1 1 ' r ' I i ; - . : y Whole Wo 1058. Tarboroughi Eilgcconibc County, Jtedncsday June X 1 1 sic. 1 s fhe TarbwroiiU Press r Btf George HoWardr.. . : :' 4 . ' . Is published weekly av Two Dalian pet yeaf II paiu in aavauce or iwo juMra-u7iu -ijiv CnU athe etpiratioo of the sabscnptldh yea?. Subscribers afe t liberty to discontinue at an time on ffiving notice thereof and paying arrears Adlrertisertients not exceeding'a square will b inserted at Oat Dollat the first insertion and 2 r.nt4 for pvurv continuance. Lottgref advents merits at that rate per sqiiaret Court Orders and judicial Advertisements 35 per cent higher. Ad i vertisements must be marked the numberof inserj tions required, . or they will be continued until otherwise directed, and charged accordingly. L Lieiiers auuresseu to ine Tinuor niuai. uc vuii paid, or they may not be attended to. Volunteers for Oregon, Men I ion! f he n ma tic Uaitali o n! IN anticipalion Of a Wah with Kni;land, ihe innivi duals composinghef,CM- mcitic Battalion are each and every one noifi 2-isPrl ancl warnftri to an sG pear (armed as shall here after he directed,) hefore Orderlj Surgeon GEO. HOWARD, iiV Tarboro , and. pnrchase a bottle of llewe& Linament and Eliccir, which is warranted to cure all the old caseH of chronic or infLmmatO' y Kheiunatism that "Have remained uncur ed np to the pre sent time. This without delay; so that you may he in readiness to n?arch, if called upon To the Universal Rheumatic Battalion! Given this day at Head Quarters by COMSTOCK Sr CO. Commanders Genera L The aboye article is sold wholesale by I Comstock & Co. 21 Cortlandt st. New Yor by Geo Howard, 1 ai boro' M. We.4 s0n,Ga3ton-F. S Marshall, Halifax Bert nctt & Hyrnan, Hamilton FVV. Moord Williamston and- by one person in'every vitiate in- u. .taies ana oanauas. March 19, 1S46. J ' THE Subscriber pflfers for Sale, a superior JWrtJiern-biiilt Carriage Made jn latest style and best materials Xeatlier-iop Ruggy --a Cloth-top BUGGY; and a all new, with first rale harness to them. ALSO, a second hand barouche, but lit tie worn and a buggy, very cheap- har ness to them. GEO. HOWARD. April 22nd, 1546. nnHE universal celebrity which th medicine h-is gained in every sectio of the country, and . the many astonrshin ctires it has "pfieeted. have established its efficacy beyond alT doubt; as a gener? 1 family medicine it has no rival. In all cj -ses of indigestion, bilious. fevers, dyspep sia, liver complaints, sick headache, jaur dice, asthma, dropsy r piles, colic, - wormji, Disease of the heart, and In all afFeetior s of the stomach and bowels, Peters' Pil s will be found a never-failing remedy. t Peters' Pills are purely vegetable, and so innocent that the infant of a month old may use them, if medicine is required, net otily with sifety, but, with V ceitainty tf V receivingaii the benefit medicine is canab e I of imparting. Femalps may use them dd- ring an ife critical periods of their livef i-eters Pills will ms.ire their health an produce regularity in all the functions Of me. . (DPrice 25 and 50 els per box.' Fd ic in l arooro,' by GEO HOWARD, Agent. larooro', Aug. I8r IS45. - Perfumery, Soaps, Sfc npH E subscriber has just received a fa supply of the following article.4 vz: Fine Windsor, Almond, Rose, TranS parent, Italiin Chemicl,Cas tile & Fancy Cologne, and . ( assorted PER F&MES; ii acasar anu urai a v. , otc Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash, fd preserving the leetn Irom decay, pro ec 'ho gums, &cv " Ail ave arUp'es I will sell on the im ji i i ii i .1 i. Hi lowest pouib,le tprm v Y GEO UOfVdRD. Aprij.J?2nd; 1S46 Patterson & Wills, August 25fh, 1845, SStore and are receiving the following g'Gbods, to wit: " i 60 hhds p. Rico, N. O., St. Croix and " refined Sugars, . ' - ' ' " 500 bags Laguira,5 Rio and Java coffee, -20 hhda P. Rico - and Cuoa molasses, part prime, , I 1000 sacks L- P. and G. A. salt, 200 ps., cotton bagging, part supr quaL 200' coils Bale rope; 10000 lbs. Virginia cured bacon, ! 10000 Western sides nd shoulders, 230 sides "good, and 'damaged' hole Leather, - . . 50:doz. Russet upper do,, ' 500 lbs. Shoe thread, 150 bis. No. 1 and 2, N. Ca. herrings,1 - 100 boxes Sperm and Tallow candles, approved Brands 20 boxes & bis. Loaf & Crushed sugar, S bis. superior Pulverised -l-,. do. 100 bags Drop and Buck shot, j 100 kegs D. powder, f 30 tons Swedes and English Iron, j 5 band and hoop dp. ' 3 blistered, German & Cast steel, 250 kegs cut and box nails', ' ! , 10 doz. Wells & f o approved axes, 1 50 casks London porter -q'ts S p'ts, JO hh'ds Baliimore whiskey, , 50 bis. do do. j 50t M superior Northern A. Brandy 15 E Rum, ' ' "rr 10 H Sctippernong Wine, ' 1 10 qi casks Teneiin and S. M. do. f 1 pipe superior old Madeira, ! : 5 qr casks Port wine, ; 5 half pipes superior Cognac & Cham paign brandy, warranted genume, 30 bis. old Monougahela whiskey, j 2 puncheons best Jamaica Rum, 3 pipes H. Gin, 100 nests Jroh and Wood bound tubs, I 20 bags pepper, spice and ginger, 5 half chests superior G. P., Imperial and Y. H. Tea, 50 doz. Bed cords, best Hemp, 100 Cotton Lines, j 100 reams Wrapping paper, 50 Writing & Letter do., 20 boxes Whfttimore's genuine Cotton arid Wool cards, 100 bis. new City ground, family flour, 100 " S. F. ditto ditto & country , 25 '' superior Cider Vinegar, 100 bushels best Clover seed selected, Together with other articles usually kept in the Grocery line; all of which we offer for saJe, upon such terms as we thinjk a fair examination cannot fail to approve. We are agents for the sale.of Jabez Parker's Threshing Jflachinesj FAN MILLS, STRAW CUTTERS & . i&otrw Stjellmr; Which are sold at the same prices as l$y the Manufacturer " We also solicit a continuance of the vry ! liberal patronage heretofore received in j thp wflv of Consiecnments, of Produce: sav ' . j - ------ c ; i Cotton, Tobacco. Whealt, BaCon, &c.) and pledge ourselves to be unwavering in ourthe ; triumph of a Cause which is the cause terms oi commissions, as we piace an on an eaual! footing. Sav Jitu Cents per Bate for Cotton, and all other kinds bl Produce 2 h per cent A Iso, the receiving and forwarding of Merchandise. v - Tthe unparalleled popularity of Hay's IZinimentj I "ITS a surety of its virtue 1 the genuine Hay's Liniment has cured over twenty thousand! cases of, PILES in the. United States, ill is the only article used and pre scribed by the Faculty of New York, and it is recommended by every Physician in the country who has used h or seen its ef fects on pothers. The genuine has Corn stock. & Co. 's name on elich wrapper.' Sold wlbolesale by Comstock & Co. 21 Corllandtst. New York by Geo. How ard, Tarboro' M. Wesson, Gaston -F. S. Marshall, HalifaxBennett & Hyman, Hamilton F. W, Moore, Williamston and by Otre person, in every village in tf. Slates and Canadas. March 19,140.' I i - Just Received, I JSij the Subsciberj -A LAIGE ASSOR I'MKNT Swedes, American and English Iron, p German L cast Steel, cut & wrought Nails. Castings.lcotisisting of ovens, pots, spiders, skillets, tea kettles, andirons, cai t and wagonjboxes, ploughs, points & bee)sy Spade, long handled shovel s hoes, trace and halter chains, sulky spring, T u r k s 1 sla hd sa 1 1; bio w n & ground sUj V While led, linseetland train bif li f 8 x 10 artd tO x 12 window glassy-putt A LSO, a very large & general assortment o' s Hsirdwarerand Cutlery, I China, Glass , Crockery and Stone ware. j 1 ' For-'aaie- on accOmmodalrng terms, i, JAS;CVVEDDBLIA Tztfat o'r Nov. l?( iSj Prom the Union. From the "Diario Official,' (dity of Mexi co,) April 24, 1846. TRASLAtEfl IOR THE tJNloN. 1 MANIFESTO . j Of His Excellency the President ad in . . ,. . i . , :t On assuming, in the beginning of this O7 O o t year, the heavy responsibility of guiding the destinies of the nation during a short period, I determined resolutely; to change its policy from the weak and ; pernicious system of temporizing, which lias been ob served with regard 4o the United States of America, notwithstanding the perfidy with which that government prepared for the occupation of Texas, its treacherous Vi olation of the existing treaties which guar antee the limits of the republicand the In sidious act by which it incorporated one of our departments within its own confedera cy. The Mexican nation did not conquer independence by the most bloody and hero ic sacrifices, nor place itself among the Civ ilized powers of the world in order to be come the sport of a neighboring nation, which taking advantage of our quarrels and Unfortunate disturbances, and the exagger ated idea of our weakness, founded Upon them, appeared with all th appliances for conquest, arid entered upon - the invasion of our territory, indulging in the dream that it could extinguish the manly race to which we belong, placing upon our fore heads the brand bore by the slaves in Sou thern "States, destroying our nationality, and abandoning us to the humiliating mise ry of oblivion. This magnanimous peo ple which; In a struggle of eleven years of blood and extermination, proved its bold ness no less than its constancy, was Waiting With impatience to rush forward into ami other war to which it Was called by the Scandalous aggressions of a government de claring itself our friend, but at the Same time aiming to prostrate us, relying on its power, and not caring to support itself on the titles of equity & justice which all na tions respect, which strengthen the hopes of peace, and maintain the harmony of the Universe; It was for this reason that the nauun sancuoneu u,e UIUve,ueui VVI,,CI1 1 Began at aan luts rotosi, not in oruer. to dlace mvself in the nainful riossessidn of J :: power, but that my country may shine by of the conservative priciples qf human so ciety - . The old grievances, the offences against the Mexican nation, which have been In cessantly repeated since 1836, h&d been consummated by the insult of sending us si minister, to be accredited near ;Our gov ernment in the character of a residing min ister: as if the relations between the two te publics had not suffered any disturbance by the definitive act of the annexation of Texas. At the very time when Mr. Sli- dell appeared, the troops of the United States were occupying our territory, their squadrons were threatening our ports, and preparations were made to occupy the peninsula 01 me i aiuornLas, tu wmut uicj Oregon question with Jbnglanu is only a j preliminary, and I did not receive Mr. bli dell, because the dignity: of the nation re pelled this new insult. . In the meantime, the arm v of the Uni ted States fixed- its encampment at. Corpus Christi, and occupied theisland of Padre Vaytn, ft then marched to Point Isabel, 1 - ? y . - , -V:-?i-J same States threaten , Monerey jn f California. , nThere can: e .no, doubttp Jwhiehofthetwo.reouD spoasjbilit'f; "a WnlcE 1 tofghtrfaVfe and the nag oi stars noatea on tne rigni, unuer mis sacreu eusiu, icavtu an bank the difierences for a period of tie"e(ty; pf latamoras, ftie American j of less prilt have assure you that the vessels of war having previously glory which I seek as the Reward my the navigation of the, rivn The townf of palntul career, Is not that ofj the ambitious Laredo was surprised by a party of these man who regards poWef as- the spoils of ra troops, and one of our.pickets there station-1 pine.' '-1 have sworn to'maintaln the repuh ed ; was .drsarined. Host Hi ties, 1 tmefore J- ftcv in all its just rights during the short have been begun. by the . u nited ataxes un- period oi my government, ana uun nnuc dertaking new conquests in tF'terntoH j I urgejofi to lestrUlejJind i wartiyou jncluded in ineepm great sacrifices,-1 also and Newlrr, whilst t E I nnAM -V. been , prevented by a feeling of eqliity and justice, and of that respect Which civiliza x 10 nJias introduced for the rights and pro pertyof all nations If MeXicd should iri- dolently sufler UieSe reiterated dd varices of a power, -whidn already -Considers 4tself mistress and sovereign Of the American Continent, not only would she lose the im portance which tier population, resources, and peculiar position have given .her; Since she raised herself to lie an 1 daSpedden1 tna tion, but she woul3 fall into iharne:&fdqn tempt should she vVljen cH for them, allow herselfto bej stripped of the i ritegfal parts of heterritxjfy one by one. Outrages so hian V and so heavv, can do longer be borne: and I have sent orders to I the generaUin-chjef of the hostility against ! Y . . i I- ?.ufJu .lis. tn nrlnnsp war tn ns pnomV Uhtrh - . . Wars upon us; and invoking the God of battles to preserve, by the valor of Our troops, the unquestionable right to our ter ritory, and the. honor of ou "arms which are no. longer to be employed only in de fence of justice Our general acting accor ding to established usages, and the decided instructions given by my government, summoned the generalinchief of the A merican forces to retire beyond the river Neuces, the ancient boundary ; of Texas, and the summons has been disregarded. " 1 The nations interested in preventing the disturbance of the peace which ha . lasted so many years and whose commercial rela tions with the Mexican republic may suf fer injury, will see the hard alternative to which are reduced by the invasive policy of the United States, and that, we must Sue cumb unless we defend with energy Our na tional existence thus theatened. I solemn ly announce, that I do not declare war against the government of the Uni ted States of America, because jt be longs to the august Congress of the na tion, and not the Executive, to resolve definitely what reparation should be ex acted for such offences. But the defence of the Mexican territory, which the forces of the United States have invaded, is an urgent necessity j and my reponsibility to the natlon vvould be immense should sl faif to Order the troops which thus act as ene mies to be repel ed; and I have therefore given that ordef j From this day begins our defensive war, and every point of our territory, invaded or attacked, shall be va liantly defended. . The time has Itherefore come which the government of the Mexican .nation; have endeavored fruitlessly to put off, by debat ing the clearest and most just titlesj and these having been Contemned, we enter into a necessary contest, wfich will secure to Us the sympathies of all nations and governments, wtich condemn the usurpa tions of the powerful. We shall ourselves become strong from the .holiness of our cause, and when everything is endangered, our strength will correspond with the,; exi gencies of our condition. Meanwhile the Mexican nation will resolve to hazard all in order to save all; and it will give a sub lime example of sacred determination to exhibit that glorious devotion which has so often beCn displayed at all times by na tions maintaining their independence and their liberties. rejoice wi th pride that Providence should have destined me to be! the Organ for announcing the energetic will of -thej Mexican republic. Let us prove in battle that the sons of the heroes & martyrs of rrt depeiidence are; animated by the recollec tions of their pure glorry: that valor- has not degenerated . in their breasts, 'and that they are disposed to sacrifice themselves on the altarsof their country. i Mexicans! I raise on thfsf tnetnorahie day the, standard of independence, on which Von see l inscribed the illustrious names ofHidalgo and ItUrbide. Rally iL-L'.Jjiia - iit.i-.'irr- blbo Vhen it; shall-be ffecesfy?4. -' : Mexicans! Your - valiant soldiers are abouf to fightand thejr will fight with the ; vajor of neroesj' keepuxrblesslngg fbH them, and prepare -yourselves to; crowti their noble foreheads, or their toLibs, if they shodldjall, when destiny call you tr take their liwslii''jtliei rank k Mexico will conquer or wlnntt lopgeri exist! ;V National Palaceof MexicOj April S3; Mariana Pareda , Y JiffiUdgtU r The paper vhich contains tho hlani(est of Paredels-bblisheS-thrlblloVVing letted frbmGen Taylof, (the vN; r:Y Erpfcra says, to Oen; lAtnpUdld!) - ; r - e"llead Quartern Af mjr of 0 CCU patio h--Camp on the left bank of the Rio Grande near Matamoras; March-S8, lS4d. - i "Sir: I: have the honoi4 to receive thr cbrn'muriicatibri Of the 133d insti, brought mo on my march to the frontier on the 24th. t regf illhaf .cif cdmstaricesf prevented me from answering it at that time, and take adVantagevof this first favorable opportuhi ty J togive tcj.youi protest against.my pc cupatlon of the IlidlGrande, fa reply cor-, responding with its importance, and with the respect due to the authority from which it emanates. I think it cannot, be j unnecessary to inform you that the (nter. nal qUestiohiwhidhJeads to the adVanceof the American army lo'the Rio Grande js. Wholly pending 'between our two, govern ments, amdl ani not at liberty to discuss it' I have moved from Corpus Christ! jtt ton formity with instructions from my -.gOv, eminent, to occupy the "left bank of the Itio Grandfe pending the final seltlement of. the questiotyf; boundaries- between ;the two republic, If that settlement shall ref quire aline east of it I shall of -coursq rCf tire-to the new lineii : i t r i ? f? "Acting, thenf tindei Instructions' so e plicit,il am only at ilbefty tordetermine how they shall beexectttedi' . I have.therc fore repeatedly gitetr sochvflssurance ; to citiziens who have addressed m& Mt GpfptJ Christ!, & re-affirmed thetrl In Ofdefs givert to my troops dopiesof whfcfi have been sent to Matamoras, that the; fights: of pr r sons and property will be carefully ptQ icd ted, and, above -all, that the people will brt secu red i n f the! t r rel igidus v privileges. . I repeat that all Mexican peacefully pursu ing their bcCupations.wilL be protected ifl. their private rights, and all provisions tak en will be paid for at current pfiees4ijT "Although 1 hoped that? the trdopsurt-? der my command would have received, no act of hostility dn the part of the -Mel-canSf 1 greatly regret the attempt ide- stroy the little town ot .Prontonrvi-pesi' roas of cultivating the most amlcabb relf tions with this people, and a desird -pattl cipated in by the President 4f;the(Jnl ted States, permit ?me to indulge the hcrpe that a friendly understanding; may ; exist bp tween us. ' ;';:.v- ' "I avaiVmyself of the opportunity to et fer' you assurances -of the estlfftation .andN consideration with which I have the hones' to be Your ab't servant v J . r -;.3?v'':iCenea of Efflgade, r nCom 't at the A tmy of the .JJ'lS Senor Donr Jesus Cardenas, Prefect cf the north of Barnaul ioas-Matamoras. The. same, paper, 8&y3 the Express of the 30th, contains a Communication from the Mexican General jn chief to the.U. S 'Consul at Matamoras, say ing tjxathe would not he pefmitted, nor her Citiensof the Urf 34 to. rema?n4here; that they must de part for the interior. in 34 hours, and, that if any should beajtcnin the attempt to cross the river, they vvoold b'.exeCtfted in an feour. ' ' . '. ; JTm Gfenefal h cineft lrf another letter, tells ; Geri Taylor ta retire beyond t the Neuces iw 24 hottrs, until the, question s decided! by the: Government, ,or: else' ho shall conclude that he is resolved to decide .... ..... . . . j' Uby:arrfis."ftI t&-mimK "to -c A -cGenJTaylor replied onlhelstlj Aprjl, denying.such intention, and throwing res ponsibility ofl. himwho iCommepceshos- On the 2 0d April, the British Conful asked of ? Gehv ilmbUdia a f afe .condt to, the American camp, to see Gen,TayJpr, for the pufpos tbf rfpreventis injmf ta whicfc British :, subjects jWerc- .espoisd. Gen'Ampndjrefused on .the., c.round thai he was not authorised, but gaveper mission for It correspondence un writing, oflering toenxl theiitoCitadstination. IZrrtie marderioC Cok Cross scon followed, then theCcapture of Capk'ThotntPa men, the attack prhECJw;e, , ..