'Flu iWbdrdilsrli Press, lit George Howard. Jb Is published weekly aw Two Dollars per year if naid in advandfi or, Ttvo Dtfllare and Fifty Vmts at the expirauon 01 me suustupuvi. Subscribers are ai noeny iq uiy "j lime en giving notice thereof and paying arrears. . ViiWnm not exceeding a stinare will br inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 fe ts for evefy continnancei LOrigef adrertise- mpnts at that rate per square, uoun yraw. ana lUcial Advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Ad rrttisemeDts must be marked the numberof inser tlflM feqttlfeii, or they will b continued until linns i-H . ..A Ahr(pd rfccordinrr v. otherwise airecim, uU - - j h tht VtAiinf rriuat h nosf oaid,or.they may not be attende letters aooressBu u " r- id to i niuntcers. for Oregon. AUentiohl rheumatic Battalion! lM.anticinaiion of a war with England, the indfvi duals composingheMct moc Battalion are each nd every one no'in M2Ped and warned to ap pear (armed as shall here Waller he directed,; neiorr .i.n i nn Orderly Surgeon GEO. HUWaru, i" TarboroY and pnrchase a bottle of Hhvesr Mnamenl and Elixir which is warranted to cure all the old cases of chronic or inflmmtoy Rheumatism that have remained uncured np to the pre sent time. 1 This wiihout delay, so that you may be in readiness to march, if called upon. To-the Universal Rheumatic Battalion!. Given this day at Head Quarters by COMSTOCK CO. Commanders General. The above article is sold wholesale by Comtock & Co. 21 Cortlandt st. New York by Geo Howard, Tarboro'M. Wes son,Gaston F. S Marshall, Halifax Ben nett & Hy man, Hamilton -F. W. Moore, Williamstorr and by one person in every village in U,States and Canada. March 13, 1846. CARRIAGES, Src, iFit &mM. ' - - ' THE Subscriber offers for Sale, a superior JYarthem-bUilt Carriage , Made rrf latet style and best materials' a Leather-top Bugg? Cloth top BUGGY,' and" a all new, with firs! rate harness, to inem. ALSO, a second hsrnl barouche, but lit tle worn-'-aTKl a bttzzy verv cheap har ness to them. GEO HOWARD April 22nd, 18 '16. Notice. Hp HE V S D F. R$K N E D' in form the -v public, that he has opened a miles-west' of Tarbioto.' for the purpose oi repairing shot-guns, rifles, pistols, stills, still worms &c. &c. All work in his Ime of business will, be attended to and doe in worfcman-like manner. JtfO. HOLLAND. EdgecTwnbe Co ., May ,1846 19 vie. TURJVEIFS Ago e and Fercri and U , t-? ave neen extensive 4 6 years. whrVihe mo.si UrrnuMi!ii .,iJlJA r MJ "? instance have thev in i k"OWn,Vo fail 'i effecting a sure cur LI. t' .in pases of iftfe mos4 formirU "le f baet?Pr- and en after the most' em - iiysiriantr have exhanstwl their tri 3kiMr lh panent, almost withod nope, haJbtenemirly ctiped in 24 hoo ie use of the?e pills alone. t ue?e DllJs arc hr.n,rl U.. D u AnM 1 "rncr o'e proprietor near Fayette! "e, tumberland county, G. J O. HOWARD, agent, Tarboro', -oatrtircr, Joy i ters Depot, rfryntorronvm.A his Sfore. Cr. Armstrong Rocky M . C. Knight, IVadtisviHe. : i arboTpy Nov. 25j rfc5. 1 5 55 ris&i UORTH' OAnOLINA Por.8a1c.by GBOi HOWARD. Tarboro', NovV 7, Patterson & Wills-, August Utithi IS45. rtiTAVE in Store and are receiving lh j 7; IOMOWing uoods, to wit: ,60 hhds P. Rico, N. 0., 6t. Croix and ;! j refined Sugars 200 bcigs LagtJird, Rio and Java i 20 hhds IP. Rico and Cuoa molasses, I j part prime, OpO sjeks L P. and G. Asalt, 2P0 ps. coi ton bagging, part sup'r qual. 200 coils Bale rone. 10000 lbs. Virginia cured bacon. POO VVestern sides and shoulders. 250 sides: 'good' and "damaged" Sole r . ieainer, if 50 doz. Kusset"upper clo 500 lbs. Shoe thread. 150 bis. No. I and 2, N Cla. herrings, iOO rjojies Sperm alld Tallow candles (v approved Brands, 30 boxes & bis. Loaf & Crushed sugar J bis. superior Pulverised do 100 bag5i Urop and Htick shot, 100 kegs P. powder, 30 torts Swedes and English Iron, ! 5 ba.nd and hoop do. 3 blisiered." Gefman & Cast steel, 250 kegs rut and box nails, "' 10 doz. Wells & Co. approved axes, 50 casks London porlefq'u & pts, s 10 hhds Baltimore whiskey, 50 bis. : do. ' do. 50 superior Northern A. Brandy, 15 N. E. Rum, : 10 44 Sctippernpng Wine, 10 qr. casks Tener iff and S. M. do. j 1 pipe superior old Madeira, 5 qr casks Port wine, I 5 half . pipes superior Cognac & Cham n,iiin brand Vi warranted genuine 1 30 bis , old Monongahela whiskey, 2 puncheons best Jamaica Ruin, 3 pipes H. Gin, 100 nests Iron and VVTood bound tubs, 20 bags pepper spice and ginger, 5 half chests superior G. P., Imperial and Y. H. Tea, 60 doz Bed cords, best Hemp, 100 Cotton Lines, jlOO reams Wrapping paper, 50 t ritififg & Letter do. 20 boxes Whitlimore's genuine Cotton and Wool cards,? lOO bis. new City ground, fa nfjily flour, 100 S. F. ditto ditto &. country , I 25 44 superior Cider Vinegar, jlOO bosbeis best Clover seed selected, Together , with other articles Usually kept in the? Grocery line all of which we offer for sale, upon such terms as we think a fair exa,m)na to rr cannot fail to' approve. We are agents for ffre sile oi .labez Parker's Threshing .ItiachlrteSi FAN MILS, STRAW CUTTERS & Which are sold at the same prices as by thV Maiiufaciure.r.- j We also solicit a continuance of tFre very liberal patronage.-heretofore received in the wa'y of Consignments' of Produce:- say Corfon, Tobacco. Wheat, lacon, &c; awl pledge ourselves- to be unwavering in our terms of Commissions, as we place all on ap equal footrngv Say fijly tents per Bale for Cotton, and all other knvds ol Produce if per cent. Also, the receiving apd forwarding of. Merchandise. VVht nnparalttteil popularity nf 1: HayJs Liniment, "TS a suretiy of iis virtue tfVe genuine Hay's Liniment ha cured over twenty thousand cases of PILE in the United States. It i the only article used and pre scribed by the Faculty of few York,.nd jt is rec Jrn-menried by every Physician in he country wPro has used i. or seen its ef fects on others. The genuine has Coni Siock & Cb. V rrame on eiicti wrapper. 1 Sold wholesale by Comstook & Co 21 Cortlandt st. Nw York by Geo. flow- prd Tarboro M. Wesson', tston v Marsrwll. HalitaX ttenneu x ny man, Hamiltort' F. W. Moore, W illiamston and by one person in every village in .. states and (xanadas. March I 9, 1846. Jost Received, By the Subscriber, LARGiE ASSOR r M KMT Swedes, American and el isrV Iron, -German & cast teei, cut & wrought Nails. Castings consnsting of ovens, pots spiders, skillets, tea kettles, andirons, cart and wagon botfe, ph'gbs, points & heeis, Spades, jopg handled shovels, hoes, trace and halter chains, sulky jpr in g, Turks hsbnd salt, blown & ground salt, White lead, linseed3 and train oil, S x lOand lovx:i2 window glass putty. HALSO, a very large fit general assortment o . GrROeEraES 3 IlardiVarc and Cutlery, China, Glasf Crockery and Stone ware. For sale on accommodating terms. '. i; JAS. IV ED DELL. Prom the Union. TITLES OF PUBLIC ACTS. Passed at the sl session of the 29 1 A Con gress. No. 1. An adt to extend the laws of the United States over the State of Texas, and for other; purposes. Approved Dec. 29 1845. Nd. 2. ArTact to establish a collection district in the State of Texas, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 3l, i845 No. 3. An acr to repeal the act which abolishes the office of the inspector general of the army, and to revive and establish said office. Approved 12th January, 184S. i JNo. 4. An act to Continue the office of Commissioner of Pensions. Approved 14th January, 1840. . . No. 5i An act establisnlng dertaln post routes. Approved 6th Feb., 1846. No. 6. An aCt relative to collectors and other officers of the cttstOmS. Approved 1 lth February, 1840. No. 7. An act to enlarge the powfeVs of the several orphans' courts, held in and for the District of Columbia. Approved 20th Febrtiary, 1846. No. 8. An act to repeal theaot requiring; one of the Judges oT the circu;it court for the District of Columbia hereafter to reside in Alexandria. Approved 24th March, 1846. No. 9. An act to authorize the Secreta ry of the Navy to contract for the pur chase of American water-rotted hemp for the use of the navy. Approved March 30, 1846. No. 10. An act making appropriatKms foi the payment of the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States foT the year ending 30th June, 1847, and for other purposes. Approved 7th May, 1846. No. ill. An act to supply deficrene'eff in the appropriations for certain objects, made for the! service of the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1846. Approved 8th Mary, 1816. No. 12. An act to' repeal a part of the act entitled "An act supplementary to the several laws for the sale of the public lands, approved 5th April, 1832, a'n'd for other purposes." Approved 8th' May, 1846. No.' 13. An act ptoVidfng for thre prbe- Ctrtion of the existing var between the U nited; Stated and iffe' Republic' of Mexico. Approved, May 13, 1846. : No.! 14. An act to authorize ari increase of the rank and file of the army of the United Stales; Approved 13 th May; 1846. No' f.5. An act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States for the year ending- 30th June 1S47. Approved 15th May, 1846. t No. 16. An act for the organization Of a company of sappeVs, miners, and ponton iters. Approved May 15th, 1846; No. 17. An act to provide for raising a' regiment of mounted' rrflemen, and for establishing military stations on the route fo Oregon; Approved May l'9th, 1S4T. No. 18. An act to establish the value of Certain foreign coins and moneys of ac count, and to amehd, existing laWs6. Ap proved 22d May, 1846. , . . ' ' No. 19. An act estaolishing' certain pt5st routesv and for other purposes. Appro ved 29th May, 18461 Nq; 20." An act m relation to tne" Jul term !of the circuit ahd district courts in t he district of Ohio. Approved 29tMay, U846H ' N'o. 2t. An arct supplemental to ffn act 'entitled "An act providing for the prose cution of the existing vvar between the U Jnited States anbf tner republic of, Mexico; and for other purposes. V: Approved laiO' June1, 18461 . , . , . No. 22. An act making afteratibhs in the pay department of the army. Apprd Ved I7tft June, 1846. Kb; 23. An act to authorize the justice of the couhty cOurt of Bates county, in tne; oiaie w iviissoun, w cu iti ter section of land for a county seat, Ap y No. 24. An aCt making appropriations for the service of the Post OfilCe Depart ment for the year ending 30th Junes 1847 Approted 19th June, 18461. . - No. 23. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of tne Indian department and for fulfiling treaty stiputatidns with the various Indian tribes for the j'ear ending 30th Jtirie 1847. Approved 27th Jdnd, 1846. " No. 26. An act .to provide fdr the or ganization of the volunteer forces brought into the service Of the United States, in to brigades and divisions, and for the ap- polritment of the necessary number of gen eral officers to command (hem. Approved 26th June, 1846. ". I 27. An act to retro'cede the county of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, to the State of Virsinid. AoDrdved Julv 9th 1846. - JNo. 28 An act to authorize the Presi dent of the United States td sell the reser ved mineral lands in the States of Illinois strtd Arkansas, and Territories of Wiscon sin and Iowa, supposed to contain lead ore. Approved 11th July, 1846. Nd. 29. An act to legalize certain land sale maderft Chdcchdma and Columbus, in the State Of Mississippi, and to indemnify the ChiCkasaws therefor. Approved 15th July, 1840. No. 30. An act to' change the time of holding the federal 6ourt in North Caroli na. Approved 15th July, 1846. No. 31. An act to establish the cdl lec tio, district of Chicago. Approved 16th July, 1846. No. 32. An act to exempt canal Boats from the payment of fees afn'd hospital rao ey. Approved 20th July, 1846. No. S3. An act making appropriations for the support of volunteers and other troops authorized to' be employed in the prosecution of the war with Mexico during the year ending SOtb June, 1847. Appro ved 20th July, 1846. No. 341 An act to authorize an isue of treasury notes and a!, loan. Approved 22d July, 1846. No. 35 An act making appfopriations for certain! objects of expenditure therein specified. ; Approved 23d July, 1846. No. 36. An act in relation to the pay me'ni of claims. Approved SSth July, 1846. ! ' No. 37. An act further id' eite'nrJ the trnie for locating Virginia military land warrants and returning surveys thereori to the General Land Office. Approved 29th July, i&40. ; ; ' ... j No. 38. An act giving the asien of Congress to a change of the compact en tered intof between5 the United States and the State of Arkansas' on her admission into the Union4. Approved 29th Ju-ly, 1846. '.. . p.. ' . No. 39. An act for reducing the duty oh imports" and for other purposes. Approved 30'th July, 1846: No. 40. An act to exempt C'ofiee i'mpor-! fed from the Netherlands from duty in cer tain cases, and for other purposes'. Apprb- ved 3d August, 1846 No 4 L An act in relation 6 the fime f holdine the circuit 'and ' district courts pre-emption' to' actual settlers oh the land nvrrulrftd bv treat v from1 the' MrarnT.rhdi - aris in Indiana!, Approved 3d August, 1?846'. r.' ' " ' .- ' .' -, 'J' No, 4$: Arr act providing for t hfe'ad iust- Mr, of nil ,.irdptf 4 y . ; , m claims" in the several States4 and TerritO; ries. Approved 3d Ani'guSt, 1f4&. . j No. 44. Aivact define the s boundaries of the 'ate dt lowsrj a nHfry; repeal so much of the act of ' tfre 3d of March; tS45-, as: Ve lateif "to! the boundarrear of Iowa. Apprd Ved August 4, X&46. J j No. 45! An act teetablish a Warehous ing, system, and to am 2nd an act entitled rtAn act tcrjirovide a revenue from imports, ahd to change anlr ' mdtiify , existihg laws im posing cluty on imports anti 1 fo d titer purposes. ' Approved August 6th, 1 84 B. Np. 46; An act tb 'r'epeal an act entitled "An act for the relief 1 6f trie btkht-idge tribb of Indiarts in the Territory of VViscon sin; ?apjir:6:ved-,Sd '"MaYiy, ahd ""for other purposes: A-pprovea oin wugusi, : -t . Ari'act to enable the people of f Wisconsin Territory to.v form a' cbnstitu tidn ihd :&tkt goVernfeeb an for the id- o of the United States ! for the district oi- .pro veu August om, loiu.v Ohio, Approved 3d1 August, f846. . )" a'ct regulate writs- 6f rrorand rsi Ayo A n o f errant the rihf of appeals from the district cobrt of thb Unt- xtw. -r. o--"- p - r mission of such State'into the Union.- Api proved 6th August, 1846. - ? t " fid. 48r Anf actto provide for the het- ter organization of the treasury, and for tlid collection, safe keeping, transferi and dis bursement of the public re veriite. Appro1 ved 6th August, 1846; -T ; 5 No. 9. Ari Set td provide for the con firmation of certain settlement claim in the "Greensburgh land district, in LduiSi iana. Approved Aug. 6, 1846. ; No. 50. An riCt to surrender to the Stite of Tennessee all title the 'United States have to lands in Tennessee 'South arid west of the line commonly called th'd congressional reseryalion linej and to re lease to said States the" proceeds of such lands as may have been sold by the State of Tennessee Ss the agent Of the United States. Approved August 7tH, 1846. " An act mslking appropriatibn for fcertairi defensive works of the United States for the fiscal yearending.the thirtieth day o June,.dne thousand eight hundred and for ty seven;; A pprdved August 8th, 1 84 0 j I An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for the year ending the thirtieth June, eighteeh hundred and forty-seven. Approved Ad gust 8th, 1846. - ; , j An act supplementary to the act paSseol on Ch'e twentieth day of Febdrary, 1846, entitled, "An act td enlarge the po'wer of the Several orphans' courts held in and for the District of 'CoUrmbiac" Approved August 8th, 1846. ' ' : 1 1 I Ah act to regulate the proceedings in the cirqUit and district courts of the United States, and for other purposes. A pprdved jUguSt 8th, 18467 ; - An act to attach to the Fort Wayne land district certain tracts of land lying vvithiri the limits of that district which" are not how attached to any district; Approved August 8th, 1846. : - A n act to provide for the distrTbtftio 6f the edition of the laws and treaties of. the United States, puhlishfed by Little -Brown, under the provisions of the resolu tlon .of Congress, approved March 3d; eighteen hundred and forty -ive and for other purposes. Approved August 8thy 1846. ; ': ' -; ; An act tc provide for the more efifectuai publication of tne laws of the tJniterJ States. Approved August 8th, 1846. An act to refund td certain persons an! excess of dfjfty exacted on the importation1 of foreign merchalidise.' Approved Au gust 8th, 1846. - An afct to enable the Secretary of the Nav-y to purchase the right of using patent manger Stopper1. Approved" AuV girst 8th, s4e. V ( - r An act for the allovvahW 6f dra woack on? foreign mercTWndtee imported fnto certairi districts' of the tlnitedf States" from v thb Brifi Str j North ' A mtr ica ri ft'ov rn 6'ei, a'n'3 exported jto foreign5 cctentre& ApprOVetf August Sth, l!846V : f " 1 An act to amend the act approved sec ond' A prH, eighteen' lWmtlred ahd rrty fobr, entitled "An 'act directing the' dispo sitioh of cerlatVf rotielaime'ri goods, vvaresy or merchandise seized for being-illegally : Tmpoted inter trre United States: " Ap- te States lor tne miuuie aisincc or .na- oama. 'Approveu nuguSl ou., lo-tu An act to grant a" certain quantity 6f land to aid in the improvement of the Pbii intr Wfscbhsin rivers, and to cohhedt thb'. consin. xpproveu auum om, iu-iw. An act maki ng- app ropr (ati b n S i fd f . b sirppoff Of ' the army for the yar bhdin orr tne ' thirtieth June, Eighteen hundred airrd forty-seven Approved Auist Ctb, 18461- . -7' ;; ; : '-7; . An act to establish an additional land district' in i6$rk Approved' Atijist Oth, fS46:v r -;--7F;:- -77 - act more ; efiectuallyj to provide for the eufdrcemeiif of certain pfOUions ift the teitiesT of the United States: Appro ved August 8ih;r84oV ' . - Ah act to equalize the compensation -of the surveyor's general ot tn& puDiic , WthUnit Abbrdvcl?usttb1846 7- Jlj& ;act granting certain lands Tto tl.J Iferritoryof Iowaf to aid in the improve ment of the navigation of theses fveriifsI.STrrit6ryif 'ApP,r0Tca gust 8tb, I84t. proved 19th June l4$i I Tarboro'; IoV. 12, 1845.

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