. ' ..'- ' ' ,' v - . -. . - - . ' .'-- i- .. . .. . . - , . . . I 44 " . I . i . ; Jg - - - -" 1 .!.. .1 i '' ' '' - . . ' ... .,.. -..3 i if . ..ii fill . . ! , ;.----' . ;- 8 WlOle JYo 1014. TgfllraSComh County v. VdnehfUi .lltzrcli 14y 184LO; J ' .... a . 8- ' -!..- I'.-'. .. .. . ; j, . ... r T rrrr :m1.1M,mi. Ll. , immmrraB rrmrrrniniMTr-w-T nmni 4 t 5 ? xhc Tarboronh Press, I c Br George Howard. Jr. ' pnbHshRi 'weekly aw ,Tmo Doltars per yealr if paid in advanceori.?pofxarj atc ivy vent ai me expirauon 01 ine suDscnpuon year. isnDcrioersare ai iineny 10 aisconunue u any time on giving notice thereof and paying arrears. I Advertisements not : efcceediriir a square will be i inserted nt One Dollar the first insertion, tthd 35 centsfb erery continuance. Longer advertifce- ments at that rate per square Court Orders and I Judicial, Ad vertisemeats 25 percent, higher. Ad' I vertisements must be marked the numberof inser- nuns irtjuuru, ui "'yj ,wil1 cuiiiinufu uiuii I otherwise directed tand charged :iiftotdi n'jly . i ? Letters addressed td Ihe rdlii or4 miist bepdst paid, or they may not be attended to. : f j. ? r.riLVAjNE. BROWNLiY, &M I ARB now receiving their Fall Siipfitrj hf i Which is very general and extensive which thev- invite the attention of ntircha sers. In their, assortment may he tnutio, 160 hh Js brown Sugars, common to fin 2, 75 puck;ig8 lo.if .nil lam'r Sugar., 50 b.irrels claiitietl erush'tl & puwcfer- 7-5Cf bnj; Rlo Lguira Cu3l and Java 1000 casts cat nails and bracts, I 40 hM and tierces Molasses, part Sii- 60 uf'ris$we&) ft iVlish .& Arnpf'n irbrts, I 350 ps. cotton bagging, various wts. aild cltlAHtre : 300 Coils bale rope. hemp tl and jut 1 500 lbs sevinv wr ippinj; & 4ine twin i, 2000 ball and hank fhoe thieatl 1500 sides oak and hemlork sole Italhe 150 doien. urjnef leai llt-n calli KiO an i i , - . sheep skin - - j 20(J0 sacks i'o il fine and ground salt, 1000 reams wrap2, writ'g & h tter pper, 20,000 lbs.' Western Bacon, sides ai ! shouldersi German blistd, east And shear steel Hoop, bandj hall fod, and horse shoe iFdh, JTateni norse snoes in Ktrg!j spring sieci, Cart and waggon boxes trace5 chains, Gunpowder In kegs. qr. kegs St canisters Shot & bar lead of Virginia manufacture Cotton Varns best N. Carolj d sma. HU fa'c9' 5, BeS cofds and ttlough lines Manilla rop?i Harness add'skirttng leiithetV Saddles IjrJdleS and horse collars. Cotton cards, Whlttdmnre's best, and com r . . mon kinds Teas, imperial k gUnpdjY. Hyson k black Indigo, madder, copperas, ahd Saltpetre Sails, borax, ; brimstone and alum,. Best winter sperm and tanner' oil, Pepper, spice, ginger and nutmegs, t?an dies, best sriferrh and ta!low4 Soan. brown and nale. Washina ahd sha j . ving, &Ci &c. given to the tale of produce con signed to their Care. August 110,185 ; . IV. Hi. iarttrt & Hoiitism I " - Petersburg, va., : ' . ! WILLI as hefeiofore, give particular a f lention to thesale of all produce sent td They offer for safe, Co if o'H Wrfggingi Rone, land ojhdr article in ieir line, oh reasonable itirms. , Petersburg; September 25, 184 Commission .Merchants, juul IN THE TOWN OP PETBRSBURO, VlkGtXiA; THI- Ve1 removed to the large and com modious Store, nearly opposite t r riend V Hotel and the Post Office, an next to West Mill Ware House. They give'prb'mpt ami 'personal attgntio to the'selhng of Ccfttdrt I obacco, andrj a kinds of Country Produce, and always id tend obtaining the best market priees and t nave ine money rreauy wnen sates are I madeCThey have now in Siqfe, the fa 150ck5alt. tfi';f J i,tm(,. 75 Bags Rib, Java and Laguira CoffVe, 10 HhdsVbrtb Rtciy Sugfi? 5dlBb1s.laine Vteroen P)taties, !h 50 ' New York Apples, 30 ; Boxe Cheese, ? " . r 3 f "5 l Kegs Goshen Butter ? 20 Chests various Teas, 1 fjp Hblsl Family and Super fi Flollrf QV Boxes Adamantine t andles '- V; i-'25 , lQerm - a nV . 2(j. . -yfttoqld ; i ,A Pepper, Ginger, Starch. Soaps,- W ph t- " 1'..-! ' O- a ' ' ping raper? 4 ypiej tr -r . i t ' tottaw FT71H E WMfasenbejf ifo$fo&$lche1p. two setohd flsnnfU o setohd flsndrUon Gfn. v ' v 1 i ; 7 Xrbpro.S Nov'r 7 'f' ' PETER8BJRGv Ya; : August i25hfl&45? ftlTAVE irt Store atid are receiving tKe following Gobds;sto"' wit: i' U 4- 60: hhdr P. Rico, N. G.r t. Croix and - refined SDgarJ : . 200 bags Laguira Rio and Java coffee, 20 hhds Pv .Rico, and ( oua t molasses-, part pYiWier " iooo sicks l: PmrG. AV kit, ? 200 ps. cotton baggihg; ; Jiiart jvprqiiat. 200 coils Bate rope,- ; n - 10000 lbs; Virginia cured-bacon, -, 1 0000 V Western sides aVjid Shoulders, 250 sidefi.agoddVn':Ma-maeU'f: Sole Leather, ; 50 dbz. Russet upper 500 lbs. Shoe thread, 150 bis. No. I and 2j Ns Ca herrings; 100 boxes Sperm and TalloW caudles, approved ll'ratitfs. v 20 boxes &.hls. Loaf &Cruhed sugar, ., 5 his. superior P,ol veVised t!o. 100 bugs lirdiV a lid lidck shdt, v 1 00. kegs L). P; 'powder, 30 tons Swedes and En&Hsh rdrt, 5 bind artd hoop do. 3 f blistered. German & Cast,steli 250 kegs rut and box nails, 10 doz. VVells & ( 0. apprdved axes, 50 casks London .porter. dts & p'tS', 10 hbcls Bahimdte whikey, 50 bls f do. dOi ' 50 supe'rior ftdHhtrh A. brandy, 15 iN. E Rum, . 10 jScuppernohg Wine, . 10 qr. (casks Tenet iff ami S M. dd. 1 ptpfe Superior did Madeira, 5 qr icasks Pprl wine 5 half pipes superior (ognar & Cham- paigJi brandyi ivurrarifct geriitihe, 30 blsj old ' Alondt'igahela whiskey, 2 purtcliedns' best Jam-jica Rumj 3 pipes H. Gin; 100 nests Irrin ahd Wood bdund tubs, 20 bags pepper; sjjice and jiihgbi, & halfjcliesU superior U. P., imperial , and Y. H. Tea, 56 dot) Bed Cords, best Hemp, 100 ! Cotton Lines; 100 reams Wrapping paper, 50 u Writing & Letter do: ; 20 boxed Whittimore's gentiint Cotton and Wdol cards, j , IOC) bis. new Ciiy roiintt; family floilr, 100 S. F. ditto ditto & country , 25 11 superior Cider Vinegary IdO bushels best Clover seed-s-$fcecei, Together with other article Usually kbpi irt the -Grocery lihe; all of which we offer for sale, upon such terms as we think a fair examination cannot fail to approve We are agents for the sale of .labez Parker's FAN MILLS, STRAW CUTTERS & ;. orwStl tilers; Which rife sold at the same prices as by ihe Manufacturer; - We also solicit a continuance tif the very liberal patronage' heretofore received in jhe wdy of Consignments bf Produce: say bottdnj 'fbiccd. Whedf, BaCon, &c.; and pledge Ourselves' Ui He tin wsl ve'rih in our terms of Commissions as we place all on ! att equal footing. Say, Jijjy cents per Produce 2i per cent. Also, the receiving and forwarding of Meihandise. ; :' JuRecel Americlin and' ngllsfi lhl German & cast StcfeJfr ctif & wrought Sails. Ciistipg, consistiq of ovepsj ppMj spiders. skiilets, tea Jceltlei, art'tlir;ons, car aid wagon boxes, ploughs poiritii heels,1 ride'sj long handled shovels, hoes, trace j and halter chains, sulky5 springs Turks 4sland salt, blown & ground saltf White lead linseed and train pi 1,. ..; 4; I0.andf 0 x .12 window giass-putty ;A LSO, a very large Sl general assortment of j Har?ws rc nd Cutlery, For sale on accommodating terms. : . " ;JA$ iVRtibELL. : TarboroNcW.V12t5:,il ';HJl ' f Patent Jllcdicines, . j GoeJickefs MatchlesSannHveySoT he ciifei o f Corisu m pit on, coU ghs, f o It 1 s &c. -jhllptslliernedy ))r Asiaiic.hplera, 4 Benardg rreniedx, for, A,ttlACkChplea cnoiera mornus. cunrnms;. otu. tDnM$iiiK certain; r tailing meuyjanfwwfw nici iireserVingftBe teeth1 frbfin? deeitfroci ihgitheigu"ms?&-? ?Ay-e:. 'ections wnicii accompany-mem. t i Tarboro June; 1841 - . " i mf - . . . . 1 i . '- .- -. ' -:' - "f . f ' 1 ' " ' 1 ' 'a L -s ; CLARK'S SPEECH, i i3n iher O'regerc 'yinron, ytUtertifr -. in ' : the House, of Represenlldti arif 6, 1S46, oh Ihe'rcMulifai :bfnb- tide f 6 Great Britain to abrogate the 'convention of. joint Occupancy relative id the Oregon territdrtj, 1 'continued from fust .f A'i ) Thus far of dur title acquired by the en terprise and adventure of our own, citizens, Which I. regard as the most reliable part of ih LetusnOV lodk into our title from Spain,! by the treaty of 1819. By that treaty Spain ceded to the United States "all her rights, claims, and pretension to live northwest territory. " So far as prior dis covery is concerned, ''these rights, claims, And jjre'terisions' of Spain' extended, 'and were cOmjilete, as far North as 1 40', at least. Between 1774 and 17?9,ex jjloring ekpeiditidns, sent 6tt by their gov ernmenti had discovered the Pacific cost as far riOrtli as the parallel of G0, had landed on it at various points, had Iraddti with the Indians, and had taken formal fidssession of the country in the name, and for the ; benefit, of their government- ' MM fw..cic, u-.6.nu. --(her rafee for the acquisition of more land? saw any portion df this coast north of 42. j. it tb be pred jlei that ,he would thikir was Cook, in 177?, after every portion or rcnder the darling of her ! affections, the the coast he visiter had previously been vis-1 0yect ofal, gelacnfidlng eObrts wilh ited by the Spaniards, Perez, Heceta; and out eVen a j,trilcrlb to" maintain anil "fjre- BodcSa- . . . : . ( serve them? . The government of Great Britain, hbw- ever, contends that in the year 1700, Spain ls il no.t more natural, mbie consistent concluded with beratreaty, by which cer-i with the circumstances of the tw nations tnin rights were sernrpd th Greot Britain ' at thd time, to believe that Great BritaJh in this Oregon territory. This treaty of l" -i'" " I,afc l" Oregon Cbnvin 1790 she contend is still in fofce, and that u tdt "he d ' ttot .d6di' 1 Country -.for,, Unwilling to substitute our goverftment fn the flace of Spalti in the former treaty. But we contend that the treaty of HM was " J w j , - abrogated and annulled by the wari of 1796 between the two contracting parties. iU. I n 4 4 V .4 W 4 4.4-.W 4-Mnn. . . n 4 lUlfl 4 4 HIV. IUl IWhJVS V. .44U..444K. l-4 lilUllllb 1JV . . W ' - . . . I III-- lllll V K ICI t UI Lllf. I ll.ai V III 101.7 IV rl.l 1 i . U 1. .' hnri All who have' argued On this point seem to counlry wa, oniy oesiraoie n r ihen, (hatvbeeaUSe yod have already con admit tliat there are Some treaties which "kr-hercluBnd for the vdca theiri; that o.r title to the whole of Subsequent war Between the contracting1 reCdds metals wl,.ch mIght abound in the m ndvducitiijrikWa;. It will not parlies annul and destroy; and numerous! bSm f mmmtainS-' Moreover, .f the to iei them-tKat tKe eauntry is poor, attempts have' beep made tb lay down : '"J! appropr.atWrt on not orttf having rfrid' that we would sdne general rule, by whidl, It may be de-: P3".0 powers of the O.cn individual cases, which may present them- i4. i..-: M.1al". ' J ; seltreJ td dur minds, than tb lay ddwii any thinglikda general rule. And the result ofthe attempts which haVe been made,jor sne av our. govern. fiifbnalyi vertfv thi assertion. :v Sdmfi fren- tlemen,lbr instance,! declare; a gbneral o-1: 7 a . general lies are abro- eral rule,, is rule; that all commercial treati 7 V gated By vaf; This, aS a general not cdniprehe'iieiive enough. tHat the treaties which are iri iheir character are also war between the parties. , sive and defensive is .ofthis eharacter, Anether gentleman I mean the honorable member , from 4 Sputli Carolina, LMt. H qiiMslfff has tried kill qd tnis point, Arid With all due .deference,- his attempt Cdme's" equally sifiotdf so,. He contePbed , that those tfe'fttfes Wpicn conier, privileges are a.orogai.eu py war; whilst, thce.which confer, rights, re- main initoucneo. i ms, as a general ruie, is certainly wanting; of , distinctness, for Some privileges are most ceriainiy riguisi The only. distinction which occurs to .me to be at once sentble and cbrmprehensive, is that which declares that executed trea- jties ai-e hot. affected by a war. between, the parties; .whilst those that are unexecute'ti-T Ihose which are executory those yhich dt'e inAeri are annulled.. Treaties, fdr instance, wh i ch sete:fett.adarjes-whjchtl i m i tor co n jferterritorft rghte, are.upaflfected by.'arjy. every t chfinge 3inut reiati ween it the Jwo countries, he Jscg tyv of 1.790; between Spain, and G reat, JHriU janis clearlyf embraced if - the,, 1 fttr Jilassl .royJd3e4Joft Indians trade, a,pd " ler tfiat purpose Jdnl yjie right fp xnakp staeincflp byo jfair. Ip.bnjstrnH Inn: he.rtecrarded.as rii?ht.to. aril propriate ierruorv ouen. a construe uonjsnouni uui uuMjywcu'.i-eip rd us rhed- 1 ninglbf the rierms c employ ed; . and whep we reier to extraneous , considerations, in brd e)t td aldl Us ? i ri cdming tj the rrea ui n g of t he,pariies, th i s constru ction- has, sti 11 1 ess ontvhich: to StattdU jfi lerritoriaL riglvls werciriltended to be secured jit is a reflctitioh is ndt warranted by tbe unapinigij') to suppose that tvyd SU6h..:ntelligeHt iv a-jbfeien XaUgh't 'tp ;'regari them in respect' td ttons woUldriot- havemn joyed less edtiivM Oregdnnt will not do tb listento theiii. P.caJ arid more pnectse. and. definite.. term. StilLlessrcap ' it?.f- be, beiev.edthatirC5reat -Britain, .whdrwas the jbarty, to be lieneit .ed,fwdiild Jiayoileft such essential and per manent rights tajmplicatjpn; and construc tidn. -It;is onlvr :hen she sdeks to extend her claims far bevbnd,.,theti1meaning and intention of the po wervvith , which she: is treating, that she nlploysf doubt fuj and ambiguous ; phraseis.s.4sJ)y,.the art3,.an tricks of diplomacv heaims! to accomrj lish her wishes, when more! open and. di rect means have failed. of .jjuoccSs. Again, a th e -time w h en-. t h i au t rea ty was - in a de , and for xn anyears help rc,Spai cemed to be beset wHha perfec for the acq u i si tioii o f , . ter rt tdr yfor the dis coveiy df new Islands and nevv continents. Her exploring vessels - were serit ou I. intd eVGry sea, and tos the uttermost partso'f the earth, in search df some new spot on which to plant the standard of her enter prise" and power.. Is the idea, that the treaty of 1700, acknowledged joint terri torial rights in this northwest teir'itory, which was cleunly the p roper ty of , Spain by discovery, between these two halioYis, consistent with the avarice of.Spain with f I i n a i mf "' Dl" " "TS ja" h e Jnd.an. for.-tr to th,5 pnvilegeof Iradejwe ft.jjht well sup; P mat fpam wuu.u "e.y'"nS ,or Jal" uable cOns'derat.onS, ; to grant, .inasmuch aS I t . i i, .. .T i 1 , ' I 1, I, . Lift i i y r"a" 7" we ' ir";" the latter durinrthe last War? rCan she ad- j V" T v' 1 7 " Tt it, without ihvolvmg herself indishon- involving nerscn inuisnon- i n,enl ai mat time territoi-y Time terriiory wnicn sne now urSs belonge.J-fersdf and la.r.? rt " n,? easy t-bel.evc that th.S t.ght td the terr.tory ftef thought others, i vj itiMf.i -v.r urs "e.ungu m nein TTamr''" ,l " ' , .. v j r .? , t. j r7 myolve us in war? And here I' will ' 1 tfentfemferf" Zirte free'af' pfea'eof, 1 MK:lake oVca'sibn toooserve, that what I fihsll Chairman, to consider this question iri its say tn this connexion, ; as well as.what hz3 bearifig tfpo. ions two cdilhtries', and I trdst 1 sfiall be pard- i if I should so tar Umiijie Xh whidi has been set as to express my dpi n- ions un uiui puirii. t i .yeniure io say ; mat 'bo one woulddeprecate more j hap myself a war wiw Hingiapo, or witt any omer power. f 1 Irust that feel a just apprecla- iion oi me nori ici calamines pi war ine f efliisfdn of b! dod iL would nToduce 'tjve loss of life it would occasion, the injury to commerce it would effect., But these are the invariable and linypidable effects df all war; effects . which would he visited op p rcat Britai n Jn a vd egree 4eq equal, at least, to what ye might to what we might experience o of iiiicin.,, auu ji ine uivaiiauicmiuuiiitvoit i d able effects of war arb to be effectually urgpa against ine maintenance oi our. jupk thaff neil whenever their, assertion j would, by. the hnost remote probability, lead us intd a cdnflict with andther people; ( It appears, to rae thattip ascertatPiPg our rights, and A J ' A . 4H. k .u. .A J 4. t riffnts. it rfinuires no rwiomorr io sec these rights, are forever, to be abapdo rd.Hirj influenced ,VIn' case of dolibtahU ceHdinjy a tb'our rigV Tdmit tliat they should be allowod to turn the scale in favonpf a xjompromise, or, if neces ' y,h abandonment' 'of burv oretensionfc. H-l' oretensi when our rights are "clear, and Jndispu ta- as "we have unless we are' prepafed W deprecate war dp any occasion, and for any purpose. 'It xppeat-sp me, sn4, that the example bf our revolutionary fatbers is the only " proper one in such Qases, and one which recom mend s. i tse 1 f to ' b ur' m os t fa v o rabl e i o n si A -eatton. When they were about to engage in a conflict , wiffi; the drfeaded rjoyer of Great Britairi, and that, tbdai a tim'e Ivhcil the" odds ' were a ' hundred-fold greater against them than they are against 111, did they stop to calculate the consequences of the "trljy 'appailihg contest in which they wereluboutto, engage? No, sir. They but satisfied themselves of-their rights, and iey went ahead to vindicate them, leav ing the con sequences to Him who' rules the destinies of nations a! we'll as of Thdi viduals. Their, suflerings, arid'losses, and hazard s vv e r e : far" 'more 'startling than any thatc'ossibly befal us. ; Their lutTerings were im printed by their bloody fobt-stepsbh the frozen ' earth their loss, if overwhelme(,4 would, have be6h the loss bf freed" m their hazard was that of reaping the1 death of the' traitor, and the ignominy df the re-uel- -siiflerinff! and losses, and hazards which in uo possible event can come to us. , Such ivas the spirit that adtliated biir an cestors then, and such I believe to be tho spirit by which a large portion of the Am erican heople 5 are actuaibd howl If war j IVerefore Should unfortunately grow1 dut of this matierits respdnsibility, whatever it miiy be, whether for glory 6r Cor snamey mujst iind will rest hpon those- who KaVO provdd before i the ' American ' jjebple thfeif clear and indisputable title to thb ivlirjl of ced that it Ts theirs. lie v tb "yield a ? single" inch. f" nii i tjctii tu out uity vyui ucdn u jtb1 knovV why it is urd:? AndiwHiHiH fnir involved in doubt SHd Uncef, 1 tintV; aridtherefbrej 1 :l 'f e6mig that it is a fit sub- Ybu Cannot tell odcur to them that it would jch to its as to G reat B ri t would have' to comd but with' wm.. w " v-UUIltUUI Ulll U1U. yoti wanted to givb it away in ofdef tbafj 1?!-:: . . r- pease her. wra'thin brder td avert her i u ,. ? -j u' s - At haitfr ;fn firnp.r tn nvnin fhft r.nnnint. tvitii ftKillTd be necessary to maintain ;z i i0 'vn - A 't i bur rights. v Such appears to ome to tdn tlid l&iS'oiihcy 6r1f&i aII jj,,, Who think our title to the tvhole of onon is clear ahd indisputable, and arc hold afb give up a "portion of it assertion bf o'tif tiiattlicct ed rights, of our clear ' and tie to the Oregon territo- .he en said by others here, is at best but idli and vague combcture. I deem this avowal be supposed by some of my constituents that I ivas m pos session, of some tuicts unknown to theni on vh1ch f predicate my opinion. P'drtfieir infotmatioh, it may not 'be amiss id state that I k no vy n o more a bout the; mattter t hah what has been published & sent forth td the worldi anci upon which they can speculate as muchj and peffra than I'canlVS.l will riot slop td inqnife whitlief the meregiving the notice is a jtist daUse of w aW I coii Sid e r ill e notice as prelim i nary onivMd tfrfc ardoptiQii of ;. such measures as I rnayl be necessary to maintain odr rights, f vhatevcr lheT may be, in the Oregon t"rn-' 9Wili&& ' the;?Presidc:U . or regard st, w he 1 1 he says in his message thdehd bf the year's notice, should' Con- I fc peridd when " tBc nati must either be abandoned or flvmly m.'n- Gained. -' It is the effect therefore, ef tha measures which, are . to follow the no tice, and vyithdut 'which the notice iK heMJ to which vvc must- direct ourcc