r0oVu&fH Mgecohtik emMyi JYL V. Wednesday; 2u?ust I S kG. TJie TarbobiiIi Press, Br UEdROE HoVarK. Jrj1 f miblisHed tfeekfy aw Two Dollars per year if riald in advantte or; iwo iJoaars ana rijiy ' Ctnts at the exriiratton of the subscription year Subscrloers are at lioerty to aisconunue ai any time on giv'irf nddce' thereof and paying arrears. Advertise'ments not exceeding: a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 cents for every crfntiiteattce; T;6'rii?er advertise ments at that rate per square; Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements 25 percent, higher.; Ad vertisements must be marked, the riumberof inser tions required, of they will be conUtiued until otherwise directed, and chargdaccorcjinffly.' Letters addressed to thfe Bditor roust be post paid, or they may not be attended. to. j niuntccKS for 0regon. mention! rheumatic Battalion! IN anticipation ot a war with Kneland, the irtdivi : duals composingiheMeu malic Battalion are each and every one ndtin "-kTei anu . waiucn m "l near farmed as shall here Klfcafter he directed,) before Orderly Surgeon GEO. HUWAitu, in Tai bdro and purchase a bottle of liervftf lAnnmenJ. and Itthvir which is Warranted to cure all the old cases of chronic or inffmrmtoy Rheumatism that have remained ttncured np to the pre sent time. - This wiihout delay, so that you may be in readiness to march, if called upon. To the Universal Rheumatic Battalion J Given this dav at Head Quarters by CO. If STOCK $ CO. , Commanders General. The above article is sold wholesale by .Comstdck & Co. 2t Cortlandt t. New York by Geo Howard, Tarboro M. Wes son, Gaston -F. S Marshall, Halifax Ben nett & My man, Hamilton F. W. Mddre, VVilltamston -and by one person in every village in U, States and Canadas. March 19, 1840. A CARRIAGES, Sfc, THE Subscriber offers, for Sale", a superior JVarthern-hUtti Citrriage Made in latest style and best materials a liCatIiertop iiiiggy q Cloth top BUGG Y, and a all nevy, with first rate harness to them. ALSO, a second hand barouche, but lit tie worn--and a bugy, verv cheap --har-H nesstothem GEO. HOWARD. April 22rfd, l46 JYoti cc n1 HE 11 X D K ft SI G rs? K D inform IhJ public, that he has o'pened a GlfJYSMlTMM SMI OS, 4$ miles west of Tarboro.' for the purpos of repairing shot-guns, riBes, pistols, si lis "in vtorms &p. etc. Allivorkjn bis fme of business will b t'endeH to arid done In workman-lik "anner J NO. HOLLA Ntf. R-lcombe To , May gf? 1846 19 nit. TVMSJmtVS . ue and Fever, and Mil mtf jftbtv X , ' lhV'S have been exte-nsivefy " IISArl m 1 -j- ....... r w ,,. ,,, ,yate pracnce Tor the pat jy.a.,jn.n me most unparalleled strcces - -c.,ni no stnglP instance have the n- Known to fail fn effecting a snire cuife L V urV ,n of h most formul ,c "aracter, and even after the most e mi- "eni rhysjciian hver exhausted their u n'ost ffkill, the patient, almost vvitho '-'pc, nas been entirely cured in 24 hour oy I the use of thee pill? alone.. nese pills are nremrctl bv Dr. Hfntiv W. Turner; so!e proprretor near ,;Fayette- ....c.VUmoeriand county, N C. ' G HO WJlRD assent, Tarboro', tLUurard Joy uer's Depot, W.. J: jirmstrowr, m hisr Sfore, w. yir m si rone 5 yp;i. Koc k v M J ytU. fA, TradesviHe. ' " For sale HOWJfltn HUG I Patterson &; WtU PETERSBURG, Va. ' tfugiisC 25th, 845, OTAVR in Store and are receiving the iuiiuiii); UUUU3, lO Wit; g; 60 hhds P. Kico, N d, St. Croix and refined Sugars,- " 200 bags liagtiira, Rid irid .lava Coffee, 20 hhds R Rico and tuba-molasses; 000 sTacks li. P. and G. A. salt, 200 pvcottorf bealrie, part suifr auaL y , - " cons Kale rope. jus. V irginia cured bacon, 0000 f VVesterh sides and shoulder 250 sides good' and 'damaged" Sole f ; Lea I h er, 56 do RiiSsct upper do; 500 lbs. hoe thread, 150 bis. No. l and 2, N. Ca. herrings, 1 100 hoxes Sperm and Tallo w candles, approved tirahds, 20 boxes fit bis. Loaf & Crushed sugar, 5 bis", superior Pulverised do. lOO' bagslUrbp and Buck slidt, 100 kegsjj). P; powder, 30 to rw Swedes arid English Iron, 5 bVnd and hoop do. 'J Blistered, German & Cast steel, 250 kegs cut and box nails, 10 doz. AVells & Co: approved axes, , 50 casks London porter q'ts & p'ts," 10 hhds Baltimore whiskey, 50 blS. ! (Id. dor 50 " supe'rior Northern A. Brand v 15 " N. G Rum, ' 10 Scuppernong Wine, 10 qr. casks Tener iff and S. M. do. r pipe superior old Madeira, . 5 qr casks Port wine U 5 half pipes superior Cognac & Cham paign brandy, warranted genuine, 30 bis. old Monougahela whiskey, 2 nunoheons best Jamaica Rum, 3 pipes IT. (iin, ; 100 nests Iron and Wood bound tubs, 20 bags pepper, spice and ginger, & half chests superior G.P. , Imperial : arid Y..H. Tea, i 50 doz Bed cords, best Hemp, 100 Cotton Lines, j 100 reams Wrapping paper, 50 Writirig & Letter do. 20 boxes Whittirrtore's genuine Cotton and Wool card, ! lOO bis. new City ground, family flour, 100 S.F. ditto ditto & country, , 25 " superior Cider Vinegar, 100 bushels best Clover seed selected, Together with bther articles usually kept in the? Grocery line; all of which we offer for sale, upon such-terms as we think a fair examination cannot fail id approve. We are agents for the sale of .labex Parker's threshing Xiachinest FAN MILLS, STRAW CUTTERS & Which are sold at the same (prices as? by the Manufacturer f We also Solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore received in the, way of Consignments of Producer say Cottony Tobacco. W heat, Bacon, &c; and pledge ourselves to be unwavering in our terms of Commissions, as we plafce alf on an equal footing. Say fijly cents per Bale for Cotton, and all other kinds of Produce 2$ per cent . A Iso, the receiving and forwarding of Merchandise. The unparalleled popularity of Hay's Liniment j IS a" surety of ftS virtue -the genuine Hays Lfniment has cured over twenty thousand cases, of PILES in the United States. It itf the only article used and pre scribed fry the Faculty of New York, and ft is recommended by every Physician in the country who has used H or seen its ef fects on others. The genuine has Corn stock & Co. 's name on each wrapper. Soid wholesffle by Contstock & Car 2f Corthudt st. New Yo rk by Geo. How ard, Tarboro-' M. Wesson, (iastoo-F. S. MarshaH, Halifax Bennett & Hyman, Hamilton F. W. Moore, YVilJiamston and by one pefson irr every vilhge in U. States and fanadas. ; March 19, 184 6. By, the subscribe?, ? A LA RGB ASSQR I'M KNJ Swedes, American and EfnglisrV Iron, "' German & cast Steel, cut &t wrought Nails. Castings; consisting of ovens, pots, spiders; skii lets, tea kettles, andirons catt ajrid wagon boi6s, ploughs, poititS heers, Spades,- long handled shovels; hoes, trace and halter chains, sulky springs, Turks Tsland sal t, b ro w n &r ground salt, White leatl, linseed and train oil, S xltfand ifr 1 2 window glassputty. ALSO,-a very large & general assortment o' -GROCERIES, Hardware and Cutlery, Ch in a, G las , Croc Aery arid Stone ware: For sale on accommodating terms. Tarboro V Nov. 1; List of Letter - Remaining in the Post Office at Turbo rough, the 1st of duly 1S46, which if not taken out before the st bj Oct. next, will be sent to the Gene ral Post Ojfite us dead letters. Adams Elizh Mrs Hodge .lames Anderson Henry R Hopkins Alex'r Andhevvs S A MrS Holdiriess WH iJW Hradley Stephen Bradley Wilie Bradley Little R Braswell Richard Bui lock Wrft G Blunt Levi Bennett Elizabeth Burney Jas Baits Wm Bell McG J farney Jane Mrs 2 Cotten F R Dicken C L Dr (laim-r Samuel rtedceneih R R 2 Jones A ma nd a" M M i ss Knight John H 2 Knight Wrti F . Long Robert Laneir Wirr A Lyon Joshua L Moore B t? McCorquodale A ReV Pearce Nancy Mrs Parker Richard Perkins H Proclor Samuel Statpn Arthur Savage .las D 2 Teate Rhoda HedgepethM BMiss2 Wiggins Wright Hedgepeth Jesse T Wallace John Hancock Wm H 2 Whiiehurst Jas 48 JJ18. AL REDMOND, P. M. Doctoi Witi. JEiYAIVJS' 1HUVG SYRUP For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF fo Mothers and NurSes. rill HE passage of the teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is knovvn by moth ers that thgre IS great irritation in the mouth and gums durinsr this nrocess. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is sei2ed with frequent and sudden fits of cryingj watchings, start ing jn the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts, i the child shrieks with extreme vio lence,' and thrusts its fingers into its ihoiith. If lhefe precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, Spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and sooq cause the dis solution of the infant.. Mothers who have their little babes afflicted with these disiressing symptoms, should afjply Dn William Evans's celebrated Soothing Sy rup, which has preserved hundreds of in fants when thought past recovery, from be ing suddenly attacked with that fatal mala dy, convulsions: V i Evans' family aperient Pitts'; "j ALSO, Dr. Evans' Pdnic Fills, For sale in Tarboro' by GEO. HOWARD Agent. February 23. Recommended by the Faculty firs. A. J HarreiPs celebrated' PREPARED MEDICIIVESV ' -s- . THESE TtEV? Affti PLEASANT REMEDIES COMPRISE Their Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills', for the cure of fevers, liver affections, jaurx d ice, headache, loss of appetite, costtveness female complafnts, and every disease with in the fea'cfr of human meanaf. ! Alterative Extract of Sitfsdfidfilld and Blood Root, for scrofula, or king's white i . swelling, pains in the bohes ulc erous sores, eruptions of the skirt, rheumatism, syphilr t i c and mercurial affections, &c. Concentrated Extract of Buchii and Uva Ursi. for, curing diseased urinary or gans, such as gravel, morbid irritation and chronic inrfammation of the kidneys, ure- SO'O tersf orauuer auu u,ow -1' "..low"e,s; ! lfke manned bfe freearMopeU Iri novigaf the prostrate glandvlosTs of tone tn passrng , Ke 9 . ! Hu L urine, cutaneous affections & rheumatism. Ffbrifuge, or Camomile Tonic, for the crre of Ihdebilities, loss o-appetite, ' bdt especialljy for Fever and Ague;,' for which it has heerr mote particularly prepared. ; Antispasmodic or Camphor-at ed Jdr dial, designed to cure excessive vomhing, diarf hcei, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pain in the stomach,-cramps', hysterics; CoN ics, jhypocondria spasms, cony ulsions, arid mutteringdelirhim in the lov forms ofbiji ousfovef Itisafroe substitute for pSregdric. Cough Mixture qfCarrageeh Mossand Squills', for the cure of diseased larigs, chronic affections of thrts strirriach and bo- els, and air diseases produced-by sudden changes in temperature Vl - i-s ;r perJin)Toijt!i hardening the4gUTns, xieaniiig, pi caciviu& an d ! k eepi n g white t heaeethand fon weet- LeninfiT the breath.- i . .M -iU ' The above preparations are onerep iol the public generally and rnysicians especi lly, not as nostrdms orpariaceasV buti ds in ea t a n d co n v e rt i e n V-pfepa rat i o n s mad e j on istriIyscierijLififc principles: or sae by Tarboro', Jan. ft - Prom the Fayetteville Carolinian okEdoNriiRAfy; The following is an official copy of the Oregon treaty, which will be read by the tjublic with interest, from tjie fact of its importance in settling without war, at long vexed question of territory between the tJnited States and Great Britain: t "The United Stdtes of America and her Ma jesty the Queen of the United Kingdom df Great Britain , and Ireland,- deeming it to be desirable for the future welfa re o'f both countries that the state of doubt and Uric'ertainty which haS hitherto pre vailed respecting the sovereignty and gov ernment of the territory chi the northwest coast ofAmerida, lying westward of the Rocky of Stony Mountains, should be fi lially terminated by aramicable compro mise of the f ights mutually asserted by the two parties dver the aid: tefritdry, hye named plenipotentiaries to treat rind agree Concerning the terms of such settlement that is to say: the President df the tJnited States of America has, dri nis paftj fur nished with full powers Jarfies rfuchanan, Secretary of State of United StateS, and her Majesty, the Queen of the tJnited kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, has, tin her part, appolnted.the fight honorable Richard Pakenham, a member of her Ma jesty's most honorable privy council, and hef Majesty's envoy extraordinafy and ministef plenipotentiary to the United States; who, after Having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following arti cled: ! Art. i . From the pbl n't dri the forty- ninth parallel of north latitude, where the boundary laid 3dvvn in existing tfesfties and conventions between the united states and (3 real Britain terminates, the line Of boundary between the -territories of the United States and those o'f her Britanic majesty, Shall be continued ivestivafd fllnntr thn said foftvnintn nafallel of nortn C5 . . 3. ! latitude, to" the middle of the channel which separates the continent from Van couver's Island" and thence " sodthefly through the m thV SaTd; cliannel, and of Fuca's straights to the 'Pacific O cean; provided, hovyever, that the naviga tion of the whole of the said cliannel and straights south of the forty-ninth ' fjafallel nf nnrt h lat ftude f ematn free arid Open to both parties. "!'; ' ' V Art. 2V. From tfre' point a which the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude shall be found tcf iritefsect the great northern branch of thV Columljlar rivef, the naviga tion shall tfe free drit open to the Hudson Bay Co m pa ny & to al 1 British Subject trac ing with the saiffe, to the point where the said branch; meets the main stream- of Columbia, and thence down the' trfe said main, stream to the ocean, with free access into, and through the said fiVer of rivers, it being urrdefstobd that all the feual por tages along ine line thus "described Shall fn t5rtr th said river of rivers. British1 Sub- .. ' , . j iects with thei'f gobds" aucl produce1 shalf j tm trVat'erf OH safrie footing aSf citizens of the United States; it being,v however, al ways imde'rstdbd iMsci nothing in; this" arti cle shall be construed as" pfevelifrn, or in tend ed' tcy pfeent, the gof efriifient of the' United States' ffoTrt1 matkmg , any regula- tiohs'respetin the said jfr if.0 in iM of fhe territory south of the fortyninth parralicl df north' latitude, as provided in the ISrstaf t icle of this treatf , the pd'ssesso- fyr ighW of ' the Hudson Bay Compan a nd ot al 1 be al ready in the Occupation "of 1 land or othef prppeffylawlyac tefritdiy; shall brrespected; f : Art4T TlieSiIafms; larid4; andV other ifVginlz tb tjKriertv of evef y ilescriptibh belc tougeisSouridi3cuftu tho 6nnrWMefoi: tneGblumbfc Wconinrffieri ia - ' , 1 ' ! : - r- ' i r- -m , .. V . ' : A ' : 1 - V ' I .. . -.-v.- . , ' - -.. . In caskriovVeveii ifefe .Aitiiatmn of' thosQ j iarfris arid lands shddld Be cdnsidered f by tne u niiea oiates to qe ot public ana polit ical importance, and fthe United Stated gdverrirnteril should signify a" desire to bh tain possession of the whole, of of any part ifiefedLj the properly Sri required shall bo trarisfefreri Id f tie Said goVerrirrierit at a prd per valuatldri, to be agreed T Upon bet weeli Che paftiel t , : ; j Art The present treaty Shall be rat i fled by Ihe President of the United States liy Hiid wltH tH aie'e and consent of the " Senate thereof, and by hef Britannic Maj esty; arid the ratification Sriall be exchanged it L'd'ndbn at the expiration of si months' from the date Hef eofji or sooner, if possi ble. - Id witrieSS whereof, the resnective pleri- ipoferitiafies have signed the same, and have' affixed iheretd the seals of , their arms. . , . . Done at Wasn irigtdii the fifteenth day of iurie in tfie i yeaf df ddf Ldrd one thout- sand eignt hundred and torty-sixv f (Signed) - " BUCHANAN, . i.j RICHARD PAKENHAM, l. s. j Judge Robert C. Greer, of Perinsylvaniay has beeri dominated by the President and confirrhed by the etiaie, to a seat 6n the bench of the Supreme' Court of the United: States; to" fill the vacancy catised by Judge Batfdwlri'S death. f. friend writes us' from LAI mbef - on, ihat dri the 12th; Inst. Mr. Jamerf Flowers', d very fespectable, worthy, hon est citizen, was brutally murdered by the hand of a worthiest wretch, by the name of Jack (al tzS) Johri Shejjaf d, who is "nov in jail td a wait his trial. . , . TneiianadlpK Heralcl sajrl:-.'Eight or ted Gold Mines are now successfully worked in this county'. Some Uof these have fieeri tvefrked for more than twelve months, arid have b'feeri & SOd'rce of consid erable pfofit to trietf ownerl. Others have been recently discovered, arid , give very flattering pfospectl. Mtfri f 6tir farmer have . tiirried their attentiofi to the, busi ness arid ate making very fair pfdfits. We sire o'f opinion that this .county will, -'ere long, become a t Ich fegion. G old can bo fdund Iri mall rjarticles in fouf:fifths of the smali streams; a'nd, we have rid doubt will be fo'drfdf to1 exist, in ah'undance, in Veins th:a have riot been, discovered. Few that have' embarked in the business havd suffered much loss. Jill the wdtj Jrbni Orori.fte nava beeri favored b sdme friend with a copy of ihe ftfjrt iiSixe of the, "Cffegdrf. Specta tor," tne 6rst riewpapef eslaDiished id the Ofegdh feitory! Here' it is, all tho way trbfa 6rif rierV 'eiUe'frierit- oppo-" Site' Chiriaf Tne' mtititi b'( the eheet is, "Westivafd ihe Sftaf ' 6f&n?pffe' takesr its way," arid we should nei be surprised if thV seiiiefi fri our7 far-off Witory, ere! looting afbrdf and fri th Iffc tb'arinex to their State of, rathyfo' " tfirofcv tho Jigrtt dt fripiro ofyier ft. Thntfm before us is dated February Sth, I84C, arid contains' a" copy of the' cbristifutiori passed by the legisla ture of the Tefritof'yf"alcr; an acst to pre tient tiie i iritrbducticriVarid sale of ardent SjAiiid in dregrM The editorV Wiliiarri G. T'auTt says', in his opening leader that the f&pfer -'Will be rieritrai in politics an de'foted tW the general interests of the Teffitory; but he at the time inforrris thern1 thai Kela a DeVricrcfai of the Jeuersoniani rriaVtef General of ihe Tef rFtory. T' Vaults judging froiri the stations he holdsjTMUst b'ci a'-mah of'Vaul'ti arnbitiohV St. Louis RtSeiifei rtmeritarii i in Rusid--Cot. TOdd in- fbrnis"uW trWt he grading arid? wbrUing on the entire iVil road line is given td American contractors: This contract amounts to four arid a half niillions of delliri, and was giv eri & Aiperican Coil traitors, iri the face of tnb competition, of all Europe, without e- H ' ' " ,u j Uf t&pm&etj papW says Ifiat two leading conf rectors called at the Exhanr;' scnloot Fesfdes being editor of the fSpcc tator' riie ti trt'o'secutirig attorney' & Post-