FCiUAEiE AC AO ElUir. fTpHE Spring Session of thi? Ins'itu ion. under the care of Mr & Mr will commence on ihe 13th of January. The er vices of 12. .IT. Curtis, Have been again secured in the Music) --fie naitment. Board and Tuition as hereto fore The recent examination still further cbrroberaien the opinion previously eix- tiiv the o.. hvtiiA Hoard of I rupees as id pnilrP eababilitv and faithfulness of Teachers. The classes were examined, aiiv naiticular lesson, or set of les-lot-al j i - sons but, (so far as ihe limited time a ted to the Winter Examination would low) on everv thing which they had teas- sed over dining the session. We havfe no hesitation in again recommending this Bi as a sutution to the patronage of the public, school in which the pupils are thoroughly and faithfully taught. By order of the Board of Trustees. HOB' T.J. SHAW, SeCte December 23rd, 1844 ; ITIi Rav's Male School will . commence on the, same day. A, Cotton Yarn. 1 - nTHE Subscriber has receiveu a ouantitv of Cotton Yariu'diffe ent numbers, which he will fell Jil Redact d IVce$, On reasonable and accommodating terms. GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro', Jan 25, 1?45. For publishing ' in the City of Washing ton, a Democratic Newspaper , to be calleds Tiir; ConstITUtioii.'' THE' undersigned, having purchased the materials of the Spectator Will isftte. on or before the lOih ins.t. the first njiri be of a new paper to he called The Con stitution. " It will be devoted to the steady advocacy of that system of measures which we, iiurrow inc uamci auu as uuu starilly Oppose whatever is" not sandiianfed by it. VV e shall -unceasingly opposel a National Batik a ProU ctive Tariff in ternal Improvement by the General Gov ernment a Distribution of the Proceeds of the sales of the Public Lands As.-u rip tion of the State Debts an abrogation of the Executive Veto as unconstitutional and inexpedient- .. We hope to make the paper worth j of Ihe confidence and support of the De io c ratio party. It shall be the faithful ejx positor of their principles, and the ever ready medium to convey their wishes jto the public. The Derjcratic cause, is tfie cause of truth and justice. It courts tie I 1-1 ... I . I . I -J iigm. ii siiiuin uu nvf sugaiiuu. nnu we are determined to see whether a paper,! conducted with a devotion to the vrihti- pies, rather than to the men, of our pa riy to further the progress, rather than tfie mere advancement of particular individu als, will not commend itself to the confi dence and favor of the people. ; As soon as the all engrossing topicsTbf the elections are over we shall devote! a liberal portion of our columns to subjects of cuerai meraiure ana science: enueai qr, ing to present such matter as jwill ami isle instruct, and edify. The proceedings of Congress will re ceive particular attention, and a full iind comprehensive summary will be given, ip eluding the yeas and nays upon all imr. oc tant quest ion . f The paper, for the present, will be ifsfi ed semi-weekly during the recess, and dal ly during the sessions, of Congress, at Fi ife collars per annum, in advance. W. A HARRIS s t ; J NO. HEART. J "The Constitution' will also 1 be pib lished weekly, oh .and afier the !4h De cemberthe six months of the "Young Hickory" terminating on the 7th.. It wM commend itself to . those who desire! ja W ashing ton newspaper, by a comprehtrt. five and satisfactory report of the' proceeds ings ot Congress its notices of the pol tir TJ;f 9h ine .ay and its cho in it era ty extracts well as by its compeodiBrrS oi me current news of the day- It will be X'trnished at the following rates; One copy, one jrear, One copy, six months. ... ! One copje, three months, Six eopies one year, six copies, six months. Five copies, three months, Ot o-n -. t i change would oblige us by inserting, or nU w-. i-vnciHiiuiiiriCT vrnn wnnm wm wm v.iug um aoove prospectus. Ueci 1844. TURNER HUGHES. TtOlITH CAROLmA ' CjreMly: calculated for the HSonzon atjd no aP 1 Kaleigh, For safer wholes y" ,by GEO, HOW&RJDl . l8lbro, Opt. 3, 1814. 92 po 1 p 10 po 2 W FaIU&IVinter Goods, i AVw antl Fashionable, At verjrr low Prices, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE, ! JOI AS now n ceived the whole of his late "" purchases, and respectfully solicits a call from those who want to buy Cheap Goude. In his assortment will be found Black and colored plain.and figured Silks, India Satin, rich Cashmere d'Eccose, Chusans, Alpine Plaids, Oase de Laines, Alpccas, plain and figured, A g' eat variety of Calicoes, Very cheap, I Fufniture ralicoe, Earlston (ingham, ; Shawls, Ladies Cloaks, men'? Ovetcoats, Fancy points, crkvats, and hamikerchiels, Bonnet, cap and neck ribbons, Needle-work'd collars, Linen cambric and lawn handkerchiefs, Corded & Victoria skirts, corsetts, bonnets. Thread & Lisle laces, edgings & iuertiugjS, Thread bobbin, laces and edging, Black and white Netts, green bnrage, Muslin edgings and Inserting, gimp-, Cords and tsse!s h;iir pins and necklaces. Silkand cotton urttbrellas, hosiery & gloves, Cassimeies, tweelils, sattinelis, Kentucky jeans, i hief ied &. green flannel, Canton flannels,'' kerseys liney, Whitney Mackinaw, duffil, & negro blah- kets, cotton t.anabtirg, bed ticks, Bleached & biown flomestics, Irish linens, , Long lawns, damask table cloihs &. napkin, Uird s eye diapt r- Cambric, jacconett, Swiss, book, and mull muslin, Plaid, striped, and figured muslin, with almost every other article in the "AKCr And staple t)ry Goods Line, AH of which is o fie red at reduced Pt'iceti Tarboro', Novi 23, 1844. Groceries, fyc. f JjHE subscriber; offers for sale on hi: Usual liberal & accOriiiriodatirig termss Molasses, siigaf, Coffee, shutt, pepper, spite. Brandy, whiskey, rum, gin, wine, soap, candles. Cups and saucers, plates, dishes, pitchers, bowls, Tumblers, window glass, jugs, wrapping paper. Letter paper, different colors, ruled and not ruled. Writing paper, blank tards quills, ink powder ; Black and red lead pencils, &c &c. I GEO HOWARD. Tsrboro, Aug. 20, 1844. Information Wanted 7TF the-e is how living an ofiicerjor soU d6r of the flevoltitionj or ahy relative of JOHN KOS, formerly of North raro lina,who can give anV information Respect ing the service or discharge of the said Uoss in the discharge of the Revolution, they will be generously rewarded by cdm; municating such facts as may be wnhin their knowledge to A'. . I'hOmas, Post Master, Eden, Hancock Co. Maine, Where they may hear something perhaps to their advantage. Jonn Uoss enlisled In Capt. VVillams' Co. 4th Regiment, in I7t7, for and during the wr (JJ Printers of Newspapers iri J. C, friendly to ihe old Soldies vvill oblige by copv mg this In Iheir papers. Dec. 14th, 1844; Just Received, By the Subscriber ) A LARGE ASSORTMKNT Swedes, 'American amJ English Iron, German & cast Steel, cut &. wrought Nails. Castings, consisting of ovens pots, spiders', skillets, tea kettles, andirons, cart and wagon boxes, ploughs, points & heels, : Spades, long handled. shovels, hoes, trace and halter chains, sulky springs, Turks Island salt,! blown & ground salt, Cotton bagging rpe and twine,. White lead, linseed and train oil, 8 x 10 and tO x 12 window glass putty. ALSO, a very fargefil general assortment of GROCERIES Hard Ware and Cutlery, China, GJass, Crockery and Sone warei For sate cm rccom mod'at ?rrg terms.. h JAS. WEDDELL. Cotton Gins ran sale. fTTf H B scrbscri ber has orrrry; cm e art ftfa nrf T, of those new jHeel plate Cotton . Gfns, made at Greenvilre, a 40 saw, which he ! wrl sell ati reduced prise t&elose sales. - A good' second5 hand 3? sa w G in, ready for immediate use, wHl' be so Id low. GBG. HO WARD. Tarboro : V ffflarelr X Carminative Balsam ITS a certain) safe and effectual remedy foi dysentery, diarrhoea, or looseners, cho lera morbus, SUM M ER COMPLAIN I. colic, griping pains, sour stomach, sik nnl nervous head.ch heartburn, Waieibiash pain or Sickness or the stomach, j vomiting, spiting up of foot! after eating, and ts where it parses through the body Unc han ged, Want of appetite, iestlessnes anil fna bility to' sleep, wind in the stomach anl bowels, hys'erics, cramp, nervous trertnus and twitchings, sea sickness, fatntiugs, n.el anrholy and lovvness of spirits, frrtl'mg and cryingof infants, and for all BOvVRL A F". FACTIONS & "NERVOUS DIRasEs. This is one of the most efficient. plea.;m. ami safe compositions ever offered to the public for the cure of the various derange ments of the 5TOMACt and boWem,' and the only article Worthy of the least confi dence for curing CHOLERA INFAN TUM or SUMMER COM PLAINT; nn.t in all the abo e diseases it really acts li Ue a chnrm. All persons are requested to try it" for without exception it is the mosi Valuable fa mily medicine ever et discovered. Hun d eds, riaVj thousands, ot Certificates have Iv en received from physicians, cjei gynenj and faml.ies of the first respectability, bear ing the strongesi testimony ill it? favot) tog numeious to publish. &tttifitnttf$s Drt Di Jayne, Dear JSlr, having made Use of your Carminailve Ualsnm In my family, hiuI find ing It to be admirably adapted to tbw complaints tor which It Is intended, 1 take pleasure in recom mending it to the use of my friends and the public generally, believing those who are afflicted with any of these complaints will find relief iir the use Ot this valuable medicine. Jonathan Going, D. Di President of Granville College, Ohio. From th i Rtv. Asa Shinns of Ike Pfvteslu.nl Mtthn- disl church t The undersigned havinsr been afflicted during the past winter with a disease in the stomach j sometimes producing1 great pain in the stomach for i ten or twelve hours without intermission, and hav ing tried various remedies with little etfWt, was furnished with a bottle of Dr. D. Javne's UaKMI NATiVte BaLsaM. This he used acccrdiitjr po the directions, and found Invariably that: this medi cine caused the pain to abate In three or four min utes, and In fifteen Of twenty minutes every unea sy sensation was entirely quieted. Tho medicine was afterwards used whenever indications ol" the approach of pain were perceived, and the pain was thereby preventedi He continued td use the me dicine every evenings and sometities in the mo ru in a-, and in a few weeks health was so far restored, that the sufferer was relieved frdrri a-large amount of oppressive pain. From experience, therefore, he can confidently recommend Dr. D. Jaynts's ('aV minative iialsam, as a salutary medicine for disea ses of the stomach and bowels. A. Shinni Allegheny citjr, Juljr 16th, 1843. From the Rev. Dr, B'tcon. From a long acquaintance with Dr. Jay rift's Car minative Balsam, 1 believe it to be a very happy combination, and a useful medicine in many com plaints which almost constantly occur In our coun tryi such as bowel affections of children, colic,, eta tnps, looseness, dyspeptic disorders nf the sto mach, coughs, ahd affections of the breast, togeth er with all those diseases atleilded with sourness of the stomach; and believe' that physiMans will often find it a useful remedy in their hands, and One that is proper for domestic use, and can he put in to the hands of persons at large with perfect safety. WAi. Bacon, M. I). WoodstowH, Salem Ceunty, N. J. Rlay,lflSl. JAS: M. REDMOND, .Agent. Astonishing. A MONO the thousand Medirlne adver- tu sed as "Certain certain cures for pul rhondry eorrlplaitj, tfttinc8 Edpcctovant Slahits alone. lis path to public confi dence has beeh paved, not with puff but ('Dffj; and the vouchers for its efficacy include an array of names which, for, char acter ahd respectability, cannot be surpass ed in this country. Dr. JA YNE. being himself a physician,- does not prof sis to perform physical impossibilities; but he (loes aseft. a"nd be is borne out by well au thenticated facts, that in all DISEJASfiJtf OV THE LUNGS AND C.HBST, which ate susceptible of cure without ntiraculous interference, his EaPBC I GRANT will restore the patient to health. No othgr medicine wjtl remove mucus or pus from the throat so thoroughly as this. - It effec tually loosens the coagulated masses frorrr he membrane Which lines the trachea, and at every cough the patient will bring Up portions of tne a iser?g7ggcl matter. Ii A LL COMPLAINTS OF THfc PUL MONARY ORGANS, even where nature seems to be making no effort to throw off thedisease, JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT imparts vigor to the machinery of jrespim lian, and enables them to disencumber tbemseFves of the obstructions which had impeded their free operation. It has res tored hundreds to perfect healthy afief their physicians had given them upas incurable, with CONSUMPTION, Coughs, CoMs, Asthmar, Inflfuenza, Bronchitis, Hooping Couch, Spitting Blood, in a word, all dis eases of a PULMONARY nattfre yield to this preparation, if properly administered flames and Prices of Dr. D. Jayne" s Family Medicines, tfit: Jayne'a Expectorant, pe boillf $t W ttmr 1 onrc - ; oa Ton re Vermifuge G 6l Carminative Barisaf, laTg, O SO V Vr small 0 2 Sanative Pi Ifs, per box, U 25 American Hair Dye, 0 50 it For sale in Tarboro by ?f - JAS. MiRBDMONDi Agent. May 13 1 - New and BcaiutilUl Fall and JVtnter c. .itTrs. c no imo iust received hr Fall supply. Goods, which With h r lormt r stock Comprises a -.general assortment I the most m-at u fef ii- ami ornamental art -cles, in the itlilliuery In ber ass rlment will be foUud Reautifid pattern Silk bnhnets. liuiland braid, Rutland arid bird-eye, shell. Florence braid, 'Open gim Albert and . and tine straw bonnets, in great variety Plain and figured silks atid satins, Tarltah mUsllns-whiite rttid black efapts Honnet and enp fihbons laees aim viiup, French and American Flowers &c. AH of Which will he sold on her Usual liberal and arcommodaiing teriiiSi i Tarboro, Nov. I, IS44. TIII3 IjAIYS Musical Library . m Uttexampled cheapness! over seventy pieces if music J'or only fFJD0Xb DOLLAR Afrb A HAJifr. The 'Lady's Musical Library i. so firm ly e.-t iblndied in thees imat.ion of a dic r nin puhlic iht ihe ordinary parade co n moo in commencing new volumes of peri odicals, is, in this case, thoroughly mine cesaty. In issuing a prospectus for the fourth Volume of this valuable woikt the j publisher siintd v Cdls the attention ol Mi- steal Amateurs to the Jin port am fact th t all the NBWKjsT ANU MOM' POlMJ. LARMU.IC is supplied by this Maga zineat a rale never attempt d by any oth er of music. Mumc lurntsliel in the ordi narv course for 12 cents, or a quarter id' -a. dollar a tune, is heie offntd at an aVt. rage ot little more than two cens--anil this un- 'pr Cedetned reduction aff.uded -withouj any iniei 1'irity in appearance or Correct nei The Ylus.cal Libi ar is e it'ed by a rotppe teut Pj )le-soij of rstablished r'puta in. and .profound 'experience. wiilef the nie ctiamcal depai imeol is executed id A sly 1 th..t l ill bear Co nipar tsou with any MU SIC'AL , LUBLKA l lON IN " 1 11,. WORLD. Like all undi rMkings design ed for the bent lit of the many t lib Mumc al Library has met with Siiehuous Opposi tion liom the fev Such a work must ult imately ake the place of every other order Of music, j VV hen it is once thoroughly un derstood by all parties that the same music that no v costs twenty live and -fifty, cents, can be procured for two or three, there will be dn end of monopoly Consequent ly the great aim of intereS'fed parties has been U) misrepresent the characier of the Musical Library. Neverthe'ess, in spite j oi niisreprt-seniaiion oi auoiocrsanu hiimi? it is s;eadily gaining ground. All. that 1 1 re publisher desires in reluiation of tle erro neous charge made against the LIBRARY is, that Ladies vvill examine it. and judge lor themselves. th.il before purchasing mus e, they will look at ihe Libiary. in Vestiga'e, it ihorojighly, and let it stand upon its own menls that wheifever im partial investigation takes place, it will be admitted not only that St contains the CUE PEST MUSIC EVr.R PUn LlSHEDj but that it is admirably airang ed and adapted for the use of tre gieat mass of amateur perforn.ers; The ImDY-S MUSICAL LIBRARY for I fit 1 5, will be issued In the same fonii anil at the same pices aS the previous vol umesi Etfch year a1ds to the publisher's reOUices. so that he can confidently prom ise that the coming volume shall even sur pass its predeces rsi Among -the nitiic already published in theSn volume will be lound ths following POPULAR BANJO SONGSi Dandy Jim of Caroline, Uoniffinns Dance, Mtss Lucy JSVal, Old Dan Tucker, Aly Old Aunt Sally, The. Ole Grey Goose, Going ober de Mountains, fyc. Terms; I One copy one year $t $0 i Four copi s 5 00 I Ten copies - lO OO i Twenty-two copres orre yeafr 20 00 In par funds.- Postage free. I Addressed to E FElUlKT T, Publishers' Hall, I0L CteSntit Street Philadelphia. (QAny Postmaster sending a Hob of xi be enlitled to the 144 Volume for himself: or, sending a Club of 20. will receive, either A u'h-ur's Latins Magarzine lor 1844, or the Musieal Library far 145.- Editors copj'ing ths Prospectus, will recerTe t be Library in exchange. Dr. Diifly ATI-niMIOlS PILLS AMD TOrllC MIXTOnE, ft UST ftf5ceiVEDf a suppfy of Dr. Duflfy-s Antf-bifroutf Pills , and fanic M ixt ure, a n e tfectual rented v for A cue and Fever,. &cV ' -' :4 -f, . ' - :--V' , ,:; . -' : ,, ,1-; GF:0. HOWARD, Agent. ;Taboro uly I6V , :t j l MIL L1JYERY,A Contri ' ' ! . -3. . -M k. . " ... - ..-..- L a b tioti ship Fire msuratttv CciXpatsy, 57 Wall ';twToHtn: ; Cnpitol O00,CC6 DoilarW. : yyrosier. -. : THE Capiul Stock of Institution 13 ail paid In and secured on first rate Hontls and M ors gag- sfaud Ileal fcs tale, and numbers among it Directors some 6f the urost influent ial and respectable inhabitants of ihecitv. It itiuie' .gdn Loss or Dam .ge bv liiii building ol t ery description .nvrchaiid.i-, bcl &c, on terltis as favorcbio s similar it s hutions. 1 Policies will he issutd on application to JAMKS WE DO ELL. Agent for 'JarbvW itnd Vitinity Tarboro'. Ma Ut. l44. in if ton s ma Just teivcd4 Saiminrttcn's ' 1 Rook on Fevers,! together with a fresh sup pU of his PilU. Geo. ' Howard. Tarboro Jan. ."46. Tin Ware. T!IK Subscriber ha just received & fresh s.iply ol Tl N V A R KjA f.ietui ed at Wa-hii gtoii, ih -this i Slate, con -i-ting .! . r Coffee Pbt. ttf .lirferenl sties Ducket ' Mevisuri-s, tuntiWts, rans. Skimmers, Uippefs, Cups, Pallff . Mi'k strainers, Water Ladlest hlbw !ici:ik, ' Lniiteriis, Hour and sojrar scoops rah" -utttfs (Candlesticks, pepper bokes, jrrateta, he. , which will he sold Oil reastiu ble and aC commoda'itig lei ms. . 1 (QOhl C'-pper. ,br.i, 'oripocitinnV pewlet, beeswaXj fursf &Ci will t .e fecei- ved in hotter s f (Q0tilers lot- guMer, Cfn(liH orV8'd in ware ol eVery (leci iptioo, will bn ft tendttl to lotthwilh. GEO HOWARD. Tarboib, A pi U Great ' Uurgjiina In Hats, dai, nttotia ai nllc Al the Vlit up 1 abh biiive. Ptsb's cebHraled Nutria Hatsjhft rjualit and newfest style, Black and drab cassimere arid '.??l-flsli hst. Vefy cheap. , " : , Black& drab fur hatn.t 1.25 &iipwfr , A great variety of men!s turrfaoeV from 11 to $2 50 boys fur CrfpSj .i : 5 Men's i and boys cloth, laiieu, r C:! artd sealle'te caps, T y j IS doen wool hVij gdotl dnd cfleap, Men's cow hide, kip, se ! Ah (I Calf boo!, Men's and bdys hevv cdarse brogans, dd. kip and calf brogans, ' Ladles kid, seal at.d morocdp slipS5d c and upwards,, - LadlFS Pha. made shdea and slippers, Women's Thgh arid low r'iiar teredlshoi.. , l,l gt eat Variety girls &. dhihlren's, sbc, Sole and Upper Leal her, Shd0 thready AM of "which ate Vell worthy the atlen tioh of pur ha'-sers, as they tlHbe-offered on the most faVora'de tc rnvs by JAS WEDDELLi Tafboro, Ndv 23. lcH4. ; : rr4 tf ttti fl E subscriber rffer;.'' ' sfc er- fine FLCUR of a soerio qoitlit' f at' $5 per bMrelCV'A. f pEOJ tJOWAR&y TarHoj-o'. October 24 ? v ' More Jiraiidretft's r ? . TOJLTE hare just received a fresfti v v of this vltrble Medicine-. 5. recommended by thousands mr pcriw! hnm ihfv flaVe rufed of Contirtfur Infiuena, Colus.l Indiges'ion, lyspt H ffrfd A the , ' ' " n d a sense o f faYt An ihs jjaCk part of the Uedd, iistiallt ihe; sym torn of Appopleyt .raundice. Fever artf AgueV WiIItou. Scarlet, Typfiti?, Yeiio and common Meters. of allkinds; Ast." , (nril. Rhe(lmtiff n.f Ni t vnd I't: y - -r r " : m . a . iJ I fliti j Livcf Complaint, Pit tit isy. Inward VVeVt- 1 nrss. Dehresfon hf tlieplifts. liupture1 ' Itift imafion. Sore Eve,' Fits, Pals. Drrm e.jr, iiiHii i uff iirasie, traup, l0Ugh Whooping Crnigh, Quney, Cholic, Chof era Morbus. Gravel, Worms, Dj-senter, BeafneW Hitrjtthg oies ? in the Head, King EtiL Scrofula; Erysipejas. or 5aint 1 Anthony' Fife, Sfflt tl heum, VV h V e C tv el I- ' rrf. Ulcers, some of thirty yers rtr.r.d. ing. Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet Leg, Piles, Costivene.s. all Erupticrfjj cf he Skin, Fiighiful Bream, Female Com plaint of every; kind especially clrtrus " lions, relaatiorrs. &c.V; y a 1 A Iso. Brarnflretji'sl Liniment, for totc wellings, wonnds, &c art 25 cerrti'-a. bot tle. Those Pdls ie (m sale in pverv County in tbi5 Statr, and hy the folIoivin geiitlemen in this viciniy; Xi t Gic Hoi&ird ARent.sTarboro. ' ' R.i&.H. fiecher, Sparis- ; - i - Isaac Scarborough, Oak Grorc " ! Daniel & Rouhfr'ee. Stjintohcbuf-' ; J.Mi&RS fff. Hyman, Palmyra D. H Holland, Smithfjeld. .- .i 14 1844. y .T.

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