i . ' ' :1 c I 01 H Rbi, Tioroughasecombe County VV. C Itcriliirfay, iFitli 10 i SdG " - 4 .. .ft,--" V V i The Tatfhorougfh Press " By George HdwAitbi J. . , Is publisHed Wrinkly at- Tttip Dollaira jsfer, yfjar li paid in auTiiiiiuo uit x ui 1iinwo yy ofiH ai me expiraiion or ine auuauniiuu jrc,ii, SdbscribefS, af6 liberty to discdntintfe. at s tirrie on oriviri notice thereof arid flaying arfea Advertisements riot eiceediri a square will iarted at OAl bolldr iWe first irlsf tldrii arid cents. For eviry co.ntirtiiincei ' Longer advfertise nierits at that rate per square, Cbtirt Orders and Judicial Ajvdftisements 2& pef cfent. higher, Ad vertisements ni list be marked the fldmberof inser tions' required, or they ; Wilt "be i .cdntirtaed Until otherwise, directed," ana dharel acdotdihgly. LeUerd -add rested to Uh8 Editor must be past paid, or they ma not be attehderi.to. . , be 25 YotiMtcers tor AJregon MfeniionlrJienniati jNnticipation of. a War with England, the indiij ttafecbm posing' heKht t, mutrc Baf ialipn are eacr) itrvd eyrry ' one nojfif .ed and "waftved to apf rss"-i)caT (armed as shalk hefer -Lfc after be directed,) hfefrf QrteftfiSvrgean GEO; HOWARD, itt Tarfaoro', and purchase a bottle of Helves' Li n am (Hi and EliJeif, which is vvarrinted to cure all the oW ca ?e8 of. chronic -or inft rn rhutoiy K hen mati sm that have rem Jiinerl. uncn rel np "to the prcv sent tinbe. T.his wjihout delay, so that idii may "be in readiness to march, if.called upon To the Universal Rheuniatic Ilat'auon Given this da vat Head Quarters by CO M STOCK 8c CO Camrhrt riders General. The above article is sold wholesale hy Comstock & Co. 2 1 Cortlahdt st. Ne"wVirk by Geo Howard, Tarboro M. VV es son,Gaston P. S Marshall, Haliifax B ?n nett & Hyman, Hamilton F. W. Moore, Williamston and by one person in every village in U. Males and Canadas. March 1 9, 1816 a THE Subscriber offers for Sale a superior Jlforthern-buUt Curriage9 Made In latest sty le and best materials ' Xeather-top fiflggy a Cloth-top BUGGY, and a JRTJEJVT SUMjKJ, all new, with first rate harness to them ALSO, a second hand barouche but lit tle worn and a bttg'z'i, very cheap- War ness to them. GEO. fJOfVStUIJi April 22nd, 1846. Patterson $ Wills: ! August 1845 fOA VEj In Store and are receiving the -f- following Goods, to wit: " 1 - 60 hhds P. Hied, N. O., St: Croix and refined UgarS) . j . &O0 bags Laguira, Rio and Java Coffee,4 ' 20 hhds..F. Rico and Cuba molajseSj pa.rt prime .. ', ;, 1000 sacks L. P., and A! salt, 200 ps. cotton bagging, part sup'r furil. 200. Coils Bale fope . 1 10(300 lJs. Virginia cufed bacon, i. t)000 Western sides arid shoulders; 250v-wdes.;gt)Ojd and daroaged" Sole .. .. leather, .;. v ; j '.; 5b. dot. R Us.se t tipper xo j . 500 bs. Shoe 'thread V ,. -j.' 150 bis. No. 1 and 2, N Ca, herr'iiigs;,'--100 pox es- Spe r'm a n d "Va 1 1 uw " ca n d les . apyroy&ii Brands, ;r ' 20 boxes; & bis. hoaf & Crulledl'siigaK. S bis. superior Pulverised do. , 100 bags Drop and Buck shot) 100 kegs I). R. iiuvder' ; J i 30 Ipna SWede,an(C; English. IrOrt I 5 bind and hoop - do. f 3 ' v blisfered; German & Cst stfeel, "250 kegs cut and box" nails, " lO do. Wells & o. approved axes 50 casks lOndon porter q'ts & p'tS, 10 hhis BalUmbre whiskey, 5o bis. Jo do; . ! 50 ' superior Northern A. tirand, 15 N..E Rum, .; 10 Scitp'pernong Wine, 10 dr. casks Tenet iff and S M. do. pipe superior Old Madeira f . 5 qr casks Port wine, 5 half pipes superior Cognate & Cham paign brandy tvarraniea genuine, 30 bis. old Monougahela whiskey, ; 2 puncheons bet Jamaica Rum 3 pipes H. Gin 100 nests Iron arid Wood bound tubs, From the Washington Hepiihlitan. 20 bags pepperj spice and ginger, and Y. H. Tea, 5 (half chests superior G. P., Imperial j ; . .. m . . rninti universal ceieority wnicn injs m orliAinh Viae irllnDr) in o-t; . v it oon linn of the country', anil the many astonishing cures it has rfleced. have established its efficacy beyond all doubt; as a general family medicine it has no rival. In all ca ses of indigestion, bilious fevers, dyspep sia, liver complaints, sick headache, jaun dice, asthma, dropsy, piles, coJfC, worms, disease oi tne Deart, and m air anectipns of the stomach and bowels, Peters' Hills will be found a never-failing remedy. Peters' Pills are purely vegetable, and so innocent that the infant ol a month may use them, if medicine is required, oniy with silety, but with a certainty receiving all the benefit medicine is capd or imparting. Females may use them 50 doz Bed cords, btsl Hemp, 100 ; Cotton Lines 100 reams Wrapping paper, 50 " Writing & Letter do. 20 bortes Whittlmore's eniiine Cotton and Wool Cards, 100 bis. riew City groUnd family flour, 100 S. F. ditto ditto& country, 25 ..'V superior, Cider "Vinegar 100 bushels best Clover seed seUtted Together wiih other, articles usually kept in the Grocery line; all of which we offer for sale, upon such terms as we think a fair examination cannot fall to approve. We are agents for the sale of .labez Parker's Threshing JfJtathineSi FAN MILLS, STRAW CUTTERS & &ovn Sfjclltra; Which are sold at the same prices as by the Manufacturer We also solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore received in the way of Consignrfjents of Produce: say Cotton; Tobacco. Wheat, BaCon, &c. ; and - PROSPECTUS. At the so-licilation of many d f thd arderit friends of the- Democratic cause in this Congressional sDiatriQt, we have Under ta ken. to revive the paper formerly publish ed1 In this place undei the present name. It will be devoted td Politics, -Congressional, Foreign and Domestic News; Com merce and Agriculturej and to the exten sion and dissemination of general know ledge and intelligence. It will 'advocate the same political prinCiples-the pure principles of the Democratic cause be lieving them to be the principles by Which the best interests of the eoUntiy earl be most effectually promoted, and its welfare mdst siirejy secured. . We cannot here eritef Iritd the dtecussidn of those principles; but, we approve of the Course and policy df Miv Policy as set fbrth in. his tnadgural Address and Message. The proceedings of Congress irt refer ence to Oregon are dosed. Of the1 prd priety of Congress passing the resolution to gie notice td Great Britain addordihg to the treaty, hardly any one has a.ddiibt. The recommendation of the President has been approved by a large majority of bbth parties. The difference of opinion respec ted Only the particular form of the notice. But the effects of either wduld have been the same. Great Britain can take hb um brage at this determinatidn; the sdme pow er was granted to her by the treaty; and it can have but little effect on the question of peace or war. Indeed, the adjustment of the boundary is necessary, in order to se cure peade hereafter Oar . population is flowing into that country, and it is the du ty of oiir government to define its limits, and to pass the necessary laws for their protectiori. ? With regard to the extent of odr 1 claim j we say that we should maintain what is right: If our" right efctemds td the parallel m 54 4b, Congress should be satisfied with nothing less; but if it Canndt be in- disptitably rridde out as far as that, we will cheerfully acquiesce in oiir just pdrtidri. The full discussion df our rights will be sti tiltion and in direct dppositidn to - an express declaration that rid rildre revenue shall be raised than is sufficient to; support the govefriiriertt economical! vadmlrilstered. On . the . same principle we. are Opposed to an extended System of internaL im pcovements except in reference to the bet ter. iletenee and protection df the country. tt has a tendency to increase the expenses of the govern mentj ilnd -hence! to" create a necessity for a high tafitf. We are in fa vor df this measure Only as fai . as the proT rridtidrt of the intei'estjs df the 'navy re quire it, but no farther. i f .The. necessity of a Treasury' for the safe keeping and proper disbUrsenient df the public money is ackndWledged by all. Of the beneficial effects df this measure: in re- gulating the currency and establishing it on a safe foundation, we Have; rid dddbt. The Cdnstitutidn expressly declares this power to be the- prerogative df the general government. It js high time that we re ceived the benefit which the measure will undoubtedly produce.' . We shall endeaVof td Conduct all the discussions df political matters irt a fair and -! - intdidtt &pivL H ' Arkansas, H reg. 739 horse, 333 foot, 117a Mississippi, 1 " Alabama, r i;;a Georgia, 1 a Tennessee, & u Ketttucky ring all the critical periods df their ies. refers-Pills will insure their health and produce regularity m aH the functions of Hie. KJ Price 25 and 50 cts per box. sale in Tarboro, ' by bid not of ble Hu- For GEO HOWARD, rfgetil I arboro , Aug: 18, IS45. ' Perfumery, Soaps, Sfc. . " O HTf HE subscriber has just rjeceived 'rrH supply of the following artic es, Fine Wrndsor, Almond, Rose, t rans- pareTitf Ital fa n C he-m kra I yCas tile & Fan t y '': : f ' ' ; Cologne, aw assort ed PER FUMES: Macassar and BearVofls, &c., &c! Compound Chlorine Tooth fVash, for preserving the teeth1 fiom decay,,. pro?ect ing the gums,- &c. ' : . jr ' Alsoy some Cigars . '- ' All the above articles will self on he lowest possible terms.1 ' f ' 1 other kinds Produce '24 per cent A IsoJ the receiving and forwarding of Merchandise. The Unparalleled popularity of Hay's Liniment, a surety of its virtue the genuine Hay's Liniment has cured over tweniy thousand cases of PI LE in the United States. 1 1 is the only article Used and pre scribed by the Faculty of -New York, nd it is recommended by every Physician1 in i he country who has used1 i or seen its ef fects otr others. The genuine has Corn stock & Co. 's name on eeh wrapper. Sold wholesale by Comfstock ,& Co j 21 Cortlahdt st. New York by Geo. How ard. Tarboroi-M Wesson, t.aslon-fF. Marshall. Halifax Bennett & Hyman,4 Hamilton F. W. - Moore, Williamston and by one person in every tillage in V. Stales and Canadas; March 1 9, 1846. 53 la 8 " 8 " it cc n tc tt '111 111 1554 7&9 u 1554 S33l B33l . 331 " 88d tt a 777 777 777 2343 343 V89 S33t C33"t ll7t - - - 17,150 MissoUt,iiv IliiridiSj Indiana Ohid, TexaSj In Cdnfdrmity td the abdve, Got. Gra Tiairl has issued the follbvvirig:-- JBi hi Maictlltncy Wrk. A. Grahams Captdih Gcntrttl tind Commander in Chief ' of the Mliitik ojr the mm of North CdtOlimi 11 : ' " ' - Whet-eas, Under- the provisions a j tha 1 act df Congress, entitled "An act pro ti ding for the prdsecUtipa df the .existing War, between the United States and thd flettUblie df Mexico approved l3th df impartial manner; having tor dur dbieCt May, inSt., the President df the -United pursue. Lay nd tiruleride df be paid tq, the reserved for some future occasion But we believe that Mr. Calhoun has clearly proved our title to the whole. It is foun ded on the Spanish treaty, upon priority of pledge ourselves to be unwavering in our j discovery arid exploration and continuity terms of Commissions, as we place all on of territory, a principle which the British an equal footing. Say fijly Cents per government has Jong since admitted, arid naie jor motion, anu an otner kiuus, o. , - H - "4 " We are opposed td the present tariff be lieving it to be unconstitutional in itself: and unjust and unequal in its provisions. The tendency of the policy of all govern ments seems to be towards free trade. High protective tariffs have been found to produce effects exactly contrary to thefex- peCtatitfris of the advocates of that system. Only permit the activity of our people- to develop itself tmshackled by restriction? on commerce, arid we will challenge com petition vith the world. The only tariff we know is a tariff for revenue; and as" such the lowest rates Capable of producing the required amoant of revefnOe to meet the expenses of go vern men t, sftoiild be Je Tied. Great Britain has, at last disc'oter'ed what fs her rea! advantage; her artificial system is giving way, and one founded ort a different principle, that of low doties substituted in its stead. , ' In cftmnectfon with th'e tariff we wottld wpeak of the distriTjution of the proceeds of the pvblie' lands. Tbis- measure is so closely allied terthe high protective tariff that we cannot but ' Consider one the con sequence of the other. The rreal objeci and effect of the measure is; to create 8 "er ficiency i;rr tne feteniie', and eorisefquentiy a necessity for a high tariff. The' proceeds of the Public Lands are a par f of the reye nue; and they snotfld be applied to hieef the expenses -of , the government to ren der the taxes, indirect as well as direct, less burdensome to the people. This is its ! only legitimate object. We hold the mea sure to be unconstitutional ho such, pow the discovery df trutb and exjIdsUre df er ror, Under whatever Covering they may be concealed. A liberal arid riibderate CoUrse in regard to pdlitiCS, is the rridSt iriflueri- tial; and sUch we irtterid td ing aside all the aCrimdriy party, we prdpose to ourselves ari dpen and conciliating CdUfse. Particular attention Will commercial . and agricultural interests; a correct arid full list of the shipping will be made but as late as pdssible; arid the mar kets reviewed weekly iri this arid the prin cipal marts ef the CoUntry; thUs atfdrdirig every facility td the merChant'arid prddU cer td take advantage df the best and ear liest markets. ' , The foreign arid DdriiestiC tiews Shall receive special attention, j Our relatidns With foreign Countries are daily becdrnjng more important; and Whatever transpires in them is df interest td this cduntry. Fhe events now passing in the southern-half df this Hemisphere haVe attracted much atten tidri; eter'y thing CdnCerhirig them Shallbe cbmmUriicated as early as possible. The present seSsidri of Congress Is Sri Iriteresting One, from ihe importance df the subjects end er diScusSidri. The (jro ceedings of Congress Will be given in a cdndenSfd fdrm; sb as to exhibit at dnCe the proceedings of each hduse every day. . A portion of the paper Will be devdted to news df all kinds interesting to Odr pat rons; and a portion df It td the light litera ture of the day -to the ad varvSes made in States hath made a requisition on thb Statii df North Carolina, for dne Regiment df Infantry .VolUnteerS, to be enrolled and held In readiriess, for muster into the er vice of the tjiiited States,11 the said ItegU Hienttd comprise 10 Cdmpanies each ddttf SiStirig df ... v ,1 daptairi, 1 First Lieutenant, 1 SeCdnd Lieutenant 4 Sergeants,; - 4 CorpdralS, )j Musicians ; 64 Privates. ;- . . And bdngtuliy aSUrgd; that;'thfe" dUzgft; soldiers df , the State, afe ready tf mfict this Call to patriotic duty vvith prrJmph riess and alacrity, 1 dd irerer3y etijoirt arid sdlicit that lO cdmpanies 6f f olUnteciS, each df the numbef and with the Officer! aforesaid, be as Soon aS practicable btm fed and Enroled, to the end that they may bd returned to the Secretary df War, a4 ready to be mustered in to the ser vice of the titiU ted States. ; No private Of ribh-cdmmis-sidned dfficer can be feceived "Whd h cp parently over 45 of under 18 year3ofagC, and Who is riot in physical strength arid Vigdr." jjterjr cCfrHpanjr WhCil the td quisite riumber' Is erirdlled, Will be eriti tied to elect the company officers; and Field OflBcefs Will he appointed fbf the fic ginierit by the time Of the odmplem.ent cf the enrolmeriti . . - r : : j; As sodn as afiV eamijany mdV fee c6rii ! pleted; as Vafeove set 'forth, the ' Captairi knoWledge-td every diScpVery made In j thereof will make ; repott W me Adjutant scienceand etery Useful InVeritldn in the General. If a greater' htirnfeer of Cdmpd- drts. With these remarks We Cldse': the Vessel is launched Unon the exertions of the niesor tfleri oe omtta man tnai requires a selection tit those (e'tidefed will he madd j by Idt; ; OfSarly information is , desired, . tQ it td its destiny. W. K. GULlClC. Just Received, By the Subscriber j A LARtiE ASSQR I M KNT Swedes, -yr- American and English Iron, German & cast Steel, cut & wrought Nails. Castings, consisting of ovens, pos, spiders. r . . . . . .. . : I skrlrets tea kettles, andirons, can aiu wanon boxes ploughs, points & heels, Spades, long; handled, shovels, hoes,, trace and halter chains, suisy spi rugv Turks IslaFKl salt, blown & ground sa-lt, White lead, linseed and Hain oil, - 8 x 10 and iO X 13 windovglass putty. ALSOa very large & general assortment o GROCERIES, Hardware and Ctlery, f China,' G las , Crockery and Stone ware: For Sale on accommodating terms.. JJ2$. fVEDDELL. uemocraiic. party, oi mis district u ue-rbf f communiCatea to ineyidjuiani tirencrazj pends. Whether she shall nobly outride the ' of the progress of the enrol rerit And Ml Storm' and lite to future iiWfulneis, ot Ite j IvlJlitaty Officers of the State will eztft3 wrecked on the shdals of disappointme gen We shall use every eer't?on tfti titir part ; rally td those under their command ttiZi to gi ve general satisfaction j to otf r' patfdriS, ' all whd dul v estimate the hofidf of their and With the hope of scrceess we Cclmfn It ! c'ontrt ad are- inclined td r'ally dfotf riul her Jianrier, in thia Crisis, may he aiidrdcd the opportunity to VOitfriteer theif izfyiccz. diVen titide? thf. haiidj Utid Uitmtd i itli i v the Cf resft eal of the Sute of; JNorth X.SLj.Caroliha;.at the City df Ilaleigh, thb , 22nd May, A. D. 1846, and of (silt Independence the 70th. h WILL. A. GtiAiiAtL - fiy his Excellency command - MiLLtA&tittJti, Secretarjr of SiZiS Washington, May 13th, Military j4rrangemenis.'-We find iri (the Unions Circular from the Secretary of War td the Governors1 df the several States', Calling u pom them to organise the" following : ntfmher df trdops Volunteers to be enrolled) but not tailed into service uniil Ur t her orders L Maine, 1 regiment of fool, -777" 1 New Hamrishirtf. 1-2 do 3P0 ,. i ... ' .... Massaehisett8, i ; Rhdde isUiidf t 12 Connectictfty 1-2 "Vermont 1-2 New-Vdrk - 7 New Jersey 1 Delaware, - 1-2 Pennsylvania4, Maryland1 Virginia?, ; North Carolina; .South Caroling ' LotfisiaiiaV ' Michigati- "'fowa, : -Wisconsin?, Alabama, 1-2 1 i 'I : 1-2 do 111 do 390 dd 390 do 390 dd 5499 dd 779 do 590 0 dd 2 do 1534 3 dd 2331 do 777 dd 777 dd 1554 dd';777 4dr S9a l ? dor , 777 t0Ja777'.- do 390 t-l t Spirit of the PeopUln enrit::: dpwafdft o? 6000 VolUtfteefSf hflte zXttzdy oSered their Services td the' GtitefnCfj hz ing twice' the :ndmbef of VoltintCers tilled for by the Federal Gderrim6iil iii ikl cdafMof tWdweeksV r : ?' '-. , - In Missbtf rf i 1he Si lidiJf tegJo'tf,- ttt sisling of eight' Voldfttefef tfdmariies em barked dn board the Convdjr featfcn the gSd Inst.fof 'eW Orleans and "the cczt of war. Just before they 'euihzritdf 0th Camo-ell received letter frort- Gbf. Id wards then r fn Washington, stin thst ths Teqatsifion df Gen. Gaines oiir 1.1 ti ' hadKjfeen approved bylfcre Pfticcntj and that the oQTite6i Who hadvCr.cu would tm tetir&' tThe ffeidiit dz:U redi hdwever that alt Who had ni,zizzrz shouhT be detijned for the ipdith la . , GEO HOfVARVk er bein delegated to Congress bhe Con- 24:486

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