I to. reai Wl Whole JSmo. 8 l ft. Tarhorangh, ( t.dtcombt County, C.J outuntay, OUvhw B. u4i Jof ATf Vo 42 jVir Tarhorough Press, BY GF.OR.3E HOWARD, Is published weekly at Two Dollars and F:f!y f(t,fs per year, if paid in advance or Th ee Ihllir at the expiration of the subscript ion ve-,r. Vr anj period less than a year, Twihi-ftvr r ,;ifs nor month. Subscribers are at 1 ihrt v to continue at any tiiriP, on srivin-r notice thereof ami pavini arrears those residmar at a distanee. must invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible rcfrrrn(,p in l,1,s vicinity. Vfivertnements not pxceedinj a square will be insrrtod at ne H"Har tl first insertion, and -pnts for every continuance. Longer advertise- mpi,ts i like proportion. Court Orders and Ju jici il advertisements '25 per cent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the nomW of in sertions required, or tney win ne eonunue.i unni otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Kditor must be post pnid or they may not be. attended to. Recommended hx the Faculty. Drs. A. i$' . UarrcllU CV.X.vTiW ATKD PREPARED JIEDICIXES. TUK'E NKW AM PLEASANT UEJ1KUIKS COMPUISE Their .literati rr. Ext met of Strsnparilii and Blood Hoot. This i a valu ible rem -lv in the cup of srrnf'il.i, or king's white sw-dlinir, pain ill llie bones, ulcerous Sres, epiptious o! skin, rheum rtisoi, syphilitic :iud mer ciriil afT-dions. debility, and all disease arisiiiLT from impurities of the blood, ol impiired constitutions from long habits oil etressive dissipation. Pi ire $ I per bottle. Their Improved Extract of Sarsaparilla and t'ubtbs For the cure of chrome diseases of the marius membrane, such as dysentery. Ipucliori hea. gleets, strictures, hermorrhoi d.il alT'Ctions, but especially for gonorrhea in all its stages, catarrhs of niurun? surfa-ro-i, ni -re particularly the limes, Kidneys, kiln-ir appendices. Pi ice Tp'' bottle. their Concentrated Extract of Buchu and Uva Ursi. For curing diseased urinary organs, such as uravel, morbid irritation and rlironic iufl (imitation of ibe kidneys, ure ler?, bladder and urethra: also, diseases of (lit? prostrate gland, loss of tone in pas sing urine, cutaneous affections and rheu matism Price $ 25 per bottle. Their Febrifuge or Camomile Tonic. For the cure of all debilities, loss of ap petite, but especially lor Fever and Ague fir which it has been .uore partie nlar! pr pared. This medicine is so compoun ded as to meet this troublesome disease i'i all its stages, t:id its ingredients so P'Hverliilly concentrated as to produce an Ipi tual ru re of the most obstinate rases b liking a lv doses Price $1 per bottle. Tlttir Anti snasmwfie nr ( amnlinrntpi! Cordial. Designed to cure excessive vnmitting, 'liaiihe.i, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, j! si iii in t'lp stutiiach, cramps, hysterics, ndies, p'irfuidria, spasms, convnlsion and muttering delirium in the low forms of bilious Over It is a fine substitute for pneeorir. Pi ice 75 cents per bottle. Atir Cough Mixture of Carrageen Moss and Stjuihs. F'r the cure o diseased l.ung, chron "" iifl 'ctimis stomach and bowels, 811 ! all diseases produced b snd!eu clian PHS in teiiijieralure. Price 75 tents per b.Mile. Thrir -Inti bilious Tomato Tills. T In- pills couibuie the eMraci of T" DHo ami Slipper Elm, witli several d '''e most apirov (I remedies of the .Mate n Medica, an I if taken acroi dint: to the d'''e lions, will niv all diseases ilhin the r' h of hum in means. As a cathartic are copious and free; as an aperient ' ,ey are mild and certain; as a tonic they piompt and invigorating: as an altera llv tlu'V are superior to calomel or an 'tber known remedy, and as a pui:fi.-r of '!ie hli d, they are nneq-ialled in the bis l'r of medicines. Price 50 cents per box. Thtir Xvpt-rfine Tooth I'owdcr. For curing and hardening the gums neiMiinr, p,HSrrvig ail(j keeping white '? te-tli, a.ul for sweetening the breath, 1 nee 50 cents per box. I he above preparations are offered to "'P-bhcgener dly and Physicians espe "illy, not as nostrums, or panaceas, but as 'teat am convenient preparations made " strictly scientific principles. They con !"'' ,,,e active virtues of their respective 'rediems, in a concentrated form, and do all in removing disease that such !,,0'li'-ines can possibly effect. Since their 1 VHntion, many a(Thrted with the prece diseases have been restored by tbeii 'M'isceudent virtues; and the great and de s,r-ble reward of health still awaits those nl avail themselves of tlir use accord u,a; to prescribed directions. They are for sale at the office of GEO. HOWARD, Agent. From the N. w Vork Evening Post. A LETTER FROM CRN. JACKSON. We are pieced to pulilish the following eharacteritic letter from General Jaekon. Nolliing less fia-jk. less manly, or I, n guanimoiis, eodd hae been expeefd from the ve ioraMe occupant of the Ner nitajre Mr. Tvlt-r bis lea-on to hr proud of the gciicrons bin discriminating ppro'.:;on of the honet and fearless paf riot, wIio-ih opinion in all questions m which true dignity and honor are conceiv ed, is worth moie ihm th:it of all t e ('lay-, Web-ters, T all ma ges, and B.lls that the world ha- produced. Gen. Jackson shows th it he i still faith ful to the cauv( of i he people; and, describ ing the nature of Government, insists up on giving tin? simplicity and directness to it-action, winch alone c m secure i's high est ad v miner s. In ivgaid to his own course on the 15 ink qnes ion. Gen. Jackson makes om very in-port an observation. lie cmsi.i ered his own labors but the commence ment of a reform in the banking system. It was not enough tint a National Hank should bi dstrod; it was not enough that an Independent Treasury should be instituted, so lon as the vicious principles which make a National Bank objectiona ble, operate with full force in the local banks of the Slates. The fine compliment which the hero pays to Mr Van Buren, bistaily and lonj tried friend, is abundantly deserved. Hermitage, S-pf ember 11. 1S41. Sir: Y'ur lelier of the 2Sih ultimo, with its enclosure the resolutions of the Dem ocratic Republican Mass Convention, held in the (Jth ward of the city of New York, on the 2 lib of the same month have been duly received, and are acknowl edged with sentiments of profound gtati lude for the honor they confer upon me. The state of my health, which is now much disorder d by an attack of lever, does not allow me to expre-s at length the rt flections excited in ni mind by the pat i loiic views embodied in the reolu' ions. I cannot nfrain, however, from sax ing that they meet generally with my concur rence, and particularly th.U which gives praise to Mr. T h r for his veto ol the Bank hill. If he but maintains the posi tion he has assumed against this gn at lever of Fedei a ism, this deadly foe to the prin ciples of our Government, the d-stgn- of that pariy, in other respects, will he h ss ddlhUil to conn, ei ad ; for the ship of Stale, : teat-veil of the cortupi influence of a Bank of the L'nitid M itts at its helm, will nalu-! rally nghi itself. j 1 1 is i rue, a gt cat error was committed' in the tepeai ot the Sub-treasury, but this may be remedied while theie is no B.oik; substituted in its sb ad Ti.e people aie; nut .-o mui.b for forms; they go for sub-tan- j ccs .'or praciic.d me. .suit s measures that i Will in-uiv economy ami accountability in the aimiuisiritiout of govt rumen; that will make the taxes as light as is consi.-ti nt with tne puulie sakty; dial will cure the aj. plication ol the pu iiic moneys at all limes am! in all pl.u ts to c,nsiituiional ob jects Muse aie the tilings which it Would bo the oiiice ol a n.mk to thwart, and tin y aie the tlin gs which it would be the tendency of the .Sub- I lea-uiy to pro mote; and hence, I believe, thai that sys tem, or something like it, cannot be long oij-peu.-td vv n n. iJtAibiles the President believes that the ub 1 reasury h s been condemned by the pe pie, and so he-n ving, be ought not lo be cciisurtd lor giving big sanction to us it peal. But the indept m ence he has niaioiesUd in the veto, au bonzes us to hope thai he will deal l.nily and canuidly with the whtde sutjeci belt afti r, and that he wnl conform hi policy to t lie princi ples ol the Virginia M-iiool ol Republicans. You are pie.iseo to reler in term- oi OiUcii commendation to the course pursutu In me on the subject of the foimer B.nik charier. 1 acteti at the lime under a high sense ol duty, and derived much satislac tton from the many evidences 1 have re ceived, even from many who then cen sured me, of the approbation of my coun try. Hut, sir, 1 consideied my labors as but the commencement o! the work of re form in legard 10 the banking system. Much higher praise is due io Mr. Van Bu ren, against whom the whole force of the spirit ol monopoly was brought lo bear. It has driven that distinguisned statesman and unpretending patriot into retiiemeut, but il has rendered him dearer than ever io his country, because of Ihe noble sacri fice he has made to the cause of equal rights. I My strength failing mo, I cannot follow out inese r. nations. Every etf.irt to wrile admonshes me thai my life is nearly spent. Let me conclude, therefore, this hastv an i imp rfect response tQ your letter, with an assurance to mv Republican and Democrat ic fri-n-ls every where, that I am proud of their respect, and hive a-i abiding fiith in thesuccessof tlieir effris to s-eure the hh-ssings of free lom and equal rights to themselves and their posterity. Very re spectfully, your fellow citizen, ANDREW JACKSON. Garril Gilbert, esq. Indian war upon Texas A letter from R. A. Calo'vav, Sub-Agent for the (Kiges, dated -0s.ige National, Aug. 23. IK41," is published in the St. Louis fja 7. tte of the 8th inst.. which svs that the Osajje people had, not lonn since, return ed from their summer's hunt on the sou'h western pnrtof ihe Oianl Prairie, bringing with them two white peison, whom the purchased from the Cumanche Indian vhile out, one a vo-mg Spanish woman, i the other a girl of 9 or 10 years, said lo have been taken from the people of Texas The Osages say ihe-e people have many white persons among them. Thev say father, ihat the Cumanches are oulv waiting for the leaves to fall from 'he trees, to m die a general aUack upon -he whole frontier of Texas. Piopositinn were made for the Osages to send thm our hundred warriors, which the Osag s refu-ed,on account of their friendship for die white people. A pipe has been sent to many, if not all the tribes on this side ol the mountains. How far they may suc ceed, time alone will show. They have appointed a place of general rendezvous somewhere not far from Houston. The St Louis Gazette adds: "Another gentleman from the same place informs us thai he conversed with an Osige chief on this subject, who informed him that there was no doubt the intention of the Cu munches. The had sent a pipe to all the adjoining iribcs and solicited their co-operaitoii. He also told our informant that Ihe Cumanches had procured the aid of a tribe or band of men who were not Indians, amounting to several hundred; from the th scription given, our informant supposes them lo be either Spaniards or Mexicans. The Cumanches are reported to have some seventy five or a hundred white children w ith them, of whom they make servants." The end of the World in 1 S43 ! ! Wc are indcb'ed to the politeness of some one, the publisher we presume, for a copy of the '-Report of the General Conference of Christians Expcting the Advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ," held in Lowell, Mass., June, 1841. The pamphlet contains a number of discourses, dissertations, &.c, the object of w Inch is, so far as we can comprehend them, to show that Christ's Second Coming, to judge the vorId, to rai-e ihe th ad, xe , sic , is io oe looked for very soon. They do not affirm, in so many words 'hat the event will certainly ocrurin 1S43; but they appeartobe disci ples of M r. Ai iller, and to go fully into all his notions. Though perhaps not exactly Willi- gto commit themselves with him on an particular year, or month of the year; still they appear lo have endorsed Ids the or in substance, and to have united with him in pulling the world right on the sub ject in question. Bib. Bee. Fortunate Recovery of Money It will be recollected that a lew month since, Messrs Marie & Dc:copet, brokers in Wall street, were robbed by a young man, a cler k of theirs, whom they hat! sent io the bank for 9000 It appears that the young man fl.-d to Quebec where he took pa-s;ige for England. Hy a letter sent to a rela tive tins fact was disclosed. One of ihe narties interested immediately took pas sage in a steamer, and, as we are informed, ! .nived in England just in time to he on the spot when the young swindler reached the port of destination. On being arrested he disgorged eight thousand seven hundred ol his ill gotten tie sure, having disposed ot tlnee hundred dollars. The parly who .eni i pmsuii relumed on 1'hursday, in a Meamer. 1'ennsytv'tnian. Ji Request At the Anti-Slavery Con ventioo held in this city last wtek, it was Kesolved, That this Convention respect fully request the President of these U. Matesto emancipate his slaves." Hartford Times. Great Reward. Messrs. Brown, Brothers &. Co., otfera reward of Si 0,000 for the apprehension of the pretended Jno. p. Cauldwell, who by forged letters de frauded them of gy5.G00. Bank Robber and a Murderer Es caped Prison. letei received at Si Louis, dated the Hth inst, stated tnat Jacksonville is again in an upio.tr, Cdtistti by the escape of Town, the bank robber, and Gardner, the murderer, who was sen- 'enced to he hung. and whop time expires the first Monday of October. Ledger. Steam han I 1ccnfe,,ts nn th" Western ,r i h- Cine:noa:i" rh "ican gives a li?t nfrh" nco J.-nN to s eamba's on t lie Western " at--rs. uj co; onter its no.tc-. Im .hmiary I yt to Scp- lemb-r 1-f, by which it ap-.s that tw.;:.. ty-two were srngd, nine sunk or i r.jufrw! y coili-ton. lo ir b-irned. two bur-i di. ir i-i .... . .. notiers. hp e?tin:iteii nsa Uv t, i j ' J 1.350, 000. Th-::diovp: it is s , id, do not inciii'ie m ire tn m two tli-f Ms ol me acci dents whiu-h have happened in the months ;s stated dbive. More Grand Forgeries From ac counts reeeiverl this niornit g. sa s ti e Ne Vork ILoald tif Saturday, we have every reason to b-lieve tha: tife celeir !l "Fi iar,cier" of lavt spri.ii, has ell ( ted ano'li r grand haul of prolnhly S '.00,000, by firgerie- on the All mtic cities. In addition to the forg ry perpetrate on the Messrs. Urown, as stated m a New Orleans pp-r, we Iea-n that the house ol j g-iher with a s-nail amount f cash. The Messrs. Ciib-irn & Co. ihe agents of j books are the Individual I edger. Gcncr Meichsr, Alexander & Co. of London. at Ledger. Jilt ILmk. and Dise.intt Ftnnk. have been tuck for S 5 000 This amoont was procured b the smie me-ns as th t obtained from the IJro.vi.s. A hthr of .Tt'dil was received fr0m New Of lea: s ad isina;them of a shipment, of cot o i to i leiener x .Alexander, ot London, and authorising the house in New Y.-rv to ne- I.! . a .1 . . . gotiate for jSvi5,000. Thi amount w as transmitted in twenty five one thousand dollar bills of Ihe Hank of America, to the person in Georgetown or Alexander. The amount obtained of the Browns ws S26,000, and it wa senl to the ' finacicr' according to his request in funds of the District of Columbia- On receiving t he cash the fellow had the cool sarcasm to re turn a letter of lhanks "for the p'omptiiude and accuracy" in following his instructions. Thus far has it been developed but it is supposed that houses in rhiladt. Iphia, Hos- Ion, and other cities, have been defrauded in a like way. Ithassdso been expected jeegar. Not wishing to deprive him entire hy the police here that another grand haul I ly of so favorite a h.xurv, the emnlover wuuio oc maue, ami u n reucoes oiou,uuu we should not be surprised. The chief of this corps of financiers is supposed to be a native of New York, well acquainted with the modes of transact- 1. . 1. i X' . ' V inj; business between New Vork, New Orleans, and all the large citks cf th country. Doings in Texas. More Wholesale Lynching. A week or two ago, ny s the Natchitoches Herald, wo g.ive an recount of the trial of one Jackson, in Harri-on coun'y, Texas, for murder; of ti e manner in which he was Iritd, how he w as acquit ted, and how he and some of his rends then seized the county Judge, McIIenry. and biought him inio Na'chiioches, where he is now ;n jail, awaiting his tiial, under an indictment for earning oil nt fir 'ts Irom that pansh. It now appears that when Jackson returned to Tex:s he "as attack eti ard killed by forr or five U ir !:(! id Mchenry ; and they, in Ineir turn, h-tve been cap-ured and hung, w it lout any e re mony, by the iriends of Ja? k-on. Whore is this bloody tragedy tot ml? A'. O Picayune Uighly Important from Mex'co knottier Revolution L-;c bst evening we receivt tl some highlv impoitant intelli gonce from Yucatan and Mx c. That fiom Mexico is down to the 27ih ultimo, ano from Yuo.van to the 1st inst. Another revolution iias broken out in Mexico, and Santa Anna, is again in the ascendant. On the ISth ultimo, fiuadalaxara. in Mexico, under ihe contn atui td (ienorai Paiedes, pioclainu-d for the abolition ol the liltt en pet cent, thity, w hieh had b-en recent ly L vietl by (iovt-r nnn.-n, and in fa vor ol a Congress lo be elected by the p o ple. This cieattd a great del of excite ment. The new s of this great outbreak recru ti Vera Cruz on the 24th uli. and Santi Anna immediately proclaimed in favor of the same measuies. lie tiespa'cneii troops on ihe 25 h lo occupy the principal castle and lorts between VtruCiuzand the cny of Mexico. On the 29th, Vera Cruz also declared for the revolution, antl then the train was almost complete for ihe overthrow of the Central (Jovernment. On the same after noon Santa Anna, who had about two thousand troops under his command, seni off asufficient number to take possession of Perote, a castle which commands the com munieatijn between the city of Mexico and Vera Cruz. They reached there on the 27th, just as the English n ail was leaving, and it is by this means that w e have received the news. As soon as ihe General of Puebla heard of what had hap pened, he despatched three bundled hur.-e io the assistance of tne Perote, but Sania Anna had possession thereof before these troops arrived within six leagues of the place. Herald, 9 Aiysterhmx Ocrtrrence A valuable jC.rnas;.", w rth piobiby fi. e or ix hun jdrrd do!la-s. v i. liir e tir four tlay since, discovert..,; h'j l u-hes. near ihe 'ie, siiuded several I r'vfis iil road. It th. re weie no hors;9 J To m ot a "Mr ' mii-s on' ( n i:t!! t; va ejrii. Iv Otnt'tV -,;t..c!,ed to it or found in ihe icinity, and nmhipg v. a- ,en wrich mitthi lead to ihe dis.-.,vei V o( u i o was its owner, when it i wr. . !, f( r i m what circumstances, ex- .c. !-,,. . r i r. i-i - -m'-:n i.-c iii oie mae.uiaciurer, wuicri we did not b arn, o.-d the place where it vns manufactured Richmond. Virginia. I i e deseition o! ' ? valuable piece of proper ty in tiie m tl-t o! a peaceful community, without npp.Mentcai.se, leads to the supi Cion i'iiit here has hern foul play Used wi ll th- owr-er. -vliot yi r he may have )een. I he. horcs b. itj gone, lents to coidii-rri !his -us(jici on Pittsburg Chr. Wfio hut go! I hem The "Witness," ett. vide, Arkansas, contains an otTer of ;500 tevvaid for the b oks of the bank at ha! olaee. vvhieb s iroi-bdiiv b.-i lr!fn. In. Tiie lion i; '-vvns tnttied." they say. ry likely. Louisville Advertiser. Ve- Mineral Point Bunk. The Galena fi zette s.iv-: "We understand that the . - i.omsni sioncrs rtppoitited In wind up the concerns t.-f the MiY.e'al Point Hank, find ! the vault en!?v. and no n.-sels with which to red-em ihe eirculaiion." Bank vs. L'gi.sluliv' Restrictions. Col. S'fgc, of Philadelphia, admirably hits fi the tol d inefiiciency of legislative re stricliot.s in re-tn-ining banks from the perpetration ol fraud and injustice. He says, a clerk in a store at Mobile was an inveterate, smoker. His employer find ing his customer s complaining of the filthy habit, remonstrated with ihe clerk. The latter said he couldn't heln it: he must smoke, and that he would die without his agrteti mar nis clerk should smoke one. but only one segir a day. Hut what was his surprise when coming to the store next .!... i.. r i .i i u , ne iuuuu me cieiK smoking a sesar I hive fitt long!- He stuck to the rule, it I . . ' is true, and only fmoktd one segar a day; hunt took him all day io smoke it! Just so with the banks! Civc iliem an inch end they will s on stretch it to an ell, or longer, ii their wishes or interests prompt them." .7? Extraordinary Man. In our pa per oi y esu-rday morning iheie was a short notice of the death of Lewis Con ehus, of Miiford, Pike ccunty, Pennsylvania. In the Lei. gei of yesterday we find the fol lowing more extended account oi him: '! ni.-gentleman was one of the most remai k.ihlc persons, in respect to size, in tiic pies nt a'.e, and is only excelled by ihe ceiebiated Daniel Lambert. Mr. ( -orr.clais was six fee i two oi three inches ; hih, r.)' :?yrm s x feel aiound h"s b.dy, j and ju.-t pn vn n.-!v to il.e ilme-s which :!" inateo iii.-oealh, weighetl 721 pounds, j He f- ii 11" in const qm hoc tl sii kne.-s, and j;dhr tie.itu weighto hu 6S5 pounds. Such was hi t xiraoniinary weight, that an inch ope uad lo bt um d lor his btd-cord. His wile is a tall, -pare woman, and his family eonsi-ts of eight chih ren, ihe youngest of whom is ten yiais of ae. His grown, childien take afiet ihef.therin respect to height, one of the sons bcii g six It el and one inch and a half high, 'i he celebrated Daniel Lauibt n, who stands unrivalled in weight ol hotly, nat bed, we believe, 739 j pounds, only 18 more than tha' of Mr. i.oi neiiu-, a d the renown of Daniel has pUicd bun an c: g ihe wondtis of the wond. Mr. Cot ucliits was i.arnly less re-ii-arKrfLie a pi r-oo, nod tilled nearly as gtCil u space in the world. (3 A Fein de tiou esiic in I ne Ameri can ilo:ei, Huff . o, fell witn ihe balustrade, fiom the top of ihe building to il.e aitna uelow, a distance of 57 ie t, equal to six stones high, and susramen no oilier injoiy save brejKtng a limb. That she esc.ped insiauiuueous ucMi uctiuii is the wonder of all. Important Arrest. The rogue who Commuted the recent forgeries by which he obtained the lar ge sum of $52,000 Irom Messis. Jliown, brothers and Co. and Mr. E. Con ie, jr. of New York, has been ar rested in Philadelphia, and S43,000 of the money found in bis possession. For the present ihe particulars are deferred, but a day or two will bring ihem io light. Baltimore Republican. Suicide Wc regret to learn that a gen tleman named Thomas Armstrong, for merly ot ih city, anu recently, n ,3 De. h-v-ved, of New Gj leans, pjt an end to his existence yesiernay morning at liarnum'a Cttv Hotel, by stuoting himself with a J pistol. Baltimore Republican.