NEW GtDB, IT JDOII I'IZICJES, At the Cheap Cash Store. Tip HE subscribers have now on hend a very rich and extensive assortment of I he newest and most lashimiahle tyles of Goods, which having been m incipally purchased at the New York Jiuclinn Sales for Cash, they are enabled io M'll M wonderfully JLotv Prices. They respectfully invite thse in want ol JVew and Fashionable GOODS. To favor ihem with a call helure purcha sing, confident they ran gie them uch a Variety to select Irom as is rarely to be met with, and at prices to cut respond with the hardness ol the times In heir assortment wit I be found An immense vaiiety ol colored figurei silks, 50 cents to $ 20, tjlabe Levantine, Puu du Soie, and Gro de Naples che.-p. Mack silks, figured and plain, Black bo m batten, MoU-lin de laines, and Challys, Rich Paris and London printed muslins. very handsome. 60 pieci s printed lawn, 1 1 cents ami upwards, 35 French prints, newest patterns, 20 Foulard. Ginghams, an entile new article lor ladies dre.-es, 350 Calicoes, 5 cts to 25 els, decided ly the greatest bargains ever t fl'en d, 50 ,, Furniture calicoes, 6i to 15 cts. 13uff, pink, green, blue, and black Cham brys, (or .solid colored Ginghams,) vt ry fine, SO pieces striped Swiss and hire muslins, lor ladies ill esses, A large assortment of cambric, jaconet. Swiss, mull, book, and India cambiic muslins, cheap, 30 p" Irih Linen, heavy finish, very low, Long lawns and linen cambric, Linen cambric and lawn Handkerchiefs, A beautiful assortment of English thread laces, r heap, Thread 'edgings and inserting. Imitation Valenciennes, laces & edgings, Heauiilul embroidetcd collars, veiy cheajj 5 4 black and White N'ett, lor veil, Fancy stirfs-, shawls, and handkerchiefs, in greal variety, Heavy English silk hose and gloves, A large assottmeul ti ladies and misses colton stockings from 10 els upwards Parasols, 75 Cts to S3 silk umbrellas, Sun shades Fans, 5 cts to 75 cts, A great variety of ladies bonnets, cheap, Bonnet, cap, and heck ribbons, Fashionable cashmeres, for gent.'s pants Fancy drills and gambroons White and brown drill, very cheap, 30 pieces brown linen, 124 cts & upwards 1 bale heavy Nankeens, Plain, striped, and mottled Jeans Kentucky Jeans, veiy cheapj Linen and cotton bd tick, Linen damask table cover and nnpkins, 10 4 and 12 4 linen sheetings, Bird's eye diaper 12 4 linen diaper. 10 bales brown shirtings, heettng jcan and Petersburg osnab irgs Bleached shirtings & K glih long cloihs An immense variety of ladies, misses an children's shoes, newest shap s and b-sl quality, pariiculai ly worthy ol attention Travellingtrunks, trav( lling&saddlebag also, A large and general assortment of GROCERIES, Hardware. Cutlery, China, Glass, and Earthenware, With every other article usually kept ia similar establishments all of which .ire of feted at a small advartce on the prime cos JAS. WED DELL Sr (JO. Tarboro', May 15, IS42. JVew and Beautiful SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINER 11 $c. AS just received her Spring supply of Goods, which with her loimer stock compirses a general assortment o the most neat, uselul and ornamental ar tides, in the illilliiicry line.- Among her Goods will be found A variety of beautiful pallern bonnets, la test and rriost approved style, frra'wn Silk Bonnets, 2ephi'nine, Floience braid, and plain straw bonnets, rn great variety,- . Tarleton lawn, silks and satins, Veils collars, caps curls, French, velvel and fancy Flowers, An extensive assortment of ribbons, &'c". All of which will be sold cheap for cash, or onhef uunl accommodating terms to punctual customers. Tarhoro'. May 24, 1842. JYotice. A BREASTPIN was found a short time since in Ihe iiil lot, which lh- owner can have on application at this of fice and paying for this advertisement: May 3, 1842; Gunsmithry, fyc. THE undersigned having located in -p i r ... .1 . I- di uui u , iui i ne jui jjuse ui tan yillg on the Cotton G in R ushtcsfi, Solicits a share of public pttronige. Those ho aie dipoed to nave work done ii that line, can have it done upon verv re a sonanie ierm ov seiu mr i hptr fjic i,. im. He will aUo mpnd Stilts, Still Worms, Cups. tVc. and repair Gun locks. locks, VC. He will oeeuriy the shop for merly. owned- by Mr. I) ivif) C. Ii II. in this place, and will rarrv on a bu- iness. MARC Us p nrsuan TarhniV, April 30," 1843. ' 17 To the Public. FlAVE a force of 10 Carpenters and Mouse Joiners, ot ihe hist class ol workmen; all slaves,. except 3 Mineriuten ianl4 who is gentleman nl, first rale qua incanoiis lor siyleol work and despatch nese hands cannot b sm n issed. All ner nni: ,li...-..l t I.I .. . t .- ji-iiiru iu uunu ursiraie nouses ...... 1.1 r....i : . 1 . . .' wwm iiTiii 11 'iipir liner si in itivp nu call. Biiert to Jackson, Nut liiamplon county, IN Ua. THOMAS BRAGG, Sen'r Refe rence to the lollowing gentlemen Ethel d J IWhlrs. Samuel Calvert. Henri J Cannon Henri K. Burgwyn. Samuel B. Spruilt. April 6. 1R42 14 3 m Robert Norjlect, npH ROUGH this medium returns his .'iiiv-ti r 1 1 iii 11 k, 1111 the very liberal patronage received since his commence ment in hudue. Gentlemen, wishing to procure a suit of clothes, equal in eve ry reject to the best thai can be made in the United Stales, can do so by giving him a call. Always 011 hand, 9 good Stock of Cloths, Casshneres and I' eatings, of the newest styles, And an assortment of stocks, cravat, bo soms, 'gloves i antJ wool shirts and drawers ha's, pumps, boots, timbrel- Inr, &c. &c. Tarboro Feb. 1, 1542. CofficldRin rr MERCHANT TAILOR, MESPECTFULLY informs his cus t r m art: inrl t 1 1 o tttl 1 1 ronoill iv I kit he has just received, direct from Ntto York, his supply of Spring and Summer Goods, In his line of business, consisting of the following articles: Blue, black, and green cloths. Plain black and lancy cassimeres, Fancy Siockinetl and Prince of Wales mixed do Plain b'ark and figM drap d ele, s Plain ami figM alpeach. for cuats & pants, Pring's cord gambroon, Fancy d" do Diamond London drill, Fancy do do Wove figd and plain chally vestings Plain and figM silk vestings, Plain and figM summer Stucks, Bosoms and collars. Gloves, suspenders, &c &c. To which he would invite the attention of those that may favor him with their patronage: and would ak purchasers to call and examine his ai tides at least, be fore puichasing elsewhere. G nilemen's clothing made to order by him in the most fashiohable style and ai the shortest notice. Tarboro', May 2d, F42. For Said !IE TWO TRACTS OF LAND, belonging to Col. J. B. Liltlejohii, T known respi ciivefy as the Gum Pond dnd Notri& Tracts. A bargain can be had by early applica tion. Refer fo JVILUAM NUBBLE Et. May if, 1S42 . 1$ $100 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, about eighteen months since, my negro boy STiswaiirij About 35 or 40 years of age, 5 feet S or 9 inches in height, and dat k com pleeted. He is well known in the vicini ty where I formerly resided, in Martin countyand has a wife at Roderick Pur vis's, neat1 Where ft is supposed he is lur kin". The above reward will be ptdd on his delivery to Levi Howell, Halifax county. Should he be injured or killed in taking him, the person will not Be held responsible BEUBEN S. AfrfNNIXG. April 26: 1842. 16 Printing neatly executed, '25 IT THI5 officx. Siocco Springs, Warrctf County, IV; Carolina. a a am ' njlHfc'PROPKIKTRKSS of h's E iiii3iiiiiciji lanes pleasure in iniorin ; her friends and the Public, that her nouse will be opened early in June, with every convenience that may be necessary 10 me comiort and pleasure ol those who may I'aVur her with their patronage. 'I'hi ..;i.w. i t it ic i,i uirs j 1 111c uieis die su wen known, as hardly tu iequir'a reference. In those cases of.Liver complain, anil L). bllily, arising Irum repealed attacks 01 Bilious Fever, or Intermittent Ftfeis, Hemorrhages Irom weakness, Dropsy and Indigestion; they have, in numberless in stances, tffecled a permanent cure; and ilu; testimony of those who have been -fulfilled by their use, might be furnish td il it were deemed necessary. As a place of resort lor those who seek pleasure and relief from the cares ami ai.xk ties of business, it is unsurpassed in the Naie. Having procured an ample supply of Wih a Bar, lurnished with the best of Wines and Liquors; .1 Table, with all the luxuries of an abundant country, I think 1 may safely promise my patrons theii money's worth. My charges shall here dnCed 10 suit the pressure of Ihe time-, and in favor of those families that apply early for Board during the whole season. a very liberal deduction shall be made To Parent employed , I would remark, that I have a superior Female Teacher. ; who wi devote her whole lime to sueh children as may be placed under her care AW JOHNSOJV. Shocco, May 13, 1812. 20-8 Warrenton ill ale Academy HP HE Fall Session will commence on the first Monday in July. Nu s'u dent of exceptionable conduct will bead milled into the Institution; or, if lound to bit so aher admission, will be suff- red to remain. None, therefore, of such charac ler need apply. Board may be procured in the family of the Piincipal at J5S per month. Classical Department. ROB. A. EZELL, A. M Principal English 4 Mathematical Department HENRY S JONES, A. B. Warrenton, N C. June 1st, b42. 22 4 GOODS! GOODS! 9 TEVER before were Goods so cheap in this market as they are at present: Purchasers may be convinced of this fact by calling at The IVciv cheap cash Store of Uacnair 4 Brother, Who have recently replenished their slock with a new and handsome general assortment appropriate to the spring and summer seasons, consisting of a variety of Dry Goods anil Groceries, Adapted to this market. Let purchasers call and examine them, and they will not ask them lower than cash will buy Ihem of AUCN.iB $ B 11 OTHER. Tarboro', May l7ih,lS42 Just Received, AT THfc CHEAP CVSII STORE, EN'S fashionable black fur Hats- brush do. and cassmere do. of Fish's celebrated manufacture, 5 dozen men's broad brim drab hats, ol superior quality, $3 to $5, 10 men's black lur hats, $1 to $3, 2 ,, b-ys fur and silk do. cheap, Men's Panama hats. Men's and boys Leghorn do 60 dezen men's and boys white and col oied palm leaf hats. ALSO, 2 cases gent.'s fine calf boots; of superior quality, 30 pair ,, ,, calf and morocco shoes,' :i0 ,, gaiters. , - JJS fVEDDELL & CO. May 21 si, 1S42. Fijtij Cents Reward; RAN AWAY from the sub criber in November last, a'q in ilenlel mulatto girl,' named Nan cy Viiughdrii aged about 16 years,' and small size. All per sons are forbad harooring or em ploying said girl under penalty of the law. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me. BENJ. P. PORTER. May 25. 1842. 21 3 JYotice. COMMITTED to the Jail of Edge combe county,' N. C. on Thursday, the 26th May, 1842, negro man WILL, who saj?s he belongs to Bartholomew Barrow, supposed to Jive in Louisiana. The owner is requested to come forward, prove properly, pay charges arid take him away, or he will be deilt with as the law directs. BENJ. WILLIAMS, Jailor. June 1,1 84. 2 IHrne to close 'Accounts'. AV1NG entered inio cophHnefship with hi brother, the -ubcriher'ies pecifully invites all t hop indi-hied to him to settle I heir accounts immediately Januirv 1, 1S12? JYoticc US A, C. HOWARD informs hei iends and ihe nti'dic. hat she h;iv usi ipceiveu a ir sh snnn'v 01 imons sini t . 1 r hie fir the ea;on, viz: Bonnt, S 1 1 k-. .ittns Bibbands r lowi is Lurls, 'c. which makes her assiotment complete. 5he hasaUo received some new and beau- iful palterns for dresps, Sc. T;.ihoif. D p 3. 1841. $10 Reward R A N A W Y from the Sub -criher, on the 27ih of July, KS40. nigro man DsiNIEL. Siiid Daniel is about tiiiity four vears-ol age, the rise of six Icet high, dark complexion, and a little knocl kne d, with' a scar 0.1 one side ol hi moulh, which side not . r Collected al-o mall piece ol one ol his ears has beei bit off in a fight. Said negro weighs lh rise of two huudrervtinds, and was rat sed in Put county, N. C. I forwai n al per-ons Irom harboring sid nrgn undei ihe nenali v of the law. I will sive the 1 . above teward to any person that will ap orehend said negro, and deliver him to me, near Oak Grove, Edgecombe county N. C. or confine him io any pil so that gel him again. JftSER TISON. Feb. 24, 1841. 9 jYotice. ILLlAM II. B TTLE & BENJ. D. BATTLE having purchased ih merest d J? was J. Battle in the COTTON FACTOR? And appurtenances situated M the Fills of Tar River, The whole establishment is now owned hy them and ('. C. Bailie. The business in lutuiv will be conducted as heretofoip. in the name of Battle tirol hers, and upon the same liberal and accommod& ting terms. In consequence of the withdrawal ol one of the lormer firm of Battle & Broth ers, the business will have to be closed up to the 1st day of June, 1841. A suilanle agent will be employed to attend to this part of the business. They hope to have the continued pat ronage of a generous public, as thd' will endeavor to have their Yarns madeof good q tality, and will sell at as low prices as ihe article an be had at other places. BATTLE $ BROTHERS. Rockv Mount, N.C. June IS, 1841. Notice. :t:- Cotton Gins Tor Sale. A FEW new steel plate Cotton Gins. made at Greenville, for sale. Apply to Henry Chamberlain, Greenville, or to GEO HOWARD Tarbom', Aug. 25. 1S4 1 44 nnilE unparalleled repulaii Pi lets' Pills have acnuirei ion which acquired as a Me dical Restorative, i Ihe most ui question able proof that can be given of their im mense importance to Ihe ; ffiic'pd, in al most every class of diseases. Tne nuni her of letters received from patients re covering through their means is really prodigious, and the complaints which the) have cured are almost as varied as the are numerous. JPctcrs? Vegetable 1'illS Are anti-bilious, anti dyspeptic, and anti-mercurial and may be j'islly consid ered Universal Medicine, but they art peculiarly beneficial in the following com plaints: Yellow and Bilious Fever, Fe ver and Ague, Dyspepsia, Croup, Livei Complaints, Sick Headache Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Eolarge menl of the Spjeen, Piles, Cholic, Femal Oi)Structions, Heart Burn, Furred Tongue. Nau'ea,' Distension of Ihe Stomach and B avels, Incipient Dtarrl cei, Flaiuhnct Habitual Costiveness, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases ol Torpor oi ihe Bowels wheie a Cathartic or an Ape rient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operations, producing neiih er nausea, griping nor debilif)'. A fresh supply of the above Pills just received and for sale by G EO. HO WA&D A gent. Tarboro', Feb 23. Turner Hughes9 NttRTH CAROLINA ALMANAC, For 1842, Just received arid for sale at this Office at the Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents single, 75 cents per dozen, S3 50 for half a groce, $6 for a groce, &e. Oct. 1841. 1 LL.Un tij Evans' Camomile JPitisi npHE camomile flower, (or as it ?$ offi cially called; AN-rfiKiafs vo6lis, or riiamceineluth. from the Greek' words, KarAai, on the ground; and Melon, ah ap plej because It grows o"h the gfoiirirl, and smells like an apple,) is of a dull whitd rolor, of iaran( odor, aiid of d hitter ar omatic taste. . ... .. Camomile Is a ffitld tohfc, in sniall del. e arreptable and co'rfob'ora'nt to the lomach. It is especially, a'ppl(came to that condition of general debility, with .iniroid aoiielite. whieh often attends COD valescehie from idiopathic "evers. To the Nervous and Debilitated, bK' Evans' Tonic Pills. The powers of Evans Camomile Pilli are such, that the palpitating. fiea'ft,' the tremulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fluttering mind, vanish before their effect! like noxious vapors before the benign in fluenre of iht morning sun. They have been long successfully used for the cure af intermittents, together with fevers of the irregular hervoiiS .Kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions, - This tonic medicine is for nervous com plaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences,' as want of appetite, dis tension of the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste iu the mouth, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor; hen the mind becomes irritable, despon ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. Hyporhondriacism, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pi lis will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans' Pills, .were first Introduced in America in 1833. Evans' Family Aperient Fills Are purely vegetable, composed with the snidest precision of science and of arij thev never produce nausea; and are War ranted to cure the following diseases which' arise from' Impurities of the bfood, vit: Consumption Coughs, and Colds; Nervous diseases, liver complaint, dys . .. i. .1- i i pepsta; onions diseases, piles, uicers, le male weakness, and all cases of hypochon driacism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous irratibiliiy, nervous weak ness, floor albus, seminal weakness, indi gestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, hysterical faint ings, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mare, rheumatism, asth ma', tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those who are victims to that most excruciating disorder, Gout will find relief from their sufferings, by a course of Dr. Evans' medicines. Bevvmrc ot Counterfeit! QjCaution. Be partictilar.iri purcha sing to obtain them at 100 Chatham' St.,' New York," or frornf the REGULAR AGGNTS. Geo. Howard, Tarboro', M. Russell, Elizabeth City; READ ON. .Exiirfr of, hiter ,rif Joiidi . Snytfef; ftst Master, Kernesvilfe, Pa., to Dr. Wil liam Evans. Among several cases the following is found: An elderly lady, who had been 25 years so a filmed with nervous hypochon dria, debility, Sic. that for the last inree years she constantly received medical aid from a respectable physician: but! the pressure and pain on hef heart and breast, ami especially in her left Side,' remained immovable; attended at to'tig intervals with weakness in her hWd and on her mind, keeptng hef discourager! to under take any thing, (n May she commenced using Dr. V. EvaiVs1 me die i'u es ac cording to the directions accompanying them. A reaction took place; the pain and pressure in her' body was removed; her mind became clear and strong her spirits perfectly good, and up tqthis lime il is in all respects restored to health which for the last ten years' she has ; not enjoyed, (Signed,) JONAS SNYDDH; September 7, 1838. (17" Be pm ticu iaf. The genuine is vefi ded by Agents only.' Eton? fiooiliing Syrvji; Evdris' Camomile rills,' ilbnts Botanic Pills; Goodc's Fimale Pills'; The above invafuable Medicines are fold Wholesafe and Retail, a't 100 Chatham street, New York, 3 South seventh street, PhiladV 35 CoRNiiiLL, Boston, Mass.' HEGULAti AGENTS. Geo. Howard, TarbofoVN- C. F. $ Marshall, Halifai, M. Russell, Elizabeth City, T. Bland, Edenton, Solomon Hali, New4b'ern W. Mason, Raleigh, , J. W. Atioill, Brunswick, Ga Mark A Lane, Washington, 3 Seventh street, Philadelphia1 January, 1840.' i

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