The Tarborougrh Press, j - Br George Howard. Jr. k I Is published weekly at 'W Dollars per year if paid rn advance or, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time on giving notice thereof and paying res. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at; One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 cents for every continuance. Longer advertisement- at that rate per square. Court Orders and i Judicial Advertisements 25 percent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the numberof inser tions required,, or they will be cotmnuea unu. otherwise directed, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. Volunteers Jor Uregon. Mention! rheumatic Battalion IN anticipation ot .a war with England, the indivi duals com posing1 he Rheu matic Battalion are earh and every one nojifi ed and warned to ap pear (armed as shall here' after he diiected,)before Orderly Surgeon GEO. HOWARD, in Tarboro','and pnrchase a bottle of ewes1 Linarnent and fc7.xir, which is warranted to cure allthe old cases of chronic or inflmmato'y Rheumatism that have remained uncured np to the pre sent time. This without delay, so that you may be in readiness to inarch, if called upon. To the Universal Rheumatic Battalion! Given thisdav at Head Quarters by COM STOCK o CO.' Comm tnders General. The above article is sold wholesale by Comstock.& Co. 2t Cortlandtst. NewYork by Geo Howard, Tarboro" M. Wes son,Gaston F. S Marshall, Halifax Ben neU & Hyman, Hamilton F. W. Moore, Williamstonj and by one person in every village in U. States and Canadas. March 19, 1846. cjiiiRiJi ges, $c:, THE Subscriber offers for Sale, a superior JWorthcmi-biiilt Carriage Made in latest style and best materials a Xeather-top Buggy a Cloth top BUGGY, and a all new, with first-rate, harness to them. ALSO, a second hand barouche but' Ut ile worn--and a buggy, very cheapo-har ness to them. GEO. HOWARD. April 22nd, 1846. HpHE universal celebrity which thid medicine h is gained in every section! of the country, and the many astonishing cores it has effected, have established its efficacy beyond all doubt; as a genera family medicine it has no rival. In all ca ses of-indigestion, -bilious fevers, dyspepi sia, iiver compiainis, sick neanacne, jaun dice,' asthma, dropsy, piles, colic, worms, Disease of the heart, and in all affection.4 of the stomach and bowels,-Peters Pills will be found a never-failing remedy. w . , ii t i . . reiers nns are purely, vegelauie, and so innocent that the infant of a month old may use them, if medicine is required, no only with sifety, but with a certainty o rereiving all' the benefit medicine is capable oi imparting, females may use them du ring all the critical periods of! their lives Piarc' Pi 11 ..,:n : . . i . , - win niMure meirf . neaiin anq produce regularity in all the functions o life. ; - 03 Price 25 and 50 cts per box. Fo sale in Tarboro' hv I GEO HOWARD, Agent Tarboro', Aug. 18, 1845. i Perfumery, Soaps, $fc JpHE subscriber has jiist received a. ful supply of the following articles v,z: Fine Windsor. Almond; Rose, Trans parent, Itallin Chemical, Cas tile & Fancy SOAPS: Colo gne, and assorted PERFUMES Macassar and Bear's oils, &c. . &c Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash, of preserving the teeth from decay, project)- mg me gums, &c. AU the above articles' W)f eel) orj th lowest possible terms,V i j pass 1 GEO. HOWARD. Patterson $ Wills, PETERSBURG, "Va. August 25M THT A V E; in Store and are receiving the 60 hhda P. Rico, N. O., St. Croix and refinetT Sugars, . ; 200 bags Laguira, Rio and Java-coffee, 20 hhds Jp. Rico and Cuba, molasses, part prime, 1000 sacks L. P. and G. A. salt, , 200 ps. cotton bagging, part supr qua. 200 coils Bale rope, 0000 lbs. Virginia, cured bacon, 0000 VVestern sides and shoulders, 250 sides good" and "damaged" Sole j Leather, 50 doz. Russet upper . do., 500 lbs. Shoe thread, 150 bis. No. 1 ajid 2, N. Ca. herrings, 100 boxes -Sperm and Tallow candles, approved Brands. 20 boxes & bis. Loaf & Crushed sugar, ; 5 bis. superior Pulverised do. 100 bags Prop and Hurk shot, 100 kegs I). P. powder, 30 toiw Swedes and English Iron, 5 'v band and hoop do. 3 ' ""blistered, German & Cast steel, . 250 kegs ciit and box nails, 10 doz. Wells & ( o. approved axes, 50 casks London porter q'ts & p'ts, 10 hhds Baltimore whiskey, iO his. rln. do. 50 " superior Northern A. Brandy, 15 N. E Rum, 10 Scuppernong Wine, 10 qr. casks Teneriffand S. M. do. 1 pipe superior old -Madeira; 5 qr casks Port wine, j 5 half pipes superior Cognac & Cham paign brandy, warranted genuine, 30 bis. old MoOoiigahela whiskey, 2 puncheons best Jamaica Rum, j 3 pipes H. Gin, 4': 100 nests Iron and Wood bound tubs, 20 bags pepper, spice and ginger, 5 half chests superior G. P., Imperial and Y. H. Tea, 50 doz: Bed cords, lest Hemp, 100 Cotton Lines, 100 reams Wrapping paper, 50 " - Writing & Letter do. 20 boxes Whittimore's genuine Cotton and Wool cards, 100 bis. new City ground, family flour, 100 ' S. F. ditto ditto & country, 25 superior Cider Vinegar, 100 bushtels best Clover seed selected, Together With other articles usjually kept in the Grocery line; all of which we offer for sale, upon such terms as we think a fair examination cannot fail to approve. We are agents for the sale of Jabez Parker's Tlireshing JTTachines, FAN MILLS, STRAW CUTTERS & Which are sold at the same prices as by the Manufacturer. We also solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore received in t he way of Consignments of Produce: say Cotton, Tobacco. Wheat, Bacon, &c. ; and pledge ourselves to be unwavering in our terms of Commissions, as we place all on an equal fooling. Say Jtjly cents per Bale for Cptton and all other kinds ol Produce 2 J per cent. ' Also, the receiving and forwarding of Merchandise. The unparalleled popularity of J layJs Liniment, IS a surety of its virtue - the genuine Hay's Liniment has cured over twenty thousand cases of PILES in the United States. Itls the only article used and pre scribed by the Faculty of New. York, and it is recommended by every Physician in the country who has used it or seen its ef fppu nn others. The cenuine has Com- stock & Co. 's name on each wrappec- Sold wholesale by Comstock & Co. 21 Cortlandt st. New York by Geo. How ard, Tarboro M Wesson, Gaston F. S. Marshall, Halifax Bennett & Hyman, Hamilton F. W. Moore, Williamston and by one person in every village in U. States and Canadas. March 19, 1846. just Received, Mfy the Subscriber, A LARGE ASSOR I MKNT Swedes, -m- American and English Iron, German & cast Steel, cut & wrought Nails. Casings, consisting of ovens, pots, spiders, 4 skillets,' tea kettles, andirons, cart and wagon boxes,, ploughs, points & heels, Spades, long handled, shovels, hoes, trace t and halter chains, sulky springs, Turks Island salt, blown & ground salt, White leadjlfnseed and train oil, -d x 10 and to x 12 window glass putty: ALSO, a very large & general assortment o GROCERIES, ? i; Hardware and Cutlery, China, Glas, Crockery arid Stone ware For. sale on accommodating terms. Tarboro', NovL 2j 1845,' ' ; ' " ' From the Raleigh Standard. UNION AND HARMONY! j We present below the Card of Dr. Wat son to the Democracy of North Carolina, his letter to Mr. Leak and Mr. Leak's re ply, from which it will be seen that James B. Shepard, Esq. has again jbeen nomina ted for Governor, and that Mr. Leak most cheerfully acquiesces in the nomina tion We have always accorded to Mr. Leak honesty of purpose andcandor and manliness of cHafacter: and as a friend to him and his friends, we pdint with a just pride to his admirable-letter. That gen tleman, arrived in this city on Thursday last, and was inynediately waited upon by a number of his democratic friends; and, among others, we conversed with him fre quently and freelyupon our past differen ces, upon the circumstances which then surrounded us, and upon the prospects of the Republican party in North Carolina. On Monday last the action of the Commit tee was frankly and' fully laid before Mr. Leak by the Chaiiman: whereupon Mr. Leak stated that he was entirely satisfied with the nomination, and annoiinced his determination to give to Mr. Shepard. a cordial and hearty support.! That pledge he will carry out; and his friends, we feel convinced, will unite with him and with their democratic brethren the estate over, iri the great contest now going on for the political redemption of our beloved Com monwealth. Now that the breach in our ranks has been healed, let the democrats j redouble their exertions. They have a Candidate for Governor who has given j evidence wherever he has been, of his ability to ex plain and enforce the great principles and doctrines of the party, and who has prov ed himself the superior in popular debate to both Mr. Stanly and GovjGraham. That candidate will start next week for the West, and We call upon our friends from Orange to Cherokee, to "hold up his hands" and to second his exertions, until the battle is won. Let our strongest arid best men bebrought out in every county for the Legislature; arid in the language of Mr. Leak, let the contest on our part be, 'a long pull, a strong pull, arid a pull alto gether," and our word for it, the day will be ours. . ; "Raleigh, May 18, 1846. To the Democracy of North Carolina: Fellow Citizens: At a meeting of the Democratic State Committee j this dayj held, the respective claims of Messrs. Leak! and Shepard have been again placed be-' fore that body, on counting! the votes' James B. Shepard, Esq. of-Wake, was du- ly nominated as the Democrajic Candidatej for Governor of North Carolina;; and as the organ of that Committee,' I hereby an nounce to you that result. ! . j Permit me, fellow citizens, most respect fully to express the earnest hope, that all diflererices of opinion among ourselves as: to men will be speedily buried and for gotten, and that the Republicans of North Carolina, united upon principle, will now move forward as one body, and .under one common banner, to the achievement of a brilliant ajid glorious victory. lifet the motto of the campaign be: "We can and we will. JOSIAH O. WATSON, Chm'n Dem. State Committee. . Raleigh, May 18, 1846. Walter F. Leak, Esq. ' Dear'Sir: At a meeting of the Democra-. tic State Committee held this day, your , name and the name of Mr. Shepard having been again befor that body, Mr. Shepard was duly nominated as the Denibcratic Candidate for Governor of North Carol i- na. I deem it respect! ul to you, and a part of my duty as Chairman of the Com mittee, to apprize you of the result' With many wishes for your happiness and welfare, I am, aear J5ir,iruiy yours j JOSIAh O. WATSON : Chun Dem, State Committee; Raleigr, May" 18, 1846. Jost-ih 0. AYalson, Chrn'n, &c. : My dear Sir: Your letter as Chairman of the Democratic State Committee, an nouncing the decision of that Committee as between James B. Shepard and myself, has been received; and although it calls not for a reply, yet such may not be consider ed (under all the circumstances) as obtru sive. -' ' r-"" J " .; -;'v-i" Prompted by ah earnest desire to avoid a rupture in our party, arid to heal a breach which threatened the success of our principles, I was induced to submit to Mr. Shepard the proposition1 which has called your body together. The Committee having now acted, and that decision through you being made known, I should be untrue to the whole principles of my life, if I did not cheerful ly acquiesce in the nomination made. I have always been ready to conform to the wishes of my party, when fairly express ed, and I now the more willingly consent to the sacrifice required, from the consid eration that the post assigned me has been given by those whose motives are unques tioned, and whose judgment I had delibe-j rately invoked. Principles, and not men, have hitherto been a part of my political creed, nor shall it be less so, when brought to bear against myself. In conclusion allow me to say I sinr cerely hope that nothing" may arise oh the part of our respective friends, which will have the least tendency to probe a wound that ought to cicatrize, or to awaken ani mosities that should slumber, but on the" contrary, the animating principle may be: CA long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together." Nothing short of this can re deem the "Old North State" from her pre sent political alliance, which I as unnatural to her position as cal to her interests. hold to be it is inimi- Respectfully, your ob't servant, , WALTER F, LEAK. Singutar . and Fatal Accident. -An interesting little son of Mr. Solomon Brown, of this vicinity, aged seven years, was killed in a most extraordinary, man ner, a few days since. A little companion was whirling round with great rapidity, a piece of wood notched like a saw, attached to a string (called a whirligig) when the siring broke, and the notched iece struck little Brown on the throat, and punctured the wjndprpe; -making an aperture not lar ger than the head of a good sized pin. It was thought a slight hur t,f but 'soon the Jo dy began to swell, from the diffusion of air under the cellular tissue of the skin, and presented so frightful an appearance, that a physician was sent for. He arrived only to announce that there was no hope, and his afflicted parents had to witness the speedy death of a darling child, who was( nerfectlv conscious of his situatioji. and who spent his last breath in imploring re lief at their hands. Raleigh Reg. (fJDied, at Halifax, N.C. on. the 2istult., Col. Thomas K. Morisey, of Sampson county, aged 53. He left home on Mon day in apparent health, and went to Hali fax Court on business. On Tuesday even ing, he and his friends were making prep- aratioris to return home by Wednesday morning train. - He complained of a head ache, and feeling wearied directed thfi servant to wake him up if he should" sleep overhis timethen was left alone. In about half an hour afterwards, his brother went to his room; and opening the door, found him dead, as if he had "fallen asleep and died-without a struggle. A physician was called, but was of no service- His re mains werg brought to his. residence on Wednesday. Fayetteville. Car. Emigration.- The tide of emigration to America, from Ireland, has set out this year earl ier than usual. .The quays ; at Cork are crowded toinconvenience- with passengers and their luggage. "Already one vessel has sailed with a full ; comple- ment of passengers; and twenty three "oth ers, with nearly four thousand emigrants, are preparing at that port for sea. k 1 Mail Robber caught. A; man 'named Wm. Vaughan, has been arrested at Mem- phis, Tenn., charged with'having robbed the U. S. Mail at various times, between religions worldbeing an event very gimi M.emjphisTnnnd;HqntWl far td the raining of manna the starving in sums, it .is supposea, oi not less man $10,000 in all. It is computed that not less than 2,000 letters have been tbstract ed from the mail bags, by means flf false keys, and Vaughan had in his pocket, when arrested, three - keys, which fitted each of the three patent mail locks. '"Ho is supposed to have numerous L accompli ces. Richmond Her. ' Santa Anna. A. gentleman who has , recently arrived here, (says the N'. O.Pid ayuiie of the 1 9th inst.) from Havana, talk ed freely with Gen. Santa Anna upon Mexican affairs. - He deprecated the xvzr with the United States, as sure to be d trous to Mexico. He spoke of the monar chical projects in Mexico asrdestihed ito certain failure, he believing that a majority of the people would prefer even annexa tion to the United States to the rule of a Spanish prince. Santa Anna j had,, it is said, no intention of returning to Mexico at present, and has recently rented a new house. t Gen. Almonte regards the insurrection ary attempt ; of Gen. Alvarez as one ' cf great moment and difficult to be put down. fl whole Family tmurdered.Tho Rockbridge (Va.) Register of the: 16th inst. gives the following account of a dreadful mnrder which was committed in Pendleton county: r V On the morning "of the 11th inst. -in this ; county, the most unparalleled and brutal mu-r der was comriiftted by Wm. Hudson oiv . his own family.- When discovered, fcftf wife and two children vvere dead! "his otftertwo children anJ Jane Clift and Rob ert Clift, most horribJy qut and -mutilated; with an: axe, but still breathing; ' the hbust set on fire, but was discovered and put out before it had done much damage. ; The wounds of three of the latter are said to bo mortal by the examining physician. Hud son is a small man, a little over five feet high, well set, little stoop shouldered? broad visage and red complexion, down look and polite when spoken to. Had o;i when he left, . a black Jeans coat or blue" wrapper black pantaloons ani white wool hat The public will do well to be on th; alert to apprehend & bring him tojristicp; i P. S, Jane and Robert Clift and ano ther child have since died of their wounds. No cause, but a mi su riders tand in g,J was Hl3' :r I me nse ol these prlls They ae recommerrded (o ihe afferifiOff of ihoe attfirted with Liver - Complaint, Dyspepsia, Billious habit CosiiVenes Cholera Morbus,- Rheumatism, Scrofula, Fou I Stoma chy - f)f pra vet A ppeiite Worm. Jaoild ice,- Headache and Sick"; Sto mach, Palpitation of the Heart, Diarrhea, Nervous afrWiiofnv obsifucted M'enstura iinn. Dysentery or flux, Heart burnv White Swelling a'nd all 1 1 lose Jiseacj sru sing from rmpWre blood. Price tenl!v-five cents perhoxv A psni phlet.acconpa4ii r tafh box with fulldirer linns and ample testimonials of the r;30 effects of thee pills. A "4 n - V'e the underii!giied citizens of Helle vil'e, Illinois, hereby certify that ne aro personaHy arquairrted with Dr. Champiori of this placq & have been fof several xxsrs," hand have the utmost confidence in him c.3 a physician. That he is in this community, and deservedly so, a popular physician. We further certify 'that We have uscC his pill? in our families for several yesrs find them lo be a varluahle. efficient and cafor medicine for the effre of diseases fof vhich they are recommended, that they are in high repute ih this community, and of tha cehbriiy and good effects of these pills v?o have heard much fiom thhr tirnd the various other States, in which they arq to eslcn lively used. VVe thi-nk them worthy cf high recommendation,- : W P. Boyakin, Paitpi of ths Baptist Church. ' T. Hsrrisonr Minister Methodist Cpirtc pal Church, . i: is 4 r 9r John Reynolds. Ex-norernor of Illinoir, W. McChntock Clerk of the County Corns Coiirf. W. C. Kioney, Clerk St.CIaif Countr Cir l hey were starving at that plae,lor want of food, and an extraordinaVjP ierposition, of Providence has been ia5ie'd icttiTei behalfl j glutinous stbW-9r- krin of which they make bread, has fallen m immense quantities, ii) a district, ' in thai cdufntr)r. .This &pd is selling publicly tU 16s. oer ouarter. - - This is stated in a; letter : froin Smyrna, dated March 7,: 1C4C, izi the paper received by lasV&teajner, whjcliy if true, will create a great- sensation ip tha iisraeutes m taetertr v. "' - 1 in