P $ f 1 "."' 1 " ..'. "' i i ' " i i ' . , T 7 I? f v - 1 ' i iib mnnnni rrn n ir ' - - -- J ' v - r- : . i t . X X'- a, s ... . I i . s " ii aabfUKftd week) j TwdDdUai ter Jeaf If Bald in adradce or,n ltq 'ffiltdft &tid1 Fifty t CW al ihe expiration of tMfe stibscHplibn iear. I Substirl B8r are ft 1 iberty td discontinue at any lime On .Itinj notice thereof anay in? arrears;, j" AdvefUsementsnot exceeding a ijuare will be I inserted at Otic Dollar the firat insertion, 5 cents for evefJcontinaance. Longer advrtUe ':. menu at that fate fer sqnare. Court Ofdete and Judicial Ad vertisern'elPkirs 35 per cent, higher !Ad rertisements must be marked the nu.roberof Insej tions required, or the MM be continued until otherwise directed, and chatged accordingly. i letters addressed4 to the fttor must be post ;paid or they may not be attenie to. Volunteers fat Oregon: Mieniionkrheiimatic Jiatlalidn! IN anticipation tff a, war with Fland, the duals com posing ihe lf mafic Battalion are ea ch cd and warned loj ap- 5; pear (rmcd as shall here , gaiter -be d irected , ) before Orderly Surgeon GEO. .HOWARD, in Tarboro pnrchase a. tlle of 1 Helves' iAnametit and Eluvi which isr warranted tocure all the old cases of chronic ;r tnflmrnatoy Rheumatism that have remained iincured wp to the pre I ent tioe. This without delay, so that you way be in readiness to march, if called upon: I To the Universal Rheumatic Hattafion! I ; Given this day at. Head Quarters by I , 1 I I ; Cdmmttnders GkneraL: 1 1 The above article is sold wholesale, by Comstock Co. 2 1 Cortlandt st. New York by Geo. Howard, Tarboro'M. - Wes on,Gaston F. S Marshall, Halifax Ben nett" & Hyman, Hamilton F. VV. Moore, JWilliamston and by one person in every I village in U. States and Canadas. March 19, 1846. APPROVED Patent JMedicines. Goelickes Matchless Sanative, for the cure of Consumption, coughs, colds, &c. i Bernard's remedy for Asiatic Cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, &c. r Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash for preserving the teeth from decay, protect ing the gums, &c. ! i . r Dr. Phelps's celebrated tomato Pills. Dr. Thomson's celebrated Eye Water, a never failing remedy if taken according to directions which accompany them. Ballard's Oil Soap, for ceansing coat, collars, woolen, linen and cotion goods from spots occasioned by giea.e, paint, tar, varnish, and oils of every . description, without injury to the finest goods. It also possesses very healing and penetrating qualifies, and is used with perfect safety for bathing various external complaints upon man or beast. i CondittonPowder s, for the cure of 5 el low water, botts, worms, &c. in horses; I IVormelVs superior Bussian Cement I lor mending glass, china, or crockery ware a most ti.eful article. . Judkins9 Specific Ointment 1 for the cure of white swelling, sore legs, felons, chilblains, tetters, eruptions, &cv For sale by GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', Feb. 20, !tt4G. I - 1 njlHE universal celebr ty which thls j " medicine haa gained in every section of the country, and the many astonishing 'cures it has effected, have established its efficacy beyond all doubt; as a general Tamily medicine it has no rival. In all ca res of indigestion, bilious fevers, dyapep- ia liver complaints, sick headache- Jice, asthma, dropsypiles, colie, worms, jisease 01 me neari, ; ami m ail a flections of the stomach and, bowels, Peters' Pilfs will be found a neiver-fatling remedy. "V Peters'. Pills are purely vegetable,; and 30 innocent that the infant of a mouth old may use them, if medicine is tsqnired, nor only with safety, but -with, a certainty of receiving all the benefit medieine i capable of imparting. Females may use them du ring all the critical periods of their lives. Peters' Pills will insure their health l and produce regularity in all the functions of life. gyPrice 25 and 50 cts per box. For GEO. HOWARD, JjsenL Tarborb Aug. 18, 1845. 1 : : Jtfotice. - - .-' JTUST RECIVBDT, a- supfny of Dr C n..fr.T'a A ntl.Killn.ia PJlla- nnA 'ri- Mixture, an effeetual remedy for A cue i . . , .,..,, ... , j and Fever &cl : 1 - GEO HOWARD, Agent, i TarljQrb Jul i :AV .'i:'t;-H-' i4 .u: ; . v . ;.t I August 1 VStftf. 1 J545 rnt A VM lk Store and ?areHrecelvihg the .4f-follbwiiig;GoodUftli r,.; ,1 60 hhds PHfcOi Wd., Cfolxind refined SUgarj i f : ; , bags Lguira, Rio and Jaa coffee, 2d hhdd P: Rieb in Luoi rtdlassejsj - . - pjirf firMVV- tx-rtx hhu ;WOO slidks L;i P.; ahd A Al salt, : 200, ps. cotton bagging, part tiY tfttal. t 300 coils Bale. rope4 , fJ . 1 000d ribs. Virginia curtd badonj . v lOOOO! 'f' U!tern.i j 96Q tttdei g6dd" anc! damaged' Sole ' - -LeatHierV- -,: 'i ; 50do2.rKWssetrjpr ! di, ! . ,500 IbsJiSllbeUhread-3.! yx -.jr ; ;i$0 bls.i:Noj! and 2?Nit)a herririgsid : 100 boxes. jSperrnand TaltoW riaridles; f approved Brands. ; f 20 boxes& bls Loaf & Crushed sugar, 'S bis. superior Pulverised do. . tttO bagsDrop and Buck shot, 1 100 kegs D. powder, ;: C(i tons Swedes and English Iron, I 5 brid and hoop ; h). 3 f blistered, German & Cast steel, .250 kegsrut and, box nails, ' 10 doz. Wells & Co. approved axes, 50 casks London porter q?ls & p'ts, ; 10 hhds Baltimore whiskey,' 50 bis. r do. do. 50 superiorNorthern A. Brandy, 15 N. E. Rum, j : , 10 Scuppernong Wine, ; 10 nr. casks Tenet iff and S. M. do. I 1 pipe superior old Madeira, if; 5 qr casks Port wine, : . 5 half pipes superior Cognac & Cham paign' (brand, warranted genuine, 30 bis. old Monougahela whiskey, ; 2 puncheons best Jamaica Rum, 3 pipes H. Gin, 100 nests If an ancl Wood bound tubs, , . 20 bags.pepper, spice and ginger, . , 6 half chests supeftor U; P.j Imperial and V, H. Tea, 50. doit Bed cords, best Hempt loo Cotton Ltnes 100 reams Wrapping papr, 50 Writing & Letter do ' SO boes WhUtimofe'a -lntffo Cotton j and Wool cards, ) 100 bis. new City ground, family jfloUr, i lfao 8. F. ditto ditto & country, j 2A superior Cider Vinegar lpO bushels bestClover seed -selected, Together with other articles usually kept in the Grocery liner all of Which we offer for sale, upon such tefms as we think a fair examination cannot fail to approve. W e are agents for the srile of J abea Parker's Threshing Machines 1 FAN MILLS, -STRAW CUTTEflS & Which are sold at the sa me price's as" by the Manufacturer We also solicit a continuance df the Very liberal patronage heretofore received In the way of Cdnstgnments of Produce say tvouon, iucc iicHi, uauu.., etc., uu pieuge ourscifc.' ue uii wavcriiig in uur terms df Commissions as we place all on an equal footing; Say fijty cents ptr Bale fur Cotton, and all other kinds ol Pi od uce2j per cent. Also, the receiving and forward i ng of M ercha nd i se. Ttie unparalleled pnpiiiuHly of I Hayls Liniment, "JTS ja surety of its virtue - the genuine Hay's Liniment has cured over twenty thousand cases df PI LErS in the United States. It is the only article ued and pre scribed by the Faculty of New Vorkj and it is; recommended by every Physician in the Country who has used it or seen its ef fects on others. The genuine; has Corn stock . Co. '.s. name on ech wrapper. Sold wholesale by Comstock & Co 2f Cortlandt st. : New York -by Oeo. tiuw- iaun-inrdl Trir hard4 1V1 Wesson. ! aston-F S Marshall, M alifax Bennett & Hyrhafl, H.imilton FrW. 4 M oor W illiamston and by one perqn irt every Vilfae in U. States and ('aiiadas, March l9, 1846. f J ust Meceiv&d J . ' &y the Subscriber A LA R(5E ASSOH I'M KM T Swedes, American and English Iron, German & cast Steel, ciit &!w rough t Nails. Castings, consisting of 6 ient pens, spiders. skillets, tea: kettle, and iron, Cart and : wagon boxes; pfoUgrsVpbints& heel J Spades, long handled shovels; ho6s, trace and halter ehainyi wfky springs, Turks Island salt, blown & ground salt, White lead, linseed and train. '.oil-; r$y I $X W and 1 Oi 12 window glass; potty. ALSO, a very;iarge & gemeral assortment o; f aIocBur:4;?S t m liapdvyare and Cutleryf l f lChina,Gld&;Ctt For sale od jaccom modatmg terms '.-if ' JAS. WEDDELL. 1 ,.t.., , . ..... ... .... &otn the FayettrttitetTa 1 Tflfi iatfdttcY oy dRirf CArfdiiM A Btfiii , Diya a Penitentiary. As fai4 ay we ianieirnrier jfre Sdrrie thing more" thari twenty Penitentiaries in tH U.' State; all df them heaflyj jrt'fdpui lous States; dur fei in Malriyf MssadhusitVs,' j PenWsylva tiid arid thd 1 Distf iKt bf Cdlillnbi m a burthdri td thd oVrirherits which' created IHmj dr wer6 adebrdin1 to the last reports we saW frdnri them. Four of thdrrii we have no means at hand of knowing wheth er they support themselves di not. Sev eial others support theriiSei VeS orhd J6arS, and some years they do not . If We conclude to have a Penit6ntiafJ'j we must tn the hrst place expend a pretty round SUrh Inf sedding a Committee to the Nbrth to ascertain the bestjyste-forcdn-ductinga Penitentiary; artof 'most ap proved plan for building Itf Then the cost of site and building, could not be less than 100,000, from What We s'efe df the cost of other Peniteiitlarles. Then the wholecrimlnal code of the State Is to beUhe rtitentiary, and be tllrried but d6e- aiterea, at a great expense; men ot he cessity the "UeVised Statutes" must be re printed and distributed tit ahbther ex pense. Then there must be of- ficers, at considerable salaries, and the dfli-; cers must be paid Whether there are any prisdriers'dr hob One profession is eqdally as indispensable We do not know that any one cdnterids as the, other. The laws 1 of the cbuhtry that a Penitentiary in this State Ctiuld supjjrojiss to be based tni equal privileges ttHd port itselfl; it is very eyidetit that it. equal rights, but'man;ar:e:'the'igreis!dnk Could ndt, tinlesSeVefy little Cf ime Wefe from" that same; InUiiS State mechanics made "a Penitentiary offence. The coUh- do ri jt ntlmbe 1 strong enddgrr td make'ahy try is tod thinly Settled for that, it would impfbssitfn ttpdft 1 thejublie; Kilt at the take a large numbeV of prisbnerS td stip- "NdrqiW severely ha ve they beerl goaded port a Penitentiary by their labor The by tlj is iiy Stem that they haveheld Meeti Maryland Penitentiary has been a.biitthen j ings jknd 9tate Conventions, and demanded to'the State since iSCf, iti CdnseduenCe ofa redress at their1 fcrievances, arid irt Pitts- a law Which tefy Cdnslderabiy reduced its . ' - .i-i t . - - - ndmber of cdnvicts, tidtil lately, it iS said to be supporting itself. Does a Peniteritiar'y leSsefi Crime as sdme Suppose? They are" many well-mea-tllng people Who belieVe that sL Penitenti ary would lessen the arhdunt df crime. Such a ooncluslofl is entirely precluded by actual experiment In the prison in .Maine, the niimbef ot cdnvicw in i&Bl Was f 7, and the average number for 13 yettfs Was 30. In New Hampshire prison, the nUmber 0f cdnvicts in 1839 Was 73; average nuril- ber for 10 . years, 73, In the Ver- mdrtt prison, the ntfmber of conviefs in 1839 Was 95; average' number for 2 years iOOl tn Massachusetts prison, in 1838, 302 convicts; average' number in IS yeaH 281: a small decrease. In Connecticut pris- onfjirt i83&, 183 convicts; average nUm ber in 5 vears 19S! art increase. .And SO lit goes on to the end: df the chapter There: are thddsands of Wretches in the ;iV.IIC9 111 lilt World, Whoi would a lief live in the Pen i- the degraded Jrmmes oi inis insiiiuuon. teritiary as Sny, Whefe else. Thousands Sne; WaS liberally and patiently gradted who woujd not mind a ieW years iri the Rpnatiofl afte Penitentiary; for the sake of glutting thdr. M . citable return in money or im X ; ,j i. rtiuHJi, Droved nidrals in the Cdnvicts woUid re- Hir.n hi nort mi v rff dfirtth Wrtti hi feA- if ilti, but art Whdtfl.0e fear of the Peniten- tiary is as nothing. , We are not among those who would suppress capital pun isfh merit altogether. n vf . i.;,'; ;v. We have, before UsY the Report of ;the Cdmmitttee on the Penitentiary, as repor ted to the Leglsiatdre df" Nortfi Cafdlm in 18?44. . ; . . f This report sets otit, with the deciaratidti .,'..: " ; ij37'-H "The experience of other States botb foreign arid domestic,- which have given the Penitentiary system a thotddgh trial, furnish sufficient data for arriving at a ; safe conclusion as tp it beneflciai dperatidnJ It is-ccmeldSiveit shewn to have checked, iflt has not iaferia commisseFn:cCTmev, f-fi,, Yet after 'itidnniiti the tvvd table Wtrfefl!trief Cotfttoittee attached ta their report, shew tffiinefetise pfefifne! Whatdistinctioiithe Committeefmeantlb d raw bet Ween checking, crfme, and "di- diimshmg,, iti! we dp- not understands J It With regard! to Mcchanicsi L The-Peni- tentJary sysW "!M."i v " F w men wuuurjs a. pri- cal trades, canhrjt be Supported; r, ;4 . ; ard, that work made in our Penlteritlaiy cli's fhU lonimltteen Wisoh: toVtfufifcft'rtf'frt the tate bf Marjrid iiicii3uoea are accumi td a riiirtdUs extent we dd nrit KiidW what Cles that Wddld J be Iina or south of jtj for the north is over- stacked with Fenitetiajfjf wtiVk,! whfch acl Counts for the decHneirt revenues :of the tdeked with PenitehtiarV wttVk j wKfch art: northern PenitentfaHes.' " : ''"t ?l IVfecharilcs In thl SiStb are ! riwadj8 ''Ji bofUg tinder the disadvautagesd ne grd a1 lid slave cornpetftibri;' and now add Pen teritiary iJompetitibn, would prostrate them at drice. Arid without Mechanics ate, City dr town can prbsner. it Is dd jUst' as impossible' as it is for" the'humiin sy ste m to perlbr hi 1 1 s" fU n ct f o n s wl tfiptit And another uisad vantage 'td" me Cs resulting frbtti this system that ichan convicts will there be learhed some tisefUl and honorable pursuit add ' at the ejiptra tidn of their term, be turned but (& times out bf Idj Hd better meri ihdn when they entered) td seek emplbyment dmdHgh9nbr auie meenanicsr Muppdse fur a mdment that they were td study physic and law in tdr arid lawyers, merchants, &e.7 Does any one suppose that these honorable pro fessions wduld suffer ii for a mdment? No! therd wtiuld-ndt Ijetf enltentiarVirt the land. : And why are not meCha nteS rtes- pected as milch as ddctdrs lirid flaWy'ers? I ' 1 "1 ' . .iO.'-. ) -'-1 J btirgl a bill of indictment has been laid be- fore the grand jury to test the right of the State td Jearri cdnviCtS trades to the injury and ruin of hdneSt meChadics; and the pub- 1 ic see the efror that has beert Cdm mitted id establishing the Penitentiary system; but custom is harder to alter than law. And shall we dowyatthis day, rear a Sys- tetti Which ejlpetlehce proves df So little Utility, arid of sd much evil? It Were folly to think of it The State df debrigia has af Penitentiary, but so far as We can learn from her expefi- ence, from f x - i -. little If any henefithas been 'derived it; The Jb ederai union, a newspa- per published at "the tJflpitdl of deorgla, 1 wherethe Penitentiary )S also located, Said of the Institution, itnd the System in 1644 as follows? "Whit is tb fie ddne Witb i he f enitenti-r ary ? Geofgia has made a noble experi men t itt this attempt to rescue from destruction I . - -. , 5 -: , ,- -. , : ' i . i : i eU 1 1 f She ha s t f on mora den bf the sick lion, the 'money sent into t .... I - sent into.L the Penitefntiary, fnakeS dd fetUrnfng lc. : df a dollar has eter been . retur - ned t&theVTreaSury, and stiff , the' annual jiauncon meir nanus ;"W'wui uay mvciouer, loio, - ueiwccu iaria If MIrfVielllitHe tiwltdiStlts-or America and the king,. made Iti NdVtH.Cafdr1 eland, fdr the period 'of ten years, flttd 7een sauiy oisappoiniea. flllpnrfifi t nft fellbW td Subfn t to tho Viet is evidently hot improved operation Which was dbhe in a most bar- s, ana itue me nea&is going iq me . K,r,i XiXnrMH: ' wHh frimmeiti ezttlis apprbpfUtidn is tolled' for.- ,fhe,laW reVl huri 8b much thathe hedged them Wr'Pgthe CentfarBank to discount alltd JesiSt, btft thet tdld him that Unli ft the; npiesi.il can geiior iw prouueuons soia i 6 he Cotild nbt pass ;eXaXiiha br sacrificed n;ereH f vV'hen erbsiuestibned by ;the rfefen- gjs;ijepH tejattipn eeasidj ;;altf Jef,-Wf tfi a-ri Implied doubt of gemef. -Remove this Iburthen from 'the e truth of his evidence ha.ofiercd tb Central ank,and jhe ebfiticu Wilf be fdle., . tfee 8iii WiMTT itself in corrob- in three months.' '' e have lemi sJnee shewn otfr opinions v ma auujwu,, "' v. , them aanclioneo oy almost every one wco'tTie satisfactidfi bf the Court by t iiSaffed. Setldthe COnvfCtS Of the ffi Tfi ft ner-rietratorS of th the increasing-the expense u will oea measure. cuwuwv. .'.fit ? i We have heretofore urged the plan of " at making convicts wfork rr-ds or make new roads as the. case may - r..a the, cterC w6 sjudy itthtnatre rnV areivinced 01 iib urauucaoiuiy 01 Ultimate useil jness. 1 - r (rYAi.-,i ;c 7 JOtNTftESOLUTlON - r.- - CdRNtGTEREiTORr. j irUSpassm. Congress.) atterwards 'indefinitely extended andl con tiriued IdioWbv another cbnVehtiondftho samHa'fties'ConclUded the 6th day of Au- gust In the year df ourljord, l827 it wa agreed that any Country that may be claim ed by either party on the' ndrth West coast of Amefiew RbhtanS,;nrJW' Or egdhtT territoy,-ihduld, ' together: with H harbdfsVbays creeks, and the tiavigatiort dt'alU rivers vVithiri the same, be free and dpen td the vessels, "citizens, and subjectg df the twd pd wert: blit Without prejudice td any Claim Which either of the parties might have td any prt df Said , country; and With IhisVdriher prdVisioh. ih the 2d article df.the said Convention of the 6th of Augustj iS2f ,,that : either' party might ab rbte and aiihUl Said Convention on' giv ing the- HtJtice bf i Welve' moriths'td the dtfi et cdntraCtirift party ' Aiid Whereas it haS ndW become desira ble that .'the 'respective claims of the Unt ted States and v Great Bfitaih,- should hd definitely settled, and that said territory may hd'lonier thait hefe be retftaitt ' sub ject to the evil consequences df the divided allegidnde df its American dnd British pop ulatioriiaridipf tKe Confijsidii arid doiiflictof national: jUrisdictidnS ' dangerdUS o the cherished peace add good Understanding df tlietwa countries; ' 7 '-: ' ' ' ' ; WitH a ' View, therefore, that steps tj& ta ken fbr the arirogatidn bf the said convert tVdini of the"7iH df Augiisti l827i in the mbde prescribed in its 2d ftrtieie'; and that the aftentioiidf the governments of both cbuntrifes may.be inore earnestly diredted to the' addptidn df all prdpfer measures for a f speedy and amicable adjustment of the dif ferenceS and disputes in regard' to said ter' ri tory: ; ;.' - ; ' ' ' " ' v-. - ttesdiyed by th Senate and riodss M ItcpreentativeS of the United States of AmeridaHri Congress assembled, That the President df the be, and he is hereby authorised, at his diSCretidfti td giVe thd government of G r'eat Britain the notice re qblred by the seebnd article dfr the Said cdrt ventidn df the Sixth df AUgUst eighteen" hundred i nd tWenty-SeVen, forthe abrd- gatidn of tlhe same " , - Making Aft Obi) PelloW, Quite ad amusing trial came off last Week before thd1 Cdurt df Common 'Pleas dTthiS Districti It appeared that a party of fhiSchievbU' , Sapd-Hill Wags persuaded ad indolent fel- low named Barrentime, that he could. 'J& ' rid df the ! necessity or wdrking: if hd wodld consent to let them make him art b)i would allow him tvventy-five dollars a quarter, for lifei When he Was initialed,--" ( wfjich Was "'td bedbne by branding! Thd -persuasion bf his comrades arid the pros pect bf ease and cdmparative affluence in - . -j uu th letter E and adiarhond orl it apPned to the fleshy part of thd body !'SEtfi The fellow, stated itt ftia I evidence that the first auDlicatibrfdf xtiw I tv4- Kt TTMnn'M .tlr1na tTrl YvfT ouid disbedse5 "with that sort of testimo- ov. I he lacw however; was esiaonwicu other tee 14 1- irHawis.it pdrlible to expec ifei mankind will take advice, when ftfey ; vill hot so much as take warR'?y rl - , wllil'V'Nd;1 tfirrfif.! Of the United kingdom fGreat Britain V i .i i-. . 1,. ,;- l mmJk w h-r . mm m m mm mm mm. ,. - TarbdroVNov.JS, 1 ' . X- I." J