I 1 Mr, lit" Tarhnrmigh, ( Kdzecorttbe County) JY.C.) baturdayi (JctUbtr 13, Vol. Will JVo 41 sk izlE LjC E Q w .M, 1 On i t I fn iiatjiinniMifill nnta iWWafcg,gfcj,M2ga i ZYic Tarborough IVcss, BT GEORGE HOWARD, Is published weekly at 7w Dollars and Fifty Ccpts per year, if paid in advance or Three Dollars at the expiration of the subscription year. For an period less than a wat. Tms-tt n-five trnls per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at anytime, on gdvirtr notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance, rnuA invariably pay in ad vane.;, or givt a respon sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exeeivlin-r a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and '2 rent for every continuance. Longer advertise ments in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of in sertions required, or theywill be continued until otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the hditor must be post paid or they may not be attended to. vV: 2- LtlOY I.ON'Q. I'm jist from Old VYirjinny, To sinnr a little sonjr, Tis all about my sweetheart, De hibly Lucy l,onr. Oh! take your time, Miss Lucy, Mis Lucy Lucy Long, Hock do cradle, Lucy, And listen to de song. De way dey bake de hoe-cake, In Wirginny nebher tire. Is to stick de douxb upon de foot And hold it to de fire. Take your time. Miss Lucy, &Ci De old Wirginny ijals, you'll find, Aie monstrous hard to beat But Lucy takes de Mir, be sure: O la! she's berry sweet. Take your tin e. Miss Lucy, &c. My Lucy is a pretty girl. My Lucy's berry tall; She cuts de treble pigeon wing, hen dinrinor at de ball. Take your time, Miss Lucy, &c. Yes, Lucy is a pretty girl, Such lubly hands and feet; When her toes is in de market house Her heels is in Main street. Take your time, Miss Lucy, &c. Miss Lucy's berry witty Miss Lucy's berry smart; She makes me feel all over so, It e'en most busts my heart. Take your time, Miss Lucy, &c. Sez Jinkins, "deer Miss Lucy, I'll gallant you all about." Sez she, "O gracious! Jinkins, Does your mother know you're outl" Take your time, Miss Lucy, &c. The Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence. In obedience to public no tice, a large numb'r of the citizens of Mecklenburg and the adjoining counties assembled at the Court house in Ch trlolte on the 24th of August. On motion, Col. William J Alexander took the Chair and Dr. Stephen Vox 2nd Thomas I. CJrier, act ed as Vice Presidents, and J. W. Hampton and I. S. Alexander, Secretaries. Upon a call from the Chair, James W. Osborne, Esq , rose, and in a few appropriate remarks ex plained thp object of the meeting to be a doptionof measures for erecting a suitable monument in the Town of Charlotte, com memorative of the Mecklenburg Deelara lion of Independence on the 20: h May, 1775. He concluded by offering the fol lowing Rcsoluti-m; Resolved, That Wm. J. Alexander, Wm. Lee Davidson, Dr. Stephen Fox. Benj. Morrow, Tho. I. Oriet, Dml. M. Wrin ger, John Phifer, Dr. Wiuslow Alexander, Chas. T. Alexander, Sr., las. V. Osborne, II. C. Jones, Jos. VV. Hampton. Hon. V. Nash, D. V. Caldwell, Jos. H. Wilson, Jjhn Walker, Michael Hoke, John D Graham, E;hrum Urcvarcl, Burton Craige, Geo. F. Davidson, Patrick .L Wilson, his. T. Alexander, Jr. Alexander W. Bnridon, Chas. Fisher, Hampton Hynum, Jno. Hill, Jno. M. Morehead, L D. Hen rv, David L. Svvain, Wm. Gaston, Ed. b. Ridley, K M. Saunders, L T. Avery, Wm. Dixon, Gen. A. F. Gaston, Wm. A. Graham, John G. Bynum, Dr. Jos. W. Koss, Wm. A. Harris, Dr. Cyrus Hunter, John Irwin, Dr. Wm. Johnston, Jas. B. Knox. Augustus Alexander, Eleazer Al exander, Hartlette Shipp, W. B. Alexan der, John H. Wheeler, Col. . Cad Jones, (Jen. Paul Barringer, Hoik Tho. Huffm, Alfred M. Burton, Hon. J. J. Daniel, Jos dcD Carson, Duncan Cameron, Gen. Jas. :e lell, Geo. E Badger, Wm. II. Hay 00 d, Jon Downes, Jas. H. Harrison, Tho. i. Poik, Dr. J G. M. Rams ty, John Rob-i-oiu D. D. Chas. W. Harris, Danl Cole tu.in, Dr. Cyrus Alexander, Samuel Mor rison, David White. Dr. D. T. Caldwell, Alexander Caldwell, Kiah P. Harris, Wm. F. Phifer, Robert Kit kpati icky and such ot.ieri as may be hereafter named, be ap pointed directois of the Monument Asso ciation, and that they proceed to collect subscriptions, and take other measures for f-rectinga monument on the spot wh re the te'a:a'ion of Independence was made on the 20th May, 1775. That' the above named gentlemen or a j majority of ihem, cause a memorial to be addressed to the next General Assembly, 'praying to bo incorporate! under th name and style of "The Mecklenburg M murnent ; Associition;" and flint thev proceed to ap- ' point agents in the different rnrts of the , State for the purpose of raising funds for the above purpose. Resolved, Also that "they petition the said Generd .Assembly for an appropriation to assist in this iruly pat riotie undertaking. These resolutions were advocated bv the mover, an. I Messrs. Caldwell and Jones of ttowan, in pertinent and feeling addresses and unanimously adopted. On motion, it was ordered that these pro ceedings be published in the Charlotte pa pers, with a icq oe-it to the other papers of tlv; State to copy them. W M . J A L E X ANDEfi, President. T. L (Yrier, Vice Presidenfs- J. V. II imptou, I. S. Alexander, Secretaries. At a meeting of a portion of the me n hers of the Ao. htion, on Thursday even ing, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That, a committee composed of the following gentlemen, Fred. Nash. W. J. Alexander 1). F. Caldwell, John W. Osborne, H C. Jones, John Phifer, P. Bit ringer, Jno. H. Wheeler, M Hoke. I. T. Avery, Chas. Fisher, J. McD. Carson, Robt Strange, J .s Iredell, I) L wain, Wm. H. Haywood, Jr., Burton Craige, members of this Association he appointed to prep ire anil forward to the next General A-S-Miibly of N. C. a memorial on the sub ject of granting an act of incorpor ition to thi" As-ociati m; and aIo to ak of tint lioily an appropriation of funds lo 'sit in accomp!is!un; the i)hj(;ct of this as iciation o erect a monument to the memory of tne signeis of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. Distressing Occurrence Ae learn from the Norfolk Herald that Mr. Johii Young, of Warwick counly, highly es teemed citizen, with a wife and two child ren, was drowned about ten days ago, while on a fishing excursion, in company wish Mr. Francis Armsted, Norfolk, by the up setting of their boat in James River. A negro man, who accompanied them, im mediately sunk and was drowned, and Messrs. Young and Armsted swam f(fr the nearest land, probably three miles distant, but before reaching it Mr. Young became exhausted and sunk into a Watery grave, after swimming nearly . two miles. Mr. A., wha was considerably behind him, still kept on, and relieved himself occasionally by turning on his back and floating; and after an arduous and perilous struggle he succeeded in reaching the idiotd. Generosity Dr. MerccY, of Adams county, Mississippi. Ins lately erected, at his ovn expense, and for the advantage of his vast plantation, and the people who till his lands, a net church and parsonage house, at a cost of over '530,000. He pays the salary of the minis'er, ?I.20O a year, besides his "meal and bread." Episcopal Recorder. WthVs Duel. The Grand Jury of the City of New York, have found a true Bill against James Watson W bb, "for leaving the State of New York with intent to fight a Duel. " The punishment, if convicted of the cha'g, is five years imprisonment iu the State's prison. Thaileus Phelps, formerly a distinguish ed Merchant of New York, and a man" of very large property, was sentenced, to ten days imprisonment for refusing to testify in the case. (jJHalsey Coon, who caused the death of his wife, in East Haddam, Connecticut, in April last, by throwing burning cods upon her, as she lay drunk upon the floor, has been found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to twenty years in the State prison and S500 fine. He is supposed to have mur lere 1 his first wifc in the same way, s me fourteen months before. A (Faming to Ladies A Miss Emi ly S. Browne, of Seabrook, (N. H.) prom ised her heart and hand to a Mr. Pettin gill, of Amesbury, who had come" to the conclusion to get married, and had inform ed her of his purpose. Furniture was pur chased, a residence was selected by the la dy wedding were bespoken, and the hap py day itself was fixed an which Miss Browne was to become Mrs. Pettingill. On the previous day, however. Miss Browne disappeared, and it was afterward ascertained that she had gone to New York with a Mr. McGregor, to whom she wa married, and after a reasonable period re turned to Seabrook. . A suit was immedi ately brought on the part of Mr. Pettingill for a breach of promise on the part ol llu lady, which resulted in a verdict of s-xteef hundred dollars against, her. Sentence of John C. Co. John C. Colt was takerf into the Court of Oyer and Terminer of New Y3rk on Tuesday momhg, to receive his sentence. He made morni ig, to receive his sentence. He made a tew remarks, in whidh he persisted in his former declaration, that he killed Adam in sr.lf-dr fence and was not therefore guilty of murder. Judge Kent after an appro priate address, in which he commented severely upon this declaration, delivered the -entence of the Court, which was, that he should be hung on the 18th day of No vember next. The prisoner received the sentence without the slightest apparent emotion. N.Y. American. Horrible! JJ Child devoured by Rats. We le arn that about ten days since, a girl, 4 months old, which had been left for a short time in a cellar kitchen by its mo ther, who resided on Coal Lane, was at tacked by a large rat which so mangled one of the arms of the poor sufferer as eventual ly caused its death. The child died on Wednesday last. Pittsburg Chron. Melancholy Jljf my: We learn, by the! passvngors on the Louisville mail boat, hat a disgraceful affray took place last Mondjy evening, at Washington Hall, in which Mr. Bliss, an assistant editor of th Louisville Journal, was shot by Mr Pope, editor of the Louisville Sun. The hall struck his arm, glanced into his right side, and lodged in the back bone. Mr. Bliss was living when the mail boat left, the next morning, but it was thought he could sur vi e h it a few hours. Mr. Pope was im mcdia'ely arrested and committed to jail. Tnere was an immense excitement on the subject, though the Louisville papers of Tuesday gave no particulars. The affray is said to have arisen fioni some remarks made by Mr. Bliss on a speech of one oi Mr. Pope's relatives. Cincinnati Republican. IJ'jrrihle. We cut the following from a speech i f Lord Ashley iu the House of Commons, describing the stale of society in 1 -1 r- 1 1 hi 1 1 juuenesLer, Cjiijnana. e nave oecn in that city, and, from what we learned attheled ol the Chinese Mulberry, it has the nine, we consider me account as less in faeuhanthe whole truth. If our people are willing to see such a sta?. of society in our happy land, the will accomplish it by voting for men who go for the measure calculated to bring about such a result; otherwise for the Democrats. i . 1 . 1 . 1 Pawnbrokers Beer-houses Public-houses Brothels BrothcL lately suppressed Brothels where prostitutes are kept Houses df ill-fame where prostitutes resort Street-walkers in the borough Thieves known to reside in the bor ough who do nothing but ste'al Persons following some legal occupa tion, but who are known to have committed felony, and augment their gains by habitual Violation of the law House for receiving stolen goods Houses suppiessed lately Houses for the resort of thieves Houses lately suppressed Lodging houses where the sexes indis ciiminately sleep together 129 769 489 409 111 163 223 763 212 160 69 32 102 Dreadful Accident at Keeseville, N. York Oh Tuesday last, a dreadful acci dent occurred at Keeseville. Essex county; at the 'foot bridge above the dam of the Ausable, attended with great loss of life. A company of militia had just passed the arch or draw of ihe bridge, when tho sup ports gave way, precipitating all that hap pened to be on it into the rirer and they were carried by the force of the current o ver the dam. About thirteen persons, chiefly boys, are missing at the village, and as 1 hero were many strangers in Ihe place on that day, (the general training day.) it was leared that this was not the ex tent of the calamity. IVashinglon Cake. This cake derives its name from the fact that it was a great favorite at the table of Gen. Washington; the last two years-of his life, it always formed one of the delicacies of his break fast table, and is considered one of ihe standing dishes at a Virginia dejune. Recipe. Take two lbs. ot Dour, one quart of inilk, with art ounce of butter heat ed together, put the milk and butter into the flour when it is lukewarm, tdd a. pen ny's worth of yeast, three eggs and a tea .spoonful of salt, place it in pans over night, and bake it in the morning, in a quick o ven for three quai tersofan hour. Albany Cultivator. Crim. Con. A case of crim. con. was decided at the present session of the court, a- ainst a man by the name of Stubblebine, residing the lower end of the county, who vas fined J 133. 3:1 1-2 and cos's of prosecu tion, and sentenced to an imprisonment of one year in Lheccuulyj i !, lor his adulterous practices. Stubblebine is a member of a uew sect known by the name of "Battle j Ax rV' which lias receriily sprung up in jerally : "Let ihe business of everybody 1 the lower pah of thi and the neighboring I else alone; and attend toyutif own. Don't counties of Chester ntl Montsromcrv. who! buv w hat von don't want. Use every contend for a free iiitei course between the sexs, maugre all the ties of affinity and consanguinity. The victim of infilu.iiion pleid his own cause, in which he argued that the allege 1 ofle nee was altogether a m'a'er of conscience that he believed he had done nothing wrong, and would not hesitate to repeat his so styled misdeeds He moreover denied the right of anyearih ly tribunal to pss judgment upon his of fence contending that it belonged to a higher power. The court and jury thought otherwise, and hence the above verdict and sentence. Redding (Pa ) Gazette Texas. The' New Orleans Crescent City of the 26th till, contains a letter in which it is stated that the town of San Antonio bad b en furprised on the 13(h nil., h thirteen hundred Mexicans under Genera Wall, and that fifty three of the citizens had be n taken prisoners When San An tonio was taken; the Circuit Court was in se-siori and the judge and officers of the Court were made prisoners. Galveston was visited on the 18th ult by a furious storm, which did great dam age to the shipping, destroyed two church es, blew down a number of buildings, be sides doing much other damage, amount ing, In all, it is estimated to S50.000. Mullicaiilis Paper. We noticed, a few days since, the fact that piper had been manufactured at Petersburg, Virginia, from the leases of the Morns Multieaulis. The Richmond Enquirer of Friday has the fol lowing parngr ph on the subject: "Dr. Spenrer, of Petersburg, has been polite enough to forward to us a quire of his paper, manufactured from the leaves of the Morns Multicaulis. We have printed them off with this day's impression of the Enquirer, and they will be deposited in our office for general inspection. The pa per is very substantial, and glossy; and, singular to say, that whilst it is manufactur- greeable odor of the best Chinese Green Tea. We are not aware of the nature of the process employed by Doctor Spencer, nor of the time, labor, nor expense, which may be necessary lo prepare the leaves for the paper vat, but we trust that they may be such as will enable the manufacturer to substitute them, to a certain extent for rags, which are generally expensive and difficult to procure. We shall watch the progress of this discovery with curiosity and with interest. Free Colored men Excluded from Louisiana. IFuming to Shipmasters.21 inches iu height, of a dark biOwn color The Legislature of Louisiana have made I rising five years old, and perfectly docile, a law, entitled, 'an act more elfecrually to ! prevent fiee persons of color from entering into this State and for other purposes." Episcopal Burial "oiounU, in iiamruon It consists of 15 sections, and provides vilte.it was discovered that during the that no colored person shall enter the State ; nighl the grave of a Mr: Davis had beeri in anv can'aciiv on board any steamboat or 'other vessel, passenger Or hand, Under pen- laity of being arrested bv any legal officer, - 'and imprisoned until the ve.-sel or individ- 103 jual br inging such colored person leaves the 25 .State, and pays all charges for arrest, irri jprisonment, &.C. A seroud return suhjevls . the colored person to Mate Prison labor tor live years. Heavy noes and imprison ment are also denounce! against any one who introduces any free colored person, also against any citizen or family iu the State who shall board or harbor fiee color ed people. Wheat. Wheat is selling at Spring-! field, Illinois, at 31 cents a1 bushel; The same price prevails at Alton. The farm - ers of Pike county have vainly combined for the ouroose of not selling their wheat until it shall bring 62 cents a bushel. i r O The Miller Delusion. Some persons have regarded Mr. Miller 's notion, that the ' if one of these had been thrown into theca world would come to art end next year, as! rial. The train was delayed several hours one not likely to produce, at least for the ; in fishing out the baggage crates and after present,- any pernicious effects on life and 'all, they were obliged to leave' o'nfe fulr of practice, out there is more or less 01 evil , in all error, and so Mr. Miller s disciples will find before the next year is out Some of them iu Hartford and its vicinity, as we iearn from the New Haven Register, are settling up their afl iirs, and disposing of their property, to propagate his doctrines; others are taking their children from school; and some farmers are making rto calculations lor the next yeir's crop, on tiie supposition that il will not be wanted. fJJA Miss Mogg has recovered1 in Il linois "SSOOO for a brtach of promise. If she can do that once more, she will have a pair of breeches arnd they are as good as a husoaud any day. A Strike. The workmen at fLrmon) Factory, Cahoes, New York, have struck, in consequence of a reduction ol 20 pei cent, on the wages heretofore paid them. How to make money. The Picayune thus instructs its readers, and people gen- hoiu to advantage, and study tomakevert !eisnre liours useful. Think twice .before you throw away a dollar; remember you will havo anotlnr to make for it. Find re creation in looking afer your bi!inesir: and so your business will not be rieg'ecteil hi looking after r''cr ation. Buy low, fell fair, and take care ol the profits. Look o vr your hooks icgnLrly, and if you cart find aii error of a cent, trace it out. Should a stroke of misfortune come upon you irt trade, retrench, work haider, but never fly the trick. Confi out difficulties with unflinching perseverance, ai d they disajj-1 pear at last. Though you should even fail in the struggle, you will be honored; but; h rink from tin track, and you will be de spis d. By following th se rules,- howev er, you 'need not say fail.' Pay" debts promptly, and so" exact yOur dues. Keep your word. Take the papers. Advertise.' Mela n th oh Su ici de. -1 . aa c Webb esq., f-rmcil an attorney, but for sbme years owner and teacher of Ihe school for merly under the charge of Captain Pat ridge, the New York Journal of Commerce says, left his residence suddenly on Thurs d.iyj and went on board thf s'eamer com mgfrom Hartford !o New York, where he was re -ognised by several rtcrjtfointauces. During the night, howevi r, he was missed and has not since been seen. His hat was found on board; and in it a letter addressed to his brother, at Middlelown enclosing an article of jewelry.- The manner of his disappearing at Middletown, connected with some strange indications in his con tloct just bt foie, h i alarmed his family ; so that search was made for him before it wa.s certainly known that he came away - id the boat. Mr Webb was in esy circum stances, and highly respected by all his ac quaintances; and he must have committed Suicide in consequence of some strange o verthrow of hiS geueiully wJl balanced mind. the Condition. The condition to which Whigery would reduce the work ingmen is this: In Manchester; the princi pal manufacturing town in England; thr re were 1 ecentlv 2,000 families without a bed among them and 8,666 persons were employed aiTWENTY-SIX CENTS A WEEK: They have got a national bank and a prohibitory tariff for' the protection of capitul m England: Lilliputian Horse. A horse' frbm $zv& has just been presented to the Queen, said ' to be the smallest on record. It is only ! llvri'd O.-.ttage I His morning, ai tne , violated and Ihe hotly trken avay. mr. j D: was interred yesterday moaning; having 1 hcrfi ill but live days. I he perpetrator of 1 Lis villainous ontiage left the grave open, and thenrave-clotnes strewed upon! the ground Piila. Journal. Railroad Accident. The Philailefphiat train of cars due at New York on Tuesday night did not ariive till after daylight the next morning, owing to an accident on the' rod belwuh Tien'on and Princeton, w here the track runs close to, and parallel with, the cailal. W hile going at the Usual rate, ihe locomotive ran over two cows ly- ing iu the Ifadk, and was thrown ofifon the ide opposite 10 the canal. Ihe baggage ' platform ran off on the side of the canal 1 without going into it, but so as to spill all the baffiiane crates into the water, therer : nr-i n , cfune deep. I he passenger cars remained on the track. One cannot but shudder at j the consequences that would have enued,- D;iggge. iew 1 ore American: Pohoning a Fairiihj The ftoc'kville (Md ) Journal stares that last week two blacks wefe eOm'mitted to the county jail lot attempliffg to poison the family of Mr; Wm. Clemments,- near that place, 'the poisonous siibstmce was placed in the cof fee, and those of the family that partook ef it were immediately taken sick tfHhoht knowing the eansj. A pvir'tive was, however, administered by a physician in attendance, and relieved theni from dangr. The girl acknowledge the intention, but pleads that she was forced to do it by the hoy, who procrjfed the r'oisoti, ami acted as her accomplice. (TpChapped Hands, in cohi weather1, .re the natural effee of the alkali in soap.- Jo cure Ihem, use, alter washing, a Utile ream or Vinegar, which will neutralize healkalinepfoperf.es of the Soap-lhe oatural sweat performs this office 10 sunw mer. i i ir, ll ; 1 4 i. 1 1 If Si-