TO FAMILIES & INVALIDS. The following indispensable family reme dies may be found at the village drug stores, nd soon at every country store in the state. Remember and never gt them unless they have the faosimile signature of on the wrappers, as all others by the same nanTtare base impositions and counter, feits. If the merchant nearest you has them not, urge him to procure them the next time he visits New York, or to write for them. No family should be a week without then remedies. BALM OF COLUMBIA, FOR THE HAIR, which will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald places ; and on children make it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. Find the name of '?fe on it, or never try it. Remember this always. RHEUMATISM, and positively cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limbs arc restored, in the old or young, by the Lnpun Vegetable Elixir and Nerve and Bone Liniment but never without the name of Comstock &. Co. on it. in wholly prevented, or governed if the attack hat eome on, if you use th only true Hats' LiNiMENT.from and every thing relieved by it that admits of an out. ward application. It acts like a charm. Use it. HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Wind-Galls, &.c, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; and Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofs' Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. magical Pain Ex tractor SalvC The most extraordinary ismedy ever invented for all new or old ni sores, and ore gyfl It has delighted thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, and no failure. It will cure the LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them regularly. L1V TEMPERANCE BITTERS t on the principle of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LIN'S isllfoYtlil PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing the system and the humors affect ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general health, a m k . See Dr. Lins sig. VtCtbiW 0g fV nature, thus t " DR.SPOHISTS HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the I or bilious. Hundreds of families are using it with great joy. DR.SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH for the certain prevention of I rl S&Ti l or any general sickness keeping the stomach in most per. feet order, the bowels regulart and a determination to the surface. pains in the bones, hoarseness, and are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS. The French Plaster is a sure cure. hair any shade you wish, but will not color the skin SARSAPARILLA. comstock com. POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepara tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this. If you are sure to get Comstock's, yoo will find it uperior to all others. It does not require puffing. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and al external ailings all internal irritations brought to the surface by friction with this Balm so in coughs, welled or sore throat, tightness of the ehes, this Balm applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once. Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. Br. isartliolcmcto's will prevent or cure all incipient consumption, toiiWibHntrauiH taken in time, and is a delightful remedy. Remem ber the name, and get Comstock's KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE rdicate tU IWAoigififaj children or adults With a certainty quite astonishing. sells with a rapidity Almost incredible, oy Comstock $ Co., New York. TOOTH B&OPS. KLINE'S cure effectually. EBUredaceordinitoactorCMRreu. in tbe rr 1842, r L., uj tht Clerk' office of the Southern District of N e w York. By applying to our agents in each town and Ulage, papers may be had free, showing the most respectable names in the country for these facts, so that no one can fail to believe them. fcJ-Be ure you call for onr articles, and not &e put off with any stories, that others are an Rood. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be jour niotto-and never can be true and genuine our names to U,em. All these articles to be MA Wholesale and retail only of us. 10 Wholesale Druggists, Itobcrt Norjlcct, rWy H ROUGH this i urn returns hi sincere I hanks, lor the very liberal patronage received since his commence menl in busmen. Gentlemen' wishing to procure a suit of clothes, equal in eve ry respect lo the best that can be made in the United States, can do so by giving iim a call. Always on hand, A good Slock of Cloths. Cussi meres and V rfitigtt, of the newest styles. And an assortment of stocks, ciavat, bo oms, gloves, silk and wool shirts and drawers, hais, pumps, boots, umbrel U, &c. &e. Tarhnin, Feb. I, 1842. JX'oticc. ILLI M II B TTLE & BENJ. I) BAT I"LE havinjr purchased lh nieresi oi Amos J. Battle in the COTTON FACTORY Vnd appurtenances sittnted f t the Falls of Tar River, Hie whule establishment is now owned y them and l, L Bailie. The business n utur will be condtieted as heretofore, o the name of Battle $ Brothers, and ipon the same liberal and accommoda nig terms. In coni quence of the withdrawal ol lie ol the lormer firm of Battle & Broth i s, the btiHiiess v ill have in be closed up t lli.. I - I .lm f I , r t A -. .I gent will be employed to attend to thisU nii.r, W!llili.tll ' flll...jUl. ai loll he htiiurss They hope lo have the continued pal ton;ig of a generou public, a tliey vvill -ndravor to have their Yarns madeof mtl lality, and will sell al as low prices as 'he article can he had at other places. BATTLE 4 B BOTH KB S. Rockv Mount. N. Chine Ks JYoticc. Cotton Gins tor Sale. FEW new ;!eel plate 1,'otion Gins, ma le at Greenville, for sale. Apply lo Henry Chamberlain, Greenville, or lo GKO. HUlWriBD Tarboro Aug. 25. 1 64 I 44 Musical Pain Exlmclow Absolute heal all! a trials, and all surress- 5 v v vlul. Drove Valley's Mat- ical Pain Extractor inestimable. It not only cures quicker, but gives no addition al pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is pos itively rendered harmless. ($10 has been offered six months to any person re turning an empty box, & saying that all agony on anointing is not extracted in a few minutes, vet not one from thousands of trials since has claimed the bonus) Parents anxious to guard against injuries and save moneyt time, torture and life, and prevent their offspring from being dis-figured by burns, or even small pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to replace the celluiary organs destroyed,) ran do so by obtaining this itiiuiiulilu ddlve. Many deeply fcurot cases in the city can be seen, &i one en tire face burnt over and wounded three distinct limes in the same put while heal ing, jet in no t ase can be traced the leas cicatrice or m. u UI For all kinds of hurts, its rapid, soothing elfeci are alike important; even sore ey-s, all inflamma tion and broken brtasts would be unknown.- The toilet and nursery, for clearing the skin of pimples, removing chaps, will find it indispensable. Once using only will forever establish it the sovereign Heal all quality. Alter this notice, heads of families --allowing torture for mmihs, and ultimately distnr ted features, can never wipe away re proach, justly altered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over fire. ' Entered according lo Act of Con gress, A. D. 1841 by Comstock & Co., in the Clerk's Office of tbe District Court of the United Stales for the Southern District of New York.1' OC?-FllAUDS HEGINWNG upon Dallev's Magical Pain Extractor, render it AI3SULU I'ELY necessary that the name of COMSTOK &. CO.. be found on everv package: for the use of a counterfeit might ruin one. Do not for get to look for that name, and avoid it as you Would poison, if COMSTOCK & CO.'s FAC-SI.M1LE is not on it. Y e are obliged to be on our guard against villiany in " places. Buy ONLY of the above firm, whose power' is IUKEVOCABLE for TWEN TY Years. HEX BY D ALLEY. Dated, March, 1843. Corn-lock 4 Co wholesale Diugsist, No. 21 Cortland! street, near Broadway. For Sale in Tarboioby Geo. Howard in Washington by Dr. F. Gallagher iu Kaleigh by Dr. N. L. Stub. January 14, 1 843. JYoticc. BAROUCHE, partly worn, wiih harness and fixtures for one or two horses Apply o GEO. HOtVJIRD Tarboro', Jan. 24th, 1S43. Ulcliwaine, Drciwnlcy A: Co. Petersburg, Va. WE received I heir Full Supply of uMiyi wuco, which includes a hecfvy stock ol COTTON BAGGING, little KvpC) and Twine, fair and Upptr Leather, Calf and Kip Skins, With every other article in their Line which will h sold on their usual leims. Oidifs from ll.eir friihds at a distanc will meetpinmpt attention. Strict at ten Hon will always be given to the Sale of Produce (Cotton PLn'ers who have not before cl i reeled their attention to this market, are requested to give it a trial. August 17. IS43. 34 Lochwood Hyatt, Tin Ware Manufacturer, WASHINGTON, N. C. A KINDS of I'm Ware manufaetu red at the shortest notice, including houe t innings and conductor pi pe. FVi I'm iher particulars enquire ol OEOUGK M()WARI).Tarboro May 2bt IS43. 22 Tin Ware. GEO Tarboro', July 28. HOWARD.. Jlud JLivcr ( lomplaint. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, FROM 375 BOWERY, NEW YOKK, 7V)K the cure of coughs, colds, asth ma, whooping cough, catarrh, pains iu the side and breast, bronchitis, liver com plaints, and all those affections of the threat and lungs, which area source of so much suffering and so often terminate iu consumption, this remedy is justly and highly distinguished. ll is purely vege table, mild and gentle in its effects upon ihe system, and can be taken in the most delicate cases with safety as well as utili ty. So extensively has it been used and so often proved successful, ev-n in ex treme and apparently almost hopeless ca ses, noi only as a palliative but as a rem edy, that the Proprietor feels no hesitan cy in introducing it, and recommending it lo all who unfortunately may have occa sion lo resort to some means of recovery Physicians, familiar wiih its effects and aware of the healing properties of this vegetable preparation, rnot unfrequentl 'prescribe it iu their practice; and with the Medical Faculty generally, it has met with more than ordinary approbation. (CONSUMPTION. The follow ing remarks were taken from the last number of the Medical Magazine: 'The surprising effect produced by the genuine Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort, made at 375 Bowery, in consump tive cases, cauitol fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We haVe so '""g believed this disease (consumption) incurable, that it is dim cult to credit our senses when we see per sons, evidently consumptive, restored to health. Yet it is a fact of daily occur rence. ' Tbe following certificate was given tts a few days since by Capt. Scott, of Eliz abelh City, N. C "Being constitutionally predisposed to consumption, (a number of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely from irritation of the lungs, accompanied with cough and rais ing matter and blood, together with some pain in my side and breast, till I w as sup posed to be beyond recovery, I was indu ced by advice of Dr. Perkins, to try Tay lors Balsam of Liverwort; and wiih greal pleasure-take this opportunity of testify ing to the value of this remedy. I have taken five bottles in all. 1 began to i in prove after the first bottle, and afier ta king the third was so far recovered as to be able lo gel about; since which time, by continued use of it, I am quite resto red and able to attend to my usual busi ness. To persons suffering from coughs and affections of the lungs I can earnestly recommend it. (Signed.) JAS. C. SCOTT. Consumption cured! Being of a studi ous habit, I became afflicted some years since, with .-bronchitis, tickling in the throat, slight cough, and other consump tive symptoms. Every new cold increa sed my disease, until it settled into regu lar confirmed confirmed consumption. I now commenced the U6e of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bow pry, and this medicine gave me relief iu a short lime. !l has since effected a ra dical cure. Rev. G. VV. CANDA. For sale bv GEO. UWVAliDiJzent. Tarboro', Feb. 25, 1843. 8 Copartnership. ARREN HARRIS & CO , of Noi folk, W, will on ihe fits' Octob. i next, esiahlish a branch of their House it Peltisburi, Va., under the Him of . If. & Hi Harris, For the tianacion of a General Coin mission Business, and respectlullyo'i CM Coifigiunei.l . . f C'ltltdi, TohacCO, &C. We will aho pay strict attention to lecn vinjr and lurw.mlinv Goods, M.rchan lie, &c. W.IRRRS HARRIS. HKNRY HARRIS. S pt. 20' h, lb4 i. SS lim NEW GOODS, lt small Profits. VlNG commenced business on m own account ., the Old Stand fur- meiiy occupied by Ely Porter A Stn, I have jul irceived Ikmii New Yi k tin lollowiug A-i I nent of New and Fashionable li'atfli and Solid colon d Mii?lin d'Laine, vdin Slitpi d Ond fl wertd do Striped husaii, Striped ci ape, for ladies' dresses, Black si 1 1 1 v Ipacca fMain hl.iok Alpacca Lustre, Mack gin d'Swis- Cdoied Poie d'Soie, PIjkI, ci eui, and uiped do Col'd Florence, white satin, bishop lawn, Swis, J .eonul and cambric mucins. Kieneh, E glin and American Calicoes, large assortment, Ver cheap. Wide and uairoW black Lace Moulin Edgings and lutriins, in grea Vai iely s cheap Narrow l overling Edgings and laces, Dimiiy collars and Fr lls, Mandarine dies lldkfs, lila k Italian, and hat crapp Luhe' black and white silk mills Ladies' worsted do. veiy cheap, Lulie' hes kid gloves asoi led colors, Ladies' heaver do Mali's bfsl buck and worsted do Ladies' thread cambric Hdkls. (lotion and silk do F'lench t'i rsetts wty rhapi ?orpt fare. Cheni, Alpadeaj and Rob Roy shawls, Niltherland and Ausinan do FanCy Thihel wool and Moravian do Furniture sind Cambric Dimity Bleached damask dhd broWn table cloths, Furniture Fringe, in gr al Variety, Zephyr wool, cotton canvass larailles counterpanes, Cot-ded k i r I Victoria robes, Super blue Cloth and col'd C i5imcres, Calet, bl le black and mixed Salinelts, Kentucky Jeansj very cheap, Hliin and twilled wile and red Flannels, Bed tick, vt ry cheap and good, pron and lurnilure checks, HI. ached & brown Drillings &. Shitting', Colored cambrics and silicias, Nejjio kerseys and Iinseys, 1 I 4 ribbon bound a-oJ Whitney bed Blan kets duffil and twilled negro do Cat pet and jiay binding. While and black wadding, Men's Flushing anil blanket Overcoats, Veiy ch-ap. Ladies' cHiublei & (willed merino Cloaks, Silk and cotton Umbrellas, Gimp edged and lawn trimmed Bonnet?, Plain lashionahle and Tai lt Ion silk do Extra super silk and hiudi Hjs, Broad hum, white and black Russia and napped tin Boys cl dh and velvel new style Caps, A geneial as-oi 'l id men's Boots & Shoes, Ladies kid hoes and gaiters, Gunny a-ol Du dee hogging, Bile and tied ropeshoe thieadj B 'giving and seint Twine N-hU of all size", of the bes quality, English, American, and Swedes iron, ol all. size German and hlistef steel, Cabling, a huge assoitment, Foieign and domestic hardware & cutlery, Giassand earthenware, a good assoitment, "stone, tin, and wood waif, OiU, paints, and medicine, S oldies, bridles, and martingales, a good as- i t tnenl, Cotton cauls, of ihe very best make, do low price, Stationary Stuarts candy, Butter ami Sugar cracker.-. Cheese, Sugar, Coffee, arid Molasses, Loaf and powdeied sugar, Hulls and sperm Caudles, Starch, rice, and het London mustard. Imperial tea, Iresh chocolate, Window glass and putty. ALSO, a general Assortment of GROCERIES, With vaiiuus other articles too numerous lo mention. The above Goods are new and freh, and were bought with greal care and la bor mosilv lor cash and will be sold invariably as cheap as goods of ihe sme quality and style can be bought al any -lore in ibis place. Persons wi-hing to gri the most lor their money, would do wHI to g've the market a good look through -fcfore buying. Ph-ae to call and examine the above sleek before you buy. JOSEPH J PORTER. Taiboro', Oct. 28th, 1643. NEW CHEAP" r Cash Store at Rocky Jt2ountt NAStt COUNTY N. Ci ' ' .- .' I npHE ub-criber b-gs leaVt to inform the ctiiz ns of N-t and Edgecombe counties) and the public generally, that lie ha jud p- ried A new Cheap Onsh Storey l Rocky Mou itt (where B. Bonn, E-q. formeily did business, J whete he i pre paied, Itflrly and willing, to wail upon all those who may have ihe kindness to fa vor him win their custom- His Stock consists of a Handsome AssorfrHenl of fancy tyttnplt DRY OOODS, Hardware Cutlery, Jfc. Crockery Chihi, and Glass wares - Boots and Shoes in great variety Lealhrr, shoe . thread, &c. BedVer, Russia, rabbit, and cassimere Hats, oT ihe Idttst style. Wil-f low, straw and silk Bonnets, a most bcau tilul article. Tosjether with a gen rl a$-: sorlmeni of GROCERIES, Consi-ling'of molase, sugar, C'flee, ir h, powder and shot, &c pltiugbs. plough points, wa eding hoes, nails, spades, trace chains, &c Sir. Ladies and Gentlemen are nSpertful'y invited to call and examine forthemfelve - as he charges tiothit g for looking. t J. C KNIGHT. Rocky Mount. March 2lsl, 1843. (fcJThe. Store at his residence, recent' v known by Ihe name of Tradesvillej will also be continued by the subscriber. : . J a k Cojjtctd ICingy RtGUOilANT TAlLOR S received, direct front New York), his supply of GOODS) Sttitablt for the approaching Season, And respectfully solicits an inspection of his assortment) both to tbe quality and price oT his articles and lo his personal and cat el til at lent Ion lo business, in seeing every dusiomer suited in the best possi ble manner to accord With any peculiar ate or fashion which giVes hittl the confidence of soliciting calls from all those who will favor him with their patronage. C. K. deems a Catalogue of his Goods -uperfluousj as he intends lo keep oh hand a lull assoMment of eVery thihg required by the Hade, viti Cloths, cassiinere) waistcoatings, gloves, stocks, cravats, sus penders, buttons, &trimmings of all kinds Tarboro') Nov. 8, 1843. - . - . New and Beautiful Pall and Winter MIL LINER Y, TTlS. V. HOWARD) ffJT AS jusi received her FALL supply Ji-U: ot Good-, which with her foimer sttoik Compiises a general assortment of the most neat, Uselul and ornamental ar liclesj in Ihe Millinery line lit her dsurtment will be fouhd A Variely ofbeduillul pattern bonnets, la test and mol approved style, Floience braid, Shell, and plait) straw bonnets, in great variety, French, Velvel and fancy Flowers, An extensive assortment of ribbons, &c. All of which will be sold cheap t r cash, or on her usual accommodating tern.i to punctual customers. Tarboro'. Nov. 27, IS43. . ,' ., ? Ten Dollars Reward. Ran AWAY from the sub- it) scribr on Ihe 8th inst., my negro iii m.o ... ageo auoui ears, ol ordinary jize, rather dark complexion, a while streak near ihe sight of one ol his eyes. (whirh eye is not recollected) has rather a bail look out ol his eyes. It is supposed that he is lurking about. Ihe lower edge of Edgecombe, or the upper part of Pill, or. he may have got as low down as Wash ington, B.-aufott county, as his wife, is a free woman of color, named Julia Read, lately ol Pitt and has relations in Beaufort. The eyes of both him and Her have been injured, his by a splint' r and hers by a bum. The above reward , will be (riven for the appn hension of Mingo, if deliver ed lo me near Tradesville, in Edgecombe county, or if secured in ai.y jail so that I get him again.5" All pei sons are forbid h i boring, employing; or carrying off said n gro nn-ler penally of Ihe law. MJiTTHKiP WHPVEHKAD. Nov. 15 1813 46 Turner Hughes1 NORTH CAROLINA A 1L MAN AC, For 1844, - ;:. Just received an I lor sale at this Office at the Raleigh price, viz: 10 'cents single 75 cents per dozen, $3 50 for half a gross 6 for a gi oce, &e. 0ct. e4. . for talc by G, Uotcard, Tarboro

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