, i , tiiiajis . o tsf, iti:r.&m ns Sohsnf Mv,flM.'5 n.,ii4. - -r !";';r; :-r.,:.rr,?a,yg ttaW irilimi rwa.i t'n' .. . . i T2i" Tarborongli Press, , (Pv .i iftiticrson; i 1. 1 ikU1 A dce-V TtcO'DoVdn and Ffiy Cents at b expiration of i the ot8eri ptmS i year absepberj .are iSt liberty to diftr.oniinne atfariy I time OP MT mg notice, lreqi ana pay nig ,r rroy I "AlffveruVnents not "eieeedingva nare will hp inSClkcy J tllB Ills iiiijni h-j-h ...... cent rfferyj continuance. bnjteracjveriis. meats atthat fate per sanare. Court Orders and Jdrfmaf'ArfTertisenienta 25 percent, higher.! Ad- t Whtlseniiwris- rndst hrimarlced die h'umhrhf inser- t ton Squired, rUhey dll he coiitmued until otherwise diluted, and charged accntdingty.; mi Lettera 4iaddresse4lo, the t$lttr must be post paiClrtheykayothB;ittendedto. , xJTllU'MJ' M LLJ HQ U. U-i 5 Which is. vcrv general sintl cxirnsive to wfiicn tney nivne tne attention of prHv4 icrs. In ifieir atiWr'tmhrmny be fumdi --T-it?tf 'lilt i-t .-Mif ?:-; ! ;- -- v . J ' , . 16Q hh Ja brown 8urjv common to hue. ' r75 pcJi.ifi; In il ami lump soar!, . .-50 barrels xrlai ifieill" cruhM & novvtler - , $ . . , , - . . i !Cl.!,-ic,a-,'i!;V. v.. ' iV.. . ,7;50 Jbajt fUaVr JL iiiira,. , Cuba anl , Java 10Q(l casks cut iy:illari! brads, rnh.ls'analercw tblas3es, pari SHj 60 tonVSwetlsi Krilish & A mrn Irons, 350lp irotiornf bagging, var ious wts. anil 4 qtulitiesi " "f 300 coils bale rope, hemp, fl x and inter 1 duv ins seeing; -vrappmj5 seme twine, 2000 ball and hank Uov thtead, -l5od aides Oak ; and hemlock sde KalKftJ 150 dozen, upper4 leaih ri caLft, kip and .3herrlunsf A , : , L, t 2000 sicka U'Poiil line, and grnnrid sa;lt, 1000 r earns wrap g, writ jsotlt-tter p pr, 20,000 lbs. Wesiern Hacoii, side aiui shonTders 'I f German, b!!stM cist and sheaf steel; 1 Hoop, band, nail ro7dV aild i'hore hoeHron; Patent hor.e sho"ej in Uegs?pnn steely Cart and wagori boxes,1 trace ehainsY tiiinpowder.in kesV'firZ'tegs & diitliteri 1 rnOl KDir ICail Ul Huua uuiniidi iuir. Cotton Yarns best1 N. Carolina nianulac'e, Hed cords arid plough ji nesj 'Manilla rpe, Harness artd skirUng teatHer, , Saddles,) rid lea and hdfse collari, fj Cotton cat;dat WbltlemnrVs be(, aitd corfi1 . ' mbh kinds; " ' (' TsmpeYiat & gunpdY, 1 ly?on & hlacksj Indigo, rnaddery copperas, and salt pet re",t Saltsborx; brimstone and alurili Best winter sprrn and tann!" oil; ? Pepper, spice, ainger aftd nntmejs', Candles, bestVperrn and tallowtV Soap, brown and pale, washing rfnd sha ving;'&c &c. : ' j iffiVlieif btst hlieniwii if III lie given to lhejsale (tf irioducecoH signed lo'lfinr vartf Aggust 12, 185. "Ml IV. IV2. iUardil A: I;iini&ii9 1 r - r '-FET.i:RSBUR QiA : y " WlUl:a;a::Jrre;: gelparlicular at- tention to the sa Ahem r eolall produce sent to ,5 iTbejr! pffefJqr f sale, Xollon hgtRg, Hope,, and other article?, in their line, 011 reasonable terms. Petersburg,. September 25. 1S45 ; r," J ;..,' - " CROVV & SCOTT, ' Coiltiilisslon .Kcrclutnt8, and ?f THE .TOWJy OF . PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA,' TOT A VEf removed tq. ihellai ge an.lcom-j U"U". madjous Store, nearly pposiie my. Friend Hitel and therPbst Olfice, and .tftxfttloVcsi Hill Ware House. I'hey give prompt and personal attention 0oilheffellin"gif Cotton, 'Pobarco, and , a II .kinds of 4ifOtiifyt.'jpruiloce, and always in tend oHttnvng the b -st market pi ices and l 'PL 1 ' ' . .1 s. . maue. iney nave novv invore, the, 0 jo wing :,.,,,.;. .,. ".S 150 SacksiJII!! I 75 .if VpYJayi and sLagnira toflTce, .10 'Kbits PoVtoilieo Sug'rT f 50 BbU. MatneMWrer,'IVitaes . s$l !' Nei tke;, - ,6a,K'Gte8tK:)' ' ' ius Jr am.iiy an.I Sppei fine If lour; ' ? 24?Wirnantinev ! 20 -Mould s HI! HE subscriber -offers fgTjAtte c&ertj? j tvfoifsconhml i'ottqnjiins.. j. , it PepperrGInel?, "Starch, Sparjs, Wrap-; ping Paper T wine, &e!i' ' ; 'V'1! i PJT A V R in i ore -a i jT are r cei r i n g; thf fdilo ing X ;Solsf itt w it : ' " 61 hh.N P. Hico, O., M. Croix and ! njtafrs,, l i 2d .M.aP IWRrro M fiifa ihfasl. s, ' i! 'irirvmc,, 0tV K IS lOnd icks and G. w;ati;t' iiB 1 0 )()(! l5 Vt rgfiii i c 1 1 re d :hac o n ; r ? - -i- h t lObOi) , ? V ettrn sidestand?shouldeisrir K5J i.!i,s 40od and 'damage I vr l.faih r, t."5 T,' -si t; V 50 doz, Kusset upper ! , do., h r '500 lbs. Shoe tlittjjni: I ,H v - 1 50 bis. No. tand 0, N. C4. herrings, 100 boxes Sperm and Tallow;-candies, . p I ' r V e i rutifs. x. 20 1 boxes & bis Luat; Crs)ed sugar. iS; tils sopt rir J'd.iveriseii t'Mlo 100 ib;igs Hi op and ;l S ft kshotj 100 ikes 1). powiliMt 30tons Swedes andiBuglisbl; t riop- . I V I Wi're tfi?'M t Ca$tM jel, K5f kegs rut .a-d. h" ..nails. 0 A V.pi"Vd axes, 50 . easier 1 Sovul . sp' ri rrS-Vt?t & p'ts, 10!htiiis Blt jwipre whi-key i f :t;'f 5i Ms. lo do. : . 50 ? supet ior Northt rh A . lit and v, ; 15 " N. 'K Hum, : ; -'' " - 10 1 Scupprrnon Wine. ;" f 10 qr. tc;isks! Tenet iff itiul 5 ; M. - do. I p?pe ' tipttiriol- old Madeira, : 5 qr cakS4Port wine, ? ; ( 6 half pipes sUperit't Cogtlar & Chav p.tTgu hiaily,5 wuiTanfett geihithe, 30 h'ls old Monoitgahela whiskey, ' 2 " puncheons -heM1 J.mnica Uim, L .1 pipe II. c;int; '' 1 00" nests Iron and Wood hound tubs," 2 f J 5 hri jre ppcrf p ic es a n ih tsi ncrj fl halhesltperitMM2 Pwlmpei ial and Y. II. J e, InO ,Conoh Lines, ' " 100 reams" iapping pap6r 5rt Wruipg & Lettei- do. iiU boxes Wliii i inuVre's gen uitic Cb't ton . aml'V ool carit. 1 V . 1 00 :hN-Viev jitjr .ruundf fanHUy- fiouri 1 0( S FtlltMf Iit t & ddni i v , 25 MlpetlI'MlrVTjiegar, I Oil huihH lit st C lover e d seebeff, Iletl.pr. vvi'h niher articles tiiialtv kept in the Grot,e?y iirVe: all bf which we ofil Ktar1?ale. tipun tfi:Jh trnulas w$bJtik d fair exam ioa ion rannut fail, Oj approve. Ve are aiteuts loir jhe saje ol .labtz Prkt-rs fiAN MlltS,i STRAW CUTTERS & tiS ...T. ' r-.. ih Alanuriur-r. Is -1 , v,- n i T .-r (V e !iio foiicii, a coiHinnanceai'ine very j. (ihffrl lialtoiiage- hi retofore feceivetl iii j iht! V ol' Consignments of Pi uduecz ?sav Cotton, ' rb cco VVheat diaconr &r and pledge ouiselveito hiv unwavering, in fbur lCi,mroftCto:ioiJiS"fruiisia we? pi ace all on an tut J ust Rccefredi i !- JBjp the Subscriber, N X A ll A M f !; M r:fN iV nS eU es, (eruian & rat epl, eui &. wnHight.aiM.! Cajiiings, &m siMjtui;f jovqiis, po?tssiders.j . k j.i lei s, , 1 ea Kelt it s, n u ry 11 3 Cf 1. 1 f a tin t v.igou, hxe, phnigos, popits' heel",. , f D 'de. long iia'ndJed hovelsi hoe's ' trace , and.lalt r clVilitS.dkvpiiugs, , 1 urks isi.inu sum, ni.iwn oc grMiiiii mi. , VVhiie:lea,l(used aujl iiai.iiiOil, 8 . J .jb.iiod -ii x; j ra;ttwr;giasspui j A list I,' a ,v e 1, .la r ge & ge n era I aortmenl os -i.A GltOCEUIES! "sf' Hardware aiid Cutlery 4 ; Ci;.fJ, VaktcWy arid Stone war el For sale oil'acAmrniitlaiing'Verms. ; V. JHS.JVEDDELL. Tathor6:lNoV.il2. J815 -"r I ul I v i n for iiihiSuiomers and ih ,ptihlir;in,genei-at2lhat iltve rly M V flowery to his o 11 U th o r te I , la e H f g agen t ihe nreent litne. tnS'll MAM 'I4 t 1 W 'l'0lV(rf'O.!1n lfis!nSifie fbihirii of. ti.IaWlatteiind that his .ibrmej ig nts for the sfhJhtitellohnwnilliaiH TnrcTninrH I fherelore ne (tlwHtimler.igne'l) post 'ively forewnus alhf he s u ha ever, (ex -e: ill heitiiitliisiUeid :IiUw-trMiWf iihii iii I ii (tht" s-dd 'iiiil.erignvdls)hejiute' j fcge tiC in iiwesisipni I kiuii) setliiijtxfi Mai ilapiuiecfe f liohiqci jp44iistniwciondt'r 1 th ; in) he I5thvoJ tSvpni!rlJt:1nbT ; t fVfLjLMM f" ii 0AC VJie-Di:I J i ij r iu aiv - - - 1 Th e hi t vW lUtit ped7 1 belfiehlp Fwrnothing bnn weeds,anh briars -y 3 ? ; tt; ' r f 1' h e id I H land, t 1 1 .4 y t e 1? ' w i r . ; -T )en a hjnjy$JVJan upstepping. n,,i:.r, A.jMn.L. Ir;say.J JVInlr ,'J' ' Cne T aloud ( will ao end this, ' Jf7 fa So?,iif A?aimfcai;r - I o,s;H it was to tlo-if4 A vA r- A jar.t hii hhad vowed hi vow; " 7 j j f j JM!letihe'graSped -thee plough. ; ; f The neighbors- flofkd around hirini i irA nd tfazed wilh purblind e?' ' -Or Jifted up jheTr.i mic band h,J-Urveliojjstiiipri;.e, s 7.. f.I..ny there wie who mocked him, A h d a " I e vv th p re' were T vV bo X 1 1 en' h'Vent horndith hearth tipTifteil, 1 :,h ; ' ' i-'Wiser and bettrmeh; ,"' Hut tbe-Man wi ought on. utnd iunted j uNoierint norstay be?krrevfi ?c c f;. 'iMKwhere heL wil(ree4ls Q irished I'he H!ubhorrt glebe hetjjleih 7i: - 3 n f NVih an iiofohde ujijlt5 , ? A nl jlhe blossuhis of ihe sDijng-firne The air wlih-perTUnie Jilf. ne autumn nrotight the truitage -?f TPeTornJlhQrulirand Avtne-i. rl ? And the-Maa hesaid, yet humbly n ; lJo!thee good Ieeds are nitfv . Thougl) Jihave rpad-buj Jiule,0 .... ,; ;f!Tn A nil ha e riKide two i)Iales at gras row" V ht re'bne blade grew heTofe"'"' fHv hrave words and stout labor; , ii is nigh success he taught; Aiid tnough his prae wa bbn elv", f I' was :M ah hood pake aiul r6dhf And w hen his work w;s eodidi : U lie? laicl calmly ilown-toireyt, ";" Full of hope and reyerent jiieknest if (, With the Mipshjneton,hik Jirest; , , And when fl iwers bloomed above him, Anrl lime some tears had won. ifMen hcgaii to know and loVehiui I hrOugh the" good 'ileeds ne' had done. . t Front the Miltom Chronicle Beware cj counterfeit -rFour DoHar Hi lie n A. .Vl,.l- T-ji,L, ArA rf.ThlyseVtioTnof the country jflbbd- ,?. ''-wwin,ciicit ums-uu the Slate an brNdriii GJardlina, pafatife paBfbre at the 'Milton and Charlotte brariches": TiTenrOTs,,bn",ihlSl sopClhil6cm lel I'ttfe wbrtl Qilrlbtte badly executed; i presenting a shademaci4 too dafki afid bunglipgfQrlha U eh ibited by the genuine plate, which we take-tp be a steel engravirtgrThe deviceJort'this5 left nana 01 xne cuunteneii ing bad; it looks co; genuine; ithaa no fiie 'cheek mg ihefcn- uine has, the shield at the female's feet exniuns noining UKe auiace or neaa-inac of the- gertuine'ddes on fclose 'inspecUpn; tlic ojcai in uic icuiaic a 11011U . oppciiia iu reslhe?6titside2dfi ithVaWtioP so with tHe genuine, the spear fdainly' reifs against the inside 6f the arm; the garb bf thft Jfimale.in the snurious hill looks dark anftltfett ofte gejiuinewJiherTajd t i"- ; wr r rrT cleaner. The female device at the toD md badly executed-theyi look dart,' dim and coarsct-jirua; iwora,i inecootjicneu out mayi Desktrowm oy. me; general, coarseness i of the engraving -arid above all they'tratjr period (i) to trfe?N6 .f .d H ere is another, on theSarne Bah'k. n; i lniH 9r ivi 1 1 rfiri j i nenmem enravin? is nreciselv the sarriiShe Foar boflar c6un4 . t iv te'rfeit bills on the M 1 1 ton Branch bear jate in ioH4, (maririai,!ivrierfiasanis Brah: jwaarnQt n w.tence: tintiT 1845j (mark that, too,) and has issued no-? Fours r bills olianidther denpminatiopbearinE ; ate Bftfrli JT irse not so' wifh ithe ''liatchePbosjlve1- bcedured 'oy thiAva- awf Comgerc, n tfes occasion of guafebjptWj niowjdbuhJe that oX. y'irtnii whereas mi , CleavtlqnttTl&indIcr iblO that ofVirginla waSthe rafgfcSU - Jl ' ' u .o5wrir,.ni. i.-What U pause V JthUl urI? j nWlxSh('tht fttoisKSdbhGtrSJ 1Virginia.rnat KTeciaiWW at UiatHhe1 JeWis!! Yprk.as.abundant watenawQrmoret min prnr eommitteesirting-at FranLfcrt; ef braLriches.nduch larger-ter?Jldry, peheaJof which an-McssGcl(!:r houso good. butTthis item js,hyfnof means, r11?" upchwarahtI(Ti 'psician; and 4oi sufficie4itJtoaccqunt,for:ithe Jnipise db-, pvh'cn a'thrr most Eminent JewaofsGdr arityint the increase , popylat rvealthrVhairhk thi5 kwer is obviousnle The Wiht and ciirse slavery us- upon s trginia, wnite iNewviurK 9 1 : ? ulation of Massachusetts ivas in- 1T790 f lar ge iilarrThrtf of NeWYorkr-ln 1840 it wiV onlf3,e69r:agtn8t'2;428;92P 4n.fNeW York. Massachusetts bad 'adPanfcediltf faster-than :.Vi ri hiarscarcelyn doubling n its population in -50 'jyeara; t while! New York had" increased seven fold." rl it was; i VHhe bHghtandccurse of slaveryr?? -in St ir-e ginia whatiVit in MaSsachiisett3fv Wsspk bihehdTthafc the 'real j causcooperatesn the. samrj UMy: ih both hasesStabesp and; .has now?beidn to affect ewtYctrk tiia slmilaB rrtan nertrii:? .em iteration J - New fYorkfj-for! 40ryears vas recerYing, Stalest IIThe; rnlgratbry rpopulatidrtb&New.'EolahdrsetA tied its virgin soil. lUpdo 1830 jyrassacllUH setti i hcreased 221 ,09 1' 6nly ; and Virginia4 increased 463,097. In that yeah the eniiiiis tion; ttathej valley of the JViississippi gan tle Genesee for nrverl ; had dbne Netr En,i gland, and Virginia ceasedqvpceJn numbers. i foom'the'liuUii&nJnitty ."'-''l J ' p f .-! ' ' r (iT J'tVf J I jlV Distance to Oregon.- The ' distance from New-York to thfe jnOuth of Wife c,Cbj umbia River, by the way of -Cape.. Horn. is niieen inousanu seven nunutua miies, Hie distance by land is about three; thou sand seven hundreumiles. A ship, catial throOch the Isthmus of Da ri en, "which ' is oniy 3 mues, woujamaKe tqe qisiauce 03; water about seven inousanu miles. From J he lid telgn ft eg titer. J Eocchiiri Waltr.Ttts rstherhveh- Vibn of a5NwpoJitan- chemf -?Hamed! ?Boti cRreri' and possessestHe?im'rkah16 jpop e'rtjr of puttrngah inf medtafest 6J,ctbvery klrf Whenrorfhage. It1 Kas beAftried recently al Parw?ifr"he'IisWces 6f same' bf the water H eckhbwnlIf 4b lti jTditSf of 'ttSedourjfeV flei tnsl tints;, "wlrb' r desert Bes nese n: x pertirTeh f s and cu iJsayVtha t! ui tf tlte" 0 fffe"fnl slaugHterv houses in Paris,- hrttienrourse of ohej year, t&rr ranf a verage'df twenty trni hutes fea6B, fahdthaf btTler ctyabrdinVry crei Tiave 'oeen'e'neciea oy it, especiaiiin-cnrcKing plittTngf lobd'-lrifits aceounf twij it vm pi e ii n uiuuii j.noiui, v 'thelabors 'oC tKsurgednl 1 - j erty:Seldby Trinity Church tlfNew .'-York citv is es- -.v.w... - -a.. .a j.i.3r ... f 3r ' - I tknated'to be Worth one hundred miIIionf of dollars. ..Heal eSate 880,000000:1 other t r iii , , 3,.; i wissainc ana xjauerTj.--naurer i w fHJt vviui itiaaiiiir liic ng v MYiiaii anil VYaSHlillL lie- m-hJl iiiattisv iici iiuiwiuiivt will! llriire miotalions of Uje reverend defendant I ure mrjll - note la also snOCK- i 0 vases ' OI " severe cuny prnnanicu uy tcai case Pi ajssauiianu umcry was ' ""ft'ii , ciucu -wt ;ifT -..MJ a1 before the'Maydr'or kron 'on Saturday f manalitf aarweacteuionim t .oy cc;c .3 t Jlasi. The TTevr PicfcaSMJs; stcfrof Wtf ciefgy fnan; 'iieFirienus nec?m ci u, ivi tliecorid AdvehrChUiW. i np rpvPTPnn irpnupman : rKnuw cuctv w ofjtoY. MplvnBtd pwimw,u 1 ne 'sepytcc: la Dfe Prlof med ron 4 bu rida; il vcf Frotn tke HtttcigfcStar. l . ' 7 j-' - - s(j7A 'young girl'about twelve yesrs c age1 harmed Strsan Bumpf of rBridnawatcr M ass ,'tvn s accidentally killed on rSundayi Iast; byfier?b'ibthef. t'He4apk Up the un. supposing it was Unloaded, aimed, and dii. chairrt t4ier.She filvedJ but ilv momfents)' bhljfc uttering -r thccsclamsticn '0! you have 'sjibt me." i ; j t . ' ' "v.i'- fr1! tit s.i; . r , J v; 1 ? jr FfAm the Ka tela h Statu! ltd. , ; , -usf-L !df 4V?i ": '-t v:;i .-i Mexico. ThQ Wilmington Journal cf Ff:Mla;lsstwyf:Vv;rJeara n idrrl Cibti Messer,tof :the Jmg Lisbon which ves.! arnVfedat this port dri the 3d instant m seven da's frMm Mariel,, Cuba's that an En glisb, steamer had arrived at Havana, fr"dffl Vera iCr iiz, with instructions to Santa, An na to retu rn fo h th to M ex ico. V -5 . , 2 1-r.n !t Great jw wen njr on rie muns:tr-:i . j J.J. ili i .4 ft. j U :?k 1. . Vty'HKmgntie emigrants, 3t diuercnt points on the Ails sissippiyoye Memphis. At Caifo there 7 re some two thptisand of tnerri conH cfra a ted unfortunate strangers who. have 1:ccn tet : there , frdm snagged .rjoits, and from the irnbassihllity df ascepdmg on account , pflhe KQ Iand not OnryJiave theutrsr-; ed inprediblv; ft-oni want. of food and? shci te.r, ibutA dysentery, dfr a malignant .tyji2 without a bda( fd'reaeh the. spores of ths river. The winter has been urtusually se vere, and rwe( fear tbatJe, hare ltthl ci; henrd, the -epd 91 the sunerinixoecasion- Oi.J TCj.li I": j . . o-.r til 1 r.r .:r a RUrs hixtmrtfi 'AutoTAiftfn, Voir rucieu uy lur. raucr was xiiiuiicu i,ri- i specimen OI II rShlb'ftSaTb' the 'BoW SnawVsfiatl take occastd to? 'speak further concern- "-frWlti1" -V'-:-fq- vrrr iir- " JI F i-"" ; " -7 beiatrfui; Utfifid ligetwfaftj tfcrtJliirl fiundfjed emigradtavhave qeo left by t the smkmgof a poat, and they ttere-.said tobd entirelv destitute of both food Snd fuel and Htelmvrii1says ; foteazttenum P'lucccflmi 'lilcltV fetntheio mrWe&n,. GeVman anattn5 lan;i. , ges, to stng an &ceom,pannr'ent toF imi U nventive sKiu win cn u ui-rTi .. wmih p . 9 !- ; -- r r "o . r , v mglSeif fkcrf cur by tUn 12 yol'niflffMcHltttel Hltlfcr .