r J : r f'.' ' i - r.M 1 's'J' y '. -vjiV.' f I Iisci'lbets tare sat aiKerljrlsoniihp H-&ry I AdteriisemenU not excedinor a fequare w.ill he inserted at One Dollar thefi f at "insert! qim, and 25 cent kWfmMUif sentsfV;ihat rateer. 8qdare s CoartO rder and (JtJYe)a.jAtVsement P?ri5e higher jrd TirtiseoenUT must Jbe tionr recurred, or3ney will be continaed until otherwise d irectd,Vnr hafffeUcJofdlntffv? paid or tliey way tvAl be aUerrdBo iiii' A REfnow receiVindhfiir,t Supply of Which lVeryhe-a1nd1e3c1tfi(sive--to whjcikttrinviheaUthiQ ,ofi:p)irrla v , Iii II heir assortment may, be found, 160 hh ls -brovf it Angara, cgminoa to tine, ;59, biurets (cIariheiI Qrush,idf& pawderi '"ed" do. ., .; "L , r ; , - 750 ba Uio, Lwulra, Cuba and Java !i4pWidand4icrcerjplaSsesff jCO ions SyfetL KagUsh & Ampp'njirdn?. O0diabareirbpeth' fljc and jute 1 500 tba 9eving wrapping &.ene twtnt, 2000 .ba'lkirjnnk f idOOaltfSra IfltKp ppr 1 20,000 I bs. western - liiieaii, stdei and -crnssholHder ul m Glrrtan.l!s0dc'aWiiriir T Pale Carvandvaiffori ShaVStjeailiVi'inla rriariurariufp'1 Cbtlori-YarnV best "N.1. Carolina manufae'e, Bfed cords ind ptddffh itjne?; iianilla rppef Karoess aricf kirtni2 leather; ,iS Sa'dd lea,h brld les ami horrfe col lar?, ' - Coftdh Partis-; WhittemoFe'a best, and com md'n'kttidsi v - '' r ' TeV7im'perTal & unp'djV. Hyson k black, IndicrJ rftadtferl copja and saltpetre, Sa Bat atSvInt cfr-a p r m a h d t a h h er oil. Pepper, jiiifjj (handles; best p.ern and tallow, SoaDHjFroWftndJ pale, wash. nsr and sha- filicifMsl attention tfijlfbe giver? 10 jLiisaic njiruuuf cf vuv- - ii -: i f ' ! imi-f-r- - -- - WILI,ras, erelofQre, ttive particMUrt at tention to the sale, ol all . produce ent to I, 'Tfievdfier Tdr sale tonV ba Rope, ana-other, .article- in their Jliiej.on leasonauie ierms. , - , , ersblir Stejnber 25, 1845 ;; A V . .. Ui IHfi OWN .OF PETE RSBt;ftpr VJBGXIAy ITpITiAVE ,imove4i? to-l be lare -and con) next 10 WtsVHiff wfremAjse? wv I sTfie ive prompt and perom attention' to tniet'-sen ibij 6f Mldf ibh robacco,. and; a 1 1 !linds 'dbfPducV' antl always in tend oblaining'the-best jniirfeet prirevanU ."iave the -, money ready when Sats made.- 'Iney 'hvenus in tMore, ilie k are fol lowing: I 75 at(9 .Rio, Jaralorra CdffVe, J 10Httdrrftfr.tfir;Iitri" SimiiT?' . ; I 50- Boxeqheese,,.-, ffi -r . 20 Chests varius tea U -100 Hbls ramily and Sunerrifje Floor, - , u ooxes nuaujanuoe t armies, 20 - - Mould Pepper, unfterAtarch,vSoapa..Yrap- )ing Paper, Twnje, fe&c,;;;v,?;;; t r. tj i i n m j is c l t50tfietn upper Iaihrcalf'Kip atid Hddpbatid nail tddV-aivd liorse shoe irofi; nt r6VMShdS3 iff keg snrlti steel, boes;' trace trhains; ? November I, f'&trizU .t45t$ stok&X'tem4z u J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I fi IT 1 1 1 v. rjji H K subscriber otfef s iortle4v 4 the and iQ?t-Ji& g"a, Riond Java coflV, 1 -ffit5ai2'?t "Rico aru i.uoa molasses, 0p0 sackn jliHl Janvl A. salt, I -W!pktori baggtngppart sUprqWi: I 200-'coil Bale -:'rope& ' . JOpOO- life Virginia ed bacon,- - OOOOri i Western ts id e anil itnoiilderkr e I 50 aidvs good,r and damagBd-Sole' j ' 50 ost.f Kujjaet tipper " do.; " -' r I 50O? lbs: iShodhrcald ; h ; s' " 50 ik c Ndi anil Ca.' herrlh:! ; w100 boxes perrn aiid ialldw baddtesl; j jr6v4 fftahfi. v ' ,??b bfxs&lsv lhaf & Oruhel stiftar, - ;I b4? Siipyriiir PulverisVd s do. totf bagiUrdpaud'Buk shot : ipofke-DKpowdp ? ?3 Whs "Swedes and English lrdn ; 1 i 'vt-: tanuV and-. Hdtp -0!- do: jjf; blis'ered. German' SfCast steel 1 .'25tHkeft9' eutraihJ'-bok1- tiatls4 v? It) TdEV VVells & To approved axes, 1 50caVks tionddh Jjbrter-T-q'triSt pti, nd hhcls Bariimore whiskey - 1 . ;f3o ijii: --rvdd ;;f- dor- i - 50 ' superior Norlhern: A. Brandy, J0-,v Scuppernonjs VVine, , ... : . ; , 10 tVf casksi Tenef if,andt. M. do,, ;.; I pipe superior old Madeira i; : qrD cajlka Jort wifie .. 4i -5 .jialf pipes superior Coajiae &i Cham r?3i)lbliold llpnoMisahela, wbiKkey, ,,,, & puncheons best J amsica.. ..V3rfpipei.rC5inr;V5i ., , - 4P0; net -IfpnilDdVplJotincttuba,' : . 20vbj pepper, spicfr arid )titigerri! 5 half chests superior 0. P., Imperial ! ; jlt?u:,H:andYiH.yreaj3.f s't.j ;, SOiilbii jHwlcords. btstlfktnp,. M,lOOiam9fiWrappingr paper r - 50 Writing ft JBitet 4o : . , 20,bo3tes V hittimorela gtntmk Cottob ; . and;oot cards,. ,?. ivf r " 1Q0. bis. newAOity.grqUndajiiily dour, 25. jsiipeTioricriVi j i ; 1 6ft, buh,ela jbest Cloversevd-rr-W !Togethpri ,vVlih; 4 other articlef 1 usuaJly: kept t n the. Grocery line all of rtrhlch,we omor. faleopori such terms as jwe. think ai fair examiuaiion cannot ail 10 .approve. We jtre aftent fpr the sale of .labez Parker's FAN Mltli' STRAW CUTTERS, : WNiiifcs nie Jries iy We also abtiHt acdntirruitncrdf the very ILJ K V iV 111 lora Anil arp rpppivintf , 60 hhds f. Riro; N XI -it PrAit libt ml vpardoaSL fiefelofbre received inand i6retin of Uhrpef atithdfitles of th tt'ai of Consignments 'df lrbllUfeciv'Vivj wiAtLkA; tA:;. -- j cj rj Cdtiony frdlMro:"W heatiUadoia&e. ;.andt I . , . . , i : . . , , ' UUI9UC UCMUUdUVIlO IU1 ttll HllllbdUIC SCHICK Dlediie ourselvescto oe hawiverinff fin onri' .w A-".- v, ,, -it ; i! " r': i L- ,.ii i n.i equal ( looimg, ,oay , juijt cents -jjcr iJFidleL fur Coflon and . a! IT other vkindi ot Receiving and forwa rding of JVterc.hn(iise(w. v m . 1 . E&y the Subscriber ) LA R(iE ASSpRM KN T Swedes, Amfrifuii anil lnvli'sh Imn. fir German & caslfSffiel, cut t& wrplightfiails, tsastings. col igistingot ovens, pots, spiders. skillets, tea kettles, andirons,,cajt . and yag'1b Tidx'd! pidujghs;-points?i heels, 3x1 pHfWd1 1 2Window g?ass-i-putty. ALcv, a very larin; oc RCiirrat a?auiuncni ui prina9 Gla&i Crailpnd 81 one ware, For sale on accommodating terms. H71-H fi r undersized Would' most j respee 4 Xullv- Jnfdrm' feia custbmrera and the isms onryiauinoFtzeu raeIfac,' nt the present time M tIRKI ?TOBA ICO, id bisamefor html (of hi riVIanuJactiire? ard thai hU: former Agents for the said business, Xbiiilldltatii and TlfomaH2 antpbeB arenbto IherefoTehethe saidperigned7!W iivetv forewarns alJrhciif jhafever, ex Spaded long handled ?shoVels; hoes trace H Irht haltftSinsV snlkypHn,,' r 'r y 'felfs UUnaltM6wnr& ground IsalU ,vniiereaviiinseea ann Train 011, - rvr m" i,"--""-"fi,v'?i'z.v.i...5J5". ineeu noi waix larou&u ti e mauv surcuuii 'llTHIir.V III UU 1 1 4J Clll& '" I IT. 1" T71 ft . li r. r ' fl I T iri !fJL4r PaNG; : it$'l wWTcr tucf Iw1bjsi 4 . 1 r.u 1 --stt- ;--r--'-i .ni-;-y THE CttRCTER t OFt .liilrPeY Hownappy? in he bon nnil.lauht ; .m ,C .v Tliat sjervjcl rtot wotUerfylil .-v, - ; Whoe armor 19 his honest tbotitlht. j '. ; Andsimplts truth his utmost ski It: Whoiic) paofs;iijriltitajtf ri r)?f ' w bosmj!s still prrrerl 0t death J , - Untied on6u the world by care Of public fame, or prf vale b'eath W ho hath, his life from ru mors freed, W'Aose conscience iaJii s'ron retreat; Whose sVate cari neither flat tisrers feed "Nor ruin make dpprestors reaU fVVho (3od doth late and early pray iviore 01 nis race man gut lu.ienOj A nd entertains thd harmless day ,- VViUi a religious book or friend. This man li'freed from servile handa Oflmpe to rise or fear to fall; Lord of himselfr though not of lands, And having nothing,' halhvlL - THE JOINT RESOLUTIONS. The following is a correct copy of. the Joint Resolutions passed in the H. of Rep resentatrves on Monday, tba'nnUT'kd'fto rogateT, the convention between - Great Britain and the United States in ;Abgust eighteen hjundred and twenty-seven, rela tive to theP country aon the northwest coast of rA menca westward of the Stony tnountairis, Commonly called Oregon. Resolvdd, by "the Senate and Hbuse of Representatives of the United States of A merica in Congress assembled; Thai the President of the United Statej cause no tice-'tb bd given ta the government f Great-Britain that the conVentioh-bet weett the United c Stiltes of America add Great Britain, concerning the territory' on the northwest coast -of America' west of the Stdny or'Rdckjr mountains, of the sijtth day. df ; August eighteen 1 hundred and .twiit-aVeri;-lUghe' aVin idled 'and abrogated twelve months af ter giving saitl notice. 1 -'4m ? i Resblved,vThat nothing hereitl eontain- od-fa)-: intended. t6 1hr(eire;tVitnvj the rlkhtj uiqi iw. cuiiu abulia uai uu iu ui :-': r- H Uki -Stj mem 01 tne 4 comroversy l-especung ine 'ty Frorri thff Fayetteviile CaroHhiaa. ' 1m ing the twThevcorrespon ago,' seventeeii 1 individuals r Crowded around him, as the place where! of all oth er, places, tjtey mlgltcaieh the ChairmiuVa the he4d ie4d and partly efxiendibg the -right ; wjthlthe mgatintense anieTytexhib. I hand itednn-every-musciev--Irtthe midd leof -a scihciiuc.uuwu uiuic.iiJC'a4uiuc ""- mg the, expiation, -ot the bo shouted a waggish member from' Alabama at uie lop uMup-vu,iuc .mm iiiswuwy s seventeen spran gU6 their feeierying ( fMr. Speaker" as loud as they could Bawljiadies ih; le Jery-wcire fright ened into hysterics, an 1 immense oar of laugnicr ecnoea uirougn uic ijnuwjnwi M r.vHoJmjes of S. Carolina, wa seen,with horror depicted incoupteiiancecotmt- 21,JL r iutT .iU ik ui' entofthe Argus writes, that' Hvh im -Mr. t;obn. ot ueortria. was sueaKinira lew aavs scene, uutj vviucii- tvij ao, .irtsucijiiv-fwvw. .wi-r . .v - . - . at Ju r-The practiee haa Contributed very mucrr td Ule straightne.-a and uniformity ;pf : zJoat(;omcry-ii nxcrs cisti'J l-C- the streets; and eo. perftctly v.aloxne jim : WJ -xr : i theyratit thatif an-adverttseroentiweire tot ; ' iPttoil'itrdUish'lUi.:'-, appear irt the Sun, IhaHeraldor the.3Trl- 'V ;'";':r' "V"' vK'-- , nta: Jremo Bouse to HampsteadlfeatiVlhere iHhtei&i&zZtf n seierai x(a jf O0rtft iside; off MiddIlRow they tWould jtb'eonatsf'-f twcciud'ef tlo w-: okrolhirigf; tizlt Wliirli- - " pncjetjtojtheiM ithpuajiyjf theotn5 family x betnrtn the aliffhteid ruptediAirieir, u$uai thfxeverlajjtlrjg ind dangerpus, riuisinftif uuiuuxu iiiM, wmca 1 nave i)een. looKinj; atmbre in'ormwthaniirnirelbr'th aVdon'tthro panW hft lhe hous upr ueiier, , iou.er.na. ,morei pawu wnere tne parlor now stands." i4nfl screws and timbers? were .accordiny brought, and. I .say,,the -jtwo-story bti$k house go up slo w ly ; a nd 1 im pcrceptahly whilst the daughters were . looking; PU of 1 thevindow, as;if .nqtbinjVvas' otniOn more, than usual, nWtchedL tht alterf I ionsu every . ttmeV I, crossed; the- ferry -to lirooklin, and ii)thbr5COurJlhof Jtvyp; pr lb ree week.tbe tradesman, ty, as. occupying his ney ami, handsome store,' shops are tailed. jRubiot f turn btc&r . !?yr. Fartiin t Ircfand: f the last nccountftfrom; Ireland be cdrreet?&!to fanv ine in that cbUntry .will turn but to betib famine at all. -A writer from Belfast; in a letter dated December f30, says: f-There tVas.tieVer" such a: plentiful supply dfalrish grown Oataaa We hare had -this" year;' and except some tihfoftunate fatality Should occur during the sowing-season, I think the prices of alf deocriptions of grain will belb ititherensuihg-uimm prcsen t are;7sdi perl 1 Spouridsj Wheal 11 a J&:; Tne fJantci which atiy peole felt in, regard to -potatoes has.nearlyfitibsi ded. ; -The increased iquantlty planTed; last seed tim ey and ; t he economy whicE? has lately taken place in the useothis , valua ble root, will prevent ariyiscarcityidlrom being eJtrii:UiiSfCOUotryt: ; T n ' -if: : iH ' ';mt2Tt- ffU ' ?ujtT ' r t flP lemphEruiter5 plates -that the-steamer Be Ne Zane; had ou- boar?! gft her. when -she sunk spniei pelf j?ajncetl twenty -seven. Piaih bqgs - taken pp ibbar4 att Mepiphis winch, vwe, prcsume,areo?t forever, c. ybat yasjost, ancj(hpyv jna py misfortunes and,afflictians .harei eausfopyne osjk4 oi inese 1 weniy-seven mail bags, no one can est imate. From J he AVK Jour, of Commerce. i pctitionr Was 'reccntl presented r hio LecKsIature from -'JdhtlNderir. theiOhi I Al V c:?r thatv George r .r dmliior Rait It dadi-Gtn the1 Ifairssafr the "Feliciana Vbig, his-?iVcM'k wtiich 'aaf eumuicicu sl a cun ui auuui seven uu publiclauctrdn tinder juistrici vouit," lO TOUSiy ine r caim ui 5 M for fered. it was knocked off to the State. ' Irr cfelit&tionai WCollcK 6 Jm1 led. in . week. " Av(Worthy, iradesmaft-Vtne ofan'' ' Wanted to convert hirto rlpiw It DA4,ill recently paslthe sla 1 iVftmoT 4 tk44 ifv-w.riiswi- Mr. Vnrtr. a Srr?'; M-?vST, ,r2 , C-. . . crnrffentHof ilje: Stitc 1 i.a -Ttiit -1 - - :i ;NeT0rirt ,wa, ana an we:; ci inst, ccrui Ci u. -ky sayMie.OHr4thoiiMnfr4mnnfthVlIn' infRflin two -w" gppew snd miners have This wiU .ccdouot :fcr rc5cf ith?L rcctr.t morwmcnts, that haVa tzLtn tlic 3 ; in t!: lovverProvincea,' i 4Vr From the I2ahih LidchiCzy.. Source, that great eCbrt aremi:!;i n j t a " t 1 vJVehe busineisa of thisHca; by tlio Cl rectors- and through tha :cteircnt'in"r.r: ment of tt "Pritdent, leyj 1 foad- nih; tIiipd:; uJ! r ' gdibg reaifsVtw ;sw l' ginei have lately fetti put r Cf tl. 11:12, alsp 1 tV0ie land cidre Ifetful'-itJ.:-3 r geir EngmWapd' WS rndriLlhtL: will bn't1iitia:itVa 7-mdt!:fv Thesedaitlbtis Wmibi; cb I to rftfAwthcalte; larity; and despatch "- of January, ultimo. C0i272 : 73 "c. AAV w 4 1-1. ; i half passenger. rA. i '. "1 i. Fftrn the fateigfe Bcztetz?. ; Dreadtit Murder qftzZo I-:zlzh: MrsZ Van V alkenbtirrjh vthoxrzz h':::; :2 few Sdays (Since, Ifi Fulton ceual ' York, twoudays before tlis pcHcd .X' ? tedJttontlcnlessdd thatchsdw -dir.ri ed twohuslMindsv Ofcfidmitt:! iltl ;.!:-5-had given her first hasbanda dc3 cTf ct tfhichi althougteha diU nil db' iii 1 atelyv : waa ultimately lb3czzzi'C T; 3 deaths These who caw -'lira err r lhat?it wsr awlutO XctsyitSs!::r ; had ex pressed to others that x!:d h-l I.J of fiiveness fropi her tJatc'-yc.Tv'.- :1V brought fr6m her cell, ht Uco c.:c c . haggard apparcn2. Ec:ii depicted tfpon her ccJntt nzn cc! she vas bfooght to lh6 gsllo tra 2 1 was dflered tip; by the ' Ip; r. UrV "V II' : cock- Sho4hen spoke a fetr trcnTj :to 'jthbpreaV thsrs':;?"; f :4 Imxsids1 r or 4 tracrrci;r3 xp -"1.1 Ihwtwiffstthsi teie rraniiay by, t.rr - ii' - u.;SM.r v- ' - 1 rt .- From the Udenton Cznlmcl J r , . . Bttigrrtianr-X&iu "a Irtltr frcn rr.w iv-f.' ,' onder Inrt:, th,c2l c. ThCffelaiid Colli increased, ince thesd Engine vfzrZ" X---:;-ided'say sfn ce I st of Octolr Uf. U i - 8 f.--.r- - - " , .