I w 5. JFA 1. published waekiym sWiw yn 4 aiuiiy cuicineG u cento atne exmra?oiv .fXrTmJLvT JTj- 7" W J Subscribers are ij 'lihcv.JWtfW l Jf "U wdicio are recommtmdedf .f ' - - Jt ... . If a a . Adverusemts not exceed stjre will b.Jlgepeifconif & th?!3wted StateWf2i- merits aMhM raie pef :CoJadys aid; i L VjAny PiWf I VeTtiSementS mbbfe'mta th iiainSeron n--i CK? ha ifi verijiirfchaecMD lere VTifeif tiS'WtP ' lions reqaired, or tFey' WrtTKe ftfcotinaed until ioo xienonihaliorti. ut9 wtTf S otherwise dirwctkf, W efcgd-tfeaH9y. , f 'lfefc af cxirWrrtMnared M' I WA fJFjRnnVNLf VaCQ.. preserve MtViKffiiAfi& I If! V w w w - , - I AKH. now nwvfmMi v MuR JUHJ XOI 44.0- J-L' 14-1 VVI w UtMrirthskp-Tb wh ser. 160 hhdsJ(3rowy?mo,4,t fine 75 package teMd iiffyvSu5if cl do r. ...t 750 bag iio LuiraCMil . cofEecu 1000 casks ui rvai aiiid hraJ s 40 hlid an4 lir:4 iyioiases,, part Su perior, , ' 60 tons SwedLyEoglish mad mejcari 350. p.-' coilo4S$! o feiw0!1 ant qualities, V 300 coil bale .rope ,bf na Pjx anxj u e, 1500 lhs sevviog CPP.10 ad -.peine r 2000 4 hail, ,'hanlhpe 'threat, I5()0,.sii.ie oJt apd.hf mloi;iIe. njhc r. 150 dozen, uppeAiither faWVkip and .s,beep sitij t , . . rc T.' 1000 reanajLiacLt.vjUVie'li iper, shoulderf, . German, Misi'd, c$t ftadajiear steej, Hoop, bandaail mdvjti44h9rsfe-10e,oP Patent bow ahoe jn kes, $prin.stej, , Cart and waggon bqeatrsLce chains Gunpowdir megs, qrkeef Sanisters, Cotton ftfsiSbeS iV.,Caroltna,maiiuffiK:,e, Bed cords f piojtnjtof la rope, Harness :V$lX(ai0er.-' . Saddles Bridles and 'hbrse, cqllatff- Cottonard5vV mnn L!nd. , y Teas, impiaJand '4, Yr lspji an. llnlr Indigo, fJlji'peraa, antaJigeiro Sails, boraxr'brijnjonea . Hfst winter sperm and'taiei?,J,pilf P e pper sp i cc, gi ngc r. a pd "i uni ega, Candies, besi sperm andIlalloiy . Soap, browR pr pale,, washing, ad sba-J ving, &c. &c. f 5. given aiichett la tfieiv eaire. AugiVBB SPRl9 AJD SUMMER fLITAS: just recejyed hej : rJtfl'swnpfy "--of loadst jy h ich s trstraf etyni prises a generatasipjaJeutihfr use iut and ornameniai nicies., Lare- i- - All of which. wl.U .besjsoldojiTher nsua liberal and-acemtmodaftrigfesrJ larblyoV-lS45v - r co m mutation:' In r? joonrvg mmwk rvnuafen. And foKifrecfg'd.SntiW the rates of J 0sepq,Onte gallon AidAiUHJUlimPU Speci mens of, w Nej tc par!ae,JV,ieao3atyoiii2Aaw giilon, and ttomi9iJMf according Jmf&:& &rWaU h i njher tVv -wine Entcrriwnnt'sori oi ioo best kimrsCojqpfapes in-oar country j ' not the wootaayto eehami-MFiteni V ineyaii)riaboue eres)-rytl loaded-lfrfyjsjroris: Fine 6anrfj3BC&i (n ' le qlfBll$n 7tul l) jqAH e mie of waa net nam aboutUhrerrth.": tteawWBWWwwp'K'.1 fUdatf&ribt 1 receiver! hh. edOction at one of tte4 I-ia W..,I ... . - - . 1 ve and diversified naartlMMWctl ! -X.oW. VafugB. 0 50 2 and 50 ' Americait MtrJiyc,, 00 . AU the above cneatiofied MfrdicnCre for and, 5ale 4 PjPBtielor4r ,.J?o. 1 30 , Spftjjf i iiii u direct, rHHunuwiuj a. vr ijur, ua tw . -3 . . . .-V t ' "J . rv? . hfsit;i ion in reeomennngtnem o "tSm p-pt QrprwieebtUeyaniK-b. louha dtseases lor which they are sef eraily-ffec- JayneeHHs."' i' These rlls-arfrpautt itrialaOnfa- rt frbm-38 to 3fx Prt liiatffd heiftg Hhus eKehedfriMir4heiTf7te fate or undergo a ny, clfa n ge, arfd afe- AA'Ri. RA.NTJWiwrtt&etl-afrcordiagtiK the direct . . m i3 a 1 r iHk .no a. ia.- a -r no. itn a. is- n j 1 . r. 1 1 . air- rvi v it Uurmg Twelve yasra exrnsir ratrrtc -fifwiicxif ""yAejiCTQi aes nr me . w.,,. ...s, Hr73" f37J?uvo li ic: in a iwmsrsny4ciTsmci oiwry, w?J?SfW?yWi? r ever ana n very VJ&Kr tlWfiV Wtiefly to return-rrmrtey mall caseffeVe SMf failed to efftct'a c?re, and ' 8JetL? waa urtiersarsaHifaction'lhe rtFNgae of lhtr vlue that Ihey were never cailfeij frgtratd rfrnidfoKasfitg!6;l&Kle. S'-,Zl TbeV4 FiHs tnif fef be TispH in 'all Vase where a ionic or si lengthen ijig mav? 'be'VelmH e ? Pra edOhl' by. Vfr. I 1). JAiMij no. 8 swim mru oireeu Philadelphia. " ' Hl.Tarbor', July mfc. Ti R Ys intoalife atrft Ointment, J fr.i- th fnrp nf while swellines. serot- rheumatic pains, letters, erupiions, chU bl; ex cptlar,- wiKxIenlineo ;imd emftm from sDota oertih6yiafe;iWrWif viirnish, and oils ot every a e scrips tori vfiihoui- rwj'iry itfcthe finest rooJ. - itlso Pfssises:ver;y healifig antf nttStfi n tliri.d : is e3 nh rfeW safety for bai hing!i ro eternal JeOmIafwfif upon map 'pr basi, .'." i ''yC6itiiiith4Wds?S' the cure of jel- Idw water, opus worms ww-i W1 i V .&2JZ& uToirs-anrt omernunrors, nicers, sore ies, Old. anf freslvlvoVmlds''spr,aihs and brinies. burns, scald-head,, women's sore breast. Vrv .fnirert rrto - t a distance ciO Mat Irtri tieeL-ivai Vf rr- i t - i i bt T j uf a4r!r "n nai rvuxLtccs auavcu uiiir mm iih anuuuwiRurvu a TTftrhnrn' Feb 215 fill WDeTWpiOT tneO WWKl y it aJ ttV iiriss , Hirriie5Ltmo (PThere ijCiiJJen m hta city it .rt5-jiKV4 rti Vii"( A,-:, h-T tlMi--w 4-rfi httiuiW lad hodie or almostapT heMubstance tSAi yvi vv 'i 1waxzamwBa. At whsteyei' tofcju , . r 'ithe? w&w 4fer Sfer, t V "maotamflrf ; - " , v Thalietrirf0thm. ii nopexnant oeioreyoa,'- 4 -v rf?t-- Syr-- . -a4J$-w v . a-jwr - -ji. . n, tInttacated ifindu.atiJl-mflkaf ra.a deed,of gift pf w.akne 4attea injerinarried pith J&fffeltdam 1 b thu nettptvu UjIcs$mthoiaaoe4 liittierjeuu itwiittiaii. frtedv ibo mother ed' to be as lathe yalidUyjpf. thse know whathe wasabotitwv.iuwaa in-nroof a ivtiu ft am Ait eltorar chw rurahief fell 4iraat2iefiadai tHaaUtiA atticrlrljtw witls ttaitfh?ae cgc?ss wvoamflw the r Jt waa aorniuea oy me piarouu a 4xran- iadetby,'frrrTOo'Cirripbtexrt to-mftttH; 1 : j -t J f. M M. tu &itetMhn T.oo?l-and ! lii.tMpRa foifth iTefendat: p4ithx4rltm auecter of nerscrhs. iajCnrezdriiLaKYtjriii or eaii on it a shipweick? and, aa oaual, w HWJommmhAis)? Htakcn, or wheUiejrJlfiJ to th HHH StaOilte, aii3ittea3"thm Hainter forming, exercising, 'we laraiyuiow ts&et tH rnArn rwitMi,ferTm W rirsniiiivsaie-ui ttnesst?e ftcrvr aatcj' '.v j 'io Ki K Kiif rwMnkte Ytr&Mt AHiHi 14iivwK 1 "T" 1 1 "r t , C, - ataiidtoawattiie w,man m& awsraifir.tob aiyeuaaii-wjimocuiauon cnyoau gutr, wtrwu iuWjiim i iii,icMujg htaiUliWatifeffti " eaaW?.t ae4ecatta 4&rgtr4fetf amVtf hi nv 3neCaS3ESemttirTVnsf Kor irttaniMahfr l a furiM HI wWh the OiitetlIeTnmnti4mtsat ?,35iflTOSiWJ AJnkeif (hem is ah dher iufie. to f w hJchv- the SHKUlUWtHiailtWtr leuv bV", Jl a" iMwtiiiijeur, nnoso I ; 4 -1 M v r- oiaica. axe, suu na 1 - . hi. r. Triitfif.. iifTTriTJiTriitTrfiiiTninntTPiif i :, . ' herSM.ughtnu !o tbe:engineex9 Soaadai3a'aithl o l.i- trmlnd,M arai;.nd military ufijeers L who- hfcjadsfetwa fMtyBl l&SMt TesisrHearf rafa com - '.t. ' Please SiogJ; ; , v . I Tennessee is boorrded to wit: KetHoek oo tKoNilrth: North Carolina t thejat $ - And South' is Georgia Stated ! i of a statu ar nature The boSy, after some is4niihrsel ' Inla liquid - that t WjrTArmfpf rA ttmrt ataitC wilt rrf s.ii bsne &f rnlry toahoae who maw wuih to,r fawe lo! unioa parked 3rlends. u of the moat infWoOfTahd ediairaS. erJoir WkeT? I ZrGhn 5 LoncWrt Timer. rvHJiajsWJiip wctTiy ; u.vicc&. VVtfoI- bo3rarr m bv 5fi& fcb-aitt2iifiilei: ari aoiqu4t iaaopplicil ithhaUs-byr: twd? chmheaTMeniia4e ito coutaio cny liarf CnmklUULf 19 juuroauscouiu oa ois- cl thoiiattfcdf nhre W four bjjttfKP si to Wtp6nSMjova haaBthirtli U45hi4 ink wheh 4Hftarse rlUi vbotmdAiim JPg.bH4gU rheiiorAft ehamber-1 cfea? l maintained. 1 be bunctsrpi ?ed to mere plates of mtal and IrequenW . if .u- wlBbivaiTDareDtiv kiUir sod as cootjououa ra Wfce - pwa!il -.he irUlMbe; resuIUriT? ar&.fauf;o have oeen satisiaciory ; ancuino y line inventor. tfiw mc iiieuesL ieiioonizia lipn. 1he epn -for , keeping, the- machine ,v in a continual d? charge for eighteen houra- resting .,a few minun vety, fnnr; ftoyraj vl has been estimated at 10 - dunngj whirhi; f lime moiti bultela .wouid be-tUtscharged'u than from the fii is of two regiments of mua-?f d ueas. '-' - -- v j ti arx I set triat iriris-iicc-i'Was rooanmi3eieadatxr Doth aUo bormd heTSouth, 17 ar-- T-a - "i. L 'ii -iml