ft i vl - . : . ! - :' .... ' . S , : y i . , ' 4 ' . t i T: v -1- i"'''" - 1 wAmi &XJLJr. rcJL&-vV ?! V - U .jt- ' 'A V 11 M U U ifim wml t4mz r iriV i' iT' y!'". jt l ? J f f ; ' Bv)i. ;v V IfAoZevW 980. yf 8 : fS Eilgeconibe CouiUy JU C $a fur day, January S$5 , 1845. - . i i- - - - mUl'' -r-8 " ... ' ' i , J The Tarboro'iiffh Presd Br Ueoroe Howard, Jr.,P la niiki'iehtwl ivfiklirat 7W Dollars - bfer yer if paid in advance or, Twoi Dollars and Fifty Ctnts at the expiration ?rf the uiJSCiptiori year. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue, at ar y time on giving notice thereof and paying arrearsL Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the fiist insertions and S!5 cents' for every continuancei Longer advertise ments at that rate per .square Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements 25 per cent. ..higher. Ad vertisements rajist be marked the number of inser tions required of they will be continued- un il otherwise directed,' and charged accordingly. JLetters addressed to the, Editor must be post paid, or they, may not be attended tot j . ' From Ike Raleigh Standard. CAPTION?- 4 Of the J1cts and Resolittions prtssed by Session tf 1844-5. (continued from last No.) . PR1VA PE ACTS. : 1. An act tolinorDorate a comnanv of cavalry Tn the town of Wilmington, Nekv Hanover. 2. "An act to amend the act incorporating. -the Trustees of fvlenton Academy. 3. An act to cede a portion ot ltuther ford county lo the county of Henderson. ' 4. An act o amend the 9lh section af the Revised Statuses entitled an act concer ning the Comptroller, -t 5. An act to cede to the United States a tract of land lying on the Island' of Pons- mouth, Carteret county, for the purpose bl erecting a marine Hospital thereon.' 6. An act to amend an act entitled u act to chari a;e the location of Jhe .Co ft House of the county "of Montgomery, and for other purposes," passed in i;S42 chap. 40. 3, 7, An act . to authorize the Count? Court of Lincoln county to exercise exclu sive jurisJiction over 'the public ro which is the dividing line between t counties of Lincoln And Cleaveland. 8. An act to incorporate the Trustees of the Milton Female Institute in theountv of Caswell. : - . 9. An act to amend an act entitled " an act to keen open the French Broad River 'in the county of Buncombe, and tle Ten nessee River in - the county of Haywood for the passage offish, " passed in 1825 chap.' 118. ' ' 10. An act to amend an act for the .bet ter regulation of the town of Mocksvil Davie county. ' , -11. An act io incorporate the town Monroe, in the countv of .Union. 12. An jrct:to annex a part of Ruther ford .county tothe county. of McDowell u. An act providing tor the reorganiza tion ol he For'smofith anl Koano.ke R ail Road company. Authorises the Gover Hor to appoint a commissionef to act wiih a commissioneri to be appointed by .Virginia; the commissioners invested with authority to sell the said Road, Slc.- the sale not jto affect the claims of persons heretofore acqui- Ted -the name, style and duration of the company lo remain unchanged, 'and the company subject in every thin? to exitihg regulations and penalties the capital stock not to exceed six hundred thousand dona nor be less than one hundred thousandf no share to be less than Si 00 nor jmqre than g2000 to be at least 20 stodkhbl ders, and no one to own more than half t amount of capital stock and number we pf shares to be fixed by Virginia The M te not to lake place iinles a maidrity of t tie siocKnoiaers m value assent thereto, writing, in general meeting sale not affect suits then pending.- 14. An act to incorporate jhe town . Marion in the cdunty oCMcDowell, and appoint commissioners for the same. to 01 to 15. An act makirlcr comnensation to the Jurors of Hyde county. 17. An act to incorporate the Franklins ville Guards, in county of Randolph. m 17. An act to alter the mode of appoint ing constables in Tyrrell county. Gives the power to appoint to the Justices. 18. An act to authorize the Port? mot th uu ftoanone Kill Koad Company to charge tolls on their bridge'over the R6a noke river near the town of Weldon. 19. An act to incorporate a milling co n pany in the county5 of Anson. Confers corporate powers to. carry on the milling DtlSina cm-. I- - -. rr wH1iai ouuu private pro periy of the stockholders bound. u,.t i : ' 20. An act to incorporate the Phoerlix j;jre Company in the town df Elizabeth 21. Anact to amend, an act entitled an act to incorporate the Fayeiteville Rifleman .we .county of Cumberland,;', passetl in 22. An act ti; in corporate the Newbern Mechanics Association. v ; 4! '-' ih3' An actio2jter.the limeiof- holdiig e corts of Pleas and QuarteriSessions for lhA . -i PIb aet su'horife-lfce , Courts An-act to authorise-Jfee .Courts of I 65. A bill supplemental ' Rpu" Quarter Sessions fef geiitiCirtlsed in 1842-43 entitled Van ..i j iu.djuim. special justices ol the t '- wuijt;UsiiLion to sucn justices for cehain :sevicea ' I r3. ,An act to reffUtatfi th 'JniK onri ti f regiments of North Carolina miliiia. jf O t I 26. An act to prevent the felling of tim her in the water courses nf timnnh f Gujlford. - , ,27i . An act to loan to the Military Acad emy ;at R ileigh, for the use of the cadets ihereof, the 'necessary'niilitary arms and equipments. ' , " i2. An act to revive and continue in force an act passed' at the session of 'the General' Assembly of 1831 '32, entitled an act to re-enact and extend the provisions of aii act passed in i he year 1829, chap. 35, eiititled an act to incorporate the Lake Drum.mond and Orapeak canal company, rBap109, entitled an act to amend an act passed at the last session of the General Assembly of this State, entitled an act to incorporate the Lake Drummond and Ora pak Canal Company, and for other purpo ses. ' . ' " 29. An act to lease a silver mine to George Sutherlin, the discoverer and for other purposes. r30. An act to alter the mode of appoint ing Constables in ' Beaufort county. .Takes ..the appointing power1 from s the people and conters it on the Mogistratesf. 31. An act to prevent the felling of tim br in the cret ks and rivers within Cabar rus county. j32. An act to incorporate the town of Rockingham, in Richmond county. - f 33. An act to incorporate the Fayette vile Library Institute, in Ahe town of Favetteviile. 34 An act to amend an act passed in 1836 37, lo incorporate the town of Greensboro in Guilford county. 35. An act to protect the public Bridges in Tyrrell, Washington and Onslow coun ties t36. An-acVto prevent obstructions in Hitchcock Creek in the county of Rich mond. . 37. An act lo cede a portion of Ruther ford county to the county of Cleaveland 3S. An act concerning the Superior t.outs ot Cleaveland county. t39. An act to amend an act to incorpo rate the President and .Directors and Com pany of the Yadkin Toll Bridge. " (41. An act to improve the navigation of Cypress L reek, in Bladen county. f 42. An actio allow the, Justices of the Peace of Hyde county to lay, a tax for the purpose of purchasing the Mattamuskcet and Rosebay Turnpike. i43; An act to incorporate the Trustees of-the Belhanta Society and Academy in Stokes county. rr -t " 44. Anacl to incorporate a volunteer Infantry Company in WusTiington, Beau fort county. ' j45- A n art making compensation" to tiile.'jurors in the county of Person. i 146. An act to incorporate a corps of cavalry in the county of Perquimons. .' 47. An act to incorporate ' the Trustees of s the . Morganton ? Academy, in. Burke county. 48. An act to Incorporate the Carthage male and female Academies in thecouniyof Moore: r ' - ; 49. ? An act relating to the Buncombe Turnpike Road in Buncombe and Hender son counties, f g 50 An act to open the Pedee and Yald kih Rivers. V , J51. An act to incorporate the town of Pittsborotigh. in the county of Chatham. 52, An act forthe relief of Samuel Sow ers. .r fl" ; 53 An act to establish a new Regiment out of the Militia in the county of ijnion. 54. An act'to give to the county courts of Stanly cout)', two jury terms. ' i-55: Anact supplemental to an act pass ed in the year 1848 entitled an act supple mental to an atct passed in the year I34 to lay off arid establish a road. from . Mor ganton to the Tennessee line, 56. An act todivide the Militia off the county of Anson into two, Regiments, i- i 57. A n act to incorporate a corps of cav alry in the county of Chowan. - ' 5St An act to appoint Commissioners for the town of lAsheboro', in the county of ; Randolph, and to incorporate the same. v 59. A n act to provide for the openi ng of Mdddy-Cieek, and the clearing out of its branches, in Stokes county. 60. -'An actoncerning the Superior Court of Currituck county. - 61. ; An act to incorporate Dunn Faison Academy, in'the county ofDuplin. 61. Aaact lo appoint commiPioners lo v'tfw and lav off a road in the county of Ashe.: -v- . .' . A 63. A bill to repeal a part of an act of Revised SUtutes, Chapter sy, section isi, as the time and manner pf electing'1 -Ward-ens of the Poor, so far as .relates to the counties of H ert ford i.Ty rr ell ' aVd Yaney. 64.' A bill to change the place of' hold- . .m . .. . 4f t l M.nurolt inff: ne , tuuniy ouurw ui, w.u;wtvi. fQourt to be held inayianon. . 65. A Dili suDDiemenxai o an hci u act to lav on and esfah!ih a rnnW K k . r ivicuowell. - w . 67!l X bill to reviW and contnne. in r.: i V- L. iviuaij atl UdSCU III, lilt! VCHT lotl. t-nll- tied on act to authorize the laying off ami ..oi.kil.u: '!. err" n j r. .. . establishing a TurnbikV Road from Laxton Lynchs in Rutherford county, to the AV id 0w5ails ih Buncombe county. . 67. An act to locate the Court House-in the county? of" Catawba! at the town of Newtjon. 684 An act to authorize the Court of Pleasland quarter, Sessions of Pitt county to appoint special Justices of the Peace, and making compensation to such Justices for certain services. 69 An act for a canal from Cape Fear to Lumber River. ' 70.! An act, lo amend an act passed in 1SI3 entitled an act to incorporate the Nantahala Turnpike company. ; 7lj An act to prpvid4 for the removal of the; obstruction to the navigation ol Ro anoke River, occasioned by the erection of the Petersburg Rail, Road bridge across the sa me; i 72 An act to authorize the removal of the cpunty seat in Wayne county from the town of Waynesboro to the vnlaite of toldboro' in said county of Wayne, in the event the people of said bounty shall vote for such removal. " 1 ' 731 An act supplemental to an act pass ed bj the present General Assembly, enti tied an act to attairtlhat part of Carteret county known as Ocracocke to Hyde coun ty.' l j ; y; 74. A n act entitled an act passed in the year:lS42, entitled an act to repeal an ac passed in the yeaf 1S35, entitled an act to abolish the office of count v Trustee in the (founty of Moore and for other purpo ses 75- An act to appoint commissionrs foi the town of Rockford. in the County of Surily. m Jh M . . k ft - 7b. An act to repeal an act entitled an :ij ' i . -- act to repeal the 3tl section of an act pass ed ili thevearf 1825, chao. 1272. entitled an apt to direct the manner in which licen ses sihal I hereafter be issued to retailejs of spiritous liquors, so for as regards the counties of Richmond and New Hanover. I RESOLUTIONS. Ik Resolution in faVrir of Leonard Ziglar. 24 Resolution in favor of Israel Barnett. r atResolution in fa vror of Willijni String er and Green Hill. ! 1 4 Resolution in fa vol ot Wm, Til Bain. ' s f 5. Resolution in favor of Wm. Dills. Oi Resolution relating to Smithville, in Brupswick county. 7j Resolution in favor of Johp L. Chris1 tian Sheriff of Montgomery! , 8 Resolution in favor of Arthur S. Mooring, Sheriff of Martin county 9 Resolution in favor of A; S Moor ing! . j i 10 Resolution in favor of the Justices of Haywood county. , 11. Resolution in favor of .Samuel WTat- ter4 j " - 12. ' Resolution in favor of Lewis H. Marsteller. . 13. Resolution in favoj M. K. Taylor and C. Kephart. 14. Resolution in favor of Thomas J. Roane..' m - 1 J ... ' 15. Resolution in favor of John Hill and others. A Resolution in favor of William Thompson. 17. Resolution in ifavor ofs Thomas 1. Cash. 18. Resolution relating tothe intef change of Documents. - 19. Resolution in favor of William En nett'. - :. I 20. Resolution relating to the Statue of Washington. 21. Resolution in relation to at national flag, &c ; ' - f 22. Resolution authorizing R. W. Ash tonj to enclose a State lot in the city of Raleigh. - t j 23. Resolution in fayor of Reeder and Lougae. -n. . 24. Resolution in iavor of S. J. Finch. xi2S: Resolution concerning the printing of the Inaugural Address of the Governor of he State. 26. Resolution relating to the Cherokee Indans residing in North Carolina. 27. Resolution concerning the Door keepers." ' ' . 28- Resolution in . favor ; of John Hi WHeeler, "Public Treasurer. .n . - 29. Resolution authorizing the Governor to foreclose the Mortgages executed by the. Clubfoot and Harlow Creek Canal campa- nv.i " ' : ' 1 30. . Resolution relating to estimatea-of allowances for pay ol members, uc. J vtt 1 31.- Resolution directing the Literary Board to lend 51500 to" Asheville Board- inghouse company. public Lands. The report h from ' the General Land Office she ws that the sales are j annually increasing.. ; The number of acrs sold the present year wisj upwaras 01 1,700,000, ana tne gratuying lacv w au- nouncedthat the sils navebeen mostly to individuals who purchased for their own pu immediate' ue9 and not to speculators. The report shews thatlhere are immense quan fities of land in market, for: which hoi pur chasers can be found. , V The receipts, into the Treasury I from sales of public lands for the current 3 e r, (estimating for a part of the last quarter) are 52,1 94,555, being considerably more than the last-year or the 'preceding. The sales would have been greater, says the re port, but from the fact 'that the Act of Congress of Sept 4, 1841, granting land.- to several of the States, has enabled those Slates to enter ihe market in com per petition with the Government.! The am6tint grfhted by the Act is 2,809,085 acres. fav. uar. I Annexation of Texas . .. " The Globe of the loth inst. contains the followirfg leiter: Hermitage? January I, 1845- i ? My dear Mr. Blair: I cannot forbear, on . ft ; v , ma, , tnis nrst ua 01 the year 1 10. to let you know that I am siill in the land of the liv ing, although greatly .afflicted and debilita ted. My Whole family join me in ! kind calutatioiis to you andyours wishing you the joys of the season. My ypu all live to see many happy new years. I observe that you have before Congress too many joint resolutions for the reannex: ation of Texas. This argues want of una nimity itt the democracy upon this great national and most5 important subject. I "have just rf ceiVed frmMajor Donelson, a letter dated at Washington, in Texas, from which 1 would infer, that if Congiess ex pect to annex Texas to the Gnited States, they must act speedily, or It will be fount! to be beyond our grasp. The rejec ion of the advances of I eXas has given onVnce to some, and handle to others to pres? the lib. eral propositions of England upon the I ex-t ians, togtiher with the splendid view of T exas lndebendeut, growing into a vast re public, iti iilme to embracefnoi only; the limits of. Texas but all the domain once Monte2umas This view, to ambitious aspirants, added to the guaranties of Eng land of her independence arid loan of large sums for ten years, based upon, a treaty that English manufactures shall be free of-'dutyt is gaining j a party in Texas. ' General Houston is still the leading start and his influence alone canbecoUnted upon to re sist the present influehceVof England land its increasing power. How long thisrin flwence of England can bp successfully withstood in Texas is becoming' a very questionable matter. I have taken a view of the whole grouud, given to all informa tion its due weight, and I say to you that unless Congress act upon this subject promptly, Texas will be beyond pur grasp, and lost to the United States forever, un less regained by the sword, . What will be the situation of our country, with British manufactures -introduced duty free into TeXas? Comment is unnecessary. I hazard; nothing in say ing that, if the present Congress do not act promptly upon this subject, the next will not have the power.. The consent of Texas cannot then be obtained, Great Britain will have laid the lion's paw upon her, and bound her by treaty. . - . ;V , -. '" ; ,.y' I ' - I am exhausted; but from Major Donel sort's letter,! and other sources pf informa tion, 4he danger of losing Texas seemed so imminent, that although feeble, I could not forbear to say this much to yoii, t-iat you might communicate it tom friendsi May God bless you and youis. ; j ;f I . ANDREW JACKSON? 1 Wants rectifying. In the Greenville (S. C.) Mountaineer we find that it is com plained of that a large amount of North Carolina parjbr money is in circulation in tharj)istrictj which most of the merchants receive not without reluctance, and some refuse to take it at all, unless at a discount The bills says the Mountaineer,' are issued at Asheville N, C , by the Branch of the Bank CapeFear, nd made payable in some remote 'pari of the State. ' i! This way of issuing notes at one place and making them payable at another and a remote place, is a Bank trick, which calls loudly for reform. If a bank is solvent, and intends 4o be honest, why not pay its liabilities at any place and every plae where payment may.be demanded? ..FayetleVileiCar. Sou th Carolina Bank Notes. So many, of these Notes are ' counterfeited.' that we think it proper to cautipn our fea-; ders to be very careful how Ihey v receive any of them, unless sufficiently familiar with them to be able to detect a counterfeit The latest notices of spurious bills we have" seen, were of S20 notes of the bank v ot Georgetown, both so well executed as to lave deceived even Bank officers. FayetevtlU Obs The t6umJtif:J2endersonlMcssr8l& itors; Perhaps no village in the Slale cer- tainly none ,in all fhe up country is prosper . ing faster, than the one whose name heads this article.' One t half mile square, was laid' off here'we ihiriji n 1837. At that time if We'rer correcilv 'f infomed but one , solitar house was with n the precincts of the corporation. ;. Bui so rapid has been its growth, that, in addition .to the houses ne cessary for , RSili oad purpos(S, it now num bers five dry goods' stores, two grocery es tablishments, and one consisting mostly of hardware, groceries and a few dry goods. Besides thee,the mechanic arts have their respecti v3. locations. 1 There are three hou ses for the entertainment of travellers, and several private residences; also two Acade mies, a male and female The community consists of seven knight of the yardstick and their respective clerks, two good hu mored, attentive and accommodating Land lords, and one equally good humored atten tive and accommodating Landlady, with their, families. An industrious & ingenious knight of the hammer &. anvil, two gentle men cordwainers, three coach ma kers, c saddler and four knights of shears and nee dle. So that one may equip both himself nd house in a style ?equal to any found short of New York or Philadelphia, and in 1 he way of good eat ing & comfortable lodg ing, the best that the market: affords. Ad ded to the above, one or two tobacco inspec tors, numerous tobacco buyers; one M. D. two ptofessors in the art and. science of teaching the young idea how . to shoot." A limb of the law in embryo; and last tho not least, an enterprising Editor at the h ad of a thrifty little Paper, assisted by a brother chip in the profession and others. : Henderson Dem. Steam Milts and Ttirjientine Dislilh ries iri IVilmnigfon -Few persons ahrnaH w'p niint'phi'iid are an ai e i of the CS- teut of the maufa'ctui ing" -operations cf Wilmington in the way of Lumber an. Spirits of Turnennne two very import ant articles of conjmerce, and 1 use. ; " will therefore take notice of them, aa wc for the benefit of the town; as for theinfc mation of those elsewhere who are intc: ted in its trade. ' . . . : . There are seven Steam Saw Mills Ir and the foundation is. laid, and mater collected for the s e recti on f the eir,' The seven are, the Cojvun IVIilltpwied, b Potter & Kidder; the1 Clinton, owned I. Ballard & MciRae; the1 Peoenixj .owned lw Giles, Bradley & Co.; the HarrjsonY bvvr ed by -Jbh.n McRae Si Co.;. Mill No; nwned by Henry R, Savage; 1 he X ' Peter, owned by 0 G,' Parsley ; the d Ft ar, owned by C D, Ellis & Co. :. P. 1 Dickinson is building) the other. Thtrc mills have two gangs of saws each; alL cf them together can cut 140.000 feet of tfrr. ber daily; and turn out 105,000 ; feet lumber daily. ' ' '. , ' . - , ; The number of Turpentine iDistilleric is hi.net "namely, one owned by Wm. L Jeffreys & Co. running 4wo slillsj two ov; ned by Henry Nutt, running 7 stills; one owned by B. Flannerrunning 5 stills; enc owned hy Hall & Armstrong, runhihgthrc3 stills one ownedby A." H - Van Bokkc len, Jr. running four stills; jne owned by Giles & Bradley, running four stills; one owned by Hall & Flanner, tunning thr. stills Total, thirty' stills. The t nine c tablihmehts use upon an av probably S00 barrels of Turpentine cL n , ami tnn out 4 0(f0 gallons of Spirits .uujT J y4 Wilmington Chroh. ; . .!.' . ' i--..at 1 f .J..: V!.'....' .- , . . .. 4 ' JjThe great mail question, It wc seem, is not yet fully settled. ! The Ws, mihgton Chronicle states tbaf the.Wilmin;" ton Rail Road Company advised the Pos. master General that they were willing Id continue to transport he great Southern mail for $94,000 fjer annum; that the; Post Master General notified the Company thr it Was the opinionvof the Attorney Geric: of the United States that they; wero bov by their contract to carry the mails 1 JS75,000 per annum; but that the, Ccm; ny do not consider themselves bound L such contract, it never haying been, c' by their authorities, as there were d:rpuL about it from; the beginning. The.pirectcrc, however, have agreed to propose to ' tr Postmaster General to submit the matter 1 j arbitrators. ' , , " , Singular Destrvclino of Ftsft.Tl:o whole sea shore of New Jersey, is zzid to pe covered with dead fish, cast up by tho sea. They are of all kinds, from the smal lest perch 10 the largest sturgeon, some rock fish (weighing forty or fifty pounds,) and rich sea bass ! 4;Many of- the1 fish crq washed; up before Ihey are dead: So great is the number, that a gentleman compv.tc" that, ',z on. Learning's . Beach alone, thcro must be ten thoosahd bushels. A - The Tim& fixed at last. In the "MioV night Cry" of Dee 5lh, we find a letter from Mr. Miller which contains the follow-, ing: ' ! have fixed my mind upon anc Jier time, and here ! mean to stand until GccV" gives -me "moie 'Iieht-ahd that U; o-'day JtOrdav and to-dav; tf fa

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