gg Astonishing.. A MONG the thousand Medicines adver- ( tised as 'certain certain cures for pul monary complaints," Jfayncs Expectorant Stands alone. Its path to public confi I dence has been pared, not with puffs, but CURES; and the vouchers for its efficacy include an array dF names which, for char acter and respectability, cannot be surpass Jed in this country. Dr. JAYNE, being 5 himself a physician, does not profess to perform physical impossibilities; but he does assert, and he is borne out by well au thenticated facts, that in all DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND CHEST which are susceptible of cure without miraculous interference, his EXPECTORANT will restore Ihe patient to health. No other j medicine will remove mucus or pus from the throat so thoroughly as this. It effec I tually loosens the coagulated masses from I the membrane which lines the trachea, and at every cough the patient will bring up J portions of the disengaged matter. IN ! 1 ALL COMPLAINTS OF THE PUL- f MONARY ORGANS, even where nature ! seems to be making no effort to throw off fthedisease.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT imparts vigor to the machinery of respira- tion, and enables them to disencumber j themselves of the obstructions which had impeded their free operation. It has res- tored hundreds to perfect health, after their I physicians had given them upas incurable, I with CONSUMPTION, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Influenza, Bronchitis, Hooping ; tough, pttmg blood, in a word, all dis ; eases of a PULMONARY nature yield to I this preparation, it properly administered f Rev. J. tr. Maginnis, Professor in Ham ilton, (N.Y-) Literary and Theological ; Seminary, says: "1 would not be without ?' Dr. Jayne's medicines in my family for any consideration. 1 have found them sue cessful in cases where all other means have failed." Mr. Nicholas Harris, corner of Front I and Lombard streets. Philadelphia, was cu- rod of Cough, Asthma, and Bleeding of the Lungs, tinder which he labored for many years. Rev. lia M, Allen, late of this, but now of New York city, says: "I have used Jayne's Expectorant, and have more confi dence in it than all other medicines of the kind." Rev. Wm. Laws, Modesttown, Va., says: "I have used your Expectorant, and found it an excellent medicine for Pulmo nary diseases?' Mr. John Beckford, of Eastport, Maine, says: "Your Expectorant has just cured a man whom his physician had given up to die with Consumption; and also another, in the very lowest stages of Bronchitis.1' Messrs. Slosson & Williams, Booksel lers, Owego, N. Y. say: Your Expectorant gives universal satisfaction. , Rev. John Ellis, of New York city, says 1 that two bottles cured him of Influenza, t a hard Covgh and apparent Consumption. says: "Many respectable people offer cer tificates in favor of your Expectorant. I believe that all your medicines are the best preparations that have ever been offered to the public, for the relief of the afflicted and the Cure of Diseases." Daniel Henshaw, Esq. Editor of the 1 Lynn (Mass ) Record, says: "Jayne's Ex pectorant is a very valuable syrup, which we have lately used with good effect in stopping a Cough and loosening and break ing up a Cold." Reu. Arthur D. Bradford, of Darlington Pa. says that it cured his son of Croup in a few minutes. The Bangor fMe.) Journal says: A tri al of Jayne's Expectorant will satisfy al that it is a speedy cure for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma, Hoarseness, and all I kinds of Pulmonary Affections." -j Mr. Ebenezer Webster, of Providence, I (R. I.) was cured of a severe Asthma by I using five bottles. I Rev. Simeon Siegfried was cured of In- ! liuenza, a Hoarseness, and a hard dry tough, by one bottle. Rev. Dr. Babcock, of Poughkeepsie, I says that knowing Dr. Jayne to be a regular ! physician, and having used his medicines personally and in his family, does not hesi tate to commend them as safe and eminent- 4 Jy useful medicines, and a valuable addi tion to our rnateria medica. 1 Rev. John Seerur. of Lambertsville. New i Jersey,who was suffering with a hoarseness j ana soreness of the lungs and throat, and a j suffocating Asthma, was cured by one bottle. Mr. J. L. Simpkins says that it cured Ms wife of Consumption, and one of his children of Hooping Cough. The Proprietor could add hundreds of Other nnmp pnnallu rpsnpctahle. who re- I commend JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, j a9 superior to all other medicines for the I cure of all the various Pulmonary diseases. j Names and Prices of Dr. D. Jayne's 1 'Family Medicines, viz: j Jayne's Expectorant, per bottle, 1 00 44 Hair Tonic 1 00 Tonic Vermifuge 0 50 Carminative Balsam, large, 0 50 " small, 0 25 Sanative Pills, per box, 0 25 American Hair Dye, 0 50 f For sale in Tarboro by' JAS. M. REDMOND, Agent. i May 13, 1844. IVcw ana Beautiful . Spring and Su?jtmer M1L L1JYER Y, 4-c. itirs. At.c. iionviitD, JOTAS just received her Spring supply of Goods, which with her foimer stock comptises a general assortment of the most neat, useful and ornamental ar ticles, in the Millinery line. In her assortment will be found Beautiful pattern Silk bonnets, Rutland braid, Rutlandand bird-eye, Albert and shell, Florence braid, open gimp, and fine straw bonnets, in great variety, Plain and figured silks and satins, Tarleton muslinswhite and black crapes, Bonnet and cap ribbons laces and gimps, French and American Flowers, &c. &Ci All of which will be so'd on her usual liberal and accommodating terms. Tarboro May 2, 1S44 Contributionship Fire Insurance Company , 57 Wall St. New York, Capital 300,000 Dollars. npHE Capital Stock of this Institution is all paid in and secured on first rate Bonds and Mortgages and Real Estate, and numbers among its Directors some of the most influential and respectable inhabitants of the city. It insures aguinst Loss or Dam age by fire buildings of every description, merchandize, &c. &.c. on terms as favorable as similar institutions. Policies will be issued on application to JAMES WEDDELL, Agent for Tarboro and vicinity. Tarboro, May 1st. 1844. Evans Camomile Pills. Hp HE camomile flower, (or as it is offi cially called, Anthemis vociLis,or Chamcemelum. from the Greek words, Kamai, on the ground, and JHelon, an ap ple; because it grows on the ground, and smells like an apple,) is of a dull white color, of fragrant odor, and of a bitter ar omatic taste. Camomile is a mild tonic, in small do ses acceptable and corroborant to the stomachs It is especially applicable to that condition of general debility, with anguid appetite, which often attends con valescence from idiopathic fevers. To the Nervous and Debilitated, Dr. Evans5 Tonic Pills. The powers of Evans Camomile Pills are such, that the palpitating heart, the tremulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the Uullering mind, vanisti belore their, ettects line noxious vapors oeiore me oenign in fluence of the morning sun. They have been long successfully used for the cure of intermiltents, together with fevers of the irregular nervous kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions. This tonic medicine is for nervous com plaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, as want of appetite, dis tension of the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable, despon ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. Hypochondriacism, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans Pills were first introduced in America in 1835. Evans' Family Aperient Pills Are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest precision of science and of art; they never produce nausea, and are war ranted to cure the following diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, viz: Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, Nervous diseases, liver complaint, dys pepsia, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, fe male weakness, and all cases of hypochon driacism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous irratibility, nervous weak ness, fluor albus, seminal weakness, indi Kestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, Hysterical iaini ings, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mare, rheumatism, asth ma, tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those who are victims to that most excruciating disorder, uout, will find relief from their sufferings, by a course of Dr. Evans medicines. QjCaution. Be particular in purcha sine to obtain it at 100 Chatham st., New York, or from Geo. Howard t Agent. March 25. JYotice. .5: A BAROUCHE, partly worn, with harness and fixtures for one or two horses Apply to GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Jan. 24th. Constables Blanks for sale, A TTHIS OFFICE. Robert Norjleet, npHROOGH this medium returns hi sincere thanks, for the very liberal patronage received since his commence ment in business. Gentlemen, wishing to procure a suit of clothes, equal in eve ry respect to the best that can be made in the United Stales, can do so by giving him a call. Always on hand, A good Stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Nestings, of the newest styles, And an assortment of stocks, cravats, bo soms, gloves, silk and wool shirts and drawers, hats, pumps, boots, umbrel lar, &c. &c. Tarboro', Feb. 1. Notice. WILLIAM H. BATTLE & BENJ. D. BATTLE having purchased the interest of Amos J. Battle in the COTTON FACTORY And appurtenances situated Jit the Falls of Tar River, The whole establishment is now owned nv inem anu u. u. name. I he business in future will be conducted as heretofore, in the name of Battle Brothers, and upon the same liberal anu accommocu tin terms. In consequence of the withdrawal ol one of the lormer firm of Battle & Broth ers, the bu?iness will have to be closed up to the 1st day of June, 1841. A suitaole agent will be employed to attend to this part of the business. They hope to have the continued pat ronage of a generous public, as they will endeavor to have their Yarns madeof good q lality, and will sell at as low prices as the article ran be had at other places. BATTLE 4' BROTHERS. Rocky Mount, N.C. Junp IS. Doctor Wm. EVAIVS' SOOTHING SYKU1 For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To Mothers and Nurses. fJJHE passage of the Teeth through the quills piuuiucs uuuuicsumt; himj uan gerous symptoms. It is known by moth cis inai mere is great irritauon in me mouth and gums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seiied with frequent and sudden fits of crying, watchings, start ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio lence. and thrusts its finders into its mouth. If ihese precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who have their little babes afflicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply Ur William Evans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which has preserved hundreds of infants when thought past recovery, from being suddenly attacked with that fatal malady, convulsions. Goeliche's Matchless Sanative, for the cure of Consumption in its various stages, It is astonishing the world with its migh ty victory over many fearful diseases, which have been pronounced INCURA BLE by physicians iu every age, being the most valuable medicine, and the most unaccountable in its operations of any ever prepared by human hand; a medicine ob tained Equally from the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms,'i)us possessing a (E?"TH REE-FOLD POVER.) Graifs invaluable I'atent Oinl ment, for the cure of white swellings, scrofulous and other tumours, ulcers, sore legs, old and fresh wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings & inflammations, scalds and burns, scald head, women's sore breast, rheumatic pains, -tetters, eruptions chilblains, whitlows, biles, piles, corns, and external diseases generally. Fuller's Ethereal tooth-ache Elixir, prepared from the recipe of the celebrated Dr. Blake, of London, adopted and recommended by the London Medical Society in 1839. It is believed to be the best compound for the tooth ache ever in vented, and able to cure it in all cases ex cept when connected with a rheumatic affection. BullaroVs Oil Soap, for cleansing coat collars, woollen, linen, and cotton goods, from spots occasioned by grease, paint, tar, varnish, & oils of every description, without injury to the finest goods. It also possesses very healing and penetrating qualities, and is used with perfect safety for bathing various external complaints, upon man or beast. It is the best remedy, if thoroughly used, for sprains, chilblains, poisons, scalds, bnrns, sore lips, chapped or cracked hands, cutaneous eruptions, or pimpled faces, that is known. For places chafed by the harness or saddle, sprained shoulders, scratches,"Sic. on horses, there is no composition that exceeds this. Geo. Howard, Agent. March 25. JYotice. HP HE subscribers have entered into a Copartnership, under the firm of JBoivditch A Howell, For the transaction of Mercantile business in Tarboro', and would respectfully an nounce to the Public that they have, and will be in receipt of, all the different kinds of Merchandize usually kept in the stores of the place and to which they so licit the attention of buyers JOSEPH H. BOW DITCH. JAMES D HO IV ELL Tarborough, Ptc. 1st, 1843. 43 IVEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! Tail V Brother, OULD inform the citizens of this place and the public generally, that they now have on hand a very desirable and magnificent assortment of jFancg anO Staple BUY GOODS, Hats and Caps of the latest style and ve ry best quality Boots and Shots Hard waie, Cuth ry, Crockery. Glassware, OllOCFllIES, Pun liters of the above articles will find it t their interest to eximine their stock. Even if They do not purchase ol us, they will at hat have the advantage ol learning the lowest market prices. Tarhoro', Feb. 1st, 1844. 5 Jlud Liver Complaint. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, FROM 375 BOWERY, NEW YORK, "FTOK the cure of coughs, colds, ast ma, whooping cough, catarrh, pains in the side and breast, bronchitis, liver coin plaints, and all those affections of the throat and lungs, which are a source of so much suffering and so often terminate in consumption, this remedy is justly and iiighlv distinguished. It is purely vege table, mild and gentle in its effects upon the system, and can be taken in the most delicate cases with safety as well as utili ty. So extensively has it been used and so often proved successful, even in ex treme and apparently almost hopeless ca ses, not only as a palliative but as a rem edy, that the Proprietor feels no hesitan cy iu introducing it, and recommending it to all who unfortunately may have occa sion to resort to some means of recovery. Physicians, familiar with its effects and aware of the healing properties of this vegetable preparation, not unfrequenlly prescribe it in their practice; and with the Medical Faculty generally, it has met with more than ordinary approbation. (CONSUMPTION. The follow ing remarks were taken from the last number of the Medical Magazine: "The surprising effect produced by the genuine Dr. Taylor s Balsam of Liver wort, made at 375 Bowery, in consump tive cases, cannot fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We have so long believed this disease (consumption) incurable, that it is diffi cult to credit our senses when we see per sons, evidently consumptive, restored to health. Yet it is a fact of daily occur rence." The following certificate was given us a few days since by Capt. Scott, of Eliz abeth City, N. C. "Being constitutionally predisposed to consumption, (a number of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely from irritation of the lungs, accompanied with cough and rais ing matter and blood, together with some pain in my side and breast, till I was sup posed to be beyond recovery, I was indu ced by advice of Drt Perkins, to try Tay lors Balsam of Liverwort; and with great pleasure take this opportunity of testify ing to the value of this remedy. I have taken five bottles in all. I began to im prove after the first bottle, and after ta king the third was so far recovered as to be able to get about; since which time, bv continued use of it, I am quite resto red and able to attend to my usual busi ness. To persons suffering from coughs and affections of the lungs I can earnestly recommend it. (Signed.) JAS. C. SCOTT. Consumption cured! Being of a studi ous habit, I became afflicted some years since, with bronchitis, tickling iu the throat, slight cough, and other consump tive symptoms. Every new cold increa sed my disease, until it settled into regu lar confirmed confirmed consumption. 1 now commenced the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bow ery, and this medicine gave me relief iu a short time. It has since effected a ra dical cure. Rev. G. VV. CANDA. For sale by GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro1. Feb. 25, 1843. 8 New Fall and Winter the Cheap CASH STORE. rjpHE subscriber begs to call the atten lion of his customers and the public, to his present magnificent and very ex tensive stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Comprising almost every thing that is new and desirable for the present and ap pioaching season, bought on the most ajl- antageous terms in large lots, and will be sold on very small profits. My stock is very large, and was pur chased under all the advantages that cah ml a thorough knowledge of the markets would command; and being very anxious to reduce it as speedily as possible, every article shall be offered at a small advance on the prime cost. 1 respectfully solicit call irom those desirous of buvinir Goods cheap. JrfS. WEDDELL. Tarboro', 20th, Nov. 1843. Horses and Vehicles. nnilE Subscriber having replenished his stock of Horses and Vehicle!, - now offers them for hire on the following Terms per Day. For barouche, two hoi3es, and driver, $4 00 ,, Barouche and harness, 1 50 Carryall, two horses, and driver, 3 60 Carryall and harness, - 1 00 Buggy, and horse, 2 00 Buggy, nd harness, 1 00 Gig, and horse, - 1 75 ,, Gig, and harness, 0 75 ,, Sulky, and horse, - 1 50 Sulky, and harness, - 0 50 Horse, saddle and bridle, 1 25 Horse, - 1 00 Horse and cart, - 1 25 Cart and gear, - 0 25 Horse, and plough, - 1 00 ., Plough and gear, 0 25 Draught wagon and dray, per contract. Ti.e above charges are for an ordinary day's travel longer or shorter distances by special contract. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Jan'y 10. Medicines, fyc. TTUST RECEIVED, a fresh assortment of approved Patent Medicines, and in addition to our former stock, as follows: Allen's balsam of horehound, liverwort, and pleu risy root Steers's chemical Opodeldoc, Longley's great western Indian Panacea, Oil spike, British Oil, Bateman's drops, Essence of peppermint, lemon, &c. Laudanum, paregoric, Thompson's eye water, Eau d'Cologne, superior Orris tooth paste, Ambler's tooth powder, lip salve, Castor Oil, sweet Oil, black leather Varnish; Dun! op's improved vegetable blacking, &c For sale cheap as usual. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', April 3. 1844. Recommended by the. Faculty. Drs. Jl. 4 J HarrelVs CELEBRATED PREPARED MEDICINES. THESE NEW AND PLEASANT REMEDIES ' COMPRISE TAetr Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills, for the cure of fevers, liver afiectione, jaundice, head ache, loss of appetite, cos tiveness, female complaints, & every dis ease within the reach of human means. Alterative Extract of Sarsaparilla and Blood Root, for scrofula, or king's white , swelling, pains in the bones, ulcerous ' sores, eiuptions of the skin, rheumatism, syphilitic and mercurial affections, Sic. Concentrated Extract of Buchu and TJ va Ursi, for curing diseased urinary or gans, such as gravel, morbid irritation and chronic inflammation of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra: also, dis eases of the. prostrate gland, loss of tone in passing urine, cutaneous affections and rheumatism. Febrifuge or Camomile Tonic, for the cure of all debilities, loss of appetite, bat especially for Fever and Ague, for which it has been more particularly prepared. - Anti-spasmodic or Qamphorated Cor dial, designed to cure excessive vomitting, diarrhea, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pain in the stomach, cramps, hysterics, colics, hypocondria, spasms, convulsions and muttering delirium in the low forms of bilious fever. It is a fine substitute for paregoric. Cough Mixture of Carrageen Most Squills, for the cure of diseased Lungs, chronic affections of the stomach &t bow els, and all diseases produced by sudden changes in temperature. Superfine Tooth Powder, for curing and hardening the gums, cleaning, preserving and keeping white the teeth, and for sweetening the breath. The above preparations are offered to the public generally and Physicians espe cially, not as nostrums, or panaceas, but af neat and convenient preparations made on strictly scientific principles. For sale by G0. HOWARD, AgenU Tarboro', Jan. 18.

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