3 - ", . -.4-- r- -1 . 'j ' ; '- . w ' 1 "S i ' I .-. . .-.1 11 .'.. 11 JU- immtrvs' -em -1 . r - - r'. 1 Z?&lz& t paid intadOTce Zfo rf ,Vt af thfr expiration bf thft sunsferiptidn yejr. fubsorjbers mre: it Jjifty Jt. dlsroalinu at Ally, I f , AdTertispraenU not exctedia aiqnam will he InWrtecf at 'One fhllat the iirat ;inserUbnaf 5 enli Vtthat jate ptr feqware.'1 Court Otd&rand Jodicral Adrbnismeit$.25 per cent fr2fotp Ad rertisemants most bet markeLtKe nam he rqf j osej-1 lions required or they will tpe eoulmq.4 un!lll otherwise directed, and. chargeo accord ingty. T k Letteradded) Hu?fwste post ?aidT or they may not be attended to. I lRE now receiving ihrtP&ttf Svf 1 A TTT vTK T Tf tTh TT Tl Vhicri is verv.jteneral; and exlrnsi yer to vnicn mqv.tnviie ine atienMii li f jll hhy s brow j oni noi to fine. j tjir 50 Jjaf rels clai ified, cru?ljd, powder , t7 50, Rio, lngui , , C 0 ba artd lz stOPPiWfei cUWna4l and brads, , ; iiiHhaMcJi'ife!! Vldtaft, pait-SV? I 35Q -psilcqtldn baggtV vacikuua yvts. a ijd 1 300 '-:euils baler ropc hemp, nX and jti'ij. 1 500 lba,ipgvvrappihicine twine, 2000 ball and han k hhot-1 h 1 ead , ,.1 5(XQ . sids Qa k anci bf m locjf fi I e-it athg: tSqjifooJ calf, kip aiid aheep ki.i)ji ,m -.i-& 2000 sacks J . Poo! fine and grund salt, 1 lOOO red ms wrap , writ g & letter p:per, 20,000 ba;-J jwesteriiBaeon; :' aides ; an d OVoid.efS,:v . German, blistVl, cast and shjear aicef,. r Hoopi-bandif tiair rolrand horSehoe-tron, Patent horse'Shoe lnlkeaft sprina steel, Cart and waggon Jbpxes, I race chains, Gunpowder in kecs.Tqr."kee &eanisters 4 Shot & bar Jeau. oLy lriiinia manufacture ; liol ton VarnsI-best N Carolina' maiiu fac 'e I neu corus ana piougn unef, ivianma rope, i parness ana SKinmg ieauieT ; ... 7 Sadd I es b?ide5KaWd; hbrscoTI ar; I Cotton cardS, iWhittemoreV best, and" corn - mon-kind, ' f Teaimreriar inuigo, mauuer, copperas, ano saiipcirei Salts, borax. brims'tone-Snd atittift ' Best winter apeTm and tanner's tif, , Pepiper apjet &!' ti gr and 'irutmega; P Candles, bfessperm and tallow1 1 Soap, brown vahtff palep wishing' and aha $!V.1W ;io( ui e sciiei pro ai cef con argued lo their cure IV. in in rlin fc Iloiiiian, I W I A'jf as heretofore, . gi ve particular at-1 L-lention to Jthe safe .-of all -prpduce sent?-1 J I them. ; - r?;,i : 1 iner oUff lor sale, lotion nagging I reasntelel;: aitlifeofAlly-t; on Petersburg, Septembers 1843 . Commission flertifntSji and in the Tofir; r'finsWitiXf ' THT A Y B, remb vq. Lib the large a n d ow mod ions Storel nearly oppoi ie to 'ii r nenu s ooiej srnci ine? i osi . tmce, anq utAi iu if in v are n(uu. r, . vtembhtatnihl thfe beaf tplfitet 'f)fe!f aiU 150 8acksiSj;fiK-tff-; i0vrtnfip.Qtlifcb ' 50 BMs: MatnSlefrer P.ttoes, Ui 2 'Ohestsarious Teas;n fc.-v 100 Bids, Fimif y -afftr" Muperff ne floury - 4 2b0XJamaihinel aridlesv, sljilJirtgefSia WW NovemeTkSJ" '45 - '" " ' '" " -IM 1 ' I till il I V I hey give prompt and personal attention I to theeili rjg of' Ob f, kinds Kt ibuntrv" Produce'. ' and arl waystnt I ""li iv;W.lcJf ff yyy wire" i rraies' an ImaderTiWyhaVebolvv in Store, the fol lowing; v ' -w j i. r : ping rapen l wine, -Vrsaej 'jnt-tast fM:'M Jatmrson water- t HprVV-Brfn Scre and- are- recfeiving-4he 150 hhrf P. Kieoff O.; St. Croix and 00 bfisslaguiiX-Hiajind Java coffpp, i 1 oil noK 1 . - -'-1 ,5" i"0? Russet upper f do,, . 4 . , 150 bla-jp. ;l,anjcl2, NkjC . jfejx$i 100 boxes perm and Tal!oV candies V- - approved iranrit, 0 box?S;&?bIs. Loaf &:rriiHlCtl sugar, I Sbtfituperior PCdvti isfd :" do. '-. . ibdbajUrVp and - BiKklshot, i 1 00 sMtffiiQtJ. povVclr rj J;.r-. 3 Of 1 o n !' wed3a n d h n gi 1 sh I rp n - 5 " iand and hoop' do. t'GennaV&'Ciat Meei, 25b kef sVnl ancf box nai!s ;o -rtitrifoni Wing, :r ; 55 1 1 0 - ar. iask s Tehei hf anH S M ; 6 ' " Vpe:Superiof'6ldMadeira " ' ;5?-qr;iCasks'Pdhi j4tf' 9", 3 i; hal tip i pei -so fife rio r ( bjg nt C h a wi -npagn"brandyi WritfiiHt rttrthtU kti 1 r30"bl: bid Mpn6igahela-vhikeyi- t tXmces best'Jamiica Rum$ v' f 3 ipes-H.?tnn, - r r f Al Otr Tiestr Iron atid Wb6dTb(D1lhd, tubs, : 2ftbasirJeper sjiiee and :;nge"rV , 5QdozBed cords. best Hernp 1 00 i Cotton-Lines, 100 -reams Wrapping papery 50 " : Wr1tihg& LettVr id; 20 boxes? hittimore?s grf ntitie Cotton . hSpboVt i " lOO bis. neWr-Citygrourrd family flour, ? 100. 1 Si ft ditto ditto coublrjr, - jfc5 isuperior Cider Vinegar: p t 10Q bushels best Clover sfeed -e7ec7tfj Together' wtih-:otheri f articles- usually kept' in lheiflroceryi Hpej all of which we oiTr for sale upon rstfcfi terbrid as wa think a.fatrxa'mina'iion cannot fail toi aprwove. We are agerils lor the salef .labt Pyrker's 7IAM; Mltt; STRAW tUTTERS & AMcfl afesofd at the sameprrCe as by the Manufacturer ; - - i iWlstjsbiieiratybn !inaf pattnnag in the wy of "Cot si foment s1 civ Produce i sav of ton, '1 ofiVcca. Wheati Bacon; ; and pledge o t i f se I r es t o be a j n w sr v r i n g in our term of CoiiWmiS!lons ar we place all on arr eqnal (oux "y ty j ttn4S 'pef :.R tiier fttrCptldnZantX rirlr'orrhef -;k md: bl Produce 3iieicefl Utifth receiving fHwf forward Itjif Merchandise."! v -f rU JiistReieeived "das tin gs, co i isisti n g of. ovens,. po t s, : sp Ul efs It skillets, tea kettles, iandironS'vcart and . wagon boxes, ploughs.imfnts nw Spjtfe, Ibnjg, handled ; shpyqls, bges, trace ami nitcnarns, ;.siMtKyj spring, 'iturkft Inland .saH,,.biownf& ground sal t wnite lean, nnseea ana irain oij, Orocbkies, For sale oh accommodating lerms, s k-'io-. rti;! r.illcr irfrirrJ tila Aimlnmprs anct . 1 Ki kl t fie prefcpH H"f ilkl fi Kfi Pt of his Manufacture: -,and. Ihakhjsfarmer 0OP- VlM1r!1 pities anct fiouttlersi -850'.ndfood',,'and damagetl, Sole ' 0 los:We xqapprjpven axes, ; 50 ca;finlmSfWhs km I, - Id hMflBirtimore whi-fcey, ? ' Mtftm.an. -asti5ie,!c(L& rfrrought iNails X I O and. J fwindowglasspoi ly. ALSO, a very targe & general assortment pf t ' 1 M rf Tl W K W7 tri - tWOiJno!5i ftmpoeu.tamno.npwj frW?,frf0 -- r, cepttheaidiJlKent tHowertpnjl tJimyiM gielo'tf f-l tmir filt-I r.H' iiiactured I obaeco m hijame. under thtl r . Given under his hand 6H' t Wo f 5tl Wf oVetftber. 1 845, f5b its bVern- eWll :; , ...' .. Onder thtsesdlujtioiilhephaifrnan api touhfrfi meniid public sc1rjrc: Thzrr- . 4 3ST - &7 Prtltbe.lb'UTOiiifcirfiflien o.tiom- fore -vCva; -so j-c icJ ij.-. i ? 1 , 'vosTifoCUmXlizr tW. That we havcho : !i -V f r4 tev:r; vi f ;t irst .Diatilctewto . . .. . . , . ' c erf? - r' At, a PeTOoerttaSbte Conventrori Kltl. I nnnirv; IXJn. on mnlmii ITrvl f rt jpofvcFf pi iisnes was ,caueatoj ine onairii !-. Mnl. tlf imS I tMnam IMS'. B-lnlrrvt t V n Irn . cT V vl - lSi I f?vT 7 . .On motion, the names of the Counties wre eallcd wher tlie following gentle- men apnearea aa aeiesaies; , i A8hedreorgeBower;.r,xi .:; : Buncombe Newton. Coleman, . . Burke-VV.. W. AYefy and C. M Ave' : ; BJadenj: K TCenip:;":. ; CasWell John 6.' BarrtU Richard nneV and r'liiah'K-VWiiherr & f O irr: ' Cat a whitf j 6hn : H ; Wheemr, ?k ;bf ii VVard anikBeirtohCraigeff r r;r ? 4 ' r -Cleaveiantl-r-AV. t J. Alexander Si t P 1 ' - f " ' 'if'--1,' J"' ' -r.V.'-i" - 4F 1 lake and; Wjiliam Landet. CblumbuVVVniTam'V I fbhtn ? " 1 Cumberland Rbbfert Strahe, D. J McAliler and Thomas Johnon. Davidson Walter P ticharls and Ju nius L Clemmons. J)uplin Isaac B.T Kelly and N V W - Eigerombe' "Wyatt More.r R RBr,il? jers, LDeberri E. Wclair ii lV-tt. -; t'ranklinWilliarrt ti. joVner, -Jos Bndfirejiand A. M. Lewis. . r, ' G livimibndnv W? VebaKif VVif iiam S. M cClanahanftiei 1?M ullbck, G eo. C Batbtv f J a mes j Trro mas; Al ea nd er Butler-and Thaddeus-McClahanani "?c Ouilfbrd Francis L. Simpsjpn, ; rA lex Whitworth, Robett P, Dick William ( p fWI rat nHaywpod Vv ;HpMen,r:VJinam White, and Benjamin ,B..Smiih, T. vJohpston Lunceford Rjchard.soh, Jas TomlinVon,WAVWaltonV 'William. H. Watson RBfidge ArMifcHenefl "John. II Turner; I. ft?' H TbmRnWri, m. Hobbs, J.fcrI: Ydungblbfid, aand A;r Leach; : ' 'Hk ir,:Vi,.' j.jiH:. Lincolp-John Hotean(l Vy.JLn tecfenhuig--osephy Ha.mb6ri,: V illiam ? J.' Alexander diidVtiMiupin HrotvrT ryrV-'r ' Mob re- William' "G.-'i Harrrhgfdn rfntl Cyrulllarri'igtoff;' mu? b 'i.ti' Nash-Wsilliam Hi-Smilh, Kol Tlaf, A . Bi Ba fpes; i U ia m ,Tj& Dor j ch ani G. Br iggs. New 'jblandyer feinjej L)ickon, Prft - rickrMdhragtiei and John McAuyfan. eNoVirtrfmptoWThoma's: BfagJr o-V lfiu-iWathevv L, Carr abd phn 0. Rives. - - . liolvanJoli W; Ell ? r V Sa'irtpdon Josrah Johnsbn affd ' .P. Henry artfhall aftd Jesse J$aHighiy 3urry Jiv R. M cLean and . JohnL H lCbsoiv 5. x . .. ; iftiibriSttitptt W !fl2m'iji6naf Will iiUJtfexTnWr. - Wake Romulus Saunders, Lwiis D Hebry?Wfliwm IU Dunn, t-Perrinf Bus beef MM il li 6T t Per fy 3 11 i cha ell Aik Prd rr- brouihronesj Georo B. iAl.lep,.ti D Sims Henry B Hayes-AVilliH Pope,oiv Smitn; fiuncan; cRaelWllhlani1; wmtivfT w'rrii' WhtiiteH t;isibn WilderWllliam oidebvHiHory fVVilderO.tLf Bbrch;? Benjamin Br fc'miihy Harwell' n emple. JuJiUfVyjjenVhP-aa1'' chat BrfjBurt. -,W Usdtt. ..W.-AV HHalf erG" ; I fter&vvtth, v A ugustin; Tu i;ner, iJleiiamin ten I homasr J .-1 uii e ms;ieoree l Baskcf ViUe, A fexandeit ftt I fUn motion, ot Ajtl WFeeletyov Uataw ba it was j u..3 i tf? 4 ?:'- " : :nrvf. Ji. 1 trpm ble J. Krkpajrick and James JVIcGowanU Gleelriewui dl Speighf) Arthur D. Speigrifi'Hetiry S: Hamlei ?and Daviff G. 'Arnderson K-5 Brame? JohrrlB4ewileJ John H. Hawkinsv Jo1jVHi Milam; John, L. I-aukhtpnrVwiSlirhi W. W.. -Aj ermrd DrWriftJohn -f FWtWDistri .fefe jio H.Uhiui winct ibw u ttt-ii v aiamh ;Ahr4hamuW h jVe fabler. ..i-hn ;0n jnotion of Mr. McRsebf lWakef t he CkinVbntiotimijOttrnodiWtiliBMC Pli"? hI&yPasiThr&tyci0 i The;Cdhrentiort Va oajfd td 4rJer4)y the, 1 Chairmaii.T Mriyeiiajble, frprAthe j Cum mittee appointed .tQtnduiiief,Qflcr ior iiio-riuonYeoii.ooraDiDparlfi itsgoyemmerttimade HhdlpwipgiJej pdrt, which ,was ubani.roa!yfj4ojiie$)i The ;0d ni mj ttes ; appoi b tS d npm le oflicerstfUrithis CdnVerttHJrt-and tfor xther pM rpbseaj beg la veo J, reppr 'ithat,? ilie)? ! reccJiitinend'ta this 'vLOqistiJ,. MehryEqi as Preatlenijjcjiiliajrti exa n der; i-Frartttir S i rp pson Abraham W;. tVenablej arid t Vy att Moy eEsis, as Vi cerPresiden ts;-; Joseph and William:- iVVH blden, squires, as4Sej creta riesj andPatric k, M cGpwa n as. Doorr keeper. They recommend trfb-adpptit?h ot the rales m the Clause Oijmpn as the rules df this Cnyentippj -s) fadity re applicable i6KU fcbUstjle rt wjfliej further iomihenjhthathe'QmjnaU for iGoVer'ntiri eibh ,County Y jShaUajas man votes; as thev are entitle to; repfer seotattvesan the' riousejoli LpmQtiano that the concurrfince pf tp-jdatift he votes $ba11"he;j)eesiioc9pf thejiQigU nation on any individgal aS the democratic candidate iori dpvehdl.; rAlj dtwh1jl ttg jrespcctfull aub.ni u . I ; hi titd r CbnvbntJdrlF iVI ;tfiebre'bibdiicted 1 tOi tfib Chair tiylstr: eble;fvVheda6 dressed the Conf efTl!dh updn the political topics of the Hayinrihe mbst appropriate iid eloquent maimer. i ": '1 i On Wdtidn b Genr upb'efs4Vakei five be apbinfbd thb; Prsldtfbtf pr pare Resolutions Tor the consideration of i this Consent iotfi?f" : J 1 And'drfderlhisesliiti piemen itfailn Mr,. ndetsrVenablc-, Bow: er, BaskervilleanrtBragL $ 1 1 On7n$pt.fonr;$hpirep until, (bVfboyf ttrtppf ning ten a'clpk. :r . 'ffre jbbrnmentJandrWas 'called to-order byi'the f President:-'v 'kti'v' ,i : jWf.-Sjielltli't, df Creenetfo4brahd nCrmi-J nated for Goverrlbi thbHonreeW. Caldwell, of MecklenbofgCdinty; .whefe ttpon n mblYbSii n el 4o ypt vivafpoce as follows: J md xDdfvcllilJlade 2; t GatawbajaprJgLmicoln, 4Eeaeland, 1 Ctfltfrnbu$,:l; CJumbierfanupBn, i Davidsptji 2; BdpoUetsrnBif, 2; GranvjjJCS; ,uGilf2rf, HW: :Johnad&y and Jlnioji; Moore Jtoh,,!; m.: tr;srt r $v h OiMi ict homaBragg; J? Wtbeotinfif W'mttbrhht-alli : thfldwmgvResb1utibn7v nanoyer, oxuiaiapton, ..urdu WffiZftt mifexbi J 1 Lt Vc3 wv1" Stokes, 3; Surry, 3j- Wake, 3; Warren, 2; 5 a,n 25 Wc1&fv"MnhvbT ' i-i bcrirbhdafi aroniiaM wD h-? -rcrthtelSfy bfOrcnnd the HimmMdei&f wnWanpT'the'p leVbY ve iepbrted tile: Mdvtiftg-XieolCf- pftfcfa commisfe th-maf ter iri dispute, :?Wyikfpe1egteit ib'el)eftiocicdf: pattiqt; and'sHpald the rejcctiob of the over iferth Carolina in Xonention:" Casern bfed, ' ture jiy the. BptUh negotiator be persisted foJ'l&efpurpbsedf rfdmibaUnjj a ficrnocrt- jn by his Qvernmbpt, ,nb alter nitive yill ; .;j;r;-' ;- 4 -1? ' ' I ' I : J ,:.'.-'.' ':."":'' !6obWbutin i . - y r - ' . . trrepai bltrippexTalrra fzmfifty fiii aplacelrlthor niis! cfitl pifotld y and aflecUontttelycher ishcd by c err democrat asamony thbflrtv of-1 he-, rSeSy the Wisest of states'rncnV tUll'ic. ! zA of hifcn; r ? iiJk byHnd people'bf the States in t! 1 e?arGpv6"r;rtntent ar limited by tLj c prssgfnf ?bf the CoftstitUtidnT i acl t!5 not abrlieWNatldnal LciiiturQ fc ficattbn 'foa1 opt-any systeni 'of mcjizu; c 1 1reybSajthwcrnhii8xp ted andTln d erbgitibtfcpyrfhts ;tf h 1 hz J a?eedHo'th .orThthir. diver!;to; cob mollyrgdlJlty theaiUeVthefof itni SesXlptfrfCdfljsathe ordf charteriiJaflka: of ztetlzzt ' 'fioThatkdmittln3 thd iidnrii- tittional potter of Congress ttJ chirtcri a t proves betnitpdsttn Iheanutllity of fsuchnm i on; eUheir fpr thet?fuct" entinTeftfli cf t if PrsidentHhit the scpiibn oft t' . inp;a nscat sianaara cf vvaicsj,pu jbow nb ttb WercHatt dy aafsbembht M thpublB ncr: , Iherulatibitbf th ena3rtl;3''cc trof II hilheb verissieof tho Binks cf tL 2 V -F mbrrey f fhe'Gbvermer frcrfi 1 i:2n!iin Institutions is indispensable for the safety. c f ? ItfeTumTa Jof the veromcnljrnd the rights Wifiapl dhd;tb4lis fend as Conct fdr sale-Vejrfg iti'bliiScnzys.to rrlth&sifdls , ?fa6l&hidhnl tt efeaMb334 tor cn&j; nient of Branch Mints in the Slouthcutli W&ftrM aesutb JotniHHa in?rr Icni an1a3Ufto7joticlte ' Ibtthe'BranchMinl Chgflittq. cfin finiel mbr'e imfjcfrtaltc;t r.. ...r.t, farmer aR6 ctinithibn: vlaSbi canHtiito " thap that bfahy rirtchf tesdea nio&i ctirtifauy Muauii 'me ueiiiutruuy oi views'a expressed -by-M it f cr?fhat nr mbfef niohey ihcil bo collected Che nvants the 'feHni'cajtt' end in u.3 alliisthiebf trenaVitrn a ty xhoald 2 rnipbed & ShrUcIe'r&bbi fr Cbli tlW berilrnd collect -- -j fr d a yb th-lu: C. j Ccrclv tricks and contrivancesthe mimixzzi:. aT&- IVLLLL poin