Whole. JW. 8 12 Tarhnroiiiclu (Edgecombe County, j C.J Saturday, Jpril 30, 1843 Vol XVlllXa 17 The Tarboroitgh l9ress, BV G KOHOE HOW.VUn, Is pnl)lished weekly at Two Dollars nut Fifl Cents p(r year, if paid iti ml vatice or Three lllars at the expiration of the snhscri ption year. For an j period less than a year, Tn'c-it tf-fioe t per month. Subscribers are at liberty tr discontinue at anytime, on (riving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing At a distance, must invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exceedinrr a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and -2." cents for every continuance. Longer ad vertise meiits in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of in sertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Ivlit or must be post paid or they may not be attended t o. FOU THE T AH 10 HO EMBLEMATICAL. Gay little butterfly. Where wander's! thou? Stay, do not flit me by, liest with me now. Uright yellow wings have you, Lit thee awhile. Lovely thou art to view, Sweet is thy smilei Gay little butterfly. Slay nrw w 1 1 It me; Languishing anl lovely, Singing to thee. As o'er the meadows thou Stretches! thy wing. Or nearer fan my brow, Leaving no sting. Light-hearted butterfly, Li -.ten to me. While 'round the zephyr's sigh, Breathing with me. Farewell, thou vvanderest Happy and free. Neglecting e'en to list Music from me. IT. D. W. ntKss. From the Globe. THE NE.V NATIONAL DEBT. ( Federal Whigery has been in power one ? year, and already one of its great measures perhaps the greatest, for it is the founda tion of all the rest a national debt, is fast ened upon the people A national debt of twsnty-six millions now exists! seven teen of it to the loan bills, and nine mil lions in outstanding treasury note-, bearing interest indefinitely till pud. Twvnty-six millions in amount, and twenty years m v ft duration, is the length and breadth of the :f present debt; and if this is its growth in one $ year, what will it be in a few years, if F-de-' ral Whigery remains in power? Mr Van Buren's administration, in consequence of the deposite of twenty seven millions with the States, and the inability of many banks 3 to return what ttiey recei ed. was five and a rv hilf millions in debt when it terminated, which it would have paid oil -with two years . jt of the land revenue: deduct this from the to ff tal amount, of the debt, and you have, ah mt J twenty one millions as the work of Federal role for thirteen month! These are fine I doings for men who were to carry on the Government for thiiteen millions a year, " and to whom the late administration left an extra supply of five millions of treasury a notes, over and above the current income ot the year! The administration of Mr. Van Buren left to its suecefsors twenty-one millions of means for the year 1SU, accr T ding to the report of Mr. E ving himself! It is gone, and twenty-one millions of debt ' incurred or authorized, in addition ! and one heavy tax bill, and another still heavier on the anvil. Can the country stand such for v" four years? The old Federalists of '98 were jpuagons of economy compared to Federal Whigery of ' . The Special Mission. The Wash in g ton correspondent of the llanisburg Gaz- ette says: i f 'It is whisnprnd. and I think with yood .j j ' - -1 - ' cause, that there are other and secret objects calculated to be obtained by this visit. If it V, vvas on'y the open and known questions which were to be decided, Mr. Fox, the resident minister, is well informed on them, and the ultimatum of his Government V could have been made known through him ? 1 hear it asserted, and g.ve credence to the (Statement, that Ashburton comes empow "ered to purchase an assumption of th . debts of the States by the United States; that is, that the United States shall issue bonds to the amount of 200,000,000, and j substitute them for the bonds now held in i Europe against the individual States. It i I further stated that this was the design con I templated previous to the election of Gen .Ural Harrison, and which took Mr. Web Ister to England, in which visit he wrote th ' Celebrated letter to the Barings, and foi " ,'hich he received 5000. The brokers ii. dhia country and Europe then entered into a contract, it is said, fo advance so much money a was necessary to defeat 'the will of the people by the election of Givrif Harrison, and as that was accomplished, the Whig pariy now in power stand ere I ited 01 the account current between them and the brokers with l ,o!K),00() a tin amount of good which the latter received from that election, although an inscrutable Providence defeated, by death, the cuibmn mation of their unholy designs which would have been perfected if Harrison hid lived. This is believed to he th i principal object of tins extraordinary plenipotentiary being ent to' this country. From the Raleigh Slandtrd. MONEY MARKET. Sincaour last, Virginia Bank Notes are videnilv inclined to grow wnre, though they cm yet hi disposed of at. from 4 to 5 percent, discount below North Carolina: nit they niU't necess.tr ly go down stiil lur iher, as the lime upproxi mates for the re su nption of our Banks, which, as we have before st ed. we feel very well assured will and must naiv take place on the lirst of May proximo; as we believe our othr North Carolina Banks are as reidy and wdlingto resume, nn the early day named by the Bank of the St. te, as that Bank is; and unless this nio nf si (i lion is tor effect, merely a put off on the people as a disposi tion to act fairly and honest ly, in the re demption ol their note: when, in fact, h is no I intended to do so. (which we are un willing to believe4) the Banks of the old North Stale will soon he in their proper position which we iiope they will ever here d'ter maintain, a in good faith and good morals too, they are bound to do. Our Banks aie doing very little or no new bu-niK'ss, so that the pressure in mo ney matters is not at all abated, and we -really hope that thi very proper course in the Banks, to put themselves in a position to pay their debts b,-lbie tluy extend their loans, will teich our people a homely les son "to earn their money before they -pend it" (we wish we could get ours af ter, we have earned it) which is the Hue specific against hard times and Bunk sus pensions. We quote this week Farmer's, Exchange and Bank of Virginia Notes at - 4 to 5 discount. Brinks of Western Vir ginia - - 15to25 " o Exchange on New York - 4 per ct prem. " Baltimore - none. " Philadelphia - none. ' Petersburg and other places in Virginia - 2 to 5 di. These quotations arc made on North Carolina Bank Not-s, which are 3 to 4 per cent, below specie. Bank of the State Stock, 100 to 107 for Si 00 paid in Cane Fear " 90 to 100 do do ! Raleigh . U Bonds gmran- tied by the Slate So to 90 I Raleigh &" Gaston R. R. S:ok 10 to 12 for 100 paid in I Wilmington &. Raleigh j R. R. Stock 20 to 25 for $100 paid in j List sales heard of. j Xctu York and Philadelphia quotations Stocks, New York Siate, (J per cent $80 to 82 on the 100 Ci y " 93 to 99 " 44 Penn'a 5 per ct. Xi to 35 " 44 Ohio " G per ct. 59 to GO " " ' Illinois" G pvr ct. 15 to 15 " Indiana 4-5 per ct. 18 to 19 4 United States Bank of Philadelphia 2 S7 to 3 25, iSlOO paid in, and the Notes of the same Bank G3 to G5 percent discount. So it appears tint the credit of the Old North State is yet above thai of the three I arg 'st and wealthiest States in the Union, Ohio Pennsylvania, and New York; and thus it will always be with honest people and honestly 1 managed institutions. Al though they may not loom so large or show off so gaudily in days of great prosperity, yet when adversity comes, their prudence and abstaining from hazardous adventures, inspires confidence; and while the miflioi are explodes in disreputable bankruptcy, the caieful man, and prudently managed Slates or Institutions, safely ride out the storm, honestly redeeming their promises and keeping their faith to the whole coun try never suspending or repudiating their debts, because they prefer keeping their money to their faith, and deem it 'letter to repent of a deviation from recti rudeand good morals, than to lose a few dollars by honest and plain dealing. flow sad the change. The Governor if Louisiana has offered a reward of $500 for the arrest of '"one Edward Yorke," President of the Exchange Bank, who is a lefaulter to a large amount, and who has runaway. The Picayune, noticing the proclamation of the Governor, says: A few .hort weeks since, and this same 'one Ed vard Yorke' was one of the principal men Jwho controlled the finances of the State. and guided the couneils of the city he i now advertised as a fugitive from justice. Book Robbery. The New Orleans Piciyune of the 3d inst., contains a letter, whieh states that the bnneh of t he Union Bank of Louisiana at Thibodeauxville, was robbed on the night of the 30th tilt. , of a bout 1510,000. The banking house was a framed building, resting on a brick wall, or underpinning, about four feet from th ground. This wall the burglar broke through, and he then cut a hole through the fljor under the vault, into which he as eeuded, and the money there laying open, not locked up in a box or case, was easily gotten at and borne away. A man named Houston was suspected he had absconded. ' (T The New Orleans papers state that a r p )i t had reached that city that the wa ters of the Tennessee river were unusually h'gh, and that seven houses had been swept off from the village of Eistport ; sev er d hou-.es from the village of Waterloo; in d that Hamburg was all under water. Houses nlong the banks of the Tennessee have been carried off. fjP Bishop England died in Charleston on. lie 11th instant. He was the most distinguished member of the Catholic persuasion in this country. Horrible Suicide. Mr. John W. Crad dock, of Charlotte, Co. Va. committed sui cide on the 25th March. The deceased was a young man of about 19 years of age. He shot himself with a pistol; the ball en lering his right temple, passed entirely through his head. A letter was found a hout his person which declared it not to be ha.ty act, but that it had been determin i ed upon since the evening of the 16th ult. j w hen he was called upon to witness the ! only lady he ever loved, married to anoth ' er, and thai lady his affianced bride. j Michigan The Legislature of this j State has passed an exemption bill in favor i of debtors and a tolerably sweeping one it 'is. It exempts household furniture to the amount ofS250 two cows five pigs ten sheep a yoke of oxen, -with chains, j&c, or a span of horses, &c. a horse and Mray all necessary farming utencils a IIUIill J1 111 1 JJ IUUIIK-1) CIA uiwinin provisions, &c. In short, leaving the debtor comfortably situated and sweeping away from the creditor, in many cases, pretty much all on which he could rely for the collection of his demand. One effect it will doubtless have to increase the diffi culty of incurring debts at all. (TDr. Mott, of New York, has come out in favor of the use of Tobacco; he says it is a preventive, or perhaps a cuie of Laryn geal Phlhsisand Bronchitis. Ifthatisthe case, theie will be less difficulty in answer ing 'he question why the clergymen fifty years since were not troubled with bron ceal complaints as much as they now are, as wo lolieve in olden time, few clergymen neglected the weed in all its forms, and a pipe some two feet long was almost as ne cessary to clerical dignity as was a large white wig, a cocked hat, or a cane; but lempora mutantur, and pipe, cocked hat, cane, and wig have gone. U. S. Gazette. Singular Suicide. -A correspondent of the Highland (S. C.) Sentinel relates a very remark able case of suicide. The writer states that Capt. James Pettit, residing near Mc.Nairs, in Polk county, (Tenn.) committed suicide on the lGlh of February by blowing out his brains with a rifle He placed the muzzle of the gun directly be tween his eyes and discharged it by a siring attached in some way to the trigger. He had no white family, nor was there any person on the premises except his negroes 27 in number. A jury of inquest was summoned, and the manner in which the deceased came to his death settled; after which a portion of the jury took charge of his effects. They got his keys, and upon opening his trunk found his will, written six days previous, by which two of the ju ry then present were appointed his execu tors, (one of whom is the friend who com municates the intelligence.) They also iound in the same trunk ten thousand to lars in gold and silver. The purport of i tie wilt was, that his negroes should be freed, and all of his personal effects, togeth er with the cash on hand, divided amongst i hem. The money was deposited in one of the Banks at Athens for safe keeping, and the executors took charge of his other pro perty. rfirful Disaster1. The Steam Boat Me dora, recently built by the Virginia and Maryland Steam Navigition Company, and intended to ply between Baltimore and Norfolk, was about to leave the wharf at the former port a few days since, upon an excursion for the purpose of testing her qualities. A number of respectable citi zens who had been invited, were on board. lot as ihp boat was ahmit to leave, the boiler bursted, and awful to relate. Twen ty three persons, a far as had been ascer tained up to tln date of the account, wen killed, and a great number wounded and mangled in a most shocking manner, some of whom since died, and others were dc-s, paired of. (J Hip Ohio r iver was low on the 7h inst but the navigation- was uninterrupted. The Republic u of that date says A small s de of Whiskey took place a' the Cmal, at I0e. the lowest notch it has ever reached in this city.. If it continues to fall much long- r at this rate, it will b -come as fl it as Texas money , and not b wotth quoting thanks to tffe glorious ef forts of the Wahiuitoniaus. Death of Mr Michie. We copied, a day or two since, from die Richmond S.u a nmice of the death of Mr. - Michie, not far from that city. The Star of a subse quent d it'. states that the. circumstances of his death were very peculiar. lie has a daughter about ten years old; and since his deatn one of his negro women has brought forward a will, which .-he says was given her by her master with directions to .nan it to his executor in case of his death. This has been done, and a clue is no doubt af forded by it to the cause ol his murder. B the terms of his will, several of his female slaves are set free, with their offspring, ami a large portion of the estate set apart lor them, or perhips, their support and educa tion. In cise of his daughter's death, ali his slaves are to be set free, and lhe estate divided among them. These facts, it i believed, were known among the slaves, and no doubt led to his murder by them. Phil. Enquirer. The Indittns. The Burlington, Iowa, O.izette says: "We understand that the principal chiefs of the Sac and Fox nations of Indians have made application to the War Department at Washington to be per mitted to visit the seat of -Government, with the view of concluding a treaty for the cession of a portion of the country at present owned by them, to the General Government. A gentleman well advised of the sentiments of the Indians, and di rect from their country, assures us that they are not only willing, but anxious to sell a portion of their lands, say one-half. Singular Incident Ji Locomotive or - rested by Worms On the completion, a few days since, of the rail way, on the. Tressel and Bridge over the Congareej Swamn, and river, a general migration of the Catterpillais, of Richland, took place towards the M. iMaitnews snore. jn ar-j my of worms, occupying in solid column. the iron rati lor upwaros oi one mile, pre sented. as was supposed, but a feeole bar rier to the power ol steam. A locomotive, with a full train of cars loaded with iron, and moving at a speed oi from 10 to 12 miles an hour, was arrested notwithstand - ing, at midway in the swamp hy these in- sects, and through the agency of sand a- lone Irccly uismouicu on me drawing wheel, was it aide to overcome them It was a sanguinary victory in which millions were crushed to death; though the catter pi liars maintained their ground and enjoy ed a triumph in residing for a brief period, even the power ot the Locomotive. Patriot. 1 7 all Proprietor. Stephens the trav eller mentions in his work on Central A- merica, a rianter wno owns -uu.uuu acres ofland ten thousand head of cattle onej thousand mares and mules 700 horses four volcanoes 7 large rivers and 300 boilinc snrins. From the top ol one -of. the volcanoes, the owner can light his pipe, and see the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at one view fjpAsa faithful chronicler of events, it becomes our unpleasant duty to record an outrageous, and, for our orderly and q net city, an unusual breach of the peace on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Zdpah Huther, in a violent outbieakof ungover nable rage and passion, to which she is unhappily too prone, inflicted three danger ous wounds on her husband with a dirk The weapon passed twice from the back through into the lungs. Mr. H. lies in a most precarious state, and as the matter will no doubt be the subject of a judicial investigation, we forbear further com ment. St. viugusline paper. Oregon Territory. This vast Terri tory, lying on the Pacific Ocean, is now occupied by Indians and partly by the great Hudson's Bav Fur Company, an Eng lish concern, and England is setting up a claim, and it is believed, tampering with the Indians to join her in resisting the settlement of it by Americans. In view of all these things, a bill has been brought forward in the Senate, for tht settlement of the Territory by America!, citizens, and for extending over it, the law. of the U. States. The bill authorizes anu requires the Piesident to takp possession of 'hp said Territory, and establish a lin of military poM. for the rrninten-ince of A mprifan authority. Six hundred and for ty ncresf)f la-i 1 will be granted to every white male inhabitant. IS yeats of age, who will cultivate and use the same for five consecutive years. ran War St comer. We notice with pleasure that the Bill appropriating $250.- 000 for the h ulding of an iron s'eamer for harbor defence, has unanimously passed tin Senate. We sincerely "hope the House will in this important matter act as united ly. In this matter England is far in ad vance of us. There is safety in a balance 01 power whatever may lie our prospects. rJa mob was collected about lhe Baltimore Exchange, on Friday 'he 26'h ill. It appeos that a large number of la borers, discharged from the Bdtimoreand Ohio Railro-ul, had teeeived a check upon the Bmk of Baltimore for their wages," which not being paid on presentation, was returned to the olfice They were then off rd. Virginia money in place of it, but 'his ihey refused to take, and having met at the Exchange, a committee was appoin ted to wait on the President of the Compa ny which co mini tee returned, and report ed that the President would cause ihem to be paid to-day in bankable funds. Under this promise they separated for the time. a tiers in Philadelphia. We learn from the Philadelphia pipers that house keepers all over the city, who have been iving in the most genteel style, are break oig up and selling out their furniture, tak ing smaller houses and adapting their ex panses to their means. Good furniture nay now be purchased for one fourth its value. Hundreds of families are seeking board as the most economical means of liv ing. The same thing is now taking place in New 'York. Many familiesare desert ing tht ir fashionable houses for those of more contracted apartments and humble appearance. These must certainly have the effect to teach all reflecting men the danger there is in living "beyond their means. tf The following item of news does net hold out much promise to the larifBtes, who hope to see the sale of American cotton supplanted in Europe by that of India, that 1 they may have at once a monopoly in the purchase, as we'l as in the manufacture of the Southern staple. Cotton in China The New York j Herald says "A vessel in this port is at present, we understand on good authority, taking in a cargo of raw cotton for Canton. It is a low priced cotton, laid in at 5 and 6 cents per pound. This fact proves that whenever cotton falls in this country to a ! certain point, say b or 7 cents, a new market j for Amei iean cotton can be found in China, And so far from cotton ever reaching the United States from India, we can, at low j rates, compete with India at her own doors, "crc, in the cultivation and shipment til Cotton." Mexico The New Orleans Bulletin of the 6 ' J'N'jiV s at Campeachy 'papers of thel ji a statement of the force ri rmy. The actual force onfoot and mounted was upwards of 40 00') mjijacsome of them not thor oughly t' -hut they were under a rigid co Sjig. The army was then stat iV 3,600 in Xwv: 1,- . . 4 rr in i ur-w. n vera vj in Ulna; 28.'000laTne capital, V 1 re- j mainder at vaYrot" points Nr made of a probable movement lion is I army -?d few1 upon I exas; and, indeed, mt of them can safely be spared iTDth tr present locations. (jjThe NeWiOrleans Courier state the authority of a letter, written in Tamfi co, that Santa Ana has i.urchased twv steamers in England, manned and armeaV for light, in addition to theCiiy rf Dublin1 steamer lying at Vera Cruz. I wo cor- vetts were also about to pass under the Mexican flag. The Camp-achy papers also state that a great struggle is preparing for the next Presidency, the candidates being Santa Anna, Valencia and Paredas, and with eve ry probability that the former will succeed. Texas, Mexico, and Great Britain. The New Orleans Bee says: It is an as certained fact, that the money ($6,000, 000) was furnished by British capitalists upon a mortgage of church property, to carry on this war, and in fact, the funds passed through the hands of Mr. Packen lam, the British Minister in Mexico, for that purpose. The express condition of ihe loan was the invasion of Texas; and, "ianla Ana, in obedience to the behests of he English cabinet, has inscribed Jiboli fion in the broadest letters upon his ban ie. Wc utter nothing lightly in a matter io grave-

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