I: I; I VJ -1 :17TT3 "';'A'.' TTPi TTP WT "Prp- rr A- T-rrN-r-rrYr w -rvi . " - tost. a- r . - .... . v . ' . s ' --.r-.'-..t. . .... - , . . . -.. . ,. ' . ; Br tEOBOHowRD. Ja.,v , ijs published weekly at Tu?o Dollar per . year "if natd in, advance ar Tart Dollars and Fiffjf z.uent at tne expirauojp oi ine suoscnpuon jear. I Subscribers are aOiberty to discontinue at any I time on giving "notice thereof nd pafingiirrears. I AdvertisemenU not exceeding a square will be inserted at Qne uollar the first .insertion, arid 25 Cents' for every continuance, r Longef fedveruse ments at that rate per squaret Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements 25 pet cent! big per. Ad vertisements" must be marked the numberof i nseN tions required Of they wiU: be continued until otherwise directed, and charged accordingrly. f Letters addressed to the Bdhot must be post ' paid, or they may not be attended to. f Volunteers for Oregon. dUenlionf rheumatic Kallailon! IN anlicipaiion of a war with Kngland, ibe inWivi duals com posing1 he Uheu- malic Battalion are each and every one no'ifi rKAgaed and warned to n pear (armed as shall here after be directed,) before Orderly Surgeon GEO HOWARD, in TarboroY and purchase a bottle of Hewes Llivimenl and (Uijcir . which is warranted to cure alt the old ''castes of chronic or iuflnnm toty Uheuniattstn that have remained unctired np to the. pre .sent time. This without delay, so that you , may be in readiness to march, if called upon. To the (Jni verbal Rheumatic Hatialinu! " Given this day at Head Q i iriers by COMSTOCK 8? CO. Qumm tnders General. The above article is soll wh?les;ile by j Comsiock & fo. 21 Coitiandt stv.Nbw York I byGebVlf6ioard9 Tai borp' v M. We. ! 8on,Gaston-F. S Marshall, I lalifax Ben : nett & llyman, Hamilton - F. VV. Moore, . Williamston and, by one person in every ? village in u. iaies anu oanaaas. March 1, !lfl. , ' " ' More Brandreth's Pills. . : ;.- ; " - "TOyE have just received, a fresh supply v ' of "this valuable Medicine, which is recommended ' by thousands of persons whom they have cured 'of Consumption, Inflaeriza, Colds, Indigestion, Dyspepsia Head Ache, and a sense of fullness in the back part of the Head, usually the" sym lomsof Appoplexy, .laundide. Fever and Ague, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhus, Yellow4 and common Fevers o'l'.all-kintlsi Asthma, Gout, Rheqmntis n. vNi-rvous Diseases, Jiyer Complaint, Iniiisy, InwardjWeak ness. Depression ol the. Spit its. Ruptures, Inflamation, Sore Efes, Fi?s, Pa I sy Drop 8)' Small Pox, Measles, Croup, .Couh, Whooping Cough, Quinsey, Cholic, Chul era Morbus,, Gravel, .Worms, Dysentery, -Deafness, Ringing Noises in the Head, King's Evil, Srroftila. Erysipelas, or Jsaitit Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, White Swell ings. Ulcers, some of thirty years stand ing. Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet and Legs, Piles, CostivenessJ all Eiuption of the Skin, Frightful Dreams, Female Com- f plaints of every kind, especially obsiruc I .lions, relaxations. &c. - Also.Brandreth s Iiniment, Tor sores, swellings, wounds. &c;, at 25 cents a bot tle f those Pills are for safe in every Cgrinty in this State, and By the' following gentlemen in this vieinityl 7 I Geo Hnwirdt Agent. Tarboro'. , ft. 4 Belcher ) Sparta,, r Isaac S'carbamugh Oak Grove Daniel lotinlree, Stantonsburg PeeblexVFenner.&f Co. Clai ksville. fl. lt. Hyjnan Palmyra. Wm. tV Jones, Reed's ? Roala. D. H Holland, Smithfit ld, ApriU6,l840. , f niHE universal celebr tV which this ' medicine h -is ined in evtfy section of the country, and the m'Jny asiduishing rres it hasTcCed. have established its 4&cy beyond jII doubt; as a enerl l am'jlv mortiKinA ( lie nn rival ' ill fill 43' I ap (if inrtiiraelinn ' ttitirx.u fot'ora fltrciOtt. fitnf liver complaints, v sick headache, jduti f dice, asthma, dropsy, piles, col ic4 worms, Disease of the heart, and o ail aftvr tionsN; ( ofthe stomach and bowel Rt era V.Hill J will ne found a never-failing remedy Peters HiU are pUrely vegetable, and SO innocent that the infant of a' inonih p'd may use tnrrK, if medicine is required, rtot 6hly: wjllr sifety but with certainty "of receiving'airthe bennt medicine i capable of im parting,; female may use them du Hng all fhe eriticdi periods- of their lives, Peters Pi lis wi I I Jnure4 their heah rt .and produce regularity in. all the functions of g3P"ce 25 and 40olsi per box. For v , GBCr QWtiBfc Agent. Tarboroy A uT 181845, ' ;' j 5 Ee lei k rfugusl ii5f 1845; TJT:AViK in tore nd f are receiving" the 6 i hhds P. iRico, N. O., 6t.; Croix and . refilled Sugars, . 200 bags Laguira, Rio and Java coffee, 20 hhds -Pjf Rico and f uoa "molasses, part pritney t 1000 stcks Lj.j P. and G. A. salt, 200 ps. cotton bagging part sttp'r. qual. , 200 coils Dale-rope, 0000 lbs. Virginia cured bacon, 0000 Western sides and shoulders, ! 2$0 sides good" Bnd 'damaged Sole l.eathi r, - .' v 50 doZ.' Russet upper do. , 500 lbs. Shoe thread, .. , 150 bis. No.j I and 2, ,'N. Ca. herrings, 100 boxes Sperm and Tallow candies, j ' approved Brands 20 boxes St bis. loaf &'Cruhed sugar. 5 bis. Superior Pulverised do 1 00 bag4 Drop and Huk shot, 100 kegs Dj !P. powder, 30 tonsWede and English Iron, 5 bind and hoop do '3 blistered. German & Cast steel, 250 kegs rot and box nails. 10 li2. Wells & o. approved axes, 50 casks LOMd-n p- rterqjs & p'ts, lO hbts Baltimore whi-key, "50 bis. . do. - do, 50 stiperior North rn A Brand v, 15 N. E Rum, 10 Seu ppernong Wine, . 10 qr. casks Tenet iff and S M. do. I p?pe superior old Madeira, . 5 qr casks Port vyine, 5 half pipes superior Cognac & ChaHi- paigu bratid v, warranted genuine, 30 bis. idd jMouoiigahela vyhiskey, '2 puncheons be-t Jamiica Rum, 3 pipes HI (Jin, 100 nests 1 rot) and "Wood bound tubs, 20 bags pepper, spice and ginger, 5 hair ehests superior li. P., Imperial and Y. ; H. Tea, . 50 doz Bel cords best Hemp, 100 Cot tdn Lines, 100 reams vn rapping paper, 50 VVriting & Lettef doi 20 boxes Whitlimore s genuine Cott on i atnl VVqol eahls. .100 bis ntw City ground, family flour, 100 S. F. ditto ditto& country, 26 superior Cider Vinegar, 100 bushels best Clover seed SCteefedi Together with other articles usually kept in the Grocery line; all of which we hiff r,for ale, upon surh terms as we think! l r L: S 1 . ... f.:i . a iarr examination cnuiiui iaii iu apurove. We are aertts lor the sale of JabeziPdrker s Threshing JfJachines FAN Ml LIS. STfiAW CUTTERS & i : syW, v hich nre soldatthe same prices as by ne Manti actur-r4 . V e also solirit 3 continuance of the very Ib- ral p;tro,iae heretofore .received in the Wa of Consiirnments of Produce! sav jlyOllOli, I uu H""U. w ut'dlf IJIICUII, oti:. , HIIU pledge ourselves f r be unwavering in our erms Ot COtnilllSSforiS, as we place all on bh pnnl iniitincf Siv ? fpnf npf pn equal , toonng. JU'J cents per Bale for Colbn. an all other kinds ol riuijiire j percent aiso, uie receiving nt forwarding of Merchandise. 7i v n npuvallrlt A popaLtn iiy of llay's Liniment, ITS ,a surety 6( its virtue the genuine honsand c;ise of PILE- in the United Ntates It is the only articlp tHed arid prs- scribed bv ibe jFaculty of New York, nd t is recommertded by every Physician in be country who has USed iv or seen Its ef ects on others. I he genuine has Com- stock &,(-o.s name on e-eh wrapper, ; t : Nold whuU.saie by ('omstock &L Ca 2l ortlandt si. Nev Vork by Geo. HiW- rrd, Tarboro- IVI " Wesson.. .siom-K Marshall.' Halifax Hennelt & Hy man. lamilton r7 VV . M oo e . v i 1 1 i 4u sto 1 1 thd by one jjterson in every villa ie in u. tales and aiiadasj ' March ID, 1846. I JiistRecefved, ? ! the Subscriber ; LARC;E JASSOH I M KN i? Swedes, A meriair and Ettglish iorir3" Oerman& aLSteel, rut & wrought NaiN. Castings, consisting ol ovens, pof spielers skilletsytea f kettles; andiron3 cart and wagort boxes, liloughs,. pdnts at hel, Dbde'lonlianiiled shovels boeV irat panes "ng ace ancthaltr chin9,4stllky springs, , urkl JsUnd ItbwmfiijrorFndlsa't, , Vhite lead, linseed am) iratti oil,; V, j ' ;.Ts x 10 and .O x 12 window glassjpolty lSO, very large & general assortment o m GROCERIESHM " China. Gift; Crocker? and St on $ ware. t or sale on accommodating ierin., , .; Tarboro!; Nov 1 134k - 4. V' "I 6 From the Union. The panic in New York, in consequence of the false alarms excited by politicians, brokers, &c, frdm a misfejDresentatidn o( the money Reflects of the constitutional treasury bill, is how sqbsidingv The 'New Ydrk Evening Pdst' df yesterday, says: "The Electidn is dVerarid the pd litieal panic-makers have no longer any oc casion for pretending td be frightened. ' The "New.Ydrk Jdurnal df Commerce' comments very freely on the panic move ments and curtailments of some df the banks, and contends that "there is nothing in the subtreasury, absurd as the measure is, (the New Yerk Journal is pleased so to say,) which can cause any serious pressure on the moneymarket. No man cati shdw how-the collectidn and dtsbursernenl ef the public revenue in specie, can produce any great cdmmdtidn, ndt even if the present balance are removed to the subtreasury. There is nothing in the wdrst shape df the measure which will necessarily raise the interest df money one per cent for three months, &c.,&c.,&c. It contains no pro vision requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to draw out the balances now in the banks. On the contrary, he is express ly authorised to let them remain, and ' pay out from the new collections of the sub treasurr; and there is no reason to doubt that he will do so. What fduhdation is there, then, for this panic, about a measure which may never be adopted, arid which, - 1 r - 1.1 ' A - m t - r from timorousness and ignorance, or from political motives, or for the purpose of keeping the public money, set about ma king a panic, as they did on the remdVal of the deposites from the United States Bank, th nrnr.Pina will novv h iindfirstoodi . j ?. . .l , , . j I iviuiu uuwh w t upon mem in a trumpet dignation. It is monstrous that the inter ests of this great communit' should be trifled with. In the deposit panic it waS proclaimed that the merchants would ! break, and the banks would ordbablv break. The merchants did break by hun- ' drds, for no reason on earth but a mere ' . , a.arm gut up ueuvru uic punuciaus auu banKs. Some panK directors, we Jsnow, ttii waiving uic oauiu vvuioai picogiuj mivt ! proclaiming that if the subtreasury. passes, half rh mPrphnntd will hrMlr. Whnt ran ho , , s 4 . .. . more CrUeL what mdre wicked, than such j, , .. , t i j- ' . i f UitU& UU CCIU1 O VV III I1U. UX1U :n iCji this the way to prevent the passage of the. li 11 snouia, wouia noi renaer me -removal . ... j itt - , - . . J t, 1 keepers with a cane, who returned the of the denosites' necessary nor probable,! , , , ir ' Vii,a liV:.i: ' . i .r , . ; iblow, killing young uloVer and wounding except as gradually required for the wants ? k ?i T : itrin: ,r 6 2 - . , . . f quite seriously Messrs. Johnson, W illiim- of. the government? If the banks, either , w. T. 1 . j, l uk ' o : 7 snn. and Wflrinor. I he kr-pnfir hos rieen sub-treasury.V prising townsman; Capt? Timothy Hunter, The banks Can gain nQthng:by:ejv ; tQ . .works like 'a .attempt to bring back th panic,, (of United State, Sank.) Xet them try ; tnree vess and the indignation they .wM produce vdi time and placed iiporf the: way sJ They are onlyi determine, the. republican jnembers bro . ht f M'e6; jtead of Head on. of Congress to act with more yigdn It The John 0 call1dUh; beinj4 the first, Was should never be permitted to banks to con- ken u lrt finestyle'on Thursday mor trol the nioney market pa much as that : ;-'r ;V :T,; -;,ti-.:f. f i f : H k they can produce a pressure and a panic as ;r :;1'x'.,.."; f-f: .;; ". -;..;t; ; , they please, to affect the commercial inter- 'Jifii li&Jl a:-jL ;.i.J J irl ests of the whole commun.ly.niflrder that - V''"' ! ' ' 1 j "i1 pelthe renewal of ; their;charteri . The leged corporations is becominga s rpng in-its acts, and too impertinent iq its. inter-1 feren ce, to be suffered -in a .free, cou ntry. The single feature in the constitutional trear sury bill, which permits the deposits of the governmenf, to remain in the banks, .s.until they are withdrawn by the ; neswtiejof the government is liberal and. vftse jp itself It deprives the banks of all.excase Jor cjreT ating any panrcr or of opposingthe, Intri. ductfon of the;constito:tional treasury '.' From ike Raleigh Standard, :IeCpMfyhe State Whig i r i tf -ii-. -f-i T.." nas worKea useii miu a ucucui iui y, uc- Cause We thou eht 'proper not" since. to rebuke its oneo and insolent mterfer-U governmeathas arlghreguls 0Wn'0 financeSaS it pleases .Norhoald U. ever permit its funds t: become. some one having ,n pos-ss.an a key of (ho discount and speculaUon for the; bttv eJtemptibut ltii, nevertheless- ir j Tjib?, . rk- ehcfc with the affairs of the 'peopfe'of Myde uuuiji t ne dunio in . . v asningion, com- xo cause assigneu tor 11. ' bdsed of MrllStanly" the Editor rbf the 7 iti iMorgansiown (Va. Whig, and a few others, (when tot speak of f..; v a Wnlb We cail ? 51 FrdtniAeMa ) have heen engaged for some, time in attempting tb C :: jfr is:iv .j.-t-'n? in Byde the srrte tactics' and ofganiisattdn t !Jffrfi dsCtatedS Independent ih which prevail in foriiindnAhe formation has bee a received at New Or gdme now 13, to sacrifice thd'presertt Sher- ,eans fronr Cam peachy5," that Signor Bar iflf df Hyde, because tie Kappem to be d hacano, Ooverrtdr of the State bffYucatari, Democrat! No dne; weuneretanrJ, al- an(i tne- members f both Houses of Con leges that he halrpt been Vfaithfu cer. 0n the "cdntfafyj he inf 31sl u,t- to 'proclaim their inde has notronly dating; that he has, time after ft me; ad van-: . . ; i:,: ced for his. fellow citizens the amount ot . Asheville, Jlprily 3.We Understahrj taxes due from thein; and that rie has spa- that a difiictilty oeddrfed at the Sulphur1 red no painsj .vvhUe, atvthe. same time he Springs, in this county on Saturday eve wa4 exact and cdrrqet Jo the performance ning last, between Majoi4 Rdbert Murray of, . his. d u ties, tq!. t-ejiy, idf and -i-:? W i 11 iam Webb, dufing which the his fellow citiatens from being exposed to f latter i received; two or three severe staba ruinous sacrifices. In a vdrd,fhehas beeniwith a knife. It is thought, however, that a faithful, kirtd. and accommodating ofiB-jhe Will recover. . Maj. Afurray was bound der; and his only ffill.t, in the eyes bf fed -1 over td answer1 at the ilext term df dur Su- eralism Is, that he is a democrat!,, i .:t The people, of Hyde, we; feel sure, will not submit to the didtatidn df the ,Vyash- ington Junto. Thev are competent, td manage their qwn affairs, and. they yill dd it, the rage of Master, Henry. Dimock to the contrary ndtwilbstanding. I Deplorable Event. The Richmond, E n q u i re r sta tes that w hilst h e Me H si f 1 e of Itymond & Co. was at- Charlotteville Va. a difficult o,ccjrred tbetveeH tHe stu dents' of the University and some of the keepers, which resltltdd in the death of a young man named GIdver, frdfn Alabama. It seemed that the students advanced near the cage just as one of the managers enter ed it with the lion, tiger, coUgar, and; ard, aild were warned to stand back, but refused td do sd.C Some ' wordseusued, when one of the students struck one of the 1 . . . - - , - , i i.i"1 arrested and committed to prlsori.iol From the -Raleigh Register. ' Cool Tmpttddnce.A negro slave was arrested in this City a few days ago, who absconded frottt 'his master's service in Warren County, five years agd, and who has passed the whole intermediate time in i this nlace -iust fiftv mile from his home I . r w ti u i.,-M i as a Frert nrtro He nns fltirinrt-that rte- 0- - - 1 riod, been recognised as a free man in this community, and has entered into all sorts of Contracts on his own account. ;W hen his master appeared," however, he - very quickly t;,fessed the corn;' N Marine Raiawy. -The Old North oiaie, nonces an luipruveuieui iu xjuza- .. . . .. . . ; ntn l ;if v. ns tnlinwsr - -j i j 4It drir'pa tis n nleasiirp to statetbatHlle - w lntpIv -fini.u i,' ,obome ' 07ftaM CC. " C; MiatUTCI llldl till V.. ; , v. 4! Cool Weather lor the last week has been tfri-: equal from . 1 0 - t o i $1 6-50 per h dn d red; and Hemrigairbnt '$4$5A6 6'pemhbtidl ThQrriVaisin this4 fcfiy; so fUiHavbeeni la.u.au.w i..,v -...v-yj route to Mpoue supposed, to.oe taKen fromrtheptomacwe iearrt,ftia$ not Ueen fhe paoseroWfecovenntheit, m m - mi mm - w w- - - m m9-wnr mm 11 f I m w m w-m rw MS r mr 1 , - Sm n itif ipmandMshtt have sold ; at . : i t. . 'SUicide of a Hoy.-rM&j yaae,gea itor,,ot; -tne? ewfjj. abput 1 4i? yeara 'son ofMThomas-pQuIti VVae, orthis couhfy,ibung (appeared to Have been deliberately done. Slan. p 2 1 ;zlrdh pertdr ouri.duessenger. MestiCO.- By late arrivals fro rfi Havana, both at Philadelphia; and" Baltimore, we have repnrts that -Santa .nna had been sent for to return HO Mexic -and Was im mediately to take, his departure for Vera ; . Though the foregoing reports" do hot correspond with the tenor of a letter trans ferred to our columns from - the "Union1 on Saturday, yet their probability is sus- tattled, by verbal intelligence brought by passengers whd left Vera Cruz at noon . of the 3rd insiaVit, and reached Jew Orleansl on.the llt4i. . They stale that a revolution against Wredes and thd.mdnarchical party, sustained by the republicans and the friepds of Santa Anna, was on the! point of brjeaking out at Vera Cruz, with every prospect of success- -indeed, it WaS expect ed that the 'explosion would take place Oil the ? afternoon ; of the clay: on which they left. ;It is further stated, on the same au thority, that the government troops at Vo ra Cruz had been seduced by , the revolu tionists so that theyiwould not act against them, and; that Santa Anna was daily ex pected from Havana. --Nat. Int, ' .. . , From Hay t i.f A letter dated "at Aun Cayes on the 2Sth of March says Within a few days the state of thfs city has been entirely changed. , Great and unexpected events ;: ha re, takeri place. Pierrot's bad policy ignorance, and bestial COtldUct. have been the cause of his rulri. His great ex pedition against the Dominicans has . ended in nothing. Gertv Riche as . proclaimed President :at Fort-au-PrinCe on. the 1st instant, but it was only on the 15th that he was a ck n oW 1 ed ged i n f h i s -c i ty . j S h o u J d the present administration succeed, (which is to be desired,) ordcr and tranquility will, be established, and this beautiful isl and, once so prosperous, be restored to its' formor, splendor: Should, anfortUnately, the presehtNadministratltfil falJ nothing but total rbin vis to be expected. - A few days Wili.decide this important question.' t , (At aba ma), Jourlial of the 1st" Inst, says: On Tued ay of last wee k , V.'a ; fferson fishing near the laildihg in lhi$ tHac hooked Up a handkerchief containing set eraljbundles of 'pp$ letter bf late jdateu'W the handker ch ief .were ajscr Weightsi fbf ;the purpose of M,sHot f t-"" tfeat veral rxC . tiraU T.nrd.V' mitInr on -fb ior echan- iLock Jato.-rA.:h i Id,-Jen years of ae, died Portstfojulh few days Siftce of lock jfa,w,; prod tfd, iom. a 3iininpiure ot , f fo strin in trie mlm of the handhe Bd " 5 .. .1,. 'T ,-;.; - iH.'ivU-i IV" !'!' .-.I",.