niiiiiuy Minim 1 firm III!; - V- Iliiolc wVo. 1 144. Tarborouglu Edgecombe County 9 Saturday, Tlarch i 8, 1 48. Vols XXIII. JVb. I 9. rA m mum mnmt 7 lirfl "fill tiniiiii III UIHJJI pill ipil 1 irrrrrr JO4 llllllllli lull iinfmri infl BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Ig published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid n advance-or, Two Dollars and Fiftf Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones a that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Fare Reduced. fjpME Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to g5 or, Frora Rocky Mount to Tarboro " 2 00 oparta " Falkland . Greenville " Pactolus - Washington Tarboro to Sparta ' Falkland Greenville O Pill 3 00 : i 44 t( 44 44 44 4 oo 5 00 i 0 50 . 1 00 1 2 00 For seats, &c. apply to B. M. Selby, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro February 1, 184S. Just Received, A FRESH SUPPLY of Whittcmore's concentrated vegetable , syrup, a sure remedy for diarrhea and howel complaint also, Hemsley's worm-destroying syrup, " anti-miperal pills, Whittemore's American plasters doi on paper, Durkee's Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, For sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro', March 6. Jayne's Expectorant. This medicine has already proved itself to be-all that it has been recommended, by those who have given it a fair test in this country, and the demand for it increases daily. We have just heard of an impor tant cure of Asthma, which has been effect ed by the use of it, in a neighboring town . the case was that of a female who had for a long time been tinder the care of a physician but had received no relief, and her case was considered hopeless. As a last resort she purchased a bottle of Dr. Jay ne's Expectorant, which caused her to expectorate freely, gradually ceased her cough, and is rapidly restoring her to health. We have no hesitation in saying that this preparation of Dr. Jayne for cure of coughs, colds, influenza, asthma, con sumptions, &c. is the most valuable medi cine ever offered to the American public. There is no quackery about it Dr. Jayne is one of the most skilful practising physi cians in Pennsylvania; and wherever his various preparations have been thoroughly tested, he is looked upon as a great public benefactor. Somerset (Me.) Journal. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM PLAINT may be cured with certainty, and at a trifling expense, byT taking every night, at bed-time, two or three of Jay ne's Sanative Pills, and a dose of either his Al terative or Vermifuge three times a day. This treatment never fails to cure. WELL, WELL! I'M BECOMING! BALD, and can't help it, is frequently expressed by those whose Hair, (like a false friend) is leaving them. Now this is ill a mistake; Jayne's Hair Tonic, faith fully applied for a week, will preserve the Hair from falling off, remove all dirt andjjority of the Counties. dandruff, prevent its becoming prernature y "ay, cure eruptive diseases of the scalp, and still More, by its continued use re- clothe the head with new and beautiful hair. Prepared only hy Dr. D. Jayne, Phil adelphia, and sold on agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9. r. For Sale. )R. MURPHY'S sugaj-coated vegeta ble anti-fever pills, Dr Mnrphy's si?ftr-coated anti-bilious pills, Dr. Hull's vegetable fever & ague & anti-ferer do medicated cough lozenges, . Di Spencer's vegetahle cathanic pills, vegetable tonic and restorative bitters. GEO. HOWARD. I'arboro', March 13. From the Raleigh Standard. THE DEMOCRACY IN MOTION. We publish to-day the Proceedings of Democratic Meetings in Cleaveland, Hali fax , Sam pso n , Wa rre n, a n d Joh n sto ri , a n d expert soon to have the pleasure of laying before the Dublic. accounts of the move- mentg of the Democracy in many other rounlicSL ' 0ur information from all quar- tersof the State enables us to say, that Ihe , . .... i i il. nestsmrii is anroaa amonji me nariv uui j-. - C7 I mends arc united and narmonious, r andj ii c i i I H7- it. - 11,11 01 commence ana nope, e owe il iu our cherished principles and to the cause of the country to make a vigorous and pow crful effort in the approaching campaign Now is the time to redeem ft or I h Caro lina. Not less than five hundred mem bers were in attendance at the late Demo cratic State Convent ion in Virginia; let our friends come up to Raleigh, on the 12th of April, not by tens and twenties, but by fif ties and hundreds. We would respectfully suggest to our friends in the various Districts the propri- ety of taking eirly steps to nominate Eicc-, tors and appoint Delegates to .Halliniore; j party, with many other distinguished gen and as the Districts are not the same, sepa- jtlemen of both political parties, at the rate action will of course be necessary as, p(sidcn't's house. The party is said to to Electors and Delegates. In a letter have been a very pleasant affair the vi- from a distinguished Democrat, just roceiv-i will t v...-. . . ; cd. it is advised that each Congressional . District appoint three or four Delegates to Baltimore, sons to ensure a representation from all the Districts. We like the plan, ; and would commend it to the attei r ntion of Disirirt our friends. Of course each - vvnnhl Ii.tvp. hut nr vote, and it would . . . - " m i L r nrt tltTMrnnrn if hnlf n flo7.PO Drln- - -" - - - - - , gates should concur to cast that vote; and him to put in requisition those insinuating height of twenty feet. Agiiin, very rccnt in addition to this, among the talents which he possesses in so eminent a Yf li has vanished, and both4 Wells arc people of a number of Delegates fresh degree, and which arc irresistible even to now dry. Upon what principle of philos from the Convention, would be productive njs cncir.ies. Mrs. Polk, with her usual ophy this hydraulic phenomenon is to be of benefit to the cause. Let each Distnct, lor instance, appoint four principal Dele- courteous to her distinguished uest, on science has revealed to us; and it is a quos-!vonn wiieeier against. issachar U.o s Kates and four substitutes; and let the State whose good opinion, as of all who share : tion wich we submit to those more skill- CUP an(1 which has occupied the Court Convention appoint two principal Dt !e- the hospitalities of the White House, she ed than we are, in the knowledge of the ! more.tnan a week was terminated this gates and. two substitutes; and in this way uid not fail to win. pply. motion and forca of fluids. VVej norninS (Friday, Feb. 25) b averdict for a large representation would be secured.' "Madam," said Mr. Clay, in that bland believe we have stated the facts in the case jlhe Plainti, with 55950 damages. It was the opinions and wishes of the party could be fully reflected, and the eleven Electoral votes of the State could be given to the man of their choice. These suggestions are thrown out from ho desire to thrust our views upon our friends, but from a sin- cere desire to promote the best interests of theparty. I So far as this Congressional District is concerned, the Democrats of will be recollected, suggested that the Conven- tion to appoint Delegates to Baltimore be held here on the 12th day of next month, i This was done, because it was thought the. time would be convenient, as the Delegates to the State Convention might also be charged with the dut v of annointinn Dele nates to Baltimore: but our friends in War- ren, we perceive, have recommended Nash- ville as the place and the 27th day of April as the time for holding the Convention.! Johnston County, on the other hand, agrees to meet at Ralekh-on the 12th. The C7 any point that may be fixed upon .by a ma - Let our motto be, union and concert- Delegation from Wake, we have no hesi-inext, it shall be surrendered to you in per tation in saying, will cheerfully attend at fect order from garret to cellar." organization and the usages of the party I manner nor the occasion of it, did notper and no quarters to Federalism until the jmit the guests at the lower end of the table 'State is redeemed. From the Raleigh Register. ,-5 ' Generals Scott and Worth. The New Orleans Delta has published, in a supplementary sheet, the correspondence of Gens. Scott and Worth, relative to the late difficulties in the army, subsequent to the publication of the army orders, censu sing severely certain letters written to the United States. The supplement does not appear to have been sent in this direction, but we find in a Western paper the follow ing brief notice of the correspondence: Gen. Worth addressed a , letter to Gen. Scott stating that he learned with astonish ment that it was the opinion of the Army that the imputation of scandalous conduct mentioned in a general order, referred to him, and asking if such was the Intention of the Commander-in-chief. Gen. Scott replied that the order clear ly expressed that he meant to apply the imputation to the author of the letter sign ed "Leonidas." - Gen. Worth rejoined, and said he did not consider the answer 'satisfactory. Gen. Scott replied that he could not be more explicit. ' He had nothing to do with the -suspicions of others, and, if he had valid information of the authorship, he would prosecute the parties before a court martial. ' ; '. n-r: :--... Gen. Worth replied that he supposed the Commander regarded him as not de serving a satisfactory answer, and, feeling himself aggrieved, he should appeal to the President. He concluded by accusing Scott of acting in a manner unbecoming an UfJ a ntIeman- - Gen. Scott then ordered Worth under arrest, for behaving with contempt and disrespect towards the Commander-in-chief. From the Richmond Enquirer. Mr. Clay and Mrs. Polk. We find the following well-told anecdote in the Western Continent, of Saturday. , It is, no doubt substantially true. "It is doubtless known to our readers, that shortly before his departure from Washington, Mr. Clay attended a dinner ar,ds were . choice, ithe wine was old and tlllUiS MCIU tilUlCU, !4IIC IVII'C UUI iHIIll Sparkliug-good feeling abounded, and uitandlively repartee gavczest to the cnsion. while Mis. Polk, the winning and accomnlishcd hostess, added the finishing .. . - ... . . i Rrace cfhcrexce ent housewifery n the- r..: r' iv t . ' an Kinn ii ii i iuciiiu i inu . in . !... ...... f K...i..l ...:4l. vi.iy a.i ui ioiii uuiiuitu viiii u acai r... 1 1 P,.u:.nri '1.1. ...lvn I kn iivii inc . iviiriivui ,.i iiiii , nci c ii ulliIiuc frank and affable manner, was extremely manner peculiar to himself. "I must sav ih:lt in my travels, whercv er I have been in all companies and amongnll pailies, I have heard but one opinion of you. All; acree in commending in the highest terms your excellent administration of the do- "rnestic affairs of thu White House. But," he continued, directing her attention to her husband, as for that young gentleman there, I cannot sav as much. There is " said he "some little difference of opinion jn n.oard to the policy of his course." "Indeed," said Mrs. Polk, "I am glad to hear that my administration is popular, And in return for your compliment, I will pay that if the country should electa Whig npri f ill T tnnwnl ni)nnrMvhpppr!iiinn WM nlon mo mnm ih,n thnt nf HrJ'inz rejected in his suit, he armed himself Clay." .Thank you, thank you, Madam." "And 1 will assure you of one thinjr. If you do have occasion to occupy the nne auempieu to cut ner mroai. roiieu While House on the Fourth of March!inthis attempt, and seeing a young man ! I?m certain that- But: the laugh that followed this pleas- . ... .. .! ant repartee, which lost nothing trom the to hear the rest of Mr. Clay's reply. Whether he was "certain that" he should be the tenant of the President's mansion, or whether he only said he was "certain that" whoever did occupy it wculd find it in good condition, like the result of the coming contest for the Presidency, re mains a mystery. The fatal Chloroform ase. The Cincinnati papers of Friday last, contain references to the case of Mrs. Simmons, who suddenly sunk, as in death, while having teeth extracted, under the influence of chloroform. The Commercial says: "The post mortem examination of the body of Mrs. Simmons had not taken place last eveuing, and the attending physicians ex-l press the hope of , a possibility that she may yet be restored to life the body be ing still warm! Efforts are made, of course, to restore her. There were several rumors on Thurs day afternoon, that she had partially re vived. But the Cincinnati Queen City of the 24th ult., says that every effort was made to restore her, but in vain; the vital spark had fled. Fatal Experiment with Chloroform. A young lady, daughter of Mr. Mac donald, a baker in Catharine street, in this city, recently met her death in , the most awful manner, from , the use of this dqw fashionable but most dangerous preparation. About three weeks ago, the ether was em ployed to allay the toothache; , but subse quently the sufferer was supposed. to die, from what cause does not appear. :The apparent death, however, was only a trance, or protracted swoon; for, on opening the coffin a day or two ago, the unfortunate girl had turned round upon her face, and in her agony and desperation had actually destroyed two of her fingers, on recover ing from her temporary death by ether. The coroner's investigation should elicit the fact as Ao who prescribed a remedy which produced this most frightful result. ' AT. K True Sun. From the Ut-teih Register. How shall it be accounted for? Some i t ii . " i i ten years since, a Well was sunk upon. the1 premises, ot Judge ( ameron, of this Cily,j to the depth of 70 fect?and a plentiful sup ply of good water obtained; but shortly I after, (within a year,) the water disappear- I''"'!! ! and Wdh s generally must abundant; and j oc-!!he Well became entirely dry. Another! eu. ai mat season wnen water in Springs Well was then dug in the vicinity, and again an abundant supply was found a fVn. ii,. i.n. f u , ' After the 'apse of some time, the water ; disnnneared in this WpII nlsn, ht sh p. I j j s qucntly, alter long absence, it rc-appeared i ' ' r j - - rt ; r lit both'-WclIs. risinfl"'m-thfftimf tft tVr'f .7 r - . w i accounted for, is more than observation or Ullh accuracy, and invite a solution of so!a remarkable a freak of that most serviceable and necessary element r - CtTThc Legislature of New York has Passed a general law for the establishment ; s,fhnS ,n thetown ot H.ast Uloomlield,and of manufacturing companies in that State. !lne defendant a clergyman ol the Baptist U,ldcr its provisions companies can be i denomination and a married man. The rmed without any further legislation.' v,ctim 18 an interesting and prepossessing The provisions of the law are said to be ' youn& ,ady of lhe age of 21 years, and to- verv judicious, and well calculated to guard the public from loss. ib. Alrocious.A villain, by the name Pettis, some sixty years of age, recently paid his addresses to a handsome young widow residing in McGoonin island. Be- and went to her house; on her still persist- . ... . !,18 in refusing him, he struck her on the nead u,ln a hammer, and with his bowie approach the house, he seized her by the' nose and cut it off. St Louis Reveille. Melancholy Accident. Two Ladies HT-ifos fi ft f hi D F? 1 1 1 fvfi n rl A e ilio nftoi. i""v" nuuu iraiu ui. cars, un i iiursuiiy cvuiunj, was passing from Fitchburg to Athol, Mass., on the Vermont and Massachusetts line, and when near the crossing about a mile and a half above the depot in Fitch burg, a horse and sleigh with two ladies passing the railroad, when the horse be came frightened and backed the sleigh on the track, by which both of the ladies were thrown out in front of the engine, run over, and instantly killed. The engine, as soon as the horse was seen to back, sounded the alarm, and the train was nearly stopped when the fatal collision took place. The unfortunate ladies who thus lost their lives were Mrs. Osborn, wife of Mr. Abraham Osborn, of Fitchburg, and her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Tolman, of West Sterling. The head of one was severed from the body. Y ' Commercial. An Importer. Many of our readers have noticed. that nearly every Sunday, in front of "Cathedral has stood an old beggar, who, tin cup in hand, presented the strongest kind of appeal, by his wo begone appearance, to the sympathies of all who passed by. The police of the First Municipality have lately discovered that, far from being an object of chanty, he is a holder of some $15,000 worth of property in Lafayette, and about 5,000 deposited in the various banks of the city. A very largeportion of this sum has been raised by begging, which he has followed for many years. r During the week : his "tramp" is on the Levee; and on -Sunday his scene of operation is confined to the different churches. When arrested by Officer Trescazes, he had on his person six dollars in dimes an'd picayunes. -His name is Antonio Fanchieu, and, with his wife, he has carried on the most systemat ic scheme of imposition thattve have heard of for a long time. -AT. O. Delta. : Jersey Pjor k.-The steamboat Indepen dence from Sweedsboro', N. J., arrived here on Tuesday afternoon. She'iwl on board twenty hogs, ten of which weighed one thousand pounds each. Phil. N. Am. - r IVidows of Revolutionary Soldiers. An Act of Congress approved 2d Februa ry, 1843, makes further provision for sur- V1'"8 U1V, "7U,U- lion, enuiiinc ine iwiuovvs oi an sucn soi- . & ' - - . . 1st of January, .1794, to. receive, for and during their natural lives, from and after il. l . U A 1 I- 1 O A i I U 1- would have been allowed to their husbands ,1 A 4 f T 7f I 1 CQfl fl f f in.e A" 01 June aiv i&JH Jiving at he Um? u was Pd, subject .tosame , lr , 1838 granting half pay and pensions to ! certain widows. And further, all widovvs certain wiuows. ahu luriner, an wiuo unaaie ncw i a f entitled to the benefits of this latter Acti are , . , , , c r , . J i Pa!sit-U From the Canandaigua Repository. Trial of the Rev. Issachar Grosscup. -The Jury enipannelled in the cas? of ' T 1 IT ITTl 1 . . . r-. case unusuai in our couniy, oeing lor se- uucuon OI ine Pantiu s oaugnter, ana therefore, as well -as from other causes, excited deep and pervading interest. The plaintiff is a highly respectable farmer re- . Seiner wnn ner parents, anu some oi ner brothers and sisters, members of the same denomination. It appeared that the defen- ofidant had boarded in the plaintiff's family, and was treated with every kindness ana confidence. It was on these accounts and the means resorted to by the defendant to i escaPe penalty oi ma iranrcnsitlo, ! i 1 iLn nnrl t erl t n t m n tone 0n. dered doubly aggravating. Woman frozen to Death. The Prov idence papers report the death of a woman named Welch, in the woods near that place on Monday night. The woman lived in Olney ville, and in the afternoon was on a visit to some friends about a mile and a half distant from her home. In the eve ning she started on her return, in a snow storm, goflost in the woods and wasfroz en to death. She has left a husband and six children. Alleviation from Cough. Persons us ing stoves for warming apartments, will find that a small piece of common resin, dipped in the water. which is placed in a vessel on the stove, will add a peculiar property to the atmosphere of the room, which will 'give great relief to persons troubled with a cough, who breathe the atmosphere of the apartment. The heat of the water is sufficient to throw off the 'roma of the resin, and gives the same re lief as is afforded by a combustion of the resin! It is preferable to combustion, be eaiise - the" evaporation is more durable. The same resin may be used or weeks.

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