:-Cr,hl- r--'1!'' y,",f -j 1 1 -:r. as? fs3 lb JL-Jiiiv -v-ifvf t tjj''l , til lv.-' : IS. ' ' 4A ji 1, Av:TTry TTD (in1 4 i )iV I Attvr . I ,.'! I ll if if iuBr Geo ft Howard. Jn. 1 , - hdU published Wrtelclytaw 9iDtftarspetytoiT .... . . - ii.-- . ? l if. paict'.iiv adfanoeri iFifli Jlratakt the jjxpi rati on " o f v hviis5ipi on,t jA'iy timeion t?in hotfthereofarfd -'paying arrears;. ,f ;f Advertisements ftotjexcepdjn- a nrejwUV he f Inserted at OntDollar the first insertion "and 25 cenW (bi'xreti conlirf uance- lionffef iTifiertie-' ment ai that rate per Rqitare Cbuirt O rdeVs ajid I Judicial. Advertisements 2$ per centhighef Ad I yertisemehts raut be mtked IhenumHerom ll ptherwiffe-diritedi ry ohaxged: accordl nx y . ' i C Letters addressed to theKditor must be pest paid, or they, may not he attended to. ' 1 ARB. n W;iweivip&!bf tr 5ri, Sftppty. bj yjyhlcb is Versffrimal; and exVrPslveTrr wnicn tnev inyne uie auenii.on..oi nurcn ef- 4.. 7oU oasvfitio.i-uirai Ouba anu Java 1000 casks cut nails and brails, 1 40 hhds 'and uerees ioiaj$!t-s; part' 5- I iit 60 tons.Sived; .fSiiKlisK & Ampr rV Iron I . -7 r3Qi pa co 1 1 o n hag i a g) va ri o us vy ts. a u cl 300 coils bale rope, hemp, flux and hue I ouu I os serving, wrappinj; ot seineivviue, " 2000 ball and Hank jhpr thread ' ' 1 " 1 50'0 sifies oak ' and hemlock side !"ai hrfv ' . U50 dozens Hiper li aTh'-r, calf, kip 3ru sheep iskiftM, if m .ro ,! 2 0 00 s a c k 1 -1 P o ' I n e and ground salt, 1,1.000 reams vyrap'g, Avrit'g. Sl 1 1 iter, p i ptK i 20,000 lbs. western JJacoii, . sides an I . shoiHaers, , . 'd Hoob." band, nail rod. and norse snoe iron Patehthorpe shoes1 in kegs spring steely Xartand, waggon; Hoxesf trace i chains, unpQper.;in kegsr,.-jr.1kegs;& canistersl Shot zr bar deal ,-of Yi rgi p ia m a n u far tu re, Cotton arnSbestf N Carpjina manufaic'e, BecL cords aria plough lines, '1 anil la Vopi, narness anu sKHLiiig icauici, . km&ftMXei and: horse collars, f i36tl6nckii5hiteiti(pe1,!i best, arid 'coti artperial.gMnp'JTH yson, & black f, Jndi go, mad ger copperas, ,and( sal tpetre,, SSalis borax,' brimstone,, andaltim. UII, Boliipplfrov'f'arrtl? palep washing and sha given to therjsale of produce coir MgneU IQ- lllrll cure, , ; VAugusVl 2; 185; f WILLr.aS heretdforeigtve- particular, at- I 4entiqn:loihp salti pf -all produce sent tb I them.' .-.T.-v s- , i . ' . . ' Thely- offer for sale, J CoUon : bafiging, Rope,, and Pher art.iclein Yheif line,' on reasonable Jernsrf Petersburg, Srpterriner; ?5. 1 845 CROVV & SGOTT, ' Commission JlTerelittnis, and IN TH3EJ TOWN OF PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA r JOTAV'E removed tothe large and cjit u -u; mod ions - Stor'eSrly ppposi i e i Friend's - Hotel and -4jie Post Office anc next t bVfcst II i 1 1 JVVare'H o usei They gi ve prorript;and personal pijentiot to fhe selling- hi Coxjoni pHicctyand a I kinds of (untry"Produce,-Hahd-always'in tend obtaining the-b; jnarket prires ant I have the, money ready vyheu Salts are maue. i ney naye Jiovv in lowing:''1 Store, fhe Tol 150 SV aff.vM'',4' -T-Bjgs fttriavaNand Liguira rbfifle; 10 .H lids' Porto Rrro ugr,"" f- 50 Bbls.-MaineVlerrer Pwiatoes,-' 50 . Newark A !ej;& 50' Botfe Cheese.1 V 30 KegCoshenBA1terp"? 2d Ohest varums las, P lOttbls. JniilyantkSupeefi r fflpd rrri r8.Q fdo-jAamant i ne jfiid le$; j . 20 MouJd Pepperv Gmger SfJtroh. oaps, Wrap' ping .ftWfflif &&CV ,f November I , I 4 5. , j g j 5 rrp H E subijSa I er.4 Vlnfheir assortment may be tounuv I " 160 hnasbrowVi Suiran. common to fine. 75 pickaiTf lo.u ana lump Siiajar.", r! !5U fMffers clanhetf, CfishM &"jiuwd oesL " winter putiu ami lauucr un. Pepper5, spitce, iingrr and nutmegs, tJandieV7bekf6efrn 'atid ,:talfv ? August 25 h, 1 845, jA V Ejrt Store ndsfe-:iHereiTirre the klbllowiing-Goods. towitj -I v .... foorJ:Hyd a. a: salt, " ; . . 200vps; goiibn haingprt'prr crrt. 200" dftilrinle rope, q , 10000 bs.irgtniaciiredbacon, j , QOOOK 'iVV extern sides and shoulders j . 50:r?jijs -f pd :and rda!rlageU, Sjple ! leaiher, 50 doz. Husset upper do., 500 IbsVhoe thread, Vr k ':150 brsldl arid 2, NiCW; hemhiss 100 boxes Speriri and Tall iW' candles. approved lirancs. 20 buxes & bis. Ioal& Triwhed -suiear. t 'U. .;S bs..sUipiri.r Pulverised . ,. do. . ; 100 hags, l)rop and I5u;k shot, 100 rkegsB P. powder ' Jv Su oti Swedes and Eug'ish Iron, j 5 'Tori and Hoop tlo. 3 - blisered. (ierman & Cast steel. i f 7250? kes?cut 'and bx nails. , '! 10 duzj Wells & ('o. appro vel axes,; 50 caks Loudon. porter- ql.s & pts 10 hhd Baltimore whiskey, 50 bis. i do. dol" ,ou superior iNonncrn A. oranuv r15'N.i?.KIRum,- r" - - - ' -wlcl SrtVfiriernlir VVinA '10 qr. casks Tenet iff and S. M. do. I ? pipe, superior old, Madeira, I 5 -qr cajiks, Port-wine, . 5 half pipes superior, Oojrnac & Tham paign hraildy, ivurrunfed genuine 30' bis. old MonoiigaheH whiskey; 2 puncheons best Jamaica Rum, 3 pipes H. Gin : ' M - H 1 00 nests Iron and Wood ? bou nd tubs, r 20 bags pepper, spice and gingerf? . : 5. half. chests superior I?. P., Imperial and V. H.,Tea, . 50 doz Bed cords best ' Ffernp, 100 Got tori Lines, 100 reams' VVrapping'paper, it r 50 Writing & Letter do. 20 boxes Whittinlore's genuine Cotton yiandi Vool;cardsi?; Sf.r -3. 4 ? H 100 his, new Xity ground, farniiy flour, 100 S. F. .ditto ditto & countrV, 25 14 superior. Cider .Vinegar, ' l6p bnsheW best dlover Betsefecect, 1 pgether'" with 3others' art Teles usually kept' in the Grocery line; ? all of which ' we offer for sale; .upon such terms as we think a fnir examination cannot fail to approye. We.are agents for, the.sale of .labez Parker's Threshing JWacMtws . ... . FAN MILLS, &TRAW GUTTERS & I VVhich are sold at the same price as by the Manufacturer We also sblic'it.B cqntinuanfe of the very liberal patronage, heretofore , received In the way of Consignments of Produce: say Cotton; 1 pbccovWheatv Bneon cJj jand pled ge toursel ves i t o . he, n watering in ou r Jerms of Commissions, as.we place tal on an equal footing. ! Say fiffH JnV! Bale fur -Cotton, and all other 'kinds ol Produce 21 per cent.5 A Iso, the. receiving rind forward irig of iNtercliaridtse.1 K Just Received " ' JBt the Subscriber, A LAR(?E ASSORTMKNT Swedes; UjX. a meicaii and English Iron, sm German & ca.st Steel, cut & wrought Nails. Castings cousistingpf ovens,, pots, spid?r$, . j skiljets, tea ; jkeltles, , .apdi runs, .cart and wagon boxes, ploughs, points & heels, , Spade",- long handled shqvels, hoes, trace and halteT ch uns, sulky springs, Ttirks Island' salU blown; &grourid salt,'- ! vyhite 4eallinseed arid train oiiji A x 10 and I O x 1 2 window glass putty; ALSQ, a very, large 5l general assortment of o k Hardware: and Cutlery, China, Gtas Crockery A n d St one ware, jyFor saleon accommodating terms. f, r Tarborp Nov. 12. 1815. , APPRO VED i Patent ldicdhc& ' Obelickes Mfffcies KSfoitettvTfiMhe cure of Consumption, coughsyicbldslj&c; bHrbanIiBemeiifjr'A f " ' ' "i . -1 o. - ... 41 11 SQjueMi$H(Er JAh toev so h(,d; p" R;; uij.- m'tos preserving the teeth fiorp decay, pro ectt ?iighefgriml"$iV?4 ? ff.ifrf ii 1 I0r, Vhe pscelebrateU tomalp i WIT "-J:- i On the OregonqiiejUioi &eliver&&iin attjthe t n Oregon tfirrifrpm( & ds&mu Mr;iCLARKildbtalrted fhfc Hldtiuii addresed the com mil trie ai: follow:! Wj" Mrl-CkiARkAiW II jrwim-fmrtfh1 Blffil dencef 'that f l-iserlre this1 camtMt- tee jbrthefirstirHeWib my estlmationis1 tmiifaely5cbnpeT ted with the)eacef fthe fioiftitryl arid on. which ehtlerrieh ofmuclf more'aoiUtjr lufid . . experiericfe tfiffer in ''s'6meespcVts'so essen- ,ua,,y- 131,1 aB a wrge- poruon m mose wiiuiii x nave inc iiuniyr cu reDreseni seem to - feel a Vefycbnsfderabre' interest upon the subject bf Oregon';5" if T'rmay e permitted "to fbrmn opinion f6rthe" extent of that Interest by the resolutions Iately J auujjicu 111 meir primary meetings, it IS out proper indeedku,strif 5 it 'may f lie etiec ed by' them that f'I should express rriy views upbn this subject. SucHW' t 'have, they are entitled to arid I wtll? give them to themj premising; however," that if bo a question of this - inipbrtarit character : I should unfortunately have mistaken their wishes; it will be my pleasure, as it certain ly is riiy 'dutyV to rectify the m isla'ke arid to carry out1 whatever may ho" their purpo ses tn the matter; Amidst alP lhe differ-1 ences of bpirirori1 oh this sttbjectbowever, to which-1 have ad veHed--a!d iflerenee pf opinion both as to the extent of bur j rights and the best way of maintatnirig ' those rights it is grattfying'to witness tHe tinan- imity of all On5one vastly' important point connected w ithc?thts ' controversy " If ill efforts to settle this5 matter' peaeably shall be of no avail, kridlflwar is tb be tfie dread furalterriattvevVe ha ve thef assurance 01 men or an parties, tnat tney twiii unite, as if WifH bne haridrid with one heartfto give efficieriey tdthe wa r and tb tefriiinate the1 cbrifltct,' s6'1ar as liumari agency rriay prevail; nonorablyrand gloriously for1 the .. . . , ir -,a . ' c . not this aiisurancebxctfcf tri the' breast of WT . ...... every bne;'' what a'CoWnierttary does it riot 5S; no we ver; tne re- , " . v "- fore; ;fnatter Way befiettIedwTtetfie " ... -- t- ! .1 h. bv 'heffbtiatfOtt 6r wart - whether J y . J r ; ? t". beaceabl.uor ibvHbeclaghand din of p Vv - . . . ' arms this tact is 01 inastimraoie; vaiuey ana cannot fail to exertapowerfnl moral . dn nrsPeritV of 71 0-7 - our common confident will bit the to foreigh- the' Konorablelgentlemah ?Trdrtl liiiriblsJ rMrr:ita '-wW'fiave. tM( v.'; crmHiihr iind niirisiiitihl(f'nrnrifk.s4 Lt.F r 5-cr7i- .".v" rii! nn Jr p , ., , v. lice on that subject which can alone preser as a neonldbfhat magnificent; destinv re .vr-to kiut;l?k .XstUW . j . f . 0 I . r and. perpetuate mat. instrument, nen . a . . , ... which is in reserveior us, if we will only ;Jy; tWtiJLfP'iVVl- 3u,:,,l1t,8fP.feler . u . wm . - -T these shall cease to operate, little is, to be :--e oe laitniui to ourseivt se m trietribtism df eaclr dtHer: it ilTViM m: bs . tv i American contineri couiiLry. it vvin aiHU K b uo i : ? ?' ""-'j -j ' -4; ? 4 ... jht iif some aeere.jtis toThobel.! .... . v.t .u J .... -b, add Ihft.nghts which - w MM A k. 1. n a MB MB a m W W b-k rbTtVorfiaftV &!fit: khdiU will 'tell OT mtaLTO " ' .regulated) by ber riationsXirt terms 'which vbafiriOt u ..r. i ' r; me cause in wnicn it is 10 .w cera:u -iu . ....- i '.. 4 . . -.i.i K.itt wiu me maintenance 01 our just ncms ... . ne mistmaersiooa. mat nowever mucn we m4ydilr"briuestibnbf domesUc tiblicy, when a foreign foeshalf -touch our soi?, tVe are prepared ; to give him,' in the larigbage of nri hAnd'' arid that is a united hsfht. "ALtfr i r-nr. ..ir - .rwi V;f5r faUen Unon the ear of tlia Haithe 5nonK j : f ----- J f 1 mind, whether it wercf1 possible r that 'this could be the resurtSTthe annexation of Texaswh&heMt could be thee videnWbl that a 1 ienat ion f attachmenttoourfie'm waspretJicted bsbllas'sUrtd bilbw Ce-rtainlWfte meissblnHoftbflhirmfeari dTsafe beeniteWlt rdSt?oreitHrmli shbdld'withWthfyml sectaTlebi abd vblufltirv offetirig dfHeVbtlcfeW hei it is gratifying; The NdtHtheifty South and the Eastwfthout distinction of frthetfmn uiuai. prompt ana vigorous nieasurcs when the former was to ha iiU.rotfucecT' into? our BAaicriiiuu ut otaies: an 1 l-wiu powv . ga as idr.asany one in an opting sucn measures as may oe, pecessary, tn tne event ot jivar. to maintain our rights and: establish our au tnontyjn the latter. And sir, if there could be any difference in my uzeal in the caseswhich I do pot; howe-ifer admitl must confess that 'my' zeal would be the latelriifilavdr oOrdnfforvhae learried; frtmthbsewt. Ifi rid themaPr UiatOregdrfir bursbo ttbtndkirtidvthtti brrf 'tJnidft? wasthe lanVt dfntKeiedple Ib Contending for Oregon Wd arb hurstrtviiitt 'tofttifFbur pirfsemtdssessioft ertdared'tb'us by the retfolfefetrbh Hifchf - thearievereiei.tfbf ourr ancestdrsir) 1 nIcontndtri.flp for Texas, we were butstri vlng to Jtxtt htto'mt pdsses- siops to' i ncreasel ourw :weal tlfbur.t power, J ' w li and toidissemmate tlie - bles - ou riresources. sihgs, of ouitlJnionresultscertainlyi grat- owriiof keepf ngi that1 which wei havettl ready? gotlot Vhatirrotitf l ask, can . it avail . , ... j 1 emulate with one hand to-day, , -Lit.' ,'a.ttAnd,irtUnnnW with thft oth- us, if we accti and give away.vpjqjLiajBcir ; with the oth- m lmoo ,What 3fpemipg ficlpess, 8SMinie to peiy kq peicjf lJe;coun- eri ng5the readied do wer, oflan other n a t,ioo and manifest rights! Nor caafie .ponsjder ration that pne.of these .territories isXtD be the abode of freemen only, whilst the oth er is to be peopled in part by slaves, be air lowed to have any influence, whatever on my mina in Bringing 11 10 a conclusion as 10 the course I ought to pursue on .a great question of national rights., j Nor do I look to that balance of power which has been too frequently ad verted tip this House and throughout, the . country, between .Ihe slavenoldmg and non-slaveholding States of this republic, as necessary fbr the pro--tection and security pft the peculiar insti-f tuiions 01 me oouxn., x.nese. aepeno, lor their present support upon the concessions ! j i?irf.hni. jxni'-" Jr . .A:rK.v"'iE rt -r, ' niP ATTArfpil fmna it. If is WOfiif tliari idln In ML' J -valt nlace anv reliance whatever on. a mere an - ? tk-if;fft 01- v air jrf. v-rr i straot hal.mce nf nower founded on num. ifyingto durmfide'aud, encouraging tbour, .. , . ' .1 . - . , - u, 1 i J- 1 - . 11 t il j- i ctal'interpitatiOn to'rUiinpnrrcipIesNof hopes; btitivvhich-'Camhardlp be said-itobe v- . v . ,j, . .r- - , - . 1 il j . tTiil F tntematiooal lawT it is hut 4airanda proper" equal; totheiutyaofoholdiftfforritoJOur . , , v v v . r yJ . ' ; fliaf hrtlrl h'a Inrthnt Ann C Mini i n nnrl on mat suoieci wpicn are 10 oe lo.unu in thf nnstitiition of fhft5IInilfid Sfatps. and torjnwift VTI iuhjectSiTrtjiie'u'iHenais respecu tl.e bers, pn whichsoever side the preponder:iri-jLv 1? u .uj' AJfL XW'inK influ-liiw. fe??2,lIr SJkS01 m nae .PL J " s 'v n"? f !?tpfs Vf I 17" our clear arm indisput USsSl Tennessee fMr. KwiiiQ .denies itat. our; witH any propnety whatever, le pronoun ced clear and indisputableLTetiUej to any 01 U is. in, jns,estimauup, .uououui: an? fhis.dpubt he attribute to .the upcer- tainty not f. to 'Say unwiuiwuesa wyie o the cknowledged principles of international law. The gentjeiileses, for instance, .wsiunt ;jitt?riti oit r "T" "r n''r north latitude, and botindedon the east i V.i jT"; throughout iU whole extent by IhliozHy Itirht. T Mnnrit hiit .v that mv IZeal for O- V . . - . . o 7 - .-r-hlj f oumamanaon tne-wqsi py Tnei-sciuc, regon is at least, equal towhat it was. for: .ii,i.:-k.i.j ikkAit;Mi'(;; nrineird.bv which we. lavi xlaim 1 eflunirriwhen tested bv anv Known and nohs,tWhmerheidi.4fe6Ve1r otrfiwifcjUffie txirritiif Jttt v?at ent'8Y?nr'SM9 S.!? W'uououuijjnueif Ucf6iiio iaw ry and settlemebt give title to a nation, unless made, under government aut ' drity. - He also asserts that is is- doubtful,' bin der Ibe'HavV of nations, t whether rdr ex tinguishes brsputs an end.tb ,a treaty of the nature of -the Nootka convention,, -v it? mhy perhaps be tfucv fiir, that net on ly the'principles laid dowrr byUhe' liGriota- hie' membei)Utthat talbothcrE Questions Which reqoimlbi the refer ence ttflhe law'of natiopsmay , witlidut sny yerjrtgreat irhprbpnetyiof liripia-p;;ih3 net down 3 doubtful and liricerlini And this doobt da rbwing; to the' varicy tnterprcta tioiis and applications which? those r laws haVeVeceived hy'J different' nations! snd even7 by ?tthe same 1 natron at d iffercr. j times, "ancl alsotohe 7absencelbf; some thi n g i nr the 'natQ reof a ji uJ iri a I-1 r i bu n a 1 to acijodicatearid settlptheiTii It?must, - however, be bornbinmrindsthat thisprcs- ., , , -. . . ,l : , cm uuimuvcrsy wuii uruai oriiain, aim if - she; by her past conduct has gi ven a s pc- it thOt i riteipeionvheh properly a p- phed to this ease shall give ti th Oregon r ,A , . . ? fL!i . , . Teftitory fit' certainly cannPtubdorejiarded 7. . . J , . v " as'a very great departure from propriety of language if when speaking; -tOvi her; avu sltoutd assert that oor. title toHhat. cbtintry iV!clear?knd:bn4e8 0n Now, I would ask,5 if Her: manner 6f acquiring ter ritorial irighison'the 'Atlantic side lof this cb 1 t men t has not 0 give ri cert a i ft t yri f , n o t existerrce, to' the Toctrine'i-4 hatf thdf d is dovery mouth :of i&j ri Ver.ibHovvcd up-Avithmaf reasonable? 1 time. by?seitlc-mepf-gaye her title iiot ohly "to -thii whole country watered by the princ? jjal river, but also that 'which was '.watered by its various tributaries? rAnd by the skilful ieDnjunii- f tranlof t herfgh t by 01i ti nui ty to 4hat co n - fcJrred I byi Hiscbvery j ond cctilerncntj I wiolild askf thiihbnoraljle'gentlcuiaif i. ' did nbl extend "Jief possessions fr- beyond ihjttto8t.i8ttnt.ourxcsn botir princip I riversp?and thbirstributaries?'if ehe did net pushf -themevenf t rbky ond '.'the 1A1 legh sny mountains &4imiithiem?otily m their ve- ternsexterision cbylthfftgrdatJrMississipi -river? "-rhbi'ricerityb GrestiBritairi in hgiri'ng Ibis interpretation to the laws of na- tionycahnot be JquestioTiedpbbedause ih t760lshe1,went loi war with Ptauce to rf,ai n tairj 'ItShe wasnbtonlvjwUlirtC'tO' ris helJ character heTore the wdrld isk fair and tofuhbse iawsbut" fonthe vian:iuuo ur Mui 'bwiruutuuueiit; . . . . .... . iwiHirig"andliirexpendrnillton8ict money, 1. c , . . and sacrificed thousands 01 the: lives ot her . , - . . Yre8uu . r5111"" '.."rv ' b1- .v ameextent ' whldh -discoVery v4ind.i'cfc- havecon(eiredupon.GTOt Eri- pon: part of Hhts ?Nort!i t and ta this, Iet-u3 con tt n u i ty would gi vc own practlce4-arid cur iseovcry and ccttlcncht ; the iwheto -; cot: r.ry 'with V h ieh i t worked bub i drriiory' fcr this-oubwbf hlinent, we take in Frar rver;yallcySnd u 1. ri .s.n;iiwr .t ,t, t:a- whicR"the -doctrine-of c ' ' r.iould operate ini 'th J . : 1 - territorial rights the tfp,-;ri.or-this Oregon val fey is plainly and emphaticaJ Iirorie. " Tho very, reason ahd m bjccV 01 the-principle is, tha'ftpltmy ;;mpreu Ijf and. son venientiy enjjthat-pdrtion of -any coun try which istearlyand xonlbssed Iy, theirs rryrdiveryjn otlJersickRbjfee lerntoxyitQfe pxiry elsqo.very?i Orayin 1 7ZZ aPdyVquefitr?l tlenTenUva a, r- ohablS UtiScjfenpHl5dgfe ifiWtiaftsriJatyia exteiSaakQ TltrSroWfe fdzi atiel ":.. " ' Ml t

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