- ? r s I ,1 JVfcholc Jmo 1053. 2Vrrfto,:aW5' Count v, jy V l&4tesaau MM 1 3, 184G. n Tto Tarboroush.P8" ..! Hr 1eoroe! HowARD'Jti. pnMtshed weekly a1 Two Dollars pet year lid in adraneeor, Tcoo Dollars nrf Fifty 't at the expiration of the subscription year, jeribers ,are: at liberty to discontinue at any s bri giving notice thereof and paying arrears. dTertisemnfs not exceeding a square will be rted at One Dollar the first insertion and; 25 V for every continuance. Longer idvertise s at that rate per quarer; Court Orders and ial Advertisements 25jper cent, higher. c Ad cements roust be marked the numberof Inser- required, or they will be continued until rwise directed, and charged accordingly, otters addressed to the Kditormust be post i or they may not be attended to. f , t , iluhtccrs for Oregon. Mention rheumatic liaitaiion! -IN antieipation of a war with Kngland, t he i nH i vi c I u a I s Composi ngiheAe -mntip Riiitalion are earh and every . . one noMfi- F'. 1 " I . . J t n. AM to pear (armed as shall here-, after be directed,) beiOre derly Surgeon GEO. HOWARD, in Irboro', and.pnrchase a bottle of j ew cs Li na in mt an d KUiV ir : liich is warranted to cure all.lhe old cases chronic or inflmrnatoy Rheumatism it have remained uncuied np io the pre it lime. This without delay, so ihat you jy be in readiness to march, if called upon, j ihe tJniv'erjJal Rhetliatic HaHahbn! Given this dav'at Head Quarters by ! 4 COMSTOCK CO. 1 JComht md era Genera t. Thp above article is sold wholesale b lm!tock & Co.2 1 Cortlandt stJ NewYrJ by Geo Howard Tarboro M . We n,GastonP;S Marshall, Halifa Ben i & 1 1 y man, Hamilton P. W.-M oor fe, illiamston- and by cne per son in every llae in U. States nd Canauas. f March 13, 1846. CjZRKIjIGES, $cly H E Subscriber offerar for Salea superior JY&rt henbuilt Carriage lade in latest style' and best, materials a I Iieather-op Buggy p H-a CUoifciopjJiVGGY. and a all new, with first rate harness to them, j ALSO, a second hand barouche3 but lit ; 3 worn and a buggy, very cheap -har-?ssjtb theni. , GEO,. HOWjiHD April 22nd. 1846. J . T1HE universal' cel.ebrty which-, this A ; medicine h is 15 lined in every section ( the country, and-the many astonishing ires it has effected, ha ye- established its cacyr beyond allduubt; as a general mily medicine, i( has no rival. In all -ca-;s of indigestion, biliotis fevers,;'-dyspep j, liver complaints, sick headache, joun ce, asthma, dropsy, pile's, colic, worms, isease of the heart, and in all affections Tthe stomach and bowels, Peters Pills ill be found, a never-failing remedy. Peters' lillsare purelV vegetables and innocent tHaTth infant of la month old iy use thenv if medicine is required, rnot ly with ai(etynbut with cetaintyl!6f 3tvingall the henefit medicine is capable mparting. Pernalps may usethem! fur ;all the critical periods of their lives ers Pills will insure their heahri and jduce regularity in all the! functions of (TP Price 25 and 50 els per box. ; For !e mTObbrO? 4- At Tarboro iig is; 1845; ;J""ir HHfet subscriber hi5 jijst received Vfiilj "supply of ihe' folio ving articleV, Mi Fine Windsor. Almond,' Rose,': Trans arent, 1 tali 1 n C he mical , Cast He & Fancy Cologne jandfasoried PERFUMES? I esa'. rfriif' J Hiar V bi ls,,r'&c.V &e1 k;-7';? I Compvun4$hlt?iie esnVirig, he l teeth; horn decay, project 3& h5 gum,' &&hM;$ ?i Wu: . s fmu h AU ahave, articles! I ;will self . on the owest pojfiJje itermji, 1 'B ; 1 5 i u :i f - ; ; Jlugust V&fh; 1845, ' -n 5 ;s rnTAVE; in Storeand are receiving the r foltowinir Gods, to wit: ! " 1 60 hhds P.- Rico, N. O., St. Croix and refined SUgars, 4 200 bags Laguira, Rio and Java co fleet 2QV hhds PvlRtco am Cuba molasses, pari prime, . i.Uf L- 00 sacks L. 1 P r- and G, Ai salt. 00 ps. cot ton bagging, part sttp'r quaL 00 cotls Hale, fope :. , 1 0000 Jbs. Virginia cured bacon,'- 10000 j vestern aides and shoulders. 250 sides gabd and damaged" Sole . Leather, - -.. - ,. ... J l 50, dos. Russet upper . - do, 00 lbs. SboeUhread, s 150 bis. No. I and 2, NCa. herrings, iOO boxes Sberrn and Tallow candles. approved Brands, 20 boxes & bis.! Loaf & Crushed sugar, S his. superior Pulverised do. 100 bags Drop and Buck, shot, 100 kegs D. P. powder, 30 tons Swedes and Eiglish Iron, 5 b ind and hoop' : do. 3 blistered. German & Cast steel, 250. kegs cut and box. nails, : 10 dolt. Wells & Co. approved axes, 50 casks London porter q't & pts, 10 hhds Baltimore whiskey, 56 his. do. do.. 50 superior Northern A Brandy, 15 v N. E ;Rum, "irjr KScupiernon WheH" ? i ' , 10 1 casks Teneiifiand S M. do. 1 pipe superior old Madeira, ' . 5 qr: casks Portwine,":.;,- Pr, . : 51 h a 1 1 DJ pes su peri or Cognac & Ch aji , , paign brandy , Warranted genutne 5U nis. oiu ivjonoiiganeia wnisney, 2: puncheons, best Jamaica Rum, 3 pipes H Gin, - I r 100 nests Iron and Wood bound tubs, 20 bags pepper, spice and ginger, 5 half chests superior G. P.i Imperial 0 and YlH.l ea, - 50 doe. Bed cords, best Hemp, 100 Cotton Lines, 100 feams Wrapping paper, 50 Writing & Letter do. 20 boxes Whittimore's genuine Cotton and AVool cards, 1 00 bis. new City ground, family flour, roo S. P. ditio--diud3r country, 25 superior Cider Vinegar, 1 OCT bushels best Clover seed8etecedi Together ' with other articles usually kept in the; Grocery line; all of which we o.ftVr for sale, upon such terms as we think a! fair examination cannot fail' to approve. We are agents for the sale of .labez Parker's i Threshing, JtFaehincsi FAN MILLSi STRAW CUTTERS & Which are sold at the same prices as by tie Manufacturer. . , We also solicit a continuance.of th? very 1 beraj patronage heretofore received in tie way of Consignments of Produce say Cot tohV Tobacco. W heat, Bafionr&c. ad pledge ourselves to be wavering 'in - our terms of Commissions, as. vet"place all on n equal fooiins Say jtjly.tents pe ale jor Votton, and all other kinds ol . , - roduce 24 per cent! Also, he receiving rid forwarding of Merchandj.e. tfS a surety its virtue the genuine II .u'm 1 .in'imlinl ha Kiirurl nPr IWPnlV housarfdspf PI IjE; in ithe" United States. It is the onlv' article useti and pre- icrrbed bvfthe; Facuilyf New rOncl l is recommenucu uj every i-u?iciau 111 he country" whprKas used ior seen its ef ects lonotliersS 'ITie aenuitie ha Com- nock & Co. Vname on ech wrapperi gi Sold wholesale by Comsidclc & Co 21 Portland t st. New Yxrk'by.iQeo.-?foui ird, I Tarhorot M :t Wesson, UHSton-F 1 Marshall;! jaiifix- Ue:rif)?iC& Hyman, ami 1 1 on F. W . 5 A l oot e, vy illianston ind'by one person in every village Jn stales and ('aiiadas.j - March .19, 1840. Ik jut me suoscrtoerj American and English Iron; u l Set-man & cast eel, cut U wrought.NaU 3ast i n gs.rCoi isi stiri g of o ve is pot s, ,4p3d e r. ; skillets, lea , kettles, andirons, icartand i 1 wagon boxes pi ou ghs, 1 points & heel 1 ? t fpdp, long handled shovels. host. trace i: and haltrr chdns, stiUy spring?8 1 Ut furks Island salt blown & ground salt, ; V b ie lead, linked anV ran oilj f. r J ; ALSi) aeryargir& general assortment o v For sale on accommodating terms.T f p. s -h vr -1 It: From the Union. ! 1 j . .... 1; , .-. 'j. ,f iy ! . .. ; ; (t3VVe have seen a letter from an offi cer In. Texas, bf so recent a date as - the 16th ult., from which we have been per mitted to take the following extract: "The news from the camp is veri paci fic at present The report " is that the Mexicans intend to postpone their opera tions Until the 1st of June, m order to al low the governments to arbitrate the mat ter, but no -reliance is to placed upon what they say? ? The tast Blakemburg IhieLWe learn from the Upper Marlboro' I (Md.) Gazette, that the grand jury of that coun fjjyliefbre whohitHe iestimon' was addu ced i h reference to the . Causes which led to the duel - at ;Bladensljurgr " between Messrs. Jones and Jghnson, of No. Caroli na, and tn whiph Johnson 'Was killed, have signed a recommendation to the Governor to grant a nolle prosequi to JVfr ! J onel. Johnson's conduct, says the Gazette, was regarded as extremely reprehensible, hay ing attempted, tho' unsuccessfully, Lto In vade the Sanctity of Jones', domestic . circle; and, as if in revenge for bejng repulsed, he sought every opportunity to sow jealousy and discord in the family of one for whom he had feigned the most friendly feelings. Fay, Car,- -v.. ; From ihe Halifax Republican. Scoti-and Neck, No.: Ca4, ? 19th April, 186. 5 i Mr. Editor: Knowing your regard for truth and justice, We your old friends re quest you to give this Communication a place In your paper, and as you are per sonally acquainted with'most of the Sign ers, w have nodoubt you will vouch for their characters ifhecessary. The object of this Communrcatton is to clear the pro fessional character of our much; esteemed and wbrthy-friendi Dr. A. S. Hall, of Scotland Neck from gross, false and un founded charges, relative to his profession al course in the' Small Pox cases which have been and are now in our neighbor hood. The charges we hear are as! we .now state them. To wit: That Dr. Hall through fear, refused to attend the patients, and would only go to the houses of the sick and look in at the door and give some slight direction, arid then left the patients to the "tender mercies of the disease" arid the corjpSe of the first case was burled before it Was cold, and that Dr. Hall was instrumental in i the transacUori Kow - We withriut hesitation pronounce the Whole to be a "base slander and fabrication';!' which' could only have originated in ignorance or malignity; a plain statement of the facts as they came' under the 1 knowledge pfmos urwlll place the matter in a clearer light, thariJanjr statement Vbich has" gone forth, or which in all probability you riiay Kate heard; We who know him konw that his character heeds not this defence, liuf as the il? J iirjtiu.i!r wvn.i : report nao gune tar auu vriuc, wcuutu n. Case of Small Pox broke out at Greenwood In March;: at the Taernlot MKrib.4 Ed- mpndsori) Dr. Hall was called in to see thcr patient4 i ri Un e i ri ci pi eri t 7 "stages J ; bf the disease" 'arid' proriouncedit to be a feVer of a Kina ne nau nui wuuesacu uciurc, auu ad vised !Mt Eld mondson to have him remo ved.l Jfn :V.8ajy? or4wo Ihed iseasd f develo vrWbaiBnlmeJ remove j to an Isdlatebf house,2 arid f liis partner by Uie nam.q..ofr4pean9 . of tin? place, but now of Elizabeth town, Tenn. was pla ced to nurce hirrii and an old negro hired tie as1 possible, as vaccination had been al- most. entirely neKipc- m , ucitii vwrr hood. He however attended the manj ej,-. erclsiog .caution Until the case assumed a aangexpus lorm, auu ureu'HoiuKjuKi- be our imperative duty to'give the lie to' Is represemcu ".-"r- . " the report and place our friendCfiirly ; bei ! ayha out peddlmg on Meatj T", .&cJ, fore the world. The ; facta are these-a f bim-ho aays that- "Meat and tin sell ped itself and proved -to be the Small . Pox. It created great alarm! yand the patiertt tint as far as medical skill would 'go, would have-done Well, ' -but his friend pan neglected him, and did not give his m fedicine at stated hours, when he Was in a weak State, and when he required 1 stirnu- lus, and also suffered him to take cold, and the consequence was as you may read- ily expect, death. He was buried by his friend Dean and th e ' negro who nursed him in a decent; coffin, i So much for, the ' first Case, The sedond case was the hegro .f. me negro wno nursea Jerdon. ur. nail vtstteu ntm arid pronounced his Case Varioloid, but he j inf a fit of derangement drowned himself, derang in a Mill; .Fond the Second day after he was taken. There have been four, other ca ses since, and he has given . Unremitted at tention to the wholtf, and assisted in put ti ng the last corpse in the Coffin, arid per fo iyiiing the last offices of the; deaaV All the other cases under his management are doing; well. Such, Sir, are the plain facts o ' the case, and We pledge our reputations on the truth of this statement. We hope the slanderer whoever he may be, whether itj originated from malignant feelings and ignorance, or levity, (we charitably think jfrorh one of the last) will hereafter take care how he sports with the character of a 1 estimable and high 'minded gentleman", vho has exposed hfmself and his family to a horrid disease, and lost all his practice ejxeept in the Small Pox, Until that disease aisapoears, and that without the least hope of being paid except in one or two cases. his Communication has been written to ou without the knowledge of Dr. Hall. Yours Respectfully, j j AV. H Anthony, J. M. Peebles, Robt . Smith, Thos E. Peebles, W. R. Smith, Whit. J. HlHr Win. R. Clark, Rl Rawls, jh, J. P. Savage, J. W. CotUre, Willis Webb, A. J. Cooper, John HJ Anthony, Ben. Eliksori, Jas. M; Smith, Wm. Fen ne ri hi;, Rogues caught -About two weeks go, two J)olts of domestic cloth, were sto len from the store of Nathaniel J. Palmer, fesq,, (other articles might $avebeeri booked, but there was no knowing. )jHow and who stole the cloth, was the mystery . J The cloth was stolen Saturday nieht be- ore last, and the gentleman wKq attends to he store thought it impossible that it had been taken while he was officiating as Clerk in the Store. He men matter to 01d Hayes;'5 alias tioned ; the Thos. S." Poore, our Constable and Deputy Sheriff, who was himself on tne look (bought occurred- to him that out. The some 'one had entered 'the Cellar, by the aid of an extra key, and had ascended into the tore through a "trap door." So he made he cellar his bed chamber for several ights. On Saturday night last, about half past 2 o'clock, always 00 a bright look out, f Old Hayes spied the approach -of three jiegro fellows--all barefooL Easily they unlocked the cellarldoor, and slowly they ripened it. The fellows were arrested, ?nd tlieir hides lashed from head to :Toot This led. to the exposure and detection' of a finished system of Roguery having beenl carried on in Mil ten for some .time, :. by other.negroes. . And such another whip ping and slashing of negroes as twet have had here this week is unparalleled . in these diggins. The rogues had a Key ior almost every man's meat-house, r corn-crib, 1" dra;ver' ,f! to-rcluding h'rieishbor Jones? Tin Shop. One t fellow 0 u r ' ' ree negroes liKthis. vicinity4 ha velenjoyed, in a, 3 great degree theijenefit of: stolen articles-and our belief lis that atueast one half? of the numerous? free negroes i thatf linfest ? our fcommuuity, live by stealing orbjfthe stealing lof slaves. We expressed this - be lief long azo v Arid we- furthermbte told the Honorable Board 4 oil Commissionersi that; thei tPatrol Law was not wortha fig, which requires therwn to ie Patrolled tfdm 9 untir. 12 o'clockthe reason isuob- yious.- Milton Chronicle. J Weil. ?ii appeal o mat, vci tain gjA negro man nameu retcr, Deiong- j TWETy tiio tjsakd square .ieei w fvppf ing to TOrV WmSmitJfif 'Prmce George jfOrlonVf fn$&(Sce& This ''enrrmoui counwis imfnde Oft jn thfe rrbf PowllsfHfotel:f It! appears fice; a plate of only ughtltwosq I6adit)f Foddertown for sale' pa jvhlch he plied to hls-ows be2 frio rjyaeritle teaoV In the street and secreted him alf una der the 'arch attached to the old ctlbles.Tfl' Uie"rear of thel Hotel, where hUd himself. A Coroner's inquest"' was helti oyerthe toclyand theyerdicitWaSi thattiki deceased had committed suicide ? v V Petersburg Mzp. ftJfWe learh that the bod Vrof MiS John Oliver,' a deranged man VVno Was, ad vertised In this paper on the J34th " uli aS verusea in tnis paper navmg lelt his mothers ' residence hi Moore County, Was found in the river & few days after his disappearance 'He 'ha 3 days alter his disappearance evidently drowned himself. Laterpm pleasure of conversing yesterday with-; an intelligent gentleman who arrived'in town : dtt " Monday direct from California He lelVthefe on the lfitli of February lasti by sea, for Mazatlan, arid therice proceeded-to the citydf'Mexicql Leaving, there" aaiu on the 3d irtst he reached this City on 'the barkCIarerrioriti fromlVera Cruz1 rf 5 t v " Quite the ' most important intelligence for which we are indebted to htm relates to Capt. Fremont. That gallant and ad-i venturous officer reached Capt Sutter settlement, at New Helvetiai about the 1st of February last, witha force of about elisly mounted men, as we are informed CcpU JF, found a route or pass, by whicKCalifornia can be. reached by emigrants In ixty daya. less than by the old' route via : Orcgom This new route is-perfectly practicable for wheel ad vehicles, and when'it comes to be generally elnovn, will igiye arenewed'im petus to emigration- tof. California.. ;We- have no : information. to enaJbleTuspr point where it strikes off from, the Oregon, trail,' or to;e5cplalin its. c;ojurse ; Capt, .Fremont left his party near Capt Cutter, arid , pro ceeded himself to Jphtery on a Visit Wo have no information as to the period of.liis return or the route he will pursue, " The representatians made to ul in re gard to the.state of.CaliCprnia confirm for mer accounts. Allegiance.l to the Cctil ral Ooverrimentof Mexico Is almost entirely throwri)oiK Since tHe expulsidri of t Gov.' Micheltorena, the functions of chief "mag- istrate have been discharged, by Dqn Pid Pico, a Californlan by birth, " ive believe, who holds his office by some indefinite but popular tenure.' The' famous Mexican, es--pediticrii i to reduce the l)ep!artment to 'obe dience has not reached California. Our in- formant saw a part of the troops, destined' for this operation as he paeaed through. uauaaiaiara, auouc ine lomuic. it is nia. opinion that it is -nqt now in the'povver ;cf Mexico to impose a Governor upon Cali fornia; that should one be .sent there, ha would be almost immediately exjelled. St i 11 - th e Cal i for ri iaris a re d 1 strac ted .by jd isj-j sensions arriong themseits, and Stability under any rule or any forn ofgoyernmenty is not to be counted upon ariiong thern ' There is a -strong tide of emigrafio pouring from the States by way of Oregon. -Some leave this country with a viewjn tho outset to settle there; but there as awyet greater ifpUX of disappointed emigrants la Orezonrwhowander'b south in ' search of better lands and happier ski est v, New Orleans tPic " V;4 Obere . was t -i; riot irt n BrcpIU New York, between, the Irish cr ! Gcr mans. Tlteywereem iployed-in cnrtrirc ting docks,, and theV.Irieh ! 'strucljt 1 (or h i gher wa ges ; a nd ' ten - hours ; rThs :0.CTf mans it appears, refused to join themi and were attacked by. lheIrsh, and many of, them badly beaten and i wbunjded4 apdome killed.. The military w'erV called out end succeeded in stopping it. ? ,t Itaieign AnaepenceTiu Discovery in Galvanism.-tokzzQV Page, an .eitaip i ner in . the Patent .Ofice, addiardetic(iitivator "tcicincej hsa madethe Interesting discovery that the ct mosphere is a conductor bf-'ftaivanic'elec-iricity.1 The fact was,venijsd 'by an ex?, periment Upon a magnilicrnt scale, navinr; ii i'ti- .rlv-Q ; -j. 5 T? f -'v -T1 y. f Tarboro',NoT. 13, lW 'fA fation,EiyA sliolild beinlbmor Ria1 ; w , ' . -- ' ; . a ; ' -V'- . . -.

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