Botanic Jiledicifiesl rm til? nhprihpr hn iui received, di- rinuu eu - , i ilL rect from New York, , A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Thomsonian Medicines, Lobelia, green and seed, 2nd and 3rd Preparation of do. Myrrh, Cayenne Pepper, Composition, Bay berry, Spice.Bitters. (teen ozier, Goldenseal, Unicorn root. Poplar bark. Slippery elm, Woman's Friend. Rheumatic tincture, Nerve powder, Nerve ointment Cough, powdeis. Cough srup, Pond lillyj Hemlock bark, Prickly ash, bar berry, bay berry, Bitter roo, Wake robin, Syringes of various sizs. No. 6 &r. Which he is enabled to sell at -greatly reduced prices geo Howard. Tarboro'. Miv 7. 1S45 $100 Reward WILL BE PAID for !he prehension of my fellow Who absconded about the 4jh of July last. He was purchased of M r. J osiah Ta y I p r ; but I have understood since, his owner s name was Kinchenl'I ay lor. Lewis is a stout, able bodied fellow. abot 5 feet 10 inches high and aboiit nr ox vpars of. ace. The above reward Will be paid onl his being lodged in trie - r O 1 U Wilmington Jail and nouce; given tne to that effect, or if delivered to me in Charleston, S. C, at my residence, No. 60 Tradd Street , ' ij JOHN T MARSHALL n Charleston,rS.CiUan.31, 1S45. 6 IVew and Beautiful .. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINER Y, &c. Jin AS: just received her-Spring supply ol Uoous, Avnich as . uuai comprises a general assortment of the most neat, use ful and ornamental articles, in the Millinery line. : v- ' t -.All of which will be sold on her usual libera and accommodating terms. -Tarboro',' May. 6, 1845. ; ' Land for Sale. F7T1 HE. subscriber being desirous move South,-offers for sale "H "rj All" of his I-and, to ire- Consisting of one tract containing 800 acres, whereon, I now live, 10 miles south- least of Tarboro', on the public road leading from Tarboro to Washington, it being a pi easaht, healthy situation, with a most, excellent well ot water. I he land lies adjoining the lands of Mr. Jesse S t a n ei 1 1 , M r. V red erick Hopkins and . Col. Daniel Hcpkins, on ihe great Oonetoe creek, a,ltJ a(l. oining the lands of Mr. Jesse Thomas and , others on Grindle swamp. On said swamp I hive a small farm of fresh land, that will ' make with suitable seasons some more th;m 0Q barrels of corn annually. It is well adap ted to the culture of cotton, corn, pebs, and wheat;, and has a - considerable portion of hieh ud land to clear. 'I he land is well timbered, with, Dine and oak, and if put! in cultivation would produce well The Plantation on which 1 live, is worn land, arid it lies on Conetoe in part creek, where there is an immense quantity j of made sou,. and that very convenient to get; which I think to be the best manure I have ever tried. . And from the, experiments I have made, I believe I can make two acres of my worn land as rich as any person need to want, with less; expense than I could clear one acre. I therefore vie ew my worn land to be worth more, than il it was standing in a woodland growth of dak and hickory. I have JM part of, ft Swamp. my part of which, I think, would contain 100 acres; it lies jn a beautiful form tivation , is nea r ly ha I fa mi l.e i n width j & agreeably to thfr estimate thai has been made,' the said swamp would have a de scent of at least 4 or 5 feet. The growth is principally cypress and gum, Hhe soil deep and pulverized. A calia) halfja mile in length would, 1 think, reach theboroer of said swamp and obtain the aforemention- A SWAMP., Which is nearly connecter! with th afore- mentioned swampj all of which might be drained bv the same canal. The situdtioniof said land combines many advantages, some of which is out of my , power to describe ne range tor slock ot every description is hard to excel. I will give a liberal and will ' set Ton accommodating Alf persons having aj wish to buy, credit, terms, are re- quested to ; apply to, the fubscjriber, ekamine the land and judge for, themselves, Edgecombe uo April 29th, 1845. 4& IVormelVs superior Russia n Oemen 'wr menaing giass, enma, or crocBery wre a roost iisefuf artic as Cotton Yarn. rni HE subscriber " has5 just received a quantity of Cotton Yarn, different numbers, which he will sell Jil HeiUictd V vices, On reasonable and accommodating terms. GEO ilOlV.llil) Tarboro, Jan 25,; IP45J The NI C, Standard, IV. IV Hutdetit Editor and Proprietor. When the undersigned look charge of the tandard, on the Istof June, 184U, its list numbered about one thousand subscii bers Since that time this, number has con siderably increased, but it is still insufficient to support such a paper as the democracy ol the State desire to have at the seal of gov ernment. All the friends of ' the paper, with. v horn the undersigned has conversed and corresponded on the subiect, think that the lit may be increased to at Iea!t lour thousand. ' Cannot this be accomplish ed? The undersigned respectfully submits whether, out of 40,000 democratic voters in North Carolina, there cannot be obtained for the Central Journal a permanent circu lation of four! thousand copies? It is needless, pt-rhaps, to say that the Standard will be constantly devoted to the support and promulgation of democratic principles, and that its Editor will labor, month by month, & year by year, with what ever abilities he may posses.-, to destroy the odious and dangerous doctrines of the Fed eral; party. And it may not be improper to stale here, that at a late u eeting of the Democratic State ( entral Committee for North Carolina, n Kosnltitinn was nassed heartily and entirely approving of the Stan lard Vmce it has been under the contiol of the undersigned, and recommending to the party throughout! the State the impor tance of increasing its circulation. The Standard will continue to give attention as heretofore, to miscellaneous reading, and o the general news of the day; and no eflorts nor pains will be spared to render it an use ful arid interesting sheet. To thoe who, at the commencement of his labors, gave to the undersigned a generous support and confi dence, and who continue to cheer him by their patronage and friendship and indeed to the whole democratic party of the State -he tenders his sincere thanks. - Terms of the Standard, For a single copy, three dollars per an num in advance. One copy for two years, or two copies for one year, for five dollars, in advance.1 For four copies ten dollars; for ten copies twenty dollars in advance. Any person procuring and forwarding five subscribers ivith the cash (215) will be en titled to the paper one year free of charge. WILLIAM W. HOLDKN. April 23d, 1S45. - Just Received, j By the Subscriber, A LARC.E ASSOR T M K N V Swedes, American and English Iron, German & cast Steel, cut & wrought Nails. Castings, consisting of ovens, pots, spiders, skillets, tea kettles, andirons, cart and wagon boxes, ffloughs, points & heels, Spadey long handled sjiovels, hoes, trace and halter ch uns, sulky spring, TuVks Island salt, blown & ground salt, Cotton bagging, rope and twine. White lead, linseed and irain oil, 8 x 10 and 10 x 12 window glass putty. A LSO, a very large & general assortment of GROCERIES, ; Hardware and Cutlery, Ciina,, Gas.n Crockery and S one ware f For sale on accommodating term?. Jtfs! fVEDDELL. Tarboro, Nov. 23, 1814. rjn HE best re m ed y ever o ffered to I h e Ppblic for the cure'of - Wgue JFever, . ; Remittent and continued Fevers. For sale fty ' ' .' v : Geo. ffoidard, Agent, Tarboro'. May 6thi 1S45, : -; ; - " ! APPROVED " Goeltcfeels Matehesr Sanative, for the cure of Consumption, coughs, colds, &c. Compound Chlorine Tooth " Wash, for preserving the leeth from decay, protect ing the "gums, &c. r.,,v , Dr. McNairls Jcoustic Oil, a certain cure for deafness v,v4- i- 5-i;;,; i; Spohn's Jfgue.and:. Fever, Pills, a nev-ei-aUing remedy jfuken arrding dii reetions which accompany theriKx v ' s Ortiielbs's fcelebratedomato: Pills. -: Professor :VesDrini8spectfic Pills, lor the ciii f !tsM uaVy Vjns ltend prl?witha discharee. &e. r or sate oy o-rsc tr v. Fall & Winter . Goods, A t Very lo w Pr ices r AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. JO! AS now received the whole of his late purchases, and respectfully solicits a call from those who want to buy Cheap Goods. In his assortment will be found Black and colored plain and figured Silks, ; India Satin, rich Cashmere d'Eccose, ( Chusans, Alpine Plaids, Crasse de Laines Alpaccas, plain and figured, A great variety of Calicoes, very cheap, 4 Furniture Calicoes, Earlston Ginghams, j Shawls, Ladies' Cloaks, men's Overcoats,! Fancy points, cravats, and handkerchiefs Bonnet, cap and neck ribbons, Needle-work'd collars, Linen cambric and layn handkerchiefs, Corded &. Victoria skirts, corsetts, bonnets. I bread & Lisle laces, edgings & insertingss, Ihread bobbin, laces and edgings, Black and white Netts, green barage, Muslin edgings and insert ings, gimp--, Cords and tassels, hair pins and necklaces. Silk and cotton umbrellas, hosiery & glove, LasMineies, tweeds, sattinetts, Kentucky jeans, whjte, red & green flannel?, Canton flannels, kerseys linseys, Whitney, Mackinaw, duffil& negro blan kets, -c'tton osnaburg, bed ticks, iii lieu.. i . v 1 ? , c, oc u uwu uuyiesi ' o , "7' iuiij; .iawn, uumasK lamecioins ot napKinf, uuu eye uiaper Vvamonc, jaccone-ii, IJ . I ' ., J : .1 " .il Swiss, book, and mull muslins, Plaid, striped, and figured muslins, with almost every other article in the j 1 FANCY AND STAPLE j Dry Goods Liine, . All of which is offered at reduced Prices. Tarboro', Nov. 23, 1844. j I More Brandreth'sPills. vvAy nave just receiveu a iresn suppi w of this valuable Medicine, which recommended by thousands f of perSOpS whom they have cured of Consumption,! Influenza, Colds, Indigestion, Oysprpsiia, Head Ache, and a sense of fullness in the back part of the fiead, usually the syrb toms of Appoplexy, Jaundice, Fever atid Ague, Billious, Scarlet, Tphus, Yellow, and common Fevers of all kinds; Asthma, Gout, Rheumatism, Nervous Diseases; Liver Complaint, Pleurisy, Inward Weak ness, Depression of the Spirits, Ruptures, Inflamation, Sore Eyes, Fits, Palsy, Drop sy, Small Pox, Measles, Croup, Cough, Whooping Cough, Quinsey, Cholic, Chol era Morbus, Gravel, Worms; Dysentery, Deafness, Ringing Noises in the Head, King's Evil, Scrofula, Erysipelas, or Saint Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, While Swell ings, Ulcers, some of thirty years, stand ing, Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet and Legs, Piles, Costiveness, all Eruptions of the Skin, Frightful Dreams, .female Com plaints of every kind, especially obstruc tions, relaxations, &c. j Also, Brandreth's Liniment, for sorps, swellings, wounds, &c, at 25 cents a bot tle. Those Pills are for sale in every County in this State, and by the following gentlemen in this vicinity. Geo. FJowird, Agent, Tarboro'. Ii. H. Belcher Sparta. Isaac Scarboroughf Oak Grove. Daniel ftuuntree, Stantonsburg. Peebles, Fcnner, Co. Clarksville. J. L. & R. IV. Human, Palmyra. Wm. IV Jones. Reed's X Roads. D. H Holland, Smithfitld. May 14, 1844. 21 Tin Ware. rrrHE Subscriber has . jud received Iresh supply of TIN WARE, manu factured at Washington, in this State, con sisting of ! Coffee Pot, of different sizes Backets, J Measures, Funnels, Pans, j Skimmers Dippers, Cups, Pails, j Milk strainers, water Ladles, blow Horns, 1 Lanterns, flour and sugar scoops, cake cotters, I C and lesticjis, pepper boxes, graters, &c. which will be sold on reasonable and ac commodating terms. (Q3 Orders for gutters, conductors, and tin ware oi every description, win oe at tended to forthwith. I GEO. HOWARD . Tarboro', April 3. j Cotton (Rins " FOl SALE. fin HE subscriber has, only one on iiand "T of those new pteel plate Cotton GIps, 'made at. Greenville, a 40 saw, -which he will seli at a reduced price to close sales. A good second hand 37 saw Giri, ready for immediate use, wfll be sold, low. . j 4 Ca r miii at i ve! Balsa m V "TTS a certairi, rean1rrefleetual remedy f dysentery cliarrhceWor Iosene.s, cho ler.i mnrhus, SU M MER COM PI. A I N I', co I i c. gr i pit g pa i n's,' so u r s t o m a c h , rs i c k a n n nervous, hearttutrn, waternrash. pain or sickness of the stomach, vomiting. spi:ting up of food after eating, and aso whtre it pase through the body unchan ted, want of appeii'e, ? e,.tles.hes arid ina hrlity 'o sleep, wind in the 'stomach and bo wrls. hvs r-rics. cramp, nervous trcmois and twifchings. sea: sickness, fainting, ne'- anh6lv anl lownessnf spirits. fr'ttngnt crying of infants, and for all BOvVEL A F- KECTIONS & NERVOUS DISEASE This is one of the most efficient, pleasan'i. and safe comDOsitions ever offered to the public, fur the cuie of the various tlef ange) ments of the stomach and kowels, and the only aiticle worthy of the leat eonfi dence for curing CHOLERA IN FAN TUM or SUMMER COM PLA IN T; and in all the above diseases it really acts like a charm . i AIT nersons are reauested to trv it. fr without exception . it is the most valuable family medicine ever vet discovered. Hun dreds," nay, thousands of. certificate have In en re ei ed from physicians, clergymen, and fan.iies of the first rt spectability , bear ing the strongest testimony in its favor, too numerous to publish. (&tx;Ufttnttf$. Dr. D. Jayne, iar Sir, having made use your Carminative Balsam in' my family, and find ing it Jo be admirably adapted to the complaints I lor wiih n it is iiuenufHi, 1 imhh ineiisuit; in iri;-jin r ...t.:..t. :. : - .1 .. j i ...i. . 1 . ; . mending it to the use of my Iriei.ds and the public , generally, believinrj those who are afflicted with any oiinese compiaims wm ana reuei in in use e .i - i ; ; i. Jonathan Going, D. Di President of Granville College Ohio. From th : Rev. Asa Shinn. of the Protestant Metho dist church, f The undersigned having been afflicted during the past winter with a disease in the stomach, sometimes producing great pain in the 'stomach for ; ten or twelve hours without intermission, and hav ing tried various remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bottle of Dr. D. Javne's Carmi native Uai.sam. This he used according to the directions, and found invariably that this medi cine caused the pain to abate in three or four min utes, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every unea-j' sv sensation was entirely quietedi Tho mclicino j was afterwards used whenever indications of the annroach of naiii-were nerceived. and the naiu was iliorolio nrcvoivtot. H o pnnl 5 n norl In !)( ttift n.H- dicine every evening, and sometimes in the morn ing, and in a few weeks health was so far restored, that the sufferer was relieved from a large amount of oppressive paint From experience, therefore, he can confidently recommend Dr. D. Javne's Car minative Balsam, as a salutary medicine for disea ses of the stomach and bowels. A. ohinx Allegheny ciry, July 16lh, 1843. From the Rev, Dr, Bacon. From a long acquaintance with Dr. Jayne's Oar minative Balsam,. 1 believe it to be a very happy combination, and a useful medicine in many com plaints which almost constantly occur in our coun try, such as bowel affections of children, colic, cramps, looseness, dyspeptic disorders of the sto mach, cougfis, and affections of the breast, togeth er with all those diseases atteuded with sourness of the stomach; and believe that physicians will often, find it a useful remedy in their hands, and one that is proper for domestic use, and can be put in to the hands of persons at large with perfect safety. VV Mi Bacon, M. D. - Woodstown, Salem County, N. J. Mayil837 JrfS. M. REDMOND, i gent. Astonishing. A MONO the thousand Medicines adver tised as cerlain certain cures for.pul monary complaints," Wayne's Expectorant Stands alone. Its path to public confi dence has been paved, not with puffs, but CURE; and the vouchers for its efficacy include an array of names which, for char acter and respectability, cannot be surpass ed in this country. Dr. JAYiNE. being himself a physician, does hot prottss to perform physical impossibilities; but he does a?seri, andhe is borne out bv well aur thenticated facts, that in all DISEAE OF THE LUNGS AND CHEST, which aie susceptible of cure without miraculous interference, his EXPEC f GRANT will restore the patient to health. 'No other medicine will remove mucus or"pns from the throat so thoroughly, as this. Ii effec tually loosens the coagulated masses from the membrane which lines the trachea, and at every cough the patient will bring up portions of the disengaged matter. IN ALL COMPLAINTS OF THE PUL MONARY ORGANS, even where nature seems to be making no effort to throw off t he d isease, J A YN E'S EX PECTO RAN T. imparts vigor to the machinery of respirt na;pr:, ni,,W-Paini nf orl"LV. lion, and enables them to disencumber themselves of the obstructions which Jiad i m peded their f tee operation. , I i. has res tored hund red s to per fe ct healt h , a ft er the i r physicians had given.them up as incurable, with CONSUMPTION, Coughs,. Colds, A st h ma, ;; I nfluenza, B ronchilis, i oopi ng Ctnighj Spitting'BloodHn a Word, all dis eases of a PULMONARY nature yield to this preparation, if properly administered Names' and Prices of Dr. . ' D. Jaynes Family Medicines, viz: ' - Jayne's Expectorant, per bottle, Si 00 Hair Tonic . ,.'; 1 00 : Tonic Vermifuge ; . 0 .50 V Carmiriative Balsam, large, 0 1 50' : y Mim-: small, b ; 25 . 1 Sanative Pills, per box; 0 25'; : " American Hair Uye, : . 0 50 . ; For sale in Tarboro bys a ? A f JAS M REDMOND, Aren't. ; ? J civ Firm? HTl HE trndersigners' having this clay cn- tered into a Copartnership,, st uccy JVlount, N. C., under the name of - Fake ihi orcasion r soliciting he pafrortJ age of their fiit-ndarid of the public gen erally, I heir Ir.od will be received irl i few- days, which . shMl be duly; mad? known. MS 1,? til VV KS 77W; JOSffH II WILLI FORD. Rocky Mount, NC , April 1st, 1 845. ' ' ' X-:-4 : . . . M. ESTON, return h'S sincere thanks to his fiienrts and form r patrons tor the jsencous stippot t he received, at their hnds vhile connected wi h the late nms of Weston & Vick, and 'Harrison & Wes ton, and hopes, since he is" determined to please them, that they will continue their undivided suppoi t. JYoticc TO CAPITALISTS. IN the present depressed stte of : tha -'.'farming interests, a favorable opportune ty is now offered for the: provable-investment of Capital. The subscibeis havinC become sole proprietors of the , FACTORY & ' Jit the his EaJU of Tar Zlivcv Are desirous of extending! their busihcf-, and for t his purpose are willing to sell, cn reasonable terms;" a portion of their, inter est : or thev will receive ' subsciibers for fiimiiig a compart'. (fr which they have a favorable chafer) ifso preferred : by those' who wishto; invesO their funds ir manufacturing :inteiest?r I lie Titnes of the locUion lor all kind c Manufactures is so well-known as to rent er a decnpion unnecessary. f Thusrj wishing- for farther informatt" on the subject are relet -red to R H. Bait ? Ksq r Rocky; M oiint. Ldgecomne to. ' W H. Sf B. D BATTLE. March i; 184 5 - 'f 10 A FRESH supply of Peters' Pills j- received and for sale by ' r by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', July 19. Drugs, Medicines Paints, Oils, &yc Stuffs, Cc HT AS just received a large 8l ft se'e tetl as-rtment of all t!"j arlicles ( the best quality) usually kepr "a a Drt Store, which he offers for saleon as fav ble terms as they can be had in this Stat: he has advantages in niakinf his purchr that will enable, him to do sand he t pectfnlly invif s the inspection of the Ph; siflans, Vierchants, and Fan'HcTa'iii the rounding country. He feels as.'red th he can offi r them inducement a" mako purchases of him -and hopes by' punctual attention to orders,' and by supplying arti cles oil very moderate terms to merit a lib- eial share of custom. His assoitment will l . i . ' . .. i .t.. :-i i r. oe a large one, aim rrpicuisneu nuui nus to time as occasion may demand..' In it may be found 1 " - ' 50 oz. Adierican quinine. 20 oz. pine French, 1 (ator oil in botth s and. by the gallon, , .. Calomel (best English, Blue M ass, : ' Eps m salts Swaim's Panacea, Dr. Wistar's balsam of wiJd cherry . . Rectified woid Naphtha, ; - Dr. Smyth's ce'ebrated nooping Cdu-h Syrup, Mustard, - ' . . . ; ' t Nitric, sulphuric and muriatic acidf, Prussic acid, Chlorides of lime and soda Spices of every Jctn&i A nice assortnent of perfumes r . ,'t Sj-ringes of eveiy size and variety; -Dental instiument, Evan's lancets - : Trusses of all mz. Tooth hair & flesh: brushes. Hair" rloves. arire "aSfirtiunl nf Puinl tiriicfi'-- , Sand paper, Glue, Paints of every kind, Linseed, lamp & tanner's oils, Spnits Turpentine, ,r Dye sttiffs of every kind, Pearl starch, Seine ork in sheets, Vials, vial and bottle cork, :i Black, blue and. indelible ink, ; ,i .; Copal, coach and Japan Varnish, - Real French Oil liOclicf ; For eiving a beautiful polish to boot. shoes and harness, Blacking, . , ' Sponge,. Window glass and putty. , V (OThe'yerj( best Virginia moking U chewing Tobacco and "a. large supply $f Principe CigarsiH he kepL x His SODA FOUNTAIN now in full operation, f " - giving t lie 9a rtfe tyilevtion to pVo fessionql duties, lis, heretofore J arporo:, Augv 20, If - , r n - Tli. lima V- Tarboro. March 7. t Tafborough,"Mav 1st, 1845.' 'la '