Cotton Ydrrv. rTP HE 'subscriber has fust received: a -LLl Quantity of Cotton - Yarn, different numbtrs,;which he will sell l'f CACvery Low Prices? . J On Reasonable and accommodating terms. V, 7: J: GEO. HOHWRDJ Tarboro YJanr.' 20. ness. ri-R. M'N A! rVS ACOUSTIC OIL has Y,U. nraveri r verw V Successful in - CUrinc 7T-K even total deafness. jVVev have many certi- j A (id its established efficacy, render it su ficates from citizens who have used this Oil perfluous to enter, into anv encomium of its with completelsuccess-IWe invite all who , are troubled witrKany disease of the Ear to examine the proof. LaleifS esVn Jhdi i , 0 . - Is the besffamily medicine, in the world, f!' diceEptlepsy, Constitutional Debility, &c. v N. B.It operates without the slightest pain, as a mild but thorough cathartic, and never leaves the person costive, even if ta ken very often.' ' ihv Spohn's Headache Bern edy, will effectually cure sick headache, either from the nerves or, bilious. Hundreds of families are using it with great joy. HrJSfyoh Health, For the certain prevention of fevers, or any enentl sickness, keeping the stomach in most perfect order, the bowels regular, and determination to the surface. Colds, Coughs, pains in the bone, hoarseness, and Dropsy, are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying, s Sold wholesale by Comstock & Co. 21 Cortlandt st. New York by Geo. Huw ard, Tarboro' M. Wesson, GastonF. S. Marshall, Halifax Bennett & Hyman, Hamilton F. W Moore, Williamstbn and by one person in every village in U. States and Canadas. March 19, 1846. Ware. rTTH B Subscriber has just received a fresh supply of TIN WARE, manu factured at Washington, in this State, con fisting of v lard stands of various sizes, - "Buckets of "do. do. .CoSee Pots of do. do. : Lanterns,1 wash basins, culenders. Milk strainers, scoops, measures, Pepper boxes, oiPcans, 1 Cups, dish pans, &c, &c f which will be sold on reasonable and ac commodating terms. (GF.Onlersor gutters, conductors, and tin. ware of : every description, will be at tended to forthwith. - Geo. Howard, Tarboro. April 9, 1845. ' Jfftilm of Columbia For restoring the Hair and keep, ing it from falling out. fTprTIS celebrated hair restorative, which -M Kas been used successfully by over ten thousand persons, is now for sale in this place. As there , are numerous coun terfeits bn this article, be sure to see that Comstock & Co. 's signature is on every wrapper. Buy of the Agent at this place and you will be sure to get the true. ''-.. Pain lice tr actor , .The only genuine article, manufactured and sold at half price to meet the wants of the poor. Also, C. &C.'s celebrated Extract of Sarsaparilia, A splendid article, for '50 cents a bottle, warranted as good as any dollar articles. The genuine is only sold wholesale by Comstock & Co. 21 Cortlandt si New York by Geo Howard, Tarboro' M. Wes eon, Gaiton F. - 'S. Marshall, Halifax Bennett & Hyman, Hamilton F. W. Moore, Williamston and by one person in every village in U. Sutes and Canadas. M March 19, 1846. More about the Magical Pain Extractor .riliHIS SALVE is doing wonders, and ' natlt? tr v. M M4 ? .a ... . been given here to the New York public, should impress upon al necessity of always keeping this salve in the house, as a littlt v j "Ul uuuee rannoi oe published, ton street) life was saved on the 3rd of this ana we ask all who do not fully believe it, tb a oujiner win ten you what you must believe. Also in Ni xxse ofjjurn, saved Jby it last week. -: . ; ; ; Mr. John Lyons, carman Auction an rt tmm:..: . . 10 a s4 !r-?"w- --t vtoiuu mercnam, 10 v by his horse; so that the nail and ball of the ?w.? dreadful, extending through the whole Vm r:: "wonewem into .nessr. vomsiocit u i;o. s, 2l-Uortlandt street, and hadapplied their MAGICAL PAIN j EXTRACTOR, and in three minutelhe pain entirety cead, the inflammation alkwas al ayed artd no inconvenience was felt. at all ??V UWM al 25 fir Pu 11 on- JVIIll caly neb treet; M he wiU be pleased to show ih.m niccCecU i li ' Superior (Quality ' W Half, Price for the cure of : g!CROFULA,'chronic Rheumatism; ge .f neral Debility, cutaneous Diseases, sea y Eruptions of the skin, Tetter. Pimples or Pustules on the face,' mercurial land sy pt ilo id diseases, Biles from an impure habit oil body,; Ulcerations of the throat and legs. Pains and Swellings of the bones, Liver af fections, and all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, Exposures and imprudences in -life excessive use ol Mer cury, &c. I he great popularity ol Sarsaparilia, ' virtues or adduce any evidence in its, favor The Sarsaparilia is warranted positively as eood as anv otner. that can oe maae at Pe dollar, at just half the price of those so miiffh dprlMfd. and in aa'stronfr and as large bottles yiz-i ' Fly Cents Bot lienor Five Dollars per' This article hs cured Scrofula of thirty years, alter the JJoiiar article had oeen used in vain. . . A 1 - 'j As v .; a r , 1 Sold wholesale by Comsiock & Co. 21 Cortlandt st jNew?York---by Geo i How ard, Tarboro? Wesson; I GastonF. S.I Marshall, Halifax Bennett & Hyman Hamilton FJ VV. Moore, Williamston and by one person in every village in U. oraies ana vanauas. iiarcn iy, loto. EDM. VEGETABLE PILLS. rniHB best remedy ever offered to the -T Ptiblic for the cure or mMffue & Fever, Remittent and continued Fejrers. For sale by - I Geo. Howard, Agent, Tarboro. Tarboro, June 17. Recommended by the Faculty. i - CELEBRATED PREPARED MEDICINES. THCSE NEW AND PLEASANT REMEDIES i COMPRISE TOctr Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills. for the cure of fevers, liver affections, iaun- aice, neaaacne, lossot appetite, costivenes, lemale complaints, and every disease with in the reach of hums n mpan. flllerative Extract of Sarsaparilia and mood Hoot for scrofula, or king's white swelling, pains in the bones, ulcerous sores, eruptions of the skin, rheumatism, syphili tic and mercurial affections, &c. J Concentrated Extract of Buchu and Lfva yrst, for curing diseased urinary or gans, such as gravel, morbid irritation and chronic inflammation of the kidneys, ure ters, bladder and urethra: also, diseases of tjie prostrate gland, loss of tone in passing urine, Cutaneous affections & rheumatism. I Febrifuge, or Camomile Tonic, for the cure of all debiities, loss of appetite, but especially for Fever and Ague, lor which it Y as been more particularly prepared. Antispasmodic or Camphorated Cor c ial, designed' to cure excessive vomiting, c iarrhcea cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, p airi" in the stomach, cramps, hysterics, col i :s, hypocondria, spasms, convulsions, and muttering delirium in the low forms of bili c us fever. It is a fine substitute for narevoric. Cough Mixture of Carrageen Moss and quius, lor the cure of diseased lungs, (jhronic affections of the stomach and bow cjls, and all diseases produced by sudden changes in temperature Superfine Tooth Powder, for curing and hardening the gums, cleaning,! preserving sjnd keeping white the teeth, and for sweet ening the breath. The above preparations are offered to he public generally and Physicians especi- I Iy, not as nostrums, or panaceas, but as eat and convenient preparations, made on strictly scientific principles. For sale by GEO. HO JVJ1RD, Agent. Tarboro', Jan. 27. one half of the cores and benefits that come J - ' . '.1 . tsut we tninR inat wnat already has every Tamily the actu- ie eirrs 150 Waih nr ' month by this salve from a dreadfal scald, go there and see the child and its mother. fewark was a child's life, in i who rides for Wm. Mc. Cormick, Esa.. uruanui sireei, nau nisvinumo badly bitten inumo was split open. .1 he pain from it vstem: and he thought hp UnU . the fleah began to grow black, and the first Mu "" V.or.1 lc" 1 Fcrsoriaiiy 01 us ma- March 10, 1846, - aaMMMBn . , ' ' Hi! ) OME cry humbug from cnvy,.some from jealousy cry humbug, and; some from sheer ignorance of4 the J thing cry humbug. do not believe every thing that hines is gold, taordovI believe that whicli is hasttly denounced is humbug r Prove a thing "arid then judge1 k -it " HULL'S PILLS are no vhumburTphe vert they have been used, .they have invariably given the most decided arid; unqiiybcal " satisfac tion. : The testimony exists 'on every side throughout this vast cou n t ry fr om r the Log Cabin f the Western Wilds to the Ci ty (Palace of the millionaire -there are thousands of witnesses to i the'unmyaljed-efficacy, of this invaluable medicine It gen erally cures the Chills and Fevers the , firsi day, and does not sicken the stomach or produce any disagreeable sensation in the System. ' Obstinate cases of CHILLS and FfiVERS, when other preparations have failed, hare yielded at once to a few doses of Hull's Pills, without any disposition of a return. They require no puffing, it is un worthy of them. The Medical Faculty are now prescribing them with unexam pled success, not only in Chills and Fevers, but in Fevers of all types, grades arid, char acter, andconsider them the most safe and harmless yet the most certain and prompt febrifuge' that ran possibly he administered in1 the remediate management of Fevers pe culiar to this country. Full direction's for use accompany each box. PriceOne Dollar. 'u Prove all thing and hold fast that which is good." Paul. ' THESE PILLS have now become the domestic medicine of almost every, family. They are considered by all who have given them a trial, to be the most pleasant, safe arid effectual medicine in useThey have the sanction and approval of the most emi nent Physicians who have adopted them in their practice, purchase themby the dozen boxes of the agents, administer them to their patients, and recommend them as be ing superior to any other vegetable Pills before the public They are not only Veg etable in name, but in substance, and act as a friend to Nature in all her operations. They may be taken by persons of any age; and the feeble and the infirm, the nervous and delicate are strengthened by their op eration; because they possess tonic and res torative properties, independent of their aperient effects. And Females will find them to be decidedly the best medicine in use ! for the complaints peculiar to their sex. In sick-headache, costiveness, and ; bowel complaint, they stand unrivalled. The habitually costive should not fail ! to give them a trial, as their action i entirely dif ferent from most medicines recommended for this complaint, and theyjeave the bow els in a fine and healthy state, as may be seen by the following certificates: Numerous testimonials in favor of the?e pills might here be given, but let the fol lowing suffice: From Mr. Isaac M. Thomas, merchant, at Talladega Springs, Alabama. Talladega Springs, Talladega Co, Ala. August 17, 1842. This is to certify, that I have been afflicted with sick headache, dyspepsia and liver complaint, and costiveness for the last eight or nine years; during which time I had taken as well as I recollect, about sixty boxes of Beckwith's pills, twelve box es of Peters' pills, and a number of boxes of Cham pion's and Urandreth's pills, all of which afforded 1 ... .. me out nine or no reuei At last 1 was recom mended to try Dr. SPENCER'S VEGETABLE PltiLS, and wiliI did; for I never had but one attack of the sick headache after I commenced ta king the pills; (now about six months.) and I can didly confess, that I have derived more real bene fit from the use of Spencer's pills, than from all he other medicines and pills that I have ever ta ken, and 1 would earnestly recommend them to all, as being in my opinion, the best medicine n use ior an lingering complaints. I he pills uave a one me so much good, that 1 would not feel willing to be without them for five dollars a haxi and I cannot but feel very grateful to Dr. Spencer ior naving prepared sucn a valuable medicine, and the distribution of it is conferring a verv ffreat fa vor on the public, as it is a thing of the utmost im portance that evenr familv should have a snnnU of Dr. Spencer's truly valuable pills constantly on nna' Isaac; IVUThomas. : : CELEBRATEO Headache, Cough and Are admitted by the Medical Facultv. to be the best preparation ever introduced for the cure of those diseases for which they fcr6ecdmWended.TTT yregcUzblc TTooth J3ctic Elixir ; A cerUi and immediate cure for t ho tv m Ache. For sale by - i -.; - Geo. Howard, Agent, TarboroV YKe!Qfprt Medicines. To ail the iWorlfl-whb Tbil: of ";Tdnninf or, A' NBW CnEMlCAL OST PEOPLB KNOW'thatskios and W , the use of Tannin, extracted from certain barks, . When the force and strength of ihe Tannin is.worn with a crust, , fyc.V4A$xvl o 8toTe en vliJe9isoflness9:moUtneS9 strength, smoothness, & remove aU crusts, fly, or blister-wore the tannin, fhi, substance the leather never can receivhe second time; but the w . are in this article, the OIL QF A NN1N, whichr penetrates Ihe stiffest and hardest leltherif it his been twenty years in use? and if it tears easily with ihe fingers, it Warts at once a I strength that isuiterly iTicredible until seen. . f .becomes like ncu, leather,, in all respects with, a dejightlul softness; and polish, andT makesjall leather completely " and perfectly impervious to water particularly boots, shoes, carriage lots, harness, hose; trunks; (and In Ucx all things made4qfealher, vng a. splendid polish; even higher than new' leather has, and at least douljling its wear ancl durabili. tyf, in whatever manner the leather i'sosedf. -These arei Facts.: V ; t:VV C . iThose who will wear old shoes; groan withcorn, ride, with old carriage tops have old harness . and throw them away half used-l- loot fillhy.themselve?, and all about them expend double what ir necess.ry for articles of leather, to their hearts' content, (or what we care if their, pi a ne discovery. We have no favors ;to msk of them they are tKel greatestsufferers, anj we beg for nobody's custom or patronage. Now, gentlemen, please yourselves. I (QfiNone genuine unless wnn tne- i Sold w wholesale by Comstock & "o. 21 M. Wesson, Gaston F. S. latboro' ilton F. . W. Moore, kWilliamston -and by one person in"every-village in U. States and Canadas. K4Ci B:Jsvun': -q'-Ar : March 19, 1846. . To sicians. DR. THOMAS Has just received'a fresh supply of j American Quinine, ''vtt -t ' No. I. 2 and 3. Balsam Capsules, j Cayenne Pepper best African, j Carboy of sweet spls. Nitre, I Syringes of every size and variety, j Cases, Tooth Extractors.) Ebony, I Tool h Forceps for adults and children, r Chase's Trusses. ! i Cupping instruments with horn cups and a stop cock to each, : Cork Screwf, Catheters, V Mortars andj Pestles, etc. j Tarboro July' 21. 1845. Family Medicines. fip HKSE medrcines are recommended and extensively used by the most intel ligent persons in the United States, bv nu merous Professors and Presidents of Col leges. Physicians of the Army and Navy, and of Hospitals and A ImshousesV and by nore than five hundred Clergymen of vari ous denominations. U They are expressly prepared for family ise, and have acquired an unprecedented popularity" throughout the United States: j and as they are so admirably calculated ' io preserve health and cure- disease, ho lamily should ever be without them. The proprietor of these valuable preparations received his education at one of the best Medical Colleges in the United States, and, has had twenty years experience in'an ex pensive and diversified practice by which he has had ample opportunites of acquiring a practical knowledge of diseases, & of the jremelies best calculated to remove them. Names and Prices of Dr. D. Jaynt's Family' Medicines, viz: ; Jayne's Expeciorant per bottle, $1 00 Hair Ionic 1 00 A LTERATIVE. pr Life Preservative, per btl- 1 00 Tonic Vermifuge f .. 0 50 Carminaiive Kalsam, 25 and 50 Sanative Pills, per box, 0 25 ( American Hair Dve. 0' 50" ! All the above mentioned Medicnes are ! ! I t' , ' i -r prepareu only oy ur. u. jayne. inven tor and Sole Proprietor, No. 20 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. who has no hesitation in recomending them tb the" com munity as preparations" worthy of their en tire confidence, and is fully persuaded from past experience, that they will be found eminently sucVessljjl in Yemoving those diseases for vvhich they are- severally rec ommended. For sale in Tairbbro hv JjiS M REDMdtoDfrfsreni July 12, 1845 s , . v . j Jayiie's Ague Pills, wire warranted to make a perfect arid j tasting cu re of Fetter and JJgue - These Pills are put up in vials contain ing from 2S to 30 Pills each' and beino thus ex eluded "from the ajr. Ineverdeterior- ate or undergo anychange, and are W A R iRAN rED, if us-d according to the direc tions, to be an INFALLIBLE REME DY for .:$;:r: :-im '. fever andAgue. During twelve years extensive Practice in a low marshy district br country, where Fever and Agues were very prevalent, the Proprietor as always . enabled to effnet radical cures, of ihe inost ih vi tiate cases hy the use qf these Pills. ' Messrs; Jayne & Pncoi of St Louis Mo4 found these Pills So uniformlv t iuc' cesslul in curing Fever and gue; ihat they sold several hundred bottles io rarnms Pewqns, 6eCWrinE to return; money .in , a 1 1 ease. w h , , e f"hev foiled to' effVct a universal satisfaction the PlU gWv.f' ihn value that theyjwere never Mlleil upoo ft0 refund for a: single bottled i ;- ft .T i:rii IP11 e Msetf i alls,. whef 92l?l rf,h,ing toedicii may be required. Prepaied only bv Dr use Tcctber in -any fouii. l IjedticrMestorer. DISCOTBr. wgnaiure ur .urusucic qr . o. Cortlandt it. .NewYork-by Geo. Howard, Marshall," Halifax- Bennett & Hyman, Ham! To Jtlerchffii8& Traders. rTTT HE subscriber informs all those con. A nrw Standard Yard Measure dition to the other standard weight and measures, and : would , call their attea tion to the following provisions of the law on this subject: i Every person using weights or measures steelyards, is required to briiig them to the Stand, ard Keeper and have them tried; and if a, trader or dealer by profession, or a miller, most hare thern' re-examined every two years" Everypr. sou d sing', (that is, buying or selling by) weiotu, measures or steelyards, and neglecting to hare them examined. &c. as here required, forfeits fifu dollars, &c. ; 3 "Fee of Standard Keeper.- For examining and adjusting each pair of steelyards 25 cents; for er ery weight of half a pound and upwards 5 cents; for every set of weights below half a poahd,,io eluding one piece of each denomination 5 cents; for every yard stick, or other measure of cloth, 5 cents; for every bushel, half bushel, peck or oth er measure used in measuring grain, meal or salt, 10 cents; each measure for liquors; 3 cents." Sept. ; 16. Standard Keeper. ' 1 y ' Botanic Medicines. rjp H E subscriber has just received, di reel from New York, ' . ' A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP Thomsoman , ITIcdiciaes Lobelia; green and seed, . J 2nd and 3rd Preparat ion of do. Myrrh, Cayenne Pepper, Composition, Bay berry, Spice Bitters. Green, bzier, Poplar bark, Slippery elm, 'Woman's Friend, Rheumatic tincture, Nerve powder,. Nerve ointment. . Cough powders, Cough syrup, Pnckly ash, barberry, bayberry, Pond lilly. Hemlock bark, Bitter took Wake robin. Sy ririges.of various sizes,-No.6, Sic. Which he is enabled ; to sell at greatly ' rcaucea prices -" v t j - J :; g no hoivard. Tarboro', M jy 7, 1845. Morses d n d Vehicles. Hp H E 1 Subscriber having replenished his stock of H o'rses and Vehicles, now offers them for hire on the following For Harobche, two horses, and driver, 4 00 ; t , Barouche. and harness,. s- 1 1 60 t" Carryall, two horses, and driver, 3 50 carryall and harness, - 100 t Bogvy, and hone, - 2 00 Bng?7 and harness, 1 00 Gig, and horse, ; . - 1 75 Gigr and harness, , - 0 75 Sulky, and horse, 4 - 1 50 Sulky, and harness! - 0 50 t -r Horse, saddle and bridle, - 1 25 i M tiloree, ; . 100 ,f' n . Horse and cart, . , t - 1 25 r M Cart and f-ear, r 0 25 Horse, and plough, ; 1 00 ? h Plough and gear, ' 0 25 . Draught wagon and dray, per contract. ' Tite above charges I'b re'for an ordinary div's travl longer or shorter distances by special contract. - GEO. HOWARD TbnroVJaity IO.v Medicines, &c. JJUST RETEI VhD, a fresh assortment ot approved Patent Medicines ,0 ddiMoii tir o,ir Jrrnerstock. as- follows: Allen's balsam of horehound, liverwort, and pleu Visy rootSteefss chemical Opodeldoc, Longley's great western Indian Panacea, Oil spike, British Oil, Bateman's drops, Essence of peppermint, lemon, &c. -Laudanum, paregoric, lliompsons eye water, Eau d'Cologwe, superior, Orris tooth paste, Ambler's tooth powder, lip salve. Tooth brashes, emolient toilet and shaving soapt Preston and perfumed salts, loco foco matches, Seidliu and soda powders, bear's oil, Judkina' specific ointment. Roach & bed bog band Caoor Oil; sweet Oil, black leather Varnish; Liquid ointment, shoe brushes, Dunlop's improved vegetable blacking, &c Fbrsale chear as usuaL GEO: HOWARD. Tarboro', April 3. 1841.