".''! - , ' . . ''"':-v' ' ' ' ' Tafb&iroughi) Bd-gittoinbe C&uM&JW V. SmmtHji JllUrch 184 .-1. Br UiEdROE Hdu'ARb. J ft. . .. . - i .. i .l . . IS bubHsHrtl ek!yat Two Ddlldrit per yar ilr iiafd irt aairre orl ..'Ted Dollars ad Fjy Cents at the exftfratton of the siibscrip'Uon y:ar. SiibScrifrefS Afe al liberty td disc3ntinii at my tinle dn IvinjJ notice thereof and paying arrears:, Advertisements riot exceeding ,a snarfe will bg inserted at One Dollar ihe fttst insertion, and 35 ceoia For evry continiiartce. Ilori gref advert ser menid at thai rate per square Court Orders ind JadicidV Adverttserrients -2 pYtcdnt; ttitfher. Vd Vf!iti3erti'6nts rriust be marked the riumbei- of iri tef Uons required, df- they will be continued uilil otherwise directed, and charged accordingly. Letters iddreSSed to jthtt Kditor niiist be f OSt paid, or they nia ribt be attended to. he he Vim CQldmbiafi Magazine, FOR 1 Prospectus for the Second Ye AH; At the close of his second volume, magairte ha vfng been commpn',ftd on first of Jattiiavy -IS4M the publisher fiAHs MrftSeinfreiiisttWy calleil on to express he satisfaction atfdl ralilue with which he his ben fillei by the brilliant and unt arririted success that ha atten5tl his endea vors lb win the pttblic fayd'r. Not wit h stariding the difficutiies, tsappointmenis &A4 Vexations that Mmost invariahly ol Io thlfi establishment; of a new eriddital. , irt jhe production of Which ihee'mut be heads ; and many hands notvViihstirtihtig Occasionally shoft-o mints, especially in the, pictdf ia! department which no care or diljgeriCe Could avert and no expenditure prevent) I he Columbian Magaiine has g ine on steadily increasing in Support and pojp Ufarity frbm the opening number and if the uhbought Unsolici ed testimony oX '.he press may be received, as unswayed by partiality and unbiassed by friendship, the 'efforts of contributors and editor haVe been satisfactory to the public and accepted as fulfilling the promises made foi thim ' at ihe cbmracncement of the enterpriser" ! The pbblisher undertook the work wiiri a firm conviction that the great citv of New York wa the best and the true hcjme for a' magniineof geiberal literature; that hotMthstaiiding the failure of many previ ous attempts to establish duch a work, there could, be no impossibility of success with sufficient ! capital, perseverance and , the right system of management both by p jb lisner and editort stimulated by this r 3n Viction He embarked in the enternrise : nd year nas pioved that hb result of thejirst his' judgment was Correct; It has long ceased , to be tiecessaryj reasonable, that we should peak of Co?timWian as an bxpdrimenti ,At events, it is now an experinient substatiti ally tried "We feel ourselves Uprjrt as f basis as any similar journal in the wo Our principle cares! rioW regard riot much the securing . what gfoiittd we have gained (for we consider this sumcierifly' secure) as the extension of our sphere action and utility not so much, event dr the rm to so of the mere'enlargement of our subscription list, as the' most suitab!e modes of catering for the am'usernent (and shall, we say occasibn ally for the profit?,). of our subscribers in the present and Tn the futtiie the many wnom we have, and l the many more fwe shall undoubtedly have as time rolls oh VVe have made arrangements which will enable, us a present our fi lends with em bellishments of very superior taste, style and finish. In fbfs respect It is dtfr firm purpose, if possible, to outvie all eorftp ti' tion. Our, mic and 'engravings, we c in fidently believe, will not beequalfed-v ry certainly they shall not be surpassed jin real merit uy those any other maga zine. We propose to give each - rnblrtf two or more superb engravings, iridepen- ocnUy of two pages of music, by the rrjdt tic fashions, . ' I' " " I Wegirdjhg the literary ano? editorial cdn- opct Ojf the: Colurnbian, the p'jjjlUher does wot j eel called upon to sav more thn ate . J pw:woyus. - - l ee ffeneral rntarra cement of fljwrHn tC( Pi 'emaopsessin vuui iur ine tasK ami wtra naa tfiven abundant eneenpt'on highest ability to put forth a meThorious magazi ie, out of the ability to put fbith a , magaz ine exactly adapted to t he tastes of Our readers.. Ihepublishe r , t h erefbre, . bar every . co nfi- uc"vo tfrai wrrat nas already been done rof the hterary va-Kie of the iournal will be cone again. We are perfectly willing that c in mis repeci srmii oe GMima lea by our past. The subjoined' list hq8 Who have furnished articles- fat' PpjMftji 4uf j ng the 7hyrgpn Stisfjeijuredy the moit fastidmb that wp are rpspitiO fo pare in no particu ar iwwer exeruqn or epense. -Mrs,L, H Siourney T:Autrirr Wr Kirklnd . H . fe'-G rat tan -Jlr A S Stephens. The Author of of the Mrs PS -"uuoinnn cess Mrs A C MoWattj (IT Tuckfrman Kllet J,ames 'Widow he of Ofu Mrs 1 St Leon Loud Hohert L Wade Mrs J O Brooks Mrs .1 Hrtll ! Mrs M P Hunt Mrs H Lighthipe Mrs C H Butler Mrs E C Embury Mrs Cary I Mrs E R Steele i Mrs M A ErVing Miss M L Lavvson Miss Col man ! Miss Isabel Joeelyn Wm t) Bourrie Miss M Russell ' R G While Miss Elmily E Chub-M A Clark buck f C Wilkins Eimi Miss L M Bratlner $ .1 Porter Mis f ForestetY E Parmly Miss 11 Quincy H Myers Author ot "Nununer M C Hill S D Patterson S Gould Seba Smith T S Fay Keiirto rlofmail j Cft Mcbeod i Wm hi Willis Waiter Whitman Rev F (J WoodvVOrtb Isaac. F Shephard T B Red ; Frolickiri J K Paulding Wm C Bryant Fit (i HalUck Hi A Pde John Ncal Henry W Merberl H-H Weld Park Benjamin Wrn Cox Geo VV Kendall; H S SchOOlcraft! M Wilsort J Boughion C McLachlart Wm Russell .lr ' 1 TheAuth or ol-1 nhc s !).ings" A M I.le lr 1 O G Warden Augustus. Snodgrass i j T tleadley V L riagadorn 11 B Hirt W 1th the aid of thse contributors, (ol whom it is needless to say due Word in the way of cbmmendalion.) and of numerous others perhaps equally meritorious iT less celebrated, who have promised U their supjpdrti we flatter Ourselves tht. aS a liter ary vvdk, the Coliimbian need be andtr rib apprehension Of being excelled. I . r3ut what we have done is alrfeadV be fore the pliblic, vVhd will ridt fail to judfc us with tmpartia vve intend to id more becdmih lty anu trt respect to what it Will be bdlh wiser and fallho' less fashionable) ndt to boast. v e njav he prrmiitd to 3sure our fiiends in brief, hoVfevrir, that vb HaVr matured iiurilerduS plans (for the Ihird vol uinfej with which we feel confident they will he fjledscit. It is our purpose to put forth every energy; and it will be no fault of our own if the Columbian shall riot be found at least equal to any magazine, of any class or price, in America. DEALERS IN PERIODICALS throughout the tjnited States and the Ca nadas who wish to become agents For the Columbian Magazine will please dflpjly td the publisher immediately; The usual dis count will be made to themV Editors who will insert this Pros pectus and serid a copy marked rind addhes sed to the. Columbian Magaxine shall havfe a Copy sent to them Tor One year. Terttis oj the Colurfihian Magazine. One copy one year In advance, $3 One copy two years 5 Two copies one yeafj 3 Five dd do It) . flight rid dd 5 ! feleyert db . rid 20 ; iAddre$s, post paid, Israel post, s Astor H ouser N. I. ! FRSM stiply of Peters' pj lis jiit received and fdr ale bvj Tarbofo July 19. . APPROVED Patent Jtiedicincgi j sELtScTEtij J "werry " sad Lament at ioti. VVe cut the following from the Knicker bocker. It is gddb! for a laugh at any rate-. The last stanza we think especially rich. 1 1 is not that she bade me go-, And said I'd better stop my calling, It Is hot that she answered "No," As loud as she could short of bawling; !t was not that she sUmrhed the dOOr, A nd set her nasty lap-dog on me; Oh no a greater, kterier grief) Weighsdowh rtty heart &. preys Up oh me I canni)t bear to sefe her goj And promenade 'with Other felittw; I cannot bear to see her walk-, On rainy'dayS; 'neath their umbre!las,-r To see such things a going on-, Kxcites my virtuous indignation; It makes me Swear, as one might say-, In vulgar phrase, 4like all creation. " To see her seated ih a chair, i With half a dozen fopsaooiit h'e''; Artd hear that fool Augustus swearj He ucarit exist a day withouter:" ' Tis this which makes my withered hope Fall thick and fast like leaves in Auturhiij And cause rtiy poor Idne heirt to bedt Like a young bear's when the dogs caught him; What if her father is ihe So)uire Arid I'm a briefleSs-la'vvyfer ilevil? She needn't CUt mfe in the street It wbuM'nt hbit her to be civil. But ah! my heart-strings are a llite On which her hand unfeeling lingers; Well, be it so! the tune is sad; . But then 'tis played by Beauty's ! fingers: Enough! enough!, I've lost the maidi My mind is bordering ort distraction; Yes, yes- I'll leave i his classic shade; And seek a wider field Taction; For in the distadt Tekas land; In war's groUd ranks I'll sf fek for feibryj And then perhaps ih Idter j'edrs , IMy ndme will Sound in verse and Story. And if, oh cruel M ariahne! You heah them .tcli about l4a trangef,. Who wbre the lone star on his crestj And never' cared a ceht for danger;" Perhaps you'll proudly look around; And with a fligh df sympathy Exclaim to all ybtir wonderinjg frieHds. That braveyoung man once courted mb haV itiVL V's in valirabre Pdietil fJint ment, for the cure of white, swellings'; scrof t slops- Had aihef ' dntiot s, iilce'rs, sdriff lesj, oll bfrcf fresh woundff. Sprains and brtrisedL s-wef lines nd InflammaftrOrrs 'SCafdS and burns, scaltf head, women's Sore breast, fhetfmaiic'; iini, tefterS, erttptionsj. chf(- bTains, whiilbvvs, biles, piles, corns,- arrcf external disea,ses generally.; , . Carrtpjlnd 0'tlarine Tooth fPasA, for- preserving" tliejleeth from decay,- pfctiett- rfeoUiC Oily a certain cu re for: deafuess. ( ; 'i$)0ftn' frgttf and Fever Pitts', a neyf er Ttillttgfetfte'&jt. 'ft-. t&tn ftfdtfordirVg to di rect'ions- wrwch accompany tfterri. Judtcins? Speeijic Ointment, for fh 'eufe of vhite swell irfg sore legs, felons chilblains, tetterS; er"tfpiitns,-&c. Roach and bed bug bane, an effectual antidote against these noxious insects. Condition Powders, fr the cure of yell low wafer5, butt's;1 worms, &c. in horses. BulTartVs Oil Soap; for Cleansing coat collars wgolenUilioen and cotton gocdsi- Irom rooiyopcasioneo oy grea.-e, inn, varntsn-,' ann oris oi every uc?u w it Koul injury to'tne ffnesi gqodsv It alsq possesses vefy Healing and pe net fating nualities, and is used with perlect saietyj for ;baihi ng aribny -Vernal complaints. upon . man or beast-; . ; For sa e; oy tr i u. nurryin v. TacboroV, 1844. A DAGROUS MAN; There is a terrible fellow somewnere 'down east,' who ought not to be pehmit ted to run at large. tie threatens to play the very devil,' all in conseduence of hisl faithless gal; If he should pbt hiS threats ifito executiort; the Ldrd have mercy ori us! His first threat is; I'll gash the loud thunder; Wiih lightnings I'll play I'll fend the earth asunder,1 And kick it away. 'that's attempting considerable fdf 6'ne rriarihowevef if he has a mind to take the responsibility, arid pay the damages, let him Smash wy we are ndt affear'd; He next Says; i fffe rainfidw J'lf Straddle, Add fide to the mO'on; Or in the ocean I'll paddle, I n the bowl df a fpoon. That won't hurt any body. Go a-head, ofd effap e like to encourage a laudable spfrit of adventure. I'll set 'fir' to' the fountain, And swallow up the i41r, f 'il eat up the mdffntain', Arrd be hutigr"y Still. ; G 6totl nes's gracious i is thereJ rtti way to ap pease his wfath aftd stay hJs. stomach? Mtfst we suffer all this because he and hh girl hav'nt anything to say to each other at the present? No never 1. Down with himi we SaV. The f ain snail fall upwards, s 'fhe mokd' shall tumble don I'll dy6 the grass purple, And paint the sky bfofrtf. Hear that? a ptetty wdf Id fTritf wdufdf oe, truly, with the fafrt railing up atTd me smoke ttrmbling dovn, tne grass dyed paf ple; ami the- sky painfed bf 6'wh. We Em '"Fit as well five iff an old boot WitfY a dirty sole for the eatlff behealh; and Ibro wri uppef leather for the heavens above.- The sutt Fit put but, . . vitn' thawhirlwindll'll playj Turn day into riight, And sleep it iiay.- rhere's no dotibtif he cuts that caper, the siin-wfll Teel as mUrh plt otit aHdi it as wr shall. We leave it trj ih'e whirl wirtds- u say whether" ihey are td be trinVd with oi not; jHd a 10s hi tufriint day iiitd nigh', artd sleepiH it away, we vVodld jdst a Ifef he wriuld As. not If h'e can dd it; I'll nogthe youniearth(iiakfev . The veathef Hi physic, Volcanoes PlUitranle, fJrchdke With the'phthUic. fJh. hoi he dare ndt clinch with the rtU he feari hdjiiake, and so he threatens td fiofc ydurtg'un df thenfedter jfcifriderl Cd.vald: why dott'l yott take ottedfydiit i?fcl ? ; Therhddh I'll srhblher With nightmare and woj lor sport, at each others The stars I V i 1 1 throw: Serve them exactly rightthey have no business to be out wiled they oligllt to b d-bed-. The rdeks shall he preachers; The trees ild the si ogt Artd clouds Shall be teacher; And theedtttets go Spreeing;. Thav all xvell ertdllgh except g ttiH the comets Uptin a sprei. We ddn'tlike tha prttty well; - I'll Ue Up the WiHdS Ih a bundle toeih. r, Anil tickle their fihs With ahotFich feather t)h, rParkeyi ndw he does ii I We didi't thihk it" lay fn llie gizzard of irtortai td rid halt so rhucli. Realty, we Ihidk Itich d desperate ind dartg'eroua indi vidual ought to be caught j cast into a spideb'sk wfeb, arid s fely tidided by due flea, two ihud; litoeS, add t vigihiiii wood lOUse -There iii ltd kridwlug what the chap mdy dU. and paclc'ngfM between Bd-tdr 'and N. f Ycf.:f wiih petfect safety, iii'the space tif hilf'L. hduh Silfo-TM Philadelphja Uf Sa Uasette ' ixy: I he irtiprdremenl Id ne. 4!,i"I Vmerican Revving Silk is suchj as to leatl to a belief thdt care dntl applicatTdnl that is rtersaFy to idsure perfr)dHdnn: the, various btancln of the ilk manuUtuife ih 'his country. We iaw a ia hiple-, lay. Since; dr Sowing Silk, fid m.. the .rhaHU factory df Hhenev. Vhich, in all 'rspect3, wa eqdal td any 'Italian sewing si(k:thal vo had ever seen, and thuSe who usd jit prU noudced it ekccllent. I z fattiidfitph Manitfacitf'iri! Cnmpntiy. This e?tiblishment iS sltuaied in t'e handsdrtie Village bf FranklinsVille, bn Deep riveiyfn Haiidolph cbunjly. It has done a fiourishihg businbss ilieipast yeah We are irifdrmed thdi the Company divi ded 15 per cerit. drirj left 6 per certt. fdr cdntincrertcies: Thev dse 700 pdUnds of raw cotton per day, and make, in tbfe wtea. vingdepattmentOd yahlS of cloih pet day. . Thfe operatives are all white, tint) sustain a rribral character er4"al lo that of arty potlion bf the sUrhoUnding pbpblduoh. The capital of the tbrnpahy is $35t0bb. Cedar rdlls rafctoryion ihe riVer iwo br three" miles aooVe frdhklihsvillej tiHdrHhe inimediate superintendence of iia proprie loffH. B. fcilid'i. esd , Is likewise ddiuft d gdod business; Greensbvyo Pat. import a Hi improvement in fcotfbh Spin ning.We, lea rn f f om the N e iv York PoStj that Francis icCd I ly, dn A rhericdn By biflh, dHd from hiS thfancy- d fesiderit OftHetdwh bf PatersbH in ri w Jersfey wherfe He has been erigaged in the edhstrucUoh of m'aciiihery lias rbcerltiy made an impoHaht SlmplifirdtioH in th p'rdCeSs of Spinning cottb'n. He hds irtveiit ed drt improverrfeni of the rhachihe called a Throstle which acfcoMlrt Id the oplnibit 6f conete'rit judges, is likely ltd wb'fk a great revolution id the totttin j fiidhufactufirig bds'inesS. ' The rtetv roess febjiiires lesS thari half Ihe pywerreuifeijl by tHb ordinary ma chine,' takes It Ss oil; dispenses with ihe Use Of bands, makes A srridller amount df waste; eftd&les tfnfc person (6 atiend lb' a la'rger dumber jpindles, yei with all its cConomy id these SeVeial rfesp-ctSj procfuces more yarn and 6T a better duaKix'. A Small dio de! of trTe invention; cdnttaining afboiit 132 spihcfles,' iS ndV and ;ha's been for several weekS fn operation att the factory of Gen. Godwin, In Irf effort, ivHerfe itS otilrfy rfnd success hae befen defiohstraied to the Sat isfaction of all the prattical men who have Seen' it act work. Mr. McLully. the rnven- fdr. haS afrerfdv secured Dafefrls fof hiS fha chine in Mn eland." France.' co afnd this country,- a'iid ii liltely to realise a considerable fortune 2ti well as extf nsrve fame as a mechanician,- by hfs fngenuhy.' Canvictioii of frairbank the Xriil ct Fairb uik, the Abplitiddist;, tookrplabe ntjt Lexington-tty.i ori the i 3th inSU Whbn irraigririd. lie pledd Hdl gtiiiti6'tie Sey eral indictmfehta fdund against him; but kP- ter - the jufy were," empantielled" afld swdnv, thai ple vVas vVithdrdvVrt, dnd ih ' pled of glUlt$ entered, by the desir'e .btt prisoner, who tlirV himSelf eriiireljf Updri t'le mercy df the jury. .'Being ajlrj&ed , id ma k e an ad d heSs to I he j u ry in HI o wit li 2 hdlf he avowed hiniself an Abdlitibni$ti;L, plead the force of education td pdlliate j!' enormity df his offence; whch he t4?!4?4 was rrioie pi dn td" him dd rVnectionythdri heretofore; lie also said that wre he'aalii free, he vvoUkl nc'ther rdUrtteddric of- aid ihe escape df slaves. Since, he.j wasV cbn viiiced ttiiii although the" fcoridilipo of gor " rriigfii be dnieii:htied; m d riy ;. where i pf' & they ip. dud thdt .iich d cddVsfe dniy t ded to' liicreaSe Ihe Inisefy'aritf discc -tent df thdsd whd Wrire left beHirid'i u :ri . jury: Srttertripd:iviiiirto -.live. : ykjah,;.tidplr.'. nient irir the lc:fdtiitiry on each of tl. ilirfe'e Irtdiclments tndHing fiteeil Lf 1 In all; - but ' the judgment df J;thehCc was not pronolincfe-l, aS his coiinsel. ved fdr argonieiit'ihW doini; wHether hdd committed m d re than orie offence, 'l:, consertienlly, whet Her he cduld 'fee Sfenl' ced td a sepdratb term . of cUttfiutjmciii i tdbh sen urate indictment; ' - .... . . i ' Prosit 4he Raleigh &wt iiightj) important M MrVH!--1 1 1 n t hod u bt I on of t h e m et h otl of gt i n d in g et i .1 , ' cdb, shuck drtd grain. jdSt d (lt; ii" pull. . frdm thB Stalk, deS iM bed iii aiiirerf rfient rf tMaj. Collins, in this:paperj form d new era Id thb" dgricUlturat .:h ? bf ihe State; if, aS ii estiffiaiedi it i dving ef dhe:thifri rJtwhdt a :iaimef 1 id his indckjit-would not b'e'arf 'Cxttavr calcination to siippose; tliat'it will 7 1 llidse who avail ihediselves bf f,fJhtd;. ' iag-s, equal io the addition : of one., more. to iheir productive force. fb yer strong rerommfenildibf y certificate of WD. Boyldrii frarji whdSe proUity, phidenceani. practical good senSe are known hr6dghc-t? the ' Slate, It Seems to us, is sufficient 161 iii dUrfe' evey one whojhaS the means;. to. ;'.'-, curfe it foFhimSelf xvithout hesllatioH; ' Wff hope it will be every where adopted, sihd that the feniei prising prdpi ietorjwill be Ilti tra !ly compensated Ibr His laddaible efibHJ to adancfe the agriciiltiirdl rriterelts 'f tn3 bid Ndrth State; ProiH Iftb.JtyrW Jinoihtr ifetc Knvenim'ti floWon PrM isf .f h rVh - airi account of a'rf ?n ventrotf which, ff Stfecessfuf, is likefy to he a fdfrfViidable competitor to if. Mbrse'sT ma'gnetrc fcfegfagff? We wefe h?hfy erVteftaided feStefday aftefnd6n ny an eXhibnfon of afn Frtiehifon fdr Irtofnitnn sfrbSitfnces throdrgh tubes or pipes, wun great verociry. ir js. me parfrose of fhis Fn vth'twit (6 transmit letten 6 plae:r a'Ay dfslsmce whtrh may be deS?red With the fapfdity almost of light- n f n g: I he profcesS y whicii I h i i s ac eompfiShed h very sinVple, consisting rnere fy of an? ah- cm3sl W hich is charged -with air iVy a force-pump contrgydus" to the chest. When: ihnt:ineiifTy char ged with air,- the letter or rtekae it placed in fche feeder, and-iS ufimtlTately discharg ed InVod'gh i he pi'p ii th' grea t velocity . avid perfect safety. Col. Seed, the invent dr is of opinion that ad outlay '6f '$60,000 would iindre tlac' tiiiiijioh of letters TbbUH iihe putrid Sbe Mroai;c& ; Take two targe "handfuls of ftetfsthiiU; put lii a gallon of watef, rjfdil; -"do'wi ij'-.d pint. S'ra'in (t 61ean, atld 3 SpbonfubV cf Sage Jo Ice, 3 snodnfu55 of k rtum, 3 Sp'or fuls of sharp Viiiegar3 thfmbles ftijl cf ! fine Srflt, the safme df jAllum; .simieV jt' a tittle t( wah the iffdafh a'ud thrbatr ;Fcr the dWtwafd afpl?catiort take Sheep ' nure and pdfind ?t ttp fine',ptti idtmilfc : simper ft do.wn' to a poultices . If ihey v6rv rVad of? 'bit fed them Id, the feet al -fjlate a BliStef dtl ihtil fact bfthe: Ncc I haveHried It ,BM CbUll. i"i an kl i n tofi , fTran k I i h' C6. ; C. ,J March ' AJdfriid 'Jot a Mkt--A tofa; the Senate of MissWrii'declaring tne rnsr ConavemVfner and tuMitt 5 Croidret'null aftfd vtfid. " The parties:wira? aft awedding, anci ufdn, i tfanitr 'tfya: probably by the gentienTfd'n. they irrTOdn 1 t thtir hordes and f ode to a fuafllcsiwf. z. ; t he ceremony tvaS performed Upon il, . r ' return; a'ud ev6n afterwards, trVfiiad fr.:! -'ed that ft was all a joke, and ? refuseJ 1 consider it otherwise;' 'I n gentlemen c- irkd tn stand im to the fdkt-- Bd'f ihs It ' ( ... . -rr - ? T. T, - waufojT6t.-Aa. int. - . I Advitettjlie nor "ctvra this advice to the ladies:-i-'r 'When you hafe gdt ;a rViafi Iq the stickin a point; that .is, whn he proposes --Hoirt - turn away your headf or aflectra bluih, icr refer him to pal of ask -for more timer' all t hese tricks afe understood, noW; but jd;r look him fight in ; the facer jgive hfrn a hearty shiaek, and tell hinj to go aad cru

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