, if it was nut for .drt. 11. All incomes of this bank and its branches, after paying all its officers shall he naid into the treason of the Uni- this gain of two for one, to take the hide I ted Slates, as a revenue arising from ibis anu tallow lrom other lolks. banking, and the general government shall 5th. It is this two for one in binking that, pledge herself to redeem her notes with keeps the nation in a ferment, and ruins' gold and silver when demanded, and keep thousands of men. And the States and her notes at par value, and loan only two Congress are the authors of their ruin. Woe 1 for one on her gold and silver stock put in be to him by w hom the eometh. ! by the general government and none else, Gentlemen, wash your hands of such a ru-' charter for 20 years, and no longer. inous and national peace destroying system . Oiher things us laid down under the head as that of banking. of State banks. .A nd hundred others to fill Gib. I wish you to understand, that I , up the chinks I might oll'. r but I shall de- i .... i i i i . i . . i i i . am iMMjuseu io me oaiiKing system, wnein- sisi, wun oniy nasty outlines ol my er uy individuals, Slate or national, as be ing a ruinous, oppressive, monopolising, unconstitutional sy.-tem in all its ramifica tions. Bank of Cane Fear. The Newbern N. C. Spectator, says, we perceive by a paper wnich has been lorwardetl to us by a friend lrom Iew ork, that there is a consider aoie number ot counterfeit notes upon i his Hank in circulation. The following are list of the issues that are reputed to be counterfeited. 3'a pay Samuel Craig, Jan'y 5, ISIS, inia ns, rrcaident. 5's, let. ). pav to 1815. 10'?, let. C. pay ,0 G. Nov'r. 3, ISM. J. Adams, Jan. 1, B. R. Silby, 10's, IttterC. pay to J. Smith, Jan. 1, 50's to whom pay unknown. Jan 1816. 1, thoughts; since Picsident Ty lei's veto has thrown a National Hank ll it on its back like a turtle belly upwards, to scratch wilh its fore feet and head to turn over, before it 7th. It is the plenty of bank bills thai can ever crawl again; and killed the great makes money scarce, as in the days of the ( tusk opossom as dead as a door nail, as 1 vevolution, when a sohiier had to give 50 said. Well done, Tyler. Long live Ty- rfbolitionists Caught. Three men na med Burr, Work and Thompson, were caghi m Missouri a few days since pur 8ome sIayes tQ abJcond T' SaTt 'Sr to -nd conteneutal money for a gill of rum. Pa- er currency is a curse to any nation, and ought never to be emitted by State or na tion, ror according to your own bank plan, Si in gold or silver is worth three in paper. Shame, shame, to this imposition upon an unthinking community. Fur heaven's sake quit bank gulling the innocent. Sth. If there is not gold .md silver enough in the States to answer all the wants and purpose of a circulating medium for commerce, &c. &c. why then let a conven tion of the States be called to alter the con stitution and irive Congress thn rnntiin. tional power to charter a national bank as a fiscal agent, as we have the same right to alter and make a constitution, as the gen eration gone before us. And then, and not until then, this is the plan thereof, sub mitted by me to the people to think upon. PLAN OF A HANK. Article 1. That, the 1 legislatures of the several States and Territories should ascer tain as nigh as may be, the amount of bank capital sufficient for the wants of each State and Territory. J2rt. 2. That Congress mould ascertain lo the best of iheir knowledge ihe amount of bank capital sufficient as a fiscal agent for all the wants of Government. . L vn3l amount oe what it would, say one million or five hundred millions, no matter. -? A WKnn U LM1- wm. ,. . j,,, iiii-M- uuis oi amount arp made out in the aggregate, by the States anu congress, then let each Slate and Congress come forward and subscribe for their respective amounts of slock Art. 5. No' individual, in no State or Territory, or foreign country, shall be en- uuea to take any stock in this Bank. It shall be done alone by the States and Con grcss, and each State or Territory and Con- ler lor the next lour years, for thou hast put the Whigs to the blush and shame, and made democrats shout for joy. And 1 think now an opossom's tail is worth as much as a coon tail. God was in all this, in taking away Harrison lo bring him to the chur, to quiet the nation and nive her a little rest, and deliver groaning and fear ing democrats, weeping around the pole ol liberty, that all was gone; and preven ting congress from usurped power over the rights ol the States, and choking and stop ping the monster's mouth with the consti tution, that would have swallowed up ma ny State banks in little time into its yawn ing 111,11V, and never said enough. And 1 will now, George, bid you odieu, perhaps with my pen forever; unless 1 see my country's rights invaded. And 1 will now preach Ihe funeral of this National Hank in a few words. Democrats, the monster is dead, now cheerfully move ahead, for God is for this country I plain ly see. Then undaunted contend for civil and leligious liberty; for Tyler, David like, with constitutional aim has wielded well his veto stone, and beat out the giant's brain. So mote it ever be, to eternity. JOSHUA LAWRENCE. Late from Europe. The Columbia, at Boston, brought Liverpool dates lo the 4lh Aug. The political intelligence is unim portant. The Cotton market at Liverpool was dull, and American dcsciiptions had declined id per pound. Nat ura I Curiosilij.An English pa per mentions a youth, 3i feet high, whose body is covered with dark horny thorns, like the coat of a hedge hog. They fall off at certain periods, or rather shed. Ie is exhibited in England, and isa Welshman by birth. ILL BE SOLD, at public sale, on Friday, the 1 7 ii St piember uex't, at ihe late residence of Reading Sug dee'd, lour milelrom Taiboio', on tin road lo Sparta , or b) head of Cattle Stock of ttorsvs, mutes-, and hogy, Sett of Blacksmith fools, and a set of car penter toots - Cotton g n, and sever at other articles. ALSO, 10 -bares of S'oek in the Wil mingion and Kaleigh Riil R ad. AND, 50 acres of Swamn Lmd, ndj in ing Ihe land of James Waller and Win field D Slaton. Teims of sale, six monlhs credit, the piirchacis g'vii g bord with app oved se eurity belore the properly is removed. P. SUGG, Exr. Aug. 25, 1S11. :: ALL persons having claims pgarnst llu eslale ol Reading Sugg, decM, are hereby notified lo present them within ihe time prescribed by law, properly authenticated for settlement, or this n- tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. P. SUGG, Exr, Aug. 25, 1S4I. CIRCUS And VI cslcrnOyixHiattir . Company, tAren Under the immedhie J.iecinn r IVop.i.tors, 00 f Messrs Rogers.Shny. Mateer$jaci rjlIIK M,n,Sers,,l .his es.aWj.,,, in 1'ii-iing meir unsiirn..Li of Performances for thr nu:; J . c --'ho-',.,.- fnd VmCTS mav honor lh m wuh rl;. nn .!......:. . ; . Whence, thai the siiicte-l scrutiny is m'u m ii, 1 their SPenes selecipH l. .urn uii no Clown or ps act be cxbibi'ed Sin"-prs. nnr sholl whatever will Ihbal.lry be llsej l nlnwnj rr .Kinrroi-c ....1.-11 .J ' the IVoticc. HALL will given at Shoccu Spring, on ihe evenings of ihe fui and 2 id of September. . 7.VA7 JOUXSON. August IG'h, 1841. 2 TARBORO' Male Academy. 9 nnilK Kxcrcises ol'ihU School will re-Ji- commence on Monday, ihe I3th September next, under Ihe direction ol Mr J,is I-. Crften. Tuition at the rates prr session of five months for the vat ions Knglih branches; lor ihe Class ic, $15 Board can be obtained in respec table families in ihe villain and vicinity :i i?fl to SS per month. TRUSTEES Aug 12, IS4 I. 33 JYoticc. OST, on Satui day, ihe 24;h day of.! il ly !, on Ihe road from the Mibscti hf r residence in Com toe to T.irboio', or n the town of Tarboro', a bundle of IYotcsorHanc!, The greater part of which are as follows: One Note against Frederick June, d. eased, payable lo Ki.zahelh Cheiry, de ceased, lor 575 56, iuteiot from lt January, 1839. One do. against the sam, for i!.p hiic of negroes, piyalde to same, lor Si 10, in teresl from Ihe 1st Jan. IS 10. One do. againsl Willi Knight, for S62, interest from lsl Jan. 1841. One do against Ihe moip, for SGS, in terest from 13 Jan 1S4I. One do. against Lunsford U. Cherry, lor 76 S7, interest from 4lh Jan. IS II. One do. against Jonathan l Eason, for One do. against Jesse C. Knight, for a bout 70. There are several other notes, amounts not exactly recollected. The public are cautioned againsi trading for any of ihe a bove described notes. A suitable reward will be given to ihe finder, on said papers being delivered lo II. AuMin & Son, in Tarboro or to the subseriber. S.2LLV It. JONES. A"g. 12, 1841. 33 ey any memu. . the company, that can off-iid .hemoM de icat or sensilive ear; but every "thin,," hall be morally entertaining that heads ol I'an.tlies may introduce their wives and children lo witness those manly and a-.le feats by ihe various performer, and the magnanimity and docility of the horse. TIIF. SCENES L THE CIRCLE will combine Horsemanship. I'uvllhJ Tumbling, rfir diving, PyramiJica Dev'-es, or Animated irctitecturt Juggling. Dancing. Singing: Posurin Antipodean Exercises, Grand Cavuln Manoeuvres. Balancing, Banjo Play, ing, c., in all iheir various branch es, and with all the c fT-ct a splendid Wardn b- appropriate Music, Properties, etc., can give. THE HOUSES for beauty and docili ly aie not surpassed by any in America. THE A KEN. A will befitted up with every convenie nce and comfort; in the boxes, seats will be ?ecurelyercfed. A ROOD HAND OF MUSIC, dn. ring ihe pei formnnce, will execute a vati fly of pieces of Musical Composition, se lected from Ihe gieatest cumposers of Europe and America. Will he exhibited at T.irboro' on Tues day and Wednesday, the 3lstof August and 1st of September. Open on Tuesday at 7 o'clock, P. M. only. Open on Wednesday at 2 o'clock, P. M. and at 7 in the evening. Admittance 50 cents Children and Servants half pi ice. (Q3" I he above wi'l be exhibited at Rteenville on the 30th August, and al Kocky Mount on the 2nd S-ptemher. Horse $ Sulky for sale. A FIRST HATE and Sulky is offered foi s de the sulky is of New ark manof icinre, and is io good order. They will be sold lo;Hher or separate. Apply to GEO UOIVMD. August 16, IS II. 34 Land for Sale. npiIE Subscriber bcins determined to remove Soinh, will sell very luwftr cah, or younjr negroes, TRACT OF f,A.D, On which he live--, 4 miles from Tarboro on Ihe road lo Greenville, containing; 376 acres, most of which is well adapted to ihe cultivation ef corn and cotton. Ihere are on it several apple and peach orchards ALSO, a tract lying in Martin county, containing Relivccii I and 300 acres, Known as the Robertson Place, adjoining ihe hinds of Wilson Sherrod, dec'th Kl,ffi" Taylor, Win. Bjs, and others. Furfur- her particulars euqnire f EP. CltOMirfM A in-net q I s 1 1 32 4 . . $10 Reward, RAN.WVaY from 'he Sub eriber, on Ihe 27lh of Mr 1S40. nfgro man DJM1 Said Daniel is about thirty lor years ol agn, the ri'e of six ,ee high, dark complexion, and a liMle knot kne d, with a scar o one 5ic ..k;.hiftP not n colleded a,? has bee a small piece oi ont-ui hii nlTin a I ffl.t. MICI nero wtrig. .... ... ... - - rise of two hundred pounds, and was r " ... ... (' I forwarn on def .i .,lii- nf the law. I i lie n j lersons from n.u .. c-. p fhe win .. . ...II 3D' above icwnl lo any person me, near u h , X. C.or confine l"; -JW.V. .ethim pjrain. JlbShh U Feb. 24, 1S41. f