FAMILIES & INVALIDS. The following indispensable family reme dies may be found at the village drugstores, and soon at every country store in the state. Remember and never pet them unless they have the fac-simile signature of vtn'fy (a on the wrappers, as all others by the same naint.-re base impositions and counter ifcita. If the merchant nearest you has them not, urge him to procure them tie utt time he visits New York, or to write for them. Atf family should be a week without these remedies. in BALM OF COLUMBIA, FOR THE HAIR, which will stop it if tailing out, or restore it on bald places ; and on children make it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children in schools, ar prevented or killed by it at once. Find the name of on it, or never trjr it. Remember this always. Rheumatism, and positively cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limbs are restored, in the old or young, by the I.xdiam Vegetable Elixir and Nerve and Bone Liniment but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. aro wholly prevented, or governed if the attack hat come on, if you use tlm only true Hats' LmiMKNT.from and every thing relieved by it that admits of an out. Ward application. It acts like a charm. Use it. , HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Wind-Halls, Lc, are cured by Rooks' Specific ; and JOitlHlcred horses entirely cured by Roofs' IWder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. . . . , magical Pain Ex tractor SalvC."The most extraordinary leinedy ever invented for all new or old and sores, and sore Syjgg It has delighted thousands. It will take out all paiii in ten minutes. and no failure. It will cure the LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS: A better and more nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them regulnrly. ULVS TEMPERANCE BITTERS: on the principle of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LIN'S PILLS, supenor to ah others for cleansing the system and the humors affect ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general health. A m yx . , See Dr. Lin's er.g- Cg V , nature, mas :j r ACTS DR.SPOHM'S HEADACHE REMPDV will effectually cure sick headache, either from the ' or bilious. Hundreds of families are using it with great joy. DR.SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH for the certain prevention of Zj i g$Cf or any general sickness keeping the stomach in most per fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. pains in the bones, hoarseness, and are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. C ORNS. The French Plaster ia a sure cure. - hair any shade you wish, but will not color the skin SARSAPARII I A comstocks com1 ruuru tATKACT. There is no other prepara tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this.' V yu are 8ure to get Comstock's, you will find it euperior to all others. It does not require puffing. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and al external ailings all internal irritations brought to the surface by friction with' this Balm ; so in coughs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chefi', this Bairn applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once. Fresh wounds or ofd Bores are rapidly cured by it. Dr. itartholcmcto's will prevent or cure all incipient corsumpfiort. taken in time, and is a delightful remedy, keinem bcr the name, and get Comstock's. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE .radicate all JJJJ in children 0f with a certainty quite astonishing. sells with a rapidity trmost incredible, "by Comstock $ Co., New York. fOOTII DROPS. KLINE'S cure effectually. nHaccpnlingtonrtortJorirre.. in the Tir 1842, hyComtttck Co.. in tlf Clerk, ollice of tie Souther.! District of New york. By applying to our agents in each town and village, papers may be had free, showing the most respectable names in the country for these facta.'so that no one can fail to believe them. CrBe Mire you call for our articles, and not oe put off with any stories, that others are a 5or, I,MAVE THESE OR NONE, should be j our motto and U,ee never can be true and genuine muu m ou,. name, to Uem. All these articles to be "ai wholesale and retail only of us. Dfflt&fytfa$0 Wholesale Druggist.; Mo2l''P ,,1-J. . rt i ' Robert Norjlcct, npHROUUH .hi s medium returns hi- sincere thanks, lor Ihe very libera patronage received sincp his commence ment in hinine. Gentlerm-ri, wishing 10 procure a vni of clothes, equal in Hv -ry rrspeel to the best that can be marie in the United States, can do so by giving im a call. n Always oh hand, . i good Stock of Cloths. Cashmeres and resting, of the newest styles, And an aortm-Mit of stocks ciavat, bo 'onis' gloves', silk and wool shirts :ind draweis, hats, pumps, boots, timbrel III, &C. &p. Tathoo Pfb. 1842. Jotica ILLI M II B TTLB & HKNJ. I) BATTLE hilVllltr miteli!itcil I In interest Amos J. Battle in the COTTON FACTORY nd appurtenances sit titled Mt the Falls of Tar Hirer, I'he whole establishment is now owned y them and C. C. Battle. The bu siness n utur- will be conducted as heretofore, n the name of But 1 le $ Brothers, and poii ihe s,ame liberal and aeeommod, in terms. In coim qoence of the withdrawal o! ne of the lot met firm of Battle & Broth rs, the business will have to he closed up o the lt day of.lune, 1841. A Miitanle gent will be employed to attend to this! ;)Jl t ol t lie hUHiieso. They hope to h ive the continued pal ronage of a generous public, a ihey will endeavor lohavpiheii Yarns madeofg od q talny, and will sell at as low price as he article ran be had at other places. BA I'TLE 4' BROTHERS. Hooky Mount. &.C. June Is jYoticc. CoUoit Glnn ibr Sale. FHVV iirw sieel plate Uoiiuii Gins, ma le al (iitenville, lor s:Ip. )pl lo Henry Cliambei lain, Greenville, or In GEO HOIVARD Tarhoro', Aug. 25, 184 1 44 Mit'iicnl l'din Extractor, AbMoiiite lie.tl :tll! i 1 tfb (nXffcflfi lria,s and 3,1 swrress A fro-e DaUfys Mag. ical Pain Extractor mesiiinable. ll not only cures quicker, but gives no addition al pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is pos itively rendered barniless. ($10 bas been oHered six montbs to any person re turning an empty box, &i say iii iliat all agony on anointing is not extracted ui a few ininuies, y et not one from thousands oftrials since has claimed die bonus ) Parents anxious to guard against general injuries and save money, time, torture and life, and prevent their offspring from being difiured by burns, or even small pox pustules, (il possession the enviable power to replace the cellutary organs destroyed,) rnn do so by obtaining ibis miu'illuble salve. Many deeply hurni cases in the city can be seen, Si one en tire face burnt over and wuundrd three distinct times in the same spot w h'ife heal ing, vet ?u no case ca'n,. k'e tracsd, the leas cicatrice or mark! For all kinds of hurts, its rapid, soothing ellVct are alike important;' even sore eyes, all inflamma tion and broken brtasts wotifd be un known. 'I'he toilet and nursery, for clearing the skin of pimples,' removing rhaps, &t. will find it indispensable. Once using only will forever establish it the sovereign Heal all quality. After tins' notice,' heads of families alluwi'ng torture for montiis,' and" ultimately distor ted features, can never wij)g .way rp. proach, justly iitsred by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over fire. Holered according to Act of Con gress, A. D. 1841 by Comstork & Co., . i f . no? C . u 1: in llie vierK s unite m uie uimim i imri of the Dnited Slates for the Southern District of New York.M fXTFKAUpS .BEGINNING upon Da I ley's'. ta'gical Pain Extractor, render it AliSOLU I'ELY necessary that the name of CCy.MSTO -K & CO. be found on every package: for the. use of a counterfeit might ruin one. Do not for get to look for t'liat name, and avoid it as von would poison, CO.'s F AC-SI MILE is not on it. V e are obliged to be on' our guard against villiany in all places. Hu v ONLY of. the above firm, whose power is IKKEVOCABIEfor.TVVEN TY Years. HEXB UAL LEY. Dated, March, 1843. Comstock Co wholesale Ditissisis, No. 21 Corllantlt street, near Broadway. For Sale in Tarboro'by Geo. Howard in Washington by Dr. F. Gallagher in Raleigh by Dr. N. L. Slilh. January 14, 1843. JYoticc. A BAROUCHrt, partly worn, with harness and fixtures for one or two horses Apply to GEO. HOWARD i aiuuru ,'ian.. 'iu,' ioij. ITIcIlivainc, Rrdwnley & Co. PH rKUSBtJKG, Va. rjTAVK received their Fall Supply of """.yiiiuiio, woicii inciuue.3 henry stock of iitfTTtfN BAGGING, little Hope, and Twine, tale ami Upper Leather, CulJ a nil lup Skins, With every other article in their Line which will be sold on their Usual, lei ms. Oitltrs from their, frirnris at a distance will meet piompt aitentipq., , Strict alien ion will always be, given tji the Sale of Product. Cotton Planters who have not before rii reeled their attention In his market, air requested to give it a (rial. .August 1 7, 1 843. 34 jockwood Hyatt, Tin Ware Manufacturer; WASHINGTON, N. C; LL KINDS of Tin W are mantifactu reri at the shortest notice, including houe tinning and conductor pipes. Fm ftinher particulars enquire of GEORGE liOVAUl),tarboro'. May 2 b, IS43. 22 TinWark OtTHH POTS, buckets, chinch sa niers, watering p"ls, &c. for sale by GEO. tiOlVARl) Taiboro', July 26. flnd Liver ( 'omplainl. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, FROM 375 BOWERY, NEW YORK, T'lMi the cure of coughs, colds, asth ma, whooping cough, catarrh, pains in the side and breast, bronchitis, liver com plaints, and all those affections of the throat and lungs, which area source of so much suffering and so often terminate in consumption, this remedy is justly and highly distinguished. It is purely vege table, mild and gentle in its effects upon the system, and can be taken in the most delicate cases with safety as well as utili ty. So extensively has it been used and so often proved successful, even in ex treme and apparently almost hopeless ca ses, not only as a palliative but as a rem edy, that the Proprietor feels no hesitan cy in introducing it, aiid recommending it to all who unfortunately may have occa sion io resort to some mean's bf(r.ecovery. I'liys:cians, familiar with its effecjs and aware of the healing properties oV this vegetable preparation,' not unfrecjuenily prescribe it in their practice; and wiih the Medical Facudy generally, it has met with more than ordinary approbation. CONSUMPTION. The follow remarks were taken from the lasi number of the Medical Magazine: "The surprising eftect. produced bv the genuine Ur. lavlor.s balsam of Liver- : ' . .. u i won, niaue at ao nowery, in consump tive. cases, cannot fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the world We have so long believed, this disease consuinpwonj nicuraoie, jnai ll is aim cult to credit our senses when we see per sons, evidently consumptive, restored lo health., Yet it is a fact of daily occur rence. , . The following certificate was given us a few days since, by Capt. Scott, of Elii abetji City, N. C." ., , "Being constitutionally predisposed to consumption, (a number of my family having died of 'his disease,) and having suffered severely from irritation of the lungs, accompanied with cough and rais- in matter and blood,' toelhe.r with some pain in my sine and breast, till, I was sup posed to be beyond recovery, was indu ced by advice of Dr. Perkins, to try Tay lor s Balsarn of Liverwort; and with great pleasure take this pporiuniiyof testify ing to the value of this, remedy. I have taken five bottles in all. , 1 began to im prove after the first bottle, and after ta-king-,the third was so far recovered as lo be able to get about;' since which lime, by continued use of it, I am qftnte resto red and able to attend , to my usual busi nesV. ,To persons Sutfering from cot'ghs and affections of the lungs I can earnestly recommend it. (Signed.) JAS. .C. SCOTT. Consumption cured! Being of a studi ous habit, I became afflicted some years since, with, bronchitis, Tickling in the throat, slight cough, and other consump tive symptoms. Every new cold increa sed my disease, until it settled fnto regu lar confirmed confirmed consumption. I now commenced the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bow ery, ,u's medicine a've me relief in a short lime. It has since effected. a ra dical cure- Rev. G. W. CANDA. For sale by , G EO. HQ WAR Dt Apent. TarbbroVFeb. 25, 1843. 8 Copartnership. s WARftFN HAKriis, & C0,nl Noi loll, V. , tvijl on the. first Ociub tiexl e'ahli.h a bi;m-h of their fiouse u Pcttisburs Va., under the firm of in Sf Harris, bor the iraii-ricion of a General Com mission Busine.su ;jml repeollully o!i I coii'igiiin iii f C ilion, Tobacco, &c. vVe.will jil-o j);iy 5.111CI inenlion.iti itci i vinijj .Mud loi w.iydinur G-h,mU. Meiclian lie, 4c. tV'lx'REX H.RRS. HENRfr HARMS. S pt. 20-h. IM.i. US Jm It small JP'rditti'. Vl.'(i Coiiuiieiiced u!iheiK nn mi own account 1 he Old Stand for merly occupied by Ely Porter S,n. I have jut leeeive-l lioni New Yn k I Jit tollowinr Asui imenl of New aiid Fasliionaiiie Black and solid colon ii A 1 u 1 1 1 1 d'Laine, ;in sniped aiil fi wertd do Mrip d "husan. Striped ciapej lor Indies' tJreses, Bliick li iped .ljacci Plain liiack Alpajcca Ltitre, , Black gin dSwis, cojoied Joie d'Soie, Plaid, ci.eni, and striped do Col'd Florence, white salm bishop lawn, ."wi J iconet, attd ranihric mulins. Fieuch, H- gli-li, and American Calii-oes, large ;isoiiiiient, ver,cheajjj Wide and narrow black LaceJ Mulin ktlings and Inserting?! in grea Varielyj cheap! , Narrow loeriing, Edgings and lace! UHMiy colla,r and rr-lls, Mandarinp dress Hdkfs! Bla. k Italian, and hat ciiip! Latlies black and. while silk mills! Ladies worsted do. very ch p, Ladie' hes. kid gloves, asMiited colors, Ladies beaver do Men's besl hi:ck and worsted do Ladies shread. cambric ildkls. (,'otton and silk do French forse'is vcrv rhoan. f orspli l.ices. Cheni, Alpacca, and Hub Hoy shawls, Sutherland and Austrian do , Fancy Thibet wool and Moravian do Furniture and cambric Dimity, Bleached damask and brown table cloths, Furniture Fringe, in giat variety! Zephyr wool, cotton canvass! Alarailles counterpanes, . Corded skirls, Victoria robes! Super blue Cloth and col'd Cssimeres! Cadet bl'ie. black and mixed Salinetts, Kentucky Jeans." verv chean. Plain and 1 willed wile and red Flannels, Bed lick, vefy cheap. anil good, pron and furniture checks, Bleached & brown Drillings & Shillings, Ivolored cajnbrics and silicias, iNegio kerseys and Lmseys, I I 4 ribbon bound a d VVhiiney bfd Blan kets diimi and twilled negro do Carpet and slay binding, White and bl.ck wadding, Men's Flushing and blanket Overcoats, veiy.clv;ap, y , . Ladies' camblet & twilled merino Cloaks, Silk anil eoltnn tJmbrellas, Gimp edged ami lawn jrimmed' Bqnuels, Plain lashionable and Tarlelyn silk ilo Extra, super silk and bru'sji Bats, Broad brim,' while and' black Russia and napped do Boys cloth and velvet liewsStyfe (?aps, A geneiaf assor'l of nieu's Boots Shoes, Ladies kid shoes and gaiters, (iiinny ami Dm dee bagging,' B de and hed rope .shoe t hi t ad,' Bigginjj and seiio ''wine,' Jails of all sizes, ol'ihe bel quality, English,' American, and Swi ties iron,' ol alf size Grerhiaii and Idister steel, Casiings, a large assoitment,' ( Foreign and domestic hardware & cutlery, Glass and earthenware, a good assortment, ione, tin, and wood ivare, Oils, pa Tills, and medicines,' Saddles,' bridles, and martingales, a g'ood assoitment. Cotton caids,'of the very best mate,' do foW price,' u Stationary Stuarts candy,' Butter and Sugar- crackers. Cheese, Sugar," Coffe-," and ifolasses, Loaf and powdered sugar," Hulls and sperm Candles, Starch, rice, and hest London mustard,' Imperial tea. Ires h chocolate, Window glass ano putiy. ALSO, a general Assortment of Groceries; With various othei articles too numerous to mention. The above Goods are new and fresh, and were bought with great care and la hor mostlv lor rash and will he nld Invariably as cheap as goods of the s"me quality and style can be bought al any lore in this place. Persons wishing to get the most lor their money, would do well to give ihe market a good look through before buying.. Please to call and examine the above stock before yon buy. JOSEPH J PORTER. TarboroV Oct. 28ih, 1843. Cash Store at Itocky Moutit NASH COUNTY Jl; C. ,. .,-J$5- , . :in fipilE suh-ciiber bns le.-vr lo. iiiforit) t Ihe ClIiZ n ol Nash mnl kdi combl counties, and ihe public generally, that he ha just op' ned .ji iicw Cheap tanU siorfe; ou it. fwhei' B. Buiiii. K-a. lormeilj d.id business,) wlerf (ho is pi, pared, ready and wiping! to waiit upon all those who may haVe ilie kindijes )n la vor him .will, iheir culom His Slock consists of a .. Handxome Axsnr.tmeot ffftincy stop It . hitf GOODS, ( II(frjdwarc,qullcry,&'c - Crockery, (-hin t, and Ul is waien - ijootf and Shoes in great variety L-xl)i r.sb,o thread, &c.; Beaver. Kusja, jabbit, 'M cassimr.p Hars, uf ire lau 91 style. Wil: low, S'r.aw amt silk Bonnes, rjiost bru tilul article. , Togeihf r, wijh a gen rul ar sort men t of GOCfvlilKS consi'tinjc of mnlasjn?, sugar, Ci ffee, ir n, pow.deranj shot. Sic ( ploughs. pouh points vj rdin hovst nails, spades, trace chains. Sir fic Y Latljesand Gen.lemeo are, risperifol'y iuviid to call and ex aiine for.lhem-lve he charges nothii g for lookjn. . i cftNfoHT. Roqky Mount, March lst. ib4S (fcJTUe Store at his residence! .recent ly knowuby llje ,nam of Tiadesville! will also be continued by ihe ?;ib,eriljer. J c k - MKRCI1ANT TAILOR, VS received, direct from New YurkJ his supply of Prions: bailable for the apptouching Season, And respecilully ,soicis ap in-pect ion q " his .assortment! both to ie quality anf price of his a,rti(jles ;anrj tohi persona and carp lul attention to business, (n seeing every custompr suited jn Ihe besf ppssi lle manner lo accord will any .peculiar asie. or fa-hion whjeh. gives, him thq confideripe of soliciting calls frpn all those who vy ill fayprjiinjithjhejr p'.rofiagp, C. K. fleems.a qat.alo2ue of hi Good -upeifluous, as he nlendsvlq,ji(eept9nl hant a lull assortment of eve.ry thinz required toe .uaur,pviz; yoms, .CaMrn' rcS waistcoalings. gloves, stocks' cravats, stis- p-ndersj buitqns,' trimmings of all kind. Tarboio, Nov. 8, 184S. lew am FaU and Winter MIL IllJTER -JT, cfc: llrs. AL. C. IIOUMltD, IOTAS jusi received , her FAL.ttpplV ol Goods whjch with her formee snick compi i'se- . general assortment J thp most n.eat, uselul and ornamental ar ticles, in the . f .. . In her assortment will be found A variety of beautiful pattern bchnets,' la lest audtmost apjiroyed(ly le' Florence braid. Shell, aud pUii stravf 1 ' bonnets, in greai yaricly," French, v vel and, fanny Flowers,' An extensive assoitment of ri$b'nsf &c. All of which will be so(d fhea.p I .r cali,ur.np her uu.al aVcommodji ing tern. e to punctual customer. Tarboro' Ten Dott&vi ttetiiiha: senber on thpih insi ,' negrc man MNGO, t ed bout 45 par, ol ordinary six' rither vlark complexion, a, white streak; (which eye is noi recollected) has rather had look out ol his eyes. It i?J supposed' tiar he is lurking about the lower edge oT fldgecomhe, or jhe upper part of Pitt, or he may havpol as jpvv rhiwn as Wash ington, B 'aufoit( county, as hi wilt; i i free wontan of 9olr, na,med Juji ft-ajl lately ol Pitt, and ha- relations in Be,aufortT The eyesof both him and her have b,efa injuri d,' his by a splinter aicl hera bj f um. The above revardj wjlf fbe given for th appn hensipn ol Mingo, if deliver ed lo me near 'IVadr-syille, in Klgeeon'ilto rounly, or if secureel inar-y jail $t, ihit I gel hjm again All pet sons are lorbid h 0 boring, employing:, or carrying off said n- gro under penally ol .thp; law. , . At A T THE W WHITEHrtAft. Nov. 15. 1843 46 Tilrncr Sf Hiighk l NORTH CrfftoLiNji - For 1844,' . " I Just reqeiyed and lor sale.at I hi Off) cB a' the Raleigh prices z:f 10 cenU tingle 75 cents per d.zen, $3 SO for half riw lj6for agioce, Tc. , Oct. U41. w ii.anui BireeT, near uroanway or sale by c. ilotcardTarbora

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