TIie Tarburouli Press, ; Hr George Howard. Jr. ! Is published weekly aw 7W Dollars per year if paid in advanceor. Two Dollars and Fifth cents at tne expiration or ine suoscnpuuu year. Subscriber are at liberty to discontinue at an time on 'irivinar notice thereof and paying arrears Advertisements not exceeding a square will b inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 2 cents for every continuance! Longer advertis VrnoniQ at that rat ner sauarei Court Orders and 'judicial Advertisements 25 per cent, jiigher. Aa vertisements must be marked the nttmbpfof Inseij itions required, or they will' be continued until otherwise directedi, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed "to the Edilor must be post paid, or they may noLbe attended to. 0 Volunteers for Oregon Attention! rheumatic Battalion! IN anticipation of a war with Kngland, the indivif duals composingiheMeij mutic Battalion are each nd every one no' in ed and (warned to ap .... sHjl pea rearmed as shall herej Z-U&M" aftefc '.be directed,) before Orderly Surgeon GEO. HOWARD, in Tarboro', and purchase a bottle of- ilewes' Linntntnl arid Eliatir which is warranted to cure all the old cass of chronic or. inflmmtoy Rheumatism; that have remained u ncu red np to the pre sent-time. Thi without delay, so that you may be in readutess to march, if called upon. To the Univer.a,l Rheumatic Battalion! Given thisdaV at Head Quarters hy COMSTOCK CO. Com m nders General. The above article is sold wholesale b Comstock & Co. 21 Cortlandt st. NewYor. by Geo Howard, Tarboro' M . W e on,Gaston Fm S Marshall, Halifax Ben nett & Hyman, Hamilton F. W. Moore, Williamston and by one person in every village in U. States and Caoadas. March 13, 1 846. : ! CARRIAGES, 8fc. -o THE Subscriber offers for Sale, a superior JWorthern-btrilt Carriage, Made in latest style and best materials a leather-top Buggy a Cloth top BUGGY, and a all new,with first rate harness to themL ALSO, a second hand barouche, but Ijt tie worn and a bugzy, very cheap har ness to them. GEO. HOWARD April 22nd. 18 46. JYolice. mHE UN DKRSIGNED informs the public, that he has opened a GUjYSJUITMM SHOP, 4$ miles west of Tarboro.' for the purpose of repairing shot-suns, rifles, pistols, stills, still worms &c. Sic. Ail work in his line ot business will be attended to and done in workman-like manner. J NO. HOLLAND. Edgecombe fo, May 8, 1846 ?19 nR. TURJYJEIV S Ague and Fever, and rjHESE PILLS have been extensively used in nrivate nraetiae for the nkst 6 years, with the most unparalleled succe s; in fact, in no single instance have th?y been known to fail in effecting a sure ci re t .ctj. i " : . .......... iu nours, in rases of the most formida- u.c onaracier, and even after the most erhi- nent Physicians have exhausted their ut most skill, the. patient, almost withdul nope, nas been entirely cured in 24 1 hod rs uy tne use or these pills ajone. rnese P's are prepared by Dr. Hen i urner, sole proprietor near Fayet vine, Cumberland county, N, C. ,'i ;" G. HOWARD trgenl, Tarboroy A. Ad&ards, J oy nerV. Depot, Armstrong. (' his Store. G. Armstrong 6 Sons, Rocky IV rarboro Nov. 5, 184s Flour! tour" H E subs cri ber offers'or sale, Qf a superiflr.qulitv, at-the. lowest CASH ESSzS lit? PSi II J Patterson $ Wills, , August 1845, 1 - rTTTAVE in Store and are receiving the t-LU- following Goods, to wit: 60 hhds P. Rico, N. O., St. Croix and refined Sugars, 200 bags Laguir. Rio and Java coffee, 20 hhds P- Rico and Cuba molasses, part prime, , 1000 sicks L. P. and G A. salt, 200 ps. cotton bagging;'part sup"r qual. 200 coils Bale rope 10000 lbs. Virginia cured bacon, 10000 Western sides and shoulders, 250 sides good' and damaged' Sole Leather, 50 do2. Russet upper do., 500 lbs. Shoe thread, 150 bis. No. 1 and 2j N.Ca. herrings, 100 boxes Sperm and Tallow candles, approved Brands, 20 boxes & bis. Loaf & Crushed sugar, & bis. superior. Pulverised do. 100 bags Drop and Buck shot, 100 kegs'D. P. powder, 30 tons wedes and English Iron, 5 band and hoop do. 3 i blistered. German & Cast steel, 250 kegs cut and box hails, !0 doz. Wells & Co. approved axes 50 casks London porter q'ls & pts, 10 hhds Baltimore whiskey, - ; 50 bis. do. do. . . 50 superior Northern A. Brandy, 15 " N. 5 Rum, 10 ' Scuppernong Wine, ' 10 q r. casks Tener iff and S. M. do. 1 pipe superior old Madeira, 5 qr casks Port wine, 5 half pipes superior Cognac & Cham paign brandy, warranted genuine, 30 bis. old Monongahela whiskey, 2 puncheons best Jamaica Rum, 3 pipes H. Gin, . 100 nests Iron and Wood bound tubs, 20 baes nenDer, snice and ginser, 5 half chests superior G. f., Imperial and Y. H. Tea, ' 50 doz. Bed cords, best Hemp, 100 Cotton Lines, 100 reams Wrapping papery j 50 " Writing & Letter do 20 boxes Whittimore's genuine Cotton and Wool cards, 100 ibis, new City ground, family flour, 100 S. F. ditto ditto & country, 25 li superior Cider Vinegar, 100 bushels best Clover se'edselectedi Together with other articles usually kept in the Grocery line; all of which we offer for sale, upon such terms as we think a fair examination cannot fail to approve. We are agents for the sale of Jabez Parker's Threshing Machines, FAN MILLS, STRAW CUTTERS & Which are sold at the same prices as by ihe Manufacturer. We also solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore received in the way of Consignments of Produce: say Cotton, Tob cco. Wheat, Bacon, &c.j and pledge ourselves fo be unwavering in our terms of Commissions, as we place all 'on an equal footing. Say fijty cents pet Bale for Cotton, and all other kinds ol Produce 2$ per cent. Also, the receiving and forwarding of Merchandise. The unparalleled popularity of Ilay's Liniment, ; ITS a1 vsurety of iis virtue the genuine Hay's Liniment has cured over twenty thousand cases of PILES in the United States. : : It is the only article used and pre scribed by the Faculty of New York, and it is recommended by every Physician in the country who has used it or seen its ef fects on others. The genuine has Corn stock & Co. 's name on each wrapper. Sold wholesale by Comstock & Co. 21 Cortlandt st. New. York by Geo, How ardy Tarboro --M, Wesson, Gaston--F. S Marshall. Halifax-Bennett .Hyrnan, Hamilton F. W, Moore, Williamffton and by one person in every village in U. States and Canada. 'March 19, 1846. J ust Received, By the Subscriber, A 1 RG El ASSOR I M KNT Swedes, niericaii and Engrlis Iron ; German & cast leel, cut &6vr6ught Nails. Castings, coitsistingiof pveneVpots, spiderd,- skillets, tea .kettles, 3 andirons, cart ana wagon; boxes, ploughs, points .& heels, Spade; Ion handled shovels,, hoes, trace and baiter chains, sniKy springs, , t. rurkV isUndtsalt blown & grqund salt, 4 White lead, linseed and train oil, 8 X ID and, iO-x 1 2 windbwgljiss potty. . ALSO, a very large & general assortment of m V J GROCERIES, r; n?' Hard ware and Collery, ' : China Glass, Ciwekeru and Stone-ware, NOVEMBER, 1845. t NIB W " (fectDcDID) ! JMt Extraordinary Miovo Pr i ces, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. S njlHE subscriber has again returned from New "York where he has pur chased for CASH, a ? Large and weU , selected slock of reasonable Groods, At Greatly REDUCED PRIcM Having been there just at the close of the business season, he has been enabled to purchase the most of his Goods greatly be low the prices ch a nred a month or si weeks ago, when the market Was crowded with country merchants. -With a stock unequalled fbrfnewness of style, extent ana variety, and wiih a deter minauon to sen ior tne smallest profits he feels confident in saying, that he can make it to the interest of those in want of Goods to give him a calk JAS. fV ED DELL. Tarboro', November 12, 1845. Dr. JLwisl Celestial ftnlm of Clihw, A POSITIVE CURE for the Piles and all external ailings all internal irrita tions brought to the surface by friertion wiih this Halm; so in coughs, swelled oi sore throat, tightness of the chest, thi Balmapplied on a flannel will, relieve and cure at opce. Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. ; j - Lin's Temperance Bitter, On the principle of substituting the tonic in place ot the stimulant principje, Which has. reformed so many drunkards To be used with LIN'S BLOOD PILLS, supe rior to all others for cleansing the system and the humors affecting the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the ge neral health GEO. HOWARD, Agent. June 3rd, 1840. Perfumery, Soaps, See. r nnnf). ty rrn HE subscriber has just received a full supply of the following articles. vte: Fine Windsor, Almond, Rose, Trans parent, Italian Chemical, Cas tile & P'ancy SO A PS t Cologne, and assorted PERFUMES: Macassar and Bear's oils, &c, &c. Compound Chlorine Tooth Washt for preserving the teeth from decay, project ing the gums, &c. Also, some Cigars. All the above articles f will sell on the lowest possible terms. GEO. HOWARD. April 22nd, 1846. Dr. Tyler's Vegetable FEVER & AGUE PILLS. ; . Hp HE success of these Pills in curing in a few hours where all other remedies have failed) and that too, in cases of twelve and eighteen months' standings-warrants the assertion, that if taken according to di rections, they are a certain cure. A long list of certificates in proof of their infalli bility, might be added, but those upon the directions are. deemed sufficient. Try them and baconvinced that they are the most effectual and certain and the very best remedy ever offered to the. public, to nsure a permanent and lasting cure. i Bragg's Store, Lowndes'co, Ala. April 20, 1845. j $ Dear SirThis may certify that after using many preparations for f the cure of Chills and Fever, and expending seme For-; ty five dollars in physician's bills,, without any benefit, I procured a box of Dr. G, K Tyler's Fever, and Ague Pills, at one dol lar, which cured me effectually, after I had suffered with this' distressing and unpleas ant co'mpf aui trfor twelve monjihs. " 1 Kave known them used inthirty esses, and fnot a box has failed, llrelieve them to be the very best and most safe and certain, curi fp,r ague and fever that can .be used, and unequal led !as I topic restorative, in alll de bilitated conditldtis of the system. -Vi;-; (JPrice gl per box;with!1rulI direct ionsr' For sale in Tarboro,1 by ; GEO. HOWARD, Agent May 6thl 845. ; . , J : Turner : Mugbes . W ORTO CAROLINA. ; i , r :,:,;For,I84G, ... ; ; : . For. sale, by G E O. HO WARD. , ' Tarboro, Nov'r 7. r:' v : Coiirt JHcinJii, for, Sale. V: V. I &T THIS OFFICE. .From the N. 0; Picayune, June 24 IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. ' Revolution in JdliscoBy way ofi Brazos Santiago we received yesterday a copy of El Locomotor of Vera - Cru, of the Sth instant, which is four days later than the advices received by the Falmouth. The news is important and confirms our former speculations and anticipations.' . A revolution has broken out in the de partment of Jalisco. It commenced the morning of the 20th May, in the city of Guadalajara. The battalion of Lagos, fol lowed by other bodies of military and by the enthusiastic populace, attacked the pal ace of the governor. The assault was so prompt the defenders had scarcely time for a single discharge of artillery, by which one man only was killed and one wouri- ded. The cry of the assaliants was "Long live the republic, and death to a foreign prince." Some of the troops at the palace recognised friends among the assailants, and refused to fire! upon them. A company- froiivSan Juan delos Lagos joined the insurgents, and soon after the soldiers com posing the garrison, so generaiHvas the disaf fection. Some of jthe leaders of the govt ernmept troops were arrested, to save them from the fury of the insurgents am on g others, Gen. Galindoand the ex-governor, Don Antonio Escovedp. Some further skirmishing took place between the instir gents and some troops of cavalry in the pay of the government, and preparations Were making: on both sides for a general engage- ment tne next day, when Lren, f rancisco Duque, who had taken the command of the government troops, proposed a parley, wkh a view to spare the effusion of blood. Commissioners were appointed on each side, and the result of the deliberations Was that Gen. Duque, With the officers and troops under him Were to -retire with the honors of war, thy pledging themselves to retire at oncefppm Goadalajara, and the department of Jalisco of which it is the Cap ital, and proceed immediately ta the - city of Mexico by a route to be designated for them. They -were to be provided with necessaries for the march, and were allow ed till the morning of the 22d to make preparations for departure Gen Duque and his officers wefe compelled to pledge themselves that they would commit no act of hostility against the troops who had ... 1 . ... A - ' ' f "pronounced," nor against tne cause ior which they had pronounced. The other terms of agreement are Unimportant but the insurgents dictated all. Yucatan. A private letter received at New "Orleans, by the schooner Joaquina from Campeachy dated the 12th ult, ys that the Legislature of that Stat, now in session at Merida, had declared the inde pendence of ;Yucatan, and her dissever ance from the Mexican Republic. They style her the "Three Stars" Republic. The letter adds, that many of the most in- fluential citizens bfthe State express the hope that the three stars may. soon grace the folds of the star-spangled banner of the United- States. . ; ' I ':'.;-"" Rumor eaT Secession of the Northern Mexican States.-SThe PhiladelphiaNorth American published -the following as, com ing from a source in Washington, entitled to credit. v ' ; ' l tJ "Gen; Taylor has 'conquered ' peace in earnest; The States west of the fco Grande, some of them, are supposed to make common cause with the Americans and under tneir guarantee fbrmthemselves into a ew ; and distinct republic, on the Angl(Aencan basis of free toleration in reliroln; supremacy- of thef?civir law, uni versal education,' aifd the uniform adminis-i tratiort of josticef. . ' - ' j piifiosrtion has been made at Wash ingtw in : behalf of a nam inhabtants'bT Tarn Zacatecas entreating a cessation of hostili ties !ononr;wrt, yn '.ihe 'oundl that being equal ly aggrieved by the Supreme G bvern nient ef Meiicttve shdiilop tie- the friends nnd allies rather than the devastators, of the country north of the Tropic J All the educated classes, (including many "of tho priests,) are In favor of coming under tho government of the United States as a pro visional territory. It is ftirthernoore stated that the mass of the peopleare sick of bloodshed attd mis rule under the Mexican government, and earnestly solicit the protecting arm of tho United States. - (tJA newspaper has heen started at Matamoras, styled- "The Republic of tho Rio Grande," edited by Gen. McLeod, who commanded the unfortunate Santa Po expedition. . It will be published there du ringjthe occupation of the city by- our troops; and the object of its-establishment, we learn, is to subserve the cause of liber ty and order amongst the Mexicans. Drought " and Famine in Northern Brazil. letter received by a gentle man in this city, dated Aracaty, Feb. 20, gives a heart-rending description of the sufferings of the inhabitants of portions of Northern Brazil. At Aracaty, in conse quence of the protracted drought, the streets were withering, and the people were famishing for want of food. -Tho writer! says "Should the drought contin ue until May or June we shall have few persons left here. They have already be gun to flock to Pernambuco, the' capitol and, if opportunity offers all that re main - will immediately . follow.' Tho writer was at Ico on the 9th of February, and there saw saw families who a short time since enjoyed abundance begging from door to door. "They appeared," he remarks, "more like skeletons than any thing else. Many were dying in the streets of wantjdailyj and the deaths were so numerous that the amount of mortality could not he estimated.,, Articles of first necessity had risen to an exhorbitant price. A quarter of Flour (half a bushel) could not be obtained for less than 24 millreas or $12; and biscuits, Weighing half an ounce sold for 30 reas, or one cent and a half each. : Salt," which a short time previous was selling at 8 millreas, Was' held at 16 millreas.- In the districts of InhamUm, Crato, the province of Parahyba, and the neighboring country excepting i the sea coast, the distress waa great beyond descrip tion, and the inhabitants were perishing of hiincrer in all directions.- American. 0 ; Thp Cholera.- Thn terrible eastern scourge is reported in the European. pa pers to be again making its way towards the west of Europe. It was said to have approached near to St. Petersburg, the ca- pitoi pf Russia.' The rumor of its having maue us appearance in monireai is con tradicted.i JVitm. Jour Fatal j3jfaif.We understand that an affray oCcured at the muster ground, John Rice's, on Ivy, 'in Vancey county, on Sat urday last in which a young man named Roberts was stabbed by Daniel Angel, and ! died on the following "Monday. Daniel and John Arigei have been lodged in jail at Burnsvi lie, both having been instrumen tal, inbe-rieath of Rorerts It is said the deceasejjsyoung man smuch respected. AshvilU Messenger. (tTThe Louisville papers announce tho death of Judge John J. Marshall, of the Circuit Cplirt of that city. He died very very 'suddenly on the 3rd instant bf "apo piexy-i :;-r; ' - ... ' " A Railway Raee.-Vhe Editbr of tho London Chronicle gives an account- l " a. race between a pair of well matched Jco motives,? one being on the atmospheric sys tem in' which be was. We were standing (says he) at the Forest Hall station, prepa ring to start, when it was announced-that the Dover express train was in sight! Im mediate! r tve (the atmospheric train) made preparations to start, and were just in the act of starting from rest when tho locomotive train 'whisked' past os cl pro bably some 35 miles an hoar, and fjot about a mile head of us before we started. How ever on we went like a whff Jwirid, and it soon became evident that wewere gaining on our rival.- Three ot four minute' de cided the We. - We passed the esprcz3 train at a rate" exceeding her own by 15 or2GP miles an hour. Our velocity couU not then be lessHhari 60 miles an hoarV r' Tarboro', Nov, 12184