TO FAMILIES & INVALIDS. The followinjr indispensable family reme dies may be found at the village drugstores, mid soon at every country store in the state. .Remember and never get them unless they have the faosimile signature of tVf c on the wrappers, as all others by the same naiuTV'-ure base impositions and counter, feits. If the merchant' nearest you has them not, Urge him to procure them the next time he visits New York, or to write for them. iVtf family should be a week without these remedies. BALM OF COLUMBI A.FOR THE HAIR, Which will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald places ; and on children make it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair from any cause ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children m schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. nd the name of 'fac " it, or never try it. Remember this always. RHEUMATISM, . BISS positively cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limbs arc restored, in the old or young, by the Indian VjitiETAM.E El.lXIR AND NeRVK AND Bo.NK LlNTSIENT but never without the name of Comstock &. Co. on it. are wholly prevented, or governed if the attack has come on, if you use the only true Hays' Li.WMKNT.from and every thing relieved by it that admits of an out ward application. It acts like a charm. Use it. IIOItSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Vind-Galls, fcc, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; and Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofs' Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. Dallcy's Blagical Pain Ex tractor SalVC The most extraordinary lemedy ever invented for ail new or old and sores, and sore ggj It has delighted thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes. and no failure. It will cure the LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more -nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them regularly. LiVS TE.TirElMNCE BITTERS: on the principle of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, wliich hiu reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LIN'S fteXli PILLS, superior to a!', others for cleansing the system and the humors affect ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general health. J See Dr. Lin's si nature, iritis : DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the or bilious. Hundreds of families are using it with great joy. DR.SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH f r the certain prevention of ggj ATt or any general sickness $ keeping the stomach in most per. feet order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. pains in the bones, hoarseness, and are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS. The French Plaster is a sure cure. I'air any shade you wish, but will not color the skin. SARSAPARILLA. comstocks coi. POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepara tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this. If you are sure to get Comstock's, you will find it superior to all others. It does not require puffing. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and al external ailings all internal irritations brought to the surface by friction with this Balrri ; so in coughs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the ches, this Balm spplied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once. Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. Dr. iJatthoIcmcto'3 will prevent or cure all incipient consumption. taken in tune, and is a de'.ightful remedy. Kernem bcr the name, and get Comstock's. kOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE fcradica,e a11 ESESSigl in children adul,s with a certainty quite astonishing. sells with a rapidity almost incredible, by Comstock $ Co., New York. TOOTH DROPS. KLINE'S cure effectually. "'"fdacrorHinff In net f Cuticre, in the jreur br Comstock 4- Co.. in tlit Clfrk'Hutlice of the Southern District of New York. By applying to our agents in each town and village, papers may be had free, showing the most respectable names in the country for these facts, so that no one can fail to believe them. frBe sure you call for out articles, and not be put off with any stories, that others are n Sod. HAVE TIIKNK Oil NONE, should be Your mottoam these never can be true and genuine 'itliout our nanus to them. All these articles to be had wholesale and retail only of us. 0 Wholesale Druggists, No 21 C rtlandt stree, near Broadway Formic by a. Howard, tarboro Robert Nor fleet, 'JJIHRUUUH returns hi. fincere thanks, lor the very libera, patronage received since his commence men! in b.isine-1 Gentlemen, wishing to p ociire a sun of clolhes, equal in eve ry rcVcl lo the hesi that can be made in the United Stales, can do so by ,rvin him i call. Always on hand, A W Mock of Cloths. Cuss, meres and I '"'A', of Ike. newest styles, .ndyiaonme.,t of mcks claVll hw -oms,; glove,, silk and wool hirts and drawers hats, pumps, lO0 (Jm,)rH TirWoro', Keb. 1, S42. Notice. 7ILLIAM II HMTLK& HENJ It U rv r i t. i ' . i i.,r4 Having puiehased tlx interest ol Amos J. Buttle in the COTTON FACTORY And appurtenances situated it the iatts of Tar Hirer, The whole establishment is now owned y ihem and C. C. li.ittle. The busine n ulii r.- will lH. conducted as heretofore, n the name of Buttle Brothers, and "poo Ibe same liberal and accommod 1 in; terms. In couMquenee of the wiihdrawal o! tie ol the (ormer firm ol Haillr & Hroih is, the holiness will haVH lo he closed up 'o the 1st .lay of June, IS4I. A suitaoh gent will be employed lo attend to thi ;ai I ol the business. They hope io h.ive the continued pal roim of a ;vneroiiN public, n they will ndearnr lo have their Varus inadeof good ( i.dity, and will sell at as low prices as i in- article can he had at other places. RATTLE ir RROTHERS. Horkv Mnnni, N.( .Iuiih 18 Notice. Cotton Gins Ibr Sale. A FK new steel-plate tJollon Gins, 1 mad" a i Greenville, for sale. Apply to Henry Chamberlain, Greenville, or lo GEO HOWARD Tar'oro Aug. 25. 184 1 44 Uttgicttl ruin Exlvaclov. Absolute heal all! trials, and all success- ? v v vlul.urove Dalley's Mair- ical Pain Extractor inestimable, ll not only cures quicker, but gives no addition al pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is pos itively rendered harmless. ($10 has been offered six months to any person re turning an empty box, & saying that all agony on anointing is not extracted in a few minutes, yet not one from thousands of trials since has claimed the bonus.) Parents anxious lo guard against gener.d ininripi :ui() save nionev. lime, torture and life, and prevent their offspring lrom:il,P :'marks were taken from the last being .honied by burns, or even small i ,,,,mher of ,he Medical Magazine: pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable "The surprising effect produced by the poer o replace the cellutarv organs j Pnunie Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver desirmed.) ran do so by obtaining ibis ! wor, nKU,e at 375 Rwery, m consump inimitahle alve. Many deeply burnt I Uvi cases ca,mo, fa,! exciting a deep and cases in the city can be seen, &'.wie en- ' ," i,lin6 ,,,,erf,s, lliroughoul the world. .ir.L.-ph.irnt over and wounded three iW ,,i,ve so o"S be,,eved this disease distinct times in the same spot while lieal ing, yet in no case ran be traced the eas cicatrice or mark! tor all kinds ol hurts, its rapid, soothing effect are alike important; ven sore eyes, all inflamma tion and broken breasts would be un known. The toilet and nursery, for clenrint! the skin of pimples, removing rhaps, will find it indispensable. Once using only, will forever establish it the sovereign ileal all quality. After this notice, heads of families allowing torture for mnths, and ultimately distor ted features, can never wipe away re proach, justly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over fire. "Entered according lo Act of Con gress, A. I). 1841 by Comstock & Co., in the (-jerk's OiUce of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York' Gj-FRAUt)S BEGINNING upon Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor, render il ABSOLUTELY necessary that the name ol COMSTOCK & CO.r be round oii every package: for the use of a counterfeit might ruin one. Do not for Uei to look for that name, and avoid il a8 you would poison, if COMSTOCK & CO.'s FAC-SIMILE is not on it. We are obliged to be on our guard against viliianV in all places. Buy ONLY of the above firm, whose power is IUKEVOCABLE for TWEN TY Years. I1EXRY D ALLEY . Dated, March, 1843. Comstock Co wholesale Ditjgajists No. 21 Corilandt street, near flmad tay. For Sale in Tarboio'by Geo. Howard in Washington by Dr. P. Gallagher in Raleigh by Dr. N. L. Stitli. January 14, 1843. JYoticc. A HAHOUCUE, partly worn; with harness and fixtures for one or two horses Apply to GEO. HOWARD Tslrboro', Jan. 24tb$ 1S43. Lockwood Hyatt, Tin Ware Manufacturer, WASHINGTON; N. C. I,L KINDS of Tin Ware manufactu red at the shortest notice, including !one tinninor and conductor pipes. Pm further particulars enquire ol GHORGK H()VAUD,TarboiV. May 29, 1S43. 22 j. in ww arc. -re 10FFKK POPS, buckets, chinch sua mers, watering p..S, &c. for sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', July 28. China, Glass and Earthenware. j JAJIES P. SMITH, IMPORTER, Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. Has now open a full supply of CHINA of various kinds and qualities GL SS cut, presl and plain F. A UTHEN W A IK,bf evi ry description. He will suppjy himself with Goods by mp.irt iti -n. Purchasers who may favor him with a call, may depend upon having Goods ol the bet quality packed with gre.l care and upon reasonable terms. Aug. 2S, 1843. 35 6 Jlnd JLivcr Complaint. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, FROM 375 BOWERY, NEW YORK, JOU ibe cure of coughs, colds, asth ma, whooping cough, catarrh, pains in the side and breast, bronchitis, liver com plaints, and all those affections of the throat and lungs, which are a source of so much suffering and so often terminate in consumption, this remedy is justly and highly distinguished. It is purely vege table, mild and gentle in its effects upon the system, and can be taken in the most delicate cases with safety as well as utili ty. So extensively has it been used and so often proved successful, even in ex treme and apparently almost hopeless ca ses, not only as a palliative but as a rem edy, that the Proprietor feels no hesitan cy in introducing it, and recommending it to all who unfortunately may have occa sion to resort lo some means of recovery. Phys:cians, familiar with its effects and aware of the healing properties of this vegetable preparation, not uufrequently prescribe it in their practice; and with the Medical Faculty generally, it has met vMiii more than ordinary approbation. (CONSUMPTION. The follow (consumption) incurable, that it is diffi cult it ci edit our senses when we see per sons, .evidently consumptive, restored to health. Yet il is a fact of daily occur rence." The following certificate was given us a few days since by Capl. Scott, of Eliz abeth City, N. C "Being constitutionally predisposed to consumption, (a number of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely from irritation of the lungs, accompanied with cough and rais ing matter and blood, together with some pain in my side and breast, till I was sup posed to be beyond recovery, 1 was indu ced by advice of Dr. Perkins, to try Tay lor's Balsam of Liverwort; and with great pleasure take ibis opportunity of testify ing to the value of this remedy. I have iaken five bottles in all. 1 began to im prove after the first bottle, and after la king the ibird was so far recovered as to be able to get about; since which time, bv continued use of il, I am quite resto red and able to attend lo my usual busi ness. To persons suffering from coughs and affections of the lungs I can earnestly recommend it. (Signed.) JAS. C. SCOTT. Consumption cured! Being of a studi ous habit, I became afflicted some years since, with bronchitis, tickling in the throat, slight cough, and other consump tive symptoms. Every new cold increa sed my disease, until it sealed into regu lar confirmed confirmed consumption. I now commenced the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bow ery, and this medicihe gave me relief in a short time. It has since effected a ra dical cure. Rev. G. W. CANDA. For sale by . GEO. HOWARD, Azent. Tarboro', Feb. 25, 1843. 8 Printing neatly executed It Tim 07fICJ5. NEW CHEAP Cash Store at Rocky llounl, KASli COUNTY, N. C. fEPllE ub-ci iber bvgs leave lo inform the ciliz d Nh and Edgecombe counties, and the public generally, that lie lias jux op ned ,i lie w Cheap Cash Store, t U cky M..u i, (where B. Buun, E-q. formeily did huiiies-,) where he i pre pared, ready and willing, to wail upon all those who may have ibe kindne;s to fa vor him wil-j then custom- His Slock consists of a Handsome Assortment of fa ticy $' staple DRY GOODS, Hardware, Cutlery , Ac. '"rockery, Chin , and (ilass wares Boots ind Shoes in siirjii variety Leather, shoe thread, &c. li aver. Kusia, rabbit, ahd casimere Hat-, of the lais style. YVjl low, s'raw ami silk Bonnets, a mst heau tilui article. T. farther with a general a sotlrnenl of O. !t)CEKl ES, consi-ting ol moaies, sugar, c-ffee, in h,. powder and shot, &c jdoughs. plough points, weeding ho-', nail, i'p:desv Trace -chains, &e tic. Ladies and Gen.tlenieu are respenfully invited tornll and examine for themselves, as he charges nothing for looking. J. a k NIGHT. Rocky Mount. March Slst, 1843. (jJ I be Stnre at his residence, recent ly known hy the name of Tradev ille, will also be continued hy the subscriber. . C K ITIciltvaii&ej ISi'otviiley A: Co. PErEUSBDRO, Va. VE. received thor Full Supply of GROCERIES, which includes heavy stock ol COTTON IMOlXCi, little Hv'pe and Twhie, bole and Upper Leather, Calf and Kip Skins, With every other article in their Line which will be sold on their usual terms. Onhrs from their fri hds at a distance will meelpioni'pl attention. , SlnciaUeii tion will always be given to the Sale of I'roduce. Cotton Planters who have not before di rected their attention to this market, ate requested to. give it a trial. August 17, 1843. 34 Sidlh of Jfortk Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AUGUST TERM, 1S43 Jemima Amason and others, Petition vs. fir sale .lohn A mason, & Henry Horn, of Slaves Adin'r of Edwin Amason ) for D vi and others, sioii. T appearing to the satisfaction of the 'Court, that two of the defendants in this case, to wit, John Amason ami Hen ry Horn, are not inhabitants of. this State: Il is therefore ordered bv the Cnjirl, thai publication be made in the Tarboro' Press, for six weeks successivt ly, giving them nb'ice to ippear at the next term n f this Court, to be held for said. County on the fourth Monday in November npxt. al he Cour' House in Tarn rough, then and there lo plead, answer, or demur, to the petition of the plaintiff; otherwise it will hie taken pro confesso and heard f.c parte as to them. Witness, John Norfleet, Clerk of said, Court, al office, the fourth Monday in August, A. I). 1843 3S J SO. NOR FLEET, CCic. btale of . or til Curolina, lii Edgecombe Court of Pleas S Quar ter Sessions Benjamin C. Mayo and blhers, vs . James Mayo, ExV of Jno. W. Mayd and Lawrence Mayo, dee'd, Willel W. Snell; Adm'rof William BemBry. dee'd Merina Bemhry, r?relerick W. Mayo, Thomas Southerland and others; Petition for Review. N this case affidavit being filed, thai five ol the defendants, to wit, James Mayo, Ex'r, &c. Willel W. Snell, AHm'r, Merina Bembry, Frederick vV. Miyo; and Thomas Sotitherland. are non-resi-dehis: Notice is therefore hereby given lo the said James M yd, W.illet VV. SnHi Merina Bernbry, Frederick W. Mayo, and Thomas Southei land; ti be and ap pear at the next term of the Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Edgecombe; at the Court House in Tarborough, on the fourth Mo" day in November next; then and there "io plead or demur to said petition, or answer the same; otherwise it will betaken pro confesso and heard ex parte as to them. JNO. NORFLEET, Clk Tarboro', Sept. 19th, t843. Constables' Blanks for sale At this orficx. iUfitt Uttomtmi itfim nlj6 IMS; 'New Gool! New tfooda!! CHEAPER THAN EVER; lit the Cheap CiSli &Tblli& JAMES WEDDELL; AS nww on hand, the large! and most splendid tock of Rich and PanhioA; able GOODS, ever off red in ui place, at exttaoi dinai y low pi ices,. . I hose desi rous ol buying Goods icheaj), & pio'molin2 their own pecuniary ihierest, an. inviua to call. In the as-oi inn tit will be found Black Htid colored plain", fijuit'di and wa . lercd Silk, in great .VarleiV' , BombZe tis, Alpacha & Orleans Lustres. Printed mulins lawns, mouslm de lainrs", Calicoes in immense variety, very cheap Fuinnure calicoes nnd dimiiy, , Cambric, jaconet, svvias', tarlelon, mull and book muslins Victoria and bishop lawn, v . Thin muslin skirts, marsailles & corded do Irish linen, long lawn, linen cambric. Hem stitched, cambric! and lawn hdkfs. Bandanna, Flagi and Pongee silk hdkls, Gent.'s cravats, hdkfs, docks', collars and bosoms. s . ... Rich needle work'd and litmity collurs', new styles. Bonnet, cap, and neck ribbons, very hapici'- some corsetts, ... Ladies silk', lawn; straw & cypress bonnets Umbrellas, parasols, and sun shades. Brown and bleached shirting!) and shett- ings 3-4 to lb 4 wide, Cotlon and linen bed tick, apron checks Drap d'ele, Orleans cloth, prince! la, ana other goodlor Gehi.'s summer coats, Crench cassimeres, bet fcng'h lineo drills Kheap hrown linens, drills, jeans, &e. &c. for um.Tiei pants, t . Summer coats, jackets, vests and pants, very cheap, , ...... Men's and boys summer hais, in great va- iie,y .. ... ....... ,. .v. Gent.'s nuMric and cassimere hats, new style and best quality . , . Fur, brush, and russia drab hats? of eyeijr shape and qualiiyi al very low iricesi Ladies Philadelphia made gailer and bug kin slippers, new style, Kid, prunella, and morocco slippers, via, ry che:jp,, .- t Gent.'s hiladel'a liiadip boot9,.3 to S57, Men's shoei, pumps; brogans, & slippers An immense variety, of womer'si girli boys, and cHiltlien's boots and shoes, at low jirices. , . . . Atsd; , . Crockery, Hardware, 4 Cutlery, Swedes, American, and English iron", Gerrinanand cast steelnatlsi Spjdesi shovels', hoesi axes , . t . y Ploughs, sto'ek'd and uristock'd heeli . and points, . , ,( : Window lai puily, while leadi Linseed, sperm, and train oil, Sole and upper leather; , Lo.f, lumn, ground; and hrown sugars', Coffee, lea, molasses rice, Sperm and tallow can dies-1 soap, Turks Island salt, blown & ground salt; . And all other Goods usually wanted which will positively, be sold cbeapeir than ever before offered. Tatboro', 20th May, lRt3. Cojfietd JEtifig; MURCliANT TAiLok (Of S received, diiecl from New York! his supply of GOODS, Suitable for the approaching Saso'n, And respectfully solicits an inspection of his assortment, both to the quaiit alia price of his articles ahd to his personal aiul careful attention to blisines; in seeing every customer siiitetl in the best possi ble manner to accord with any peculiar taste or fashion which gives him the confidence of soliciting calls from all those who will favor him with their patronage. C. li. deems a catalogue ol his Gooda superfluous, as he intends to ket p on hand a lull assortment of ev.pry thing required by the trade, viz: Cloths, cacsimeres; waistcoalings, gloves, stocks, cravats, sua penders, hiittohs, & trimmings ol all kinds. Tar bo to', May 18, 1843. New and Beautiful Spring and Summer MlLLlJYERYt. irrs. f. c iioniino. HAS just received her Spiihg uujjpjjr ol Goods, which with her foimer stock composes a general assortment of tne moi neai, usciui aim ornamental ar tides; in the Millinery line. In her assortment will be foufid - - A variety. of beautiful paiiern bonnets, la test and most approved slyle, Florence braid, Shell, and plain straw hilnnok in tfrtd VflTlPtV. French, velveTand fany Flowers, An extensive assortment ot ribbons, &e. All nf wliich Will be fold eheanlir cash, or on her usual arcommodating termi to punctual citslohiers. Tatboro j way ia3.