r - - v : - : .: - .:. . ' 4; ' - " .. . .,- ' - ; f r s " , " ' ; , ' ' - . .'.-'. ' - K . . - , nmnnrv, U4. - I 1-1 11 W f I 3rVi6otdtfc-t faigct&mbc t'oiiiiifc J e. Vlncstlay .Tunc 4 t S&S."' ' - : : - v The Tarlioroiis?h ? Br GEdRGE HoWAitiJ, Jit. Is published weekly at W tidlUrs'pPi ir n-M in s,taia or. 7Vti Dollars aild yeaT Ftffy Cents at the expiration of the sUHJirtfiption I Subscribers are at liberty td discontinue ati year. any im nn trivino- notice thereof ami paying arrears Advertisements riot exceeding; a square will be inserted at OVie Ator the tirst insertion ami; fcpnts for every crtnti rtuance. Lringer advertise merits at that rate ner sduare. Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements 23 percent, higher veitisements must be mafked the ridrrityet of lhftv will tig crjniiriiied Ad rise rr until h'thfirwiseldirectednd charged accofdlriglyL Letters addressed to the Editor must b post paid ot they may not be attended to. f To the people of the Eighth Congres? I . sional District. Fellow. Citizens, we invite you - at " tention to the following resolution passed by the -late Democratic Convention at Washington and offered by Mr DeW y ot ' Craven:- . , Reso7i)edf t hat e t.i rboro' 1 -ess ' from its iieal and devotion to the advance ment of the principles of democracy is en titled to the support of evry derric crd, and deserves the especial patronage of this Congressional district) 'As it i. the only de mocratic paper I it its limits, and has suttaih ed itself.throughall itsdiffldultleS." fl "We return our sincere thanks tc Mir. Dewey -particularly and the Convention generally, Cat this mark oF their approba tion and! esteem- We have labored ardu ously in the Cause of sound principle iind expect to do so still, should a khld f rdvi- dence spare us and should our friends ' - 'I mete out to us the patronage Whic i ,the only Democratic papel in the District 'de- J seryes. . . v-" '. The patronage of the Press is vfcy smait9 but by proper exertions it mjV e enlarged. J In the mean time, we repeat, that the l'rcss will earnestly adVucatb the claims of Mr. Clark; because,' we bulieve he was fairly yes, fairly nomir, died-, and if elected will be an honor and orna ment to the District. We hope our fi iends will exert themselves to extend the ci xula tionofthe paper " I Toefiect this object, we propose to fur nish the Press for the ensuing three months at 50 cents the single number or si xn cop- . les for 2.50 to clubs for a year we will furnish sixr copies for 210 to clubs. J 1 Those friendly to oar paper are earnest ly requested to Use their Inlluehee ih our ; v- - .... behalf Our readers will also bear in mind tews that rro postage will be charged on papersi"afler the 1st of July neitt, kvhen ndt carried by mail over thirty miles I GEO. HOWARDJJft May 17, IS 15- Great Bargains, In Hats, Caps, Boots and Stioesj Jit the Cheap L ush Slorel ishVcelebraled Nutria Hats, first quality and newest sty Ie Black and dfab eassimefd and brtisH hats very cheap. Black & drab fur hats, art $i.26 k tfpVard., A great variety of men's fur Canf. from & I to 50 boy s furcaps, $ ) " IV! en's'1 arid boys cloth glazed, hair seaif and seal let te Caps 18 dozen wool hat,- gurod tfnd cheap; Men's cow hide, kip, ee;af and efalf boms do. kip and carf brogans, ladies kidy seal and morofco sipSf5Q cents and amvards, Ladies Phaf. made shcres and slippersl Women's high 'and low quartered slides, in great variety - gms & children's shoes, Sole ami upper Leather, shoe thread All of which1 are Weir "worthv the tion of pwcho?sers as tliey w?li be. qffeted on the most favorable terms by Tarbt3royr Nov. 23 Si4. ' 1 mtcc (PI KA Y's in valuable Patent OlntWnfs for the cure of white swellings olous ant? othei fu-mni-s, iip.Mrl am scrbf- legs, old and fresh' wounds, sprafriis atid brcrises, swell in 28- and inflWm matrons.-, ar.aftlW aH - 7 - y " ' m matrons.- sea . V, r Bums, scald head, women's- sore breast. rheumatic painsr, tetters, errrptionsi chii oiarrwr, wh n lo ws, ftlesv T pileir, c'otnS; and external' diseases- generally. i he subscriber ha? fusfi procured) a fresh supply of thlW mVauable Gitment, Idirect irom the ratentee, which he is enabled1 to sell at greatly reduced prices. xiuaktns Specific T Ointment S for the cure ophite, swelling, uuDiams, tetters, erupt !ons,v&c. Geo. xlloicard Tarhnro ' - r ' T if Froiri the Philadelphia t); S; Gazette; the Editor sat iii his IScinttum. by tam. The editor sal In liis sirtrtumj In a hapless plight Was he; Fain would he fall in a thinking fit FQr he was at the extreme of his wit j A$jwhat his leader should be. He had reaped his brain so often, The sdil seemed barren grown, The forest of Wit was felled to the Stump) -The flowers of fancy were gone, save a clump. t ' Where the seed bad but lately been sown. He fished irt the Hver of knoweldge, lidt Iih angling line was short "Surel v there's plerily of fish in the sea, But it's plain as k whale" quoth he. ln deeper Waters they're caught.' He dived td trie bed of the oceslri. Where the raiU titHerSt ibdundj He raked a"nd sifted the briny; mud That lies Below the emehaid floods But not an oyster he foUnd. "Ah? what shall 1 do?" he mutter'd: "The devil will be here soon, Melhiuks His tdries oti tity ty mpaijiim si ir, The men are all wailirtg for copy, sir$ -And now it is after iioduj lt hath bern quoted ofieri; With a full meed ol credit The maxirri wisfe Withirpoon Spoke in his day : . NeVer speak till you've something to Say And stdp wheu yoU have said it. rAb! godd iitivice td a parson," He sadly weiif tin to say 'Bui 1 would ask who ever said it, or Hinted such a thing to a hair brained edi ' ' tot, Brorn his birth td his dying day?" He rose in his mental anguish; And turn'd the key to his door; The devil sodtt cdme and loudly did : knock, But the editor sat as stili a's a stock; And the devil then knocked the more: The editor leaned on his patience; As on a cushioned chair; And he sat him down, and he rocked dikdfj While fancy began in hismind-to play, And thoughts to nestle there. He neither swore por cursed, He despised a word profane; (And verily, he who curses and swears'. But adds to his sins and adds to his cares; Arid the Vice is mean and vain.) .The devil and the editor long Maintained the battle and strife; FWlhe inky Imp kept sturdily knocking, And the editor kept Unconsciously rocking, And thinking as for hi life. His faricieS tame like a mdrriin In the beautiful time of May; And thoughts. like the rrfvS of lishl shone 0 , j i otit. . And ireniblirtisfv alimmcrd and twinkled j ; about Till his mind Was clear a's da. The devil 'Was drumming and drumming A fat a tat on the door: The editor cared not a vhit for his thwrhpg, But quietly rubbed his ideal bumps, Till the flood began to pour Down to the tips of his fingers, When hfe taught the paper arid pen,- . And beaut ififl 'things fWm tFfe boliles air Wre caH'd into beingy and written down there ' A blessing to true' hearted men1. Trntrf shotie on the face of the papety And f he editof's heart was? light? For noble the in'arv a'moTrg rroble men,v Who fears not to ply a t'rulh felng pen1 f or God aitd for hirman right. ffc'spfang to the rfoof of hi? sVnctartt, As swill sns a G rec'ian wmner, Who reaches the goal in Olympian rrfe'e, Arrd1 the Copy he pushed rrt the mk cfevH fat e V ' And than ft fully went td' his dinner. From the Richmond Enquire. 1 he uneraw u. Lazene oi itne 1 1 omv Icont'aihs the following notice of 4Mf.j &at- houii's rarmr - 5 , I Hon. J C. Calhoun lFarmTht Committee proceeded to examine thfarm onHohJ C. Callibunahd alihougn irmay Ibe truly said that nature has done much for jit, yet' to its proprieior cieany oeiuiigs me merit of very superior management.! Acting Updn the thedry, that lands pos' sessing the greatest natural Te"rtilily riiust ultirh ttely become exhausted, by a too rapid su"cession of tillage crops, without some adequate return, ahtl from the destructive effects of Washing rains, Mr. Calhoun eems to have found d resource for the for mer in the cultivation of the pea1 crop, and for the latter, iri the application of guard drains to his upland fields, evidently equal o the necessities of his position in both re spects. The committee are df dpinion, that the evil ff greatest magnitudes and the one which mdre thdn all others combined te'nds to frU.strdie otir agricultViral operations, and impoverish our fields, is that which we suf fer frdm heavy falls df rain, and the conse cjuent washing of our latidS. It is true', that tillage does its part, especially when unconnected with a rotation of crops; tend ing to gtve rest, and impart refreshment to the soil; But. compared With the Hiher mischief, it is but as the drop in the bucki et. lo this, as a Drincmle cau?e. is to be iscribed the almost incaleolable amount of worn diit arid waste lands, and yawning gullies, which disfigure aria; disgrace al most, every farm that meets the eye throughout the country. It is this ruinous tendency, unchecked Bv a single contri- vance, but as tamely submitted to as if it were one of the" irresistible decrees df des tiny, which has led to the suicidal policy tif abandoning fields aS sddn as their origi nal fertijity became exhausted, and felling the forest in search tif the mednS of further subsistence; and, finally, it is this Which lias caused so many ihtiUszltldS of bur coun trymen to, exchange "their tiWH, their na tft'e land;ff with all its tender endearment, for the toils, privations and dangers of tiUr western iron tiers D eply impressed With thfe imjjdrta'Hce of this subject; the committee were both gratified and Itisihicted by the extraordina ry hiahagement of Mr. Calhoun, by which. through the . instrumentality of guard drains en all his upland fields, even thdse of the greatest declivity have Sustained al most as little injury from the heaviest falls of rain, as the rich low lands at their base. The committee are aware that such a statement is likely to be regarded as the offspring of that enthusiasm", In reference to agricultural JeHterprizes afid improve ments Which Well-dihected expefiments too often prove to be. fallacious. But, re garding the, farm df Mr. CalhtfUn as the first, if hot tlie only one, in this sbctidn df cdiftltry; Upon which this pdlicv rias beeh fully illustrated, arid as furnishing proof approaching to mathematical certainty, of the facts stated by trie committee, they have deemed it adiUy incUmberit cm Uiem, to bring to the noiifce of our planters, hot only the principles upon which this mea sure has been conducted, but also the re sults Which have followed. . Their at terttldn Was first directed to Fort Hillj a field df about forty acres, termina ting at its bade, ori the one side, in the low grotmdS; and connected with the Uplands on the" opposite sidei by a depression con siderably lower than its summit. Thi5 field, by reaison of its descending iri every direction, necessarily required to be literal ly belted with gdard drairi. CeHahf points appeared to havfe' been Selected, at which the water could be discharged with the greatest safety, and a series of drains were directed rbund the hill,' Witri a' de spent just sufficient carry at way the Waf ier, and yet so gently as not to enlatrge or deepen their channels. The number of 9 these drains was made to correspond With the necessities 6f the field, al determined by the amount of its declivity,; being more nUmeroUs arid nearer each other where the descent WaS greatest. The committee were hot informed as to' the amount of this descent, or deviation Irom the horizontal line. But judging fio'm thfe eye, they Werfe supposed to equal from:, three to five feet in the bundred yards. , - Aaf ftfrfrVer' rheaSUre of precautforiy trie intermediate dr?ll rows were run out hori zontalfy,' or nearFy so; an arrangement whicrV, by the aid of the nrst great mea sire of Safety to' the soil1, seemed to have enabled each furrow tc? fefairY its dWn Wa ter, or to have parted wrth r So gradrfsflfy as rrtjf ttf feay.e a trace of the islrghtesf In W :. ... , , i. The coYrrmiftee did not learn how long the celebrated hill had: been in cultivation, though appearances justify. , the conclusion that it must h a'v e bee n c I ea f 6d tft ir f y 6r for ty years; yet!, notwithstanding the soil vvas evidently good originally, judging from the very heavy er'op of coin and pea vrne now upon' the tend, the comrhiltee'are i'ndoted .fo' Belve its pYoddctif'e powr. mWe stfaTcel rirmmi5rled,. ' . .,1. . . r , ' J fn other hands, or even rt AW hands of tnpropHeldr himielf, had ;the above' pre- cajtibnarv measures Deen -omiueo, me fields-must er"e doW nave exhibited in many places a ser'ies of gullies and abraded surfa- Cesy .ahdbbentfcdestitied.oojn: tpt taKe ranis wii the tvaste and worhi out :ia!nda df i our coantrv. - " vf-v r-'W . The remaihing ortidnof the uplands on p this farrh; with the exceptidn Of ,. various patches in th vicinity of the' hrimeead, were appropriated to cottori. And altho' the -greater prlKt dT Ihem wds freSh land, that had been but a lew years in ciiltiva tiori j yet, fully impressed with the impor tance of upland tlrainS, and acting Uidhthe policy th.1t it was easier to prevent thap to remedy an evil, a Sutficjent number of them to protect the lands have Been made, With the same caution, arid with the Samb suc cess, attendant upon those on Fort ildl. The amount of Idnd re4lired for these drains is. Vehjr Iritiorisiderablej and the amount of soil conveyed a way tllrdUgh them, thodeh comriiratively Small, may of ten be diverted; a's We saW it done' in SeVe ral instdrlces oil Mr: CalHdun's farm; to sdme in'lijoVeFislied snot WhicH Wduld Ue improve'd, of to Some wet depression which they would elevate drvd declaim: The low grounds on tHi faritl wtire ex clusivel' appropriated to the cdrri erdj); in termixed Wjth pieM? throughout. The corn rrdp Very rlne add 'the entire surface tif the earth was covered with the most luxu riant crop df pea Vine we ever Witnessed; By reason tif MF. i.'alhdun's absehefe, the committee are uninldrnieu aS td hi mdn agement of the pea crop; nor dd they krioVV any thing concerning his rotation til crop BUt all concur in the tipinion, tli.it a return1 anriually to the soil, of the vast ainouut of pea vine; on each acre of land, ' would amount to aH adecjUatfe cdmperisatidn for all that is taken frdm it By thti cort crop; . 'Flie stock dri this farrri, consisting of hor Ses, hogs arid criitle. Ver'e, tif 6dd blodd and In fine cdnditiori. Tile fair rrt hoUses Were sufficierltly, ntimeroUsand Both ctim ftirtjiBle arid convenient. And this waS mdre especially the case with the neuro house, Which odnSisted of a buildirii df stone of Superior mshoriry. two hundred aiid ten feet In lengihj divided Irito apdrt rjnents, uih separdte fire places, sufficieriily large for all the purpo.-es tif ctimfort a lid heahhfdl ventilation. 'Thfe committeei in cohcllisiori; hdve riti hesitation in pronouncing the rhdndgemeni upon this farm highly Superior. The use ful stnd orhametltal have Beeri mtist happily blended, not only throughout the principal; tillage crops of the farm;, bUt also .the more reined titirtictilturdll tinefatioiiS tif the- htimestedd. firorit the Unlori. Very interesting from Tedbastlie Ha cast. The Southern mail, of Sunday las brings to this city some public deSpatche aS well al various privaite letters frb'm Tex v i ' . ..... ds arid New Orle rleans. ; The are cdlciila-tecie best quality) usually kepi in a .'QrV to remove eve r fii-uuir u. uuuu, ur,. "'More, wnich ne oners ior saietonj as iavor acceptance ot the terms Ot our resolutions, and the annexation" of TeXds to the tjriitet States Vve corigrdtdfate buf coiifitr;y 6'r the ausplcioUs resdlt df all trie labors of iti friends iri HotH republics. We coriside the whole c(ueStidrl a's settled ad. with thi bond of faMe " A privatb lettef is fece'ived, fforrf higf duarter at Gdlvesto'ri, May 0th, WhleH usejl the following lariguage: Th'ere.is: rioc on very, modcrtetrf ms, tcilijern n lib-, no division Upon this tjue'stiorf; In my 'fu-'ei at share of custpm.,.; Hisasstr .iwil trire ctimmunicatidns 1 may torifrrie myself be a largeonet. a.nd replenished - from tirndj more (d a Statement of facts in relation to' f0 time as occasion may demand. In ? it the rihvs?cal sfrid other resources and ad vanta'ees of this co'uritrv,, tinder d belief that,- when I tell you that Texas will accept the terms", and that $he will she Will have, on the st Mdnday in I ceriiber next, Knocking at the jltiofs" of fjongf-ess", two sen ators arid tWd representatives with' a ood 6onstiluf?ons Jn their hands I have told you alf ori this subject Wbrcff yod deiire td heaY.'' ( " ' Another letter frorri New UriednS of t he (fth, slates that fajor Donilsbn arid Gov Yell, had arrived the evening before, in the New York, from' Texas. It anriotriices the very agreeable ?ntelligenc6 that General" Hoilrston had a'sfsured IVlajor Uohijori, b?y letter,- that he shall intepojse no dbstacfe to the union,. ri'o'r does he believe that anV irW pedimerit to the efrectuaffon tif the', nfeas" tire will arise on the part of the gpvdrri meni orpeople of TexsV rfe cpnili ments Niajbr tittinefstfn in tfe mo?f ffatik : and fr?endly derms 6n rh'e succes of his' miuhnf invi ftfijr ttf fit rrt j fhaf there fS 'nNt ge'ritlema'rr ?rV the Vtmtti states", frnder wrVrisfe a'Sp?ce4i, of b the; force of whose s'ucces'sfuffV accbmplrsed, than the Arneri can' charge's: Wrtrr thfs brilliant prospect: of success, and under a sense Oi the most deli cate feeling With regard td Gen. Houston and President Jones, Majbr Don'elson bad fainougnr it ins auiy 10 rtscire ior me iimererr , . fromthe'ceneoracUon.-Hcondu-a be duly appreciated by ever marV.tif sertsi - - . . I 'iu '- " .;.' f rom tnt Kauign inaefmaent. Misrepresentation. There representalibh of the riortTiern-' paper's, and great sympathy js expressed for tbe crimin at who was hung for stealing a pair of sua. pendersrThj.forB that Hardy Carroll was an .old: and notorious onender, wHti had mdnV timesgot inrorjjH the mc.-iii s of the laiV. arid that he had befeniltowef his beiief t of clergy in former caseiiintji thdt .race was! withdrawn by the bperdsioh of the' laW. .They do htit hang peppleiri Nojth Carolina for stealing a pair tif fusnen ders; but for house breaking' 'arid not inert till t He'bene fi t of clergy il aS betm al ItiWed j and the cuipVif evincrsalikKfs contempt f.Vr clemency aWard6tlartd; the; eJctf drid safety tif Society. ' . :j .!.'" ''..;' A: , Pro m t he Un (ori. 1 .it it KXtensitie sale of Publlb Lands Sales of Public LartdSutd trie . extent of 5;0dd,0tJrJ acres and iipards,rlying.i Northwest, West anil SoUthwesV slsclionS of the courit ry, are advertised td take ptarb in thb cdurse of the enSuirig Suriimer 'siiti Autbmn. i ..' I- -A'-'-'-"j Iri Wisconsiti Terri acreS of bbbicfe iaridl; 1 oryabo'dt i37b,0ttrj , lying )ori ,rid bs tween Fox & Wtilf i-iyerS, and Jrrimfediate ty ctititinuoUS Id- Urfeeti ... Bdy ttd JL;a W i n it ebslgti; w ill bfe brought hitti inar 1 iri (Jctdber nfcxi. . . .. In Iowa, two drid a thifd miillOnl dcrcS arc td be stild in September dnU 0z beh . - - - - !.'-. . ' ' ' -. - . ,. In . 1 IliriiJiS, UwJii bt .0,668; ;Jcte$ of rich bdttorn ! lands Hn illinoH will.' bo bFoiighl into market, erHbrHyhg tHcts oil the Mississippi dnU islands In that river;; with small detdcHed bodies of . larid nc; tieietoftire offered. I ; ' - In Missouri, upwards bra million cl acres Will be offeied for Sale, erhbfabin trdcts in trie ritiHH, horthwesti Weiti tl.. sduthwest 'par, id of the Stale. . ' , Iri ArkansastherefwM also lie brotiit into rhdrket aboUt l,bfJrj,0d( acrps. eritbr fcing ninb" tdvvMhipg inthe nfcw district c Cha nipagiiolfe: , t ' : Iri houisand; aBoiit l,tiod and 'a Pldrida tipWdrds tif bod.OCib derbs of fir. j sugar dild cottdtl Idrtda will be btfered h ' sale; ' - -! : '-I -: - -;-,; - ,; . ; TikehsqfPeace X Ne toft pap ssiys that the London creditors of lllii Ujitr-tvi ,i'.ritihhfi a th Sluie tor ii t Drugs: MediciflesV tsiint. Oils. Hue Slutis. . MA3 just received a W&fc WW.? kk?" led assortment of all (he 'articles, fcf bfe Jerms as they caq pe iatq in lhis.jate.r- he ps ad vanfages(in niaKinj; nis purcne: that will ena'biehtnii to ooarul , he VV pect fully iny ites the; inspecUon ' pf the Tlij si c 14 n sV VI erch an ts, "aiyl Fa rmers ity 1 he s u : rpupdinjfiountry; Je, fefels,6jured : tl'i he can offer .them inddcemerits to mati, jurjehs ,of hini-rand hopes, b;y runclyal attention to orders, and hy supply ift'g; arti- ward the fertile lands on the Icific: ;. 01 he Afoany Dail thui oescri besj one of tfie wtftidcH qtii6 H-. fma'J..kinl6inl1 now. exttibltin jntba't city : It is t he pet riffe'd veftebr of a Hiphset ca I Ted by the natural I s t s .the'; L u gl 6 Co p al 'creat ure ivliicti HiUsl h'a v e been haft" ailiga t or 'and half whSte. ft was dfscbvbied VnY D'eifded fn a chafk for1 tiia'i fori' ori thfe bzliti&ot the Alabama jrlyer, and wasboed jjfp-rpa sent to professor Emmoritf. o'f this. ci! v. . cth as it lies' uhb'tY fie'atuVe must n'a ve nVen ?n lite fiti'm rjiae- fy lo'orVe ffOWd fed feet Ion;gu tPkittibaiii ere is n fng hicjV sti mu6h -improved I the arVpeaVande 6f a rYofce a'nd the, premises las nairixiofir arVd vwhriewashrng the "tehe- tmentsand tences. . 1 he toiiowing recipe for wbieW;ashfn'g jVas beetif fundt by expe' irieri'ce, to answer the same ori.wOod, Ibricfi land stone, as 6'd pafnl Srid is much cheap'- 1 i' kW &cVtf sititii VoiimMiai'&rtU ".--. r , ..... - t, ' - - pbund of clear gliieV dissolved iiV ivarrn wa terV Mix",1 arid;fet if stand fof several dsys. i Then-keeprit ,10 aikettle on a portaule fur nace, arid but prig's hot.a? bossible with a ipaiuferVor a White wash brush'. a , - r