in: uip uypj uuiuj inioiuii wii uiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii tiumiT MM mwm mm w Mil I luilirti Tir': ; . U mm I ww wmiwi yutitil Mi MM I Ihrfflfl m mMrnM . r 1flrr-f miT maTrfwarfTni in utiiii i-irr"rt,g"J,aM1MMM',''MaMl"e't: """ IF,lif'wr'"""rmH)vii Tai-borough, Edgecombe County, J CSaturday, JfanuaYy 8, 18 18. "'rninii r -Triwf llic-Tcrboroiigh Ifrcss'i . . , Br -tl aoKGB Upward, Jr. 1 i Is bMblisherf ' -wwkly- at Two Dollars ner venr if tviur in advance or, wo u i lars ami FJhj Cents at the expiration of the subscription ypyrr- ' , - ! Arlveri iementf'' not Pxcpeding a square will be inserted. nl One 'Dolltiriiti fiit in sertion, and 25 cents for every succeeding, one. Longer aitvcrtiseaienls-at that rate per. square;- ' Court 0 ders and Judicial ad vcrtisement 25'per cent, hither. CHEEUING NEW FOR "CO'nSO MP Mi? Julia AS PVoodfordrsayswz h terto Dr Xtyne dated, uy . . f! Naupttick, Conn., Sppt. !30; ' I am 'using your1 ALTKRA PF VE. wi'h ood effect for a!! Scroftdons aflfciMioo ur.(Uir vvhich I have been-v suffering; for'the last 'en 'year." : And after l'Spribing her situation, and asking ? for -further 1 advice. rroes to sav: vVe have used a ;jreat deal of your medicine" in my father's family", and have known them to make great 'cures. Aba M five years since,- mv " brotherwus ve-'v ik wit h what' wa 'imposed t) be COVSlTMpriOV. The h st plnsic'ian in the place wai called in'.' (we Xvere' tlien in Cabot ville, Mas ,) and he!camef! do hot know just bow long;. Wit for a great many days. anl brought wifb him other phsi cians but still he grew worse. . Yhvy at'lasf give him over, said lh' V could io nothing more for him lli ft he masf die Ve "watched'over hi or hour after hour, ex pectihg that every breath rVvould! be Ids last ' At length one niht a gentleman called to see him. and spoke' of D. J YEN KXPEOTOUAN T; sVt.l that hf thought that he ws too far gone to live, but that there-could be no harm in' trying it 'I'he same night we sent to Spr ngfi' l' and obtained a h6iIe. and comme'iped giving it to hmi. with hut lirt'e hope- of its having anv eflfect. His physician called next day" at his tnu d hour, and tht no mfnt' he ontered the room pronounced hirn hotter. We sent' for more of t he Expec torant, and g.ive him th?t and nothing else until heuv w entirely cued. He took t . entv ;seven bottles, and his health t)as oeen bfitPr jince t':aniLAsJ2riiuleJtisl siknes He is now in : rlopUio-iville, K-., attending to. his business ' Hesp'-ct-iully, your s , - ' JUL LI 1 IVOODFOM). Prppnred only bv Dr I). Iayne, IMiila dcipltia, and sold on agr-nry hv , GEO. ' HO IV J1R D. Tarlnro;, Noy- 9t . :v 1, Names and Prices of Dr D Jaync's F VM1LY MEDI INE, viz: Jayne's Expectorant, per bottle, $ 00 Hair Tonic. - . 1 00 Tonic Vermifuge, 0 25 Carminative HaJam, large, 0 50 " 44 ' small, 0; 25 ; Sanative PiMs, pr box, . 0 25 American Hair Dye, 0 50 ( Alterative, - 1 00 A true Pilfs. - 1 00 Fufsafe in Tarbnro'by 'GEO. HOWARD. October 5,1847. ' : ,' t r.'l r D I S i A s E O F T H E K 1 N'J ' Though th'" remote or primary causes of hkin'clisease may be! various, as I ni pu rity of the 7 Hloodj.tlivr ; j,;omplaius. Scrofula, &c.'4 &c.,-yet the. immediate c-ue is alwavs t!e same, and that is an obstroc ttbiV in the pores of 'he skin," by 'whtch'the p TspifatioTiv in its passage5 fro ni :the bo I v. is am s'ed-'ahd eoidined in and tinder the kin, causing an intolerable itctdng, or . an eruption, of Pimples, Pustule", .Ringworm, Pettrr; Sah Rhtun, &c. ; c., , n t. For all hhe-e aflfeciions Jayne's Altcr i- i or. mmj f 3 I - ! i- PREMUKN PS MESSAGE. continued from last No.) - -rjfWe are indebted to the Newbernian, for the following abstract of the latter part live hits beenfouud an inVidiiable remedy, of the Message, which we regret that - we it removes both WprimYtr as5 well a fcannot conve?nentlv insert atx length.' -T. ; ' f immediate 1 pansyspur i ! v rf g M t h a the hldod,'eut ing the Liver, t'omplajnl, r-aud effectually' eradi at tng Scrofula ; j liom ,hc system, .while, at the same litre it free the pores of th'ur obstructing ivjatt r, ani heals the diseased sutfJceV (J' The work qoes f'ravey on," . The .following is fium.the !ev. John R. Corney,.jr. , t Trent on, ' V..T',, ()et, 3st, lttl. . Dr !). Jay ne -rl).jir ir I am exP em ety happy in heiiig aid- to inform you tht I h';tve entire! v r ro e: e I my h; alth. from using your E.rpcc oraut I have -utre.rediwith'-a fever.- i-t.oo, p;dn;in m. beas', nod gn-at prostration, of .-trcng! for the last, eighteen OiMiths, so that,, I was compelled to relieq-jisii in V 'cii it g o' a chori h -which I hcld in this , j)l I had reordtna gx at iaY.;f-itTci . lit pre , c ipijors as v i) as the tlf u(hiii :e ufstv ral tespeotahle po ieiai:s.' but thi'S" die not ap'-ea to ieich mv oa--e I resrie o you Expeptoran?'- -th'uigh pei so iio? of Prober I 'at I; er VVooi, Mtiit tie use o; t hf ee hot t ies ha OM t ii e v cued tin?. : .-i Rpli-vng itttorh.t -et tf justice do to oursrlf.ias wf ii as to 't re :mil-.rU affli-'t1 drit.'doces'o e' lo' w - ile tlos. 7oo which von aie ?t fiber iy to uc as )'ou mav think pt ocr ; r;r ; . -Re-pectTunyit otif, :- ' ' ' ! ' '.fthi Ft. Comn.rJr. Prepared onh h I). . I).(.l yn i , Phil adelpMia. and sohlo' groev hv in I'.iom the Saturday Evening I'cjst. CA SCF.W. SCR-OFU :la a n D flO! Ti K Ample expT:0:ice has proved' that no con.hio ai iiot of meilieine l et ier been -o efficacious in te moving tl?r ibo e oi-e ises, a Dr .1 AYNMK AUTFUA i I VIZ I'. has effected cu r ts , .trul y V astoo is! . i n j, noi only of ("aneer, and ott er dis-a -rs of tli r cl ss. but h s removed the m'osi stubhoro (hs-as's of t'.ekSiiio, .'.. ve! ! ng Ltve The President thinks the difficulty vViih the Hrazillian government will be soon adjusted. Efforts are making for the'-adjustment of claims against the independent Powers of South America, and the friendly relations existing are favorable thereto. The governwent of Peru had paid two installments of. the indsmnity awarded otir citizens, and the claimants will ibe paid on demand. ; ; p He urges Congress to make provision thinks a branch mint at New Yo k desir able on account of. the large amount t of foreign coin received at that port, and ur gcsjts establishment. The public lands'which "will be surveyed and ready, for sale in, 1848, will be not less thn tcnsmillions of acres. The Pres ident .urges a modification of the pre"-emp- ;-iiP oo .r'-.-.-.i--, '; ,r Witt fil lion laws, so that they shall operate pros pectively, and thus give greater encourage ment to the opening and' settlement' of these, l,ands. Jle urges the - reduction -of the price of those lands which have been Iri; marked butiremain dmsbld -.vl U He repeals the recommendation f he made to;thc last 'session, to: establish a Ter ri t o rial go ye r n m e n t d n : Q rego n . , i O u r friendly (relations .yith t he. i. Indian tribes remain' undisturbed.-.; In addition to the number of war sleamers already; authpriz ed,, built and in course of construction, the President suggests that five more be added, making eighteen in all, which will be ;,pf great ser-vice after the war is at an end. ; Tj;e duties of the War and Navy :De- partments have been yery onerous,, .and if Pa? i Office J)eparJment,-r-The . ieporfc , of the Postmaster Gqnpral, which we (give,, in to-day's. paper, will he found, a highly - , interesting document ! It presents t..the. conditipn.of thePeparlment. in!,a,; most . favorable aspect,., reflecting .the, highest ccedit upon those, entrusted with its , man--, agemqnt, and furnishes, the most, ample . and concjtiye refutation to many kallega- 4 tions offmisconduct and . rnismanagcment . in, its administration. ., Of all the' Depart- , ments of the Government, therPost Office itnat which is brought most frequently and intimately into.cpnnection Willi tTie ' p c opl er atidi n wl osei regida rxa n d . -efli c i e n t action they arq most deeply . interested t Pe n e t ra t i n g a n d e x t e n iU tig i ri i t s ra hi i f i cations into every neighborhood through-' jout the Union, the slightest deratigemeet ' or irregularity in the workings of its vat and complicated machinery" is at once de- : tected, and this is but too frequently made the pretext for political vituperation, ? , and the Postmaster General causelessly' assail- -ed, while the delinquent: mail contractor i' is altogether overlooked. f ?! ; ? - f for the tri;:l of American citizens in China have been managed to , the President's guilty of offences, who agrcably to our satisfaction. . : treaty with that. power, arc-- amenable to I The revenue derived .from the ,; Post ihe laws of t lie U. S. Treaties with the Sublime Porje, Tripoli, Department- will ' be sufficient to meet its own demands. Our postal . ar- Punis Morocco and Muscat, hayoj b?cia rangements with Dremcn are satisfi.ctorv, nade, which require the action .of ..Con-j but they are-unsettled with Gieit Britain; gress. He asks for appropriations for opening and. the recommends that if the efforts of our Minister at that Court, fail diplomatic relations with the Pope of .to secure us an equal advantage with Rome, and the republics of Bolivia, Gaute-Gie t Britain in transporting the .mails .mala and Eucador. Also for an apprppri-: across the' Atlantic, that the Postmaster ation o be paid to the Spanish government j General unauthorized to adopt the, neces for distribution among the claimants in sary measures for so doing. Having gone "the Amistad case. " - j through the matters of business interest to For a detailed statement of the- Finan-' Congress, the Presidnet concludes his ces, he refers to the report of the Secreta-, Message with the following appropriate ry of the Treasury. The exibits of that . remarks: , , document ending -30th $ 1C.545 were expo exports of foreign mei chandiye. The receipts into the Tieasury for It will be perceived: from' the! report ts I that d uring the year ending 30th Jtine'last,!,; the extent of mail service was 3S,8S7,800 miles, for which was' paid -; S2,40G;SS,-,1 The receipts of the Department; .'for. ,tj.e' -same period were S3, 945,893,,. aud thei 5: expenditures 3,9,79,570, being an excess of expenditures of only 33,677. , - - -'v,.-". 1- f,;, ; . 1 f .. ..- much better than was anticipated" . when the law reducing postages went into oper ation., t he receipts for the current year, arc est i ma ted at , $4 ,3 10,1 57 and 1 ' the ,ex- v penditurcs S4,099;20Ge leaving a surplus ' of S2i3,95i'. " -' ''-r : " Report of the Secretary of Tr. This , document states that, in ' cdnsCq'uence of the dispersed situation' of the f troops' : fnu'' , show thc impprts. for the ycarj 'In view of the exist ing state of our the service, accurate statertVents codlll not ' June, 1817, were valued .at' country, I trust it may not he .mappropri-' be returned by the Adiutant General:"huY':U ,fi3S; of that amount, 28.UO.15S ' ate, in closing this communication, to call.'.' from 'the' best "means of " lnformatioh : th'r" rtC(t.( l,he exports for t lesame to mind tnc words 01 wisuom ana; aamoni': oggregaie lorcc is estimated at 43,586;' ot 1 p- 8,Cfi3 2iel4i?3 m r;.tiet.4.iv Ci ho-fi rt and'uVost iRtisidus;-ofn j pfedecessyrs, in las farewell address1 to 'ii is remainder volunteers. Of 'this number' the countrymen. '"" : there are under Gen. ScottV' in?i garrison, ; of- . -Tliat greatest and '"besp'of men, who &.c.6nthe ! line, 32,15.7. !' Under '-Gen. ' same period, were S25. 340,790, 37 ets. wliich S-3.747. SG I.S5 cts. were collected served his country so long, and lored it so Taylor 6,747.' In Santa Fc,' and' that see-' from the customs. The nclt revenue much; foresaw; wirh' '''-"serious - concern," - tion 3,634. In California about 1,000. from the customs for the year ending Dec! the -danger to our Union "df ciiaraclcriz-' Allowing for deductions' by ; reason of 1st, 1S47, was about 31, 500,000 v being ing parties by geographical discriminations; sickness and other casualties, the efTectivoT an increase over the last year under the. northern and southern, Atlantic- and I force is considerably below- thisoestiiiiatc.;. Tariff" of IS 12 of more than gS. 500.000. western whence TbT- designing men may The expenditures for the year ending endeavor to excite a belief that there is a Married TVomen in - Vermont, 0th June, IS 17, were $59. 15 1 ,1 77.65 cts... real difference' of local interests and views," j Vermont legislature has nassed f' an ici Co nplaint, Dvspcpsi . &e' &c. P;-i me.:-1 including r3,522,0S2,37 cts, on account and warned his countrymen against it. ! providing'th'at all "real "estate and thej A New Arrangement.; . q From Rorkij Mount to Washington , "P:)'M MENCKn running on the 1st1 in s ant under the new schedule, viz: lea ving Uocky ' Mount on 'toh'd'ys W'edne tla s. aod'Fridavs.t 6 oclocU. A.4 M'.anc " - " . " ..'. ;, ,:., ..... .. ; iiik'i mill" v uu iii;ti arriving at VVashihgton 'bfeforeM'o'eloch; ic which 1 obtained P. M. same day leaving1' VVah.ngt(m; at ha proved most sat r i o'clock, A. Ml' oVi 'Sundays;' rue days. JV hai had, for a h ami hnrsdny, 'and arriving at Kocky Mount before 5 o cloefc-4? M.hi time for psl3nger3 oihg' Nolh to tke th& Wi'l mintrin-trtin:of cars the same day. The farpiwill be reduredfrom VV'ashing-. ton to -Rocky Mount lo $5; 50, viz: r From Washington to Greenville "358 00 ' -'Greenville to-Tarbbro' - 2 00 " Tarboro? to Rockv Mount 1 50 For seats, &c a'pidy to Benj. M Selhy, ihintiton -(i'dd Koy t, (Ireenville and at the Pririli'ng'ptlife in Tarhoro'. I he snljscri hAfvvil! riqtVonsjjdcr himself responsible for pickages, &C- snnt .by stage, unless ehlered on the way bill.7 ' ; GEO JlQfVtftD.. Tarboro', Nov.,4, 1847. ' , .V ' lcine enters mt ) JhtJ. circiil it'O'i, n!i;l vv.v caw di-e ?c v bei pvcj .loc-ited It p oift s the blood and o-hi r fluids of the h xlv, re inove.H ob-tl tiiMiifilfn "th'tippr !.s of the skin and re-luces the ej.j .rgcme.ul.s of the glands or bones h incn'aisu's 1 iheq;et tie, rer mo'e-i he id.udie nod dro winrs!,' . and in-vigorat-s ihe whole s stem, and in pu t ant'iiiatitii to .the diseased rand" dei'dliiated constitution .There is no'hiog superior o it in, the whole niatetia meuica. It ir perfectly ?afij and exfem' Iy ple.-sir.t, and has nothing f iJie,.disgusting , nausea ac company log the id.t a of -su a.lovwing medi cine. N0-TAP0il0GY FOR AVE A ill NO A : wit;. Hadfloi. field, N. .).. Ftb. 2d. 1S46. Dr :. Iayne: Sir- 1 luke great pleasure in informing w on that ihe bottle of llu: 'Von of yoo . last October, sfdciorv and successful. ong time been exceed ing! v ihin, but for two or three yers past it hail so fallen out that hy head had be come almot entirely bald. II was under the necessity of concealing th.e baldness, by Tombing ihe'.h&ir On the sides over it. Mut now, alter using a botl le ot lhetTonic, jl have as luxuriant a growth of hair as I ever had. 1 , Ct;, PARK. Late Pastor, of t.hq Papt; ,atPliad h 1 a C M bnfielil N.tJ.i-J U :i M Prepared only by Dr, D .layrie, Phila- uelphia. and solo on agency ny t r ' t ii u n ri a u. Tarboro'. Nov. 9n&47'." of public debt, principal and interest, . in- So deep and solemn' was his conviction of;rents issues' and profits which may:, have eluding treasury notes redeemed. the importance of the Union and of' pre-fbelonged Vo'a woman before marriage or.-:-; The estimated receipts from ciis'.oms, serving harmony between its different; which she may inherit during ) marriage, sales of lands, &c, including the balance parts, that he declared to his countrymen ( shall be exempt from attachment or levy in tliQ treasury on the 1st July last, or the in that address, "it is of infinite moment j"for the sole debts of her r husband,, and . year ending June 30th, 1S4 8, will be $42 r that you. should properlyrestimafe theiim no transfer; of either made by the hus- , j 8S6,545,S0 cts , and the expenditures "for. mense value ofyoiir national; Union to band shall be validj vinless she shall sign. a-.- j the same period' if the Mexican war con- your collective and individual, happiness; ideed." Married women are also authoiized .r.-J tin ucs and is prosecuted as proposed,- vill that) you should cherish a cordial, ; habitual Q devise property by will. 'Suit,'.- s amount to 5S, 6 15,660,07 cts. - land immovable attachment to itj accustom-! On the 1st inst., the public debt actually ing yourselves to think and. to speak of it, incurred including treasury notes, 1 was as a palladium cf your political safety, and IVho wants a ' Crown. The sale of his cro w n b v the Du ke of Kbc6a.r for t wel ve 45,659,550,40 cts., which includes the prosperity; watchingTor sits preservation bunclre'd thousand Iivre's of '? rent, ' is : the public debt due on ihe-4th March lS45. of with jealous ; anxiety; , discountenancing briiiiant;acbievemehtwhieh Paris has last S17,7S8.799.62 cts. To meet the -expend Whatever may .suggest eyenva suspicion -dmiredf Jtis everyway, a gain to the ditures of theremainder of the fiscal year that it can in any event be abandoned; and T;jt .Sovprpitrn Nnhndv wn pi-p. . ! .1 1 PL .1 . " ending 30 th June IS 4S,a loan of glS,500,- indignantlyTrowning upon the first dawn- ike,y to hegir of him as one of the Series 000, will be required If a. duly on tea ing of every attempt to alienate any v-POJV,of.Grand: Dllke8 0f,Lucca, Every ,hody and coffee should be imposed, theprices of tion of our country trom the rest,, or .to,wil the man thai sold .his. , the public lands bcreduced;and. gtaduated, enfeeble the sacred tics-which , now Jink throne ,nd madea d trade ofiLAsa i) . 7---. - - ct ' T i Tfl . i .l. .,4:l.. :. i.. u ii, : , : and me nnuiary p.Hiiuuuuuvuiau, upou ogemex in., V(111VuS,fm,,.;;. :, ..,r government Lucca Ws to him a ncst,of Mexico be increased, so much would not be, .After; the lapse of half a century, these , trouble9j wUh a perpetual prospect' required. Shoitldhe war continue until 'admonitions ol Washington fill upon us, f a9sass;nation Us? territorV 'was but' ' June 184 , additional loan oi leagues, square, and, its . population " 000, would be. required, if those, plans to to estimate 4he "immcnce, vtilue of our QnQ niluhcd anU forty-five thousand.' "He increase.the not adopted. ,; The glonousUnion of confederated, States, to v ljasso!d cvery leagucto.the Duko of Tus-': President. only asks.Tqr the first, loan -at; which we are; so much indebted, for . pur! thernfor,;for about' fortv thousand u -i .... .. - - . ,. . - , . TURNER'S 'NORTH CAROLINA ; For 18 IS: For sale hv k GEO. FIOIVARD. November) I847.vl l "f" Constables" til auks for sulc, AT TIIIS OFFICE. rwiHE; Subscriber informs ibe: Public, 'that he is now fu Hy prepared' to'1 Either on the plan. of drivingthe .pptsf or by, mud sills. , Commi,.ssiohcrp for.buihling Uridgep, or individuaU desirous of contrac ling for the same, ofany dimensions, will please addres the Subscribers fat . Hattlebo ro' P O. rklgecombe; county. jN, C. , , t SAM'L MAliSliBOURN. April 29, 1847. IS present. The President lauds much the Tariff of 46 attributing to it a powerful agency in the. general prosperity of the country, and he hopes that its principles have become the fixed policy of the country. Ke asks tor a amy in oe iaiu on iua uuu cuueu, being demanded by thecountry in a state of wafi and to prevent the augmentation of the public debt:7 When the war;v is over, he urges that, .the surplus in, , the treasury, be a sinking; fund, to reduce .the fundedndcbtjii:-- . ' U 'uir He thinks the "warehousing system," though newjn thisr country, , is , working well .j The SijfcjVeasurv, he J sfvs, " has been eminentlv.successful though some of the d et a il s, o f t h e la w require m od i fi ca t i on The mint and its branches coined the past year, upwards of $20,000,000. He said : that die princes and petty anonar.chs of the .Germanic Confederation areall in a, ' ' " ' -V. ' ."-..'' ' - fare of our common county. ' ' ' i - '- i r -Ji" fi"ctl 1 tt JAMES K. POLK. i;-'. Washington, Dec. 1847. ferment, anxious to sell out atth& rale,nd dying ;io go anu- live, iiKe genue- men of pleasure at Pa is, qnQprjn cely , in-t comes. Six,v Principalities, -Electorates, 4 I, ... 1 ' 1 l4.1- I growm in:Popuiaiion anu weaun, aim . tor: ,ivres of arjnual rent and every subject for all that constitutes a great.and ahappy ci ht (vanksofannuity per head.' "it is nation. . How animportant. are., all; bur i m . ' (iitierences ot opinion upon . minor ques tions of public policy , compared ,with its preservation; and how scrupulously should we a oid. all agitating topics yvhjch ujay tend to distract and divide us into con tending parties, separated by, geograplu cal line?, whejreby it may be weakened or endangered, ;, , ,r 't ; Invoking the; blessing of the Almighty Ruler of the Uniyere upon your deliber ations, it .will be my jiighest duty, no less than my sincere pleasure, td cp operate with you in all measures which may tent! to. promote the honor and enduring.yel- at the . . . - and Duchies are actually for sale present moment, subject onlyr tp the , ap-, proval of the Cabinet at yienna.,r ; A Sweet Tempered Girl: "Yu should never let the young men. kis&youf said a. venerable uncle to his 'pretty; niece. '. v ! ; "Pkhow-it,unbIeVreturned,she, ,pi-, :ebtiyiuand yet I try to cultivate a spirit of. kissed there is no undoing it." c f, i ". 4.4 , . h ft ' f v a-: i !:'s:" v.';;t V'-T".' : j'f ' . r -. . .. i 'i :t. .r -. '!. ' . 7 . I" A-1' I ' I 4 ;t , ', t 1 'j -fii ' j j 1 i w,5 .IN: V! ' , - it", : t .. "! ( rf "!' !'1: i'v: i f, p- ' s" -i. it,- ; !,'. lb , i ' " f I , e if 'I 4 l"lf it:. i !;-: (. to U ! ; ff'i' i ' t 5 V i : 1 I' i

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