SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1843. . fully performed And without praising or censuring him in advance, we are per fectly willing to abide the test of time for his conduct and ability. Senator Haywood We noticed with pleasure the honors shown to one of our Senators in Congress, the Hon. Wm. H. Haywood, during his recent travel in the Western part of the State. The speech delivered by him to the citi zens of Mecklenburg, who complimented him with a public dinner, is characterized by o much good sense, and exhibits, in such glowing colors the deceptive and rui nous policy of the Whigs, that we would gladly grace our columns with it, but for its length. The first reading of this Speech satisfied us of its superior meris, and we know, if submitted to the reason and fa i r judg ment of the Whigs themselves, that many of them would enquire and solve for them selves the question, "what have we gained by Whig measures?" and if we had not this evidence of its merits, the effect produced on theWhigs, theirdenilnciations and wrath poured out upon it, and their zealous efforts to parry and counteract its tflVcts, are con Vincing proofs, that its blows are felt. Tin fluttering of wounded pigeons shows the effective aim of the shot. The Whig Editors may resort to their Usual tactics, of abusing and misrepi event ing both speech and author; but they dare not republish it, or undertake a fair criti cism of it. They professed on his election to be proud of it preferred him to any oth er Democrat, and before he had taken his eat, or given the first vote, he is proclaim ed as an upstart and hypocrite. H is speech ' is denounced as demagogical, without ci ting any instance in it bearing the slightest tincture of it. Without attempting to ex- ... i . . . . i i r plain wny, tney say tney are asnameu oi hirii. Nb doubt their sense of shame is strongly developed, at their own exposure and deformities, which has been shown by a master's hand. Their shame and con fusion is at their own exposure, and not the Orator's. Rf Ka filnalprl nut one Pxnression on st ems to us to be useless longer to de- , . , . 11 i ny. Some few cases that have occurred of in his Speech, seems to have shock.j 5efe9 that point beyon contradic!jon ed their whole nervous system; and for the, Vc thus wrjte tint our neighbours may be Want of some other point of attack, have in possession of all the facts in the case, twisted and tortured it into a hideous de- Although we are thus plain, we siy at the formity that ill-fated expression which ! mc time ihat much of the sickness here , , . . r i i i o ,' is nothing more than the billions fever has to bear the brunt for the whole Speech , . . , r .u i i . .u r : And by way ol giving the whole truth, we Is, that he called himself "the Senator ofj wiM slale hat llu,re wa8 26 deaths in this his party. " By misrepresenting the ap jtown from the 31st of August to the 4th of plication of it, and making it refer to a dif-' October inst , among the while population; ferent meaning, they have sought to givej'he have also been some f. w deaths r t I I among the negroes. Of the 26 deaths, 17 it a shocking signification. Unless they I . t t- J i we feel warranted in asserting, were ot yel- claim him as the Senator of their pirty, or !jow fever their principles, they ought not to object to There seems to be much difference of the expression. But the manner in which opinion in regard to the disease, whether it the expression was used, and its plain ob he contagious or not: oi mis we ..m QpThe cool weather does not seem to check the sickness in this section, which prevails to an extent unprecedented for years happily it seldom has a fatal termi nation. W.e copy from the Washing ion Republican, of the last and present weeks, the following-list of dea hs. It will be seen, by an article below from that pa per, that it is now admitted the Yellow Fe ver is prevailing there. DIED, In this town, on the 21t inst., Mrs Hannah Wmdley, at an advanced age. In this town, on Friday, the 22d inst. Edward Morse son of the late Jos. Morse, aged about 1 6 years. In this town, on Monday nieht, 25ih inst., Mrs. Jane W., wife of the Rev. George N. Gregory. In this town, at I o'clock on Tuesday morning, 26th inst., Capt. Francis Credle, aged about 30 years. In this town, on the 2Sth ult, at the res idence of her son, Joseph S. T. Redding, Mrs. Nicey Jones, formerly a resident ol M a? tin county. Also, on the same night, Mr. Joseph S. T Heckling. Also, on the same night, Mr. John Fl it i chords. Also, on the 29th ult , Mrs. Martha M Fowle, wife of S. R. Fowle, esq Also, on the same day, Mr. Harvey Gresrorv. son of the Rev. George N. Gie- goi y. A No, on the sime day, John Thomas, of a liiiiierinn sickness of 5 or 6 months, son of Mr Richard Brothers, aged 4 years and 10 months. Also, on the same day, Franklin, son of Mr. Anson Holloway. A No. on the 30th ult. Gen. James O'A" Williams, aged about 54 years. A No, on the 2nd instant, Capt. George W. Clements. A No, on the 3d instant, Mrs. Harriet, widow of the late Thomas Robbins. Also, on I he same day, James Blake more, son of Mr. Willie A Blount. Also, on the 4ih ins',. Mrs Lidia Guth rie, aged about 63 years On hoard the schr. Raleigh, Stuart, master- while laying in Delaware Break-water, on the 7th September, ult., Mr. Hay wood Gibbs, mate of the R , and a citizen of Hyde county in the 23d year of his age. From the iVashington Republican. YELLOW FEVrER. That the Yellow Fever is in Washing- We have thought the foregoing was due? (lie lesson taught in the book of Exodus. C, 13.$ to Dr. Bryan, but we wish it to be under stood that we harbour no unkind feelings towards any one of the medical fraternity, nor would we be instrumental in casting the least censure upon any of them. Such is not our intention, but we aim td "let justice be done, though the heavens fall. Extract of a letter, dated GREENVILLE, N September 29th, 1843 "The Commissioners of Greenville have passed an Ordinance, prohibiting all inter course, either directly or indirectly, be tween this place and Washington, for thir tv days from this date, being sitNfied that Yellow Fever or some other dangerous disease prevails there, and have made any infraction of the ordinance a penalty of fifty dollars. I mention this to prevent any of your citizens from getting into dif ficulty." Thank you, neighbour, we will try to shun Greenville, for wehear awful accounts of the health of that place occasionally! Hut you have acted right. From the Democratic Signal. on The Convention. The necessity the part of the Democratic Party of North Carolina of holding a State Convention to nominate a candidate for Governor to ap point delegates to the National Convention, and to decide upon the manner in which this State shall be represented, and how her vote shall be given upon the question of the Presidency, is now plainly seen and felt by all. The different counties are has tening to respond to the Democratic Meet ing in Wake, and we have reason to hope j that there will be such a display of unanim ity and mutual concession among all mem bers of the Democratic family as will show the federal party that it has nothing lo e's- pt ct from dissension and discord in our tanks; that contending for great and vital chap, xx, ver xvi, to which I refer them for further inlormation. .I1jUM1j. From the Raleigh Standard. Wake Superior Court. The Superior Court for Wake county is now in session in this Cit) his Honor Judge Bailey pre siding. The Attorney General with a mo-t commendable industry, got through with the criminal docket on Monday, so as to enablt the Court to proceed upon the civil docket on Tuesday. On I uesday mnrnimr ,l;urips I err v. Who had been ac quitted at a former term on the ground of insanity, but who had nevertheless been in close prison for some was brought up, took the insolvent oath in discharge of costs, and was set at liberty. James Pulley, whose term of imprisonment had expiied, was also discharged on taking the oath. Causrht Jfrain. That "same old coon" Hardy Carroll has been again arres ted. He was brought in apparently in very feeble condition, and ihe Sher ff says he must break strong irons before he es capes again. ib. From the Raleigh Register. 1 he injiuenza. i his nisease, r as some term it, the " Tyler Grippe,'' has been very impartial in its calls upon our Citizens, making no distinction in age, sex, or condition. We have heard of no case in which it has proved fatal, though it is quite distressing. The weather contin ues very varioble changing from warm to cold, and vice vtrsa to which cause may be attributed this prevailing disease. Encouraging The receipts of the past summer months for travel over the Wil mington and Roanoke Rail Road were con- principies, federalism is our worst ioe, i iJe, atl v ineater than those of the corres- and all our ammunition shall be expended non,i;nir mih ,,f pnn ,,ntw;ih upon it. It may not expect to retreat s iie- ly, or to attack successfully under cover from our own ranks. Let it be assured standing there wa in the mean lime a re duction on the charges of nearly thiily per cent. The inciease is attttihutpd in nart that all personal preferences will be forgot- 1o ,he re(ljced fare amj oiherwise; to the ten, and there win be a union, n oi no om- hetleri ,imes. IVilm Chron. General Order, j RKCjJ IJI EIVTAL No. 3 5 Elead Quarter; 2st Regl. N6 Carolina Militia. Set 2Sih, IS43. fljiHE Officers, Musicians, and Private, ol this R' giment are ordpred to pa. rade in Tarhoro' n Saturday I he 21st oj" October, 184 3. 11 o'clock, armed and equipped for Regimental Review and Hi ptjction. 'The Officers and 1st Serjeants of eacH company will meet in Tarboro' the dajr previous, Friday the 2(jih. (or officer drill and R gimental Court Martial and the several Captains will then make their an nual teturns. Tht Troop of Cavalry will parade with the Regimeni on Saturday. By order, HrfRMN WjRD,Col 6 Henry T Clark. Adj'i. GROCERY And Commission ISu$inc$: f J 1 H K Subscriber continnp the C6ni mission and Grocery Business in thi place. They will as heretofore give particular attention to ihe sale of Country Produce, And promptly rentier an account sales of ihe same. A'. M MJlltTLVb DONN.hXS. Petersburg, Virginia, Oct. 3rd, IS4 . :i9 4 rious meaning, as indicated by its reference to the subject he was then speaking f, frees it from any illiberal or improper mea ning or bearing. He" was speaking of the possible dissentions in the Democratic ranks in the selection of a candidate for the Pres idency, and the preferences of the party for different persons and declined to - de clare any preference himself, because be ing "the Senator of the party," and not of any portion or fragment of it, he desired to encourage no breach, but to keep the party united; to dictate no choice to others, Or to take side in the dispute. He prefer red their union and harmony, and to rep resent Iheir united counsels. It was in this sense he called himself Hhe Senator of his party," and there was no improprie ty in it. The Whigs seeing their only chance of iucce-'S is a division of the Democratic par-y,-try every means to effect it; and noth ing would have pleased them better than for Mr. Haywood to have called himself the Senator of a part of his party. They enred not, whether the Van liuren, Cal houn, or Johnson part. Their fingers ache to foment a family quarrel among us, and becatfse Mr. H. is not weak or treacherous- enough to tubserve their purposes, he is to be abused. No, Mr. Haywood has all his life, both in- public and private, beerr a de Voted Democrat, honest, true, and consist ent and the great Democralical principles he has always so zealously sustained, he his recently been selected by the voice ol his Slate to represent in the great councils ot ihe country. And we have every con fidence that the duty will be ably and faith- nothing, having hut little acquaintance with its nature. Our people are many of them out of town, and our population much thinned. 55 families ha I left from last Friday to' last Tuesday night, when wfe made up our esti mate. We indulge the hope, therefore, that the disease will abate in severity ai well as extent. I he weather was very unfavorable the latter part of last week, but is now quite ihe reverse; this morning ( Wednesday) a fire felt very comfortable. We h ve heard of no new case since Sun day, & most of thoe that are now on the sick list are understood to be convalescent. We do not think there is that danger in our friends coming to town as many ap prehend there is, so we say toour neigh bors, come along, and get such necessaries iis you may want. (TJWhen the Yellow Fever was first reported to be in this town, about four weeks since, by Doctor Jesse G. liryan, a highly esteemed and worthy young gen tleman of the medical fraternity, the Doc tor was censured for thus expressing him self, notwithstanding he confined his opin ion to those cases-which he was called to administer to. lie was not only censured but was the subject of ridicule by some, and his opinions treated with contempt. But since the disease has more fully devel oped itself of it? true color, the inhabitants generally are disposed to believe that Doc tor Bryan's opinion was deserving of equally as much credence as the opinion of others. He has added no little to his rcpu tation as a physician, although it has been done in a way which he undoubtly regrets. He; would much rather have suffered the odiuin: of rgnorance, which some have accused him of, than to have witnessed the prevalence of a disease so awful in our mid, slaying down almost daily and with out warning, ouf mbst vVorthy and enter prising citizens. er and dearer kind, an union of policy and interest aerainst a common enemy, a. Convention will be the first step to regular organization, and the sooner that organiza tion be effected, the better for our party and the cause. The machinations of whig gery have already begun, as for inst mce, it is apparent that by diminishing circula tion of money it would force the people to fall in with its current in favor of a Dank. 'This is but one stratagem; it is right that these machinations should be met. 1 ho rough organization is the best weapon with which the combat can be held. We would suggest to our friends as speedy an assem bling of the Convention as the convenience of the people will allow. Washington Market, Sept. 28. Corn wholesale, S2 75 per barrel. Bacon S cents. Lard, 8 to 9 cents. Naval stores. New dip, Si 85; Old, Si 70. Scrape, 75 cents. Rep. COMMUNICATED. Elder James Osbour?i will be by ap pointment at the Kehukee Association Wednesday, 4th Oct. at Pleasant Hill; Thursday, at Upper Town Creek; Satur day and Sunday, at Lower Town Creek; Tuesday, 10th, at Harda way's; Wednes day, at Williams's; Thursday, at night, in Tarborough; Saturday and Sunday, 14lh and 15:h, at Conetoe; Tuesday, at Tarbo roush; Wednesday. ISth, at Lawrence's; Friday, at the Conlentnea Association. j List of Letters, Remaining in the Post Office at Tarbo rough. yhe 1st of Oct. 1813, wtveh if not taken out before the I.s7 of Jtn next, will be sent to the Cede ral Post OJJice as dead letters. A-Ikins William 2 Lawrence John From the Washington Republican. "PAYING FOR THE WHISTLE " Mil Editor: The Editor of the North Slate Whig, quoting from the Philadelphia Forum, sttes, that Mr. Arrington "must have expended at least J&5,0u0 in buying the influence of the keepers of grog shops .i 1. ....Ui:Unniu A on and otner sucn esiauiisiiincms. ri ov cents per gallon S5,000 would buy 12,820 gallons of brandy, or 102,560 pints, or 420,240 gills, a gill of brandy, would be by the most of brandy drinkers, considered a large drink, and as Mr. Arrington recei ved, but 4813 votes, it follows by a simple ml in arithmetic, that hf must havp ttp.i- xt par.h of his voters to P.ihtv.fivn stiff '1DOU' 6 years- James H. son of Dr. John .i ri i .r u 4 i. "F. Bellamy, of congestive fever. Also, on the 27ih ult; aged 2 years 4 DIED, In this county, on Saturday last, in the prime of life, Majr Edwin Rarnes, a highly fespectahle and most useful citizen. In Nash counsy, on the 23d inst. aired glasses of brandy, or near enough to make each of them drunk every day for a month previous to the day of the election. This is the account drawn of our Representative and the men who elected him, and sent forth to the world endorsed by a miserable letter writer in Carteret county, and his coadjutor in your town: men who know as little about the moral condition of the De mocracy of this district, and of the great causes that 'produced ,Mr. Stanly's defeat, as they do about charity and good will to their fellow men. Can it be necessary to Mr. Stanly's vindication, that such wanton calumnies and malevolent slanders should be perpetrated against his political oppo nents? Will nothing quiet the stomachs of his disappointed supporters, and heal his wounded pride but the utter prostitu tion of truth and justice? What a lamenta ble state of things! How desperate must that cause be which requires such unwor thy means for its support. Let these men beware how they play upon the feelings of their Democratic fellow citizens, they may sow the wind but reap the whirl wind. The "State of Edgecombe" has taught what the aroused energies of the Democracy can do. Let them profit by the lesion. The unflinching yeomanry of that ever glorious county was on th tongue of every Whig witling in the dis trict, compared to "walking brandy bar rels," crowed over as the conquered, held up to ridicule in every possible light, and what was the consecjuence?' A voice of thunder was heard on the 3rd of August last, carrying dismay and defeat into the ranks of their revilers, "the conqueror was conquered," and the banner of Democracy floated in triumph over the district. So let the opponents of Democracy learn wis dom from experience," bridle their tongues dnd pens, ami above all thiols" study well months and 18 days, Cornelia Caroline. daughter of Rev. Thomas L. Carter, of Guilford county. Raleigh Register will please copy. In Pitt county, on Friday, 30th ultimo, aged about 32 years, Capt. Williams Stan- sell. The deceased was of resnectable Da- rentage, and of high standing in society. He has left an amiable wife and several small children, to mourn the loss of a faith ful husband and a tender parent. His neighborhood has also losl a conscientious man of buiness, in the prime of life. The pale faced monster elaims at his de mand, And man before him is but dross or sand; The tall, the great, the noble must Lie down and sleep in mo'her dust. Thus none can flatter, Or can stay his arm, Not gold or silvc r ever could him charm; But when comniission'd in his coacfi he rides, Destructive pains and fevers are always by his side. Com. Copartnership. ARREN H ARRIS & CO , of Nor folk, Va., will on the first October next, ps ablhh a branch of their House in Petersburg, Va., under the firm of II V . Harris, For the transaction of a General Com mission Business, and respectfully soli cit consignments f Cmton, Tohacco, &c. We will Uo pay strict attention to recei ving arid forwarding Goods, Nlerchan dise, &c WARREN HARRIS. HENRY HARRIS. Sept. 20th 1843 3S 3m Armstrong M K A I lord Ed m on d Anderson Benj Ulsbrouk David Braddy S E .iiss By nu m Robt Bradley Benberry Bilbry Na icy Mrs Brown Den-on B rron James Brown Jacob Bradley John Cherry Jane Mrs Cromwell Elisha Cromwell Epinetus ayo John A Dicken H Denton Campbell Dicken Louisa Mis Drake Wm H Dew Lrrv M Darnel John II D -lord B Dunn Maty Ellinor James Edrnudsin Joseph Kllis C ffiehi or James Cobb Fryer J imps Garrett JoVeph J Gib') Thomas B Harvey Jom ph Jones M !es Johnson Henry Knight Martha Mrs Knight J L idge William Lucusi Wriht Lee William C Lee ri Ma gee Wm 5 Mei cer Jesse Mills Avefat Mooring Wm L Morgan John Neal David Pender Joshua Col 2 Pervis Lwis Pitman Reddin Pender James Peel Wm Capt Peel Pepiah Miss Parker Theo 2 Parker John H Parker At thur Rountree Emily Mrs Sh'ff ol Edgecombe S a ton Suan Mrs Taylor Alien 2 Thomas Jesse 2 Thoma Howell Thoi u Wm D T) son Olivia Miss Taylor Davnn Tyler William 3 W imJom Isaiah1. VVinbbfn Joseph J Wilson John Williams Philip W iggi ns Ann M fci Whitehead Mathew S4 JrfS. M. REDMOMJ.P M. NoticCi .- JJWING taken letters of administra tion from the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Edgecombe county according to law, on the estate of Bnij Sharpe, dee'd; and having oblaimd nn order of Court to lhat effect, I shall expose to PUBLIC SALE, on Thursday, 26ih Oct. next, the pv-rish !!. properly belong ing to said estate, viz; Horse. .Mules," Cattle,1 Sheep, and Hogs all the Farming utensils, 1 Barouche and Harness I cot ton Gin, r wheat Fan. Blacksmith's tools," some Cai penter's toofs ., 1 yoke of Oxen,- two barrels of Brandy," I apple Mill aod Press, I lot of VVheat and Peas, together with his Househok! Furniture 10 shares of R. & W. R Road Stock, S hales ol Cotton, 1 Piano Foite, with tr-a' ny other articles too tedious, to mention". Sale to be opened 1 ll' oVInck, A. M' vvhpn and where the terms will be made known. JOHN P. SIlJRpB,Jldm'r. Sept. 26 h, 1843. 39 T JYoticcj THE subscriber is desirous to sell hi? House and Lot at Rocky Mount. The situation is well calculated lor a More or a mechanical business of any desciip lion. Th se who wish to purchase wi do well to call speedily and examine for themselves. Terms will be made accom modating. A. J. SKINNER. Sept. 1, 1S43. 355