Bi4z waw WMmmM JuSr J. Jhi irffi rij ,N?ahy-p-"V, .f .... . ..f i i. 'l,o JV. 813. . Tarboroiish,(HdSecoinbtUuunlyitl C.J autiuilaij, ivwuW i-,, IVit? TarSaro'tgh Press, BT GKOIUJK HOWAHn, h published weekly at Teo Dollars and F'f'y ipf ppr year, if paiJ in advance or Thru Qnllarsat the expiration of the subscription year, f'nr an) P,,r'1' 'e$5i tril, a year, Twent -tn t.ntupct rannth. Subscribers are at liberty continue at any time, on trivrnr notice thereot ini pay1"?. arrears those residing at a distance, fhust invariably pay in alvancor give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. .(Irertisements not exceeding a square will In insprted at One Dollar the first insertion, and '2r tents fr every continuance. Longer advent in ments in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Ad .nrtwpments must he marked the number of in- geriions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Kdit r must be post paid or they may not be attended to. U i KecummciidccI by the Faculty. Drs. Jl. J IlnrrclPs CKL-'B.TKD PREPARED 31EDICIXES. TI1E-E NtW ANI PLEASANT KKMUDlgs COMPUISB Their Alterative Extract of S,irsaparilln and IJlood Hoot. This 18 a valuable rem dv in the cure of t!mI;i, or king's white swdline, pain in the bones, ulcerous s ores, eruption o the skin, rheum tlisui, syphilitic an uier alT'Ctouis. debilitx, ami all diseae prisi'!.: f I i impu'riiles of the bl oi, ol iupiired "islinli-iis from I mi; habits o? evasive dissipation. Pi ire $ I per bottle Their Improved Extract of Sarsaparilla and " ubtbs For the cure of chroiib diseases of iht mucous mfuihraue, such .is dysentery. Ii-tirh'irrhea. g!-ets. sinciures, hermorrhoi dill ;itT rtHHis, but especially for gouorihea In Jl its stages, catarrhs of mut'ons surf.i rf, m re particularly the lung, kidneys. k their appeMdii-es. I'ricel per Imtile. their Concentrated Extract of liuchu and Uva Urst. For curing di.eased urinary organs, such as uravel, morbid irritation and chronic infl imuiatimi of the kidneys, nre ter, bladder and urethra: also, diseases of the prostrate gland, I of tone in pas liiiK urine, cutaneous afieninus and rheu matism. Price $1 25 per bottle. Their Febrifuge or Camomile. Tome. Fur the cure of all debilities, loss of ap petite, but especially (or Fever and Ague far which it lias been .nore particular pr-pared. This medicine, is so compouu (led m to meet this irot.blesnme disease Hi all its stages, h.i.I its ingredients s powei fully couceulraled as to produce an fieri ual cure id" l be most obstinate case b Inking a lew does IVire 1 per bottle. Their wiali spasmodic or Camphorated Cordial. Designed to cure excessive vomiltinp. di irrhe i, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pai'i in the stomach, rramps, byslerics, tidies, b pucoudria, spasms, coiivulsioii Hud Hindering delirium in the low forms ! bilious lever li is a Hue substitute lot piregnric. Pi ice 75 cents per bottle. Thtir Courfi Mixture of Carrageen Muss and Squills. For the cure of dise.iseii Lunti!, rhron ic (T-rtiuiis of the stomach and bowels, ad all diseases produced b sodden chau Ks in temperature. Price 75 cents per bottle. Their Jnti bilious Tomato Pills. These pills combuie the extract of To- 'nam and Slippery Kbit, with several of most appi uved remedies ol the M;ite rM Medica, and if taken according to the iliiertions, wilt ctrr all iliseases within the reach of buinan means. As a cathartic bey are raptous and lie; as an aperient lliey are mild and certain; as a tonic the prompt and invigorating; as an altera live they are snperi-ir to calomel or any "Ihr kirot remedy, and as a purifier of ilie blood, ibey are unequalled ru the Ids bry of meilirmes. Price 50 cents per box Tlitir Superfine Tooth I'owdtr. For curing aMl hardening the gums, fleaiifug, preervinir and keenintr white the teeili, a,l for sweetening tbe brealli, rrice 50 cents per box, The above prep aratrous are offered to le public gener dly and Ptiysn ians espe riallv t not as nostrums, or p.mareii!, lint 're.t ind convenient preparations madt "'I strictTy scieutiff'- principles They r;ii 'ii'Uhe active vinues of their respective '"cre.bents, in a concentrated form, and 'H dtull in removing disease that such jn-d'n-i-iei can possibly ct. Since theii "veiition, many afll.ried with the prece ""g diseases bave been restored by tbeii ,r'ceudeut virtues;, and the great and de Arable reward of h.,Uh- still awaits thus. hd avail tbinselvuf their use accord to prescribed dinrctions. They art for i&le at tbe office of From the National Intelligencer. OFFICIAL. By the President nfihe United States of ftme.r tea. A PROCLAMATION. v hereas it ha rotn to thf knowledge of tbe (Government of the United State 'bat Nindrv s--rret L!j-lg-. Clubs, or As- so.-iaiion- exist on the in rh rn f rontier; 'bat Uie members of these Lodge are bo-ind together by secret oalbs; tbat ihev hive collected fire-arm and oilier military materials, and soereted ihem in sundry t)laee;and ihii it i.s their purpose to vio late the law-. of their country by makinu niiliiaiy and lawless ex '.ur-iions. wh- n op portunity shall olfjr. into th Ter itoi ie of a Portr with which the United State ;ire a? peace; and whereas it if known that tiaveUins agitators, from b th "ides of tlx line, visil ihese Lodges, and harangue the members in secret meeting, stimulating them la illegal acts; and wherea the 3m t)f riois are knovn t'i 1- vy eotrribu tion on the ignorant and credulous lor theii ovn ben-fi', thus supporiing and eniichtng themselves by the b.iest means; and wlv re -is unlawful intentions of thfc meliib' rs i f thes" Lodge have already been manifest ed in an attempt to destroy tlie lives and properly of the iuh biiaiiis of Chippewa, in Canada, and the public property of the IJriiiih Government there bein: Now, liter fore. I, John 'I yler. President of ihe United Stales, do ifStte this my proclama- tion, aduionishinn all such evil uiindel I persons of the condign puuihment which is certain to overtake them; assuring them that ihe laws of ihe United States will be riorotiidy execuled against their Hit d i acts; and i hat it in any lawless incursion into Canada ihev fall into the hands of the Hritish au hor tis they will noi be rt claiimd as American citizens, nor any in t rfcrence made by this Government in their behalf. And 1 exhort all well-meaning hut de ludt'd persons w ho may have joined these Loilges immedia'ely lo abandon them, and lo have nothing more lo lo wi'h their se- ret meetings, or tn. lawful oaths, as they would avoio" ei ions const oil' noes lo iheui- selves. Antllt xped ihe mtt litg nt and UN its completion ty the tailor. I h wa-veil-dipost il members of ihe community Kr was decided at Neub ny. on the 25Ui lo frown on ail these unlawful combinations' of June i tbat year, by Mr. Johii Coxe and illegal proceedings and to assist the ' ter, ol On enh.un Mills, m-ar that town, (iovt rnment in maintaining the peace ofjAi five o'clock that morning. Sir John the country ag-iiust the misch ievous eouse-1 'Thiockti'orion. ban, ptesented two Soudi quences of thl; aclsi of lhe?e violatois of the down wedder shei p to Mr. Coxeier. and hnv. the sheep weie shorn, the wool spun, the Given under mv hand, at the city of WVh- at n spooled, waiped. loomed, and wove; iugtui, the iwemy filth day of Sep- - and the doth burred, milled, rowed, dried, x. I) ih'ip eiiiu.:tiid PiMtht Islu ned. and nre?sed, and put m'd the l. s.J hundred and torty-one. and ol i tie I tub p- ndei ce of the Unued States t.he sixty-sixth. JOHN TYLER. By the President : Daniel Webster, Sec?'elary of State. (Jp'The Florida war has cost the coun try SI5,963.494, since L36. So sas Mr. Gilmer, in his late speech on the Loan bdl. (3"The amount of bonds taken for du ties at our custom-house this year to the present time is about S6.5O0.O00; the a mount of duty bonds taken for the whole of last year was about $4,500 COO, which sho s a material increase in the imports of this year. 'The exce s is probably as great in goods paying cash duty. A. Y. Juur. of Com. fJpBickneirs (Philadelphia) Reportei says: Money continues easy. Mol ol ihe short paper of a first rate kind that is submittt-d to the banks is readily discount ed. V e have plenty of small notes, an. very little difficulty is exp tiencd with regod to change. 'The last Bank veto ol Pit sident 'Tyler produced hut little effect in the monetary circle. $4 000. 0Q0 of the 12 000,000 io m auth nzed by Con gress have been taken, and it is supposed that the remaining $s, 000,000 wrll soon be placed in the market. It is thought, however, that the Secretary of ihe Treasu ry will be compelled to give six per cent, per annum for the remainder." Uesumprion resumptionW This cry is beginning so be heard, and n is full time thai it tdiould be. Some of tbe banks pro (ess to he able to resume; then, if they do not resume, ihey areguiby of dishonesty. and the people must not rest satisfied until ihev are nunished. The Philadelphia Ledger says: That ill our solvent banks will be compelled 'o resume oon, wehacj but little doubt. The time, our trade an-' circumstances all imperiously deiriind it and, unless t speedily romp, the san hostility iHti ivvin'ed ih'e de'viods tracks o ih- United States R ,n!, n nv th it the in siitution Ndriid; and beyond their power will he iriMsforre 1 loom or more of th other Phil.delp'da bmks, and kept u with ih sa ne determine I Spirit tbat closed its c ir-er. The dema id for spe.-i is a just one, n I is ijsained by the mora sense of the whole community. P e nnsyluanian CTA book-keeper of 'he Hank r-f Pe nus Ivania, named Smith, disappar some time ago wi'h a I nge amount of th Hank's money then supt)0ed to be SiOO 000. It has since a peared that the a noun s olen bv him is one million of dollars. Smith is in Texas. Insanity Theie are at present s. hospiials for the insane in ihe United State These; accommodate about IS00 patients of whom a majority b ljnred to the old in curable cl ss, b-f ire inev were removed i- ihe hospitals. y ihe census of Is 10, co rectly ascerlain.-d at ihe. Department o iaie, ihe nu mherol insme and idiotic r ported in the U. Sute-, is 1 7, 1 SI , and th population is 17.01 J,37S, which gives on insane person to 9U0 inhabitants. New World. Lusus Nnturse. YesJe-day mornin we were invited by Dr. Rogers to see child which had been born dead about thn r Hours p-evious. It appeared to be weii formed irt all r"mects, xceni the htar. which was thai of a baboon 'There w.- nO' leValion above the eyes, and ho fion' de elopement the top bring pirfecth fltt I he mother is a slave beloiiteintr it Mr. Shall, uf the City Hot. 1, ho with a veiy commend ible regard for science, ha- pieseuiru u 10 ur. IM iCKie Ol ine l.ircil- . .i . . i . at i f t stiet. Infirmary, but whether f . r dissec ""H or preset vation, we know noi pro hi bly the ladfer. 'There was a poile of hair upon the child such as rovers a monkey; the eyt s were large and seemingly blue; hot lbe nose, mouth, and chin weie baboon fn iindy. During the peiiod t-f gestation, a monke which was kepi inthe v-il. when anSry jumped upon ihe mother, and thence in all prob tbility this singular freak of nature. The child was of ihe feminine geitiler, as large as tievxly born children generally. A'. 0. Crescent. (3In 111 a g -ntleman made a bet of one thousand guim-as, that he would have a coat ma.le in the course of a single da, from the lirl process of-heaiing the sheep hands of the tailor. by four o'clock that af ternoon: and at twenty minutes past six the mat. eni rely finished, was presented by Mr. Coxeierio sir John 'Throckmor ton, who appeared with it befire upwards of five thousand spectators who rent the air with acclamations at this remarkable iuntance of despatch. JJ Judge in Prison. Judge McHenry, of Texas, has been committed lo the j il of Natchitoches, La., on a charge of negro stealing. :fi: fiaiinon Jlxcension. On Monday week, the aconau', Mr. Wise, ascended from the corner of Fourth and Market st.cets Harrisburg. Penn. The day was serenf a"1 cloudless pcarceh a zephyr stirring: arid punctual to the minute, the -erhd vessel weighed anchor and sailed a- ,oft- . r , t The Walloon rose near y perpendicularly, inclining a liille to lite Smith-east until it rt a lrd a cuisiderable h ighi. when it b re rtunl to ihe South wet and moved slowly aero the river in that dir etion. being in Hght about arr hour. In the evening Mr. Wise again appeared among the citizen, with his balloon safe, ha ing landed in Carroll tow. iship, York county, near Bill town, about 1 3 milt s distant from Harris burg. A Fanner, over whose premises he saiM, was for shooting him, but was un able to get sufficiently near. Hoston Ice Trade. There are sixteer Companies now engiged in the busines- ..f Jv;m naic.elil HOSion. i uey i uiuri- Mild ice in New Orleans at 6 cenig, am ,.. ihp const n'lent inc ease ui i-uusuiij- :ton,and the q lauiity prevented fo n melt mi; by the di-patrh tf nales, thty mak four doiurs now n "v.v. ....... w c rii- The ice is tnawed tut quare blocks not less than la incne thick, and is packed into vessels mux aivand hair, boxed witn thin lumber. n;ule ..,ir tjaht. Oie Rbston cdmpsey ).i d 70dd las; yea for he hay used fj: 'eking. . -. American silver.--Mr. F. i a-kb tr:: has placed in the Kxc ia ige a Simple of Miver, eniireiv' pure, trout the W .shing on mine, Divi . Iflrj-i cunv, N nth Ciro" The miss -veighs 277 -vi ices, and U vorth about four h nidre 1 d dhrs. As V, lo not remember t have se'en anv s lwr 'Vom mines in this oojn'ry b fr, we n ide so-H- inquiries ds tj ih mniner of btaining if, and tbe chmees of getlin nore, and the t.iho.ving is ih- r suit. The company went iuio opera ion, uu lera very advantige m ch titer t'i 'ateol" NoithCatolini. abo it the first o 'p'ember, 1940, the mine being iht n bu ;)irtially opened, and showing the bed of re to be of very gn at extent, coiriprijini: oillions o! tons of ore, of the richest kmd In the early part uf 1-41, one funnce for smelling was put into operation, wliicli uj. to the present lime, has produced 25 ton ol mixed metal, (lead and sdvev;) 'he earr smelting, from which this sample is made, .'ielding only about from one Hundred t" wo hundred and li tv ouncs silver to t:.e mi, and gradually improving -Jp to this time, when it yields five to six hundred mnces per ton of mixed metal. Within he last few veeks, two more fui'rneis lave been put in operation and three m r , naking in all s;x, will go info op r.tiji. very shortly, when the yi, I.I will equH sVom IOO I O2.000 p unci's per day, v.i lu ng from $525 t 25S00 'The proC; e Is oi ne one fiimiee inve bs en Mtfii icnt to note thin pay the expenses of ti.e iiiiif -ince going into oprratton up to the liisi ol ejiteniber. from which period the tiivi iemls of ihe company will commence. 'The office of the company Is at 24 Church AIey, where sample of the lead and litharge may be seen. a. id sny further information on the subject, may be had. U. 8 Gazette. The end of the tVurld. A small pamph let has been published on the c:mi: ent of Euiop-, and rapidly 1 I. givptg ihe re ult of a mot careful calculation by the pehte Rfiigd, vvjo jj-of.'sv s U have dis covered thai the year !S4i is the appoint ed time in the Scriptmes for th ilcsnrot on ofthe"vorld b fire. As this ilae aicrees with the lime Sft by some American ptopll e's, it will doubtless cause some sensation among the credulous and uneasy. The Missouri tim Exploded. Our read ers remt mbe the colh cmoii ol gr at bo'ies rece inly t xhihited in this city, under th name of the 'Mis.snutium.,' In t' e Y'esirin Journal of Medicine and Sur-g'-rx,' lor Aug., the trUe" cb' ra: ter f the hotT s is xpos d. The) aie, in f-ct those of the Mastodon or Mammo'h, and ;;re only of the Common size. 'Tlie tiisk of he Mas adon found by Dr. (fotth, at Big Hone Lick, in l.v02, was 18 i.cis long r than the tusks exhibited by Mr. Koch. The si2e of the iiniirial was mad enormous, by stretching out the vertebrae by wooden blocks beweeo, and by put ting more than the natural number togeth er, with some other slight nis'akes of that kind. 'This much 'lie public should know in order not to mistake, the bones' of the Mastadon, for those of a new aeimd. Cin. Chronicle. (3 Lieut Jones, a son of Gen. Jor.e. Adfutani General of the United States Army, wa.s killed m ar Baltimore on Wed ntsnay last, by a fall from a hoiSw. "IVoes Cluster Few have solitary fYoes " A sad fatality seems to have at tended ihefamilv of the late Governor of Florida, R jberl R. Reil, whose tlea'h wa recently announced. His distinguished brother, (Jeneral Keid.j was lately assassin atetljhis son-in-law. General Graham, tlieel a few days .since; his son Litut Rei', the gallant commander of tbe Sea 'u 1, at tached fo the Exploring Expedition, - supposed to he foundered off(ipe Horn, in all, seven have died in a brief period and of that numerous and distiugui.-hrd family, only a desolate widow and tw lime children are Kit. IScujctri Uaily Advertiser. The Outrase at the South M'lrket. On Sunday last the Rev. Mr. Bond, of the Melheidist bpiseopal Uhurch, accord. ng to previous appointment, attempted to preach to the persons assembled in the Vlarket House. During his prayer he was M? upted, and at its conclusion, was sa ui with a terrific yell by persons who vent there to annoy him. He was then :keu by the mob up the street with an fl owed intt-niion of putting him into the dlaboose! He was met accid. ntallv b iends and was relieved from his pe uMar- unpleasant Mtu itum. He then returned ad preached. The persons engaged in nis transaction were taken before the lie- border on Mondar. uue ol in im was 'ried on jesttrJay; tnd fined $50. 5 Loiiis irg. fjnenr ilicobrt, llte.iy died a N. Vm k; aed IpO yrnfii. leaving ah eStatts wo th onwards i.f ii otl(i,rioO dollaM. He w s originally :i ma'liiii gardener; arid ac? rj tired hts wealth by purchasing a small st-ip of find -it ?500; vthith was theri cort & dered to beirt t; e eoumry, but which iri !f oce!- of time became the ceiilfe of the business" pill of the cliy; JJThe steamer ("olumbus ssiied frortt Boston on WedheJday la?l Kuih seven pas s .ngr rs for Halifax, fortv-foor for Liver mU 12,000 Ic.ters arid 36 bushelj of levvspapers. ft'ondrrfut Prosperity A Texas Sds '"'or, sp aktng ,f the . t-emendious iucceJl :F His paper. s.ys, '-Dining th past two nouths, ihree new subscribers" havfc beeri i Me l td oiJr lid; a i l w have received o.e gall j,i f whiskey foe inserting a coits pie of mariiage notices.5 pilctithn. deficiency in the i oti it of Henry VV. Jou-s teder in thai Merchant's and M. clnnies Hank, in Troy; N Y.; was discovered bu Thursday; says he Tioy Whig, td . the amotint of about ?.w,000 Joues left the city the eveninr previoiM wish a female companion, ana lia- b en traced as far i. Sehe'.e'iStly, haV iogarrived there in tie eV ning train froni Albmy on Wedn?d -y. An officer front New Yoik started in pursuit cf him in the veni g ira.n on Thu3iay, and would probb.y ovei take him hOdld he stop on t tie way. The Afnney Recovered VVe iindef stand th:.t ihe per-ons who robbed the Heikimer doiinly hank; were overtaken: t S.,n ly Hi an. I ar ested. All the mo "ey, w i h the exception of $23 was reco kn-ili Commercial stfi)erliser. Yellow Fever. Tbe New Orleans Bee of die I5'h uMto., savs lie ellow fever is r-gir.g in that ci'v with greater malignity ! ad it has for years hef jre. In the sud dff.i es of it-dttar-ks, antl the rut'd ssnesrf' with which ii prostrates ali etas ei .f ron resident p-.puiatiohi s.rid the appalling ra-' P'tlity widi which it has extended from' h spital to private prattuej it has raiely ever been frxc edl.",. 'I he Editor of die Bee rtas cfirr rjired the number of deiil: wiih tose o '37 and 'J9. At the worst p r od of 1839, the numbe r of tleaths wa. 189 per week, and th last " ekly statement for this year bews 245! per week. -:Th'- numb-r of in'errr.ents range from 35 to 42 per da ! It wijl be recollected tbat this was pre dieted diiring ihe summer in a no ie f 'he lTpasian winds," which visited Ntrr Orient. s in July and August. Exlraordinary case of s6MrtambuU ism A case eifa rnot siugtiLr character o:curri:il ai IL rtford, on Friday tVcck I he fat ts aie well authenticated. The somnambulist is the servant of a" gi?i.tb man in that etiy. On awaking in the morniee, about nine o'clock he observed that his cheek was wounded and bit edirig, and his clothe- veii.' no placid as iie had disposed hc.ii on Ihe previous night, exclaiming, V h:-re am I? what's the mattei?' Dur ing the intervening hours frorft five lo the b-urat which he awoke, he had it is prov ed, rien and dre.-Sed himSt If, knocked at the door of the female serVarits, unlocked Mid unbolie-d the front door, Walked down he sl.ed to a meadow, for the purpose of noul ng his master's ht-rsei anel riding ove r to W'ithing'on. fo lot.k after one of is masu r'scowsf unlocked tde gat of the meadow, caught the horse, saddled and brwdeti it, and i t orit on hi journey; had fdln t ff on the road, been picked up, ard taken into a house neaf ihe turnpike, ex amined by a strfgebn. led borne, several times answering to every question put to him, l don't know." and had been put to bfd, all i a state of the most completely ui.eonsciouness,and was qui't oblivious of the whole train of adventure on awak-..-ing London paper. To eiire At ihtutt .I'm mediate relief ' ma be had to the victim of (hi distressing disouier by burning in ihe room a sheet of white p?per, v 11 saturated wi h a solution '.f saltpetre. The rebef is but temporary out ihe frequent use ef salpetie does not lessen rts efficacy. 1 tie write r of this haav wituessed the relief afforded in so many. iiisiancesj that he hopes the above recipe?- mav be generally circulated for the btnttit ol.sfirei8. Vulmiblc recipe. When a crack is rffg. ctivtrtd in a stoie through wbi.-h lhe;fir. r mr.oktf e- e. ra'e. the aperture may he coiiipbt'dy cod ina moment, with eo r,,. s: ioa coos'sti' of wood as'.e n sab, n adeiitlo pas e vith h liitle water, plastered over the crck. Tho good tfl ct is e qually cct tain, whether & tove be cold or hoi,, GJ50. HOWARD, Jgent.