1 . . .!".. wr t . . Ft ' j '3' T. ;r rnivi ) .vltme, uitVaq few is Ml k . . . L -.soil. ,fi dit&4ni&nH. ;?lL. jdJ. baa - " -1 - - . t SiSSil & sit': at tuQlzi. coj t t i' Whole JVo-l 037; - 1.1111 II .1 , f 1 r B (JBOtos:HowAtu. Jr. I Is published-wAeklyiri TM DUar per year f paid in advance orJJW Dollars and Fifty ents at the expiration pfs thei subscippon year 3 ubscribers are' at liBerty 16 dis ara at Uberty to aisconunne av airy timem;i'itinir', nAtiriPhtherft&f ftfiditavinff arffTM. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be IriierteJ &XOne Dollar thelirst insrtfony asia! m benlftfoT every continuance. . Longer MTefUsj sxents at that ae peisqware;. , QoutjQjrcJerSj arid retisements mast be marked tqe nurnberof lnsef Uoiifl required, or they wilt1 be:,coiVttnVdunm thnriairetH, and-6harged ccorajti&ly . Letters d dressed tcf the Kditor must be po$t ?aiai0r"tfey Way-nkttertded?to. I m ;l M Petersburg? fflr., Which Is very vefterat " nd ext n1 t o I. ,160 hh Js brovn .Sii irs. common to fun I ij75 pckasIoaf :mhJ lutp Sugary 50 barrels clarihecl, crusn'U & jHiwie? - fJ$Qibz KiQ, ; Laftuira,: Cuba and Jau 100O casksi tut naitu sand brads. . v 4Q hhdr and Uerce4vVVoUssVs part; Sui -i-60 ions S wed., Eaglish &,Amer? iro ft 35Q pi Motion i bagging, varicjust.swts- arj -SOO tuili bale rop.e, hemp, flx and juife ; 1 5001 ba e:wi n g, w r a p p 1 n t & p ei n , t w i a i , 2O00f bail andUiaukr frhoe thread,, a . l500fiUeaoak?and Jimrktsolei-lfathek- -t 15a-dozen, fupper. lnahtr, calf, kip art "v, Sheep sklllS, t rr, yK vJ r 2000 isacVs Jl RbVU fi np a n d sroti rd saJ t, 1000 ireams.wrap'g. writ g & It tter.pnpe 20,Q00 Jbs western liacon, sides an shoulders, German, blisl'd, castandfshear steel, Hoop, band, nail rod . and horse shoe iron, Patent horse shoes in kegs, spring steel, Cart and Waggon boxes, trace chains, tlti npo wd er i n Ve gs q r. k egs; & ca ni st er s tr'if inia nfaniifarture. Bed cord? and .plough I nes, Manilla rop I Harness and skirting leather, . f 1 Saddles, bridles and horse collars, . i Cotton cards, Whittemore's best, and com- Tjcibijdlrierial & ganp'd,Y. Hyson & blacks icuiiajnu uer, tKU p pc i a."s u 1 1 j npc ul, , Saltsi 'borax, brimstone and aUim rr r I Pepper,Jjice,i ginger andnutmegs, Candles, best sperm and tallow,, i Soap,s'brbwof and pale, washing and sh ving, &ci &c. - j . trii to ihe ante, of produce coi Bigned lo tkeiv cnre. i August 12V1845. ' PETERSBURG, VAM m - - A l WlLlheVetpfdVe,gvve jTiKu'ar al I tention to the.sale of.alF produce sent 1 them. , , f They ofler 'for sale,' Cotton bagging I iope. ana oivner'ariicie in ineir . line, u n f reasonable terms. , Petersburg, September 25, 1815 SCOj'T, Commission JXcrchaut and, ; tfi 44 Of. I lit, i. -i.Hi.t -; IN THE TOWN OP PETERSBURG, VIKGINIA, next to West Hill Ware House. 'J'Jiey giyeprompt anil personal at te,ntio'n to the seljing .qfa'Cpnon, .Toaccond all kinds ,p( Cou n t r y f rod ocq , a nd, aJj w ay s j rt tenJ iaimpg the $est marked prices ( aqU have 4the:. jiianey vrealyV wheii Salis 'are made, j , iitfcy. fipow in Store thP lowing: f ; , - "lQVa-HUxW ,f. W..V r - 75 Bags Rio, Java and Laguira Coffee, SOIiblsaeMerry Po!aoMtvi; 50 " NevvVnrV-ft-rtlfles. OBoxes Cneese," i' " ni 3-0-egs Goshritfer;"- 20 Chests varinna 'loac it t i t. J rO0 Bbls.1 Fmjly- and SupeVfirle Flou r, 2Cr :BpkesAdamaiUin6 lamfles, 43 : 'WemerW co sea G6ttdhi Gins iH-j; va'o ; vs?a HOWARD PRO VI iLjj v;vfUfreoyeuio ine large i anfi CQni? UAL modious . tore, nearly opposhe . ijo Friend's-? Hotel fland the Post Office, add a if ri . . i i i i J. Peliper-G?ijer;(arch: Soaps nVrafj! pirig Paptr,vT;w i riey &6. dr?-, m i ? ttlEsubwbfeVS Titboro', Nov'r 7. mT-(l liiid el iu; bun .vrdi Y (in, oodfqi J s-ZMy4 1GJ5U -iMi-yi i W VlW&jtis fn i IW mr-h Wod:i in JOVjjuiT' K " r : j 60 hhds P. Hico, N. O., StsiCrpixiarid refined Sugars, - 200 bags Lag9jra;ij4and Java coffee, ; 5 200 psi - co 1 1 bii nggiHg;?p1art itip.quai. -?&60 ?coilslBiilef ropei o nisnaiiiu 10000 lbs: Virginia cured .bacon, ;,;,:t:;. q-. 1 0000: i .VV extern sides an.d shoulders, ,f 2(); side?gq9d! and amaged,Jj6ole Leal her, t , r , , . 1 50 doz. Nnsset upper do., 500 I bs. .Sh pe' th read, ? 1 ' '; 1 f 150 -bis. j No.1 Isand N' CaV herrings, ' 1 Od boxes Sperrn and Tallow candles', ? ?m apprbve'd Bruiuls, ; :30, boxesi &; bis. . jC.c)af rruhed, sugar, .S, bis. jSuperiurPiulyerised ( r jio,. 100 bae Drop and 'Murk shot, , 100 k'gs D, P, powder, , 0 j 30 tons' Swedes anl Knglish Iron, ' ; 5 .1 b m,d arid hoop f do. 3 4Ljhliserefh Oerman & Cast steel, 250 kcg$ cut and box nails, '. 10 doz; Wells . Co.. approved axes, ,50t caksf London porter is & p'ts, '10 hHdl Baltimore whiskey, 'lJ : 50 bis. r do. ' 1 do. ! - 50 superior. Norlhcrn A Brand y i 15: N.. E Rumi 10 .fScuppernong Wiue, . 10 qr. casks Teneiiff and S. M. dp. I pipe superior old Madeira, , 5 qr ' casks Port wine, : 5 half pipes superior Cognac & Cham piign brandy warranted genuinel 30 bis. old Mohougahela whiskey,' . . ,2 puncheons be?t Jamiica Rum,; 3 pipes H. (iin, 100 nests Iron and Wood bound tubs, 20 bag? pepper, spice and ginger, 5 "half cnests superior ti. P., Imperial nd Y. HJTea, 50 dbz Bed cords besl Hemp, : 100; " Cotton Lines, s 100 reams W, rapping; paper,, 50 V .Writing & Lellerjlo. 20 boxes, W hittimore's genuine Cotten . and, Wool cards, 100' bis. new City-ground, family flour, ; 100 S. F. ditto ditto & country, 25 superior Cider Vinegar, : I' - 100 bushels best Clover seed selected, Together . with other articles, usually kept in the tJrocerV line; all of which we oflVr for sale, upon 'such terms as we think a fair examination cannot fall to approve. We are agents for the sale of .labez Parker's Threshing Jfiathines FAN MILLS. STRAW CUTTERS & VVhich are sold at the flamed prices as by the Manufacturer. ; We also solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore received in the 'way of Consignments of Produce? saV Cotton, ,1 obicco Wheat, Bacon, &c. ; and pledge ourselves tof be unwavering in our terms of Commissions, as we place all; on an equal footing. Say Jijly cents per Hale for do ton, and 'all other kinds ol Produce 2 per cent.1' A Isdi the-receiving and forwarding of Merchandise. Just Received h &y the Subscriber, LARUE ASSORTMENT; Swedes, r,, .Amefi?fnat(t ingi.Mi iron, u (merman cast Steel, cut &. wrought Nails. n : , ..' ,& j - Castings, consisting of ovens, pots, spiders, A mer icatr.a nd Hngiish I ron. skillets, tea kettles,, andirons, cart and wagon uoxe, piougns, . points neei., , Spi'de-V long handled sfibvels hoes, trace and haltef chipsvulky 'spring ; f Turks? Islaridisalt, blown & ground salU i White lead i Ji nsed and train oil, :, n ij.x; fpaDd window glass putiy A LSO, a very large & general assqrliqeni o'" vlGROCEUIES, China, Glass, Crockery and JS 'one ware, For sale on acrommodatinK lernns. JJls:iVBD0BLL. Tarboro', Nov.12, 1845V 1 It- nTlHE undersigned Ayoufdrno?', respect--7 -fully inforrrfnfs lUlomers and the p u b I i e i n ?ge i f era f. triat Beverly FP 1 lr tifer o isVh is o n lyv a u t h o ri zed t ra ve 1 1 i g a jeh f at the. presen? M me to ,'selli .Vj A N U F A C i iJfii R k p .rQBAjQCai in, hbmmfrrMm i)( his Manufacture: and. Jhat his former, and Thomas :H.(:';ami)belf,. arHipt so now TheremretnelsaBryeied) positively- forewhrqs ajlfbt hers rwhate v1&i fejl Ceptlsaidsaent'Ho.werton) not- ha v ing his (the s i d u ri d er $ I gn ed.ls).' . ert ifica tbftt)f; .gency m ppessionm fpiu o man ufacturcd tobacco in his name, under the peh3Hcr on m6i5mh!NeniBer, 1M5. I itrtf I r'Wivrt A -.n-a'AvaT rr . , . . ine.oneinai resolutions.. ana uie canoor w m w9 me m Hesd'thariwhen1 hr aVe'nottce of on him the duty of expl little mbre at large, and he praye'd the ddlgenceof theSenatevvhilsPlie pledged hitnself that no species of prbVpcatibn shbuld drag him into a discussionbf tne 'Oregon question" at this time, nor into arj?-declaration of his bn'opljnlibns' lij$on the questions existing between our-'Gov-eriimentand that of GresitBntatrii When those'questiotisr fcameuji f in pVopeiTi time anu oruer ociure mc ocnaitr, lie siiuuiu ue ready to meet them, he hoped,! in aspirit ordeVotidh'tb'Tiirf'O to act'upon1 thmf acfiordTnyJIrf jthe1 fear bf Gdd.'i:tH6 protested "aMLinst' 'thef Senate pushing itself in advance of the Executive, ami tb theexctmon of the President, thus snatching from him his rightful power of conaucung our negotiations wun ioreign Governments. : He protestedfa gainst this the more strbngly when 'it? was -obvious to every body -and he appqaled to the con currence of Senators for its truth) that! the end and aim of ' it all was to transfer bur foreign negotiations to the court-yards and hustings, which va's a still worse tribunal for such topicsthan arsenate; 1 -He profes sed to be a Democrat, and he believed' he was a representative " Democrat. The Democracy of his'f State he felt- certain, and he supposed the people1 every where, knew 'and always understood that' for eve ry good-cause theyi had lodged the power of carrying on their business with foreign countries in the- hands1 oftheir: RB presen- tatives, viz. the President i - with' the Senate as xhis ittdvisersi He thought North Carolina was welhsatisfied' wi th thaf arrangement of " the Constitution. ' The people had no- desire- to i thrust them- selves - into" fthe -President's ! place, I nor to see us snatch from him his responsibility and his trusts 'for 'any such ptifposes. o good couldome of-it to the country; none whatever;5 but, on the; contrary,' rnuchTevi at home and abroad, in the Senate and out of it -. ! . "Mr. H; said he had'other objections to this form of proceeding. He had stated, when (irt qpvnhat fhe: didbt1jkg the resolutions, because they, would... be-, a cen sure upon the .President; , nqrthe amend7 m en ts although .thev.jlauded thePresident The appropriIgnlfedfaqd constitu- tional duties of the,enate were to; legislate ' 4 ;i;,!iv ' i ' i. by practical mandatory, laws as apart.of r H, . J .; ; . i..;.J.T?: Congress, or, in Executive session, to ad- vise wnen asiied to do, it, ana even wnen advice?vyasf not asked in peculiar cases,Jbut pot' iarely I to decjare, opinions which might reflect honor or censure, upon the President & act tate the people of the nation. Both the Senators had -taken exception to ine manner in wnicn ne naa oeen ooiigea to characterize their resolutions. . The Senator from Indiana denied that his res- oiuiiQnswere a censure oi tne jrresiaent. Now, Mr. H. thought the proposition was as plain as the way to the 'President; mansion, He had nothing to do withs the Senators intentions, .but with Ihis, resolu? Uonsand.tLsy did contain censure. .,The senate was caned them, in, substance any oner to compromise, otc, would be an PYeciuxeto (io mat wnicn.was contrary to the Constitution and dishonorable to the nation-. Tpe President had .informed, us in his message that he had .done that .very things , He. had offered-. to comproroise, olc 1 ne simplest ruies 01 logic jusiinea aconcUtsion from such premises that' the President had done an act in violation of oiih hbTrfr,na1f his intehlibh to ihpvebay lthe 'W otDsovUdqu-il, mattlerupon'jali holci tlSCS1 feifsie'ddrri'tne' fieU kstfieyiwere ftoi niinaiti, nor; hisotlVe'wast prevent premature aiscussipns upon our tne'r other Senaiofs.JjioVever.' 6a3 lmDOsed ub-1 1 iM$?hiifi66os'ufi VUnew'kkfrain6 aihihg his views ail riot' be m , , . i- a . rH w 1 . - . I ........ unon to. d ecu a re bv , if not in words, that 1 aV kbt whtcTr ayapmsth manner of bringing.eOrijri nUJtffoltf IiMe'fesflmfomeo s5ri asserted that there was no censure in'thtx. OI take cre1 BiPvoBo?fi 1 tXI- resident "snouia oe careiui; nownei iytafeen:&,,t'heviamiuS"asVob pTaiU M&rfL&UMYU&Wbttfe fiU'bbvT- ois to1 scapeH fdefecfton.f ! 1 1 (kWPikj$'WhY "tUcenure of fthecWesldcil?b "Wall cdaieliv ;WhfchuabSeriaor rbT IheP'U;1 Could ''moredirectiy ntt!unulTocally 'cerPsUre'Pr descend 'tooWow' terms Cof the pUrriose from' the Vocabulary of ofackfetard tiik the Senator otFIndiansuole or any omer ocnaiur, uau me uapatn.j' w irarne a censure in any. luni'iiaitc suucu iu rSena&Vuse nVore damnlmr Ihatf'thirfei tHano nlultihg? reire bwTiif tfie PesTdgiit fkaooneT Therevws 'Mb1kh solution? Mr. lH. fdotibted it very muchJsiigefe All this mightiebpr oPpV(t34lf7.h-rV What! ''dishonorable;' a "surrender ofjtHen? !lf the iPresideat-had alreajly ta&c trte nation's honor" by the Chief rMagis 4 traVe; a Violatibri ,britneon'5tn:urtn,,; 'Oreoi;'iiorieif,h?;had -atady,com he had swortftdsttppoHr mittedshhrrself andlthehatiCJi tAtJvtt:pc:.i-, The mendmeiia bfieied1 bythe Sfefttiorj,.iitHfew hatolnibredidnatori ir from SbUtK Carolina ilar objections. ! The1 6rildifrereftWS,n asserted everyia? -Did tootA rt 1 iieqatr the original resolutions fcen?r hafiW!apprt iTbr? amendments lauded tfirPrtsfdenf- 1 for having dorie" The Senator frorii -South ; Carolina had,f i wttfi !sohe:7 fetfi, 9tfetiiecl' that he ted"S ( Mr. Hav wobdV waibti tb bei?considerrl by that Senator as intending to be disres riectlui ibrumsbnallbec fiS&d riot at once more precisely defirfe'hTs" pdsr tion; f He eftalniy ttir.1' ymrearVv charjge Ma 'Senatdi wlth6fferihfpriife' to the Chief Matrate but mleatft assert thatHhe' amendment vvhicn tie" had pfopbseel were lau ator ; i( i n tfi te 1 fr&n nar as thefbriginat resolutions wererc6Mtfem"b atbry. The Senator would himself 'agree that if a respectful enUnciaiioh1 ipf ''ivnaf was believed to be a farrahd riecessar5 ? f n - f tefpectatioh of a motion ("orf resblStion 'bft. fered lb the Seriate,5 was to be fregardeil las' threaten him fvvith the cot)?equen5e3 should in any' degree personal1- towardsT''iheEfali he recede) neb And thb ip'tkts C-RtCi thor, ?e Would -thereby yem'dsuigvi of .the JnitedtStatesSVvEhitf fvs'a "fjr: ptenr restriction upbii the7 freedbm tioriof Ither1 Senator! -t &jstjb&Q?rrj& bate: XMr. CalhoUnnb(ideclhis bmlrrPr fife must tillAmainfairrtfiy truth1 W!fKe ! thel Presidentlarl owmiwUtkdihuhold! proposition, hattnemenefefe Swere j Piencidentstof the? Imcics Jiad;bcx:n nat "resolu t tons JcsW- lift the brigthaj fr6lJtionsdeciarecl loT b dis- did f bot; ieari toilbarh&hhldBfcrfandjt (c . honorable and "uncbristituUona1JthemeTidi heeclared 1 n. al rsi ncen tyvtrw t. cl th'73 merits declared lb? be jkonbrable aticF c'b'fli hHotiIo! . regardsmichfa vr5t7ascrht3 siitutibnar. fhe Senatbrnim'self Raithef shown that the 'origitialf reablutiorisere cehstire .lbylmplfca(ibrilandr thetL cohWjJI irrrbpur's bleel fi)tfthrlappjbiSr:cn querice was irievif able that' the amendments I of it: that he didhotnbeUeTtlicrp'tr 1 th were, to the sanie extientytf wr htttzmtng' like implictiprf- Neitth 6ne'tt6rthe.)Warf dtber" looked wMiitiiAi dl none wfikteverJ But tbd fcz&zzditir bpi ri ibri8 byn theveri short byahyrntcal 'leislafiinPJf I bf the sort of proceeding, was a wc'io ;'v,TOednginaljr a rriendmeritstbbk'jntotf t1ie fiandfe toeethen a war anion est the P; "dent's prematurely the subject of ouinegotiaiidris before the Execxttiveiiad done with V; before the 2 Senate lialKqiredofh ihff or blBerwiIHfeWi . i b-bne r vv nemer inatj DaHrBfmalurWaflolbra unconstitutional, and he heithaSern tors, for the sake of the country and the Senate, would orf all sfdes put a stop "to it UtAri40'2 AUhmeto his'did n-noticPflirlfn : o" - r . - C7 I with'itjisnfl be'fbbSelha ' adTTsed mot jicTnr. gjJpi.. cjfzce him to terminate HisTiegotiatibns, and turn of .rdlSl' . jjly thia it over to ouPIeSskibftrVhether that thii ":;rJ: '1. ? sticn3 were to be'done by resolution1; OPcensure alij 4 or'of praTsemadMnoM hekl rd would nfunaiath6rizeifatru u I'aiVf exahiinitioh f'lttf,ftcgWatfoiwrHft ;!GreWBrttairifbufabtainet holyday; andnt wsfcuf elypectin- very healneidhietiut7dulJ ty-0t ejr.cC.r;,"" pteiParthePre'.ni J5eif3.'3 jfrlsi; potioo felvasl WiUInbIiebfcc!d ijCrcT vhefiefdtccmeJirrtoiithnha thereybe3wbu! nly inquire tfte&ft, pornejtAe Uttdtetida'l of the i favorand f jdC it , olipts j of other nations. The President feirJ&Vty ibbjeet innhischaie, itunnrnen naaiosea sccspuj a. on groal re'solu tio ns Wobld ? entirely j d i tirin hi nthe& merld mentii ?wbfd -s ?? Ctn 1 j)uxr position pas-welis hisAoiwbel?rav ro des'edjorTiostill irittb&cyesiAf rcci BHtai n they 1 would aippear ta feu: gsxtp-, f.alffeVortb finb at4ftidefi.Hfocnfl,co promise; after thit offer xhstd tjuAtjbezn TAii fu&&iindC.thel fPesidentirinfoped ahi ifirfiorifW; hart;7.forthith I tmAte:n 5 4t,i Awofier rnadelyvith that fjottpfrhtrty feU tatfdns abroad fatal the, fioaj.tsttj tmc nt cf j j n nau.iniMuiuivui,ma.jus.Bvwi r 4 i ptwGu;aiiutwui mu u, ju( t m. H redd utationi frorereident Mcin solved mlghtfbringiourcQuxi cerityinto i question iheXare ths .or,l d?; f I? id he not Jseeiethai dStreib UrlJUini v9uf,Ll; islecl byt 4b uppass that w:j5uTjer. ftln ally alarmed,!and Edispoj3edlotpy yj ih of traiforGrbtmf aobxtbtt t.talke4ites keepff mp ourt Rational jtcoura5?fn th.v &tesi&bniC& M essagei wa s t-ccrtcctly intCrH pftetS By t he TSeatbr,c thaf fedlAh2 h bf i i Ma gura tef done ,; preciselynwhat ihfr pr?p: tor wishedtJ andl yekshiij j frx?rd cflf t tr President, desired the Senate to sayr tc himf by ihisresolutiodal, .tfeit wp:,-'1 ousted hissaBilityJtoatarid'iinm;; thative-queeticnH ed j hrs firmness iu rmau3tatnnthylCotn-:tif tutibt rand! the national ;honorr sqd'thc fofeV the Seriate had) faunjJsitredicnWto ; civilized worldly et fofvhirtiselfl: hid rC.C j political friends; -'a "Senatorial v:i 1 the democratic nartv. dcr, 1 mis vvhichwoTF- - fZtz tha? f de- uin -ivr't pon tlrerrplt; 3tirni, not abate brie iota of his 1! r.znds ponJSenatnrnf all parties far lh"i chzzr co-orjeraticncr5nirb the Prcri- President he-tktjjcc? O settb cur affatfivithforeicn Governments-bsfens therein isrruatily&m.tcwJrcir his hands. ICon - rresa had been. in fessiom lrr r 4h3 a cOi ' 4 .1 - .j ..'