, a." Whole Jo 990. Tar bor oiigh y rfgCombc County, J V. &&Uurdap February 32$ I40 v I .;. . . ' "" -. " "'' '- - . --' ' . - . - -TO 'j ' '('. 'j i " . ' . ., ... - ' ! The TarborousSi Press, ; By George Howard. Jr Is published! weekly at Tivo Dollars per yar If paid in advance or, Ttco Dollars and F,jly Cents zt the expiration of the subscription ye ir Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at A 1y time on giving notice thereof and paying arrears. Advertisements not exceedinor a square will be Inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 cents for every continuance. Longer adverti se ments at that rate per square Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements "25 percent, higher. Ad ertisemeot? must be marked the numberof inssir tions required, or they will be continued ur til dtherwise directed, and charged accordingly. Letters, addressed fo the FMitor must be p st paid"i of tbey may not be attended to. M ti M St Leon Loud Robert L Wacle Mrs J G Brooks M rs J Hull Mrs M P Hunt M rs H L i t h i pe VI rs C H Butler Mrs E C Embury Mrs Cary Mrs E R Steele Vt rs M A Erving Miss M L Lawsort Miss Col man S D Patterson E S Gould Seba Smith TsFay C Kenno Hofmitl C D McLeod Wm H Willis Walter Whitman Rev F C Wood worth Isaac F Shephard T B Read Wm O Bourne R G White SPsBjlBffllB i THE Columbian Magazine, FOR 1843. PROSPECTtrs for the Second YfJAK. At thr rlosp nf his second volume, the magazine having been commenced on the first of January, 1844, the publisher finds himself Irresistibly called on to express ihe satisfaction and gratitude with which he has been filled by the brilliant and une x ampled success that has attended his endea vors to win the, public favor. Ndtwi h standing the difficulties, disappolntme its and vexations that almost invariably fol low the-establishment of a new periodical, in the production of which there mu.t be the harmonious cooperation off many heads and. many hands notwhhstand occasionally short-comings, especially the pictorial department, which no care diligence could avert atltl no expenditure prevent, the Columbian Magazine has g6ne on steadily lncieasmg in support and pop ularity from the opening number, anu the unbougbt unsolicileii testimony of press may be received as unswayed partiality and unbiassed by friendship. M is Isabel Jocelyn Miss M Russell Miss Emily E Chub-H A Clark buck C Wilkins Eimi Miss L M Brauner EJ Porter Miss F Forester M isS M G Quincy Author. of "Summer 1 I UIJUIVIIl in or if he by the J K Pauldinir Wm C Bryant Fitz G HalUck E A Poe Johq Ncal Henry W Herbert H H Weld Park Benjamin Wm Cox Geo W Kendall H S Schoolcraft With the aid of other operations of the4;ind. In ordet;to niuke good: h account, yhen examiuel by tjie roinmittre-of - the Direelors appointed rj.r that purpose Mr lovett was in the h hit of ahstractinis sufficient funds fniiri thtv large" packages of money lying in the bank, and belonging to the Slate oh other bank." as at .efforts of contributors and editor have been satisfactory 'to the public and accepied fulfilling the promises made for them the commencement of the enterprise. TJie.pubiiaher undertook ,the work va ith a firm con viction that the great j city of New York was the best and the tf lie heme for a magazine of general literature; that notwithstanding the failure of many previ ous attempts to establish such a work, there could be no impossibility of success with sufficient capital, perseverance and Lhe right system of management both by pub lisher and editor stimulated by this can yibtion he embarked in the enterprise and the result of the firsts year has proved that his judgment was correct. It has long ceased to be necessary j or reasonable, that we should speak; of the Columbian as an experiment. At all events, it is how an experiment substa lti ally trie(L We feel ourselves upob as f mi a basis as any similar journal in the world. Our principle Cafes now regard not so much the securing what ground we have gained (for we consider this sufj&cier tly secure) as the extension of our sphere of action and jutilny notso much, eveny the mere enlargement of our subscription list, as the most suitable modes of catering fuf the'amusement (and shall we say occasi'on ally for the profit?) of our subscribers in the present and in the futuie the many whom we have, and the many more we shall trndotibledly have as time roll's 6ft, 'Wer. have made arrangements vvhich will enable us to present our fiiends with em bellishments of very superior taste, styfe and finish, fn this respect it is our f.rm purpose if possible, to out vie all competi tion. ;Qurr muic and engravings, we con fidently bel rev er, will not be equdled- very cerlainly they shall not be surpassed in reai merit Dy inose 01 any other magas zims. We propose to give each moiith twor more superb engravings, inde pen dehtly of two pages of music, by the most eminent composers, and a plate ott atila&ri- tic lash ions; r Regarding the literary and editorial con unci oi tne uoiumDian, tne pu 011 slier qoes riot feel caA led upo-n to sav more than a' ve vry. lew words. 1 he general management ol jhis department is, as heretofore', entrus ted to a gentleman possessing every cfuali UL-Aiion lor. tne tasK,- ani ,wno n-as given abundant evidence, not only of the highest a to liiy to put torth a meritorious magazine, bui ot tie ability to put forth a majjazine exactly adapted to the tastes of bur readers J h publisher, therefore, has every co dence that What has already been done in itterary value ot the journal will done gapn; We are perfectly wijling jumre in inis repect snail oe enma tec by outpa&t. The subjoined list Tof .ivr5TO wuo nave; rurntsnea articles lor ine vQrumblan during the by-gone year will patisty,-we feel assured, the most fatidibus- that we are resolute to sparG in 'no particu- Mrs L H fsyrnf noxr T Q A ,,itv.,i ' H P G rattan 7 he , Author of E Parmly H Myers" M C Hill M E Wilson J Boughion C McLachlan Wm Russell Jr The Author of'-Time's Doings, A M Ide Jr 0 0 Warren Augustus 8nodgrass J T Headley P L Hgadorn H B Hirst these contributors, (a whom It is needless to say one word in the wayjof comrnendation.) and of numerous others perhaps equally meritorious if less celebrated, 'who have promised us their supriorf, We flatter ourselves that, as a liter ary work, the Columbian need be under ho apprehension of being excelled. But, what we have? done is already be fore the public who will not fail to jurlge us vvth impart iality I and in respect to what we ipteiid to doj it will be both wiser and more becoming -'(a It ho less fashionable) not to boast. We may be pprrniitd to assure our friends in brief, however, that we have matured numerous plans (for lhe third vol ume) with, which we feel confident they will be pleased. It is duf purpose id put forth every energy: and it will be no fault of our own if the Columbian shall not be found at least equal 'to any magazine, of any class or price, .in America. DEALERS IN Piil()tlC A LS throughout the United States and theCa riadate vvhd wish to becGfme alents for the Colurribian Maaiirte will fileifSe adplv td the' publisher immediately. The usual dis count will be i made to theni. fJUElditors who will insert this iro$ pectus and Send a copy marked attd add res sed to the Columbian Magazine, shall have a dopy sent to them for one year. Terms of lhe Columbian Magazine. f One copy one year in advance, $3 One copy two years,- 3 Twd copies one year 5 1 Five do do' . 16 Krght dtf do 15 jEleveh do dd 2(j Address, post paid, ISRAEL PCTST, 3 Asfor rlouSe, N.Y. selected. THE HERO OF THE HERMlf AfJK. BY J. A. ST.EWJL.RTl In the Hermitage lingers the patriot arid sage Whose achieVeness have crowned Us with gi'ory; His face is deep-marked with the furrows of age, And his head for the grave blossortis hoary: -He's awaiting a summons to mansions o( bliss, Yet happy with propeCts around him: He is willing to go yet is happy in 'bisj Where a,halo ol glory surrounds hlttii He has fought for his country, its freedom and laws, Was valiant in Beldsj fresh and gdry And has lived to behold his loved country and cause Established in permanent gloryi But ere long wU his spirit be waf ied above And mingled with those gone before him, ' And his coise shall be burled neath tokens of love, And the tears of affection shed -o'er" him.- In the gloom of debpair-in the blacknes.s of night, Lie his enemies prostrate droiind liihij Whilst he in his glory effulgent arrd bright Is released from the cart s which have bound him; Pile is fiee from the care? of political s! rife- See's the briirht star of freedom ascend ing And with uleasure remembers hl prrill'd his life, . The caUse of his "country defending. The cause he espoused in hs earliest youth, Is the star which has led him to glory, H'Was the cause of. his country of justice atnd truth; And his name shall illuminate dur Stdry; Bui ye demons incarnate whose hopes are all crushed, And whose prospects aire blighted for ever, Your vile tongues are "palsied,- your gland ers are hushed, And the Hero shines brighter than ever ! Settled tit last We stated on Friday, that by a verdict of a jnry at P. b r-biug last week, thenvill of 121 of John Han tiolph of Uo inoke had been establishel. ami ... . 4 tii - 1 all ihe codicils set aside, we Hitimateo, at the same time, that exceptions might be taketii and the casemight bet hung up m i ourt still longers-J5ut we are gr;ititied to he;tr, th il tiie controversy has breu finally compromised to the satisfaction ot all par ties and to the lolloWing eUcct : . 1 lie ne groes about 3S0 in number, are liberated. nd will receive 30,000 dollars and tneir ihls year; It is probably tn t tient maimer; comph ted several pif ttisfi was; an eJiiraordinaiy disco vei y asjpng 4? the jsecret was kt?pt and We think we hae 4 r igrit to regard the VliscoVery bf the English arTlit with skepticism as long'aS he keep! the secret.'! ' - v ' , fcrribleS 'tru&dgJi Son ifiiirdend hi j a Fatheri W e learn irqm trie Lyirihburg Virglnlanj that d most, Korrirf and aggravated murder Was perpelraited 6rt Ulinstmas day lit the village oiviaaison, on the A mherst side of the ri ver from Uynch" hurW' bv a fdther imbriiintf his Hahdi lH h is o wh sun's blddd j 1 1 'imf9li hStf ihtj 23 wa ires lor in iiaeis of land will be purchased on which thev will be seuled. I He re inainder of iheestaieVeS'tnnated at Irom om hundred to 125,000 dollars will be divi t'ied into live p.trt; f wliich two lihhs will go to M. George Handolpnj a nephew ot full blood, andj after his death, o be Snared i quallv between the retdionsdn the mat- rnal and puteknal Sides; one Hlth to tl. M. George fucUer, fcjsq. one hlth to Judge Beverley Tuc kei j and ihe remain ing one hfth to the children ol Juue .ou jer, and Mi. Bran ol Gloucester who is, specially, tKempled from accounting lor fent and profits. Ilich. Enq. fexa., HJtepared tor the purpose as it is Understood, ' ' " - t t ' . ' . . . 1 n .1 ' son Cjcmunu iVMnotiP: neiweeti anu x ears of aee. with the remainder of thfi fa rt i f y Were srjtt i n g &L the j d i n ne f tahlej when some Very trivial dispute arose1 be twCen him, and his fatherj Blanks itonpi The old man then stepped up beJ! hind his son with a large knife, (perhajii4 lie ofien before threatened. Id deed.) and stabbed his Son b' east uone to the. heart. of ctfmrrji? the through the' large stream"1 bldod immedliltely flowed out '2nd thd unfortunat? 'Victim soon died; Thfc" father ; lodgtd in A mherfj-it awaiting the tril before the proper tribunal! 11 Mr Kirktervd Irs A Stephen Mrs P S Osgood IfrsEQ Smith f rs AC Mb watt Mrs E F illet he Widow df BVo H 'i Ttickerman'. parties F Otis A I frUtisH suppfy of Peters' Pills j ust -" received and for sale by GEO; UOlVJiRti; Tafboroy, dfy r. APPROVED . Patent Jilcdichies K f 's i'nva'loabie Fafen't fJinlrnertt, -T.fbr the cure of White swell in-gsy scrof ulous and other tumors, ulcers, sore Ipgs, okl and fresh wounds', sprains and bronses, swellings and 1 n fla m m al 1 orrs,- S"C'a rds and burns1, scald heari, women's sore breasl!,' rheumafitf pains, tetters, erupt rotis chil blains;,- whitlows, biles pries, corns, and external diseases generally. V (fontpjund Cfhlorine Tooth Wash, for preserving She teeth from decay priaieCt i!ng the gomst &c. x ' , jjHf McNaif'j- Jtcou&fic Oil; a certain cut c (or deafness. . v Sjjohn's Jigut and Fever Pills", a' nev er failing remedy if taken afet'ordhio' df rectjontf Which accompany lhe rri. , Judkihs' Specific Ointment, for the cur? of White swelling, sore legs felons, chilblains; tetters, eruptions,&c. Rouch attd bed bvlg bane, an effectual antidote against these noxious insects. : doditionPouxderk, for the cure of yel low water, botts, worms, &cV irt' horses. M Bui lard's Oil Soap, for cleansing coat collars woolen, linen and1,. CM ton gocds. from spots occasioned by grease, paint, tar, varnish, arid oils of7 every, description, wit hout fnjiry to' the finest goods: It alsb possesses,, very TheaHns and penetrating qualjitif, and is u sed; with1 peifeiptj surety for hathmg various external complaints upotl rnan or beasf ' - if Forsie hv.L tfuu nvrrsittu. From lhe Madisoniati. - Treqsiiry Department, Jan. 27, 1845 The Secretary of the Treasury acknow ledges the receipt by an anpnymons letter,' of one hundred and fifty dollars, post mar ked New York, and running thus: 'Enclosed $150. Paid (J. S., pursuant to a promise made to; the LOR I." . From the Globe. - New York. The debt of the afe of ew 'York,. at the present time, accof ding to trfe decent report of the ComptfoH6r oflhai State, js jS2,0rJS,4l 3 26?. The whole original cost of the canals' of fhe State is officially reported to be $30, 4&1, 3f3 S4; arr'd the tolls on them during the last year amounted to 2.3S,225 6t). The entfre cffnaLsj stenT of the Slate pays ait PntereSt o'rt the cost of the ca rials, as put' down above, ol about b" per cent, per an numv The number of acres of land assessed in Che State is 27,675,075; and the assessed Value of re d & personal estate, as corrected by the board of supervisors, is S599,&91, 923. The amount of Stale, county, and1 town' taxes levied on this sum is 44,!,-101. The whole number f free banks at pre sent in operation is seventy, tweniy-mne having-been closed' by the Comptroller, atid ten by their own stockholders. iWboroY June, 184 Front the AT. Y. Journal of Corrtrfierce. The debt of Alabama.- We learn thro'' a Report of the Legislature of this State, that her indebtedness is 1!4,4 0,000 and the amount necessary to defray the ex penses and pay the interest upon her debt is 70ty000', annually. Frotti the Raleigh ftegisttf. defalcation. M r. Lovet t, tnii Teller of jlhe Commercial Batik of Albany, has late ly been discovered to be a defaulter to the iamount "of 4534,44 5. The A Ibafly Even ing Joumal saysM"The defalcation com menced five years since, and grew out v of speculations in flour, lottery tickets, arid 1 The Planter's Convent ion, which waf jo have been held at M illedgeyille ((?a .,) on the Sj7i ult , to take into consideration iome Change in the agricultural products ot jhal States has, it seems, proved a fdlute, In consequence of theie being but few deb -gates in aueudance. From the Raleigh SUtr; i y SrAlULlG INVENTION'. I Some of the English newspapers an pounce that a process has been discoveied- by vvhich engravings, newspapers, pictures bank notes &c. &c, can be copied ivith such accuracy that the nicest sciutin ol the most competent engraver, printer, artist or banker's clerk can detect no dif ference between the original, with which they are conversant, and the copies. It is said ihat in that ay bank bills, checks, knd indeed any thin t6 Which the proct S is applicable may be muhipld indefinite ly. The name of lhe inventor is not men iuoned; b'&t he is-said to be an English en graver. Correspondent of a puufishing hoUe ih this city dtClaies that he has seen jr page of '-a French newspaper tloplrcated in this Way in ten minutes j and tbe Lou don Art Union has published 40m or 500O copies of a print of the Savior, taken by his process and it is said that i here is no inore difference between the eopit arid the brigiflal than between (vvO tmpressioms ta Uen fiom the same plate. ' If this be tfue, and the invention be made public, it will, revolutionise the wfcofe system of business! jAll . evidences of debt on paper, all receipts, in siiort alt every species of Wiit-j teri or pi rnted doco'meri! corinecttd With! Wecuri'iarv transactions will he Valueless hud the detection' of a.' forgery by a com parrsoft with the original, impossible. The electrotype pt6'cestf, a regards engra vingsr, hadt already effected results some thing similai- to those chimed for this .n'e invention; but it has ben fouritl iir.possff ble to impait that sharpneSs to the lines of ihe electrotype, which is produced by the 1 jgraver,- and access must be had to the orig jnal plate in order to obtain the copy. The inventor of this neW iriian of redupli cation, hoWevei, ptofeSses to oroducC his: fac similes from the i'mrjresiC-4 alone, and to multiply the most elaborate engraving Without having seen the plates.- j A correspondent of the Iational FnteMi cancer doubts the storv of lhe invention? frid as a reason forvhiB doubts re hie i the following, as a parage! rase A gref excitement was proceed a few years ago jn Europe, particularly among ariisisf, tf ore the annotincement tntrt a - mecnoxi .had bten discovered of tantfferrrng 6r copy frig 6iF painti-ngs with exactness, and vi.h'oot injury to the original, 'he artist Who Was So forturiafeas to discover the pdtess. ro proof of rtcertahiCy trailed fox several of Lhe master pieces ol paintings oeiongrng 10 a; pub FiC gallery, & in a' few hours he produ ced copies so resembling-he 01 rgirial pain tings' as 16' puzzle even the proprietors to oeciue wurcn rrc ujiumo. lie poof was eonsrdered as positive, as ho person evetf hafl access to the paintings for aiiy purpose, and the copies were produced hi a few hours .The Secret was maintained fpr a longtime, but at last it was discovered upon his own Confession, that it was - all a tfick. He had been in the habit of isiling the gallery front day to1 day.' arid each- day; took away upon that rhysterioUs canVas of the mirid a small portion of the painting he wished to eopj', until he had, iu,:thiarpa (Thetchmond Whjjf bf Friday jtli l sa vs : J a mts H i ver- froie b ver. s Wed- ' nesd;iy night below Mako's Bridge ; a cjr cumstane'e that has not happened (tn oxiii. night) since the nightjo the 2i9ih;Febru ry, ;8:i0,a(nd front irkdiiion'orily adcti b1 lore, since tecoftls haVe been keptjo'f sucli events, vi: in the winter of 1781 th i winter after the Surrenlt of ,CornWa'lii5, when it fro in dne' nigh Sri hartU i" loaded wagons drove over the next njcTrK ing Ut ContisV Ferry. 1 ; (fT$r trc Weak-mimled and ilf-1 jil abolitionists aie pe'iomiig Congfc niiex Canada to the U; State I his effect Of splfefeu at the talked of .afnnc" f eXaS. " Stop Him.l h e A sheir i He jAixt tb has an advertiseirient offering a reward Preston Jones, Said to have rfrurderfed eph Shepherd, in Yancy fcouVy. lohes is 6 feet I or 2 inches iigfj, weighs 175 or blatk whiskers. IfcO pound." f vveatrS I-v Jl nid.it dppalling Prm)ltUribi-K r (laj-s since, at Delhi, in Uelaware cou, VI f. BfcnedifeV WaS aroused ,r,hilein' C . by a thick smoke ia his.tied roo';nV;a'ri Ift-d out of his "house almost iliCoc' His wife sfnd-Iittie child followed,' ahv getting out they Saw the irpper -p'a'rt 6f t,. ' building, '.''here their o'lher fifve C h i I'd r a 1 i were sleeping, in ffames.- The wife imrnc 1 1 i afe'l y 1 eiunied fn 1 o t he hoiiseflv resets thernrthef Ihtle child fAllcwihg her. few rnbn e'ntS the whole roof fell frtatod ' t ied them all in the bUrrtiri'g ruinS, eir the oldest daughter, about fourteen, niade frer escape fronva window by the lL, of her father, but So shockingly burnt as -to live hut a Short time. 'Yla caminit v - wsJ heyorid the" power of thei vJ a'nfa(h-ex- to ejfdtfie? his reasona ..; '; ly. over thrown, and he is now a1 o iac.-- -Iiuihi Regiittt. '' ' " j -rijV'. , ; lifurfell Je'drfA w the Vhil idelphfa Satiirilay t'otVi ter si; that theirernafni of the great la.n'd pHrateV ioh;V Murrell, weredpiner feJ r h'y trs; ! DTx- On and Mafonl who arc' now " jyossessicn of his extraordinary hfeath T'hvy surfs vij-'. if i rig the jprifiuelpal cifhis Fn tho United States with th6' crafni6m, a1 IttXuterS c: phrenology, &c. :-; V " f ;;!' ; - -"', ' -iVonderf tit Machine. R Dr H'oth completed an automaton calculator in'Krir 'fari'd which jSYirpasSf Jthe aVitomaton fJhelf -I)layer,'in vented by Mr Maelzh Jt '.per forms aPl the ; operations of ".: arithme tic, from i in pTe", . 'stdAit ion,-' ; iObf f a d't ion, niuftplicafiori1 tand idiision cf nurn 6 r, of p'mi'nrUr; fh'rTlfng and fjerice, td yuf gar'atid decimal ffaci6riS involution 'itid e Vol d t'iou, and a til h m e t ic'at a hd 01116 1 caP progression; r it r 'pptartf ! p9ricuWty adapted for: checking long calculatrfmi Q 1 a 11 1 i 1 1 es $ t o r cd n t la c t r6 rs , T 0 f m 6 it rra n t ' J counting houses, or for government t..- : "Ar6( Bad.--A preacher, ayi sn (5s ( change parjer, Expounding 611 hiaT6vri su thorily; in a coiinlfyfVillagdV reVnarkcd" il;af commentators did pot agree -wi'th hrni.'' N.ext day he received a bat kdi; of lirdn-7 potatoes fiom One of the rnstie di'sciplcr who rema r ked that sftce Common fafurj -didnitgte w'jhh him, he had ' taken !r the . lfe?riv Jo present him with some of thi t-:t Yidnt$ Y tatttrtS h-- .;t?rr 'f: i -S: . - " . -" The Bostorr Bee ayl there ia msn v in Litchfiefd,jsbi7 lai'ge that it Jakes hitn v three nights to get; asleep all over ? Ho- ;gei8 partly asleep cine niht, nd- the next s nigltt begtnsr where he leRou tne nir.i cc- fore.