minim ii sTui tiiitim pmuj m ? lillQIU, Si I iiiiii si 1 i Ft if Tin', iimnii iitiiiiiin j f noli t);l! ,totcno' dl-3o i I ' j i 1 ) i HI jKt 0; Iminii I u I - , BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. , . Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance-or, Two Dollars .and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription y ear. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at Oxk Dollar the first insertion,'and 25 Cents for every succeeding one.' 1 Longer ones a that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. ' V THE DEMOCRACY IN I MOTION;- r. . f Fare Reduced. npHE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to $5 or, r,i ' From Rocky Mount to Tarboro, Sparta " . Falkland Greenville Pactolus- it tt tt t tt it t it tt $1 GO 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 0 50 1 00 2 00 From the Raleigh Standard. ! MARTIN COUNTY. ? At a Meeting of the Democratic party of Martin County, held at VViiiiamston,on of presenting (o tlie Nationbl -Convention the' name i of ' our ''distinguished f fellovv eitfeen Gen.- James? J. McKay, fori the office of ihVice-' President-of tlio United s States.x Under thetsllllrtion, the Chairman appointed' thd4Yol!bivin gentlemen dele the State Convention: fArthur S. Cotton; VmT'i: W: "herroSr Hainan , F. Hooker, Joshua Taylor, Dapiel "VVard, r lerce ;W;; Yarrell, Joseph V L:; Waters, McGiv CarraWay, Col.' Nbah Per,' atid!N. . Mariner. Under the second resolution, the Chair- ' 1 the"rfollb vvi he ceJnt!emen i rnahanbbiriteU delegates to tlie District ConVentibn:ibKn Bryari;rSr v W. Ward J Robt ; ErWeatl ersbee, John Hryan, Jr., A. H. Cofield, Dr. J5aml. C.Benjamin, A. S. Moou'ng, CoL Jo G. Carraway,. L. Johnson, and Sam'!. W. Watts. ,; , ' ' . ' Under the third resolution the Chair man appointed the following gentlemen Washington Tarboxo' to Sparta . Falkland " Greenville ; For seats, &c. apply to B. M. Selby, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro February 1, 1848. ,v , , Just Received FRESH SUPPLY of Whiitemore's concentrated vegetable syrup, a sure remedy for diarrhea and howel tsomplaint aso, Hemsley's worm-destroying syrup, .. anti-mineral pills, Whittemore8 American plasters doi on paper, Durkee's Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro', March 6. Tuesday the 28th day of February, I848,!deles the ctoral Convention: A7 i vfrii ...artoii,i!Benj: C. Mayo, Sovereign Purvis, A. r 7 . t , A Jayne's Expectorant This medicine has already proved itself to be all that it has been recommended; by those who have given it a fair test in this country, and the demand for it increases daily. We have just heard of an impor tant cure of Asthma, which has, been effect: ed by the use of it, in a neighboring town -the case was that of a female who had for a long time been under the care of a physician but had received no " relief, and her mf w:is rnnsiilftrcd honeless. As a "w ,.. V : J last resort she purchased a bottle of Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, which caused her to expectorate freely, gradually ceased her cough, and is rapidly restoring her to health. We have no h'esitatfon in saying that this preparation of Dr. Jayne for cure of coughs, colds, influenza, asthma, con- to the Chair, and L. Johnson appointed Secretary. On motion, a Committee of five was appointed by the Chairman to draft Resolulions for the action of the meeting; whereupon the Chairman appoint ed the following persons: Col. Noah Peal, J. S. Yarrell, Benj. C. Mayo, Dr. Sam'l. C. Benjamin, and Col. Asa Biggs, who, after retiring for a short time, re turned and submitted the following Pre amble and Resolutions, which were unan imously adopted: - Whereas, the elections of this year are highly important, and demand of all Dem ocratic Republicans a surrender of person Slaton,Wm. Rogers, Alfred Moore, McG. - . 7 . ; 7 I n Staton, John Wollard, J. S. Yarrell, Wm.l of the U. States. ivj2C o-fan ton hinn!) in'jmJnioqqr. Sf?)lor! ! io ArticlQjthird defines tjiejutur? bound ry ioCl tbQ United States 7Tbe line com mences in the Gulf of-JVJexicpyhre leagues from land; thence runs up the mid dle of the Rio Grande to, its intersection with the Southern Jiounjdary of New Mex ico: thence alone that Southern Boundary to the Ayestern boundary, of the same; thence North to the first branch of. the ui- jiu i-j .r-jtvjfs - ji '.m; j ,rs?:v, sT :7a i !o v-: la .which it intersects; thence down the middle of that branch and of the river to the Colorado: thence it runs across westr wardly, and strikes the Pacific at a pomt one league South, of San Dieco. . , The iree navigation oi tne uuiroi uaiuornia, ano oi the river Colorado, From the mouth of the una io ine ,uuii, is aecureu 10 ine unueu Article fourth stipulates that it shall be optional witn citizens ot iviexico now re siding in the territory1 to be ceded, either 10 leave, taking .witn tnem or otnerwise disposing of their property; or else, upon taking the oaths of allegiance, to this Gov ernment, to be protected in the enjoy ment of all the rights and immunities of citizens There is a nrov sron acrains maK-tts: any fortioflfiliTSuifi'lbnmrtV two nO. n61isis;!aiTd preservednthe treaty, is In irrticlej securing W tfeUnited States m the ffbfe navtgation of rt!ie; Gulf -of "California, and of tii e fiver Coloradd,' from tbe mouth of tlie Gila to trie Gulf.' -tier. : v,i ,'vi:?f-f The next article provides that the Unit ed States Government shall take prompt and effectual measures for the defence of Daniel, and Robt. Lainer. Under the fourth resolution, the Chair man 3nnmnfrrl thr fnllriwincr erpnllpmpn nn Executive Committee: . Col. Asa Biggs, the border from Indian incursions. , To James Bullock, Arnold Whitfield, Joshua j this end, both nations are to use their best j Taylor, Wm. R. Sherrod, Joseph Waters,' endeavors. Maj. Wm. B. Perry, and Robert Laiher. In consideration of the extension of the On motion of Dr. Benjamin, resolved j boundary of the United States, made bjT that the proceedings of this meeting be j this treaty, the U. S. Government stipu published in the North,Carolina Standard 1 lates to payltb Mexico the sum of fifteen and other democratic papers in the State, millions of dollars. In this sum' is includ On motion of Col. Biggs, resolved, that ed the three millions appropriated last ses the thanks of this meeting be tendered torsion for the furtherance of peace, and now al preferences to secure the success of u,c "."- """J"-" .. f.J2lS-- sound political principles in the adminis- rient manner hv which they have disebarg. j i to be raid to the Mexican Government tration of our public affairs, to uphold the tu ine,r!uuu" honor and rights of the country noV en- ' ' L' MJZELL, Ch'r. is. joHjfsoN, ec y. ?! ''Later frbmMcico- The New, Or leans Delta, 6( Feb'y ?3,! publishes letters from VeralCrOJS dated ITthvFeb'y," but Tone day later than former-dates. The corres pondent says thaOtlwMeVicans al Vera Cruz fcpcak'of peace as -if it yere. jseUied afiair.nno3 i fcifv" tno;.gci Siiiq-Jthi -;i The. circular; addressed) to tb,ecseveral Mexieantate$:by the Supreme.Goyern nen'V tl'.rdugh SenOr Rosaqn ; the sub ject of the treaty of peace, is copied bytthe Delta fro m.iai Yera C ruz papef. v 'fhexir cular siys that ; on the 2d ofFebn a treaty of peace was concluded, in the city of Gaud alupe, between jMexipo, and the ; United States, subscribed by Don Bernardo Cputo Don Luis G. Cueyas, and Don ,Miguel Atrislrain, commissioners on the part of the uSupreme Govern ment," and by Se nor Don Nicholas P. -Trist, commissioner, with plenary powers J on the' part of the United States of North America. Senor Rosa earnestly' calls the attention of the State to tne"evehrwhich will in all prob ability, put an end to the bloody war Which has till now divided the two greatest re publics of America. 1 He informs them that the treaty of peace will be submitted to the National-Congress (of Mexico) and made tiblic? and that in the mean time, it is probable, that ah armistice" will be entered into for the suppression of 'hostili ties. ";iiJi?. o : gaged in a war with a faithless and foreign ; foe, and to rebuke a party here, who, by! their factious opposition to their own Gov- eminent, are nerving tjhc arm of the ene-; From the Richmond Enquirer. The Treaty.' The public have a natu- my, encouraging hi,, and pro- curjo,hy ,0' kro,v a ,about ,,e treaty.! S,.l immediately on the ratification of the trea ty. , The remaining twelve millions are to t '. i-ti ''it.: : : &anta fl.nnaU Retirement. -There i be paid in four annual instalments, bearing , , . . , . ... . ' . 1 4 . the truth of ;.the report brought .by the six per cent, interest from the ratification , . . r . . t . Kt it; r .. Edith, that tl)p great Mexican, whose en- of the treaty by Mexico. No portion of- - . ... . . . A r - . ,- l erey has sustained this war and communir this sum is to be transferable. -la. r . . According to the articles, the L tnted , 4 ; , ' ? t . ... " f the ; defence Jof. Mexico, had received hie TV-,. "- its provisions, the voles pro and con, &c. AmcHean ends so des-rable and, un.on Nothin, officlal can be known until after! tho5e'a,ready yrcidedna those slillunde- 9nd this haS,amvcd ,n YcraCruzon concession and harmony, and a proper and .1.- r.,:fiM,;nn uv n- Mnt;Mrl rnnirrp1 -j; 1 i u 1 n ? . L dT his y way - to r foreign parts. .A gentleman . . J 11 . tne rauncauon ny inc m ex 1 can congress jCidcd the whoIeMiowever, not to amount f. , . . 0 , & a : efficient organization of. the ..democratic :mnnv rnrfs hflVft;Wkftl out. whic.hJ ' :n:li. d..iU now in this city saw the letter to General , , tvy uiuib man tin iiuiiiuii auu a uuai ivi m . I IKI . 1 1 1 1 . : it ; 1 .1 .1 1 pany snoiuw oe Kiuu.y mcu.caieu auu zeai- in;. he main? arc5 probably correct. Be ouhly pursued, low we publish an abstract, by the New t Resolved therefore, That the C hairman york Herald8 correspondent,' of the artic of this appoint ten delegates to ,e8 of lhe trcaty as adopled by the Sen represent this County in: the approachmg ate ,,t wi be scen that get the uemocraiic aiaie vonvenuon, 10 : meei at Raleigh. Resolved, That the Cha ten delegates to represent ,tl v w ' -t- r i v r. formerjto allow-Gen.; Santa Anna to de The Mexican archives found by us after . J . ' ' 1 r .i 1 j part in peace from Vera Cruz, the taking possession of the ceded territo-, r r - J ry, are to be delivered up.; j ""''r;; ' t r J t- w li; 1 (ilV r 4 . i .on. i I Canada. rRepubhcan symptoms are 1 lie 11 (jiii y ui uuiiiiiici tc io.;i, ucihccii i . discussing the from Great .... . , - ; inc inu i cjjuuiita, is iu uc icv ivcu iui iiic p " I California. with the free navigation of the'! nnrid nC -.;kt Vmw' -r airl maw aftrWai 1-n Jur.n? ?i?re evey" irman appoint r- ir it- it i r.u n i . , ."; . . . t question ol ultimate secession his County in a t . !o H,tt mmilll rtflK0 n,u Tho J..:.. . i? , 15rM?,n and: of annexation to the, United sumptions, &c. is the most valuable mod,-, Dislrict Convention, to appoint delegates mcnts off. fiftcen millionS7annunl in-l vuL ...... u u Sta' .Articles on thissuoject are admit- . T J. jU ' ,,.I.l,n . i T"V ' 1k.T ' ' ' 'y t ' ' ' . IIIC IUSIUI IlUUSCa lilC U LC IC3IUI CVI IU . 1 . . t i ' cine ever offered to the American public. to the Democratic .National Convention, to . i . r ,io r;n- 0 ,0.l rn at . i . - i ted into the government, or conservative . . , L... : n.. -. v stalments of three millions each, for five the Mexican authorities as soon as nhe .i,r:t-'-8'iiWJ':-, ; .v' mere . -iu . . , " "auunurt;, uu inu -u. moiii.a i. ) flre so arranced as to make it the ,rp.i interest ot Mexico to observe and main- in lSr is one of the most skilful practising physi-j May next; and we hereby "recommend 'to cians in Pehnsylvama; and wherever his the other Counties of this Congressional various preparations have been thoroughly ci t0 appoint delegates to meet in said tested, he is looked upon as a great public District Convention, at Gatesville, on the 29th ef April next. Resolved, That the Chairman appoint benefactor. Somerset (Me.) Journal. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM tain the requisitions of the compact. ? As to the, votes on the treaty, we draw the following facts from the statement the N. Y Herald: i exican authorities as soon as the . ' - . - t-, ' 4 .... , c j ' - .x journals there. Even her .public men are ity shall have been ratified. uVleans are K tn u 1'a kt' v J , . r ... beginning to change ground Norfo Ik je adopted for settling the accounts. ...,. u, .a,. i y .,. hot mrxna r I tho I I nilorl rtf orfl tr . : " i s i . Four ten delegates to represent this County in jessrs ivdti; lur.Mtu in mice iiiuiuiij, miti iiic nr. rIUZ-r a LJ Mr..' ' 111 ratification' ol the treaty, unless the slcklv 'nil "iLi - uu' 'Litty:'ui --L-r . , . v. ..... . . kr " uie . weauu , anu iiieii connections, season should come on, in which event uiui n.,; "wi: ..... ; j . ...... . ... I " . .' i - . - ' i . ; . rAIJN r. may, be cured vviin cena.niy, an r,iecmrai vouveiuion, 10 appoini a.(wnigs) tfnd Gen.HoUston, (democrat.) -.A n h-Iflln ovnnneo hu talilniT pvprv Democrat ic . Electo r for t his Electoral Dis- ...... m ... ... uu at a .","6 v " -vr-:v - aves Aiessrs. Asniev, Aiiienon iiac,at oei-ume, iwo :or inree qrjayucs uiuu - : by, Bell, Bradbury, Bright, Hutler, Cal- Sanative Pills, and a dose of either his Al- t Resolved, That the Chairman appoint . 'Carneron. Cass. Clarke.. Crittenden. rkriilVtt rCkfVva.A tlin TlA.lftn nnl ' pk' T perC abscn .mf : they are to retire to some healthy situation, ; Thuf8t, cha e(J with Fthe larceny ' -Phelps, Pierce, and Clayton, aiid are fo ,e furnished with supplies by !"! -r Js '.-La rUi'--li '--u-.-. dera- was on of terative or Vermifuge three times a day. van Executive, Committee of nine f for this Thistreatment never fails tor cure.- 1 j County, (one from each f ' ';;,t ' ' V ' to correspond and dist WELL ' WELL! I'M BECOMING formation, and genera BALD, and can't, help it, is frequently nd recommend what may promote, the 1 Rusk, Sevier,, Sturgeon, : Turney, expressed by those whose, Hair, (like a interests 01 me uemocraiic pany. auring.ine; Underwood,,Yulee-37. r false friend) is leaving them. Now- this.;?PPrqac.mng atateand Rational eieciions. Nays Messrs. Allen, : Atchison,,Bad I P c J ' three silver snbons from a hotel 'whfirft sh the Mexican government, on amicable Ar - the sooons Were' offered lo a broker far sale bv the laclv. wilK ihp ntvn- 'The supplies which-may arrive between jV." uneflacedrfhis led'to a.detec the ratification of the treaty and;the em-1 cbhsequfeht exposure A fine of terms. Juiin uavis. jenerson uavis. navion.(i,ni ni A nrtV.a ihaar. nm nn tn h nk t ' h . ; - '!'-' . . . . Cantain's DistrictT 1 t- h', l r. "UIrtl"" "l "c w : S10 and costs was promptly paid by the uapiain s uisinci ; n0Wn-..Dickinson . Dix . Fe ch. Foo C ,itn r . ni n: ; '-"-t .ijTv.-.,r - . J 1. ribute Dolitical in-Tt , , t . o t n J1 4" delinquent, wno is in possession 01 an ln- nouie -poiiurai Ha e. IIanneffan. Hunter. R. Johnson.-il. I Tho i tn Ka riiJfiArt :W 1ia Pr.l : .;? .. . . . , Mv to sunerinterid r . t n-n K1 I ' v J ,;come 01 consiaerauie amount? JXorjolh y iu supciiuicuu j u nson ,I art ffUm .Ma SOn. Miller. Moore. Mrm ant Sunatu nA In- Ka Anhnno-Pd' - . :i v is U a mistake; JavneVHair Tonic, faith-l Vol.tAsair liiggs y ottered .the loiiowing -gert,'Baldtvin,;Benton,- Berrien, Breese, fully applied for a week, will preserve tho Preamble ; and. Resolution, which w ere Corwinf Douglass, Greene, Lewis, Spru- ir r ' rii JLrt ! il j:. unanimouslv ndontedr t t - ttr.Li.. . j tir . . . dandruff, prevent its becoming premature- .. Whereas, in the approaching Democrat- The vote may be summed up thus: 1.. . a: fiUclr ic National Convention the claims of ma- . ..... . . -.,t . JIV 111 d VUIC CIIIUIIVC. UIPCilSCO UI tug viaiui. .,- . . , ... Hi . I A WfrlV hifft Ii 1 1 - I l VV H Tarboro' publi For Sale. : "- . li , istin?"if5usvr7es hi;8 26 gs 3 Democrats 1 and still more by i its continued use re- W of our . eminent. ..ajepmeri Democrats clothe the head with new and beautiful, cussed for the distipguished ..poaWon..of . hair, ' " .- . ice i-iesiaent oi ine unuea aiates, ana Prepared bnly by Dr. D. Jayne, Phil- whereas, North Carolin adelphia, and sold on agency by . 9n. James; Jv McKay, one of hersons, GEO HOWARD.' can present iu f democratic ; preinren ivr o- ! one who is capable,faithful, firm, and true; J J r one who in a long course of public life has igs Democrats Total- Ayes ; 'Nays- - i j country, and to wbse. untiring persever- R.. MURPHY'S iogar-coal'ea TegeU- ante and. abi.nty. he agricultural, ,. . f mi (i ! -commercial and navigating classes of this 1TD h!o unh. pvpr nilK. v . ' . j A! v-r f ' ! '.country are greatly indebted for. their re Dr. Murphy 's snj?ar-Joated anti-hilious pills, ; - ; i - - ?, V. - . " . , i, . Ir. Hull's vegetable fever & ague & anti-fever do medicated 'coogh lozenges, Dri Spencer's vegetable cathartic pills, : yegetable toriic and restorative bitters. : ; GEO; HOWARD. Tarboro1, Merch : ' ' j lief from the odious arid unequal .burdens heretofore imposed upon them for the ben- ; efit of a privileged few; therefore j Resoived, That We. ( earnestly iv recom mend to the Democratic State Convention soon to assenrble at Ralefgh, the propriety I'7 37 15 ; Majority for the treaty ' 22 Here Is the Herald's sketch of the ar- tides of ther treaty as adopted:4 '' 1 ; Article first appointed . Senors Cuevas, uonte. ana .Ainsiuiu vuuiiuiiuucra on the" part of the Mexican Government to adjbst terms ott a lasting treaty of peace between the United States ..of the North, and the United Mexican States, with Nich olas P. Trist, Commissioner of the U. states, &c. , , ;; , Article second stipulates that there shall be an immediate suspensjon, of hostilities between 'thearmieiiqif Itheltwo RepublicsV within four months after its ratification. I The boundary of New Mexico is to be defined as laid down in Disturnell'sAmap of Mexico, published c at Newi York in Several unimportant articles are omitted. The articles providing for the confirma tion of the grants given by Mhen ;exican government Tin Texas and ( California, lare stricken out, and the unimportant.provis- ion to extend the jurisdiction of the 'M ex ican church over the Catholic clergy in the ceded territory, is also stricken L out. These are the principal modifications. It will be recollected that the treaty. in dicates two modes of paying the indemntT y agreed f upon one bytthe issue of six per cent stocks, or by instalments. The latter mode, has been adopted. The three millions subject to Mr. Trist'a order?sare to ; be 1 paid immediately, upon - the. ratifica tion of the treaty by the Mexicangovern: ment, and the remainder in, annual instal ments of three, millions, bean ng six per; cenMnterest, to. commence 4ron tbej ratification of Ihe treaty. by, Mexico, , j Caution Two bales of cotton were turned out of store yesterday, marked and sent to the pressj 'in the "ebbrse of ship ment, without any thing 'extraordinary in their appearance except being a little charred 6n the end.1 '-: On being put in the pressj fire jgushed out rof the ends of the baie.vVwhich were found, upon examina tion, to be in afate orcomplete ignition. The cotton had been in store, a week, and the fire had beerrmothered in the bales for more than that time. 'A n --i'l ; ' v.; p,Savanhah1Mep. t2d. r Daring Mobbery-T.e Cashier's vault of the Exchange' Bank oft Virginia, at Pe tersburg,! has beea clandestinely entered, and fifteen thousand dollars ' stolen there from, in Notes pfithe issue of that Branch, believed to bfc $l9$srS50'3, ; $20 and, jUS's. . A reward of One thousand DoN iars js i ofiefpdprj tiadiscovery and con viction .of the offender, , andc jten per cent, will be paid -pn whateyeTri portion cof tbe money may. bq recpifered by .thtlaujci