i fell llUlIJIilllJlUjill W fill ' IV il fcl I 1 ' II 1 it hole Yo. 1 1 17. Tarborottgh, Edgecombe Cotmty,-3 V. Saturday, tfprii 8, 1818. ifll fr Bnltei fnif I Mi Mi BY GEORGE HOWARD, JR. Is published weekly at Two Dollars per year if paid in advance-or, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 Cents for every succeeding one. Longer ones a that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Pare Reduced. HP HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington isreduced to $5 or, JL From Uocky Mount t Tarboro' $150 ,i a Sparta 2 00 tt Falkland 2 50 n it "Greenville 3 00 44 it Pactolus 4 00 u n Washington 5 00 Tarboro"' to Sparta 0 50 a Falkland 1 00 a tt Greenville 2 00 "5T "J Vo2 Ac Raleigh Standard, NASH COUNTY. At a Meeting of the Democratic party of Nash County, held at Nashville on Tuesday of March Superior Court, on mo tion, Dr. Isaac Sessums was call id to the Chair and W. H. Smith appointed Secre tary, w hen the following Preamble and Resolutions were submitted and unani- For scats, kc. apply to B. M. Selhy, mously adopted: Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro February 1, 1S4S. Just Received, A FRESH SUPPLY of Whittemore's; concentrated vegetable syrup, a surej remedy for diarrhea and bowel complaint also, j Hemsley's worm-destroying syrup, anti-mineral pills, Whittemore's American plasters do- on paper, Durkee's Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, For sale by Geo. Howard. Tarboro', March G. Jayne's Medicines. -Se Purify the Blood and Clianse the Body. It is an established fact fiat a very large class of diseases can only be cured by such remedies as will enter iuto the. Tlloori, snd circulate with -f, through every por tion of the boo, for only by this means can the rcmy be brought into immedi ate contae with the disease; and to attain ibis deable cnc 110 preparation has ever ucer so uniformly successful as Dr. Jayne's .Iterative. Scrofula, King's Evil, Can cer and Cancerous Tumors, White Swell ings, Enlargement of the Bones, Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Eruptive diseases of the skin, old and indolent Ulcers, Goi Whereas, it has been recommended that A democratic State convention be held in Raleigh, on the 12th day of April next, to nominate a candidate to be voted for on the democratic ticket for Governor; and where as, it is important that every County in the State should be fully represented in said convention, in order that a full expres sion of opinion maybe had upon the vari ous political questions of the day. Warren; A. 13. Baines, Jr., Dr. Rich'd Short, Ja3. Sullivarit, Alsey J. Taylor, H. W. Boykin, Bastell Deans, Sr., F. M. Taylor, Col. John W. Bryant. Delegates to attend the Convention, to he held in Nashville: Esnilius Harrison, Arthur Arrington, Dr. Gray Sills, Maj. J. W. Mitchell, Col. John E. Lindsay, Capt. Willie Ricks, John H. Vick, John Bras well, Wm. Cooper, Sr., Nelson Bone, Wm. B. Bryant, Matthew Wilder, Ford Taylor, Haywood Hardie, Jas. Bryant, Wm. Balcntinc, Levi Bailey, Irvin Boy- kin, Benj. II. Blount, G. W. Ward. And I he foIlowiRg jilclegates to attend the Convention to be held in Greenville: Laborn Taylor, Jas. Derring, Adams Har rison, W. W. Boddie, Wm. T. Dortch, Capt. John E. Thorn, David McDaniel, Dr. John H. Drake, N. W. Cooper, Red mun Wells, Henry Bryant, Williams Pitt, J. Q. Taylor, Sam'l. Ives, Burtis S. Strick land, David Winbornc, Dr. Jos. A. Drake, Redmun Bunn, Dr. Jos. M. Taylor, Jos. Pecle. Oh motion, it was resolved that the Chairman and Secretary be added to the list of delegates to attend each Convention. On motion, it was resolved that these proceedings be published in the North Carolina Standard. The Meeting then adjourned. ISAAC SESSUMS, Ch'n. Wai. II. Smith, Sec'y. S A Case oj Rig amy! On the February last, Erasmus D. Ilaynes former ly of Portsmouth, Virginia, was married 13th of near this City, to Miss Susan Ann, daunh- Be it therefore resolved, That now i ier of thc late William II. Royster. The To the tenth article of the treaty there. tioirrneetings. .Colleges were pronounced are serious objections; and no instructions as humbugs, ami ;,churches ditto. given to Mr. Trist, contemplated or au-j thorized its insertion. The public lands! Diminution rjgfijhe Sun A Toke. wiihin the limits of Texas belong to that ; Some weeks ago; the proprietors of the State, and this government has no power iNeYV York' SunLsav, proper to diminish to dispose of them; or to change the condi- j the size of their PaPer- ThAs was aun tions of . grants already made. All valid lhe Mirror as a diminution of ahe titles to land within the other territories Sun discovered by .astronomical obseiva ceded to the United States, will remain :tion5 and people gazed at the natural lumi unamjcted by ihe change of sovereignty; nary: through purnt? glasses, to discover and I therefore submit that this article hovV he looked wtien:!shorn of jiis fair pro should not be ratified as a pan of the ;Portion The hoax was very . generally treaty. . r . . ,:lr PU!0 There may Vrtb county enlightened an audience the ratification of the "additional and se- hy ihe 'delivery of a lepture on the dimin cret article" might unreasonably delay and iution in the size of the Sun of about one embarrass the final action on the treaty by tenth ancl attempted to account forlhe fact Mexico; therefore submit whether that ar- from lhe condensation of the Sun's rays, tide should not be rejected by the Senate. VVe have no doubt, that many who heard If lhe treaty shall be ratified, as propos-'him were satisfied that the solar body had ed to be amended, the cession of territory j decreased, and perhaps with the fearful made by it to the United States, as indem-!anliiPation that they might some day bo nity, the provision for the satisfaction of the claims of our injured citizens, and the permanent establishment of the boundary of one of the States of the Union, are objects gained of great national importance, while the magnanimous forbearance exhibited to wards Mexico, it is hoped, may ensure a lasting peace, and good neighborhood be tween the two countries. I communicate herewith a copy of the instructions given to Mr. Slidell, in No vember, 1S45, as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Mexico; a copy of instructions given to Mr. Trist in April last, and such of the correspon dence of the latter with the Department of State not heretofore communicated to Con gress, as will enable the Senate to under stand the action which has been had with a view to the adjustment of our difficulties with Mexico. JAMES K. POLK. Washington, Feb. 22, 184S. From the Wilmington Gazette. Corporations. We commend the fol- . i . . i.i.i it tne lime lor action, anu mat oy union nnu j m:iri inge was published in the Raleigh pa harmony, a strong pull, and a pull alto-! pcrS rcpuhlihetl in the Portsmouth pa gethcr, Mexican whiggery will be doomed j pCrs and soon after information was con- lo (teieatin iNortn uaronna m August next.; vevei lo t)is j j)V Ielte, hat Hnvnes Resolved, That this meeting approve haj a w;fc in po.tsm0uth, and two or three of the Convention to be held in Baltimore 'children! On the 17th instant he left this in May, to nominate candidates for the p!acc for Charleston, South Carolina, tak rresidency and Vies 1'residency, and that ; inp J)is iast u.ifo with ilim we will support the nominee of said Con- Ilaynes is a Cabinet-Maker by trade. Vtuuuu, uiiiji ouiiau'-u lliai -iiu urn-- m w h liua hPfn lorhPi to no fli nmt v ' selected who is unsound upon the conti-: smn! mnn xv:,k n n,:M ,jMC'nt ,nfi ; jlowinS decision of the Supreme Court oj tutional rights of the South. telligent countenance. His hair is a dark U S-he pa, ticular notice of those Resolved, That the Wilmot I'roviso irntt.n. 911fi nMr. u..,;. i,,,,,,. j who consider corporations too sacred to be meets with our unnualificd condemnation:'....! k:.. , . rr ... made amendable to the laws, and more 1 ' ami in.' ri; ;ue oiue or gruv. lie jook1 . . . that its agitation creates sectional preju- somc lool; whh ,lim in lis trunk.-. P31'111 to such as consider it sacri dices, which will eventually undermine '; lege to think of electing judges upon polit this glorious confederacy, if persisted in The Message of the Treaty. The N. : lcal issues, and who think that banks by the non-slaveholding States; tor we are: Vork Herald, of yesterday morning, pub-should be exempt from the penalty of a on the side of the Constitution, where we li.hes the following as the copy of the mes- forfeiture of their charters, and who favor arc determined to stand. jsac of Mr. Polk to the Senate, in sending the repeal of all laws which require the Resolved, That the people Can distin- the Mexican treaty to that body, on lhe oanKs to comply wnn ineir cnarters. nuish who are for their cotintrv. and will 23d tilt: lerous Swellings of the Throat, &c. arc ! U)eir seal of uisapprobation on lhe CCM1. Tx) ht s fr ffh rj . , cured with a certainty, that has astonished d t flI ,j t j the cominn elec- I lav hrfnv ihn S,.nai fr .hf.;,. nnM " Co" at Washington has lately made a ve every beholder. It is, besides, one of lhe! l5ons . ' , ... . rnljfipati iri a ry important decision in corporation cases most pleasant articles that can be taken j Rcsolvcd That wc wilI gnj on oUr arJtreaty of pcace friendship, limits, and set- which of the humbuggery entirely deprived of his light. Clipper. From the N. O. Commercial Times. Yucatan. Distracted Condition of the Peninsula. We regret to learn that the aborigines of Yucatan, the Indians, as tlrey are called, are in the full tide of suc cessful revolt against the white inhabitants. The most frightful atrocities have been committed by them, who, in their thirst of vengence, spare neither age nor sex. Invited by the divided state of the country, which during the last eighteen months has been a prey to twTo factions, the Indians rose some time since, as wc have already noticed in this sheet. When it appeared by the cessation of strife among the whiles, and their cordial union against the common enemy they, for a time, put down the disaffected. Lately, however, the aborigines have obtained such success in the open country that the whites have been obliged to solicit succor from with out; particularly, from the Spanish govern ment in Cuba. A correspondent of the Patria, in a let ter dated Vera Cruz, the 16lh inst, writes: "the Spanish brig of war Ncrvion left this port two or three days ago, bound for Campeachy. The Captain has orders to land his crew and artiller', and hoist the Castillian flag in that city, for the protec tion of Spanish subjects. It is reported that 7,000 men, and several men of war, are to leave Havana for the same object. Louis Pliilippc-s Abdication. The nni nf nbdionf inn. sirnrl hxr ihn Irinrv rf tint Coming ngkl at last-Corporations Freneh before ,eavinir Tllf,firi :t not guile omnipottnt.-Th Supreme U sa;j)exceedlngly laconic and conceivcd very nearly in these terms: "I abdicate to the hands of the French people, on the into the stomach, operating as a tonic, and; f tho .mnm.irl.ina tpu fr thP c;.,,i rn which has hithcreto been considered law. atteC- : !,... 1 tU. u , : i i lii'ii .i i r w, i , Tt is ihooaSR nf Hir Wost thrift r Pnmnm r x i caiucui; v , uuu i nut. u v umuu unu nariiiu- i uiaigo, on me seconu oay ot rcoruary,' r w..... removing Dspeptic and Nervous tions, and imparting aglow of animation : nyCvervlning for thc cause, and nothing ! 18 I8,1)y plenipotentiaries appointed for of Vermont vs: sundry citizens ofthe and health, unequalled by any thing in the ifor 2ive tli3 whis little tbnt nurnn. on thn n,,t nfih M,vlMn county of Wyndham. This company ...1. 1 n l 1 . .. . r-. A I . I . ' l .l.lll'l Fever and Ague Care Warranted Jayne's Ague Pills, which may be had at No. 3 South Third street, Philadelphia, are warranted to cure the worst forms of Fever and Ague. The money will be re funded in all cases if they fail to cure but they never do fail. more grape" than wc did in 1S-14, be their man who he may. govern ir.ent. was chartered as a toll bridge company, I deem it to be my duty to state, that wilh ful1 privileges, and no reservation of head of my grandson, the crown, which I have received from the French nation.' So states a Paiis letter, in the French Courier, at New York. Rail Road Accident. An accident occurred to the train of cars on their way Resolved, That the Chairman appoint the recall of Mr. Trist, as commissioner anT rISbt to r.ePeal lheir cIarter- In 1S42 : from New York to Philadelphia, on Tues- Beware of that Cough, for coughing which is the immediate precursor of In fliimmation, Abscess, Bronchitis, Con sumption and Death. Now, there is no 20 delegates to represent the Count v of of the United States of which Confess tne countv ,a,tl out a public road over the Nash in the Convention to assemble in Was informed in my annual message, was .company, taking the hi idge for public use, Raleigh. j dictated hy a belief that his continued and len!e'inS damages under the usual Resolved, That we concur with thede- presence with the army could he product-!&cneral Iaw where ProPerly is takn for mocracy of Warren and Edgecombe, in ive of no good but might do much harm, Pub,ic Purposes. This of course took the holdii.ir a Convention in this town, on the bv encourasimr false hones and delusive! francl,ise as w?" as ,he tanSible property 27th of April next, to appoint delegates to impressions of the Mexicans, and that his!of the company, and all the at the United 1 inc mvioiauiniy OI cnarters, v day last, which is thus described in the New York Courier: The engine with the train was new and of extraordinary power. The Engineer had only run it two or three times, and, it seems, was not well acquainted with its doctrines i sueeck As he approached Newark at full j j i , . denotes irritation in the throat or luns, represent this Congressional District in the recall would satisfy Mexico that the United ' in;10,dun,l 01 c'larurs, vtsiea ngnts,i gpeed) the draw of lne bridge was up, and Baltimore Convention, and that wc recom- States had no terms of peace more favora-. " uutciuiiuuiuusijr uituuiu. i"uja sjoop wag just prepanng to pass. Tho mend to said Convention the appointment ble to offer. Directions were given, that "P-"y '"IMtu u,u " e:USU;1j Slgnal flag was llp ana WB8 seen by of one delegate from each County, and any propositions for peace which Mexico courls 01 v ermonl susiamca tne nglit ot i.orwl nrnm,n;nn oil t, m . 1 1 i iU PlIrmon Annn!nt on r'plnrnfp? tn iTilaht mnlcp. should he rereii-ed and trnns- l,lc LOUl,iy lu iaK oriuge. W VUUIII Ui U I I J t KJ m J C ty C O A. 4 Cf t O I M V VIIU IIUII IIIUII WWA ' J " torant will immediately relieve the couh, 1 represent Nash County in said Convention, mitted hy lhe commanding general of our subdue the inflammation, cleanse the luns Resolved, That the Chairman appoint! forces to the United States. and throat from all irritatingor obstructing 20 delegates to represent this County in matter, and effect a speedy cure. Prepared only hy. Dr. D. Jayne, Phil adelphia, and sold pn agency by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9. Tin Ware. c HP HE subscriber has jii?t received i fresh supply of TfN Ward, manu factured at Washington, in this State, viz: Lard stands of various sizes, buckets do oC; Coffee pots do do, measures do do, wash tasi s Lantceus, scoops, milk strainers, culenders, Oil cans, pepper boxes, cups, dish pans, &c. which will be sold on reasonable and ac commodating terms. O30rders for gutters, conductors, and tin ware of every description, will be at tended to forthwith. Geo. Howard. the Convention proposed to be held in Greenville, on the 8th day of June next, to appoint an Elector for the 2d Electoral District, composed of the Counties of Washington, Beaufort, Tyrrell, Hyde, Pitt, Martin, Edgecombe and Nash. Resolved, That the democracy of Nash cordially approve ofthe administration of President Polk, and especially of his course in successfully conducting and prosecuting the Mexican war. In obedience to the foregoing resolutions the Chairman made the following appoint ments, viz: Delegates to attend the Con vention to be held in Raleigh: Thomas W. Avent, Samuel L. Arrington, Wm. D. Harrison, W. W. Boddie, Dr. Joseph A Drake, Redmun Bunn, Moses Joiner, Dr. John IL Drake, Thos. J. A. Cooper, D. M, Deans, John B. Rice, Capt. Willis It was not expected that Mr. Trist would remain in Mexico, or continue in the exercise of thc functions of the office of commissioner, after he received his letter of recall. He has, however done so; and the plenipotentiaries of the government of Mexico, with a knowledge of the fact, have concluded with him this treaty. 1 have examined it with a full sense of the extran eous circumstances attending its conclu sion and signature, which might be object ed to, but conforming, as it does substan tially, on the main questions of boundary and indemnity, to the terms which our commissioner, when he left the United States, in April last, was authorized to of fer; and animated, as I am, by the spirit which has governed all my official conduct towards Mexico, 1 have felt it my duty to submit it to the Senate for their consider ation, with a view to its ratification the Engineer. He immediately reversed the encine, iust as the train was coins on The case then came before the Supreme to the bridee but it could not he stopned; Court of the United States, under the plea j lhe iOCOmotive ran offand went to the bot- that the clause in the constitution restrict- torn. The baecase car followed it, and ing States from impairing the obligation of the forward second class passenger car ran contracts had been violated; and in its de-j haif over wnen tne wood work gave way, cision the court had triumphantly sustain- j wnicn held it to tjie freight car, and it ed the republican doctrine that a corpora-1 hung pendent over the chasm, tion can have no morerights than individ-j Qne pers0n, Mr. Chas. Sanderson, of uals, and has declared that the franchise ! jfevv Brunswick, a fireman on board the of a corporation is as much property as the , steamer Raritan destroyed by fire onMon- materials it owns and as such, may be ap-lay, is said to have lost his life. propnated lor public use, on reasonable compensation; by the power of eminent domain in thc State. This is a great'triumph of progress over the absurd but venerable dogmas that have hitherto made charters loo holy to be re pealed or legislated on.-Senlinel. The Philadelphia-American says The mails were taken from the vSrater thoroughly soaked rand sent forward, and reached here perfect papier mache. A telegraphic despatch from Philadel phia to the Baltimore American, dated March 23, P. M., says: 'Ex-President Van Buren has arrived in this city. He Ridiculous. An anti-Sabbath conven-' was in the cars yesterday when lhe acct- tion at Boston last week, vvas attended by j dent occurred at the bridge over the Pass some 200 persons antique females and aic at the Newark. His escape from deatl stereotyped males, of the Garrison aboli- jwas narrow, and pro videnti?!

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