' Jay ! Kl ' THE TTARBORO PRESS. ' '- - - '- ' : . - - . - - mMUJToM 17. Tatorough, Edgecombe CouHty,Av. Saturday. Jtugmstii, 1847. iol.XXir.JYb.9. t ThP Triinrouli Press Is pablished weekly if paid in advance-or. Two '"n W Cents at the expiration of e r -J . I Hhrtv to discontinue at any -r ' ofgna paying arrears time on giving u-, .... 8qaarewilr be Advert Uements not exce uu ig m niin thP Mrsi insertion, anu o inserted at e ' . Lontfer HdrertM. cents forewf"; ' Mnar(i CoartOrders and !iJLnta mnatbemarked the humherof inaer- tTnsVequired, or thy will be conUnned nnt.. iratd. and charged accordingly. t IttPrs addressed to theditor must be post naid ortheyBtay not be attendef to. t From the Ohio Statesman. - , A VOLUNTARIO. . JFe km man in effigy" We lore our glorious, happy land, We love her freedom -and her laws, We're proud to see tver patriot band Uphold and vindicate her cause. We grieve not at the Briton's spleen, We care not for the monarch's frown; With agony our march they've seen, To world-wide glory and renown. We've met the foe in deadly strife, And stood where fell our bravest men We gave our all, our alt of life. To country dear, nor faltered then. The battle won, the danger o'er, How swiftly thought of hardships fly Before the joyous pride; we bore Them all like men without a sigh. Yes, back upon the camp we look, Self-honored, satisfied and proud; Yet, there's a hate we cannot brook 'Tis treason in a coward's shroud! 'Tis pity on a heartless tongue, Religion in a tory's cloak. To which the enemy have clung, Their last, their only cherished hope. Afar off on the Rio Grande, We prized alone our country's smile; While foe-beset on every hand, We pressed along the deep defile. But when a Corwin's treason came, What taunts of base and fiendish crime; We felt, e'en then a nation's shame, That such men lived at such a time. And then on Buena Vista high, The field of glorious victory, Where many brave hears silent lie, We burnt that man in effigy! A monument of blistering scorn, To meet his eye at every turn, To haunt his vision night and morn, Fsrever will that image burn! BUENA VISTA- I Ii?jpa tip .:. Iff fi Pi i t ,fj j i.M & noiifl n A n A . rwy . - ..OUO, .uu wiuuuMi auuuicr. mat ar- One htinrlrH rr p ffnm . nhnmn'c R rangementofthe districts was not only a voltim? as it mav seem, it im tht jtfst and fairojie, but it had been made by one of the women was obliged to eat part tnc ncp oi me voies 01 lederal leaders of the dead bodies of her father and bro themselves, theh members of the legisla- ther, and another saw her husband's heart ture. The several districts were formed cooked! ft anht to be a verv fin nnnn. of counties conUguons to each other, and trv to iustifv an Pnonrp to u5i un ff of similar interests and pursuits; but it ines and horrors. 3 . . - - . " 1 . ! appears trie federal aspirants were not sat isfied with this. They wanted an arrange ment oi the counties that would give them mbre members or all, if possible; and accordingly they went to work in the last legislature to accomplish their object, and, in (effect, disfranchise the republican vo ters in JNorth Carolina. Ar.cnrrlincrlv hy broke up the old districts, and made new ones of all manner of sizes, shapes, an i forms, having no regard to the com pa :tness of form or the convenience of the people. For instance, one of these dis ricts begins on the Tennessee line, west of pe mountains, and extends east fully 13p miles down the Yadkin river. By this act of outrage, not only on the rights of the minority, but on the principles of the constitution, they succeeded in "gain ing" thifee more members, and came near "gfininjg" a fourth; but in all this they have not gained a single popular vote in the5 State. On the contrary, all the re turns show that the days of whigery are numbered in North Carolina, and that the unscrupulous leaders of a party that has sunk into a faction, will soon be called on to pay the penalty of their manifold sins. The result in the 9th district only shows thai the federalists were better drilled than their opponents. 0n the whole, the republicans of North Carolina, at no time since their reverse in 1840, have had such fair prospects of suc cess before them as at the present. The successful operation of the revenue act of 184$, so contrary to all the predictions of the federal whigs; the brilliant achieve ments of our armies in the just and una voidable war in whieh our country is now engaged; the "aid and comfort" which all the the whig leaders are affording to the comimon enemy by their speeches and writings; the ability and fidelity with which President Polk and his cabinet have administered the government, and the cohsequent general prosperity of the country, all are working changes in the minds of our people, and preparing the way for the downfall of whigery, and the re-establishment of republicanism in the Old North State. A North Carolinian. From the Union, NORTH CAROLINA ELECTIONS. To the Editor of the Union: ) 1 he representation of North Carolina in the last Congress consisted oi three feds and six republicans. In the next it will be reversed, and consist of six feds and three republicans. I see that some of the .ederal papers, are hailing this-hange as a gloriouswhiggain." In one sense, in deed, it may be considered a whig gain, .umucn as n gi ves them three more mem bers of Congress? but it should be known that this gain of three membersof Congress does not come from any gain in the popu lar vote of the State, The cause of this change m the political complexion of our cc-ngresssiana? representation is this. In the last legislature of North Carolina the Emigration to California . The Western Expositor, contains a letter writ ten by Peter Quivvey, of Jackson county, Mo., who went out last year with a com pany of emigrants to California. This let ter is dated on the 24th of March last, at lowpr Puebla. A party of emigrants who went out, or started,! with Col. Russell, suffered almost incredible hardships in the mountain, last winter, having been prevented from cros sing them by the snow. This company was composed of twen-ty-three wagons, and left Indian Creek on the 13th day of May, 1846. About a month previous to the date of the letter, five women and two men arrived at Capt Johnson's, the first house of the California settlements, entirely naked, and their feet frost bitten. They stated that their com pany had arrived at Tntckey's Lake on the east side of the mountains, and found the snow so deep that they could not travjel. Fearing starvation, sixteen of the strongest (eleven males and five females) agreed to start for the settlement on foot After wandering about a number of days, bewildered, their provision gave out. Long hunger made it necessary to cast lots to jpee who should be sacrificed to makie food for the rest, but at this time the weaker began to die, which rendered the taking of life unnecessary. As they died, the company went into camp and made meat ot the dead oouies oi uieir companions. JNine ot the men a icq, ana seven were eaten. One of the mew was carried to Johnson's on the back of an In dian . From this statement it would seem that the women endured the hardships Jjetter than the inen, as none of them died. The company left behind numbered sixty aoulsy ten of them men, the Offers worn New and Beautiful Spring andt Summer MIL LIJYER Y, JfTrs. HOWVtRMP, IT S just received her Spri ng supply of Goods, whieh as usual comprises a general assortment of the most neat, use ful and ornamental articles, in the Millinery line. All of which will be sold on her usual liberal and accommodating terms. Tarboro', April 34, IS47. i Just Received, AND FOR SALE BY IIBMOGERS & M'EJYBER, 3500 lbs Hahimore castings, consisting of pots, ovens, spider and skillets, A L(), a large quantity of Swedes Iron, from 14 inches to 8 inches wide; round and square do.; nail, rod, and hoop do; German Steel &c. &c.o Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, Mrs. Miller's SnufT, Stocked and unstocked Ploughs, HeeFs, points and wings, Spades, shovels and hoes, Collins broad and narrow Axes, Chopping Hatchets of all sizes. Cooper's tools of every description Tarboro', April 6, IS47. I it? many hieh handed tha reckles, tfwitjr, under the influence ofj M unscrUpu0tIS leaders, one was the heme of breaking up the then exiiK ongressional districts as thew natter the apportionment of the lastfand children. They were i eamp aoomt The Graefenberg Vegetable Pills. 20,000 boxes sold eanh and eve ry week ! ! rw HE GRAEFENBERG COMPANY hereby give notice that their General Agent for the State of North Carolina is Col. Wm. Jones, Louisburg, Franklin county. The General Ao;ent is fully prepared to appoint sub-agents wherever there is no branch of he Company; either on person al application or by mail, post paid. The rapid sale of these celebrated Pills, and the extraordinary cures they are constantly ef fecting, render them, by far, the most pop ular pill of the age. An Agency will con sequenily be very valuable. The Graefenberg pills are inconceivably superior to any ever before discovered. In all bilious complaints; in general derange ment of the system; in all disorders which result from a bad state of the blood, these pills are a sovereign remedy. , In the class of diseases called chronic, the Graefenberg pills achieve their highest triumphs. Here they defy all competi tion. Entering within the hidden recesses of the system, they quietly but surely pu rify the blood, root out disease, and give tone and vigor to the body. CURES are const zntty EFFECTED By thee pills, in cases where every other means had utterly failed, The most abun dant proof of this could be given, hut a tri al of one box will convince the paiient. They can be ordered and sent by mail, at trifling expense. The price is 25 cents a box. Where two dollars worth are order ed and money remitted, the Company will pay the postage on the pills Remittances at the Company's risk. Wherever there is no Agency of the Company, they can be ordered by mail. These pills are taking the place of all others, and no sick person ahould be with out them. JILL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, Bowel complaints, constipation, Dys pepsia, Fever $ Ague, Headache, Jaun- dice, Liver uompiainis, nneumaiism, all stomach complaints, green sickness, &c &c. yield at ooce to these pills. They purge away offensive humors, arrest the progress of disease, and at the same time restore tone and vigor to the system, in eases of general derangement of the health, they are sovereign. BY THEIR USE, the weak will become strong; the pale and bilious complexion be restored to a perfect ly fresh and healthy color; alt the bad symptoms will one by one disappear. In snort, these pills are an inconceivable advance upon any other medicine ever be tore offered to the ptiblic. A thai will ATFT AST ONE Ot. fBlS. . a KO. HO WARD, Agent. . ST. lL li ' ; 7 Commercial Bank Or WILJIINttTOi t:&:t WT having been decided by the Board of Directors of this Bank to commeee operations on Monday the 9th dav of Au gust next, nbiice is hereby given that the hooks of subscription for the rapital stock thereof will he finally closed on Monday the 2d day of August, at 12 o'clock V. Mr. Jas M. Redmond is authorize'! to receive subscriptions to the Capital stock of this Bank, until Tuesday the 28th inst. O G, PARSLEY, President. July 1st. 187. 28 'A important to Mill uwneva Vertical water Wheel. "N consequence of the verv great popu larity which these Wheel have attain ed hv the use of nearly 4000 of them - in different parts of the count. y,,the nhac?i hers have fold about 100 Uights in North Carolina, 30 of which are in full and sue cesful operation in Cumberland county When properly introduced, they nearly double the value of the Mill, and in qoan tily of work generally far exceed the MMlt ang'iine expectations of the owners, mauy of whom are gentleman Hist inguished for their science and practical skill, who have att'S'ed to the value of this rmpiovement The wheels are more durable, and more easily kept in order, when properly put to gether, than the common Klutter Wheel They will save one third of the water, and run well in back water wnen there is a head above. The speed of the saw. is in creased to more than double the stroke. per minute. The price of an individual right for one pair of Wheels is $50 We refer, among others, to the follow ing gentlemen, some ot whom have had the wheels in operation 12 months or more, and from many of whom we have received certificates highly approving of these Wheels, and Slating that their saws, with this improvement, cut 2500, 3000, 3500, and even as high as 5000 feet a day, and save one-third ot the water. FayeTtEville. Lenoir. A Graham Thomas Rouse Cumberland. Mr Lassiter Col Alex Murchison Jones. Christopher Muuroe James Mc Daniel Alex Williams Craven. Col A S McNeill John Bryant Furquhard Smith Columbus Lot V tfttarrson Robeson. W C McNeill Richmond. PROSPECTUS OF The Hornet's Nest. To be published meekly in Newbernf N. C, 7 31 Per Year. John Mc Daniel John Evans J W Howell Bladen. Oen James McKay John C McLaurin Robert Melvin S N Richardson Thomas C Smith Isaac -W right John Smith Sampson, O T Barksdale Patrick Murphy John H Spearman Hardy Royal New fanoVer. James Murphy Charles Henry. Onslow. Robert A man. Greene. Thomas Hooker. Beaufort, B. Runyon, Mr. Arnold. Duplin. Lewis Hering, James Jarman, Daniel Moore, Edgecombe, John L Fai Hey Anson A Buochum J R Rted. Millwright Caswell' J T Dodson. Millright Guilford. Dr Faulk Chatham. Cole & Btantljf Smith & Pullen N. Cleg. Wake: S. Beasly , ' Johnston. J. T. Leach. Guilford, Dr. Faulk 8. Pitt. JoJn Joiner, Dr. Robert and Rich'd Williams. Wayne. J J. Baker, Wm. N. Barnes. " , Troboro', July 2, Wm. Pender. Besides many others in different parts of the State. Whh such a deservedly 'high character, the Subset ibers feel justified in offering the?e Wheels to the Public Thev will sell individual or County rights on reason- a aai i i aoie terms. i ney also seep constantly on hand for sale Pairs of Wheels, varying in size to suit different heads of water,) in this place, Wilmington, Washington and Newbern and also for sale by James T. Dobson, Caswell county. They caution ail persons through the Slate from paying any persons but our selves or our authorised Agents for the right of using these Wheels. ' notice; to millwrights u you wish employment, acquaint yourselves with putting in these Wheels, as we now wish to employ at lesst 100 in this business m different parts of the Slate. DtfscAN McNeill, ARCH'D McIOGHLIN, A. A. McK ETHAN Faveffeville. Jan. The publication of two papers in this town, would seem lo fnfbidthe atiempt to establish a third; but how well soever they ansBc ihe object of their proprietors and patrons, it has struck some one mind, that there exists a desideratum in periodical or newspapoi ial literal ore to be filled. Man is no better than he ought to be consequently not o ch. eHul and happy as he mighl be. We are perhaps as good na ttired and fuJtles in the ancient (?) Ath ens of the Old North State, as people are in otl.er Tavored spots; but there is nothing so good that it might not be better; and few are so happy, they might not be happier. There is a brnathifTg atler the palmy days of ibe Buzzard" of precious memory. We wart a ch-ck to still-walking, and a panacea lor the big head; an alterative, and and corrective for gossip, and a cure for slnder-a guide for m-n's manners a itiardian to ihe public morals - a spy upon the doings of Church and State and a com pletetantidote to tnnui The Hornet's Nest is designed to supply the desider atum. The MPboiPV" propose to commence the publieationof '.The Hornet s NesiV on a small sheft. at the low p. ice 5$1 00 per an um in advance, a- soon as the subscription Ie4 will justify the expense. The friends of good order, good morals . and good jok ing, will oblige ihem by extending its cir culation It is the desire of those concerned in its management, to hold intercourse with all persons disposed to aid and patronise Th Hornet's Nest,' ihro the medium of epistolary correspondence alone; there fore all communications intended lor pub licaiion. or on business, will oe addressed to ihe editor of "The Hornet' Neat,' and left at the New Berne Book-Store, until further orders. (O Editor copying the above, and re ferring io it editorially, will be entitled to an exchange. . Recommended by the Faculty : , Drs. A. Sf J HarrclV CELEBRATED PREPARED JVf EmCItfgS. THESE NEW AND PLEASANT KEMEDIE COMPKJSE Their Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills for the cure of fevers, liver affections, jaun dice, headache, loss of appetite, eosttveness female complaints, and every disease with in the reach of human means. Alterative Extract of Snrsaparilla and Blood Root, for scrofula, or king's white swelling, pains in the bones, ulcerous sores, eruptions of the skin, rheumatism, syphili tic and mercurial affections. &c. Concentrated Extract of Ruchu and Uva Ursi, for curing diseased urinarv or gans, such as gravel, morbid irritation and chronic inflammation of the kidneys, ure trus, bladder and urethra: also, diseases of the prostrate gland, loss of tone in passing erine. cutaneous affections & rheumatism. Febrifuge, or Camomile Tonic, for the cure of all debilities, loss of appetite, but especially for Fever atid Ague, for wbjch ij has been more particularly prepared. Anti-spasmodic or Camphorated Cor dial, designed to cure excessive vomiting, diarrhoea cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pain in the stomach, rramps, hysterics, cpl ics, hvpocondria, spasms, con vulsions, and muttering delirium in the low formn of bili ous fever. ! t is a fine substitute for paregoric Cough Mixture of Carrageen Moss and Squills, (or the cure of diseased lungs, chronic affections of the stomach and bow els, and all diseases produced by sudden S-. . . . cnanges in temperature Superfine Tooth Powder, (or caring and hardening the gums, cleaning, preserving and keeping white the teeth, and for sweet ening the breath. The above preparation are offered to the public generally and Ph sicians especi ally, not a nostrums, or panaceas, but a neat and convenient preparations, made, on strictly scientific principles. For sale by GEO. HO WAR If. February 23. Sappiiigtou on Fevers. Constables' Monks for sale. AT THIS Officii. 1JIHIS work is now offered to Ihe public ' for sale A full disclosure of the component part of his Anti-Fever pills is given in this work, together with directions for making ind using them on all occasion. The price -of ihe Pills is reduced to 75 cents per bo and of the Books to $ I per copy. JJA freak uppy of the above Pi Ha just received and for sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', July IO. 1