I Whole Xo. 9U5. Tarboroagh, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, Stpleniber 23, 184. VOL XIX. Xo. 3. The Tarborough 1'res.s, BY GEORGE HOWARD, Is published Weekly at Two Dollars and Fifty Vents per year, if paid in advance or. Three Dollars at the expiration of the subscription year, for any period le-s than a "year, Twenty-five Vents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any lime, on giving notice thereof land paying arrears those resiiliiit; at a distance 'must invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and '25 cents for every continuance. Longer advertise ments at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements '25 per cent, higher. Ad vertisements must he marked tne number of in f . sertions required, or they will be continued until "otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Kditor mast be post paid, or they may not he attended to. FORGET-ME NOT. From the German, bu Fitzgreene Hal leek. There tea fl.nver. a love'y (Imvrr, Tinged deep with Faith's unctwmging hue; Pure as the eiher in iis hour Ol loveliest and serenes! blue. Tn. st i earn let's gentle side it seeks, The silent fount, the shaded grot, And sweetly to the heart it speaks-, Forget-me not, forget-m e-not . Mild as the azure of ihine eves, Soft as the halo-beam above, In tender whispers sijll it sighs, Forget me not, my life, my love! There where thy last step turned away, Wet eyes shall watch the facred spot, And this sweet flower he herd to say, Forget! ah, no! forget me not! Yet deep its azure leaves within Is seen the blighting hue of care; And what that secret grief Inth been, The drooping stem may well declare. The dew drops on its leaves are tears, That ask, "Am I so soon forgot?" Repeating still, amidst their fears, My life, my love, forget me not! From theN. Y. Journal of Commerce. Bridgeport, Conn., Sept. 7, 1S43. Messrs. Editors The Miller Camp .Meeting which hs lately been held in our vicinity, on the line of the Housatonic Rail Road, at a place called Siepnev, came to an end lat Tuesday morning or Monday night. Such a scene of co dtiMon, fana i fism and impiety (as it appeared to me,) has never been equaled in this country since Columbus first stepped on our shores, unless in the case of Matthias the Prophet, whose career was short. On Thursday last Chittenden took the stand, and endeavored to prove that the world Would come to an end in 1S43. He spdke of the Judgment and eternity with a great deal of solemnity. During his preaching a n.-in pretending to be insp.ied, passed up and down through ihe encampment with a green leaf in his hand, waving it over his head, and crying "Hallelujh" and ''Glo ry" at the top of his voice. He soon be gan poin'ing his finger at certain individu als, making at the same time a muttering Bound, widl his mouth closed, which the Millerites said meant, that the individual to whom he1 pointed, was to all intents and purposes, eternally damned. Thus, he went from one to another sealing up forev er and ever the damnation of individuals, and the leaders all testified that the man fc'as inspired, & it would not answer to slop him, for that would be sinning against the Holy Ghost, which sin could not be par doned. At night, however, he was taken offthe ground by his fallnr, and confined r a lime. On Monday, another man by tiie name of Campbell got inspired, and nt through similar performances, being joined by many others affected in the same w'ay. It is impossible to describe the scene. Any person wearing a breast pin, Artificial flovveis in their bonnets, or a safe ty chain of gold, or a gold watch, was poin ted out as lost. I hese fanatics would fall n their knees, and demand of others to fall before them. They pulled off breast pins and finger rings and threw them away, broke up safety chains and scattered them to the winds. One lady was induced to takeout a whole set of fale leelh and throw them on the ground, which were stamped n the ground, which weie stamped in the Llrt- Others cut ofTtheir hair, which they u'e,'e told was their idol; others pulled it 0ut, and tried to persuade their friends to ; " likewise. I wo voun? ladit-S Irnm lirid geport were also inspired and pro- --.v-v-u vvue; upon imiivuuj.iis wmu uiu uoi -,fcieve as they did, by pointing their fin &'-'s at.J making this muttering noise, oaning, &c. A Mr. f minister I d I PiscoI)al c,lurch at , mount- a the stand to make some confession, and IiOiiiinrt.l . .. i- i i ...u . a: i declared that he should be no longer min ister of that particular church, or any oth er, hut should do what he could for ths great cause. He was pointed at, however, by the inspired man. and had to leave the stand. A Methodist minister by the name of Fuller, and a Baptist by the name of Gregory, were both sealed over to eternal damnation by these inspired ones. They were however not so easily frightened. The Methodist, Fuller, commenced pray ing. For a while all went well. -the Mil lerites crying "Glory," -Hallelujah," "Praise God," &c., till soon he prayed for the poor deluded ones who thought they were doing God service and were not, asking that the devil might be cast out ofihem. Whereupon ihe M ii lei its cried, "take him away," "stop him," "stop him," "his damnation is sealed," and laid their hands upon him. Fortunately there were friends enough to protect him. The Millerite leders said all this was the e'tfVct of the spi. it of God, till Litch, of the Mid night Cry," saw how things were going, and announced from ihe stand, that these things were the works of the Devil, and ih it the Millerites nnit leave the ground O.ie minis er declared that the world would come to an end this year: "It was jut as sure as preaching " Others of the Mille rites said it would be in the seventh month from March 1843. Others, that we 'should never see the 1st of October 1843. Hut the meeting ended, and the inspired ones fled. It was well for them thai it did; for the people were about adopting such meas ures as would protect tliir wives and daughters from the insult of ihese deluded men. I have not told you the half, nor need I We ihese the doctrines of the Bible, and is lhi Milier sm carried out? The Millerites. A friend who resides in Connecticut, tells us that a neighbor of his who was pn sent at the Millerite Camp Meeting near Bridgeport last week, brought home a handful of rings; chains, &c. which were thrown away under the influence of fanaticism, as described b-vour correspondent. We cannot help feeling ashamed for Connecticut, and for our race, that such a scene should have occurred among a people celebrated for intelligence and stability. The women who tore out their, hair, and cast away their ornaments preparatory to their ascension, were not of the best ed ucated class; yet we dare say they could all read, and all had the Bible in their houses, sent their children to school, and were themselves aceusiomed more or less to at tend public worship on the Sabbath. Cer tainly we have little reason to despise the devotees of Paganism, if we cannot keep our own educated people from such mi-ei able fanaticism. ib. Counterfeit Gold. Counterfeit quarter eagies, of U. 8. coin, are in circulation. They have a coarse, brassy appearance, and vet may pass, for it is not once in a year, if once in five years, that mul people see a piece of Ameiican gnld. Dreadful. The Maysvilie (Ky.) Eagle says, that on the evening of ihe 4th instant when the steamer Ohio Mail was a short distance below Augusta, Ky. a deck pas n ger named 13ro-vn, said to be laboring un der mania a potu, threw a young man in to the river from the after guards of the boat, and then jumped ovei board himself. Hoth were drowned. A Young Murderess. At Pen Yann (Pennsylvania Vankeetown) in this State, a young mother, only I8yeais of age, na med Mary Hrown, has been charged by a coroner's jury with drowning her own child-a little illegitimate about three years of age. After her misfortune a man named Hrown married her, but the child, was the cause of so much dissension between them that she thrust it intd the canal to gel rid of it. She acknowledges her guilt rJDied at Martha's Vineyard an old lady a few days since, Miss M. Merry, aged nearly one hundred years. She had lived nearly alone for forty years; at her death were found under the steps of her dooj $8. 000 in specie probably the most of it had been there forty years. It is sup posed she left in real estate about $ 1 5,000. Three Beauties The women who Were sent to the work house in this city because of their being leagued with the scoundrels, Smith, Douglas and Meeks, in the burning of the beautiful and costly raii road bridge across Heargrass Creek are called and pass by the unamiable appella lions of Hig footed Sail, Toothless Mary, and Long nosed Polly. Oh! what an anti climax to woman's high origin and desti ny! Louisville fVhig. Earthquake. The South west err country has been visited by another severe shock of an earthquake. Il was distinctly felt on the Mississippi river. The shock communicated to the steamboats induced ihe passengers to suppose, for a moment, that they had either grounded, or run up on a snag. The Memphis (Tennessee) Eig'e, of the 19th ult., says: We wen visited last nignt by one of the severest shocks of an earthquake which we have had tor many years, (excepting the one on the 4th of January last.) The shock last night was attended with considerable noise, and is said to have continued nearly a minute. Singular. Ve have been informed by someyoung men, of a strange occurrence which took place near Genesee a few days since. Some acre or two of earth, sudden ly sunk down to the depth of several feet, leaving a large pit or chasm, where men had jut been engaged in cutting wheat. Various cause have been assigned, but nothing sure or unequivocal has been de cided upon. fioch N. Y. Post. From the Raleigh Independent. Ji real Teetot Alter. The S. C. Tern perance Advocate informs us that Mr. James Lyles. of Columbia, whilst repair mg his house, discovered a pig under the fl or which he was raising. This pig had he -n missing some time, at least 5S days, during which lime it had submitted to en tire abstinence from food or drink. The Fig is still living and able to take a little ine il and water; it has been seen by a num ber of the most respectable persons, whoail attest the above facts. The fortunate result ot this compulsory experiment, is a pleas ing contract to the fate of the pig of th V inkles. Our readers have, we daregav, heard the melancholy story. It is thus di: tilied by some "Great Unknown:" "Jonny Winkle he, & Hetty Winkle she, " I hey had a little pig. The little pig he, laid down and died: "Jonny Winkle he sat down and cried; "So, there was an end of one, two,three; "Jonny Winkle he, Hetty Winkle she, "And piggy wiggie!" Deaths from Lightning. During a thunder storm at Richmond or. Friday last the house of Mrs. Coghill (situated on Adam's hill, overlooking the valley) was struck by lightning, and herself and her widowed daughter, Mrs. Sarah Johnson, were killed by the fluid in its descent. It struck on the comb of the house, descen ded on the east side to a window in the .second Ctory, at which Mrs. Johnson was standing, and struck her dead; it descended! thence iua straight line to the window of the story below at which stood Mrs. Cog hill, and struck her dead also. Mrs Co- lull had a daughter and son; the daughter shared her fate; the son was present to wit - ness the awful deaths of his mother and sister. iirs. Johnson left a daughter ele ven years old. It is but a few months since a man was killed by lightning but a i short distance from the Scene of the melan choly event described. Comp. A Money making Writer. The New York True Sun is the authority for the fol lowing: "Of all the American writers i now in vogue, Mr. Willis, is probably the most fortunate. He has several times're ceived from one to two thousand dollars for a single work written in the space of a few weeks. We have known him to receive a good round sum for the toil of a single hour, and we doubt not that he i In re ceipt of the largest income from his litera ry labors of any person in the country. He is now in a fair way to realize a hand some fortune. His last venture in the Mirror bids fair, from present appearances, to be a most successful and lucrative one " Philadelphia paper. Horrid Outrage. A gentleman called at our office on Saturday last, and informed us that a horrid outrage was committed in Manchester, Vermont, on Wednesday last Gen. Roderts of that place had some difficulty with a neighbor named Clark, in relation to a crop of grain, and forbid Clark's hired mart going on his land to take off ihe crop, and told him if he did so he would shoot him. The man persisted in going, and as he entered the lot Gen. Rob erts shot him, and a son of the Gen. ran up & pinned him to the earth with a pitchfork Our informant did not learn whether the wounds proved fatal or not. Gen. Rob erts has been arrested. Sandy Hill Her. (JA clairvoyant subject in magnetism a few days since conducted a small, but cred ulous party, toCalf island in Boston Harbor vith the idea that he had discovered im mense treasure there. A circle was mar ked, four bibles placed upon the same ai the cardinal points of the compass, and thf liggiog commenced,1 and was continued continued until the party came to a solid iedge when it was abandoned. Ignorance and superstition it seems have not entirely left our vvoi Id. Bangor fVhig Execution of two Slaves Frightful Consternation On Friday, the 25th ult in Laurens district, S. C. , the two slaves found guilty of the murder of Mrs. Garrett were executed according to sentence Three or four thousand people were pres ent The wdrrian confessed her guilt, was penitent, said she deserved death, and that, she Was inStigieM to, and assisted in, com-i milting the deed by the negro man named Randall all of which he positively denied, and was as stubborn as a mule to the last, j A spectator says it was truly affecting to se 4 little children belonging to the guilty woman two pair of twin, none of them old enough to walk. She tdld her h tu ba rid and other negroes, to take warning frim her fate, how they listened to the ad vice df evil-doers. At precisely one o'clock the plank was knocked from under them, and they were launched into eterni ty. ' After they had hung about five min uies, from some cause there seemed to be a panic in the crowd, when the cry of "mad dog," "earthquake," &c , wis raised by some mischievous persons, and a general rush of the spectators took pldce, running over one another, horses breaking loose and dashing through the erdvvd, crippling women and children, and several of the latter separated and lost from their parents; but providentially no lives were lost. The writer describes the scerie as awful in the extreme, reminding him of a terrific torna do. In fifteen or twenty minutes order was again restored, and the Criminals were cut down. Drunkenness and rioting pre vailed around the village ih the evening Melancholy Suicide. We are sorry to erord a most painful event. Last night Air. hit I ward tt jvans, wno resides in Pine stree near Second, came home about ten o'clock, much intoxicated. He had hten unending the meeting of the democratic delegation. His wife and another lady, after taking off his coat, boots and waistcoat, persuaded him to lie down, which he did, on condition that they should remain in the room with him. They were soon after startled by the report of a pistol. Mr. Evans had shot himself with a small pocket pistol, which they were not aware was in his possession. The ball entered the skull on a line with the outer corner of the tight eye, about three inches above the eyebrow, producing instant death. A Coroner's inquest was held on the de ceased this morning. The body was found in the position in which death came upon it, the right hand still grasping the pistol. The verdict of the jury was that ''the de ceased met his dea'h by shooting himself with a pistol. " Mr. Evans was 36 years of age in January last. His father, who is one of the most prominent mer chants in this city, is now absent in Vir- g'nia. The deceased has left a wife and four children. Philadelphia paper. From the Madisonian. Most Singular Circtirrisirriice.-The Rev. Mr. Hurnharri, minister of the Socie ty now worshipping at the Odeon, called upon us this morning and related the fol lowing strange story, which, had he not been a clergyman, We could hardly have believed. One evening last week, the Rev. gentleman's wife was taken suddenly and seriously ill. wheri. during a violent fit of vomiting, she ejected a Live Frog, about half grdwn ! The frog hopped half way across the room, and then, witn some thing like dramatic dignity, laid down on his back, and expired! Mr. Hurnham says she took the frog into her stomach, in the tadpole state while drinking wa er in the night, as she had been in the habit of so doing, arid that it had been in her stomach for some weeks. Mr. Hurnham remarked to us that, although he was not much af frighted, yet he waj considerably surprised at witnessing such a Strange addition to his family ! The Jews in (rermanij. The Aix-la-Chapelle Gazette Stales, tha.t a new Jewish sect has been formed at Leipsic, under the auspices of a Dr. Creiznach. The mem bers are obliged to have their children christened and educated in the doctrines of Christianity without the parents becom ing Christians themselves. The Universal German Gazette, also published at Aix-la-Chapelle, says, "A long struggle proce ded this event, and political causes had iheir"share of influence The new Jews it is well known, have already for a long time neither kept the prescriptions of the Talmulh, nor the laws of the Old Testa ment. Not 500 out of the 6000 Jewish in nabitants here live according to Jewish laws, and that small number .only because j i hey are compelled to do so from personal lot conscientious, motives. They even ,ay men to attend the synagogues, so tha1 '.here, at least, a sufficient number is present for reading prayers. Declarations are now arriving from all quarters in favor of the new sect, as well as against it The Jews lin Austria would adopt the new doctrine en mase, but they are afraid it would make their political situation worse " Aettf York paper. From the Ralcih Star. tTTA revolting murder was nerDetrateri in the vicinity of Mavsville Keritiickv, od the 28th tilt. A quarrel arose between & Mr. Jhu Harnett and Ins son James Har nett, a young man ahoiit 22 years of age; The latter, who was intoxicated, became fi antic, seized ah axe which stood close by and s'ruck his father seTeral times on tha head, mangling him in the most cruel man ner. The old man died the next day. From the Globe. Child Saved from Drowning by & Dog. At Cincindtti, on Thursday last, a we learn from the "Enquirer," a little girl apparently seVen or eight years of age, was playing with a large brindled cur dogj much" above the ordinary size, throwing sticks into the water, and watching the dog bring them to shore. Full of excitement with her amusements, she ventured lod near the bank with an object tod great for herriuny strength, and staggered with her exertions to throw it into the water, she lost her balance and fell in herself. The dog, true to his affection Fur the child plun ged in, giasped her by the .cloihes around the waist, and without any apparent diffi culty brought her out and deposited her safely upon the bank of the canal, where fur mother and sisters had arrived to res cue her, but the dog had anticipated them. We have dlten heard of such acts of the Newfoundland breed of dogs, but this ii tl e first instance of the sagacity of the common cur that ever came to our knowl edge. Counterfeit Mexican Dollars: Some doubt is expressed by the New Orleans Hee, whether the government of Mexico hai not ventuied upon the ruinous and disgrace ful expedient of debasing the coin of that country. A considerable amount of Mexi can money was recently found in the pos session of a young man, who-a proved to have received it in good faith, which uii examination was found td be largely min gled with spurious alloy. Fifteen of the dollars were a&sdyed by Dr. Riddell. Several of therh were found to contain 52cj 53, 54 and 55 cents of Silver, and the rest copper, others were composed ot nickel and copper. From the testimony elicited it seems probable that the money was actu ally issued from the Mexican mints. A fellow calling himself William Turner arrived at the town of Norwich, Connecti cut, a few days since, and on the strengtH of a bandaged and splintered arm, which he said was fractured, and a mournful story of shipwreck and disaster, contrived td make many appeals to the charily of the good citizens Uf that towrr. Unfortunate for him, however, a Dr. Bergess whorri, he encountered became very desirous of viewing the fractured arm; and the other" positively refusing to grant him his wish suspicion was awakened; arid by the aid of a little force, the bandages arid spllhlera -were removed, and exposed td view a quantity of gold eagles and bank notes" carefully disposed along ari arrri a5 sound a$ it possibly coiild be. The impristor waJ straightway introduced to the riotice of the" Mayor, by whom he was assigned quarters for thirty days in. the House of Corectionf with the injunction that hf should be at work at prdper intervals. Notwithstand ing his arm; he was doing well at the last accounts. (QThe" Charleston Mercury says that Josiah Gilchrist; acting as Assistant Con ductor dn the Rail Roadj recently met with: an untimely death. In comingdown witri a train of freight cars, and w hen within short distance of the Upper Depository, in attempting to jump frdrii one car to an other he missed his foothold and fell be tween the cars where he was so shockingly mangled, that aliho' thejbest medical aid was ajmosl immediately at hand, he silrvi ve'd the acident but about an hoar. Progress of Puseyisrti. The Alle'ganjr Banner says it saw a beautiful young lady of the Episcopal church, walking along Federal street with a Bishop on her hack and a Cardinal on her shoulders. Veri ly, we are a priest-ridr'en people (jySpots upon mahogany furniture,' caused by cologne water, or alc'dhol in titif form, may be immediately removed, afrtd the place turned to its original color and beauty, by the application of a fefcr drops of oil. We believe this to be a sure resto rer. Try it. Boston Merc. Joitr v Why is it that on Emma's cheek. The lilly blossoms, not the rose? Because the rose has gon6 to seek A place upon her husband's nose. i w :' V, 'fl.; ; t t If ,fl j. ii; pt-1 in ? H If; if " T J. ! u t A: u f. C b 1 ? J r l ! 0