i tlllllliij m miirii tt 3 Lnji 1 'Fid! hnttnri liiimllllinultllOiiiill V . . . v . i J . IV tolc.Yo. 1 143. Tarborough, Edgccontbe Comity wYL V. Saturday Jflareli IV 1 848. 1 ii Villi iff loi. Will. wVo. ! 1 r UllMl jj1 in up mi MM imlll n; rat li trmnntnlmrt liimni iminnf l m ! i ,JIB i. ..mi mi i.b iimiiiiio i.hii uuimfmwbwi, ' Bill iiiin iimimimi iimmmml iniJUim m 1 1 ' 1 JJ ' ' ' ' ' " ' . , - - ' ' ' T " ' - i i BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Is published weekly at Two Dollars p t yer if paid in advance-or, Two Dollaks awd Firrv Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one.1 Longer ones ai that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. ii i li i." .mi m Fare Reduced. Hp HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to $5 or, From Rocky Mount to Tarboro $1 50 t Sparta 2 00 . " Falkland 2 50 u Greenville 3 00 u " Pactolus ; 4 00 i ii Washington 5 00 Tarboro to Sparta . 0 50 . l Falkland 1 00 " " Greenville 2 00 For seats, &c. apply .to B. M. Selby. Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro February 1, 184S. Jayne's Expectorant. This medicine has already proved itself to be all that it has been recommended, by those who have given it a fair test in this country, and the demand for it increases daily. We have just heard of an impor tant cure of Asthma, which has been effect ed by the use of it, in a neighboring town the case was that of a female who had for a long time been under the care of a physician but had received no relief, and her case was considered hopeless. Asa last resort she purchased a bottle of Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, which caused her to expectorate freely, gradually ceasnd her cough, and is rapidly restoring her to health. We have no hesitation in saying) that this nrenaratinn of Br. Javne for cure of couchs. colds, influenza, asthma. . j sumptions, &c. is the most valuable medi cine ever offered to the American public. There is no quackery about it Dr. Jay tie is one of the most skilful practising physi- j cians in Pennsylvania; and wherever his'on ear you have lorn.eil as regards my various preparations have neen thoroughly tested, he is looked upon as a great public benefactor. Somerset (Me.) Journal. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM PLAINT may be cured with certainty, and at a trifling expense, by takiiiR every "'" J '" - ninht.at be-l.tirne.two or three of Javnc's;Presfnt o.orluruly to pas, by u i.houl re Sanative Pills, and a dose of either his AI-1 l,eat,ll8 10 -v0" wlul 1 have saKl ,0 olhcw terative or Vermifuge three times a day. This treatment never fails to cure. W BALD expressed false friend) is leaving them. Now this is a mistake; Jayhc's Hair Tonic, faith fully applied for a week, will preserve the Hair from falling off", remove all dirt and dandruff, prevent its becoming premature ly gray, cure eruptive diseases ofthe scalp, and still more, by its continued use re clothe the head with new and beautiful j)ajr r .i t i fv . t '' r, -i itrpitrcu oniy oy ur. U. JAYNE, mil- adelphia, and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro, Nov. 9. ELL, WELL! I'M- BECOMING : 7' ?n 01 m' ,"h?vc "P"'1 , and can t help it, is lrequentlv . , , r . . , . . . , by those whose Hair, (like a; . . , . ' , , '.Gen.. Taylor The following letter from Gen. Taylor to the Hon. Joseph R. Ingersoll, was read at a public meeting in Philadelphia, on the 22nd ult. by Hon. Washington Barrdw. Gen. Taylor now beyond dispute stands before the country confessedly "a whig in principle," and as such must be regarded by his supporters for the Presidency. Head Quarters r Army of Occupation. Camp near Monterey, Mexico, Aug. 3, 1847. - Hon. Jos. R. Ingersoll Dear S;r I have the pleasure (o ac- knowledge the receipt of your esteemed, and faithfuliy-io ih&iest oC my ability, in letter of the 7th ultimo, which has just accordance'with the principles of the Con reached me, in which you say, I had the stitution, as near aI-r.an do so, as it was honor of being called on last evening to address a mass meeting of the Whigs of the City and County of Philadelphia. At that meeting your name was1 frequently men tioned in connection with the office of Chief Magistracy. I stated to that meet ihg, as I had before stated in my place in the House of Representatives at Washing- j ton, that you were it Whig not indeed an J ultra partisan Whig but a Whig in prin ciple.' All of which Is entirely correct: and after the discussion which occurred in both houses of Congress' ai the, last session, growing but bf Ihc'cnpitufation'of Monte rey, in which discussion y ou thought pro per to defend my conduct in regard to that transaction, when assailed somewhat, hot ent.rely on party grounds, in the House of which' ybu were a memberfor which you have my sincere thanks which was done in such a way by those who disap proved that measure 1 cttn hardly imag ine how any one who was present and heard the speeches on that occasion or read them lifter they were published could welt mistake the complexion of my polities. At the last Presidential canvass, with out interfering in any wny with the same, it was well known to all with whom I mix ed, whigs and democrats, for 1 had no con cealments in the matter, that 1 was decid edly in favor of Mr.' Clay's election, and would now prefer seeing in that office to any individual in the Union; certain! much more so at anytime to my.seIC In dependent of his great talents and long ex perience in government affairs. I consider hi views and those of the whigs, for the most part, are more nearly assimilated as regards political matters to those of Mr Jefferson than their opponents in whose political creed I was reared, and whosi opinions in matters of State I have never lost sight of, as well as endeavored to con form to them as near as , circumstances woultl permit. My commission as a Lieutenant in .ihe Army was conft-rreil hy him a short time before he retired frorr. Although no one can appreciate ir.i. highly than 1 do the too favourable opin- fitness for the first civil office in our coun try (which I consider, should I reach it, is rather too much of an experiment) as well as duly grateful for your aid in bringing me so promptly before the nation for the 7 : . I . .i... in respect to the subject ofthe Presidency which is, that 1 am no politician. Neat territory, I may well say constantly on duty; the two last in Mexico or on its im mediate bonier; during which time 1 have not passed one night under the roof of a house. You may, therefore, very readily sup- . Pose ulK,er sucn circumstance, i nave nut .little time to devote to the consideration ! or investigation of meat political Questions 1 I . . I or subjects, or to their discussion, nor have I attempted to do so, or to be mixed up with political men or measures in any way, not ever having voted for one of our Chief Magistrates since I joined the army, hav ing for the most part been serving or sta tioned beyond the limits of the States. , I must say I have no wish for the Presiden cy, and cannot consent to fee exclusively ... the candidate of a party.. And if I am one at all, or to be made so t the coming elec tion, it must be home in mind that I have been, or will be made so by others, with out any agency of mine in the matter. Independent of my wishes, I greatly doubt my want ofthe necessary qualifica tions to discharge the duties properly, of an office which wa4 filled and adorned by a Washington, a Jefferson, as well as sever al others, of the purest, wisest, and most iircomhlished statesmen and Datriots of this or any other age or country. I almost nia contains betiveen four and five millions tremble at the thought of the undertaking, of square miles, and New Mexico near two Yet if the gobd people think proper to ele-j hundred millions square miles, the whole vate me at' the proper time, to the highest! expense of the war and the fifteen millions office in their gift, I will feel bound to j besides, make an JnsignificanV sanr, wWn serve them, if not from inclination from aicontrasted with the great value of the ac principie of duty, and will do so honestly j quisition. The beautiful bay of San Fran- ' .U.'J i ' IU 4 J Al'.. , -: -J.: i U -i i- .i -r . . . ' construed and acted on by our first Pre sidents) two of whom, &t least, acted so conspicuous a part in aiding in completing that instrument, its wcllras putting it in op eration. : ' ! u-i . - ' 5 :;: - .. r; ;, But iory many importan.t changes may take -place t, home and; abroad, between now and the time for holding the election for your , next, Chief Magistrate; so much so as to make it desirable for the general good, that some one with more experience in btatc auajrs, should be selected as a can didate than myself; and could he be elected 1 will not ,sav I would yield my pietep sions for I have not the vanity "to believe I have any for that distinguished station, but would acquiesce, not only with pleas ure, in such ah . arrangement, bui would rejoice that the Republic had one citizen more worth)' and better qualified than 1 am to discharge the important duties ap pertaining to that position; and no doubt there are thousands. Be this as it may, if ever I occupy the White House it must be by the spontane ous movement of the people, without any action of mine in relation to it; without pledges other, than I have previously stated; a strict adherence to the provisions of the Constitution;' so that I could enter on the arduous and responsible duties appertain ing to said office untrammelled; so that I tould be the President of' the country and j notofapaity. j With consideration of great respect and j esteem, 1 remain your obedient servant, 2. TAYLOR. The following letter of a later dale, from Gen. Taylor, was also read at the ibove meeting. Uaton Rouge, La, January 20ih, 1S48. . Sir: Your communication . of the 15th instant, has been received, and the sugges tions there offered duly considered. In reply to your inquiries, I have again; to repeat, that I nave neither the poweiv , . . , , .... - ' . . 4 ... ... A . States who have recently settled in Califor- nor the desire to dictate to the A mei ican ... , i4 . . . , ... . - 1 nta. Wre shall probably not be far out the people the exact manner in which they' . , . . - . . , , . , r .i way if we call the population of these tast should proceed to nominate me for the. J. 1 ' , , , , . V - . T? .. , c;. Tr ,, 1 regions at present, one hundred thousand." rrcMticncv of the United Sutes. If they. . v . . ,e A. : ... . i i ! We cannot undertake to vouch for the desirc such a result they must adopt the! . , . . ,r . . . r J . accuracy of these statistics. We give means best suited, in their opinion, to the J . .. .. . . r , 1 i t .i them as we get them, without subjecting consummation of the purpose; and it they ... r " . . t . , r !L r . ?them to the rigid test of analysis. But if think fit to bring me before them for this J , . , i . ! they approach even the truth, we shall ob- office, through their legislatures, mass . . ,r ....... , . . .. tain a considerable indemnity, after paying meetings, or conventions, I cannot object; iL' to their designating. these bodies as whig, democratic, or native. But in being thus nominated 1 must insist on the condition and my position on this point is immutable that I shall not be brought forwaid by them as the candidate of their party, or considered as the exponent of their party . " . " doctrines In conclusion, 1 have to repeat, that if I were nominated tor tne r resiliency, oy any body of my fellow citizens, designated by any name tney mignt cnoose to aaopi, I.should esteem it an honor,and would ac- cept such nomination; provided it had been made entirely independent of party con siderations. 1 am, Sir, Very respectfully. Your obedient servant. r QQrrn V.n Phil J.lrhi. PTer SfLVK Smith, Esq., Philadelphia. Z. TAYLOR. From the Union. The Treuy of Peace. Wd will not expatiate upon the amount of indemnity whfch the treaty is said to se cure to us. Taking the data which rumor allows as the elements of 'calculation, we ay acquire a- territory greater in extent an any country in Europe except Rus- m th sia. But upon this point, we will do the New York Globe the justice to say that its statements of statistics are more accurate than the others which we have felt it our duty to correct above. The following is the extract from ! the 4G lobe" upon this point: ; ! The fifteen millions we are to pay Mex ico is considered hy some too great a sum. But when we consider that Upper Califor- t;isco will beours.VH-Thi9 bay iis said to be large enough to contain the united navies of the v 'whole world. In bur future com merce between China and the East Indies and our western possessions, this ba' Nl he of immense value to this government. The sum' paid Mexico is a mere trifle, con sidering the magnitude of the acquisition. In ten years time the bay of San Francisco, and thirty miles, around it, could : be sold to a commercial company for three times the sum allowed Mexico. ! . rv. : ;! ' '''No1 matter what' 'others may say, we believe that the Whole of Mexico will ulti mately bb brought into our Union. We take a good slice now more than one third with but 'few inhabitants. In a few years Mexico will be knocking at our door for admission; and we will let her in. r o 'The ! following understanding bf the boundary proposed in the treaty, is taken from thp Express. If it is correct, we get more than at first supposed. , v ' - Square Miles. ' New Mexico Upper California Lower California Part of Sonora, say 200,000 376,000 57,000 22,000 655,000 - Total . .. or about 600,000 square miles, without Lower California, about which there are some doubts. v The remaining part of Mexico, which will be left for the territory of that repub- lie, will be about 900,000 square miles; consequently more than one third . of the territory of the American States, as it ex- isted before the war, (exclusive of Texas,) is to be ceded to the United States. 'From the most authentic accoQnts, thefac.et then take a common spike or some population ofthe acquired territory maysimi,ar Piece of iron, heat the point of it to j be set down as follows. 33,439 " 57 026 -; :: ; The Californias New Mexico Total . 90,465 lirT?. l,t nn.ot .rA n.Ak.Un n1r ! some additions4 for the tribes of Indians, stipulations ofthe treaty. ANNEXATION. The New York Tribune publishes the .. . . . . . . louowing leiegrapmc uespaicn irom vvasn- , mgton: Washington, IeU. 25; 184b. 1? hear that Captain Sibley has arrived with despatches from Gen. Wool, contain- ng propositions from the authorities f So- vnmuamia, vwnauuuu, i- M.w.., 3nd otne Mexican provinces, to be annex - ed to this countrv. Banks.'-TUc New York city corres- ponaeni ! me union ;ays; ,'eWuie: e tt ; - .! 1 number ot oanKs in tne yunneci states is Je and Hve u . n tfje co!d oup 0f solitude, 768. : with a ! capital of $20931,000.:.. to marrv m:srrv or wed woe I Tcnt3rreihl citiS comPrise 1 94-bank8' . i,arfer ofthe entire number, ! . With a capiul of 8136,547,000,. or nearly two-thirds ofthe aggrcRate capital. This shows that the banks average much larger individual capitals than those in the coun try. ; : ;! ... kw ; ? . The Neio Loan. A rumor has been started that the Rothschilds have offered j to take the new loan of sixteen, millions, The Union says:"We have niade inqui ries at the Department, and we understand that no such . proposition has been made at the Treasury. We attach no consequence to any such rumor, Jackson and Taylor on Mexico. Ten years ago, in 1837, in a special message, endorsed by both , houses of Congress, President Jackson declared that the injuries received from Mexico T would justify, in the eyes of all nations, immediate war To those injuries 'Mexico t added on trm i ng for war, a declaration of hostilities by her President, and an invasion of pur terri tory. Yet there are those among us who call this ani unjust and aggressive war; or. our part. . c&nnQt d9vibt laid Qen-l TaIbrOctpbdr, V1845, tKal tfiVsettle meht (with Mekico"3 will be" ereatl v laei 1 i tated and hastened by bur taking pbt.'S sion at once of one or two suitable points at or near the (Rio Grande) river.", r ' ."' Baltimore Sun. neutraL insurrection i h bdrrUceas.rXe learn from Capt. Hirtich; of 'the ISchr. ;Ibnel5 days from1 'Curraeba, that while there an insurrection broke but in Carraccas, which ivas rg6ing: onr with 'great violence. ' The blacks, Indians, and common people had arisen upon' the more5 respectable portion, ofthe community! drid many had been kil led J vessel loaded with passengers who had to escape for safety, came into Curracoa before' the tone v sailed.; An at tempt had been made to prevent all vessels frdm leaving Carraccas, bill our Consul give them to understand that if any of dur vessels Avere detained he would ha'e our ships of war there to blow up the place. 1 By this arrival we learn that 'great com mercial distres prevails in all the British West Indies markets "were dull and mon ey scarce. The French Islands are conse quently glutted with produce. Suicides There were 106 suicides in the State of New York during the year 1847 an increase ot 42 over tne previous year. ' .: - - To cut glass with a piece of iron. Draw with a pencil on paper any pattern to which you would have the glass con form; place the pattern under the glass, holding both together in the left hand, (for the glass must not rest on any plain sur- reuness, anu apply u to me eoge oi me glass; draw the iron slowly forward, and tne ege f he t glass . will, immediately crack; , continue moving Uc) iron slowly j over the glass, tracing the pattern, and- the nliinlr in ikn !aca will fnliniv nf llif rti. tance of about! half an .inch., ia tvery direc- - v. . It may somtjlurieSTjeToilna requisite, how- v.,v . f ; ever, especially in fornung corners, tc ap- ( , v; r ' J-i - ply a wet finger to the opposite sine of Hie m ?i i ' i glass, tumblers and other glasses may , . ; ' ; r , i. be cut or divided very fancifuly by srmr- , rpv . . . j lar means. The iron must he reheated as r. .L u' i ' often as the crevice in the glass ceases to r o a i follow Scientific Mechanic. - : - y . j ? A new light. A Mr. Staite is now , -v ' . .V .nw Ioctunn& ni England on his new mode of iisntine nouses, stores, and shoos, nv efce- jtricity. The light is said to be bf great brilliancy, and to cost only about one- twentieth of what gas costs, which will bo TtH,anM. than the chW.nest liLrht vet known. - r r - The manner of making it is not given. f 1LL- ' ' ' j Sermon for Youhs Ladies. An exchange paper says that Dow Jr., incorrigible old saint, still continu that ues to preach just as faithful as ever. Here is an extract irom nis sermon tome young wo- ; mt;n) jn view bf the commencement ofthe new year: . M My young Maidens: I know you all want to get "married as soon as yon enter but it is better to remain sing- have but a poverty-stricken opinion of the f . ... . " Li - majority oi my sex. nev are corrunicu ;byHhe miSeal!ea refinement, of the age, . fl . wi . nride,SO f6oled bv fashion. so afraid of the soil on" which they live, .. . . -.v..''-.., so'gtven to cultivating whiskers and mous taches, while their morals are in a wretch ed state for want of weeding; and so over grown with hair, vanity and laziness, that scarcely one in 'twenty is worth being trusted with a wife." I -J (PWell," sic1 ? iVlrs" Partington, of our digginstothcrdjy to a friend; "ain't it a pity thatsich a nice old creetur as Gen. Taylor should' take oh so to drinking. The papers say he is ahvay s drunk first, and with all the hnnbrs5, too. T guese that ii tea ns. that he ; gets' very drunk.' Deiir me, said the bid lady as she wiped Jier specta cles, -ain't it 'oifa!." ow me1 the wife, that on t he watch ' For every little rent of scratch, And cures it with a timely patch t Before you know ii: ... ShVs a woman fit to match . . : :A Lord or PoeU "