i - ! ' it . ' "1 - ..-1 . 'j .1 - . H 4 r F -I WJ 1 V I I 14 1 --, I ' i . " .. :.t f . .,t, . - : " K A H f V! k J'f 1 1 .1 , 1,J L i 1 The TarbpVWlrMi. Ur lipnflri;Ho.W.ARP. J .: Br George; Howard ihed wekJy if naii-in . adrancfe-rP nserted at 0 ?r the first Prtionvw45 irnTsattharate-r ar rnn Li nuance. " ,w"sODr Judicial Advertisements 35 perepvpi??w vertisements must be marked the nuefQmsefr Itions required, or they win oe wu-v ' Otherwise directed, and charged accordiAglv. ; ! Sers addressed to: the Editor must be p st ipaid. orhey my nof he attenoea : : : ' - ,f N.M.iVJartincciJuijiia (Store oppositcPdwelPs Tavern,) CONTlNtTE THE , And Grocery Business. , Profrf and faitJif.il attention will be gifen ro theVale of CO V VOX and other PRO, 1 nTTPF 'nBnpH m them.. I Jiev otler for sale Cotton. .Bagging Bale. f0e, ! on reasonable terms. . . . Petersburg. Sept. J25, l&4o. Till?. Suhsoriber offers lor Sale, a superior , - M KM m-B , I Northern-built Carriage) Made in latest style and best materials 4-a lieatiier-toif Buggy ? a Clothtop BUGGY, and a pate r v sulkr, , all new, with first rale harness to the mZ ALSO, a second-hand barouche, but it- tie worn--and a duggp, very cheap -lhar- hesatothem. irtiU. tiUWJltiU Aprii ggndj I84f3: Volunteers for Oregon. Attention! rheumatic Battalion! IJ anticipation bf a vjrib wjin rngiana, me inni vi- duals com post ngt heRhhu tHatit teat 'tdlioti are eich and every.- one nofih- arid warned to bp- zL pear (afmed as shall here- after be directed. before Orderly Siirpori HOWARD, in Tarboro', an'd tnrch'ase a bottfe of V liewe& LUlameril and .Elixir wbfctf is warranted to cu're bldrcs s'ejf of cKron'ic or inflammatory Rheumatism that have remained unctired np to the ire sent t?m.e. T,h!s without delay, so' that ; roif may be in readiness, to marc' h, if galled uplo'ni.' To the Universal RheuniatjQ Battalion! aiveh' this day at Head Quarters by' ' eoMSTdcK 4: cor pomrriftnders 0 titer ch The aKove' arlicle is sold wholesale by Comstock &fjq, 21 Portlandt l. New Y 3rk by Geo Howard, Tarboro' M . Wen-' son, Gaston' F. S ,IVrarhair, Halifax E enV nett U. Hyrnan, Hamilton F. W. Moi)re, WiUi'amston. and by one persVn in eVery vniae in u. Mates and Cahadas. March 19, 1846. -ML TURJVEIi' Ague and Fever,; and 'l1? have;beenxTslte!f , U8ed n private practice for thf: Ut 6 years, with ihe mosi unparaileled Jsucie8s; in fact, in no single instance have' been lrnnwn'fn' fl;t ;C rir--? l1 m Shours,; in cases of the mpst.fornftilaO : .an in cuecunir a sure rnr w.c cnaracier, and even after the most emi nent Physicians have: exhausted theif ut most skill,- the . paUent,' almost ithouf nope, has been entirely cured in . 84 h'ours by the use of these Dills alone i t k ,1 These pi lis arfe 'prepared by Drlf Hnry uincr, sums proprietor near rayette ville, Cum'berla'nd county, NjC; fr- L ;t u virmsirong q .oons. Kocky . C. i,;iadesvii!e;v Mi larbororN6v 25; 1845 Subscribers at liberty to W to Wat - n .rivinornhtice thereof and paymglirrtabi,; ff tjj-r 9?J: f : IJ s , HORSES thai have ring-bone, :3pavin. wind-galls,;&c,are.cured cV?candji;ouNDEHED:horsje 14 - ' . 7- - ? i 200 baRa liagfiirr Ridahd Java cbffee, e20UjhdXP. Rfcoano Cuba molasses, part .primeli-4i t - j, f J000 sick L P. and G. A,-salt, SOOcons Bale , rope. lpOOO lbs; rihiibuicHjacori,, 100(6 ' Wesiern-sides and shoulders! : i;450idlsrood and damae,, Sdle . , 4 Le?ltiiery. " '" ', . i ' '. - dozi' Russet upper do. 500 lbs. Shoe thread, ; ; - 150 bliOL J and SN.Cai henincs, 100 boxes Sperm and Tallow candles, approved Brands, . ' ' ' : f sugar. 5 bis. superior Pulverised do. 100 bags, Drop and Buck shot, 100 kegsD; P, powdex; , 30' tonsSwedes arid 'English Iron, .c5 , '';. band arid hoop ' ao. ... ; 3V ; blrsteired, German & Cast steei, 250 kegs ctit aiid box nails, ' . 10 doz. VVells & Co. approyed axes, ; .50 casks London porter--q'ls & pts, 10 hhd's Baltimore whiskey, 50 bis. do. do. 50. ' superior Northern A. Brandy, 15 N. E Rffm, yo 'v'Scuppernong Wine, 10 qr. casks Tenenffand S. M. do. 1 pipe superior old. Madeira, 5 qr . casks Port wine, 5 half pipes superior Cognac & Cham nain brand vl warranted genuine. 30 bis. old Monongahela whiskey, , l S-;punclieonS best Jamiica Rum, v 3 pipes H. tiipl , t . 100 nests Iron arid Wodd bound tubs, 20 bags pepper spice and ginger, ' . .... 3 half chests superior 0. P., lmberial . : and Y, H. Tea, , 50 doz Bed cords, best Henip, j 100 Cotton Lines, 1 00 reams' Wrapping pa per J ' 50 " Writing & Letter do. 2b boxes Whittimore's genuine Cotton ' and Wool cards, ' f 00 bU. hew City ground family flour, ' lfjfJ S. F. ditto ditto & country, 25 T superior Cider Vinegar, .100 bushels best Clover seed selected, lgetheJmlh other articles usually kept in trie Grocery" line; 1 all of which we offer for sale, upbn such terms as we think a fair examination cannot fail to approve. We areagelrits for the sale of .labez Parker's Tliresliitik Jfrachinesi FAN MILLS, "STRAW! CUTTERS & ;? Which are sold at the same 'prices as by the Manufacturer : , : . . We, also, solicit a continuance of the very 1 iberal pa fro nage heretofore - received in the way of.Cqnsighiients of Produce: say Cotton, V Tobacco. Wheat, Bacon,c.;Vand pledge Qurs'elves to be unwavering in our terms of Commissiojisas, we place ajl on an equal, footing. Say jijty xexits per Bale for Dot ton, and all- other kinds of P rodu ce 2 per cfcn t . ; A 1 so, the recei v i n g Bnfljibrarding of Merchandise. " Wfteiinparaiii of (Umtaa 'State's. Jtis Ihe only article usednd pre scribed by the Fealty of Kew York, aod it Jis Tecurrinifertded :by every Physician in ItH cVjuntrxlwhb hasused ft or seen its ef fecU bnothershThe genuine has Corn stock & Co. 9s name on each'wrapuer. : - ; 1 Sdld wholesale by Comstock & , Co-21 tJortlandt'st. New York by Geo. How-TstVhbro--M Wesson (iaston-F . Mafsliari,HaJi6x Bennett Hymani Hamiltn-F. W. Moore, WilliamstonV- uiuuoauu w...-w -i andbv ;one iersbn i ri e Ve ry Village i n, XJ . fiates'ahd Panadas. March 19, 1S46; Just ir f it r fT7 ASSORTM KNT Swedes, AfriencaqndEnglis Iron, castings, consisting vYi'j.F'j' "f wr: j f'skilletealmts, 1 wahoxe3T ploughsi points & heejs, White lead, linseed and train qil, , U x . I jtj ncP t tfxt htlp gtMsutJy. . rlpv, a very largctx. cucmi a" - , j Harqre-anjd, Cutlery , in a ?GJass Crockery and Stone gectre , Patterson m : .I I . - " ' I . DS- a surety 6f -its virtue the genuine H a v 's Li n i m e n t h a s cjired over Vwenly ri 4ao enr .HiiJt in me un ucu ler terms. if j -1.- From the Union, j TO THE" PEOPLE. fThe. Session of Qongress, wtiich has just terminated, wjijj be.lpng nd gratefully remenKere? j oyf Hr u -repiij hi i can s, ,fo r. the. triumphant success, , ot jifypf tei cherished principles and measUresj While ye heartijy rejoice at the triumph o the . v : f . C - . - t i . I . - - . . principle which it has beep bur constant in wh ich we are placeld- by. a re oth houses of Cbneressi -we cent voth of both allude :'tq i the cpnteplatithl the'iri patronage frpm the q.eVspapef press To this decision we cheerfullyj bow, sensi ble, as. we .are of - the . patriotic xnqtive? which have led to it Btit iv'e trust 4hat this decision of Congress increajes rather than diminishes .our claim to the support of a . higher ppwer that of ffit people and tp them we confidently; appeal tp . aid us, by their patronage, in sustaining a the seat of government a journal that is inflex ibly devoted to their. ihtere$ts!and the true interests of the country. l.jy.' It is known to eferytoneJ tlat the chief source of sustaining a. newspaper is not the magnitude oLits subsGri0ion list sp much as the advertising ; patronage which may be bestowed upon it. j In large com mercial cities, indeed the latter is" usually tHe concomitant of the former, as it .he comes the .obvious interest! of mercantile men 1 to advertise in those papers which are the most ektensi velyj circulated.' Washington however is ( differently situar te Deprived, of the advertising patron age, incident tp i a mejrcantnej community, and burdened with peculiar and.eqprmous expenses -which are not ele where mcur red, nothing but a very lppg .list, of sub scribing patrons can sustain? ajpaperiu use- ih make their paper, worthy of ItHe metro pp- lis, and worthy of the support pi that .great party under whose" banner thy are enlist ed. In publishing' the most full, and to pie debates of the.twq,houes of Congress, it is-believed, ever before attempted on this continent in a daily newspaper, they have secured the services!, of1 the bst reporters which the-, country i flflorded, .but at the, enormous cost of 12,000 orjgl5,CQQ per year.' Their extensive foreign, ; and -domestic correspondence - is another, large item of expep8e,;but the ipstrictiye usefqM ness of which is so lifghly eomjmended anr4; appreciated as to jjsiify , almost any puUayJ to attain it. Still, it must be evident that these heavy expences cannot be borne, un- must, Abe still considerably enlarged to ena bie the proprietors of tfte tinibn, td.us- tain all its usefulness, and ' to x insure them against pecuniary; lois; f; InyqTtintheii,, the cherishl- we offer thfe i foltqwinprdpqsals lisiied;;'; oavahle luvatKel IticKaractef njther to'hasen; fluence. raav render it the moreajjce p an"r extended - plass, of readersv j- - ? e published eveo kuring'the reci'iof C ntium;iriiis?coq aind ine advertiseinentsuringt Congress threnqmls lpstad of two effort, to advpeate amd defendi ani from wnicq Jio prqaperity, nqr adversity, ?;can swerVe us; wp rarinot fifi linmi'ruidil nf tKp aiuiuqe less the subscription list commensurate , to the undertaking;-arid although we;can . jJjhlcribV to their -feail-Roaa to Sotith Ca boast of iSfiOO subibers? (mcludinp a! jpauf, ly tritweldjp.'arid .weey, purpose !in iiitdre to1 de vote a portion lntqresti ana;to misceiiaueuu . :uw- - ? Whytht piaoie J : s Wfargcjnenlofjhe Weekly JJnidru" birds.we wpujd.: sa3r to the.people n ,Tlie ; 'f WEEKLY tj NIQN."- is 1 issued l rgcnd Hfie! people of ; Wakqnd Gran .every atu.r.dayvand f.r'rang.emen.ts.are .vilIearticMar, op oui; guard:-r; . in progress, to enlarge Jt to, near. double its u Nfri Mirablev being a:;.v.erv hum:ne present size, vVe.shalLsooh he euabled,to rhrfl3'cupeCbviovsliihg these individual give nearly . every article, which -Injay .agjvJ! tne! 'a because they are -very poor pear; inf the aiJLy, abseirurweekly edl-ignfnaml have two pHhree Infant uons at tne.vxremejv PrRposeasp.to gvveinn siiupnrji complete Synoptical sumnary f . the pro ceedings iru bpth.jHoses of .Cqngress-t thuiendqringtha rhost valuable channel of;inforniation to. all classes-pf our eountry.,. J$ut to remunerate us fr, - theterjr4ze script; on list is absolutely .indispensable., f ,svngresswnat&egi3ier4t Jii addition -tq the forego! rig we have resj6Ivdvtd;pqlisli the" national Ibgi&latQre; a j Congressional fiegister,9?i to be. issued eekly4'aqdsipv contain a' ful rjepo qf thexiaily'pf o J . 1 , ,, i I .1 M ' i ... ceeaings ana aeoaies 01 ooin . nouses, in- deed tfj -'ifrrnieht Av&tfh we, ; bave irldfe with the very bes corps; orreport- ers will epIelus toi giyeeVep nibre full and !qx te n d e d r e ppr tst h aq , we. ha ye prodd led d qr j n g th i ? sessj dp, v super id i ir 1 as y?p claim themT" to be toany precedipg,;pnes. The ftegjstier vvjll; be; made' up irpm the daily reports iittjief Ujhipn'j carefully re yised by an experienced erJiti finely will constitute, complete and authenVie record' . . i , : . t :. i l I . i 1. oi me session, pappenaix.wni oe aaa ed p U h i fbr m ' w i jh? t he gjegi ste'r , ancl f,ct- be seht atuijusly- to; subscribers, compri sing a"-list of - the acta? passed ?during.t he session, with.a synppsipOt heir-c,bntents, arid a.refereqfce when necessary,' to previ ous leslaiidh.. lThisjW most complete history of Jhe sessions of Con gress, and Will be furnished a, ifie Jpw price of BVEiNir?-J,iVE "cents for, the next sission.-.::lU! yii ',::-''.J.:PifVK'H : ?ftsTUKstti&j&rG authorized; to att as' our '. agrttsj 3an4 by'sendingv.us five yearly subscribers,withthei suttcrjpt;ppf morieyi for 1 1 qither p the f Daily, VjSemif Weekly, or Weekly, wil be" entiled jto one copy, of the same redition - as" they fur nish us subscrihers :(bv Hvrp"--. . gjThe ;,poNqR'Ess jonai. ' Re gisteb will be furnikhed them prHhe Same te?m. pectus With the notes attached, until the; "Copy or the congressional iteg ter anp! ;Tri-Weekly Union., y " n n ' Clubs' wilf, b'e'y'drnished tyMrS,; ' " 5 copies t paiiy si 4o niiWeekly 20 00 ' m - s d, ' do';- ' - 5 - dp'- Weeltl ' 8 00 ' - 10, .. M ir, p "do 'v lb; 00; - : "20' d Congressional-Reg' 10' Op'f ed iipori our hooks unless :the pay meht of me suoscripiiuii uc uiauc iu vmi".v. From lKe Register. (PjTKe citizerisrf of iWtlpfingJoq, have, f resolved unanimousjy; to apptothe next and interest' of the debt id her two nir i .J. .-iv ,.i.iJi? '.J!i'nu;A- nth 4nJ did poor horse, jand a craw: fish. .cart,. and two pf his negrp men foundlyip ai lull ien'gftL ia ihd jart, -covered' over, head and IbotyWilh bed clpjhesuwl)ichppsitipn ville until overtaken by. their .masters. It 'seems ithatthesqjthreewhel fed wilji three, runaway slaves, pqxoneqi j them eing quite;.yoianga was caught in Hoxboro.Mgn, ,m?ciii; pens he showed hihiself while the pfder.: fbirdv ;j . These trolopes, we; learn; upon losing ' i I Fro Wihe K Journal if Commercs. ?;c7SCapt JariiejstVM.?, Scb-i n;eltlJdior ofhe wI.pndori Iprrilri tai4 Has recenily .hepome sole heir, hy the jleath.pf .bacheli5uncje, estate ip th.rrl!?pa dhScotlandV said to he 03vfer; Jm1 V lieJ cj9it"al estimate? the cropqf Jn3in jcp 4ofj:bQ,DQfi fihefsiifwrit, 14000000 bushels, equal to 28,000,000 btils. ot flour. tit'- : JPraptical rf?wlgamatiori.-Z At AtholJ last iXuesdayr eVeqthg, ,Rey. ' J;, llars, a colpred .gentleman, and . preacher of ahq JYeslgyan rordpr, was; united in ,;t marriagQ by : Rey.- Mr rp wp j of Salem j to M jss E-" lizabeth IipIf,.ofSgleni whose skin of) un- . ' v.. ...... . . I hlushing jhiteqesal cqptrasts most strange-: lyirwith. the .ebony t color . ,ofv jthe4 brideT groom. H MrMaVa i formerly pregchedat Salemisand was succeeded.. hy:r- :Tornj who was sent, . for. to tje the Tvariegated knot. , Jr,,;jwe qpdernd, has 'buried two wives, amj isabqut .fifty years of age, arid the. nfe w bTiejajDpu.t th irty-.fi Ve3 The parties are 7regarded as highly respectable. -' jl....: Bdrre Patriots r H E WO R N OUT ; FO NT, OF TY rm netting at mvideskv George; TYPE. ThereHesaol-in-out forit of ?7 ' ' ,lr Full twenty thousand scqret V ijVViff-V'' And manytnonths haVe passed: George, - ; Siri4gpe ihevj, were bright and ne Wv s C Arid manyiareithettaieSvthey've told . , The false, the strange, the true. ,c. - . Their beauty, has all gone, George, ;,5 You scarcely ow may trace;, ; .: Upon 4hevsnowy -m ed ium, : : : .; . t ' The'. 1 i ken ess o f their ia ce. . . . 'v' . , ,' rh'ev mirid me oT a man, George,' ; ' -Whoseblfn of life was full - i ' 1 0 1 pr o ml se,; b u t a t eve n i n g ' s close t: ,rl Was dejiblateand dulh , o x-Jx-i.t, What tales of horror they have told, I .ODempest and of uvreck; .- v.Y, Of muFprih the(.my , , fr ) Of waf Tiiir-'TOany-a-vspiBck;'', , ; , Of ships that, lost' away at ea, . . , entfddwii1 before die blast; ""''' ' Of istifled cries of agariy, ;7v 1: I ' :; , . As Jifes last inOment passed ! .v! . : Of-VaHhqi)akes arid of suicides; v'. " " : -i )f falling rdps.:of cot Vpn'y-'i 5 "; teamooats snagg f . Of riots, duels fough,t,;? . . Of .roliherf with their -pyeyyscaped--- 1Of thieves with booty caught ,l ' Of land slides, and of water-spouts; . Of a p U jih d a ga to rs ; V- , V " , Ofrpentaf in'the hrinyep;.. ' k :' ; ;r L()fjgiant;sweet potatoes; v',.;f jf Of children lost and children found; -f;vFinajgrces n disorder;ii k. ,1 3 ; ,i : Of fightjf among the firemen, , And troubles on the border. v They've tqh) jj of 4 nation, Gcorre ;: b ; :ent .sprrowfrig in.t he dust, f tpr one whpn sne hart called to, nil , . -' Her h i ghestV df aresL trist ? , ; j Of spark;Ungcrxwrtf Toi j'outhful brows; , 1fjf foVal cororfatfons; ' Of p1arw lol?id the earth of kings;' --i0.( temp!rance reformotions, d k a; Of flood44nd fire,-arid accident, V ivThpseworn-oul types have told j And hoWi thepestilencehassivept ? ifirhe youthful and the old; : Of marriages of births, pnd. deaths; ; Of,things to please or, vex usf,, Of oriemah,f'jllri:png over-board I Another gone to . I exas! They 've told how long sweet summerdays - Hai'e iaded,Cronr.opr view; , , . How autumn 'schilling wind halh swept lxhVJeaierbwn,d.forest! through; V y.': How l-w i h f eVs r ei grit hath com a an d go n e uDark rein of storm and sfrtfew- j Awl ho wthe smiling spring: Iiath vrsrm'd f fe The pale flowefS back, to lifc ; J 1 cari!ttpretend to mention half ' ' "v s ' I .! My inky frfends havd told, , W f; - : Sineeshiuingbrjghtand .besutiful,. 1 tj,. issued from the mpuId-T i .- - how unto some thejohave brought, I . rrt ni hers crief.and . tears! - . . ; . ... Of- bank defaul tersrbrqkenj shanks; i 1fr . And baxiking siemsjroUfp V.v.i fl Of boilershuTstingrrteamboats snagg'd : 1 1 f or saie op accommoaatipg Y WiJI be; issued, wtinoui extra charge i-o oubanme? For Bale by fubschoers.' r: V.

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