H mmn3(iDiE(D9 id WhoteJVo. 951. Tarborough, Eilgccombe County, J'v. Saturday, .Hay as, 1 844, Vol.XX.J.Ql., The Tarborougll Press, Br George Howard, Jr. Is punished weekly at Two Dollars per year, if paid in advance or. Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time on giving notice thereof and paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 cents for every continuance. Longer advertise ments at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements 25 percent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of inser tions required, or tkey will be continued until otherwise directed, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or tbey may Rot be attended to. COR THE TARBOIto' PRESS. TO MARY. I have observed your gentle ways, I've seen what passes there. And all my study was to please, And you, my only care. I do esteem you, for above All others of your sex; Possessed of every power to please, Without a will to vex. And while your beauties I admire, Your virtues I adore; I glow with friendship and esteem, And love you more and more. Now, if these signs denote a heart To friendship fee'ing true, Grant me the mighty boon I ask, To be esteemed by you. 13 THE PRINTER'S MISSION. BY FREDERICK WING COLE. To hold and trim the torch of Truth And wave it o'er the darkened earth; To sway the yearning hart of youth And give the earnest thought its birth; Abroad upon thy way to fling, From off thy never-resting wing, Upon the crowds that blindly grope In blank despair, a spray of hope, This is thy mission to thy kind, Thou mighty Mercury of Mind. What though thy torch be often fed From fanes where falsehood sits enshri ned! And poison mingles with the bread Thou givest to the hungered mind; What though the press prolific teems With idle trash and skeptic dreams; Give open field, and humbly wait 'Till thou shah see their final fame, Truth needs to aid her giant blows, No vantage ground above her foes. The patient scribe struck long ago Upon his slowly yielding race, And iron custom felt the blow, And after years its mark could trace, Think not that thou shall leave behind Upon the Protean public mind The image that thy choice would make A shape unknown to thee 't will take But strike! thy arm shall help to mould This mental mass no longer cold. Who sent thee forth? Thou herald ray Of dawning brightness, which so soon Has taught us that was far from day Which boasting Athens thought was noon! Was it from Faustus' brain alone Thou had'st thy being? Hast thou grown In skill so wise, in strength so great, To sport with fools or sway the state? I see thy brightening path it tends From higher source to noble ends. Thou art the child of Him who brings From man's device His own decree; A minister of holy things His providence will make of thee. The Gospel Angel, far and wide O'er earth will find thee at his side. And, while he sends in cadence clear His message to the heedless ear, Thine is the mission from on high To hold it to the steadfast eye. Then speed the Press! It is the heart From which the mental nulse is fed: Then speed the Press! Its throbbing dart Where all would else be cold and dead. It gives a form to mortal strife And struggles of the inner life, Where errors meet and clash and fall, And truth shouts triumph o'er them all. Its' weary work is all designed one great mind-controlling Mind. From the Washington Republican. ' The following characteristic letter of the Hon.Dixon H. Lewia, wan in reply iO a com munjeation from a gentleman in Texa. Washington Cxtt, Feb. 14, 1844. My Dear Sir: am indebted to you for two letters since the meeting of Con gress -the last containing a copy of the ex pressionof the individual opinion of the members of the Texan Congress in favor pf annexation, I have so far not written to you because there has been here as vet. no denouncement of the questionwe. who have felt anxiously on the subject, having been hoping a movement from your Con gress, which would present a practical is sue, from which the mere politicians could not escape, or some action on the part of the Executive who we all know, has his heart deeply in the result. The strong in terest boih of Clay and Van Buren, as their close friends suppose-is not to meddle with a question, the strength of which has never been tested lest its explosive pow er might blow them both sky high. Bet ter friends of Texas than either of them can easily be found, and hence they have a common interest in staving off the issue, though if it isjorced on them, I have no doubt either of them could be driven into a support of the -measure. In this state of the game, we have felt the difficulty of mo ving on the abstract question in the ab sence of any tangible issue presented ei ther by the official action of the Texan Con gress or through the diplomatic, intercourse of the two Governments. Such a move might be stifled by the cry of bring got up for party purposes, sinister to the advance ment of both Clay and Van Buren. Still the public mind is gradually bringing up the question in spite of politicians and without some reasonable ground to hope for some definite movement such as I bt fore indicated before Congress adjourns, the na ked issue, of annexation, cannot longer be delayed. It no one more suitable, I will move it mysen lor l nui never cease to remember with pride, that I was the first man who ever in Congress expressed him self in fvor of Texan independence, and Waddy Thompson often reminds me that he and I were the hist men who passed through the tellers when the vote was giv en for recognition by our Government Whenever the game is fairlv up and the chase opened, I have no fears of the result of annexation. Popular sympathy, when 'a. i : i i . ever ii is uriconiairuiiaicii oy anoution or Biitish influence, will sweep with a whirl wind's rage the calculating politicians who dare oppose it. I have no doubt it would prove even stronger than Clay and Van Bu ren both united. To the North it is a ques lion of interest, to the West one of feeling; while to the down-trodden, tarin-ridden, and abolition be-devilled South, it is a ques tion oi existence. Let the issue of annexa tion be once rendered doubtful, and in stinct of self-preservation would convince them that their hopes of safety were stron ger on the other side of the Sabine than of the Delaware. I send you by to-day's mail a pamphlet copy of Walker's admirable es say in favor of annexation. I have to day given to Lewis Coryell, of Pennsylvania, a warm hearted friend to lexas, a letter of introduction to you which I hope you will receive. He will tell you exactly how matters stand here on that ques tion. Why do not the people of 'I exas meet together and agitate the question of American over British annexation, and scourge their public functionaries into an acquiescence wiiu their views Lvery thing of thjt kind would do good. Ex cuse this hasty letter, which you are at liberty to use in any manner which will promote the cause. I go for annexation heart and soul, and as one I feel that 1 am not willing forcibly to be kept severed from you, by the influence of those whose sympathies are more in favor of our slaves than the whites of the South or Texas. Your friend, DIXON H. LEWIS. Hon. J. Rugeltt. From the Washington Spectator. COM. STEWART'S POLITICAL OPINIONS. TO THE EDITOR OF THB SPECTATOR. Sir: You will oblige a number of your readers by the publication of the annexed Letter of Commodore Stewart, declara tive of his political principles. Philadelphia, May 22, 1841. Gentlemen: 1 have had the honor to receive vour communication as a commit tee of the "Old Ironsides Club of the City and County of Philadelphia," accompani ed by their resolutions passed at their sta ted meeting held on the 15th inst. In your communication you remark, that "the association being composed of a laree number of the Democratic citizens of the City and county oi r niiaueipma, enier taihihg the fullest confidence in my patriot ism and mental endowments, as well as my honest and consistent attachment to the pure fundamental principles of the Demo cratic faith, as promulgated by that great disciple of liberty, 1 nomas jeiierson, ana perpel!"ted by Andrew jacKson, nave placed my pame Deiore me uoiuu . candidate for the Chief Magistracy of a free and a great people," and you ask whether 1 will "allow them, in conjunction with my Democratic fellow citizens throughout the Union, to present my name to the peo- pie for their adoption through a Democratic iuuuai uuvcmiuu, auu luiiiici, mi yuu are insirucieu io ooiam my views oi . . IA I I'll the great Democratic principles which have distingu ished the party of the people since the days of 'the great Apostle of Democra cy,' in order that the people of the Union may be satisfied that 1 am, as I ever have been, the firm, consistent and devoted friend of equal laws, equal rights, political, civil, and religious liberty." For this distinguished preference of my fellow-citizens of the city and county of my nativity, I beg leave to return, through you, their committee, my sincere and grateful thanks, and to express to them a hope that before the period shall arrive for the assembling of a Democratic National Convention, our fellow-ciliiens may be enabled to present a name mora worthy of this high distinction, which may so readily be found in the great and patiiotic Democratic family of our Union. That the resolutions of the club which you represent may be fully complied with, I have no hesitation frankly to state, tint should our fellow-citizens deem it proper to present my name in the manner thev propose, though I neither seek nor desire it, I have no right to withhold it. For al though I am filled with the most profound sense of my own deficiencies for the exalt ed station which has been adorned by names so illustrious, I also conceive that it is not the part of patriotism to shun any duty which may be required by my fellow citizens. The circumscribed position of a naval commander affords but few occasions for the development of his political principles or sentiments. Born in the city of Phila drlphia during the height of the arduous struggle for independence, contemporane ously with so many glorious events, I could not but, with the first dawnings of life, inhale those principles of republican ism, which are so well calculated to confer the largest share of happiness on the great est number of those who live under their auspices. I early imbibed an ardent at tachment to the doctiines taught by the Sage of Monticello, which has been con firmed by the experience of each succeed ing year; and, from my first exercise of the elective franchise, down to the present hour, I have unwaveringly contributed my humble aid to promote and maintain the ascendancy of the Democratic party, its principles and candidates. In the Constitution of the United States will be found every essential rule for the guidance of those who may be designated by the people to carry out its principles, for their protection and welfare. A care ful, nay, even a strict construction of that instrument is indispensable to our well being: such a construction as would effec tually exclude every other, not palpably necessary and proper, to effect the execu tion of its various articles. If this funda mental principle be deviated from, each part of the Constitution ma)' be successive- ! ly invaded, until the intent of its framers will gradually disappear, and every origin al landmark be forever obscured in the dark and bewildering mazes of a latiludin ous construction. The people, in confiding to the General Government the purse and the sword, be lieved that they were placing them in the most safe and efficient hands. This sur render of the whole means of public de fence makes the superintendence of it, in all its branches, a primary duty in the na tional functionaries. Although the imme diate control over this subiect has been wisely lodged in Legislative hands, yet the influence of the Executive in recommend ing defensive measures, in the first instance, and his control over them, under the sanc tion of laws, afterwards, render him highly responsible for maintaining the rights, in terests, and honor of the country. Under this responsibility, it well becomes a Chief Magistrate to keep in view the efficiency of the national defences, for we are admon ished by high authority, that "to be unpre pared to punish insult, is to court it;" and and that "in defensive preparations are to be found the best means of preserving peace." In a government of checks and balances, the accumulation of power in the hands of any one man, or set of men, should be nar rowly watched, as dangerous to liberty. In the influence of Executive patronage may be found a fruitful source of alarm, and its dispensation cannot be guarded with too jealous an eye, lest merit and capacity be proscribed, the bitternes of party spirit encouraged, and successful efforts be made to control the fresnjom of opinion, or of the press, or to corrupt the people, that place may be retained or power augmented. Economy forms one of the prominent virtues and duties of a republican govern ment. It does not consist, however, in withholding from faithful public services a just compensation! neither does it consist in according with parsimonious hands the means of promoting the public defence. But it consists in closing every unnecessary drain on the public treasury; and also, for (the same purpose, there is strenuously re- quired a judicious application of the appro, uiiauuus io ineir oojects anu a vigorous ex- ecuuan oi me laws regarding them. & A rrifllll llfO n n m I Yl mmri m n n f 1 fnnt II t00 and the mechanic arts are the great sources j timen,s f another distinguished democ ofour national prosperity. These, when f uPon lhe interesting subject to which tr sustained by a well-regulated system, ' letter ref rs. Your compliance will much which system 1 should hold, for the most ' nMI vnnr . fcrv. VV T flOT.OlTlTT pari, io oe nest, wnen least snacKieii, con stitute the greatest portion of the wealth and power of the country. In cherishing them, we cherish what enabled our fathers to rise superior to colonial dependence, and j disregarding the numberless difficulties and dangers which surrounded them, to estab lish upon a sure and solid foundation the greatest republic among the nations of the earth. "To cherish a liberal commercial in!er cource with other nations, without involv ing ourselves in entangling alliances with any," to do justice to others and rigidly exact it in turn, are also among the promi nent obligations of the Federal Govern- ment. j It is a fixed principle in our Govern ment which cannot be too faithfully adhered to in practice, nor too often repeated, that it was instituted to promote the welfjre of the people: that those who make, and those who carry into effect the laws, are but their agents; and that to generate any distinct in ' erects between the people and their go vernment is incompatible with this princi ple, and was never contemplated by the framers of the Constitution. A perfect tolerance of political opinion, and freedom in the exercise of the elective franchise, are indispensable; for a govern ment based on public opinion becomes im paired wh n intolerance and a lawless con trol of the right of suffiage withdraw from it that support; and we should bear ii mind, that while under the imperative De mocratic principle, the will of the majority is to prevail in all eaes, yet that "the min ority possess rights, to violate which would be oppies.ion." Opposition to political measures should rather be invited than deprecated; for in laudable opposition there may be found se cuntv Irom error: nor should it be lorcot- ten, that every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle," and that, as cit izens of the same republic, we are all equal ly interested in the honor, welfare, and happiness of our common country. It may be affirmed as an incontestible truth, that the tendency of corporate bodies and associated wealth is inimical to the lib erty,asit is destructive of the equality of the people; and the authority to create them was wisely withheld from the Gener al Government bv the States. Should this view be consideied as too forcibly stated. my answer is plain and diiect: the doctrine has been proved sound by experience, and has received the assent of the Democratic party. If it be erroneous, the responsibil ity of its maintenance is shared by a Jeffer son and a Madison, with a Sny der and ; Jackson. Since the adoption of our present form of Government, questions of importance have arisen, upon which different portions of our fellow-citizens' have taken issue. Some of these questions will probably never he revived. Should occasion arise when im portant ones may be presented, which would turn on a doubtful construction of the Constitution, you may rest assured that my convictions of right would be based upon the only true and safe foundation that of the Jt ffei sonian school. If the views here set forth of the princi ples of Democracy, under our Constitution, and which embrace perhaps the largest portion of our national policy, prove satis factory t) you, 1 cannot but feel proud that they have undergone in me no change or diminution, but, on the contrary, they have been confirmed and strengthened by. the many opportunities 1 have had of observing foreign rule, under different forms of go vernment, as well as the happy position of our country under the doctrines of our Declaration of Independence, which have so fully proved to us that man ti not inca pable of self government. For the flattering manner in which you have been pleased to express yourselves, in relation to any of my public services, 1 pray you to accept my thanks. In giving assurance that whatever 1 m3y have done for my country, by fighting her battles or otherwise, has not been unobserved, you convey to me the most grateful reward I could receive the approbation of my fellow-citizens. Accept, gentlemen, for yourselves and the association you represent, the assurances of the respectful esteem with which 1 have the honor to be your obliged servant and fellow.citizen, CHAS. STEWART. From the Globe. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GLOBE. TVashington, May 16, 1844. Sir: The following letter having been submitted to my disposal, I ask of you to to give it an immediate publication in your piper. 1 am satisfied that von will take pleasure in complying with this request. I that the public may be apprised of the sen- Detroit, May 10, 1S44. Dear Sir: In answer to your inquiry, whether I am favorable to the immediate annexation of Texas to the United States, 1 reply that I am. As you demand my opinion only of this measure, and briefly the reasons which influence me, 1 shall confine myself to these points. I shall not dwell upon the policy of uni ting coterminous countries, situated like ours and Texas, with no marked geopraph- lcal Jeature to divide them, and with navi gable streams penetrating the territories of both; nor upon the common origin of the jeople who inhabit them, upon their com mon language, manners, religion, institu tions, and, in lact, their identity as a branch of the human family. Nor shall 1 urge the material interests involved in the measure, by the lree intercourse it would establish between the various sec tions of a vast country mutually dependent upon, and supplying one anotner. inese considerations are so obvious, that they need no elucidation from me. But, in a military point of view, annex ation strikes me as still more important. nd my mind has been the more forcibly impressed with this idea from reading the ble letter of General Jackson upon this ubject, which has just come under my ob servation. W ith the intuitive sagacity which makes part of the character of that great man and pure patriot, he has foreseen the use which a European enemy might make of Texas in the event of a war with the United States. A lodgement in that country would lay open our whole south western border to his devastations. We could establish no fortress, nor occupy any favorable position; for the immense fron tier may, in a vast many places, be crossed as readily as a man passes from one part of his farm to another, l he advantages an active enemy would enjoy under such cir cumstances, it requires no sagacity to fore tell. . . ri r -These considerations recall to my,memo ry an article which made its appearance just before I left Europe, in a leading tory periodical in rngiana, wnicn is unaersiooa ty. This is Frazer's Magazine; and a. more nefarious article never issued from a profligate press. It ought to be steroty ped and circulated from one end of our country to the other, to show the designs which are in agitation against us, and to teach us that our safety in that mighty con test which is coming upon us, is in a know ledge of our danger, and in a determination, . by union, and by a wise forecast, to meet it, and defeat it. The spirit of this article is sufficiently indicated by its title, which was, 'a war with the United States a bless ing to mankind." 1 cannot refer to it at this moment, but must speak of it from re collection. I have often been surprised it has not attracted more attention in our ... country. Its onject was to provoKe a war with the United States and to lay- down the plan of a campaign, which would , est bring it to a fortunate conclusion England. I he basis ol this plan wa.i the organization of the necessary black force in the West India Islands, and lis debarka tion upon our southern coast. " The conse quences which our enemies fondly hoped r i t a . liL. - A ! ? " tor,in surn a case, uuj. wiui an enure ig norance of the irue state of the country, were foretold with a rare union of philan thropy and hatred. 1 wish I had the number at hand, to cull some choice passa ges for your reflection. The result was to be the destruction of the southern States, the ruin or depression of the others, and the dissolution of this great and glorious confederacy, on which the last hopss of freedom through the world now rest. What more favorable position could be taken for the occupation of English black troops, and for letting them loose upon our States, than isanorded by Texas? Incapa ble of resisting in the event of a war b tween us and England, she would be taken possession of by the latter, under one or another of those pretences, which every page of her history furnishes, and the ter ritory would become the depot whence she would carry on her operations against us, and attempt to add a servile war to the oth er calamities which hostilities bring with them. He who doubts whether this would be done, has yet to learn another trait in the annals of national antipathy. It would be done, and be called philanthropy. Every day satisfies me more and more, that a majority of the American people are in favor of annexation. Were they not, the measure ought not to be effected. But as they are, the sooner it is effected chc beU ter. I do not touch the details of the ne gotiation. That must be left. to. the res ponsibility of the governsnt; as, also, most the bearing of tje question upon,, and