its reception by, olher countries. These are points 1 do not here enter into. 1 am, dear sir, with much regard, truly yours. LEVV' CASS. Hon. E. A. Hannagan, Washington, D. C. TAUBOROUGH: SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1844. FOR GOVERNOR, Col. .Michael Hoke, of Lincoln. FOR THE TAKBORO PRESS. (pA meeting of the Democratic party is invited on Tuesday of May Court, to mobo rrnrement for selecting a Demo- . p, i cratic elector for this district. The con vention, to select an elector, wilt meet in Tarboro' sometime the latter part of June, and it is the duty of Edgecombe to appoint delegates in time for it. MANY DEMOCRATS. FOR THE TARBORO PRESS. Mr Editor: I see a public meeting called in your paper on Tuesday of our Court I propose that that meeting shall also express its opinion on the Texas ques tion. Such meetings are now being held all over the Southern country, and demand, ing the annexation of Texas as a matter ot great interest, not only to the South but in ihfi whole Union and the voise of Edgecombe is certainly entitled to be beard on so momentous a question. A DEMOCRAT. Congress. In the Senate, on the 15th inst. by a communication that body was in formed by the President, that he had or. dered a military force to repair to the fron. tier of Texas, to open a communication ' with the President of that Republic and act as circumstances might require; and also had ordered a naval force to Vera Cruz, to remain off that port, and prevent any naval expedition of Mexico, if any should be at tempted, from proceeding against Texas. On the 16th, the committee appointed in the case of Mr. Niles, reported that there is no sufficient reason why he should not be qualified and take his seat. In the House, on the 13th, the resolu tion of the Senate, fixing on the 27th day of this month as the day for the adjourn ment of Congress, was taken up. The re solution, after substituting the 17th June next for the day assigned by the Senate, was adopted. Philadelphia Riots. One of the most alarming and outrage ous riots that has ever taken place in this country occurred in the Kensington dis trict of Philadelphia on Monday afternoon, the 6th inst., and was renewed on Tues day and Wednesday following. We have neither room nor inclination to insert the mournful and distressing details in our columns. The following summary is gath ered from various sources, made up in the midst of the excitement It may contain errors, but care has been taken to obtain the truth concerning what has occurred. All statements agree in the fact, that a public meeting of Native Americans was disturbed wantonly and wickedly, by per sons who had not been called to the meet ing, and who, consequently, had no right to utter a word with reference to the pro ceedings. This led naturally to their ejec tion, and that was made the ground of their murderous assault with fire arms. The Ledger estimates the loss of property by the riots at g250,000; all of which falls on the county of Philadelpha, under a law of the State which makes each county re sponsible for any damage which may be oc casioned by riots witthin is,f limits. The Ledger also reports seven killed and six badly wounded, and 15 to 20 wounded but not seriously and from 30 to 40 buil dings destroyed. A meeting of the Native American par ty was neia at tne junction ot Second and Master streets, at an early hour in the af ternoon of Monday, at which a laree num. ber of persons were present, from all parts of the city and county. This meeting was - neia in consequence ol a previous gather ing of the American party, in Kensington. being attacked and dispersed by a mob of tne irisn citizens ot that district on Friday night, 3d inst. About four o'elork. un- wards of five hundred persons assembled on me lot and organized. The meeting was addressed by S. R. Kramer and Gen eral Smith. Lewis C. Lcmn. Esn.. then took the stand, but wa Inttrrunied hv th Violence of the gust which sprung up about thi-tlmp. The meetinff then adjourned to the Washington street market, in the centre of which the American flag was planted, and a stand erected. Upon entering the market place, a for eigner accosted one of the prominent men in the cause espoused by the Americans, in harsh language, and immediately a per sonal encounter ensued. Just about this time Mr. Levin got upon the stand to re sume his address, and had spoken but a few moments, when the native Americans were assailed by a shower of brickbats and other missiles. In the course of the fight, there were at least one hundred discharges of fire arms, and several persons were kill ed or wounded. The destruction of property was im mense. The houses along Master and Cadwalader streets, and Germantown road, which were occupied by the Irish, were attacked and partially demolished. The attacks upon the houses were generally made in consequence of retreating parties taking refuge in them and the adjoining alleys, from the vengeance of their pursu ers, and from the impression that there were men within them. In seveial instan ces, the houses of the innocent and unoffen ding were battered in, entered, and the furniture broken. During the evening, great crowds of peo ple were gathered in the neighborhood of the scene of violence in the afternoon, and about ten o'clock, an attack was made on the Roman Catholic School House, corner of Second and Phoenix streets, and the fence in front of it tired. Just at this time, a volley of musketry was discharged from a short distance above the School House, and J. W. Wright, a son of Archibald Wright, salt merchant, corner of Vine and Water streets, who was a silent spectator, was shot through the heart, and fell on the snot! Five other nprsons were shot, one in the head badly. One of the Native A- merican party, Nathan Ramsey, was mor tally wounded, the ball entering his lungs. The Native Americans then retreated, and affairs remained quiet during the night. During the forenoon of Tuesday, the scene of Monday's disturbance was re markably quiet for the time and circum stances, some ot the Irisn famines were leaving their houses, and moving what they could of their properly. About ten o'clock, a laige party of Native Americans assembled at Second and Master streets, and marched in procession through the district of Kensington, passing the Market House, where the fight took place on Mon day evening and last night. In the proces sion was carried the large flag which had been raised on Monday, and which was considerably torn. Preceding this, was a banner borne by one man, and having up on its front this inscription: This is the Flag that has been TRAMPLED UPON BY THE IRISH PAPISTS. In the afternOon the Native Americans assembled in Independence Square, num bering from two to three thousand. A meeting was organized, and the crowd was addressed by Mr. C. J. Jack. From thence thev proceeded in procession to Kensington, headed by Mr. Jack, and marched to Second and Master streets, then to the Washington street Market, where the fights had occurred on Monday. Here they again organized a meeting, and Mr. Jack again mounted the stage to ad dress them, when a shot was fired from he direction of the Hibernia Hose House, a rush was made at said Rouse, when a vol ley of musketry was poured into the meet- ngand six men were shot in the legs and arms, and one was killed on the spot. About five o clock another attack was made upon the hose house, and a large new bell found in it was brought out into the open square and shattered to pieces. Short- y after this, a frame dwelling house next to the hose house was fired, and from that ime up to nine o'clock in the evening, the flames continued to spread without stay until twenty-nine houses were consumed, the greater part of them being upon Cad- walader street, and four upon the street fa cing tne market, adoui seven o clock the market house itself caught fire, and at nine o'clock lay in a heap of ruins. Sever al active fire companies as soon as thev could be protected in their work, operated successfully in preventing the spread of the fire. Ihe volunteers attached to the first Brigade Pennsylvania Militia, under Gen eral Cadwalader, were called out by the Sheriff. They turned out in considerable force. The troops took possession of the ground at about 8 o'clock P. M., and cleared it, after which sentinels occupied the entire square. Then the firing between the Natives and Roman Catholics ceased at once, and was not resumed. How many on both sides were killed and wounded, it is impossible to say. It is very probable that several Irishmen were killed in the houses, which were afterwards burnt, and the bodies consumed with them. Wednesday. Every thing continued quiet from 12 o'clock, Tuesday night, un til 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning. At about that time groups began to assemble as yesterday, but under higher excitement. At Second and Franklin the American flag was raised, and with it the placard which was paraded through the streets yesterday. At this period the volunteers of the 1st Brigade were relieved by some of those of the 2d. Self organized bodies now formed, and a search for men and arms was made through the houses. Seyvral stands ol arms, as rifles, muskets, shot guns and pis- tols, were found concealed, cnieny in mo out houses, &c. They were almost all loaded. The inhabitants had dispersed. A quantity of gold, about 700 dollars, was discovered in the embers of the fire in one of the houses burnt yesterday. Some 100 dollars of it were carried off by boys, but a guard was immediately set over it by tne volunteers, and the residue discovered and returned to the owner, an old Irish woman. At ten o'clock some companies of the 3d Brizade also appeared. They took posses sion of the ground. As they appeared, an Irishman was discovered in the act of load ing a musket, having just discharged one He was immediately seized and carried to Alderman Beaulieu's and from thence to Mayor Cannon's. On the way down, and with ereat difficulty, his life was saved. Arrived at the officer's, he was obliged to nlapp him at once in a cell in his office to i save his life. Early in the afternoon St. Michael's Ro man Catholic Church, together with the Priest's dwelling house and also the school house were fired and burned to the ground. 6 o'clock. The rioters proceeded to the house of Alderman Hugh Clark, at the cor ner of Fourth and Master st and have en tirely gutted it out. The windows were demolished, the furniture thrown out of the windows. All the papers of the Aider man have been destroyed or lost. The corner house was occupied by his brother, Patrick Clark, as a tavern and dwelling, and his furniture has also Leea destroyed. About half past six o'clock, information was received by Mayor Scott, that an at tack was contemplated upon the St. Augus tine church, in Fourth street, below Vine, and that a large crowd had already gather ed in its vicinity. He immediately re paired, upon horseback, to the spot, with a body of the city police, and addressed the crowd. The police were posted around the Chapel. The mass still increased. The First City Troop were immediately ordered out, and were upon the ground in a short time. About ten minutes before ten o'clock, fire was communicated to the vestibule of the church. It increased w ith rapidity af ter once under way, and dense masses of smoke curled out from every win dow. In a few minutes the flames reach ed the belfry, and burst out from the upper window in broad sheets. The whole stee ple was soon wrapt in the devouring ele ment, and presented a terrific aspect. The clock struck ten while the fire was raging in its greatest fury. Ihe chapel, together with the dwelling of the priests on Crown street, are entirely, destroyed, toge ther with the Church library. Sever al houses in the immediate neighborhood were injured, none however very serious ly, as the firemen plied them well with water. At this place several of the police olhcers were knocked down, and the May or w'as struck in the breast with a stone. 12 o'clock. All the avenues leading to St. M ary's and St. Joseph's churches, in Fourth near Prune, and in Willing's Al ley, have been guarded by troops and citi zens, who suuer no person to enter the ,space uness Uiev live within the square I'his precaution is rendered necessary by the threats of destruction which hive been made in reference to those buildings. 1 o'clock, A. M. It is reported that every thing is quiet in the districts of Ken sington, Southwark, and IMoyamensing A slight demonstration was manifested by a collection of persons at the corner of Market and Thirteenth streets, but it was promptly met and checked by the strong military force established in Thirteenth street, for the protection of St. John's church, between Market and Chesnut. From the Hartford Daily Times. ADAMS AND CLAY'S BARGAIN AND SALE. The following letter from Andrew Jack son puts to rest a false rumor circulated by the federal press, with regard to his senti ments on the subject of the corrupt bargain between John Q. Adams aud Henry Clay, by which the letter was made Secretary of State. 1 he letter bears the impress of An drew Jackson's character open, bold, honest, and to the point. Here it is: A CARD. To the editors of the Nashville Union: Gentlemen: My attention has been call ed to various newspaper articles refering to a letter said to have been written by me to uenerai namuion, recanting me cnarge ot - ir ;i . . bargain made against Mr. Clay when he voted for Mr. Adams in 1825. To put an end to all such rumors, I feel it to be due to myself to state that I have no recollection of ever having written such a letter, and do not believe there is a letter from me to General Hamilton, or any one else, that will bear such a construction. Of the charges brought against both Mr. Ad ams and Mr. Clay at that time, I formed my opinion as the country at large did from facts and circumstances that were in disputable and conclusive; and 1 may add that this opinion has undergone no change. If General Hamilton, or anyone else has a letter from me on this subject, which the friends of Mr. Clay desire to be made public, all they have to do is to apply to him for it. As for myself, I have no se crets, and do not fear the publication of all that 1 have ever written on this or any other subject. ANDREW JACKSON, Hermitage, May 3, 1844, Bridge Burnt.--The Portsmouth (Va.) Index, says: The bridge over Nottoway", on the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road, about 42 miles from Portsmouth, was de stroyed by fire on Monday ntgnt last, i Jin J - r . I i r- holnrr inst. We are nappy, nowc., able to state that no inconvenience will arise from this to passengers as a commodi ous boat has been provided as a safe and convenient substitute. The accident is supposed to have been caused by sparks from the engine which passed over late the preceding night. Halifax Adv. Superior Court. In our last we brief ly alluded to the proceedings of our Supe rior Court which terminated its session late on Saturday afternoon last his Hon or Judge Manly presiding. The unusual number of cases on the criminal calendar prevented the trial of any civil cases, ex cept that of Cutlar and Wife, vs. Fisher. This case consumed the whole of Wednes day of the term, and was an action of slan der brought for the defamation of the char acter of the feme plaintiff by the defendant. Messrs. Attmore and J. W. Bryan ap peared for the plaintiff, and Messrs. Don nell and Hubbard for the defendants. The Jury after a short absence from the box, returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs of one thousand dollars: a new trial was moved for and refused, and judgment en tered upon the verdict. On Tuesday the case of the Stale vs. Jerome, a slave, the property of Mrs. Fuller of Carteret co., whence the case was removed to this coun ty for trial, was submitted to the Jury. The prisoner was indicted for breaking open the house of Edward Denby in Beaufort in the day time during his absence, am stealing therefrom a considerable sum o money. The proof on the part of thi State seemed to be very clear as to thi guilt of the prisoner, but the occurrence took place some eight or nine years ago, and the character of several of the material witnesses for the State was impeached and a doubt created as to some of the particu lars of their testimony, and thereupon the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. On Thursday, Calvin Mcintosh was tried for the murder of James Ipock. It appealed in evidence that the prisoner and deceased had some altercation with each other upon the subject of the former living at the house ot the latter, and that the deceased ordered the prisoner to leave his houe, and thereupon the prisoner took his gun and walked out of the house into the yard, and upon giving "some jaw," as the wit ness expressed it, the deceased walked out to the prisoner and struck him a blow on his head, knocked off his hat, and there upon the pr isoner immediately shot the de ceased in his thigh. The deceased linger ed for two months and a half and died. There was some evidence creating a doubt as to the manner and cause of his death, and there were other circumstances tend ing to reduce this homicide to the degree of manslaughter. The prisoner was de fended by Messrs. Attmore, J. W. Bryan and Washington, and a verdict of man slaughter rendered bv the Jury at 11 o'- clock at night. We learn that this verdict was approved of by his Honor Judge Man ly. The piisoner was sentenced to be branded, which punishment was immedi ately inflicted, and he was discharged. There were an unusual number of indict ments for misdemeanors of various kinds; and we do not remember to have witnessed a more laborious term of our Court in ma ny years before. Newbernian. iForctfftt. The Royal Mail steamer Britannia, ar rived at Boston last Saturday in 14 days. A snrrpKsinn nl onni h:irvnta nrwl ihn vival of trade had caused an increase nf revenue, so that the surplus is 1,400,000 O'Connell has been brought up to receive judgment. He has appealed against the verdict, and moved for a new trial. The motion had not been decided when the steamer sailed. The emneror Mnrnnrn t-iaa rtoloror1 I " w vafk..ui Cll against Spain, and called out 40,000 horse men. In the Liverpool markets th ere had hon no change in the Drice of cotton anti.nm law meetings continue to be held. His Majesty Charles John has ceased to exist. He died On the 8th of March, nt four o'clock in the morning. His son and heir assumed forthwith the - j . uuinu..- ty, under the style of Oscar the Second; and announced his intention of ni the government of Sweden and Norway in the footsteps of his late father. (0VVe are authorised to announce LOUIS C. PENDER, as a candidate nt the ensuing election for the office of Sher- in oi tnis county. are authorised to annnnnna JESSE MERCER, as a candidate at the ensuing election for the office of Sheriff of mis county. JYbtice. ILL BE SOLD, for Cash, on the premises, on the 20th day of Man 1844, the THACT OF LAND, on which Thomas Edmondson latelw adjoining the lands of Arthur Bishor, and nll in U.. A 1 I " t T ""W . l" UJ uccu nne Qale 83d of the said deed., r tiuKuai, ioi4-iui uurnosM morula i WM. F. KNIGHT, ooi a -i ,c For& fVhitaker. ?2d April, IS4.4, X7. Shocco Springs, Warren County, y, c HP HE undersigned takes this method t inform her friends and the nubi;,. c oYa tin a laid in an amnio ciml ' o ,.y .... -... cupp.y o, e thing for Ihe good accommodation r 7 g iui iui fcuvu "-v.uuiuiuuation of i visitors wno may ravor ner with th company during the approaching wtJ . w i- r . a company during the approaching season, which will begin the lstofJ season, wniuii win uegin me 1st of Ju nptt. and she flatters herself. wWk l. pie means which she possesses, with h disposition on her part, together with th low prices, made to suit the times, to her visitors comfortable, and having caiy to her aid a gentleman whose qualification and attentions cannot fail to please in ,; department, that she will give universal sat. isfaction. Prices at Shocco Springs, Families of more than two persons who board by the season of three months, will be charged $16 66 2-3 per month each by the week they will be charged $Qf aQ(j by the day Si each. Single persons will be charged S20 per month; by the week S7 50; by the day $ 25. Children and servants half price. Horses, Twelve do. lars per month. From these prices there will benodevia. tion during the Season. The known efficacy and salubrity of the Shocco water, the fine and airy situation and good arrangements, as well as good or' der of all the buildings, entitle the Proprie, tress to hope, during the approaching 8ea. son, that she will be favored with the com pany of all who may wish to restore or to preserve their health, and to insure the comfort and pleasure of all, she premise unremitted attention. ANN JOHNSON. May 18, 1S44. 21 6 To Contractors. (Tj)N SATURDAY, the 15th day of June next, at the Court House in the town of Nashville, county of Nash, and State of North Carolina, will be let out to the lowest Undertaker, the rebuilding of 1 icoodcn Jail, In the town aforesaid. The particulars as to the plan and time of completion, will be made known on that day. BY THE COMMISSIONERS. 2lst May, 1544. 213 . - - uiea More Brandreth's Pills. E have just received afresh supply of this valuable Medicine, which is recommended by thousands of persons whom they have cured of Consumption, Influenza, Colds, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Head Ache, and a sense of fullness in the back part of the Head, usually the sym toms of Appoplexy, Jaundice, Fever and Ague, Billious, Scarlet, Typhus, Yellow, and common Fevers of all kinds; Asthma, (iout, Rheumatism, Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint, Pleurisy, Inward Weak ness, Depression of the Spirits, Ruptures, lnfiamation, Sore Eyes, Fits, Palsy, Drop sy, Small Pox, Measles, Croup, Cough, Whooping Cough, Quinsey, Cholic, Chol era Morbus, Gravel, Worms, Dysentery Deafness, Ringing Noises in the Head, King's Evil, Scrofula, Erysipelas, or Ssaiot Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, White Swell ings, Ulcers, some of thirty years stand ing, Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet and Legs, Piles, Costiveness, all Eruptions of the Skin, Frightful Dreams, Female Com plaints of every kind, especially obstruc tions, relaxations, &c. Also, Brandreth's Liniment, for sores, swellings, wounds, &c, at 25 cents a bot tle. There are Agents for selling the above in every County in the State. GEO. HO WARD, Agent. May 14, 1844. 21 Botanic JUedicines. UST RECEIVED, an additional and iicsu supply Ul Thompsonian Medici ncs,vizs Lobelia. Myrrh, African Bird Pepper, Nerve powder, opiue umers, uoiaen seal, fopiar oars, uajuy. Skunk cabbage, Woman's friend, Slippery elm Pond lily, witch hasle, Prickly ash, Rheumatic tincture, Not 6. &c. &c. For sale on reasonable terms by GEO. HOIVARD. Tarboro', Miy 17, 1844. Coffield King, TO ESPECTFULLY informs his friends JLI1' and the nuhlm crpnralltr. that he bi received From New Fork his Supply of Spring and Summer In his line of business. no juvues me attention ot mose wish to purchase A good Suit of Clothth as they can do so hy calling at his old iauu, wui be iound on nana A good assortment of Clothst Cass meres, and Nestings. And also, an assortment of Glos, Stocks, Bosoms, Cravats, Suspenders, brellas, &c. &c. Tarboro', May 1 5th, 1844,