.. I ..- - i -V . - r ..vm V -1 i 1 i J t?tol?.7U 1049. S carborough, tsacombe Count!yjy.,v. Wetfne$day to .h 1 u V v i ft V ' n V- R ill JUVo : "i i'!f " ,.iff " - esj t im." MPj oknitAnailt kf Mass- Hr George. Howard. .Ir.t j i i;pobli8hisdwepkIy,iai,7W-Ioar-per year f paid in "advance or. Two Dollars and Fifly Jents at the expiration of the subscription year. Tubscribers "aire "it liberty tojdispontinue at fany ime on giving notice tHereof and paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding a square wiU be iserted at One Dollar the- first insertion, and 25 ;nts ' for every continuance! Longer ad vertise ents at that rate per square. Court Orders and jdicial Advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Ad Vrtisements. must be marked the numherof inser ,ons required, or they will be continued until therwise directed, andt charged accordingly; Letters addressed to the Kditor must be post lid, or they may not be attended to. (Volunteers for Oregon. iJlUenlionl.rhenmnlic itatlation! i . - . . IN anticipation of a war with Hn island, the in1ivi duats'com posingi he cm mut id Battalion are each and every one no'iO iaetl and warned 'to .-ap pear (armed as shall here afler he directed,) ..before Orderly Surgeon G EO. HOWARD, in fTarboro, and purchase a bottle of IfM.lleipesKtsinamrnl and Elijeh which Vs xvarrnnted lo cire all the old case of ! ! chnini c o r i n fl m m to y fheurnnti'i that" have remained nnctired np to the pre sfent time.5; -:'ljhi without dely, so that you may be in readiness to itilarcb, if called upon. To the"lJnive!r.-alRheijaitic R.at'alion! j Given thisjclay at Head Q iirier hv J -i CO STOCK fy CO. -j Comm intfers General. f The ahoye article i sold wholes' il: by Comstock & Co. 21 Cortfandt t. NfcA Yot k b3r Geo Howard. Tarboro' 'M. W.m. ion, Gaston -7-F. S. Marsliall, Halifax Bur nett ilym in, Palmyr;i - F. VV Moore. .Williamston -ami by one person in every yillde inU. StatWahd Canadas i I March 19, 1S16 ; More Braiidreth's Pills. O ' : "TyE have just received a fresh supply V of this valuable Medicine, which i rec6m mended by thousands of persons whom they Have cured of, Consumption, linfluenza, Colds, Indigestion, I) .p psia, Head Ache, and a sense of fullness 'in the back part of the Head, usually; the sy ro -toms of Appoplexy, Jaundice. Fever; and Ague, BtUiou Scarlet, Typhus, Yellow, and common Fevers of all kinds; Asthma, noul, Rheumatis n, N rvous Diseases, (Liver Complaint, Pleurisy, Inward Weak ness, .Depression . of. the Spii its. Ruptures, Jnfiiimatioh, Sore Eyes, Fits, Palsy, Drop sy, Small Pox, Measles, Croup. Couh. Vhooping;Couj;h, Quinsey, Cholic, ChoU era Morbus.- (travel. Worms, rD)enery, Deafness, Ringing Noises in the Head, King's EvilfScrofula. Erj'sipelas. orlSaim 'AnthonysFire; Salt Rhehm, White Swell ings, Ulcers, some of thirty years stand ig,, Cancers .Tiimors - Swdl il Feet and tegs. Piles, Costiveness, all Eruptions of tjie S U in , F right fu I D rea m s, Fe m a I e Co m ptaints of every kind, especially obsJruc lions,'reIaxatipns! &cv l? Also. Hrandreth's Liniment, for nores, swellings, woonds. &c , at iJ5 cents a bot-. Oe t J hose tPdls are 1 for sale in every County if! 'this Stiile", and by the following gentlemen in iliis vicinity. i V , . y Gee. fowird, Aent, Tarboro'. , j Ur :H. Belcher , Sparta. Isaac Scarborough. Oak Grove, j ,.. Dart iel 4' A6 u ntree9 Stanlohshu rg. I Peebles, Fcrtrivr.if Co. Ciai ksville. t J. L. & H. IV. flyman. Palmyra. IVm W Jones, ReeiV s ? Roads. Dk? oacsViithfittiJ. -.May 14 1844. v :. -. ,x- 21 it, HE f universal I celehr .'ty which j this mediciie his giined in evt ry Section f the countrj, an?l the many! astonishing ores it ha? effected, have established its -icacy oey ontl air, doubt; as a .-general uiiiiy ineaicine it has no 11 val. .j lh all ca js o(Hin4igestion, hilious levers Ulvnnen. lh CP m P 'a i n 1 s, f si c k h ea M c he, . i u ice, asiirma, uropsy; piles, colic.! worms. 3isease; of, the heart, arid' in ail affection X the -stomach 1 and bowels, Petersf Pill yi 1 1 be;4c)U n u ainever-failing r e m ed v v 1 r k: . I Peters' P;l Is. are purely vegetable, and o innocent hat the infant of a mouth old nayj use tbeot, if medicine in reqitireii rlot )nlyj withsaipty, feuts with as etaintv io1 eoetyinga,U)C beppit medicine ts iJapabl f imparfjn ;i Eemales may use them lu ring all jhej.crjfjcLpferiods of f iheir dives ?eters'vljs yiiU insure theiruhealiht ind produce regularity: in-all the functions of I C3Prico 25jandV50cis pr noxlFo ale .in;;irhorpfsby7;;';': Wl::-:l;rjLu,4 mmm ",' Patterson Wilts. PETEClBURG, Vat iflTf A V B in tore and are recei vinjg the i"r following. Goods; to wit:T v. 6U hhds P. Rico, N. O., M.. Croix and J refined Sugars, I, , . 20(X hgs Laguiia, Rio and Java coffee, ZQ hluls P. Rico and i utia molasses, I part pnmef 1 000 'sicks L. P -and G. A. salt. -200 p. cotton bagging, part sup'r qunl. 200 coils Bale rope, ;i OOpO rU'St Vtrginia?cired,bacin, , pOOVVesternidesndhOMldejr 2U ides good" and damaged" Sole Leather, , - " 1; r" 50 doz.1 Russet tipper, do., 500 lbs. Shoe X bread. 150 . bis. No. I and 2, N. Ca herrings, 100 boxes S per in and Tallow, candies, j approved lirunds, 14 ? 20 bxes & bts Loal & Crushed sugar. SS bis. sum-rior Pulverised do. 100 bags Drop and Hark shot, ! 100 kVgs D." P. powder, 30 tons .Swede and EngUsh Iron, 5 ' r b ind anil, hoop do 3 blistered. German & Cai steel, 250 kegs. cut and box nails., lO iloz. VVHU & o. apptovetl axes, 50'Vasks'L,biMlon,p''i1er-ir-q'ls & p'ts, 10 hhls Bahimore whiskey,' 5() bis. do. tlo. 50 supet ior North in A. Brandy, )5 N. K Rum. .0 Scuppeinong Wine. 10 qr. casks TeiieuflT and S M. do. I 1 P'pe superior old ..Madeira. ,: 5 qr caks Port wine, ; i5 h;df pipes superior (Cognac & Tham- .!. p.iigo bra.l , wttrrunfrtl genuine, . 30 bis old, Mouougahela whi-key. - ; 2. j)uiich'ons bet Jauriica Rum, 3 pipe H. Gin, 100 nt sts trdnand Wood bound tubs, 20 hag pepper, pxe and ginger, 5 half V-hests superior 15. P., Imperial I and YL H Tea, 50 doz Bt tl cords best Hemp. 100 Cot ion Lines. 100 reams Yapping paper, 50 Writing & Letter lo. 2(0 boxes Whiftimore's genuine Cotton ; and Wool cards, 100 his new City ground, family flnir, 100 S. F- ditto ditto & country , 25 ' superior Cider Vinegar, 100 hnhrls h st Clover sei d selected, Together wijh othr articles tiually were meetings in the counties of Lincoln kept in the Grocery line: ail of which we!and Catawba in which my claims were fa- ofiV'V for al. upon su'h terms as we think a fair examination cannot fail to approve. We; are agents lor the sale ol .lnbeZ; Parker's Threshing JTIachincSi FAN MILLS! stRAW CUTTERS & Which are solo at .the same prices as by the ; Alanufacturr. We also solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore Tecfived in trie fwaV of Cotisignmeilts 6f Produce: sav Cotfon, Tob 4ccp. Wheat, Uacbn, &c ; and pledge ourselves to hi unwavering in our tet in of (TonvTjis4oii! as ve place all on an eq.ial fooling. Say jijty cents per note jor carton, aim an oiner R.m, o. Proiluce 24 pr ceniv A'o. the receiving aniforwaidinfct of Merchandise. . 7ir ntipavatlrlt d pnpnluvity nf I layrs Liinimenty Tf S' a surety of its vi'tu'e -Hhe genuine Hay's Liniment ha cured over twenty thousand cases' of PILE1 in the United States. It-is the only attide ued and pre scriheil by the Faculty of New York nd it ' is recommcridefi fby very Physician' in theouhtry'wiio has used iv or seen its ef fncls on 'others. t he' genuine has Com- stock & Co.'s name on ech wrapper. 61d "wh'oit sale by Comstock &. Co ' 21 Coitlamlt st xSew York by Geo. H610- rtrdi jTa'i hOro r- M W. j.on, J 1 . sion Y S. $na Hynian. Palm ra- F 1. W.; Afooi e, Wjllianstoiii--andjby one person in every village i" U. States and t ainidas; ' Mirch! 19, 1846. t By the Stibscriberj . i L A R( ; E j JA SiO U ; I Al E N T i Swedes, Ameriraiiiiiul iEiulish Iron. . u 1 ? 4- skillets, lea i k et 1 1 e s , a n d i r n 3, ca 1 1 . a n d wpon buxes jdouglis, points & heel, 3 Spije longJ)ciuilled shovels, hoes, trace . ami ,lalt;i:Chdns, Milky "prhi5,Jt . f . ' . rur(iij lljnti salt, h,iwn & ground salt. ;; IVV h it h .1 ea L 1 i 1 1 st ed a n I I r a i n o i I , p X IU ami k u sc winclow-jjiaais-r7puyy. , a very large . general assort nient O" Hardware mid Cutlery, p or sale on accommodating Sterm.sw ' From the Fay etteville Observer. V ' r20tl846. My Dear Sir: JEnclosed you have a let ter which speaks for itself. I know that politically I have np claims upon your col umns, but cut off as I now am from . access to the . "Standard," I throw myself upon your magnanimity, Well khowlngjthat you fully appreciate, the sentiment contained in the couplet, that f'When truth and justice an affront en dures, The cause is mine, my friend, and. should be yours." v : i I have addressed a copy to the "JefFerso nian," but I vish it to make its appearance also in the East f ' " Yours truly, f ! W. P. LEAK. TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF N. CAROLINA, i I owe it to myselfas well as to'the par ty with whom it has been my pride arid boast to have acted through life, to make the following statement of facts justifying my present position before the public; not doubting that upon a candid review of the whole ground, it will be seen by all1 un prejudiced minds, that whatever of schism may be produced in our party by the recent nomination of the State Central Committee, cannot rightfully be attributable either to myself or friends. I begin, then, by sta ting, that early in Feb'y there was a meet ing held in the county of Anson, in which my friends thought proper to present my name to the State at large, as a suitable person to be Tun as a candidate for Gover nor, and at the5 same time they appointed a committee to notify me thereof and ask my acceptance.- On the 21st Feb'y, there vorably urged; on the 24th of the same month, a meeting was held at Charlotte of the citizens of Mecklenburg and Union counties, expressinga decided preference in my favor, and urging upon the State Central Committee to apprise me thereof and my acceptance: all of which were published in the Jeffersonian, and of which I was im mediately apprised by letters. In this state of affairs, I vjsitedl Lawrenceville, Montgo- mery county, at which place 1 met trtends from the adjoining counties, who warmly urged .-upon .me. to come out as a candidate; d on the 27th day of Feb'y I made i,nown f n tuprn thut t vvnnlrt An srt. inrl that I would announce it to the State at large, in a letter to the "Anson Commit tee' accepting their nomination. f On the next day, the 28th I communi cated to the Hon. Robt. Strangethe fact of my having come out and then for the first time learned that he had received a letter from Doctor Watson, one' of the Central Committee, asking him tp repair to Raleigh on the 4th of March, fbr tthe pur pose of making a nomiualipn: 'Jj4;r Finding myself thus awkwardly -placed T atr?d of Jutlcrft Stranp-eHo address a letter . - . . . i . to Dr. Watson, intormlng him ot my posi- tion, that I had come out in good fa ith and that lwmildlno evehi be arijenTft the steI had lakehTunderth of my friends the- day previous, kludge Strange on that 'day, the 28th, Tnformed jin he ' s,ighles,t clegree, .responsible; for Dr" Wntson thereof, and advised that! fbr:! hat has been brought about; and from jny asmuch as the step had been taken, thatinowIecJgf heentlemen, allhoi they f hlrfe sho,dd h no Vol Ksion. nttl SiVo ested maha ve preferred . M rV Shepard to mya th broprietyWlhe State Cen miftRfi" lftndififlll the aid in their ribwer. wvKk f iKnr fivwroi, nV.h dflf versity ofopiiiion as to the propriety of the ! PP9?n claim would have been,, set .up Committee i taking uon themselves the 1 ll frel partly rrnted,4frQm,th rikhtBfnommationV&expressla rch he thought thatthe exerciseotlthi erl was atleast Very questibnble"Whchl the least agency,in bringing me.pu lie read in niy presence. FearihIhal a? cofi4Yhen noifie4 oil thefacU he magQan linimigntbejbiiighra attempted Ip pouri I uppp; the jPp the -RalelgH toliqyelWthe wf6tdailetfertrith Editor MardTisIetteriNvith . W. VV. Holden- vho was one of the Com mittee, r infdrmeoyimoi what haa lalten ! place, and authorised andfieauestecl him'to make known to such of the Committee as might meet on the4th, my position, and expressly stated, that coming out asldidj and at the tune I id, that Ivwould give place to no nomination the 5 Committee might make. On returning , home from Lawrenceville, I wrote my letter of ac ceptance to the Anson Committee; and en closed it directly to the "Standard'? for pubr Iication. This letter" was mailed i on the 2d of March, at Cheraw, S. C.,' and must iaye reached Raleigh on the 3d at night; and on the 5th of March I again addressed him a letter, fearing a .miscarriage. ' On the 9th of March I 'visited Anson Superior Court, when and ' where 1 again made it knovyn thatT was a candidate. On the 12lnpf March, John W. Ellis and Judge Strange,, tvyo of , the Central Vinmiitee, at my , request again aatiressea a letter to the Editor of the Standard. The letters were handed to Mr. . Guion, of the city of, Raleigh, and by, him I Jpresume were delivered at least by the 15th. Xx What the letter of Mr. Ellis, contained I know not, but I was informed hy Judge Strange, that he stated in his letter, that I was then attending 3nson Coultand was fairly in the field, and that Jie again advi sed that there be no collision of interests.,,, ;. On my return home from Anson Court? I found a letter from . the Editor f of jhp Standard, dated the 8th of March. He4 acknowledged the reception of my two let ters, but said nothing about my letter Of acceptance, which I know he , post have received, for both letteis referred to it. He stated thattheGommittee about Raleigh had written to the other members o mittee in different parts of the questing among other , .things, yould express a preference be the Com State, re- that they ween, Jas. B. Shapard and myself, and that as soon as they were heard -Jrom, a Candidate wouiu be brought forward. ' , 1: These are the facts of the case. I regret exceedingly that any collision jshould be brought about, f()r We require our whoJeJ and undivided strength'at the present crisis: I owe it, therefore to those friends ,who have beey most active in bringing me, ouf, as well as to my own character, not, to with draw, and will canvass the State if I do not getSOOvotes. u:, --y; ... .,::,";.rr;,l In conclusion, it will' be seen . whether the Democratic party . of the $tate,0 1 he men who do the battles of Democracy "at the ballot boxes, who neither seek or de sire office will c suffer to be put down jan, humble individual, who under, cjvery: vqri-, ety of shade, has been J rue to thejr princi ples; or whetherithey are mere puppets,, in the hands of political wire; w'orkers.in am) about! the city of Raleigh, who nOw, as heretofore, really seemed impressed : with the belief that Raleigh, like Paris,, is the State, and' that every citizen must bow. to theirj dictation. - J .i-.t yti nno ,1 am trk h t nf ntl i. tn , h V nn .. .u :ui- r.. ,i t .. . . u . T 1 ri ileft home on the 17lh,ult. ,aoa . has not this I mean what. I say, for.the.uonventiopr n;uvti. -ii.f ;-i i i; 4--f ''mi.-. . u .UA 'Ij u rndinimn l ''since been heard of. He was subject to neverhaving authorized thy resolution the v it, n-,: $. --m v. ; ; J, . I- r . '' . fits,-and his mind: was impaired,, beinr providing for anv such l contingency th , ru iv: r ? . f r . ' : , . "i ? . f constantly nossessed with the idea that exercise ot tnts ngnt yvasnoiningpina na - " " ked assumption of pot sponsibilityr whatever In truth, the Convention i ; naUf npi.in.is . ,1 r - it' i iTu a 4- fiu -i L u,i i thevreflectwni0.fi.the.peoplel and when; they. ! had nnminitpd- thoir nnvvpr. was :vv- - p - - at5an-ejid " ' 'a' , yui,; j ;vv " of the omrnittee jCho reside ;outLne'lJr ' 'AV-rf i'.- fl !t Preseni wiienjiw p resent when the ? Ra 1 eighncliq oe w er assured pf mvbeipg,;in the5field;-that,np r.. MrDavid-Fullon, of the Wih lingion 1 (yttrn9 ' . - Elizabethtown, Bladen,lMarch"29th.' Dear Sir: Your paper of the 27th insL, has just been vplaced1 in my ; handsbjr a friend. I n, looking oovethe strictures whicmouhav in, touchingi'my presentposition before tKe pTibiicYVoirh (unintentional I have i'no doubt.) -1 ' You represent me as s'tyliiigrihe Cen tralcommittee" a clique" wisliing to dic tate to the State;5vhereas ho such aii infer ence icanbeffaiHy-dravn from my circular detter.v:r t-nt"- -nil .a-.ih t-zhyj.'i I-simply attempted iri;my letter J an positiori of; all the. pi rcu instances under which I came out, and tndoing jso, writh ing under the Jhdignityofferer) trie; lo used (as is my habit) .plain neas. pf-speech, r suci as should , not fail of its effects,, hybeing ?p refined and. so I a bo rip u si y0 d e 1 j ca t e, . as, jto cover the enormity which.I sought -to e?;- pose. ; . 1 teit lnen as 1 , leel ,iiowv.mat inc language employetli was justified by the usage. recei ved; bgt J expressly confined it to. a Clique", inland about the. city Of Ra leigh. UV'h&:Mt'ty lo'l.UI;'nk .'' : I intended it for, those, and those only, whether, in the Committee; or. ,out of the Committee , who, afterta x full knowledge pft all the circumstances, advised the step of whrch I. had reason to complain,; If the lapg wge? used,, has adjroader- i qop struct ion, thpilexcitenientii tmder which L wrote Is the ,apo!og5 I ,novv ofieivis oiU PM, b-:.d Ifyouwijl aga i n look - o verrtmy-. letter, you, will finp!,ihatjt )concIudeS,as: lollovvs "In ; any , thng J say, J donptvii tend to censure, j n 1 he most , remote j degree, ihoso members of the Committee who reside ou of the city. of Raleighf" ;? They nre not in tha slightest degree re sponsible jfor yhat, has been brought a,oUt, and from myknowledge ofthosey gentle-, men, although e'ths.y. . J??a3 i"ba yef- preferred Mr, Shepard to myself, .yet r L -cannot but think, i hadj,theyyJ)eenM present ;wiien: the "Raleigh tCJiflue"fAvere-a?3wre4 of my he- ing in ,the, field,that pp opposing claun, would have, beenset, up. In, this J (eel partly yvjirranted by ihe.htghi minded,and "onorauie , course purueuv . u -uu StiTinge, &c.j &c- ; - t , To you, ind . v i;lually,(l ,ama stranj;er; 3yet. nevertheless, alio wme to say, that as a poiiticaUbro.her, I havecsome claims upQn your col umns. We all profess to befde mpcrats, at)d thereforje ;allr ha ve,anucr7 right to be heard. r Yes; -equality iside mocracj', the reverse -is federalism; the ! principle which X have been combattin't trom youtnio -manhood, and lrom man hood to riper years, ,s I vvill thank you to.giv.e this' letter, if n'MtYf'.H'-.tiiW 'J,-0; !'.t-':'i.;x.r.-,-".H?? not my former Circular, a place int your 1 columns.; Respectfully and truly yours, W. F. LEAK. , . - Information Wanted. Mrs.?ffMary Oliyeri near Rollin's Storet P. 0.. Moore county, N. C," requests, us to notice the dtsappearance pf her son, John Ohyerrwho j m , . ' .1,-15 ' ; ? ' mr.rmm. mtm.rm.mm mm. ..TnS I r 11 1 n t n 4 CHAnf f iif? -..v' viu.-s . 3LI uu tl iiciitr iuu iiai by luvmiiiir u&iui w he was aflaicted he had been to Alabama, Aniv h ai-L :- n"-r- 'v n' it a .land rthpr nlnrps. and. hna.rprpntlv talked hi hy . .vwr . iu , aiiu ji i r - . . j -f g0Hg b Tennessee ; i 1 'inforniation pf -hitn will be" than!:, j Wi vr . - "-4f- - ' r : ; fOdclbP Killed by his own Prescript ioi.-We have just seen a private letter from Macon, Ga, stating ttat Dr. Ambrose Baker, an old and high jy esteemed phy sician "bff that place, die'd pnthe Slh' ihst. from the effects of his own medicine. He wrote a prescription for a dose ' ebmpssed in pari of Prtissi c r5cid,At o be ad m in istercd to a patienE The droggist sent the mcd icthe witK a cmessageT that whoever tool: itvouia ::feliaa.:lutne patienfthereup onrefusea tb take it,?When the Doctortq' convince1 hmlhHheivas fn6 dsn&rl sWalloweil M feiSeif. Hcie'in half 'en than it should have 'been;' totich .i:lfrmbical blunder. :1 i GEO. HOWARD Jtecnt nv jnn ore r ? rn n irev' wasf in a 1 1 eu m c j n e ra w- t - SKO! I nvthl St? olMalthiiIectJ I Tarboro, Nov. U 1 lUit4aq .V ;