2i)rojsicctU0 of tf)t Congressional Globe and Appendix. , These works have such a wide circula tion, and have been so universally apnrov ed and sough r after by the tibli, that wv -deem itnecefsjry only in this prospectus toay that lhV will be : continue?! at the next session of Congress, and to s'aif, sue-, cincllv, their, con' fills, ihe form in whLh they will, be primed, and the prices lor them. - Z The Congressional Globe is rale up of thA rtailv nroceediiius of the two Hou-csof Congress. The speeches of the member treonidensedo bring them into a reada ble lenfftri; All the resolutions offered, or motions made, are given in the mover's own words; and the yeas and nays on all the important question. It is printed with small type brevier and nonpareil, on a dDuhle royal sheet, in quarto form, each number containing 16 royal quarto pages. r The Appendix is made up of the Presi- dent's annual message, me reports ol th principal officers of the gfivernmrnt that accomDariv it. and all th lig sprecnes i members of Congress, written out or revi- . - .... Eed by .themselves. .It s prmt d in the same1 form as the Congressional Globe, and usually makes about the same number of fages." -J - ' The approach of Congress which will discuss for the American p ople all ihij most important question ever entertained by the national councils, ami new anl ex traordinary measures never before fully vehtured upon, has induced tht-- publishers of the Globe to make greater and bet er preparation than heretolore for reporting and publishing the speeches ami proceed ings of-Ihe next session. All persons who may desire either, or both of these works, should subscribe for thsnvbyTlhe 10th of December, else thy iray failft to get them. Persons are still Subscribing for the Congressional Globe f r ;!.2 last session of Congress, and e have net been" able to furnih a comp'e'e copy of it since early in the Kession. We vviil send the Congressional U lobe tor tne approacn ing session to, any person who will' re'yrn to us all the numbers of it for the last ses cion. VVe usually print double as many copies as we have &ubscribers at the com mencement of a session, and thep, perhaps, "fv-a lew weeiis iney win an ue r xhsusicu. We say again, that those who want the Ccrifessional Globe, or the Appendix, :..ustt subscribe and send the money for f :m by the 10th of December, else they -ill notnrobablv cret them. As some-persons who may receive :this "re 3 pectus may wish to subscribe for our regular ; papers, through which we speak ve will here state that vye publish a daily paper at J510; a semi-weekly paper at $5y sjrid a weekly paper, with a complete in cfacftoSit at $2 J a year, payable in ad vancei ; . - :-f f?Vtt ititKliak miw t ,i-roror1 ne in this form. - - - - j n SO that our friends who may inteiest them srivesIiv obtaining subscrip ions for ' us, xnay cut it out and attach writing paper to write lhe names of subscribers uno'n. VVe woutJ sehd Itherh a separate prospectus, printed on printing-paper, if it were not that many postmasters charge Irlter poft-l age on ; such. Pet sons obtaining subscrij bers for us may retain every sixth dollar they collect t hi t is. they may send to u W...J - 7 i I . for six copies made up ol both (say foi nn r X.i far six comes ot either work, or irirec. copies ui caci ui iui w. imi cv. four, or five of one, and one of the other. LfVi - . Terms. ' - 'For the rongressional (jlohe, 1 per For the Apiiendix, 51 per, copy tix copies of either of the above work will he senator 5; twelve copies lor md shd so on in proportion for a greater num 'Pimenls may be transmitted by, mail astage paid at our rist. uy a rule lis - Post Office Department, postmast ride oT i ts sre permittee!., to frank letters w ritten b bmsflves. containiiuz monev for sun ctriptons. j , '- : . . The notes of any bank, ennent w hore gubscrlber lesides, vv ill be r cdi e,d by M ToVnwure all tlve numbers, the siib.crirl- tidns h6ulcl,be in VVashinton by. ihe 1 Ot of December next, at iruosi. - --'".. - . -?. . ' -' ' V' i .1 ' t '-SotahiclJliedici.ncs. TfUST RECEIVED, an additional a cJfresrvlsupryo " v . ; tit Tliompsonian TIcdiciiies,viz : Lobelia, ee4 and puWerixed Composition, ' MTrrh'African Bird P p bp r. Nerve powder. Spice bitters, Golden seal; Poplar bark. Bay berry, Grn oxier, Unicorrr (root. Barberry, W ak$ robao, aunt coounjt", fiunu menu, oiippery eiiu PondUty ..-witch hazle, Prirkly ash, t RhaEDtic tincture, No. 6. &c. &c. For sale'' on reasonable terms by . Xrboro Miy 17, 1644. ' " ft No 'attention will be paid to nriu I fpasmoaic nectioms anu tiios-e who are vie- erd'r unless th ' money accompanies it tims to that, most excruciating disorder, ..;Y:J:al ll ilLAlK,i:iUVES.' U OPH W .4t heir .uflTering.H ; WlitSun CiTy ,! Nov; .11,18 U , . y course ol Dr -LvanH s medicines. 1 - - o all li Worltf viio Use Leather . ii? AN Y FOHM." Oil of - Tannin, Or, Leather Restorer. A NEW CHEMICAL DISCOVERT. , - i . . " ' OST. people know, that skins and 9 -- Hide are converted into leather by ie ii?e ot l anmn extracted from certain rUrks, &c. When the force and strength of she Tannin rs vorn out, lea her becomes! (lead, hard, dry, brittle cracked, covered wity a crust. $c. This all know lvo restore then life, softness moist ness, rtrength smoot hness &. t emo e all crusts, y or blifter restore the tannin. -This substance the leather never can receive the jsecbnd time; but the whole virtues of it iireHn this article, the i I 1 I Oil of Tannin, Which fpenet rates I he stiff, st and hardest eat her, if it has been t.vent' years in use; ind if iLie;u;s easily wjth. the fingers, it im arls at once a s-trttogl h that is. utterly in jiC hble until seen. It becomes like new !edther in all respec s, with a delightful softness and polish, anil makes all leather completely and perfectly impervious to Witter particularly boots, shoes, carriage lops harness, hose, tiunks, and in fact all kings marie of. leather giving a splendid boltsu. evei lusher than new b ather has. p - n . . . imi ai. 1e.st doubling its wear ami duramli V, in wnatever Tuanner me leatntr is useci. l iiKSt: ake Facts. r l hose .who will wear old .'hoes, groan kvith corns, ride w ith old carnage tops 'k have . old harness and thiow them away i;iif used look filth' themselves, and all a hoot i hem expend double what is neces- lor aitich s ol leather, to their hearts7 content, for vhat we care, if their prejudi ces are so strong tney will not try a new Jdiscovery. VVe have no ftvors to ak of hnv they .are the gieatest sufftiers. and v;beg for nobotiy's custom or patronage. Now, 'gentlemen, nleae yourselves. (rJiNone genuine unless with the lac- siunie Mgnature ol ioms'OCK a to. j'For sale in Taiboro7 by Geo. Huwurd. Apiil 9, 1S44. MoiFat's Iilc Pill aiicl riienix Hitters. A FULJ SUPPLY of the above highly Approved and invaluable medicines re gularly kept on-hand and for sale by GEO. ffOfVrfW, rfgent. Tarboro', June 17. Doctoi lm. ETAIVS' SOOTHING SYRUP For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. i To Mothers and Nurses. riTlHE passage of th sums i)roduces itr e' teetli through the turns i)rouuces trouhlesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known bv moth ers that there is 'great irri'ation in the mouth anf gums during this proce-s. The gums swell, the secret ion ol saliva is in creased, the child is isfizeci "with frequent and .sudden fits of cr ing, waiching, start ing in the sleep, anu spaums of peculiar parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio- lence, ami inniMs us nngeis into Us mouth. If t hee precursory symptoms are not spec dil y a-lleviated. spasmodic convuNions ni versa I ly suptrvtne, ind soon cause the dis solution , of the infant. Mothers who have their little babes illicted with, these distressing sy 'mptms, . should apply Dr. William ' Lvans's celebr;itel Soothing Sy rup,-which has prts;rved hundreds of in fants when thought ' past recovery, from be ing suddenly at lacked with thai fatal mala dy, convulsions, j Evans' Family Aperient Pills Are: purely, vegetable, composed with the strictest precision pi science and of art; they never produce; .nausea,' and are "war- ra rile I to cu re the I ol 1 o w 1 1 1 g d i sea es, h i ch arise Irom the impurmes ot the blood, viz: -Consumption, coughs, and' colds, nervous diseasf s. liver complaint, dyspepsii, bilioif disea-es, jules, ulcers, lemale vveaknes. & all eases of h v poi-honilriarism, low spiriis, L 1 palpitation of the heart, nervous irritability, nervous weakness, iiuor albus, seminal weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flit Julency, hy steiieal laintinjis, hysterics, head h J achts, hiccup, . sea sick nes, niu,ht mare, rheu'malism, asthma, tie douloreux, cramp, Ir. Evans5 Tonic Pills. This tonic meditifte is foi nervous com plaint?,' general debility, indigestion an 1 it? conseqiienct s, as want of appetite, dis lensmn oi ine Momacp, aciuity, nnpieas ant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in the noweis, nervous symp'oms,' languor, when the mind becomes irritable, destwn- i! : ' .u .'.uiTr..i :t.it' L'i t 2t J , "' v"? uing uiuiigmiui, nieiancnoiy ana aeject ed. In hypochondriacism, consumption dimnesa ot stght, delirium, and all othet nervous affeciions, these pills produce a afe and permanent cure, For sale in Taiboro' by ' A GEO. HOWARD Agent. February 23. No A'ppsgjfj lor Wigs, F LEASE to read without prejudice the following communications, which in addition to hundreds of others equally res pectable should remove the doubts of eve ry reasonable person of the unitorm and singular etficacy of ! Jfayne's lEatr Tonic. . Sh a FTBtT-Ry, Bennington county, Vt. Augi 4, 1840. pr. Jayne: Dear Sir, Being acquainted jwith some of those recommending your HAIR TON IC, to wit: Rev. C, C. Park, Rev. Drr Babcock, and Rev. L. Fletcher, I purchased two bottles, wiih a view to make an experiment. 1 have been quite bald for about four years, and obliged to wear a wig. Indeed it is constitutional with my fami ly to be bald in early life. I confess, I had but little confidence in the attempt, having been so long bald, and being near 46 years of age, and that part of my head destitute of hair exceedingly smooth 1, howeVer, pmraencea agreeably to your directions, and used one bottle faithfully, and with very little effect; but before I had used the s cond bottle, a very fine fuzzy hair became per ceptible, which continued to grow, and now bav in? used the third bottle. I have had three cut tings performed, and the prospect is very flattering that I shall again be blessed with a fine head of hair, ornamental and useful. 1 am extremely gra tified with the prospect, and from observations made, many of my friends and acquaintances, who have heretofore regarded the preparation as decep tive, and only a catch-penny concern, are now well satisfied that it is." Truth No Fiction." J. W. Sawvbr. Pastor of the Baptist church, Shaft bury, Yt. We know Dr. Quigly personal!), and there is no man in the country, whose opi nion is entitled. to more respect He is on all subjects honest and sincere, and his high character as a Physician can be attested by the first medical men in his city. Phil adephia Sun. -Shepherd's Town, Va. Oct. 10, 1843. Dear Sir, You inquire of m'e whether I have used your Hair Tonic, and the ehcts Several years ago my hair began to fall rapidly from the ecalp, and -1 had the prospect of pretna- . .ii .; i l Ji : inre oaianess. lsunng several years i uwu vin oua preparations recommended for the hair, from which 1 derived no benefit. At length a.' friend recommended your Hair Tonic. I used three or four bottles according to the printed directions. and at the end of six months, my hair was' thick set, & since its tendency to turn grey was arrested. 1 have never before given a certificate, recom mending patent medicines, which indiscriminately used, as they often are, do much injury, but in a case like the present, where 1 know the artiele, to be beneficial, and that it can do no harrri; 1 have no scruples in stating facts wilhin my own know ledge. Yours, &c. John Quigly, M. D. Dr. D. Javnk, Philadelphia! JjiS. M KEDMOND, rfgent. Tarboro', May 12, 144. , Jlnd Liver Complaint. 4 -oo Dr. ,Tay lor s Balsam of Liverwort FROM 375 BOWERT, NEW YORK. "JPOR the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, whooping cough, catarrh, pains in the side and breast, bronchitis, liver com plaints, and all those affections of the throat and lungs, which are a source of so much suffering and so often terminate in conumption, this remedy is justly and highly (iistinguisneu. It is purely vege- able, mild and gentle in its eflects upon the svstem, and can be taken in the most Jelicate cases with safety as well as utili- y. So extensively has i been used and so often proved successful, even in ex- reme and apparently almost hopeless ca ses, not only as a palliative but as a rem edy; that the Proprietor feels no hesitan cy in introducing it, and recommending it o all who unfortunately may-have occa sion to resort to some means of recovery. Physicians, familiar with its effects and aware of the healing properties of this vegetable' preparation, not unfrequentlv prescribe it in their practice; and with he Medical Faculty generally, it has met with more than ordinary apprdbation. (p-CONSUMPTION-Thelbllovvi.-g re ma r.ks were taken Irom the last number of !he Medici Magazine: 'The surprising effect p.oduced by ihe eennine r. Taylors Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bowery, in consumptive cases, cannot fail exci ting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We have so loner believed this disease (consumption) incurable, that it is difficult to cred it our senses when we see persons, evidently con sumptive, restored to health. Yet it is a fact of daily occurrence," The following certificate was given us a few days since by Capt. Scott, of Elizabeth City, N. C. Being constitutionally predisposed to con sumption, (a number of my family having died of this diseas,) and having suffered severely from irrnauon or me lungs, accompanied with cough and raising matter and blood, together with some pain in my side and and breast, still I was suppo sed to be beyond recovery, I was induced by ad vice of Dr. Perkins, to . try Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort: and with great pleasure take this on dortonity of testifying to the value of this reme dy. I have taken five bottles in all. I began to improve after the first bottle, and after taking ihe the third was far recovered as to be able to about; since which time, by continued use of it, I m quite restored and able to attend to my usual busi ness! To persons suffering from coughs and af- tections oi me lungs i can earnestly recommend iu (Signed.) ; JAS. C. SCOIT. Consumption cured-Being, of a studious habit, 1 became affiicted some years since, with bronchi tis, tickling in the throat, slight cough, and other cob sura ptive symptoms Every new cold increa sed my disease, until it settled into regular confir med consumption . 1 now commenced the use of Dr. Tay lor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at , 375 Bowery and thia medicine gave me relief in a short time. It has since effected a radieal cure, ReT. G. W, CANDA. For sale by : GEO. HOWARD Aeent. J Tarboro', Feb. S5, 1843. 4T V"t r THE subscriber informs all those con cerned that he has JuH received ; A not ) Standard Yard Meusnre, In addition to the other standard weighs and measures, and would call their alien tion to the following provisions of the law on this subject: 4iEvery person using weights pr measures or steelyards, is required to bring them to the Stand ard Keeper and have them tried; and if a trader or dealer by profession, or a miller, mnst have thern re-examined every two yeara" " Every per son using, (that is, buying or selling by) weights, measures or steelyards, and neglecting to have them examined. &c. at -here required, forfeits fifty dollars," &c. , , . . , "Fee of Standard Keeper.' For examining and adjusting each pair of steelyards 25 cents; for ev ery weight of half a pound and upwards 5 cei.t ; for every set of weight below half a pound, in cluding one piece of each denomination 5 cents; for every yard stick, or other measure of cloth, 5 cents; for every bushel, half bushel, peck or oth er measure, used in measuring grain, meal of sail, 10 cents; each measure for. liquors, 2T cents." GEO. HOWARD, Sept. 16. Standard Keeper. , , rr Hoi'scs and Vehicles. Hp HE Subscriber having replenished his stock of Horses anrl Vehicles, now offers them for hire on the following Terms per Day. For Barquche, two horses, and drhre?, $4 00 Barouche and harness, - . I 50 . Carryall two horses, and driver 3 60 Carryall and harness. - I 00 Buggy, and horse, j - vSf 00 Bujry, and harness, I 00 Gig, and horse, - 1 75 tig, and harness, ' 7& Sulky, and horse, - . 1.60 Sulky, and harness, - 0 50 Horse, saddle and bridle, 1 25 Horse, - " I 00 Horse and cart, I 1 25 Cart and rear, 0 25 Horse, and plough, - 1 00 Ploutrh and jjear, - 0 25 Draught wagon and dray, per contract. Ti.e above charges are for ah ordinary Hay's travel longer or shorter distances bv special contract. GEO. HOWARD. TWhorn Jan'v 10. Jtfcdicines3 $fc. -TJUST RECEIVKb.a fresh assortment of approved Patent M dicines, and in addition to our former stock, as follows: Allen's balsam of horehoond, lirerwort, and pleu risy root Steers's chemical Opodeldoc, LnngJey's srrpat western Indian Panacea, Oil spike, British Oil, Bateman's drops, Essence of peppermint, lemon, &c. Laudanum, paregoric, Thompson's eye water, Kau d'CoIogne, superior Orris tooth paste Ambler's tooth powder, lip salre. Tooth brushes, eraolient toilet and shaYing soap, Preston and perfumed salts, loco fnco matches, Seidlilz and soda powders, bear's oil, Judkins Specific ointment, Roach & bed bngbane, Castor Oil, sweet Oil, black leather Varnish; Liquid ointment, shoe brushes, Dunlop's improved tegelable blacking, &c For sale cheap as usual. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', April 3. 184J. . .. Rccoimiicnded by the Faculty. Drs. A. $ J Harrem CELEBRATED PREPARED MEDICINES. THESE NEW AND PLEASANT REMEDIES COMPRISE , Their Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills for the cure of fevers, liver aff clions, jaun dice, headache, lo.s o fa ppetite, costive ness, female complaint, and every disease with in the reach ot human means. We anrf ; j U J u. c i- ' f I W"? ,ioot: fo.r '?rola' or W;.-.hiie swelling, nains in the binned, nli fmn crtra ' r...,t; f -..u:i:' - !. ' . s' 'r . tic ajid mercurial : .affect 10ns, &c. Concentrated Extract of Buchu and CTva Ursi for curing dieajed urinary or ans, such as gravel, morbid irritation and chronic inflammation of the kidneys, ure ters, bladder and urethra: also, diseases of the prostrate gland, loss of tone in passing urine, cutaneous affections & rhi umatism. Febrifuge, or Camomile Tonic for the cure of all debilities, loss of appetite, but especially for Fever and' Ague, for which it has been more particularly prepared. , Anti-spasmodic or Camphorated Cor dia9 designed to cure excessive vomiting, diafrhoe 1, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera! pain in the stomach, cramps hysterics, col ics, hypocondria, spasms, convulsions, and muttering delirium in the low forms of bili ous fever. It is a fine substitute for paregoric. Cough Mixture of Carrageen Moss and unts ior me cure r 01 oiseast-d lungs chronic affections of the stomach and how k I To ierchdtits ? Traders els and all d iseases produced by sudden changes in temperature. Superfine Tooth Powder for curing and hardening the gums, cleaning, preserving and keeping white the teeth, nd for sweet ening the breath.-" - ' The above preparations are offered to the public generally and Physieiansespeci dly, not as nostrums, or panaceas, but as neat and convenient preparations, made on strictly scientific principles. For sale by rp . , xEOWARJ)tAStnt. Tarboro', Jan. 27, TO pas mnval1Ds ; .The.followjng indispensable iamilir dies may be found,at the village dm-.. and soon at every country store in th Remember and never get them nulTJ' have the fac-simile signature of . ther ' y ,r. - - !' . on the wrappers n by the sarae hatSiare base Imposition, and coun!? urge him to procure them ' " next time he visits New York, or to write f)r t8 ' Xq family should be a week without tfiesi rem d BALM OF COLUMHl A.Fnn twp-m.t which will stop it if falling out or restore it on bald places ; and on' children make it grow rapidly, or oa those who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the ' heods of chiidw- iii schools, far prevented or killed by it at once - Find the name it, or never try it. Remember this always. RHEUMATISM, and ptsitively cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limbs arc restored, in the old or, young, by the ISDIAS Vkoetablb Euxir and Nerve and Bon Lhumeut- but never without the name of Corratock &, Co. on it are wholly prevemfff of goYemed if the attack hat come on, if you ose the only trie Hits' Lw!siENT)froni and every thing relieved by U that admits of an out ward application. It arts like a charm. Use k. HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Wind-GJalls, &c, are cured by Roots' Srzcir(e j and Foundered horses eBtireiy cured by Roob ""oHnder Ointment:'''' 'Mark thin, all V Xvlsgical Pain - Ex- tractor Salve.The most extraordinary remedy ever invented for all new or old . . . v and sores and ' sore ?J ha8 delighted thousands. It will take out ail pain in ten minutes, and no failure. It will cure the A. LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and nseful article never was made. ' AH should wear them regularly. M!tPS TEMPERANCE BITTERS : on the principle of substituting . the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LIN'S fairWlPlHLLg, opener to all otbers for cleansing the system and the humors affect. .1 1.1 1 j r ii : r t nig uic uiuuu, wm iui u uicguuutuvB wi me uutvcis and the general heal th. ffl V A v A y sj. (See Dr. Lin's sig nature, thns :J T DR-SpOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectuallyjcure sick ' headache, either from the IMdl"Jk?jis '1 'r bilious. Hundreds of famiUes ar - iiainsr ii wiin trreai iuy. DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH for the certain prevention of rtVilf?l or anT general sickness '," keeping the stomach; in most per fect order, the bowels regular, and a dcterminatioa to the surface. pains in the bones, hoarseness, and ft$ mm are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS. The French Plaster is a sure care. a CO 9 3 -mr any ansae you wibh, dui wui, noi cuiur iuc O A DO AD A nil I A rnMSTnr.K-S COM. OHllOHrHlllLLHi wv ----- rOUWD EXTRACT. There is no otner prep- tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceea. or equal mi If you are sure to get Comstock's. you will find it superior to all others. It does not require puffing. CELESTIAL BALM J3F CHINA. , A positive cure for the piles, and all external ailingsall internal irritations brought to th aiirface by friction with this Balm; so in coughs, welled or sons throat, tightness of the ches Ai applied on a flannel will relieve and curt at nee. -Freah wounds or old sores are rapidly cured b it. 3r.2BarthoIemcfc,s ; will prevent or cure all incipient consumptio"t taken; n tune, and is a delightful remedy, ber the name, and get Cumstock's. KOLMSTOGirS i VERMIFUGE with a certainty Ouite astonishing. ; ; ; - . . 8feiis with P,dltr almoit incredible, W Comstock $ New York TOOTH DROPS. KLlNE'S-cure eflectuallfr Cotrl aceordinf to act of pln,l'ujU-t of By applying our 1 agents in '"g moat Tillage, papers may w - go reapeotable names in the country for tne that no one can fail to believethem t; vv Cr Beur you call for Zllre be put off witbr any stories, J .hpold your mottoa Ihsss never can jlcles W M triltumt our name to them. All these ux 4 ".I h4 wholeste and retail onr v. - No 21 Cortlandt streesnearo JForsalc byGJMIowara,