BODIBCtD9 H ll'tofc .V. 950; Tax borough, Edgecombe County, J V. Saturday, may lfc, iS44. Vol. XT. .lb. 20. V vm a ipf rpnsisSo I The Tarfooroii:?h Press, I Br Ge6r6e iJoward. Jr. ? ., Is published weekly at Two Dbllars per year. paid in advance-or. Two Dollars and , Cinis at the expiration of the subscription year. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any ,time on giving notice thereof and paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be Inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 xents for every continuance. Longer advertise- ments at that rate per square. Court Orders and "Judicial Advertisements "25 per cent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of inser tions required, or they will be continued until otherwise directed, and charged accordingly. ! Letters addressed to the Kiliior must be post paid, or they may not be attended o. I From the Raleigh Standard. I POOR WHIGS. 'See them new, in numbers flock, f Under'tbeir banner Woon and Cock," t And at decorum making muck, ' Poor Whigs. f Their gd approaches, then h! then Thundering shouts from boys and men ! To introduce the ""Cock" and "Men" To Whig. I They deal Ho slitnder and in noise, Rorring aloud their vulvar joys , (And many of them beardless boys) Younj Whis. They show their venemoos tooth and fang. In low-bred impudence and slang Applauded by a motley gang 0i' W hig. Their motto "You can't come it quite," Tlrey shout aloud with wrath and spile, f But let them boast with all their might, 5 Poor Whigs. Ail Will not do, 'twill fail at last WeS'eeTi all the ft ie is cat '1 hi foolery the cause will blast, Wings. Away? away ! Such folly hence. Disgusting thus ro common Sense But fet us all in present tense lie Democrats. We need not fear each sober mint!, Who not by prejudice is blind, Will in his heart be sure to find Me is A DEMOCRAT. April 17, 1844. From the Washington Republican. DEMOCRATIC MEETING IN CRA VEN. At a meeting of a portion of the Demo cratic party of Craven County, held at Swift Creek Bridge, on Triday, the 3d of May, 1844. Col. Abner Hartly was called to the Chair, and iNa'rrniei ri. treet ap pointed Secretary. The Chairman explai ned the object of the meeting and in a plain and improsive manner addressed the mee ting upon the leading points of difference I between the two parties: whereupon, on motion to that effect he appointed Jesse Lancater, Allen Anderson, Elisha Griffin, I' and David Lancaster, a committee to re port resolutions expressive of the senti ments of the meeting. The committee after retiring for a short time, reported the I following preamble and resolutions: I Whereas, in the opinion of this meeting. I a crisis, threatening the permanency ofour I Iree institutions. ha. arrived in the poliii l cal history of our country; in which we I see Henry Clay with his allies, the aristo cratic banner, selfish manufacturers anil bankrupt politicians, striving, by the most strange and unusual modes of electioneer ing to place themselves in office and pow er. And whereas, should they succeed. We haVe ever' reason to believe our feder al Constitution would be so warped its legitimate purposes to gratify 'their am bition and aval-ice, that bur free govern ment would bfcedme a bye word and reproach unto all people. And whereas, the policy advocated by the aforesaid cor rupt junto, if once fastened upon the coun try, would be scarcely les baleful iri its tfiVcts upon us and our prosperity, than 'be tyranny and oppression of foreign despotisms upon the people of the old World. Re it, thereore Resolved, That we are opposed to Henry Clay's 50 million Na tional Bank as an engine of financial tyran n)' and political corruption not less odious than Spanish inquisition. Resolved, That we are opposed to Hen- ry Clan's plan of buying up Western Votes with money and land, the property of the "note people, and denounce his Distribu tion Bill as a gross violation of our rights ana the rights of our children. Resolved, I hat Henry Clay's proposi non to take from Virginia and Mother dis senting Stales their share of. the Lam money and to bestow it upon other States ju!essed ol less unbending integrity. proves him to be a dangerous politician Mes'olved, That the prosperity of the country, demands that our foreign Com merce should be placed upon the most ex tended and liberal basis; that with the vorld for a market, with freedom to sell where we can get the highest price, and buy where we can buy the cheapest, we ask 6f B inks and Mahuf tcturers no odds, add that any tariff law, taking the consum ers of the country for the benefit of produ cers, is obviously unjust and bppresMve to the farmer, & as Mich, is a gross & palpable violation 61 "the 3d section of our Bill of Rights. Resolved, That Henry Clay's attack up on the Veto clause in the federal Constitu tion proves that there is no barrier or ob stacle o high or sacred, his vaulting ambi tion will not attempt to overlap, in order to gratify hi j own love of power and the cu pidity of his .friends That Gen'l Jack son and Mr. Tyler's MayesviUe anil Hank Vetoes have nested the federal Government in its career of injustice and corruption, and for them, they deser ve the lasting gratitude of a lie? popb Resolved, Th;:t in the passage of the bankrupt law we see developed, one of the malign inlliif uees lrou&!it to bear in the electro-is of 18-10, and in the language of the lat General As ,mbly, we believe th t that law impaired ti e oblig?.tion of con tracts, (Ifslroved credit ami confidence, and encouraged frauds and Tecktess s pecu- lation. Resolved, That, inasmuch as Henry ('lay is identified wiih the above system ol odious measures, it becomes the duty ol every man who loves his country and i doirons of prevt nting - our free govern ment from degenerating into a selfish man ufacturing and momed oligarchy, to resist by all honorable moms his elevation to power. Resolved, That Henry Clay's election eering tour through the Western and Sou thern States, is an indecent departure Irom the mode established by Washington and Jt lit rson in their aspiration to the Presi dency, and a gro-j; ir.Milt to the sense and undt rstatwiing of the Southern people. Rrsolvfd, That, in order to carry out our views in the county of Craven, (be it remembered that States are operated on by counties.) the Chairman of this meeting be authorized to appoint ten Delegates to meet at New Bern, on Tuesday of our May Court, for the purpose of nominating some suitable person to run on the Democratic ticket as Senator, and two suitable persons for the Hou-se of Commons; and thai this meeting recommend to the consideration of !he Democrats of Craven Dr. E. R. Hub bard as one. of the Democratic candidates for the House of Commons. 1 he preamble and resolutions racing read and submitted to the meeting, they Were unanimously adopted. The Chairman appointed as Delegates, Messrs Elisha Grilfm, Levy Wayne, Lew is Gaskins, James Clark, David Lancaster, Daniel Gaskins, John Jackson, Church Chanman. Young Laughing houtse; and Bisop E Dudley. On n otion of David Lancaster, Eqr. , Res lived, That relying upon the writ ten evidence, puhlihed to the world in h2S, of Governors Dudley ami Mor ehead, Judge Badger and other leading Whigs, we believe mat Gen'l Jackson, the man of the people was, at the election of Ls24. delea'ed not upn any consideration of comparative' merit between Mr. Adams and himself, but that Mr. Clay might be Secretary of Statej" and now to give the said ('lay Hie highest office in the country would be to "oiler a reward to treachery and thus set an exampk: fatal to the fair and equal operation of our U; nMi-ution. On motion ol Dan 1 Gaskins, h.qr., Resolved, That Henry ('lay's relusd to vo'e for the repeal of the Bankrupt law in direct opposition to the wilies of thb peo ple of Kentucky, proves that he ts an ene my loone of the fundamental and most vi tal principles of a K'epublican government; viz: the duty of thb .Representative to obey the will of his constituents. On motion of Capt. Allen Anderson, Resolved, That in Col. Michael Hoke; the Democratic Candidate for Governor; we see an able, talented and patriotic de fender of Republican principles; and pledge him our most zealous support. On motion, it was ordered, that the pro eroding of this meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and lorwarded to the Editor of the Republican for ptlhlica tion, with a request that the Editor of the North Carolina Standard copy the same. The meeting then adjourned. ABNER HARTLY, Chn. Nafh'l II. Street, Stc'y. From the New Orleans Bulletin. TEXAS-GEN. HAMILTON. The invidious distinctions made by Mr. Webster,' between those States of the Uni ,n in which domestic lverv exists, and those in which it has been found expedient or profitably to discontinue that institution, we hope to $ee rebuked and denounced, at least by the universal voice ol the slavehoi (ling States. We take pleasure, therefore, in IrWerting the eloquent remoristance against ihe unjust and unpatriotic senti ments of Mr. VVedste'r, and the earnest ap peal from thp'rn to the pr ide and self con sideration of the South, which wilt be found in another column. The distinguished gentleman who makes this protest and ap peal, as well as the Senator to wRom the; letter is addressed, is a native of the Sooth, and a champion of Soiilhtrn rigitts. not to the exclusion, but as k part of, Ji mtrican rights. He takes boldly and well the ground which we believe the whole South will rally to as a man, that the; existence of th'rs or that institution in its limits shall not prejudice a State in the e- timation of the Confederacy; that if other, slaveholders are not 'fit to come into the Union, we, as slaVehctders are not fit to remain In ft. bet us not be misunderstood. We en tertain no apprehension of a dissolution of I tire t'nion. We believe that in all parts of the country, and with life great ma of the jfc ple, love and reverenee for the Uni on and the Constitution an abiding sen liiiienl, t60 deep, too 'errne's't, to be 'easily uprooted. Bat if any thing can (FeMrOy the attachment of the States to the "confed eracy in which they are bound, it is the frequent expression of such doctrines as those Mr. Wed.ler indtilees--doctrines which assume a condescending tind patron izing, and at the same time, insulting and contumelious air, to erne-ha IT the 'existing States, and attempt to impress into the clause which empowers the admission of new Slates a condition not known to tin Constitution, a principle n6t recognized in our national policy, and inconsistent with the perfect equality which attaches i'o th State's, and with the right which belongs to each of them to regulate its domestic "af fairs. Let every statesman who loves the coun try and the Union, and who hopes for a national reputation and appreciation, be ware of the unjust, illiberal 'and unpatriotic ideas on which Mr. Webster has wrecked himself. To George McDuffie, E-q.-, Senator from Sooth Carolina. My Dear McDuffie: Vou must find Vny ffpclogy for ibis public tommunicaiion in the relations of our old and Valued jfnen'd hip, and the interesting subject which con stitutes its sole topic. On reaching this place last eveni'n from Texas, 1 read for the first time, the follow ing extract of a recent letter from Mr. Webster, to some of his friends in Massa chusetts: 'I frankly avdw my entire unwilling ness to do any thing which shall extend the slavery of ihe Alrican race on this con- tinent, or add 'dt'htr slaVeholding Stales to this Union We have sla very already amongst us. The Constitu tion found it amongst us: it recognized it, and gave it a sdlemri guarantee. To the full end of these guaranties vVe are all bound in honor, in justice, and by the Constitution But when vve come to peak of uniting new States, the subject assumes ah entirely different as pect. Our right and our duiies are then" both different. .. In my opinion, the people "oflhe tJ. S. t7 not Consent to bring a new, vastly extensive and slave- holding country large enough for half a a dozen or a dozen States, into ihe UnibH In my opinion t key ought not to consent to it " We cannot misurtdersiand ihis remarka ble manifesto. Whilst it assserts brdadly. that no sbvehohling State Is rigaiii to be admitted within ihe pale of the Union, it leaves by necessary implication the dodr open without limit, to the admission of those in which domestic slavery does not eMst. In other words he tells us; when we adopted the Federal Constitution we permitted you to come into the Conledera cy wiih the taint of moral leprosy. We must stand oy our.uargain. e win, however contaminate, our household ho further with $uch associates Hi The meanest ivhite slave who c?awl in his cowardice and servility among us can give no other interpretation toihis anathe ma. . It must come to ihis complexion at Ust. When this doctfine is avowed, when this brand bf Cdih i5 put Upotl ouf fore heads, what is, and what become of. our situation? Remember, too, this language comes from a man of mark. From a "voice potential" front one who is at once regarded as the INestor and Demosthenes ol that part of the Union which lay claim to the largest part of the virtue and intelli gence of the country; For one, however much I may be satis fied of what the United States must lose by rejecting the proposition for the annexation of Texas, yet, if she should be repulsed from considerations of political power, on which parties may fairly take antagonist ground. I t-hould be content that this ques tion, like other public questions,. should be decided by the arbitrament of the pub lic will, with a due regard to that epiril of "rompromise "which formed the Conslitu'- lion. Kit the Drincinle of exclusion, as avowed by Mr. Wet'sterv (and doubtless he speaks foV1 A paHy whick has taken its stand) involve inSurl and defiance lo us at ihe S6uth. In one word, that we belong d a ihorull'ii degraded 'caste. I ask, rriy friend, as men can We stand this? Even if we have a craven willing ness to remain in the houSe oTour fathers, insulted attd reviled a$ long as we are per-: mitted to abide, what security ha Ve we th it we shall not at last be kicked ignomi niously out of doors, and sink to the level of our own slaves? With all pdsibl'e mod erafmn allovV me to ask if this is the ground on which TeXas is 10 bfe excluded from the Confederacy, haVe we anv other, alternative but ANNEXATION 0 DlS tlNlON? There are limeS and Occasions in which the hfest rliscrtiioh is lo be 'found in the highest courage, and if slaveholder are Viol fit to be adntted into the Union, ( tee aie no jfi't fd He Tker"e. The argument can have lio other extent btit ilns. 6m hie an irdividual as 1 am, I hsire' my 'poVdion in relation to this subject not to be misndert'odd. 1 haVe h'lth'erto ta ken n'6 part n the battery of this queHioh. To the best of my FscoUe'clto'ri, 1 have nei ther written to Mr. Calhouir, yourself, nor a single member of the S'd'uth Carolina De- legvtion on the lo'ptc. I do n6t even knt)w yoOr opiYiion, intintate as our relations have been. 1 haVe b'e-n restrained by considtr ations of peculiar delicacy. I have larg pecuiiiarV "claVms 6'n the uoVernmeht of lexas, and desired ho distr'ust of my rtio tiJes. Hf sitfes, I 'procured ihe recognition if Texas from the first and most powerful nHtion on the fa'fe of the earth, and from two of the second rale powers of fcurope, and 'co-'o-p'er a'ed in ohtainir.g that of th King of tlte French. After assuring ihee Powers that Tex "s desired to be a sove reign and independent State, it was not for me to take a prominent pait in rneasures which Were to place her n a subordinate sphere, hy corifribuVing to a leVersal of my own assurances. Hut, if the ground on vvhi'ch Texas is to be excluded from the Union, is the ground assumed hy Mr. Wehster, the question of Annexation itself sinks absolutely into comparative insignificance. The IJni'on is, in fact, dissolved, if the principle assumed is allowed to bear the bitter fruit of its in sult and Injustice. That is to say, if the sordid cultivation of cotton, rice, sugar and tabacco, has left 6ne impulse of manly pride and courage in bur bosoms. 1 indulge itt no" feelings of resentment towards Mr. Webster. As a Northern man; he is quite at liberty to entertain and express the opinions he, does. We have an equal light to entettain our own. 1 have much personal kindness and consider ation t'd acknowledge at his hands; arid a large tribute lo bay Id his incomparable ge nius, and to an intellect whose vigor gives both simplicity and grace to hii extraordi nary elegance aiid accomplishment His opinions; for alight 1 khoVv, may suit New England, but they will not suit us. On this 'question of Stale pride and na tiohal honor, I disdain I'd enter into any sordid calculations of profit. 1 w ill not tell you what a star Texa will be In the galaxy of this Union. I will not tell you of the marvellous fertility t)f her rich river alluvions and hodndle'sS plains of her ability to Sustain the finest popnla tlon ort earth of how murh vastly moie in the sum of ihe security of this fine city, and the' Valley of the Mississippi, it wolild be; to nave ner peopled by ihe haniy rinvmen of the VVest, under our own glorious ban ner, 'Bdne Uf our bone, and flesh of bur flesh," than to haVe ihfe lazar houses. Stews and penitentiaries of ihe old world vomiting forth their irlmaleS on her fertile Shores. " I will not tell you that our trade with this young and growing country i faSl waning that amidst 12 or 14 square rigged vessels in the port of Galveston, three days since, I saw the flag of out; country hoiSteJ at the mast head of but one! I will not tell you that the' miihufactures of New FJnIand afe MeaHv driven out of the couniry; and fhose of Europe substitu led in their place. I will not recobht these things, because I will not dishonor a ojueStioH of pridb with ilie base traffic of profit If ihe South, however, after listening for dhe hour ()ea, a Stated hou j per diem f6cl. ihe lasi four years to reproaches and insult, in an assembly Which ought to be blessed 6y ihe spirit of fraternal concdrd; should put up with this indignity, not gently inti mated but flung slap In her face, why I do not segj rhjr dear Mar, that you and 1 have any other fate but like the rest to be con tented and infamous, and make cotton and rice as long as our masters will permit u. to do so. But if, on the othpr hand, the Southern delegations should rise to a level of the spi ril which once dulinguished oUr fathers, and they sound the tocsin after Congress shall have declared its authentic sense THAT NO MOKE SLAVE STA I ES AUG TO BE ADMITTED INTO THIS UNION why, then, humble and stricken j as I am, I promise to re-echo the blast in at least three States in this union, which I touen in social sympainy and contact. I think .we may count oh all of them. As to that noble old State to which we both owe, with our loyalty and affection, so much gratitude; as among the favored of her sons, shall We dpuHt her? No. "She knows how to die, but neVer to surrender." Sincerely, your friend, : J. HAMILTON. St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, Apiil lllh, 1844. rbrr. the Camden (S. C.) Journal. FanafTcTsm.Trom the last South Ca rolinian we learn that the State, vs. Jch'ri L Drown-, for aiding a slave to escape from her master, and the sentence of the law pronounced against him, have created quite a Sensation among our own, arid for eign Ahdlitiontetg. The news of this trial which took place in Wjnnsboro', a small in land town in Fairfield district, during tlie past winter, has already found its way td benevolent and philanthropic England, and has been brought to ihe notice of the House of Lords, by one of her great states men, Lord BroUgham. Now we were present at said trial and after it was over and sentence passed, we heard little or no ihing of it, until lately, vvhert we learned that the t5oVernor had pardoned Brown, and this being expected, as the prisoner w t"s a young man, anil sought not to abduct the slave through any design unfriendly to our institutions") we paid not much attert 'ion to the matter. In the Carolinian we find a Jett'er from Judge O'Neal, who tried the prisoner, in reply to a Mr. Loysl Fire man of Indiana, who had addrcssel Judge O'Neal, mentioned the excitement which this case and its result had created in that quarter. V'e learn also, that a short time alter the Governor had pardoned Brown, the Executive Department was flooded with petitions (still they keep coming) de nunciatory of our institutions, accompanied by warnings, threatening, and demands . for Brown's pardon. How mUch further fanaticism may carry the deluded individu als, signing and sending these petitions, we may not venture to say, but at all events, thiS hYode of proceedure, is enough to stop the d'oor bf mercy, and stir up within the hr'easts of Southern men, an undying spirit of revenge, against the instigators of such unrighteous interference with ihe laws of a sovereign Stale. How this particular case came to awaken such an interest as it has apparently done, amongst foreign and do mesiic fanatics we know not; but it be hoves the people bf the South to watch closely all such manoeuvres of these hollow hearted philanthropists, and to keep d bright look out around them, for, from, the fact of this case being so much noised abroad, there must be amongst US 'Wolvei tn sheep s 'clothing. P. S. Since the abdve was iri UTpe, the arrival of ihe Acadia, we find that Lord Uenham; in the House of Lords, adverted lo the above case and hoped that the ex pression of ihe feeling ih,Ehgland and over " Europe, would reach this country, to pre vent the infliction of ihe punishment!' Brown" odght to jgb to England dt bhee, the British government would no doubt dd something Handsome for him. ...... . jJJ'The Warrenton (N. C.) Reporter s'aysihat a child was found dedd inthe wood : in that vicinity, dn the lith Inst. It had . befen strangled to death by some person,' ad yet unknown and unsuspected: . , : Morhions. A steamer lately arrived at: St. Louis, Missouri, having on board 216 emigrants, all Mormons bound for Nau voo. A large poition of them were wo- ' mH, Hoys, girls, and small Children. Three children were ,born on thfe boat, on her way from N. Orleans to St. Louis. Dwarf in England. An Americari Dwarf named Charles Stretton, who sus tains the nickname of Hen. Tom Thumb; is creating quite a sensation among the ar- ' isiocracy of England. He has visited the royal family and has been visited by sev- eral noblemeri; and is making by the-opera- tion nearly two thousand dollars each week, which aflse from presents which are la visheel upon him. The Dwarf is about ' wenty-five inches high, and is very hand some and elegantly pioportioned. He has . much amused ihe Court by hisyankeeisms, -and we see enacted in real life ihe farce of Tom Thumb." To be sure there is no Queen Hunckamunta, in wh0se smiles1 "the General" may sun himself; but there is Queen Victoria in Whose favor he is baskine, while he is taking in no small amount of the ready," a thing that neither . the dramatic Tom Thumb nor the spluck- uack" of Gulliver were able to do in their dy The London Punch says that Gen etal Tom Thumb has made his appearance -at the stock exchange, and was universally, , allowed to be the smallest American stock, ever known there; Pennsylvania diyi-,. (tenets, of course, excepted.